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Kirito's Quest Reward
In Alfheim Online, a small party of friends were taking on a boss monster. The giant salamander itself wasn’t particularly threatening, even with it’s attacks leaving multiple debuff effects, but the party enjoyed taking on large bosses together, and definitely enjoyed the payouts from selling the rare Fang Daggers these beasts drop.
“Remember, the one to finish it gets whatever it drops!” teased Leafa, who had been dealing most of the heavy hits this rotation. She knew they always shared rewards anyway, unless there was only one unique item per quest. However noticing her health had decreased due to the monster’s poison, she was prepping to take defensive. “Now switch!”
In a swift movement the girl and her attacking duo Klein had fallen back to the defensive and support lines, and two new attackers came in, the romantic crossed sword duo of Kirito and Asuna. Between them 3 swords cut deep and heavily into the salamander’s HP. Flurries of shortsword stabs and rapier pierces were landed before the rest of the team had assumed their new positions. Leafa began supporting her teammates with spell buffs alongside the cait sith monster tamer Silica, and Klein took a defensive stance beside the mace wielding blacksmith Lisbeth, preparing to run in to assist the mainline attackers. As the HP of the beast faded lower and lower, a rain of arrows shot down from above as the cait sith archer Sinon unleashed battalions worth of arrows. Not to be outdone, the blackswordsman Kirito rushed in unleashing a devastating combo to the creature, taking it’s final health points down to zero.
“Hmmph, all that effort in the last moments and you still go and killsteal.” Sinon sighed and huffed jokingly.
“Heh relax Sinon, we’re all sharin’ in the rewards nomatter what” Kirito replied, smirking.
As the monster turned to glittery dust a gift box fell from it’s place and landed square on the battlefield.
“Ah crap.” Lisbeth complained “That special drop events still goin’ on. All that work and we still might get a freakin’ steel dagger out of it.”
“Shoot! And I just barely made enough yuld off of it to buy back the potions we used.” Klein huffed.
“Hey we still have a chance for it to be good, even if we haven’t had much luck with it” optimistically chimed in Silica.
“Well, in that case if nobody wants it, I’ll be the one stuck with it I guess” Kirito said, striding over to it. “I was the one who took it down after all~” He playfully taunted to the other partymembers.
He tapped on the box to open it and reveal it’s contents, fully expecting something mediocre.
A dialogue box appeared in front of him “1x Classic Maid Outfit added to inventory”
He closed the dialogue box before anyone else could catch up and see what it was.
“So whatcha get?” Asuna inquired looking right over his shoulder.
Kirito jumped from the sudden break in silence, hoping she hadn’t seen the box’s contents. His face flushed red and he flailed his arms. “N-NOTHING- NOTHING AT ALL HAHA-”
Real smooth there Kazuto. He thought to himself. You know how your friends are. That’s just inviting problems.
“Ooooooo~ somebody got something special~” cooed Lisbeth, now nearly hovering over the poor boy.
“So what rare item did you steal from me hm Kirito?” Sinon peered down.
“Heh- no. Th-there wasn’t even anything in it. Guess we got screwed by it haha-”
Next quest: Get better at lying.
“Oh nuh uh, you aint keepin whatever it is for yourself, if it’s worth a buncha yuld then we’re splittin it okay Kirito?” Klein tossed out.
Kirito wanted to clear his inventory, he would sooner lose Excalibur than reveal what he had received.
“Hey Yui, if Kirito isn’t gonna tell us, could you check his inventory for us?” Silica spoke between small giggles.
“Yui please don’t-”
But it was too late. The small navigation pixie had already opened up a tab to review Kirito’s items.
“Hmmm let’s see. Ah it seems Daddy received an event item from one of Alfheim’s prior Valentine’s Day Events”
Valentine’s Day Item? Well that’s not gonna arouse any suspicion at ALL. Kirito grumbled to himself, his face so red he was matching the color of the holiday itself.
