Kirito Sao - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Thought she was wearing trans pride wristbands for a second there, will make an edit of that in a few hours*, for now, I gotta sleep, rectify my fucked up sleep schedule.

*Several hours

Girlmode: Pensive And Smiling
Girlmode: Pensive And Smiling

Girlmode: Pensive and Smiling

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8 months ago

Hello!!! Ever since I stumbled unto your blog I am a fervient follower of Trans Kirito!! So!!! I made this puppygirl fanart as a gift!!!

Hello!!! Ever Since I Stumbled Unto Your Blog I Am A Fervient Follower Of Trans Kirito!! So!!! I Made
Hello!!! Ever Since I Stumbled Unto Your Blog I Am A Fervient Follower Of Trans Kirito!! So!!! I Made

Here's the sketch of the first face I was gonna draw :3

OH MY GODDDDDDD??????? I LOVE HER????????????? This is becoming my phone background I swear to god oml thank you ohhhhh I love her dbdhgxhdhxh

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8 months ago
Ok So I Cannot Find The Original Source For This For The Life Of Me

ok so i cannot find the original source for this for the life of me

it might be official art

i genuinely don't know

in any case it's really cool art so have some more trans girl kirito

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8 months ago

hey hold the fuck on is kuroyukihime actually star king?

-timeline lines up

-she's a machine child whose fluctlight got fucked with

-the name "black king"... you mean like star king but you can't see the stars?

-dislikes having blade arms in her black lotus form... subconscious trauma to quinella's construct?

-if anyone is good at handling accelerated time it's star king (including the cheating; incarnation?)

-wouldn't be the first time her memories got sealed away. she already had a second childhood, so a third one is fully on the table

not sure where im going with this but it works out weirdly well

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8 months ago

Oh yeah I'd love to hear what you have to say about Kirito and Kuroyukihime

*cracks knuckles*

ok so kuroyukihime's *backstory* has been a hotly debated mess since day one, right? and for a long time people assumed she was kirito and asuna's daughter

except this became less and less likely as the story went on, and then *volume 23* came out

which is where we learn this:

Oh Yeah I'd Love To Hear What You Have To Say About Kirito And Kuroyukihime
Oh Yeah I'd Love To Hear What You Have To Say About Kirito And Kuroyukihime


she's artificial

she's an experiment

and crucially her mind is in fact, an artificial soul that got overwritten onto the brain of the artificially grown baby (who for some reason got the same birth(?)day as asuna, which also seems to be relevant)

ok so we have a character who's kinda similar to kirito personality-wise, and whose combat avatar is like the platonic ideal of a dual-wielder. she *is* the blades when she's fighting, and the moves she uses literally have the same names as the sao techniques used by kirito (including some exclusive dual-wielding ones). note that the sao incident is mostly classified and also happened over 2 decades ago at this point

now let's go even further back: the alicization arc;

-it *starts* with kirito's second childhood in rulid, in the underworld. the entire premise hinges on the fact that *souls can in fact be reverted back in age and memories can be sealed away*

-it *ends* with kirito erasing all their memories from the 200 accelerated years they were stuck in the underworld, except no, *the star king fluctlight copy of their soul still exists*; and it still exists up to the latest volume of sao but nobody knows where it went

so let's add all of that up shall we!

we have here a character who had her brain overwritten by an artificial fluctlight of unknown origin at birth, with the caveat that fluctlights can be age-reverted and memory-sealed (basic necessity otherwise the alicization arc couldn't have happened, the tech is canonically not only present but over a decade old at kuroyukihime's birth), all the while a certain fluctlight copy of kirito is missing, and it's just the specific one who happens to have 2 subjective centuries of experience with both acceleration and incarnation

also add to this that the name "kuroyuki"(<hime is a title) and the name "kirito" have the *exact* same relation to the respective character's legal names

kuroba sayuki vs kirigaya kazuto; literally just the first kanji of the family name and the last kanji of the given name, they both thought of this independently

so yeah, kuroyukihime is a fluctlight copy of star king and im not kidding

(her avatar is called black lotus btw. you know, really hammering in the reincarnation theme)

