Simpery - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago



(Warm mornings with jams please)


Warm Mornings; Jamil Viper

Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established relationship

Word Count; 650+

Author's Note; I was possessed by this vision and I hope that you go into cardiac arrest because of it. Translation for a term of endearment will be at the bottom!

As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist


Jamil slowly blinked his eyes, waking up from a dream; a dream that he was visiting one of the Al-Asim’s many vacation homes, the one by the coast. A dream that you were by his side, smiling at him as you excitedly went through all of the rooms. But it wasn’t a dream, he knew that when he saw the driftwood ceiling, and saw your sleeping form next to him.

The Sun was just peeking out from the horizon, golden rays turning the ocean a warm amber, coming through the open shutters and illuminating dust clouds that drifted in the light breeze. 

If Jamil were back in his dorm, or at the Al-Asim estate, he would have already started his day. He would have been making breakfast for Kalim and their lunches as well. He would have been rushing and worrying. But he didn’t have to do that here, he didn’t need to do anything. He could relax.

Sighing, he turns over to face you, and breathes out a silent laugh. Apparently, yesterday had been pretty tiring, since you had dried up drool on your face, and some light snores escaped your mouth every so often. It was a side that he hadn’t really had the opportunity to witness or enjoy. And to Jamil, there was nothing more precious or stunning in his eyes, drool and all. 

You shuffled in your sleep and Jamil froze, fearing that you had caught him in the act of admiring you. He didn’t want you to wake up and find him staring at you. He didn’t want you to think that he was being weird, or breaking some unsaid boundary. But you stayed asleep, and a particularly loud snore escaped from you, which nearly made Jamil snort, almost.

Jamil took one last look at you before deciding it was best to get up and slowly start his day. He sat on the edge of the bed for a bit, taking a mental screenshot of your sleeping face. And before he knew what he was doing, he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. He didn’t overthink it, and a flare of panic did spring up, but he smothered it just as quickly as it had arisen. What did he have to worry about? There was nothing to worry about. He could be himself here, without worrying about others prying in or interrupting him. But enough dilly-dallying around. He may not be on the clock, but since he was awake, Jamil wanted to start his day.

So, as Jamil got ready for whatever this day may bring, he occasionally checked in on you. He also knew around what time you naturally woke up at, so while he waited for you to awaken from your slumber, he started preparing breakfast for the both of you. Well, your favourite breakfast. 

While he was cooking, he felt your arms latch around his waist, and the weight of your head resting on his back. “Sleep well, habib albi?” Jamil asked, turning down the heat of the stove so your meal wouldn’t burn.

You hummed, “Slept like a rock. Could have slept longer, but it’s warm and I was getting sticky and gross… I probably look like a mess.” You burst out into laughter, imagining the state you must have been in when Jamil woke up who knows how long ago.

“No,” Jamil turned around, still with your arms around his waist, “you never looked better.”

He looked at you with so much softness, love, and vulnerability, that you could have sworn that your heart stopped. Jamil looked ethereal in the gentle, warm, amber rays of sunlight that filtered through the linen curtains. Yet, he was looking at you the same, despite the dried-up drool, frumpled pyjamas, and sleep-crusted eyes.


He hummed, prompting you to continue.

“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”

And he smiled at you, a soft, love-filled smile. “Habib albi, you don’t have to,” and he placed a small kiss on your lips. “I know.”

You sighed happily, resting comfortably against his chest. This morning had been warm in more ways than one.


*habib albi; love of my heart (gender-neutral) [I don't speak Arabic, so if I got this wrong, please let me know]


Tags; @krenenbaker @leonistic @xxoomiii @eynnwwyjth @twistwonderlanddevotee @savanaclaw1996

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1 year ago

Using free WiFi to reblog because this!! Ajsbabsbbabsbsbs

kiss your best friend | ignihyde

Kiss Your Best Friend | Ignihyde
Kiss Your Best Friend | Ignihyde

kiss your best friend and see how they react!

parts. one , two , three , four , five , six , seven

characters. idia, ortho

content. gender neutral reader as usual, platonic for the bby, wingman ortho at it again, forgot about this ngl

note. sorry guys idia's part was messy but I mean, I'm just portraying his chaotic feelings ig. I SWEAR ORTHO'S PART MAKES UP FOR IT SINCE HES THE CALMER ONE

damn part six finally hear after almost a year (I'm so sorry help)

Kiss Your Best Friend | Ignihyde


is having the fastest inner monolog you will ever hear in your life, if it was being read out loud that is. could be nominated as rapper of the year with how fast he's blurting out thoughts in his mind.

also probably vocals of the year too with how high pitched, and small in range it is. what a versatile king 🔥

'anywaysitooklike10yearstryingtofindthisitemcausetheysaidtheysawitbutohmygodwhatinthethreehellsishappeningOMGaretheykissingmechatamidreamingOMGimnot??WHAT WARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'

to make your life easier 'anyways it took like ten years trying to find this item cause they said they saw it but oh my god what in the three hells is happening OMG are they kissing me chat am I dreaming OMG I'm not??? WHAT *incoherent screeching.'

probably has never kissed anyone besides his body pillows which is just one sided making out so completely forgets his 'lessons on teaching himself how to kiss' and freezes up. comically gets goosebumps and remains frozen even after you pull away.

then starts turning red from feet to head??

he has so many questions that he in fact, does NOT want to ask cause even if it cost his life he can't question you if you guys are dating now cause YOU JUST KISSED HIM SO THAT MEANS YOU BOTH UPGRADE LEVELS.

wait he can't call it friendship level. clearly you're both past level 10 now right?? INTIMACY LEVEL???? HE DOESNT KNOW HES PANICKING.

is too awkward to ask and acts even more awkward as the time is more prolong during the time he's just left wondering what the hell you guys are now cause he's too pussy to do anything without confirmation that you're both duos for life now.


is the one idia rants to about his predicament right after you part ways.

like, idia doesn't even try to call or contact ortho through the means of technology even if it meant getting to talk faster. he's BOLTING to the dorm with his unathletic ass (with breaks in between.) because the tea he was going to spill was that good.

listens intently and goes :O when idia finally mentions the part where you randomly kiss him out of the blue, by the way only getting to the point after idia spills.. umm.. the wrong thing to be honest, literally retold the whole day until that point.

yeahhhh.. he has the energy atleast.

idia is probably telling ortho about how it meant nothing even though you literally outright kissed him, to the cheek, mouth, or something and he's still gonna say it didn't mean anything.

ortho gotta be the one telling idia to make the move cause no idiot would mistake that for nothing (except idia apparently but he'll have everyone know that his brother is a tech genius!!)

they both do one of those scenes in movies where P1 - idia, is talking to you in real life with an earpiece, and P2 - ortho is said person behind the earpiece. basically the one telling idia what he should do because that guy is too lost for his own good.

"brother move closer!"