“Spill the beans Yui, whats it worth?” Klein inquired.
“Hehehe~ I just wanna know what it is that’s gotten Kiri so embarrassed~” teased Lisbeth. “Is it some toy you’re gonna share with Asuna later?~”
“AAAA Nononononono it’s nothing like that-” Kirito stammered out.
“No it’s not a toy- it appears the item itself is a clothing item labeled ‘Classic Maid Outfit’” Yui innocently stated.
The group went silent as Kirito’s face went from a flush red to a stark white pale. Then they all started laughing. Lis and Sinon were all but banging the ground laughing at the mortified boy. It took countless agonizing seconds until anyone spoke.
“S-*snkr* So you gonna model it for us Kiri-Chan?~” Lisbeth managed out between snickers.
“Yeah it’s all yours oneesan~” Leafa joked out.
Sinon who had previously been laughing the hardest now had a more neutral but smug look on her face “Jeez if you wanna see him girly so bad you should join us in GGO sometime.”
GGO… Kirito thought. Yeah that model was quite something. I swear that there was something special in my eyes there. They just seemed brighter…
Kirito slapped his cheeks out of that thought.
“I’m not making it out of here without putting it on am I?” he sheepishly responded.
“Honey you don’t have to if you don’t want to. But I can’t say I wouldn’t mind seeing-” Asuna trailed off, imagining Kirito’s toned physique in a maid outfit.
Add that to the online shopping list later. She thought, her mind filled with devious thoughts.
“You’re just scared you’ll like it-” Klein teased before getting one of Kirito’s boots directly to the jaw.
“F-fine. Just- Everyone turn around. If anyone peeks as I change I’m deleting this account!” Kirito stammered out.
The giggles of the group grew louder as they turned away. His fingers fumbled with the prompts to switch outfits, as if the outfit itself was attacking.
You’re just scared you’ll like it.
The words echoed in Kirito’s mind as he hit confirm.
He got a good look at his reflection in the mirror view of the UI.
I look like one of those freakin’ anime twin maids Klein loves. Wait… Nononono- I look like Sugu…
Kirito wasn’t wrong, if it werent for his modest chest, he’d easily be mistaken as his sister. But like this, he looked like his sibling’s little sister more than her big brother. His face was soft. His hair had updated along with the clothing, now appearing more similar to his GGO avatar, with the only substantially shorter in the back. In addition to the dress, he had been gifted with a cute little hat and was adorned in ribbons and stockings. The outfit was a dark lavender, with the ribbons appearing a slightly brighter purple. The purple really brought out the color in his dark grey eyes.
“Everything okay Kirito?” Squeaked Silica. “I know we were teasing but if you’re uncomfortable you don’t havta show us…”
Why is she the only one with any decency here? He took one last look at himself in the mirror. Those lights are back in my eyes… He pushed down that thought and sighed.
“You can look now…”
He closed his eyes and braced for the worst. He expected laughter and mockery. What he got was… Silence? Silence for far far too long.
“Guys is everything okay?”
He opened his eyes and noticed everyone was just staring at him, shocked but… not giggly or amused… Almost confused? With the exception of Klein, who was frozen in place, and slowly tipped over before logging out.
“Jeez tough crowd” Kirito joked, trying to make the situation more bearable for himself.
He noticed as the slight breeze blew past, the skirt picked up a bit and waved effortlessly in the wind. Without thinking, he spun around, watching as his skirt effortlessly spun with him. He giggled.
Hmm. Not so bad… EH? What am I thinking I need to get this off-
“K-kirito?” Asuna quietly broke the silence.
“Yes ma’am” Kirito almost chirped out.
He was happy to see he was now taking it better than anyone else. And then the whole group pounced on him, tackling him to the ground with a hug.
“You’re so cuteeeeeeeeeee!” they all echoed.
Even Sinon, the most modest one seemed utterly infatuated.