Oh Yeah I'd Love To Hear What You Have To Say About Kirito And Kuroyukihime

^that's a kirito-isotope

it all adds up

this is a genuine theory, im not doing a bit

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8 months ago

so about those chibi extras

this is from the first one

season fucking one extras

pre-ggo (not really the ln was already out)

i don't even need to try

asuna knows her "boyfriend" is an egg

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8 months ago
Kazuto "could Never Relate To Boys 'his' Age" Kirigaya (excerpt From Volume 13 Of The LN)

kazuto "could never relate to boys 'his' age" kirigaya (excerpt from volume 13 of the LN)


Kazuto "could Never Relate To Boys 'his' Age" Kirigaya (excerpt From Volume 13 Of The LN)
Kazuto "could Never Relate To Boys 'his' Age" Kirigaya (excerpt From Volume 13 Of The LN)

the internalised transphobia is strong with this one

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8 months ago

You'll never get rid of me, your blog has the most media I've consumed from the SAO franchise lmao

You'll Never Get Rid Of Me, Your Blog Has The Most Media I've Consumed From The SAO Franchise Lmao
You'll Never Get Rid Of Me, Your Blog Has The Most Media I've Consumed From The SAO Franchise Lmao


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8 months ago
Kiri Wants To Know Your Opinion On Her Braids (she Put A Lot Of Effort And Was Very Brave To Make This

Kiri wants to know your opinion on her braids (she put a lot of effort and was very brave to make this ask)

Kiri Wants To Know Your Opinion On Her Braids (she Put A Lot Of Effort And Was Very Brave To Make This

puppygirl version :3

Kirito my beloved you look absolutely adorable you look perfect and I love you with all my heart you are STUNNING

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8 months ago

some short rambling kirisuna with trans girl kirito my beloved

Some Short Rambling Kirisuna With Trans Girl Kirito My Beloved

Asuna tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. They’d been laying in bed for hours now, and she was pretty sure that neither she nor Kazuto had slept for so much as five minutes. She couldn’t be sure what was keeping him up, but she knew what was keeping her awake, and it made her want to cry conflicted tears.

She was a lesbian.

It was a recent realisation, but it was one that hit her like a bolt of lightning. 

She’d considered it for months now, going back and forth with her friends and with her own reflection in the mirror. She’d done her research, she’d read every article she could find. Everything brought her to the same conclusion.

She loved Kazuto, she really did. If there was such a thing as soulmates, he was hers. It was like their minds and bodies were designed just to fit together, to be each other’s perfect matching halves.

But she couldn’t deny that the idea of calling somebody her husband felt… wrong. It felt like something she was supposed to do, something that was the simple, natural progression of things. She’d married a nice man, settled down and now she was his wife. That was what was expected of her.

They’d been married for six months now, and she’d be lying if she didn’t say that, on one or two occasions, she’d re-imagined their wedding day, where she might find a bride waiting for her at the alter instead of a groom.

The guilt ate her alive. She loved her husband, her soul loved his soul, but she knew deep down there would always be something deeply unsatisfactory about her life unless she was honest with him, like there was a piece of herself that she'd never have a chance to truly discover or grow. She would spend years wondering what could have been, who she could have been if she'd given herself the chance.

Kazuto had been open about his own feelings towards Eugeo and a handful of boys and men he’d known throughout his life. Hell, it was one of those conversations that had prompted Asuna to follow up on the silent, conflicting feelings she’d felt for years. She knew he would forgive her if she asked to break things off. He would understand.


She’d been trying to have the conversation for days now. She’d found her conclusion within herself, all she had to do was voice it. She knew she couldn’t keep trying to hide this away.

She’d reached her breaking point the night before, when she’d fallen asleep to a blissful dream of their wedding day. Except… the one dancing with her wasn’t Kazuto, but a strangely familiar, faceless woman. She’d held Asuna so securely as they danced that Asuna felt like she’d known her for her entire life, and she’d woken up in tears.

She wanted to find that woman, find that moment.

Kazuto deserved that moment of his own, too.

“Asuna…” Kazuto’s voice whispered in the dark, “Are you still awake?”

“Yes,” she rolled over to look at him, her eyes widening when she saw his face. Was he… crying?

