Silt Verses - Tumblr Posts
Ayo William A. Wellman and Harlan Guthrie in the same Silt Verses episode. Was not expecting that.
Do I think that queer horror podcasts protagonists deserve to go on axe murder sprees. Why yes I do. Sister Carpenter your axe murder countdown will forever be iconic.
Jon tried his best with his attack on the Web Table but only succeeded in releasing the Not!Them.
Oh Charles how you sound exactly like Nikignik, while you go through strange and unusual bullshit with VAL.
listening to the silt verses finale, I could listen to 2 hours of just carpenter and faulkner arguing in that ‘meditation chamber’
finished the finale. It really was what it was always coming to. Wonderful as ever.

podcast sketches for the mood

was suddenly struck by the urge to draw her tonight
Season 3 of The Silt Verses
launches on 17th August 2023. i am so happy to see more from theas folks, from what i have seen or herd it is going to go more in to the folks that are makeing anti gods and in to how thare military works.
this is my therary for the ark of the story, the river folks are going to take more of a back seat but will be seen. we will get a pov guy in the milatary or in power simaler to the judacater
I recommend all of these, especially Tell No Tales, and Malevolent. Tell No Tales is awesome and underrated, and while Malevolent is more known it's the best audio drama I ever had the pleasure/pain of listening to
I desperately need something to occupy my mind, while doing menial tasks 3: