Shrunken Bodybuilders - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

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So you finally worked up the nerve to slip the shrinking formula in your beefy trainer’s water bottle, but now that he’s six inches tall he won’t do anything you tell him to.


You made a wish on the old amulet for a pocket-sized version of your favorite movie-star, only to end up with a whiny runt who won’t do what you tell him to because he’s, “not gay!”


You tracked down your high school bully and zapped him with your Reducto-ray, but he’s no longer the built stud you remember, having let himself go since graduation.

At MacroLeash, we hate all of these scenarios. Once you’ve gone through the trouble of defying the laws of physics to reduce a full-sized man to a living toy, you should be able to enjoy your status as the god-like giant master you are. Whether you’re a benevolent giant or a ruthless dominator, we’ve got the right training program to whip your tiny man into shape.

Here at MacroLeash we specialize in various programs of Man-Pet Behavior Modification. Meet Derek, one of our Man-Pet Wranglers:

“It’s always funny when they first show up, the kinds of guys who push me around at the gym shrunk down to a blubbering little nothing begging for me to let ‘em go–like that’s gonna happen! Even funnier is when they still have some stones and talk back to a guy who’s gotta look like a skyscraper to ‘em. A full day on the receiving end of my Hamster Prod gets them into a pliable shape, and then we start the hypno training and turn them into exactly what the clients want.”

While we’re molding your Mini mentally, we also do what we can to make him into the perfect physical specimen for you to own and dominate. Talk to Jayson, our resident nutritionist:

“We’ve got full gym facilities–like five Venice Beaches; all brand-new equipment, just miniature– and we keep our Man-Pets on competitive bodybuilding diets to keep them in pristine shape for our clients. You’d be surprised how far an amp of testosterone will go when you only need a drop! For those who prefer a heartier, beefier Man-Pet, we supplement with tiny doses of Dianabol and pure lard while they do World’s Strongest Man-type training. You should see them flip those little tires and then growl triumphantly afterward; it’s just adorable.”

Listen to some of our satisfied clients, like Peter, age 37:

“I thought my days of jerking myself off were never going to end, but then that weird comet hit our gym and my 300 pound bodybuilder gym-crush ended up scurrying around the locker room, smaller than my dick! But when I got him home, he wouldn’t do anything I told him to. Worse, since he couldn’t train or use steroids anymore, he started to deflate and get all saggy! Just when I was about to flush him, I found out about MacroLeash and they whipped him right into shape. Now he’s more jacked than he ever was at full-size, and he uses his whole body to get me off! I tell ya, how I lived this long without beefy arms around my cock and tiny feet kneading my balls, I’ll never know!”

Or Victor, age 28:

“Shrinking my cheating boyfriend Kyle seemed like the perfect solution to our situation: he’d never screw around again, and he’d be mine forever! But the reality was, he just cried all the time in that high-pitched squeaky voice. I thought I might get one good use out of him as a dildo–head-first y’know, all wriggling around down there!–but then I heard about MacroLeash, and sent Kyle away for a little bit. He came back more eager to please me than he’d ever been! He’d always been a little vanilla in the sack, but MacroLeash gave him world-class hooker skills! He’s game for anything, as long as it makes me happy! Thanks, MacroLeash!”

What are you waiting for? Turn your downsized little man into the scaled-down slave you’ve always dreamt of! Contact MacroLeash today!


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6 years ago


Life With Magnus, Part 2

Turns out Magnus isn’t the first big guy our protagonist shrank down to action-figure sized, and he won’t be the last either! Love shrunk muscles and size-difference play? You’re going to love where this story is going.

Eduardo Del Toro

Eduardo del Toro

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