"... isn't this too close already though--" <- embarrassed and regretting everything

in the end he did manage to get a label on the two of you, no thanks to HIM and all the thanks to ortho <3

Kiss Your Best Friend | Ignihyde

note. ortho's part just ended up as an extension of idia's part but I always love to include him in everything :') just some behind the scenes on how idia actually got a relationship (ITS ALL ORTHO)

not pr, who prs anyways cries

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1 year ago


stars in the night sky || jamil viper

Stars In The Night Sky || Jamil Viper

jamil has lived his life in a big city, unable to see the night sky. it's time to drive him out (and maybe make this a date?), and show him what the stars really look like.

a/n: the jamil viper birthday event is here!! [i forgot, my bad fr, thank you so much inky for reminding me, i rushed this in like 10 minutes bc i at least had a few drafts]

word count: 583 words

jamil viper birthday event [taglist closed!!]

Stars In The Night Sky || Jamil Viper

“have you ever seen the starry sky? like, without the streetlights somewhere nearby, i mean.” you asked him once, sitting on a thin picnic blanket on the sand dunes, looking up at the sky. the lights of silk city shone behind the two of you, casting an ethereal glow on your face as you waited for an answer, and he earnestly replied he hadn’t. “There isn’t much time to do all that,” he starts as he shifts around. “serving the al-asims keeps us all busy.” 

sitting in the passenger seat next to you as you drove under the night sky in the desert, both hands on the wheel and posture stiff and alert, jamil can’t help but feel scared? excited? curious? for what you’ve planned. let me do the planning, he almost begs you in his mind, but you are not kalim, and your plans have rarely gone awry. in fact, he notes dryly, the only times your plans have gone awry is because either ace or grim refused to see reason. 

as you stop the car near an inland sea and pull out two chairs and a barbeque grill (where did you even get that? the answer is sam’s store, by the way), jamil merely watches you silently, sitting on one of the chairs as you start up the grill and make something for the two of you to eat. “it was a long drive,” you start, turning the food you were preparing on the grill seamlessly, and jamil swears he couldn't fall any deeper in love. “you must be hungry, huh? you’re practically drooling at the food here. does it smell good?” 

“it does,” jamil responds, looking away. darn you and your emotional quotient, stupid [name], they have to keep looking at him when he decides to be relaxed and stupid and seventeen for once, and, oh no they’re coming here why why why

“eat! and praise my cooking skills, please, i know i have them, ace and grim are just shitty at giving compliments overall.” 

“i somehow expected that from ace, but grim too? it’s a shame you don’t have an honest roommate.” 

“well, grim technically is a cat with the mentality of a toddler and the appetite of a black hole. still adorable though, can’t deny that.” 

jamil chuckles as he takes his first bite, and his eyes widen as spices flood his mouth. there is a distinct lack of salt, but no matter, that is minor and easy to remedy. the other spices, on the other hand… “did kalim tell you about the spices we use in our food?” he asks as he swallows, silently extending his plate for more. “you’re missing a bit of salt, by the way.”

“huh? oh, noted! and yeah, kalim did mention some spices, but i figured the rest out on my own. buuuuutttt, look up. that’s the main event, after all. can’t drive all the way out into the middle of nowhere and forget to see that.” 

looking up, jamil exhales with wonder as he leans back into the chair, noting the brightness of every star visible. “there are so many,” he breathes as you hum in agreement somewhere behind him, chewing your own share of food softly. “it’s wonderful. thank you for bringing me out here, [name]. i appreciate it.”  

“everyone deserves a break once in a while,” you murmur from the chair next to him, grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers with his- smaller, softer, gentler. “especially you, jamil.”

Stars In The Night Sky || Jamil Viper

@inkybloom-luv, @bakedgrape, @vtoriacore, @savanaclaw1996, @killersweetie, @k4sumis0u, @red-viewe, @midnightmah07, @viperwhispered, @eynnwwyjth, @dorito9708, @phoneandchips, @dgttwisted, @salem-the-town

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1 year ago




hoodies and t-shirts and various other clothing || jamil viper

Hoodies And T-shirts And Various Other Clothing || Jamil Viper

as revenge against you for stealing his hoodies during the winter, jamil steals your shirts. or tries to, at least.

a/n: we are late! but who cares tbh :P [inky does bc she spammed me] i'll prolly make up for the backlog on saturday or sunday!!

word count: 336 words [ugh it's so short]

jamil viper birthday event [taglist closed!!]

Hoodies And T-shirts And Various Other Clothing || Jamil Viper

“look, you cannot keep doing this,” jamil starts with a sigh as you burrow yourself deeper into his quilt, occasionally peeking out. “no, look at me. Stop stealing my hoodies. i only have so many, you thief.” jamil sighs softly with a smile at your evil chuckle under his duvet, and he pulls it off of you as you gasp dramatically, covering your chest with your hands and crossing your legs as if you were naked. “give me back my hoodie.” 

“no.” you said as you stuck your tongue out, trying and failing miserably at getting the duvet back. “you’re always busy doing something, even without kalim, so i’m replacing my boyfriend. away with ye, fiend!”  

“fiend?” jamil gasps in the same way you did as you roll your eyes underneath him. “fiend? my word, the prefect of ramshackle has a horrible tongue, unleashing such vile insults onto their lover with no remorse. perhaps they deserve a severe punishment,” jamil huffs as he attempts to hold your wriggling limbs still and climb on you. “now, let us decide on your punishment.” 

“this isn’t my punishment?!” you whined underneath jamil as you kicked his back, or tried to, at least. “get off!! you’re heavy as hell!!” jamil refused to dignify your whining with a response as he dramatically put his finger on his chin, pondering what to do. “jamil!!”

“i have the perfect punishment!” he exclaimed as he jumped off you, walking evilly (is that even a thing? can walking be made evil?) towards your closet and pulling out a few shirts. "one shirt for every hoodie."

"what?! why??! that doesn't even make sense, how are you gonna fit in?!"

“i will find a way, shush.” 

“you find a way out yet?” you ask the raven-haired boy sitting on your bed as you cut him out of your shirt. “you owe me a fucking shirt.” 


“we’re going shopping tomorrow.” 

“.سأعطيك كل شيء يا حبيبي"

“if you said something corny, i will kill you.” 

“i would never.”

Hoodies And T-shirts And Various Other Clothing || Jamil Viper

jamil says "i will give you everything, my love.", by the way.

@inkybloom-luv, @bakedgrape, @vtoriacore, @savanaclaw1996, @killersweetie, @k4sumis0u, @red-viewe, @midnightmah07, @viperwhispered, @eynnwwyjth, @dorito9708, @phoneandchips, @dgttwisted, @salem-the-town

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1 year ago

This SENT ME hdbabsbbsbsbs I was already giggling when I started reading this but now I'm just laughing my butt off I achg- ehsbabsbsbsnsb

the best pun award goes to… || jamil viper

The Best Pun Award Goes To || Jamil Viper

shitty puns to deal with studies. threats are made.

a/n: i finished my second 100 mark assignment y'all TT^TT how do I finish 5 more this week if i get home at 8 in the night + have exams next week sobbing [i will manage ig]

word count:

jamil viper birthday event [taglist closed!!]

The Best Pun Award Goes To || Jamil Viper

“Are you chocolate? because I'm cocoa-nuts about you.” 

“[name], astagfirullah, stop.” 

