Shut Up And Dance With Me - Tumblr Posts

Yeah so ummm.....hi. It’s ya boi, Flannel McMullet. This is my Keith cosplay from the amazing fic Shut Up and Dance With Me by Wittyy with beautiful art by Sora !!!! I’m so deep into Klance hell in general, so throw a dancer au at me and I’m sold. Did I mention I’m only on chapter 4 but couldn’t wait any longer to do a costest? Because it’s true. Idk, I’m pretty proud of this. Also I took a vid of me dancing in this cos that isn’t the best but it’s decent; should I post that too? I think I might in a little bit....But yeah! I hope you enjoy. Go check me out on my Instagram (Full.Moon.Chaser) to see more of my cosplays, and maybe even subscribe to my YouTube (also Full.Moon.Chaser)!! Also all the pics have captions if you’re interested ~ @shutup-and-dance-with-me <3
Yep, hi, Jordan here again to share this real quick. It isn’t the best thing I’ve ever done BY FAR and it was really just me goofing off, but this is a dance that I’ve been practicing for a little while and I thought it would be fun to do it in this cos. Also Keith 100% canon no questions asked listens to Kpop and no one can convince me otherwise. So yeah, this was just for fun, and I hope you enjoy <3 (Dancer!Keith Kogane cosplay based off Shut Up and Dance With Me by Wittyy and Sora @shutup-and-dance-with-me <333) (Find me on Instagram and YouTube)

*some random 2010's song playin in the background*