Shifting Motivation - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

i think we should all just lock in and shift tonight idk 🤷‍♀️

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5 months ago

shifting to my better cr tonight. life’s bin tuff. see you guys in another universe ig! 👋👋

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5 months ago

when the lack of fics for your fav is so bad that you resort to 😨

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5 months ago

i had this idea for a shifting method. it’s sort of a visualisation method.

i call it the ‘rick and morty method’


this only would really work if you have watched rick & morty before

so in an episode of rick and morty, rick gets locked to a chair by an evil version of himself, and is shown a list of all different kinds of ricks, c-137 rick and all the other versions. now imagine you have a list of every version of yourself. more specifically, your DR selfs, and imagine, you’re choosing which one you want to go to!!

for example. if you’re going to your fame DR, imagine your fame dr on a page or a tablet, with some kind of information on it about yourself, your birthday, DR name...

now imagine picking up a portal gun, and putting your universes chip into the ‘and shooting it, and a portal appears. and going through it into your DR. (imagine where you would be when you first shift) imagine seeing your DR self from a 3rd person POV, and imagine lying down in their exact position, as if you’re a ghost / soul entering a body… 😹

now continue imaging yourself as your DR self. keep your eyes closed, and imagine what your DR self could smell, hear, feel… and after that, affirm.

‘i am (dr selves name) ‘i am a master shifter’ ect.

if not. just imagine scenarios, or imagine yourself doing mundane tasks from your destined reality. such as washing up, or hoovering. reading… hanging out with your friends. anything small and easy you would do every day in your DR and CR.

in my experience imaging myself in these crazy scenarios i’ve scripted, makes it feel more like i’m daydreaming, or just trying to comfort myself to sleep, like i’ve always done. i feel like my DR isn’t as real. so that helps me.

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5 months ago

if you’re shifting to criminal minds please remember to script that the team cannot profile you. 💘

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5 months ago

shifting and having chronic pain is not for the mf weak 😔🙌

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4 months ago

i still can’t get over the fact that there are people who don’t read self insert fanfics, & just fanfics about character ships???

you’re telling me you can sit throughout a whole fanfic without wanting to be there 😨

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10 months ago

Just believe.

You don’t need to visualize

You don’t need to count

You don’t need to listen to subliminal

You don’t need to do a method

Just, believe.

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10 months ago

I was making cute outfits to my DR yesterday and I’m like “I need to go to my DR to use that outfit, cuz I’m poor and can’t afford that here”

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10 months ago

Ideias for young roles in Fame DR

- The Chronicles of Narnia

As: Lucy Pevensie or Susan Pevensie

(In mine I was Lucy Pevensie <3 )

- Baby-Sitter Club

As: Claudia Kishi

- No Good Nick

As: Nick

- Ginny & Georgia

As: Abby Litmann


Gentle reminder that you can and will shift :)

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10 months ago


So, last night when I went to sleep I suddenly became aware that I was dreaming, and I finally were able to make a portal to my dr!!!! But sadly I woke up when I was trying to open it 🥹

But that was so fun that I’ll definitely do it again this night

That’s the first time that I did the Lucid dream method, and it wasn’t even in purpose

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10 months ago

Just here to show one method that you may like

Just a reminder that you DON'T need methods to shift, but some people may like to use them, and others may find it helpful, but you don't need them to shift!!!

The VOID STATE method

I recommend, before starting, a meditation (5-15 minutes is good) to calm down, and to let you mind empty

1. Get into a comfortable position

(sitting, laid, stand, whatever makes you happy)

2. With your eyes closed, take deep breaths

- In this part you can do other things actually, you can start counting, repeating affirmations like:

"I'm in the void state" "I'm not attached to any reality" etc

You can do basic math accounts (1+1, 1+2), till you feel like you're floating/numb & in the void state

3. Then you start affirming

Ex: "I'm in my DR/WR (waiting room)"

or things of your DR/WR

Ex: "I'm (Your DR name)"

4.1 - You can do it till you fall asleep

4.2 - You can do it till you feel your surrounding changing

Congratulations! You've shifted!