The library was silent, as most of nrc’s students had gone to the now up-and-running port for the weekend, and that meant that only you and your ‘hubby’, as you called him to tease him, were left covering Monday's test syllabus surrounded by tomes. 

He hadn’t given up trying to explain to you the process of magestone creation and why exactly trade embargoes were put on the scalding sands roughly 400 years ago, but you’d long since given up trying to understand, instead turning to shitty romance puns in an attempt to “seduce him very sexily because lingerie is expensive”. 

“All you knead is a little of love, and you will rise.” 


“No wait, that was really shitty. Uhhhh… okay, how about this? You will forever be my significant otter.” 

“I don’t want to be your significant other, let alone your otter.” 

“You promised me no breakup threats!!” 

“I rescind that. That otter pun was horrible. -12/10.” 

“Damn, okay, uhhh… okay! How about this one? I will never desert you.” 

“... Is this because I’m from the fucking Scalding Sands?” 

“I’m reaching for shit okay!!” 

“Glad to hear you admit it.” 

“You’re so hiss-terical.” 

“Even worse. -40/10.” 

“Not like you can make puns anyway.” 

“You haven’t let me try. Let me think…” Jamil quietens as you wait expectantly, bouncing your leg. “Ah. Ahem. I adore your cheesy puns because then I get to say brie mine?” 

“Is that… is that a question or an attempt?” you asked, trying not to laugh. 

“That’s it, I’m breaking up with you.” 


“What if it’s not a threat?” 

“Then I’ll bite you. Sit your ass down and let me finish.”

The Best Pun Award Goes To || Jamil Viper

sexy underwear is expensive. puns are free.

@inkybloom-luv, @bakedgrape, @vtoriacore, @killersweetie, @savanaclaw1996, @k4sumis0u, @red-viewe, @midnightmah07, @viperwhispered, @eynnwwyjth, @dorito9708, @phoneandchips, @dgttwisted, @salem-the-town

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1 year ago





how to train a soldier 101 || jamil viper

How To Train A Soldier 101 || Jamil Viper

even the fiercest soldier has a weakness. in jamil's case, it's you.

a/n: third-last ficlet of the series!! weeheehee reading all the comments and reblogs has been fun :D thank you so much for all za love fr!!

word count: 354 words

jamil viper birthday event [taglist closed!!]

How To Train A Soldier 101 || Jamil Viper

jamil viper is attractive. you can attest to that , and so can other people, with the amount of people glancing at him while he works out in the asim family’s private gymnasium, male or female or otherwise (we respect all the genders out here). the problem was, he was so good-looking that he could be seduced by some of the definitely better-looking people out there with him (why did the scalding sands have so many good people wtf why are there no average-looking people). to combat that, you decided to conduct one of the riskiest missions of your life-

to slip underneath your boyfriend for kisses while he did his sets of pushups.

“ya albi,” jamil huffed as he came closer to the floor (and you), smirking as you kissed his nose, “you are thinking some nefarious things, and i’m not sure i want to be part of those.” 

“nope! nothing nefarious at all, jamii, what are you talking about? i’m the personification of an angel!” 

“yeah, the shaitan himself.” 

“rude. anyway, i wanted to do this thing i read about in novels where you’d generally slip under your lover who’s working out and give them kisses if they’re close to you.” 

“it’s definitely out of the goodness of your heart and love for me and not because some of the guards were staring.” 

“... i will neither confirm nor deny that.” 

“hayati,” jamil sighs, not stopping his exercise routine. “you’re my lover, you know that.” 

“doesn’t mean i can’t get jealous.” 

“of course. but they are my colleagues, and the younger asim’s servants. we’ve grown up together, and i assure you, none of us want to marry into each other’s families. we have enough burdens with one name as it is.”

“well, they’re staring, and i don’t like that, that’s it,” you mutter as you look away from the fondness in jamil’s eyes, suddenly too shy to be honest. “don’t look at me like that.” 

“you deserve to be,” jamil murmurs softly before he smirks at you and flops onto you, knocking the wind out of your lungs. 


How To Train A Soldier 101 || Jamil Viper

jamil (and leona) can ruin his own romantic moments.

@inkybloom-luv, @bakedgrape, @vtoriacore, @killersweetie, @savanaclaw1996, @k4sumis0u, @dgttwisted, @salem-the-town, @red-viewe, @midnightmah07, @viperwhispered, @eynnwwyjth, @dorito9708, @phoneandchips

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1 year ago

boobs or personality?! || jamil viper

Boobs Or Personality?! || Jamil Viper

asking your boyfriend if he dates you for your boobs or your personality.

a/n: @inkybloom-luv this is what i was telling you to wait for lolol

Boobs Or Personality?! || Jamil Viper
Boobs Or Personality?! || Jamil Viper
Boobs Or Personality?! || Jamil Viper
Boobs Or Personality?! || Jamil Viper

© @inkybloom-luv for the flying brick analogy

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1 year ago

ode to the cunning snake

Ode To The Cunning Snake

Pairing: Jamil Viper x gn!reader

Synopsis: you loved him, and you couldn't wait for the day the rest of the world could see the brilliant man he is

Tags: drabble, fluff, slightly poetic, reader is a simp for jamil

Word count: 610

Notes: happy birthday jamil!! fr when i read ch4 he did no wrong in my mind, but im so glad we're seeing more character development in ch5 and 6

Ode To The Cunning Snake

Your lover's capabilities are a hidden treasure, known only to those fortunate enough to glimpse beyond his unassuming facade. Behind the mask of modesty, he possesses a brilliant mind and a vast reservoir of talents waiting to be unleashed. Whether it's effortlessly excelling in academics, or demonstrating an innate aptitude for leadership, his capabilities know no bounds. His adaptability, honed through years of concealing his true potential, allows him to navigate any challenge with grace and finesse.

Your lover's remarkable ability to remain prepared and adapt in unexpected situations is a testament to his innate resilience and quick thinking. Whether it's a sudden change of plans, a challenging problem, or an unforeseen obstacle, he navigates these moments with a calm and collected demeanour. He seems to have an uncanny knack for thinking on his feet, effortlessly adjusting his approach to ensure the best possible outcome. It's as if he carries a mental toolbox filled with solutions for every contingency, allowing him to tackle any challenge that comes his way with a grace and composure that inspires those around him.

Your lover harbours a complex relationship with the spotlight, torn between his aversion to its glaring attention and his deep-seated longing for acknowledgment. He's a master of fading into the background, content with the shadows and the comfort of obscurity, having spent days of his childhood faking at being average. Yet, beneath that modest exterior lies an undeniable thirst for recognition, a burning desire to have his talents and achievements celebrated by others. It's a delicate dance between humility and ambition, a constant struggle to balance the desire to stay in the shadows while yearning for the validation and applause that only the spotlight can offer.

Your lover’s true passion occasionally shines through the carefully crafted facade he wears, and those moments never fail to make your heart swell with an overwhelming sense of pride. It's as if a radiant light breaks through the clouds, illuminating his entire being with a captivating and irresistible energy. For a few, brief moments, as he loses himself to dancing, you are reminded of the incredible depth and beauty of his soul. His grace, his dedication, and the sheer joy he exudes while pursuing his passion are nothing short of enchanting. You can't help but marvel at the extraordinary talent he conceals so modestly, and your pride in him swells like a tidal wave, ready to crash upon the shores of the world and proclaim his brilliance to all who will listen.