“I’m fine,” he said quickly, already sensing her concerns growing, “I… I need to talk to you about something. I think you might already know.”

She panicked. She had noticed something was off about him for a few weeks, but she’d been so preoccupied with her own thoughts that she told herself she was imagining things. God, how much had she missed? 

“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Asuna reached out her hand to hold his own under the blanket, tracing her thumb in circles over the back of his hand. She wasn’t sure if she was trying to soothe him or herself.

Kazuto took a deep breath, “Listen. I’ve been thinking about a lot.”

So have I, Asuna thought to herself, a little sarcastically.

“I didn’t realise how hard this would be to say,” Kazuto said, a laugh almost dancing on the edge of his voice, “You… you know how I’ve been playing GGO a lot more, lately?”

Asuna could recall the hours he’d lost to that game in just the past month - really, it had to be unhealthy. But Kazuto had seemed happy each time he woke from his dive, and Asuna couldn’t complain about that. If anything, she was just happy he was finally enjoying games other than ALO.

“Of course I noticed, did something happen in the game? Is Shino-non okay?”

Then Asuna’s thoughts turned sour. She didn’t play GGO nearly as often as Kazuto or Shino did, guns just weren’t really her style, so she didn’t truthfully pay much attention to what happened in the game. Kazuto knew that, Shino knew that. Had they been using GGO as a place to secretly meet up and…

She must have been easy to read - honestly, between herself and Kazuto, they could read each other as easily as a book, it came with the territory of being so familiar to one another - because Kazuto immediately screwed his face up.

“It’s not what you’re thinking, I promise, it has nothing to do with Shino,” he assured her, noticeably avoiding looking her in the eye.

Whatever it was, it was serious. She’d never seen him this frustrated just trying to talk to her. Yes, there were moments when they’d had petty arguments or been frustrated with one another, but he looked completely angry with himself as he seemingly battled with his tongue to form the words.

“There’s something I need to say, too…” Asuna’s voice was small, nervous. If Kazuto had something serious to say, they might as well both get things off their chests at once.

Kazuto gave her a look, somewhere between terrified and sympathetic, and smiled a forced smile.

“We’ll say it on three, okay?”

Asuna swallowed. Kazuto took a shaking breath.




“I’m a lesbian.”

“I think I’m a woman.”

Then there was silence. 

They both tried to process what they’d just heard, and for a moment Asuna wondered if she’d simply made up what Kazuto had just said. This had to be a dream, right?

Then there was laughter.

“Really?” Kazuto asked, because Kazuto was truly the one person in the world who would be able to make Asuna laugh when she felt like sobbing.

She nodded a little, “I’ve been trying to tell you for a few weeks, I just didn’t want to lose you.”

“Oh, same here,” Kazuto breathed a sigh of relief, “Do you still want to be together? I mean, I know this probably takes some time to get used to, and I don’t really know where I want to go from here or what I want to do now, and I haven’t picked out a new name really, but-”

“I want to be with you forever.” Asuna interrupted, “That’s why I was so afraid to tell you. I knew I had to tell you eventually, but I couldn’t bare the thought of having to lose the person I love so much. I guess I should have known that wouldn’t happen.”

“Guess you’re still stuck with me after all,” Kazuto joked, then she smiled and pulled Asuna into a tight hug, kissing the top of her head. Asuna gently kissed her shoulder over the fabric of the t-shirt she’d worn to bed, humming to herself contentedly.

So, Kazuto really was her soulmate after all. They’d be each other’s happily ever after, their dream for the rest of their lives, it would just take a little work to get there - and how exciting it was that she got to be by her side for all of it, right from the very beginning.

“What should I call you now?” Asuna asked.

Kazuto rolled over to lay on her back, and Asuna rolled on top of her. They’d slept like this so many times, it really was a wonder they still insisted on having a king-sized bed. Asuna’s half was usually wasted space.

“Kazuto, I think. For now, anyway. I wanted to find something else, but…”


“I’m so used to the way you say my name, it feels weird when I try to find anything else. I liked Kazuko, or maybe Kazuha, but I think I’m overthinking it.”

