Sissy Slaughter - Tumblr Posts
Jet transcripts
These are for my TCM family OC. They will make a little more sense when his backstory comes out :3
Feeding Grandpa;
“He told me ta wake ya up…so wake up now!”
“Thank you…For keeping her alive.”
“I’d rather you stayed asleep…”
Victim found (hiding spot)
“I’m gon’ pretend i ain’t see ya..” (whispering)
“Hand’s told me you’d be ‘ere!”
“This spot ain’t gon’ cut it, they’ll find ya in no time..”
“You should run..” (laughs) (when hands is around)
“You should run..” (whispers) (when hands is not)
Victim hit;
“Look, a really ain’t wanna hurt ya!...But he comes first..”
“You poor thing, here let me help.”
“Trust me, you don’t want them gettin’ a hold of ya.”
“A can make it quick! Over a’fore ya know it!”
“Forgive me..”
Blood trail;
“You should put pressure on that!”
“He ain’t gon’ be happy with ya bleedin’ all over the place!”
“It’s better if i find ya, trust me!”
“Can’t help ya if ya run..”
Match start;
“Ya should’a stayed away..”
“A can only help ya so much..”
“Sorry, but I have to help him.”
Victim seen escaping;
“Don’t know if am happy or sad ya made it..”
“Shit! How am a supposed to explain this to him?”
“Lucky bastards..”
“Shit! Get it together Jet, he’s relying on ya…”
“Surprised they ain’t killed me yet..”
“What do I do?…Shit what do I do?”
“Hurry up an’ decide! They’re waitin’ on ya!”
Victim seen;
“A told ya to leave!”
“Get outta ‘ere! Go!”
“Should’a left when a told ya to…now ya have to die”
“Ain’t no point in runnin’ now..”
Ability denied;
“familys too close..”
”No trap in sight..”
“Not that one” (hands’ trap)
Close encounter;
“Cmon! Fight back!..please..”
“Hands ain’t gon’ be happy if ya win..”
Close win;
“A had to!..ya wouldn’t get it..”
“mmm, see am not all that weak.” (hums)
Close loss;
“Damnit! Am tryna help ya ‘ere!” (Yells)
“Rather me than anyone else..”
“A tried to help..ya just didn’t want it.”
“A warned ya! Ya just gotta learn to listen!” (Laughs)
“i didn’t want this..”
“I hope ya can forgive me..”
Cook/Drayton seen
“Get off my ass! Yer padlocks were shit anyway!”
“I ain’t touch yer shit, calm down.”
“Listen old man, I don’t care if ya ain’t like me. I ain’t like you either.”
Nubbins/hitchhiker seen
“Those traps a‘yers..pssh..Let me show ya how to make a real en.”
“Hey! Ya complainin’ but if it weren’t far me ya wouldn’t have found em so easily!”
“Not my fault they’re so easy to break!”
Johnny seen
“Thank you for not killin’ ’er, a owe ya one.”
“Ya’no, hands really likes ya! Guess that means I should too…”
“Don’t tell him…I know you want to help them too..”
Sissy seen
“That poison a’yers stings like shit. Keep it out of my face..”
“Don’t get why ya hate me so much..not like a can unpoison yer poison..”
“Got a real mouth on ya..But ya don’t scare me, not anymore.”
Hands seen
“I look stupid..ya know I don’t like my hair up..”
“I know I know! Don’t let them escape..I won’t.”
“Maybe I could sleep on the bed tonight?…Instead of the floor..”
“I won’t touch their traps, promise.”
“I get I mess with their stuff, but it’s no reason to try kill me!”
Nancy seen
“You should be in a care home, along with the old bastard!”
“A wouldn’t call em traps, ain’t catchin’ shit.” (Laughs)
“A don’t think I’ll ever forgive you for what you did..”
Bubba seen
“Quit with yer noises, already had to learn hands’!”
“A just know yer dyin’ to get yer grubby fingers on my face..Am I right?”
“Stop wavin’ ya shit ‘round like a lunatic…Is nobody in this house normal?”
Maria seen
“Maria I’m so fuckin’ sorry, I didn’t mean far this.”
“Maria! It’s so good to see ya face..are ya hurt?..”
“Don’t worry ‘bout me…I’ll be outta ‘ere real soon..”
“Mar! What are you doin’ ‘ere? You need to leave, I’ll help..”
“Yer injured…I’m so sorry.”

bubba using marias camera to take selfies is so silly n cute to me so i had to put my own spin on it

they r such a polaroid family

i just think sissy was THE best big sister ever growing up
Have you seen my girlfriend? Tcm animation
ft: Sissy Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer Nancy Sawyer