You love how in the precious moments when the two of you find ourselves alone, the facade he meticulously maintains in the outside world fades away, revealing his true, genuine self with no façade put up for his status. He becomes wonderfully emotional, wearing his heart on his sleeve without reservation. Sometimes, he allows himself to be delightfully childish, overdramatic, and loving, embracing the carefree spirit that resides within him. There's an undeniable comfort in these moments, a trust that blossoms between you, for he knows he can speak his unfiltered truth without fear with you. He bares his soul, and in those raw, authentic conversations, it’s as if the world outside fades into insignificance, and it's just us, embracing the beauty of our genuine bond.

Your love every facet of him, from his hidden brilliance to his quiet strength, from his capabilities to his adaptability, and from his passion to his endearing childishness. Your love for him is a force that knows no bounds, a love that will stand by his side as he takes those steps toward the spotlight he so rightfully deserves.

Your lover, is none other than Jamil Viper.

Ode To The Cunning Snake

if you liked this post, don't forget to reblog!

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1 year ago


Hiii hi hi hi!! For your 400 followers!! Could I request Jamil with the masquerade event, romantic and with these emojis (💃,🌌,🎆) please?

Fuhcigkg I cannot wait til you get around to these!!

hidden in the shadows || jamil viper

Hiii Hi Hi Hi!! For Your 400 Followers!! Could I Request Jamil With The Masquerade Event, Romantic And

a/n: thanks for requesting inky!! hehehe we have a kiss scene 😈😈 i hope you like it!!

word count: 538 words

Hiii Hi Hi Hi!! For Your 400 Followers!! Could I Request Jamil With The Masquerade Event, Romantic And

"you should dance with him," you heard malleus whisper gently as you watched jamil dance with one of the noble ladies at the masquerade, focused on 'not tarnishing the honour of the asim family'. "he does not have the heart to ask you to dance, for he fears you would choose someone else over him."

"i don't know," you murmur as you shuffle awkwardly, eyes still focused on jamil. "i mean, i'm scared he'd choose somebody else too. i'm not all that great."

"and yet, there is no one i know in all my years, nor in lilia's, who has seen 6 overblots and lived to tell the tale. i believe that there is much in you that you refuse to acknowledge, friend."

"and now!" an announcement screams behind you, startling both you and malleus, and the two of you look at each other and laugh silently. "ladies and gentlemen, those of you who haven't received a dance, the time is nigh! ask anybody on the floor to dance with you! rest assured that they shall not refuse you!"

"i believe it is a sign," is all malleus said as he walked towards the buffet, clearly intent on getting himself something to eat without you. you sigh as you give yourself a quick pep talk and walk towards jamil, the latter ending his conversation with the overly touchy lady™️. jamil looks towards you and smiles softly before politely cutting the touchy lady™️ short, which she clearly didn't like.

"i saw you watching me," he whispers as he accepts your silent invitation to dance, leading you to the dance floor where the stars twinkled above the glass ceiling, the moon light gently lighting up your face. "why?"

"you look gorgeous dressed like this," you whisper back, unsure of what to say, but convinced that you have to be honest. "couldn't take my eyes off of you even if i wanted to, to be honest."

"well," jamil starts softly, face coming closer to yours as you squeezed your eyes shut. "you look irresistible in this suit of yours."

as you opened your eyes and smiled, a tap on the mic startled you back to the dance floor, the announcer announcing the midnight kiss, which brought good luck to the couples and their dearest friends. jamil flushed and looked away, and while you looked straight at him, you were sure you were making the same face.

"i'll leave you to choose who to kiss, i suppose," jamil murmurs as he slowly halts, clearly intent on moving away from you, and his dismissal broke your heart.

"but i want to kiss you," you start before he can walk too far, too far from your grasp, and you're hopeful that he reciprocates when he turns around and runs back to you and kisses you, and you note the smallest things that you observed about him are so different once you're this close to him- his lips are chapped but somehow still soft, and his calloused hands hold you so gently, and his breath is warm, and smells like the chutney he must have eaten sometime back. your hands are clammy, and so are his- but there's really no other place you'd rather be.

Hiii Hi Hi Hi!! For Your 400 Followers!! Could I Request Jamil With The Masquerade Event, Romantic And

:D next up is ryker's sebek request!! erthgfjdska don't know when it's gonna come out

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1 year ago

To the dandelion thief,


It's another letter but not from who you think!! And also this is fr just my thoughts unorganized as all hell. I've had this in my drafts for actual months please why do I do this??? Thank you krennie for checking for tw on the fly ily <3/platonic

I can, like, post my oc eventually if y'all want btw because there's art.

340 words

Tw: none


Oh how I adore you. You who works tirelessly. You who grins at most anything. You who has the most joyous outlook on the future, yet whose heart seems to ache at the thought. Constantly searching for an opportunity, something to fuel you, something to sink your teeth into. You who moves unnoticed by most, stripping them of their valued items. I wish I might, I wish I may, I wish upon the guiding north star far above in the sky, that you would look my way. I want to be what you're looking for. Your next opportunity. Your future. I could give you the world, priceless jewels, all the food you need, anything you could ever want. If only you looked my way. Even if you would only view me then as a way to quick cash and a comfortable life. If it is you, I do not mind you using me. Robbing me nigh blind as I let you steal even my precious frozen heart and light it's very core on fire.

Oh how I ache, how I wish for you to sink your teeth into my very soul. I crave to shield you. Shield you from the cold harsh blizzards of my homeland as I hold you under the warm down feather blanket sat by a fire. Shield you from praying eyes that may catch you when you steal, cover you when you do get caught. I wish to feed, to shield, to be used, to care, to love. And yet that very craving is inevitably only going to shatter my heart and scatter its shards in the ripping winds and swirling snow to return my being, dreams and love for you back to the realm of everlasting winter. And yet, I have never wished and begged the north star for anything more than this, for I would trade even my most precious thing, my freedom, for even a moment at your side and in your arms.

For ever yours, until the eternal frost disperses,

Alani Maveris

Tags :
1 year ago

Words Unsaid chapter 13, games and warm water chats


Hello hello! Tis I, your resident simp, and I've finally finished this at,, I know how late it is and I'm going to bed now o'clock, dw dove I'm not stupid! Translations will be at the bottom of the text as usual and I hope you enjoy! Also check the bottom for a special note!!

Ch. 12 Masterpost Ch.14

2.290 Words

Tw; slight cussing


That afternoon they unfortunately couldn’t find Rook before club activities started, mostly because Ace didn’t have the time to search all day, since there was a practice game scheduled for the basketball club that day. He invited Inky to join since they weren’t in a club and would likely only be bored out of her mind with Grim doing his own thing at Scarabia for now. They agreed of course, because they could cheer for Ace as well as watch Jamil play.