“Jeez Sinon, you’ve seen me worse than this- And Sugu you’ve DEFINITELY seen me worse than this-” Kirito thought of playing dress up with her as a kid, but a memory that should’ve made him shudder now brought him a surprising warmth.
That’s not good. He thought to himself. Yeah I’m gonna have to do some serious thinking about this. Or better yet I should simply never think of this again.
“Okay funs over now” Kirito exclaimed, tired of being at the bottom of a pile of bosoms. “This has been exhausting and I wanna go to bed now.”
That night Kirito dreamt of his wedding in Aincrad with Asuna, only now he looked like his GGO Avatar.
Kirito woke up early the next morning and his heart ached. He sent a good morning text to Asuna, despite knowing she’d probably be sleeping in still. He paused before he knocked on his sister’s door to wake her up, and chose not to, just sending her a quick “running out for groceries, be back soon.” text before he got on his bike and left.
Maybe a little ride can clear my head.
Kirito cruised down nearly empty streets, trying to think of anything other than his dream and yesterday. He hadn’t lied about the groceries, he just walked through the supermarket picking up a few essentials for him and Suguha for the week, passing through on his way to checkout when a glimmer caught his eye. He had wound up in the women’s clothing department, and beside him standing tall was a mannequin wearing a basic black skirt. It was nothing special, it was cheap, it was just a department store clothing brand. He looked at his reflection in the black screen of his phone, seeing sparkles in his eyes. He sighed, knowing he was about to make a mistake and placed it in his basket and checked out. He rode home from the shops with his mind racing.
Why did I do that? I’m such an idiot. What the hell am I doing? What would Sugu say? What will Asuna say? I- I just need to try this once. I’m just gonna go home, try it on, nothing will happen and I’ll burn the damn thing.
Kirito tried to enter the home as quietly as possible, dropping the groceries on the table and tip toeing to his room with the bag with the skirt in it. He closed the door behind him, but in his anxiousness to try on the skirt, he neglected to lock it. He slid out of his black sweatpants, staring at his body in the mirror. His figure was slender, almost effeminate in nature. Years without hardcore exercise and barely eating while in SAO clearly took it’s toll on a previously toned figure.
Maybe I do look like Sugu…
Back when they were little, Suguha and Kazuto were always mistaken for twin girls, despite Kazuto being older and not even Suguha’s blood sibling. He never minded back then, he just liked being close to her. They’d occasionally swap clothes to mess with their parents. Kazuto softly smiled at the thought. He slipped on the skirt. She slipped on the skirt.
His eyes met hers in the mirror. Where a dull grey void once sat, a galaxy of stars was now present, with shimmering highlights and purple hues never noticed until now. There was a subtle curvature to her hips. A natural softness to her face. Her slender physique made him jealous. He stared at the girl who looked back at him, she shyly smiled and as the words left her mouth, they followed in his. “So, this is me?”
She looked down, and the girl was him. The girl was her.
She nervously laughed and shook in place. She watched as her skirt flowed side to side with every subtle movement. She spun herself around, watching the skirt flare up. She giggled to herself. She spun herself again. And again and again. She was giggling to herself like crazy. There were no thoughts left in her head, it was just a pure moment of bliss. And it came crushing down as the door opened behind her.
“Yawnnnnnnn~ Kazutooooooo please could you make a little less noi-” Sugu entered the room with her eyes closed yawning, but her eyes quickly shot open as she saw what was once her big brother in a tiny black skirt.
“S-Sugu??? EH! Don’t Look! I’m not decent!” She blurted out, not realizing she was pitching her voice higher than normal. She scrambled behind her bed, trying to cover up her shame, hiding her blushing face behind her hands.
Suguha smiled softly and walked over beside her as she softly pet her sister’s head.