“Kazuko,” Asuna repeated the name a few times, smiling, “I like it, it’s pretty! I think you should be allowed to overthink this, it’s a big decision.”

She blushed, “It sounds pretty when you say it.” 

“Kazuko?” Asuna looked up at her, blushing just as much as she was, “I like saying it too, Kazuko. I’ll keep saying it while you get used to it, if you want me to?”

“Of course,” Kazuko grinned, “Just… not in front of the others just yet. I haven’t had the guts to tell anybody else yet.”

“Of course, I won’t say anything until you want me to, Kazuko,” Asuna felt a pair of arms wrapped securely around her middle and she relaxed, breathing in deeply. She felt so, so safe with her.

“Can I ask… when did you realise? That you were a lesbian, I mean,” Kazuko asked, deftly tracing patterns on Asuna’s side with her fingertip.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a while,” Asuna admitted shyly, “I think I finally made my mind up about it around three weeks ago now. How about you, if you don’t mind my asking?”

Kazuko laughed again, “Around three weeks ago, when I had this dream about us getting married, but… we were both brides. I can’t believe I was so stupid, I should have just told you right away, we could have both avoided feeling so crappy the last few weeks.”

“I’ve been dreaming about the same thing,” Asuna said, then she yawned, “I love you, Kazuko. I’m glad we can tell each other anything.”

She swore she actually felt her heart skip a beat, and she giggled to herself. She had the cutest wife in the world.

A wife.

She had a wife.

Sure, things were going to take time to get used to, but she had the most incredible woman in the world by her side. They’d make it through anything together.

“We can talk about this more in the morning,” Kazuko mumbled, kissing Asuna again as she started to fall asleep, “Thank you for trusting me to tell me anything.”

So, just like they had so many nights before, and just like they were going to continue to do for the rest of their lives, Asuna and Kazuko fell asleep in each other’s arms, and Asuna remembered for the millionth time that the woman she was lying with truly was her soulmate, in every sense of the word.

And when she finally fell asleep that night, she found herself reliving the same dream she’d had a precious few times now - a dream she was certain would one day come true. An eternally familiar woman, her beloved Kazuko, holding her so securely as they danced, like she’d known her their entire lives.

Someday, she knew they would.

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7 months ago
I Am Nega-Kirito. I Go Outside On A Regular Basis, Eat Balanced Meals, Sleep The Recommended Amount Of

“I am nega-Kirito. I go outside on a regular basis, eat balanced meals, sleep the recommended amount of hours, and feel comfortable enough outside vr games to admit that my preferred pronouns are she/her.”

I Am Nega-Kirito. I Go Outside On A Regular Basis, Eat Balanced Meals, Sleep The Recommended Amount Of

“Well, that doesn’t sound too bad, honestly.”

I Am Nega-Kirito. I Go Outside On A Regular Basis, Eat Balanced Meals, Sleep The Recommended Amount Of

“Also I only kinda like Asuna.”

I Am Nega-Kirito. I Go Outside On A Regular Basis, Eat Balanced Meals, Sleep The Recommended Amount Of

“Dear God…”

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7 months ago
Kirito Egg Moments 6.5: Sword Lesbianism

Kirito Egg Moments 6.5: Sword Lesbianism

The trope of lesbians loving swords is a tried and true one, and it's incredibly common (at least in the circles I'm in and around) for lesbians but somehow particularly trans lesbians to post thirst traps with swords.

They work.

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6 months ago

so I started playing on of the sao games (Alicization Lycoris) and just finished chapter 1, which unlocks the "create character" screen

which means you can just force fem Kirito, but it just goes from:

Kirito with gender set to male, wearing pants and a coat

to this once you flip to female:

Kirito with gender set to female, wearing a coat and thigh highs, with slimmer shoulders and breasts, slightly daintier posture

Which feels funny, in a 'didn't need to change much there, girl!' sense

(This game has a lot of very forcefemmable npcs, btw)

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6 months ago

Important message from Kiri!!!

Important Message From Kiri!!!
Important Message From Kiri!!!
Important Message From Kiri!!!

what do you mean its not wednesday

You have no idea how badly I needed these thank you so much

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