The game itself was against one of the local basketball teams, sage island had a few as it turns out, though most were simply hobby type teams, but this one was from the small college in the middle for the magicless residents of the island.

Ace hurried to the changing room so he would not be late as Inky helped set up before everyone arrived, though that was mostly clearing out the sports mat wagon as well as making sure the balls for everyone’s warmups and the game itself were all properly inflated. That and ace brought his music box with him this time.

“Heads up guys, I invited- the prefect to come watch..!” Ace said as he pulled the basketball jersey over his head, allowing a brief pause so his voice wouldn’t be muffled by fabric.

“Really? Yay, leafy sea-dragon! I’m gonna squeeze it when I get out!” Floyd grinned mischievously. Leafy sea-dragon had somehow become the prefects new nickname. Where it came from? Their underwater hair reminded him of the tendrils of, you guessed it, a leafy sea-dragon. Despite the incident in Octavinelle nearly accidentally turning the school’s ‘beloved’ prefect into past tense, it was not blamed on the octatrio. The breathing potion she had been given wound up wearing off too early due to not being of this world. Azul has generously apologised for this and has taken a few measures to show that he is actually sorry for miscalculating and not realising that the potion may work differently. You know, like providing proper lunches and a good table to study at when needed.

All that aside Floyd was now luckily excited for the basketball match, unlike before which Jamil, who’d been oddly quiet this whole time, had noted.

Why was he quiet? Because suddenly he felt.. nervous. Not like usual before any other basketball match, nervous in an energising but also almost anxious way. This wasn’t a major match, just practice. So why? Was it because.. Inky would be watching him? An image flashed across his mind of them wearing his jersey weeks back when they came to Scarabia for the first time since the winter holidays. ‘میں حیران ہوں کہ اس کا دن کیسا گزر رہا ہے۔’ he thought. ‘کیا وہ اپنی کلاسوں سے لطف اندوز ہوئی؟ کیا گریم نے اس کی پریشانی کا سبب بنایا؟’, well even if Grim did, surely she’s fine. Either way, Jamil pulled the red sleeve he wore with his jersey over his elbow. He had to focus. Perhaps if he did, he’d impress them, the object of his affection. It would surely then make him appear cooler, more desirable in their eyes. And that was what he wanted. Besides, he was looking forward to the game already anyway, who wouldn’t? There aren’t many basketball teams on the island, so getting to play against one another was a wonderful way to improve your own skill and test your team’s overall ability to work together.

They left to the court they were using after they all finished changing. The team would get there soon so for now it was warmups so they could play comfortably. After a thorough 20 minutes of ‘casual warm up exercises’ courtesy of coach Vargas (and a bone crushing hug by Floyd for Inky) the other team arrived, so Floyd, Jamil, Ace and the others could finish up. While they did Jamil noticed that the enemy captain was chatting up the prefect, and he noticed that they seemed to look mostly anywhere but that captain, more specifically his face, while the captain was trying to gently get her to do that.

Finally then the coach let him and the others off the hook so the other team could warm up. Leisurely Jamil jogged over to the prefect who had stood up to help hand out a water bottle to anyone who needed it.

“Thanks” he said to her. “Did Floyd crush you too much earlier?”

“No, it was nice, fixed an issue I had with my back, actually..” Inky answered, no longer avoiding eye contact and looking straight at him. It surprised Jamil because he never realised just how obvious the prefect was, when it came to looking at people when speaking.

“An issue with your back?”

“Yeah, my back tends to need cracking a lot because of posture and whatever else and I have difficulty doing it myself. Also my trapezoids are still swollen because of strain so my back and that area hurts easily. I’ll book a massage appointment one day, have to be able to afford it first though.” Oh yeah, Crowley still pays the prefect in air particles.. that needs to be fixed, maybe Jamil should talk to Kalim or the headmage directly. In the mean time though, he can do something else.

“If you would like, I could massage your back later, after the game.. I might have time as far as I know”

“Sure, but first I think we’ll both need a bath or something.. don’t know how long I’ll take though”

“Scarabia does have a large communal bath.. do you have a bathing suit? You could take a shower in the shower stations to rinse off and then I’ll join you.. in swim trunks of course. The warm warmer can help relax your muscles properly and the bath itself is quite pleasant.” He suggested. It took him a minute to truly register what he’d said to the prefect, to which he’d almost made a face, but it wouldn’t have been one of disgust, rather it would have been one of surprise since he’d offered that without thinking, so he wasn’t sure if Inky would say yes or if he’d overstepped by accident.

“I do, only a school issued one that Crowley ‘oh so graciously’ paid for.. but yeah that sounds amazing actually. Wait, won’t that be more work for you?” She asked, though was that just Jamil sort was she starting to blush? Then again.. he is a guy and even if they’d be wearing swim gear he did just offer to bathe with her. Wait. She agreed. So.. that means he’d actually get to be that close and enjoy Inky’s company in actual peace and quiet. Kalim would be busy later that day with his own stuff and he could luckily be left unsupervised since Jamil would be in the dorm at least.

A bit after that it was time for the game and now the ‘enemy’ team was struggling to avoid Floyd and his passes, it felt more like he was trying to shoot them with the ball rather than hoops and Jamil was really going for it today. They couldn’t get past them and even if they did, scoring was even harder to do. Even if Ace was the most approachable one, if they got past him, they had to avoid Floyd and then get around Jamil. Though she wasn’t at all interested in sports back in her home world, she didn’t mind attending games and the like for her friends. And if, this time, she got an amazing excuse to stare at her crush, why say no to that? All in all they were crushing it anyway and this game in particular was much more interesting to watch than any at home.

Naturally the club won the game but still their victory was worth cheering for. It showed they were a good team despite Floyd’s mood swings, learning to work with instead of against them. After all of that Jamil and the others bid farewell to the team and went to their changing rooms, to rinse off and the like.

“Oi sea snake, saw you chatting with leafy after warm ups, you trying to flirt?~” Floyd smirked, clearly just trying to get under Jamil’s skin.

“No.”, he denied, maybe a bit too quickly to be convincing. “I was worried you had hurt their back when you nearly crushed them in that hug of yours..”

“True, that’s always that but, like, your conversation was a liiittle too long for just that” Ace suddenly spoke up from behind them.

“Well, the prefect mentioned that their back hurts easily and that their muscles are always tense, so I offered to massage them”

“You know how to massage things too? Jeeze, what *don’t* you know how to do? You’re like.. insane or something! I mean, you can cook and clean, you’re good in school, basketball.. and now it turns out you’re a masseuse too? Man.. I thought Inky was exaggerating when it said you were that amazing..” Ace said in slight shock, not realising he’d actually blurted that out.

“One of Kalim’s siblings has chronic pain, so all servants were required to learn it. In any case.. Inky said what?”

“She said- wait uhh.. actually I’m not supposed to say anything so forget I mentioned that, yeah?? Good, great, amazing.. gotta go!” Ace sputtered, if the prefect knew he said anything at all about what it said about Jamil, it would be a lot worse than running out with his shirt half way pulled over his head. So that’s what he did. And that made Jamil look at the door with a surprised expression, the prefect didn’t want him to know what she said about him? But why? From what ace said it was positive things, so was Inky hiding something? Was this about the letters? He’d have to ask.