“Well, it seems like I’ve stumbled into something big huh? Listen Kazuto. Or… whatever you may wanna be called. I’m always gonna support and love my big sibling, nomatter who they are.” She kissed the timid girl’s forehead. “I’m gonna go make us breakfast okay. You can wear that if you wanna. It’s just us home today. You don’t have to worry. You don’t have to tell anyone else if you aren’t ready. You don’t even have to tell me if you’re not ready. But I’m here for you.”
She walked out the door, and Kazuto sighed, knowing she meant every word of that.
Kazuto followed not long after, choosing to wear the skirt downstairs to the kitchen. She was blushing the whole time, still unable to meet her sister’s eyes. She slid a stack of pancakes over to her.
“Here big sis, I made your favorite.” She smiled sweetly down at Kazuto.
“...I like that.”
“I think… I think I prefer being your big sister.”
Suguha smiled brightly.
“Yayyyyyy! Now we get to do fun girly stuff together! This is so exciting!- Oh and of course, thank you for trusting me enough with this sis. It means a lot.” Suguha felt a warmth she had never felt, and she felt like it was due to the beaming smile on her big sister’s face.
“So, what are you thinkin’ for a name?”
A few days pass and nobody outside the Kirigaya household hears from Kazuto. He seemingly vanished from the ALO party, and only returned a few texts with “Sorry I’m just busy, miss you too” or “I love you too Asuna”. Truthfully, Kazuto had been training up a new ALO avatar with her sister, creating a swordfighting cait sith, with a name she chose for herself, Kiriko.
“Hey I’m gonna head out and make some lunch for us okay Kiriko? Don’t go far, and I’ll meet you in town.” “Sounds good Leafa, thank you!”
While Sugu’s cooking wasn’t the masterpiece Asuna’s was, Kiriko was always happy to indulge in some of Sugu’s fine craftsmanship as well. Leafa signed out, and her model disappeared. And Kiriko was alone.
She strolled through the town, wondering what to do in the meantime.
“I could really use some sword upgrades…” She muttered to herself, knowing that the only blacksmith worth caring about was Lisbeth, and she didn’t know who Kiriko was yet.
“Ah well I can help you with that one!” A familiar voice made Kiriko jump, her ears and tail standing on end. “Heh, didn’t mean to scare ya, I’m Klein, and if you need some smithin’ done, I know just the girl for you.”
Kiriko did her best to pitch her voice up to not be recognized “N-nice to meet you Klein, but that’s okay- I- I think I might just wait until I get a better sword drop…”
“Nonsense, Liz is the best in the business, she can make a starter sword scale right alongside Excalibur” He laughed to himself. “What’s your name by the way?”
“K-Kiriko…” She embarrassedly managed out.
Great. I look like my little sister, and the name I chose is 1 letter off of my old handle. I am the smartest woman alive.
Luckily for Kiriko, Klein was the dumbest man alive, and did not question it at all, leading her to Lisbeth’s Smithy.
“Hey guys, I’m back, and I found a newbie who needs some sword help.” Klein announced to the full party.
Kiriko gulped. Everyone but Leafa was here. Asuna, Yui, Strea, Lisbeth, Silica, Sinon, Philia, Agil, even Argo.
With my luck, somehow Sachi is gonna walk through that door isn’t she…
“H-hi everyone, I’m Kiriko… Klein said that Lisbeth is a master blacksmith. At least I think he said ‘master blacksmith’ but all I really caught was ‘master b’-” She knew this was gonna be dreadful, so the least she could do was tease Klein before the whole thing fell apart.
“H-HEY! I said nothing like that- She is a master blacksmith though! She’s been working at it since Sword Art.”
“Yup yup! The best in the business!”
“It’s nice to see you again Liz, I haven’t had a chance to see you since SAO I suppose” Kiriko lied.
It’s not too farfetched to be another SAO survivor… Gives me some leeway if I mess up and say more than I should known…
“Ohmygosh sorry- I usually don’t forget my customers faces…” Liz pouted.
“Hey now, cheer up, consider us equal for me breaking your sword.”