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10 months ago

Hi, how are u?

have you entered the void? if so, what did you do to get in there?

how to enter the void in an easy and effective way?

Hi!!! A little sick, but I'm fine, thanx

Yes I have entered a few times actually, usually I do it before going to sleep, cause it's more calm and quite.

I do a quick (5 minutes) meditation to calm down and lay on my bed comfortably and start counting slowly, or I listen to this, I got it on my first try with this theta waves.

As a person that distract REALLY really easily, this audio helped so much, I was focus the whole time.

But ALWAYS remember to focus on getting on you DR not on the method.

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10 months ago

✨How to turn off your left brain✨

Why this can be helpful?

Your left brain is the logical side of your brain, is the part that makes you know that 1+1=2, because it is the logic answer right? While your right brain is your unlogical side, and that side will believe EVERYTHING you affirm. So, if your left brain it's off, will be much easier to shift, cuz your brain will believe EVERYTHING, again everything.

1. Get comfortable and try to stay still for 10-20 minutes

(meditating before doing it may help)

2. Feeling numb, floating or off your body? Now it's time to shine

Affirm, visualize, do a method, CREAT A METHOD!! Anything that you like and help you, if you believe that it will bring you to your dr/wr then do it

In case of awake method shifters

Scripting that your eyes open when you shift is really helpful, or just wait till you feel you surrounding changing and once you 100% sure, open your eyes, or wait till someone in your Dr to wake you up, idk

In case of sleep method shifters

Just do it till you fall asleep, or just sleep, whatever makes you happy

You got it, just go and be happy!!

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10 months ago


(till the point ik that's originally mine)

That's inspired by the Multiverse of Madness movie, in the part where Wanda is with the Dark hold in the temple

1. Sit down comfortably (or lay, I only wrote to sit cuz of the movie tbh💀, so just stay comfortable)

2. Start to visualize your DR in first person

- With you s/o, family member, friend, or anything from there

3. Start affirming things like:

"I'm in my DR"

"I'm with my s/o"

"I'm with (family or friends name)"

Basically affirm things that you're visualizing, things from your surrounding

4.1. Awake methods shifters:

Keep visualizing till your surrond changes

4.2. Sleep method shifters:

Go to a place where you can sit or lay, or just stand still and close your eyes and wake there

And that's it! Have a grate shift time!

And always drink water. Always.

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10 months ago

Nah, idc

I’m going to my WR tonight, in the same way that you going to shift tonight

Do you understand me? You have no choice, we’re going to shift.

“Oh I cAn’T sHiFt” GuUuuRrll⁉️⁉️‼️⁉️‼️

If people shift without even trying WHY ON HEAVEN you couldn’t? Like, you’re not that special🤨 people literally have shifted by accident, so why couldn't you?

Stop scrolling through Tumblr and GO SHIFT

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10 months ago

Ways to...

✨detach from you CR✨

This can help you to shift more easily!

☆ Look at yourself in the mirror and say "it's my last day in this reality"

- If you need you can repeat that till you fully believe

☆ Write a letter to someone in your DR

- Write that you’re coming to see them soon

- Or write about your day

☆ Refere yourself by your DR name

☆ Listen to songs/playlists that remind you of your DR

☆ Write journal entries pretending like you’re in your DR!

- How was your day

- What you gonna make tomorrow

☆ Reprogram your mind!! You can see some YouTube video about it, and if you guys want I can make a post about it :)

☆ Pretend you’re already there

☆ Don’t force yourself to shift

- Shifting is easier when you’re relaxed

☆ Don’t take it to serious

- Like, shifting is something fun, make it enjoyable!!

- You got distracted? Joke about it, or even pretend it never happened!!

- No rules, so do what you feel comfortable, don’t get mad about that

- Just keep your vibrations up

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9 months ago

Hey you! 🫵

You shifter!😡🫵

Yk what you gonna do tonight? You gonna shift, alright?😡

You gonna lay on your bed, and say to the multivers

“I’m gonna shift cuz that’s MY choice not yours!”

And go the heck shift🤬

Love ya, bye~

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