Back at Scarabia he was in his room fishing out his swim trunks from his closet. It had been a while so they weren’t at the front, but the back instead. He made his way over to the bathing area, knocking firmly and rather loudly on the door in case the prefect was still showering, but they told him through the door he could come in. He did, shutting the door behind himself, locking it too, so that no one could come in, even if he spread the word this place would be occupied for a while. Only then did he look at the prefect. Truth be told he was a bit surprised at their hair, it was somehow curlier now than it usually was, it looked very pretty, it suited her. She waved at him, but was that just Jamil‘s imagination, or was she.. staring at him?

Oh yeah, she most definitely was. But he was too. Even if it was a school issue, it’s not every day you see the person you like in swimwear and Jamil thought she looked good anyway.

He guided her to the warm water spouting from overly fancy vases held up by statues of women, modelled after those in the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of Greece. It was far too fancy for his liking but this was built in reference to Aljah’s bath back at home, the sibling he mentioned to Ace and Floyd. Sweet kid, they were friends with his sister apparently and very into Greek mythology and the like at the moment.. well they had been for years but what gives, today and especially right now there’s no need to be specific. As they sat he checked in on them and how Inky felt about the temperature, was it good? Or too warm? Cold? He breathed out and sort of let himself relax when she told him it was fine, moving her legs underwater to enjoy the sensation.

“I thought.. you know.. at the game today, I thought you looked really cool. I don’t like sports and I’m not really into them either, but I liked watching you play.. I think you know, but I do admire you a lot- uhm visually and because you’re amazing.. not sure you know how much but I think you might.. well I think you might’ve read a ‘letter’ I lost. Kalim came to me by the way, he was worried because a you were in your room all the time.”, The prefect confessed, scooting closer to and leaning on Jamil slightly, resting her head on his shoulder. They sighed, more-so to express their comfort right then and their enjoyment in Jamil’s company, though their voice changed with a laugh. “Gonna be honest here I thought you hated my guts after your Overblot.. I’ve never been happier to be wrong in my life. Thanks for the towel when you picked me up that day.. and the party situation too.” Another pause followed after it breathed in and out, coming just that little bit closer. “I’m glad you’re here with me”

Those words touched his heart, set it ablaze all over again as he put his arm around her shoulder, holding her there in his embrace but not too tightly, resting his head on hers and taking a breath. “I’m glad you’re here with me too.”

In the silent chamber a creak echoed, all was quiet and unmoving until… a coffin opened itself from the inside and out poked a head, the long face bore a confused and startled expression, maybe even scared. A brief look around told them they were not where they were supposed to be and they did not care to find out any more than that. “..Oh hell no..”, they spoke before retreating into their coffin, pulling it closed once more.


!!Special note!!

The unnamed character belongs to @ohlookitsmorgan !! Full credit to them and feel free to go check them out their art is delicious!!


1. I wonder how her day is going (please correct me if this is wrong)

2. Did she enjoy her classes?

3. Did Grim give her any trouble?


@az-flaming-sword , @viperwhispered , @krenenbaker , @leonistic , @escaaaaaanyeh , @azulashengrottospiano

Tags :
1 year ago
inkybloom-luv - Inkybloom

haiii if it's not too much trouble can i request a fic of falling asleep next to jamil :3 thank u!

sone laga hoon || jamil viper

Haiii If It's Not Too Much Trouble Can I Request A Fic Of Falling Asleep Next To Jamil :3 Thank U!

falling asleep next to a 'dangerous' man brings its own comforts.

a/n: thanks for the request, anon!! i hope you like it :3 || the title is a variation of the song jeene laga hoon by atif aslam and shreya ghoshal, it weirdly inspired this fic so-

word count: 266 words

Haiii If It's Not Too Much Trouble Can I Request A Fic Of Falling Asleep Next To Jamil :3 Thank U!

"you look sleepy," you hear jamil mumble over you, leaning down to kiss your ear as you dozed on his lap. the warmth of his blankets combined with the occasional but gentle cold gust of wind served to be a deadly combination, lulling you into a state that could still be called dreamy. "you should settle in, then. brush your teeth and all that."

"don't wanna."

"ishkam, you promised to take better care of yourself."

"self-care is sleeping right now. just like that."

"okay," you hear him chuckle, his warm breath ghosting over your ear once again as he kisses you gently, moving from your ear to your cheek. the book in his hand, written in some variation of either persian or arabic, leans dangerously over your head before he puts it to the side. "i saw you side-eying that," he adds to the silence humourously.

"could've taken an eye out," you yawn, snuggling as jamil drapes one of his larger blankets over you.

"mhm, i agree. i should have put it away and focus on my albi, no?"

"exactly." you mumble as you finally doze off, and jamil does his best to chuckle silently, moving you from his thigh to the pillows you had arranged while attempting to distract him from his book, watching you settle deeper into your dreams.

"you really are a simpleton, you know." is all he says, placing the book on his table nearby and turning off the lights. "there are very few who get so close to danger." he doesn't say anything about the small i love you you whisper.

Haiii If It's Not Too Much Trouble Can I Request A Fic Of Falling Asleep Next To Jamil :3 Thank U!

ishkam -> my love in persian; albi -> heart in arabic

Tags :
1 year ago

fireworks over the sand dunes, my hand in yours || jamil viper

Fireworks Over The Sand Dunes, My Hand In Yours || Jamil Viper

he's not really in the mood to celebrate, considering he's the one who ran himself ragged organising the entire thing, but seeing the fireworks with you? that's something he won't miss.

a/n: ugh i haven't written jamil in centuries i don't even know if this is gonna be good, but he won't leave my brain rn so here goes- also I wrote this for @merotwst's contest but couldn't get it out in time >:( and then kept moving accounts but I do be tagging you anyway, mero!!

p.s. jamil fell into elephant shit at some point before the fic started and he's very upset about that but we love him even at his stinkiest (it stinks like hell btw)

word count: does it matter bc we get kissies from jamil- nvm, it's 1,354 words

Fireworks Over The Sand Dunes, My Hand In Yours || Jamil Viper

if there was anything beyond 'fucking exhausted' that could be used to describe himself right now, jamil would use it without hesitation. because really, who wants to be sweaty, definitely smelling like an elephant's behind and spices, and aching all over? not him. not by choice.

and he needs a shower before you get here- oh sevens you're here and he smells horrible-

and he doesn't miss the way your nose wrinkles just a little bit at the way he smells before sighing, chuckling and smiling, all in that exact order. what part of him smelling like elephant shit makes you happy.

"you definitely need a shower," you smile as you come closer and tuck his loose hair behind his ears.

"i was going to take one before you arrived," he murmurs gently, distancing himself from you. "you're early though."

"thought i'd help out a little, considering kalim," you respond earnestly, and although that's been your reasoning for so long, it still manages to catch him off guard. "thank god i arrived when i did, though, you really need a break. go ahead and take as much time as you need, okay? trust me, stinky stuff really sets in your skin and they won't leave without a good soak and scrubbing yourself of, like, four layers of skin."

