Siberian Husky - Tumblr Posts

I’ve made three more puppy edits, and I decided to give My puppy Luna a pink mask! she is such a cutie with it on. @the-second-circle-of-shell @bushido-in-blue @magic-mikey @only-won-don-bon @bipolarbara
My little husky Luna wants to say hello to everyone! Including to the boys! 😜 And yes my voice sounds like a damn 12 year old! I'm so embarrased! Ahhh! Lmao! But enough about me, here she is!
@the-second-circle-of-shell @magic-mikey @bipolarbara @only-won-don-bon @bushido-in-blue @selfless1978 @nittleboo @tmntspidergirl @greenprincess @kokokatsworld @angelcatlowyn @tia-hauser-tmnt
I had to share this photo of my kitty and Husky bonding with each other just by staring outside the window it's so damn cute. 😁🥰

@raisin-shell @tmntspidergirl @turtle-babe83 @nittleboo @exovapor @nikitaboeve @leosgirl82 @kawaiibunga @cowabunga-doll @foreignbrunette @thelaundrybitch

I am mainly just uploading this because I need a new icon, but also, look at how cute my parents little monster is.
If only she was still as innocent as she looks in this picture

Puppy appreciation post.
Play video! Shoko's best friend Leo was out of town this past week and she's sooo happy he's home now.

My puppo, she like 12. we were going to the beach but she thought we were going to the vet so she panicked
(Tw, light cursing and knives)
I clambered through the forest, the monster hunter in trail. Pain shot through my hind leg with each step but I wouldn’t stop… I couldn’t stop. Until I had to, that was. A tall wooden fence loomed over me too suddenly for me to process, and I thudded into it loudly. Barking erupted from the other side, and that’s when it clicked. I didn’t even have to think, I felt my bones settle into the structure of a dog as I scrambled my way over the fence, rolling as I landed on the other side. I panted as I laid still, forming skin over the wound temporarily to trick the hunter, who had made his way over the fence in an instant. I followed the other dogs as they barked at the two new intruders, but rather than saying what they did, I called for help. “I’m not bad, but he is! I’ll be out of your fur if you help me get him out of here! Swiftly, now!” I yapped desperately.
“How can we trust you?” One of the dogs snarled.
“You can’t, but he’s more untrustworthy than me, so we need to get him out!” I barked, whipping my head around once to face them, a pleading look in my eyes.
“Which one of you is that damn monster!?” The hunter shouted, pointing his knife at us individually. We ignored him, advancing as cautiously as possible. “N- now- stay back!”
“What is- WHO ON EARTH ARE YOU!?” A lady squealed, opening the door to her yard with a hot frying pan in her hand. The scent of fresh sausage rose from the pan and I began to drool, but I held back respectfully. “SCRAM! GO! BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!”
I yelped and followed the monster hunter over the fence, only to fail to put pressure on my wound and slide back down the wood, scrambling and yelping desperately. Pain shot through my whole body, agonizing as though it had reopened, which it had. I knew the cover would wear off, just not this soon. I leapt again, this time using my front legs, which wasn’t nearly as effective as it needed to be. The lady watched from the doorframe as strength flooded from my body with each escape attempt.
“Now, now, calm down! I can see you’re hurt…” She cooed, walking over and resting a hand on my flank.
“Mary- DON’T GET NEAR THAT THING!” The dog from before howled, lunging between us and biting my flank, shaking me in her jaws. I almost cried out and blew my cover, but I changed the sound to a yelp last second, twisting around weakly before falling limp. She released her grip as Mary shouted at her to ‘drop it’.
I couldn’t tell my up from down, or my left from right, so I gave in, closing my eyes with a sigh.
(Don’t worry, the MC isn’t dead yet… if you would like me to continue?)
You’re a Shapeshifter who was wounded by a monster hunter, in a last ditch effort for survival you shifted into a normal household pet and were whisked away by a plain human unaware of the supernatural where you’ve lived for the past three years. You thought you were safe, but they’re back…

67 years ago, Laika was launched into space.
Laika, ′′Little Barker" but her real name was Kudrjavka, Russian for ′′curly." She was captured on the street, in Moscow.
Half Husky and half Terrier, she was around 3 years old at the time. She was chosen because she was calm, docile and perfectly adaptable to the Sputnik 2 capsule. Equipped for life support (food and water), the mission didn't involve return. For Laika, it was a death sentence.
The interior of the satellite was lined and the interior space was wide enough to allow Laika to lie or stand. The internal temperature was set to 15. and a refrigeration system had to protect the animal from excessive thermal surges.
On November 3rd at 2 AM, Sputnik 2 was launched into space. Laika probably survived for seven hours.
But some sources claim that agony was much longer: four days.
Alone, in space.
The satellite returned to atmosphere 5 months later, April 14, 1958, after turning 2.570 laps around Earth.
It disintegrated upon return to the atmosphere.
Every year, before Fall, I feel compelled to tell this story and possibly do it with new words. There's a deep guilt that all of us should feel reading what we did to Laika. Human progress has often been achieved at the expense of animals that had nothing to do with our desire for supremacy.
Many people believe this was an acceptable price for our conquests, but it seems obvious, even reading this story, that was really just a trivial form of prevarication.
We had a duty to choose another path.
We still have that duty today.
Sorry humanity has failed you, Laika 💔