☆ shipping chart from @prettyboyjohnny <3 + my love ship ☆

˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ okay let's go ♡

sissy slaughter ; / johnny slaughter «blood moon»

Shes so PRETTY I love her so much❤❤❤
So I was listening to Dont fear the reaper by blue oyster cult (fukin amazing song love it to death) and it kinda reminded me of the Sawyers so I decided to draw sissy as the grim reaper in a cultish cloak and wanted to share it

I'm fully aware it doesn't really look like her but it's one of my first times drawing her so give me some slack while I get the hang of it definitely gonna draw Johnny as the grim reaper at some point to and mabey the rest of the sawyers
I HAD AN IDEA OF HOW SISSY IS RELATED TO THE FAMILY but sadly I debunked it a minute later because the tcm timelines are scarier than the actual gore and carnage in my opinion but I was watching james from dead meat cover the 3rd tcm movie and I thought to myself what if sissy was the little girl in the 3rd movie I thought I was onto something good but then I realized the 3rd movie is supposed to be after the events of the 2 and 1st movie which bummed me out cause I wish they could've done something with the little girl in the movie rather than giving absolutely no context on what happened to her and I remembered that the game takes place before the 1st movie so that really sucked but I still wanted to come on her and share my thoughts because I NEED MORE TCM FRIENDS(for those of you who do somehow end up seeing my tcm stuff and liking and commenting THANK YOU I SEE THE COMMENTS BUT I CANT RESPOND or message people something about my email not being valid enough:( but still thank you) sorry this is a long one
ANOTHER QUESTION for the tcm fans specifically the tcm game fans any of y'all questioning who "The bad man" is? I know johnny talks about it in some of his voice lines and I think I've heard sissy mention it before I may be wrong about that but I keep wondering is it just something johnny likes to call himself like when he says "you ready to meet the bad man" or if sissy does mention it is it something they were told about when they were kids likeee I NEED ANSWERS(also if anyone new sees this for some reason I cant RESPOND in comments but I SEE THEM and thank y'all who do see and respond to my tcm thoughts)
Ok so, I have this hc that Sissy one of the, if not the least likely in the family to be straight. Ok so hear me out: she’s been in and out of cults her life and probably experiments with substances (I mean, I think that may have been part of how she got the drug/poison) and gives me kinda of Klaus Hargreeves from Umbrella academy vibes, and I think it was confirmed somewhere that the radio monologueof “ a young woman spent years hitchhiking from Texas to California, where she viciously murdered several truck drivers along the way” was confirmed to be sissy, and I feel like California cults, as a Californian myself, It’s a very generally inclusive/liberal environment. I don’t know I feel like she would have definitely had partners of multiple genders and is very likely to be bi/pan, and in her voice lines refers to all victims no matter gender as “sugar” (which I know doesn’t say much because she’s not meaning it in a romantic way, and meaning it more of like a patronizing way but I still think it’s an interesting note) anyway, I was just curious on your thoughts of this headcanon and if you agree/disagree since it’s been stuck in my head forever 
I AGREE I'm so happy I'm not the only one who thinks it and for the SAME reason too I think because sissy has explored alot more than the other family members shes much more likely to be alot more open to things like sexuality I guess I hope that's a good way to put it ☆I apologize in advanced if you haven't noticed I suck at wording things☆
Opinion on people who ship Johnny and sissy (ewww)
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I think johnny and sissy can only be cute in a siblings or cousin way you can even see them just argue with each other in there voice lines it reminds me alot of how me and my brothers are I think the people who do ship them are just weirdos they are literally family😭 that goes for all the people who ship the family with any of the other family members
Stop ima go cry now(I love this fucked up traumatize family)

mamas boy? ? ?? aka i dont pay attention to any of the official lore they drop n i make up my own
Wait i actually love this Idea
johnathan and sissy sibling roadtrip (to murder some kids at a college party)
Currently coloring Sissy in a fantasy coloring book(yes I still like coloring books) and RRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE SISSY SO MUCH SHES LITERALLY SO AAAAAAHHHHHHH I can't explain I just wanna hug her and cuddle her and tell her SHE IS PERFECT TO ME shes literally a goddess in my eyes🥰
I'm starting to draw TCM a bit more except its sometimes self insert other times I'm drawing sissy or johnny I wanna post the drawings on here but idk if anyone really cares so let me know if you guys wanna see some of my tcm drawings and mabey I'll post them