"alright," jamil sighs, knowing that once you'd set your mind to give him a break, you'd do anything possible- legal, illegal or a concerningly secret third thing- to make sure he took it. "just make sure that arham and arifa don't sneak into the kitchen, would you? they've already had enough snacks. and tell kalim that he needs to go over to the pavilion and meet lady asim to make sure there's enough private space for the ladies, and also her highness safah will be attending and she's allergic to-"

"jamil," you cut him, a steady and uncalloused hand on his bicep. "we'll be fine. go take a break, love. i remember you keeping a written list of things to do somewhere- is it on you? or is it in the kitchen like in scarabia?"

"it's on a hook in the kitchen," jamil answers you, caught unaware about how you noticed that after only a month of dating. kalim, having grown up with him, hadn't ever noticed the list.

no, he shouldn't be comparing kalim to you. that does you and your effort a disservice.

"then i'll check the list out, and figure things out. and i need keep specifically arham, arifa and kalim out of the kitchen, right?"


"alright. take your time, and do not let me see out until you've gotten rid of the elephant smell," you warn, finger wagging comically as you walk out of the room.

jamil walks into the shower and scrubs himself clean, and wow, to remove the stench it really felt like he was peeling off layers of skin. not even najma's strongly scented soaps did anything to coat the smell radiating off of him.

as jamil exits the shower after almost- wait, 35 minutes?!- of showering, he finds himself waling past the bath reserved for kalim, filled with hot water but empty, the lights switched off.

ugh, he didn't even come to shower? jamil sighs with annoyance as he switches on an overhead light with bated breath, waiting for someone, anyone, another servant, master al-asim himself-

but no one comes.

jamil steps gingerly into the water, not before laying a towel near where he would exit to hide his footprints, and he sighs, the hot water surrounding him doing so much better than the shower at relaxing his aching muscles. and as usual, his thoughts turn back to you.

what might you be doing now, while picking up his slack? might you be tending to lady asim, as frail as she is? might you be running after kalim like he does on the daily, reminding him of who to meet and who to greet and who to bow down to like he does? or might you be in the kitchen in the middle of curious and excitable children, one on your hip as you stir the broth?

jamil dives into the water at the last image, because what the actual fuck was that. what in the world. no, no, no, no, no. it's too early for that, wayyyyy too early for that. he's only 17, and he'd be servant forever, and-

but would you want that? would you want that with him one day?

jamil blinks stuff out of his eyes (no they're not tears, ew disgusting, why would he cry, he would never cry over having a domestic life with the person he loves, no no no no no) as he gets up, wrapping a towel around himself and silently exiting the bath, making sure no water droplets are found anywhere near.

jamil dresses himself quickly and exits his room, but finds himself with nothing to do, per se- the event was in full swing, and all the al-asims were attending, the men and kalim and his father in the main building while lady asim and his mother and najma and the women sat outside in the summer wind, debating family and other issues over tea.

you're nowhere to be found, of course. perhaps you're somewhere else?

um no. no, you're not. where the hell did you go? (idk make smth up here you're the fucking protagonist i can't do everything for you can i- no wait actually i must.) jamil sighs as he unlocks his phone and dials your number, waiting for you to pick up the call.

"hey jamil!" you chirp, the harsh desert wind heard over your voice clearly. "i'm out here near the oasis!"

"why are you there?" it's a dumb question

trekking up a sand dune (after trekking through a ton of sand), jamil finds you sitting alone on a blanket, the wind blowing your hair messily, giving your tired face some respite.

"hey, jamil!" you smile and wave, and jamil remembers what he imagined in the bath, flushing and taking a few steps backward. "jamil?"

"h-hey, [name]." ew ew ew why stuttering WHY WHY WHY

"come on over here, i snuck some food out hehehe."

"hmm. i wonder why." jamil comments as he sits down next to you, reaching towards the basket in between the two of you for a snack, pulling out a falafel wrap that was still warm and smelt divine.

"i figured you'd be hungry! that way, you can eat and relax as much as you like. lady asim also told me about a nice spot for the fireworks, but there'll be people there, so i thought about coming out here instead."

"good idea, it really is packed to the brim there. kalim's father loves to entertain people, so everyone's mother and uncle tries to get into his good graces during this period- so that they receive an invite."

"poor kalim, he has to deal with weirdos the entire night, when we're out here enjoying the view and a singular falafel wrap."

"how dare you insult how fast i eat my food."

"you eat slower than a snail."

"at least i don't inhale my food like a vacuum cleaner. why am i in love with a vacuum cleaner, i wonder."

"in love?"

"i-" jamil pauses, the wrap an inch away from his mouth as he tries to form an answer- something around the lines of i was kidding, just kidding, i'm too busy for love, too deep into servitude for love- but in the end chooses to say nothing, physically wiliting as he waits for a response.

"well, i had thought so, but then i started noticing a lot of things you did for me. thanks for the mid-meal confession though," you chuckle warmly as the breeze blows gently once again, and jamil doesn't stop you as you take his calloused hands in yours and kiss his hands and palms gently, smiling chuckling after every kiss.

he doesn't say anything when the first picture he has of his lover is under a beautiful array of fireworks either.

Fireworks Over The Sand Dunes, My Hand In Yours || Jamil Viper

tagging @bakedgrape and @inkybloom-luv [esp. inky bc i know she could use the pick-me-up]

Tags :
1 year ago
inkybloom-luv - Inkybloom
inkybloom-luv - Inkybloom

Since I could actually come up with something,, comfort kisses with either jams or rugbert

Ily btw <3

sleepy love!! jamil viper, ruggie bucchi

Since I Could Actually Come Up With Something,, Comfort Kisses With Either Jams Or Rugbert
Since I Could Actually Come Up With Something,, Comfort Kisses With Either Jams Or Rugbert

jamil kisses you lazily, sloppily, reaching up to you but not quite reaching you, longer-than-average tongue sticking out between his lips as he his eyes narrow, you becoming a problem to solve. his untied hair falls lazily over his now bare shoulder, his tee slipping off as he captures your lips in another, better, more proper kiss, eyes smouldering like burnt charcoal- in victory.

Since I Could Actually Come Up With Something,, Comfort Kisses With Either Jams Or Rugbert

ruggie nibbles you slowly, trailing up your body with his sharp, pointy teeth, leaving a dotted trail of love bites all over your body from your thighs to your neck. murmurs of quiet praise vibrates across your flesh, and while you can't say these are kisses when you asked him for kisses and cuddles, these feel so much more intimate. sacred. you're scared to touch him and pull him closer, but ruggie knows, ruggie always know, and his lips meet yours once, twice, thrice, and you feel him smirk against you.

Since I Could Actually Come Up With Something,, Comfort Kisses With Either Jams Or Rugbert

a/n: ily too, inky!! <3 i hope you're feeling much better now, and have a good day <3 note: became mildly suggestive, somehow. uhhhhhhhh

word count: 155 words

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1 year ago

Good Things

You deserve good things, and Kalim makes his point.

Character; Kalim Al-Asim

Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, romance implied

Word Count; 450+

Please do not put my work into AI. If you would like to see more of my work check out my masterlist!

