Transfem Headcanon - Tumblr Posts

I actually legitimately had so much fun with this sketch series
In addition, Josuke's stand, Crazy Diamond, has trans pride flag colors:


"i think she marks the transition from jjba's traditionally masculine protagonists (who's masculinity is emphasized) to its more androgynous characterization and aesthetic appeal protagonists. she showcases the transition from 80s bancho/yankii-esque herculean/masculine art at the start to araki's more defining androgynous/unisex art as the part went on, where he emphasized beauty and style inspired by fashion models.
part 4 also has an unintentional habit of emphasizing male figures' destructive tendencies, with multiple older male figures—especially the main villain of the part—indulging in the negative aspects of masculinity in brutal, often sadistic ways and male figures closer to josuke's age either being taken advantage of by older male figures or resorting to violent masculinity themselves. josuke, on the other hand, opposes these ideals by generally being kind, emotional; only resorting to violence at the insulting of her hair, which we learn is because of when she was saved by an unknown male delinquent who, despite what he appeared to be (and by all accounts, should've been), showed her and her mother kindness by saving her. (in contrast to many male characters in the part)
i think her being a girl would make the part a lot more interesting on a grander scale, considering the focus on masculinity being a sort of "perpetrator" image, and how'd she fight against that by being the exact opposite. whereas stands and powers up to this point focused on destroying, her stand focuses on restoring. instead of using her stand to hurt, her stand manifested as a response to her empathy and wish to heal.
and my final case: the main villain of part 4, who's first victim was a 16-year-old (school)girl out of his impulse, ultimately being defeated by a 16-year-old schoolgirl /due/ to his impulsivity (in revealing himself) after so many years of targeting and terrorizing countless and helpless women is not only poetic, but a facetious and satisfying sentiment of justice prevalent in jjba." - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit Here!

“I am nega-Kirito. I go outside on a regular basis, eat balanced meals, sleep the recommended amount of hours, and feel comfortable enough outside vr games to admit that my preferred pronouns are she/her.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound too bad, honestly.”

“Also I only kinda like Asuna.”

“Dear God…”
Connected the dots on how to make a good anime protagonist



A tier list determining which Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters are LGBTQIAC+, a queer list, if you will.
Nope, this isn't meant to be rage bait! Thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate it! /gen The reason I don't have a separate category for trans lesbians is because I didn't want to divide the characters even further, and have several categories with only one or two characters. I genuinely forgot about Mewtwo being genderless in game! My bad! Here's the new version with this corrected:

A tier list determining which Super Smash Bros. Ultimate characters are LGBTQIAC+, a queer list, if you will.

Kirito Egg Moments 6.5: Sword Lesbianism
The trope of lesbians loving swords is a tried and true one, and it's incredibly common (at least in the circles I'm in and around) for lesbians but somehow particularly trans lesbians to post thirst traps with swords.
They work.
They didn't even let Midoriya transition smh.
You could write a video essay about the weird fumble that my hero academia's ending is

Shinji Ikari was originally going to be a girl, put that into perspective.
so I started playing on of the sao games (Alicization Lycoris) and just finished chapter 1, which unlocks the "create character" screen
which means you can just force fem Kirito, but it just goes from:

to this once you flip to female:

Which feels funny, in a 'didn't need to change much there, girl!' sense
(This game has a lot of very forcefemmable npcs, btw)
the people want Kirito in pretty dresses so bad
gravity falls canonical crossdressing scene

"hello, just two boymoders here, nothing to see"

Important message from Kiri!!!

what do you mean its not wednesday
You have no idea how badly I needed these thank you so much

Left Outfit goes insane

The curved chest plate and giant hood

The flared waist and v curves on the undersuit


Def a fave from me
Coats for trans women with bad coping mechanisms.

I found these HERE
So you're telling me that at the bottom of this dungeon there's a girl who who looks kinda like you and who likes all the stuff you like and is magic, and the only way to get to her is to endure the horrors, but more importantly to take care of yourself, eat well, pursue your passions, and have people with you who are your friends and who will help you? And those people love her too and want to help her get out? Did I get that right? Did I get the plot right? Is that how the dungeon meshis, I'm not sure I got the plot ri..

catching up with this
MC-kun, your disguise mission is already finished but you're still a girl, huh...