Smooth one smoothbrain. Kiriko thought to herself.
“Eh?” Liz cocked her head. “I don’t think anyone but Kiri-”
“Y’know out in the field, I abused the poor sword, I should’ve taken better care of such expert craftsmanship” She smiled out the quickest excuse she could muster.
“Ahhhh I see. You just reminded me of my favorite customer hehe.” She took Kiriko’s sword from her and got to work on it. “Cute guy, but he’s dumb as rocks. Broke my best sword and made me go on an adventure to forge him a new one.”
“Sounds like a bit of a jerk to me.” Kiriko joked.
“Nah, he’s the sweetest guy, but he’s a little bit off.”
“Yeah, he helped me revive my Pina!” Silica butted in.
“And he saved me from the Hollow Area” Philia added.
“And he’s like, the sweetest husband ever” Asuna swooned.
“And he’s the best daddy ever!” Yui chimed in.
“He’s helped me in more ways than I’d care to say” Sinon said blushing.
Kiriko herself was now blushing and trying to stifle a smile, hearing all these kind things from all of her friends.
“Jeez, put the boy on a pedestal some more will ya? You’re just begging for this girl to be competition in that polycule you’ve got brewin” Klein sighed “Course, ya cant help but love the guy, after all, he saved us all so many times.”
She felt at home for once, the moment was so warm and peaceful.
“Hmm, you even look a lot like Kii-boy”
Argo’s intuition was always top notch. She’d sniff out the fact that Kiriko was Kirito faster than anyone. She needed excuses and fast.
“Well, I’ve been told I do look boyish-” Kiriko idly fiddled with her skirt, kicking her feet a little.
“Nono- You don’t look boyish at all! Infact it’s more that Kirito looks girlish” Philia tried to console Kiriko.
“Yeah! He actually wore a dress recently and he was really cute!” Silica was practically meowing out the compliment.
“We’ve all been thinking, we haven’t seen him since he did it, we’re worried that maybe we teased him too much and now he got self conscious.” Sinon looked down shamefully.
Kiriko could barely manage to keep up her facade.
Focus focus focus. Think of things to say to make this go away.
Kiriko chose to simply say the truth. “Well, I think if they were willing to put on the dress, maybe they were just finding an excuse to try it out. Maybe they ended up liking it and has been taking some time for themself to work some things out.”
The room went a bit quiet. All that could be heard was Agil talking to customers and Liz hammering away in the background, but both were clearly listening in intently.
“Whatcha mean?” Silica asked.
“W-well… There’s this thing I’ve been reading about on some MMO forums. Apparently some guys will dress up with female avatars as a joke, and then realize something, that maybe they were girls all along. Maybe your friend is doing that?”
Kiriko was stuttering out almost every word. There’s no way they wouldn’t catch on.
“Well, then I’d be the luckiest woman in the world to have the best wife in the world.” Asuna announced.
“Yeah, and I’d get to have the two best Mommies!” Yui said, with Strea nodding along with her.
“Nomatter what, they’re always our Kirito. We’ll always love them nomatter who they end up being.” Sinon added.
“Yeah, and I can have my own big sister instead of a big brother” Silica giggled to herself.
“Well, she already has a little sister, you sure you can compete with that role?” Kiriko pet Silica’s head and then she realized what she just said.
“Wait… how do you know Kirito has a sister?”
“W-well I’ve been playing with a girl named Leafa whose been teaching me everything- and she keeps talking about her brother Kirito so I just assumed since you both brought up the name.”
Next quest: PLEASE GET BETTER AT LYING BRAIN Kiriko screamed at herself internally.
Argo mischievously laughed. “Yknow Kiriko, I have gotten some inside scoops that Leafa’s been playin alongside a new account and callin her ‘big sis’. Now aint that somethin Kiriko? Or rather Kii-gal?”
Crap. That’s Argo for ya. She knows me better than… well even me probably.