Good Things

A soft sigh escapes Kalim’s lips, warm ruby eyes looking up at you as if you had hung all the stars in the sky. He was quiet, something that would have surprised anyone, but you knew that despite his loud and warm demeanour, Kalim had a calmer side, still warm but in the sense of the warmth of a comforting blanket instead of the sometimes harsh brightness of the sun.

You hummed, pausing your hands in his hair, looking back at him with a silent question.

He brought your hands down from his hair down to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on your knuckles, paying each joint of each finger mind before placing a kiss on the inside of your wrist and nuzzling into it.

“What was that for,” you hummed, a flustered yet giddy smile on your face. Even if you wanted to hide it, it was nearly impossible. Plus this was Kalim; why would you hide your happiness from him?

Kalim smiled widely at you, still holding your one hand. “Because you deserve good things!”

You deserve good things! Such a simple statement yet it held more weight than its simplicity. 

Good things. 

Kalim nearly drowned you in good things. One may think he gifted you gold and more valuables than humanly possible, and while that was true at the beginning, he had eased up.

And while he does still give you a miniature stroke every now and then by gifting you something that you honestly don’t want to even think about the price of, the ‘good things’ had changed as he got to know you. As you got more comfortable around him. As the lines between friendship and romance blurred until you found yourself clutching onto his cardigan as you melted into one of his warm embraces during a particularly rough day.

He didn’t push for answers, he didn’t push for anything. He was authentic with you from the first day you met him, and you, in turn, became authentic with him.

He never judged you. Never pushed you to go outside your comfort zone. And he stuck back with you where others may have walked on ahead.

You brought up his hands to your lips now and paid the same mind he did to your hands. “You deserve good things too,” you sighed in contentment. “I may not have-”

Kalim stopped you gently by getting his head off your lap and placing a kiss on your forehead. “You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. That’s enough… you are enough.”

You looked at him, and his bright eyes looked at you with the warmth of the sun. 

Cupping his face between your hands gently, you placed a kiss on his forehead too, lingering there. “Thank you, Kalim… for everything.”

“You don’t have to thank me,” and he placed a chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth. Soft, yet it felt like the sun gently warming your skin.


Tags; @bloomstruck @eynnwwyjth @ithseem @inkybloom-luv @leonistic @lucid-stories @syrenkitsune @the-v-lociraptor @twistwonderlanddevotee @xxoomiii

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1 year ago


Jams can have a little ego, but only a little before I put my cold little gloveless hands at the back of his neck >:)

Okay for your event!! (Even tho no one told me)

Inky (the self insert) with the prompt Alpather lake!! As for with who: either Jamil romantically! Or! Floyd platonically!

If that's taken: soup and hot chocolate for Inky and Kalim platonically!!

specifically four point eight kilometres above everybody else || jamil viper

Okay For Your Event!! (Even Tho No One Told Me)

alpather lake raises jamil's ego somehow. why are you adding to it wtf.


word count: 287 words

Okay For Your Event!! (Even Tho No One Told Me)

"this lake is so high up that if we go any higher, i'll be able to see allah," jamil says in a stony voice, trying not to shiver. "and maybe request him for a cup of coffee in a clean kitchen."

"what even, jamil," inky snorts, hitting him on the chest playfully. "of course you've got to be grim about kalim when he's not here."

"you'd never get our relationship, albi," he retorts somewhat bitterly, letting inky intertwine their hand in his, their cold fingers shocking him back to their trip. "but you're right. he's not here, so i shouldn't be focused. where is this lake, anyway?"

"maps say a bit higher," inky sniffs, the cold air hitting her nose. "maybe if we keep following the route we'll be able to see it."

a comfortable silence falls over the couple as they make their way towards the top of the hill, stopping every minutes for inky to adjust to the lack of proper air up so high. "this sucks," they wheeze as they grasp onto jamil's hand tightly.

jamil says nothing, only smiling encouragingly as he leads the two of them towards the lake. stopping finally after 20 minutes, inky gasps the the lake high up, side-eyeing jamil as he does his silent evil cackle for a bit before calming down.

"you done?" inky asks as they try not to laugh.

"i'm done, yes."

"then we can start the trip, once your ego takes a low blow in 20 minutes."

"i will hit myself with a brick, inky, don't test me."

inky makes a dramatically sad face as she walks down towards the lake, and jamil sighs behind them as he runs to catch up to her.

Okay For Your Event!! (Even Tho No One Told Me)

the ending sucks balls but i couldn't get anything else so... have this :)

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1 year ago


Fine but do I write or draw or both

Currently suppressing the urge to take Jamil and run away to live on a farm in a valley with apple aliens in the local abandoned building and emo magic chickens please assist


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1 year ago

"Take care of the chickens first"


Here's a drabble cause I've been having stardew valley brainrot as well as jinkies thoughts. I'm currently at the end of exam season so I needed some sanity for myself, enjoy my hopefully-not-suffering homies!

491 words

Tw: none


Fresh Spring air sure was delightful on a comfortably warm sunny day. Inky yawned, they couldn't sleep the night before, for no particular reason. She looked around at the fields she'd just finished maintaining. They were small, but big enough to produce food for two and sell a bit. She looked down at her dirt covered hands and smiled, moving to the hose to water the crop growing there right then.

It was all so peaceful now. Life was basically what she wanted since she could think for herself. Living on a farm and being self sufficient with someone they loved that is. And that someone was Jamil. Now you might be thinking something like shouldn't he be serving the Asim family or something like that, but no. What happened was that, with a bit of help from Kalim, bless him, both Inky and Jamil ran away to a small farm in the countryside of pyroxene. Was it easy to convince Jamil? Absolutely not. But he was happy now. And they had time for days off, for holidays, for trips. Kalim still supported them financially a bit. As a thank you for Jamil's years of service and friendship and an apology for not exactly being easy most of the time, since Kalim could cause a lot of work for Jamil. Inky washed the loose dirt off her hands with the running water, wiping their hands on a cloth they had attached to their belt.

The beloved man of the house was hanging laundry at the moment, since he was much more adept at household chores than Inky was. He didn't pay much mind to the footsteps he heard approaching, he knew that step pattern well after all and maybe that was because it was his favourite to hear, because it would mean he'd get to see the one he more than adored. He didn't expect a pair of arms do wrap around him though.

"Good morning, you all done in the field?" Jamil asked.

"Mhm..~" Inky nodded mostly into his back, "all done.. now I can look after the chickens.. and then.. I don't know what then.. can we take a nap later? I want to cuddle but I'm tired."

She could feel his chuckle and see his grin, but it wasn't malicious at all. He nodded, laying a hand on one of her's.

"Sure, Meri Jaan, we can cuddle.. but you have to go take care of the chickens first, I'll finish the laundry in the meantime, alright?" He told them, to which he felt them nod into his back again. The two stayed like that before separating. Someone had to finish the work they had for the day after all. And once that was done, they could afford to be lazy in one another's arms together. Maybe they could take a walk later too. Yeah. This was the life that felt right, perfect even, for the two of them.


@midnightmah07 thought I'd tag you since you knew I'd write this

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