As the tension grew thick enough to cut with a knife, Leafa walked through the door to the Smithy, and Lisbeth returned to listen to the gossip more intently.
Hopefully Sugu can tell I’m blinking an S.O.S. to her…
“Ah I see you’ve met my friend Kiriko! She’s really sweet right?”
Kiriko shifted in her seat.
“... Fine ya caught me. It’s me…” Kiriko mumbled out.
No escaping this one chief.
Leafa glanced down a look of “are you sure Kiriko?” to which Kiriko could only nod.
“While you’re about to lose some polycule points for forcibly outing me Argo-” “Polycule points?” Lisbeth inquired.
If I can earn those I’m taking them- Liz thought to herself
“Yes it’s me. I… I just couldn’t stand being Kirito anymore.” The small catgirl looked to be near breaking point. “I.. I didn’t wanna lose any of you. I never had friends until now. And I was so so so worried I’d lose you all. I’d been keeping this down since GunGale. That avatar stuck in my head like a parasite. I couldn’t stop thinking about having long hair, and cute outfits, and twirly skirts, and- and after I tried on that stupid maid outfit, I couldn’t go back. I couldn’t be that same person I was anymore.”
She couldn’t stop the tears anymore. She just balled herself up on the couch. But then she felt a warm soft embrace around her. And another, and another, and another.
“Kiriko, I’m so proud of you. And trust me, you’re still the person I fell in love with in Aincrad. I’m not gonna leave you because you found out more about yourself. That’s just more of you I get to love. I get to fall in love all over again with a wonderful wife.” Asuna held Kiriko tight, and rubbed her cheek against the girl.
A hand was placed on Kiriko’s shoulder. “Heh, you’re so used to playin with chicks that you became one yourself, good for you.” Klein smiled every word out. He may not have been the best with words, but Kiriko appreciated the meaning behind each one.
“We’re all gonna love you nomatter what Kiriko…” Silica was gripping onto her even tighter than Asuna.
Yui and Strea held onto Kiriko for dear life, trying to make their new mommy happy.
“Yeah, you’re our favorite gal to tease, and now we can tease you even harder and in new ways!” Lisbeth smirked devilishly before hugging Kiriko with one arm and poking her cheeks with her free hand.
Kiriko felt another hand on her other shoulder, and looked up to see Agil.
“I’m proud of you for finding out who you are. I’m blessed to have met ya.”
Kiriko’s tears turned from fear and sadness to joy and love.
Sinon came walking up to where Kiriko was sat and hugged her from the front then pet her head. “Truthfully, I thought you were trans the moment you said you were actually a guy in that avatar in GGO. Every time we fought there I saw that light in your eyes you’ve got now. I’m so proud of you.” She kissed the girl’s forehead. “And now we can confirm that two GGO Winners are girls too” she smirked.
“Hehe, sorry for gettin ya to come out if you werent ready” Argo tossled Kiriko’s hair. “But ya know I’m just like ya too! I just wanted ya to rip that bandaid off hehe. Makes it better in the long term.” Kiriko could only smile at the rat in front of her.
“And can I please have my polycule points back”
“T-there’s no such thing Argo. And if there were I wouldn’t take them from my favorite rat…”
“Hey I know we already talked Kiriko” Leafa held onto Kiriko’s hand “but I’m so proud of you and I’m so happy to have a big sister.”
All Kiriko could do was smile, she was finally herself, and surrounded by all of the people she held dear.
And in the back of her head, she heard the faint singing of familiar christmas music, and relaxed.
Heh. I guess even Sachi was here afterall.
“I love you all. Thank you so much. All of you.”
That’s the thing that kills me! Kiri never slipped up with her acting femme with Sinon at first, it all came to her very easily and her main reservations were not liking the negative attention from the men around her and not being honest with Sinon! The moment she realized Sinon was in a situation she wouldn’t have otherwise agreed to if she knew, however, she revealed the truth. My girl…