Maria Flores - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Jet transcripts

These are for my TCM family OC. They will make a little more sense when his backstory comes out :3

Feeding Grandpa;

“He told me ta wake ya up…so wake up now!”

“Thank you…For keeping her alive.”

“I’d rather you stayed asleep…”

Victim found (hiding spot)

“I’m gon’ pretend i ain’t see ya..” (whispering)

“Hand’s told me you’d be ‘ere!”

“This spot ain’t gon’ cut it, they’ll find ya in no time..”

“You should run..” (laughs) (when hands is around)

“You should run..” (whispers) (when hands is not)

Victim hit;

“Look, a really ain’t wanna hurt ya!...But he comes first..”

“You poor thing, here let me help.”

“Trust me, you don’t want them gettin’ a hold of ya.”

“A can make it quick! Over a’fore ya know it!”

“Forgive me..”

Blood trail;

“You should put pressure on that!”

“He ain’t gon’ be happy with ya bleedin’ all over the place!”

“It’s better if i find ya, trust me!”

“Can’t help ya if ya run..”

Match start;

“Ya should’a stayed away..”

“A can only help ya so much..”

“Sorry, but I have to help him.”

Victim seen escaping;

“Don’t know if am happy or sad ya made it..”

“Shit! How am a supposed to explain this to him?”

“Lucky bastards..”


“Shit! Get it together Jet, he’s relying on ya…”

“Surprised they ain’t killed me yet..”

“What do I do?…Shit what do I do?”

“Hurry up an’ decide! They’re waitin’ on ya!”

Victim seen;

“A told ya to leave!”

“Get outta ‘ere! Go!”

“Should’a left when a told ya to…now ya have to die”

“Ain’t no point in runnin’ now..”

Ability denied;

“familys too close..”

”No trap in sight..”

“Not that one” (hands’ trap)

Close encounter;

“Cmon! Fight back!..please..”

“Hands ain’t gon’ be happy if ya win..”

Close win;

“A had to!..ya wouldn’t get it..”

“mmm, see am not all that weak.” (hums)

Close loss;

“Damnit! Am tryna help ya ‘ere!” (Yells)

“Rather me than anyone else..”


“A tried to help..ya just didn’t want it.”

“A warned ya! Ya just gotta learn to listen!” (Laughs)

“i didn’t want this..”

“I hope ya can forgive me..”

Cook/Drayton seen

“Get off my ass! Yer padlocks were shit anyway!”

“I ain’t touch yer shit, calm down.”

“Listen old man, I don’t care if ya ain’t like me. I ain’t like you either.”

Nubbins/hitchhiker seen

“Those traps a‘yers..pssh..Let me show ya how to make a real en.”

“Hey! Ya complainin’ but if it weren’t far me ya wouldn’t have found em so easily!”

“Not my fault they’re so easy to break!”

Johnny seen

“Thank you for not killin’ ’er, a owe ya one.”

“Ya’no, hands really likes ya! Guess that means I should too…”

“Don’t tell him…I know you want to help them too..”

Sissy seen

“That poison a’yers stings like shit. Keep it out of my face..”

“Don’t get why ya hate me so much..not like a can unpoison yer poison..”

“Got a real mouth on ya..But ya don’t scare me, not anymore.”

Hands seen

“I look stupid..ya know I don’t like my hair up..”

“I know I know! Don’t let them escape..I won’t.”

“Maybe I could sleep on the bed tonight?…Instead of the floor..”

“I won’t touch their traps, promise.”

“I get I mess with their stuff, but it’s no reason to try kill me!”

Nancy seen

“You should be in a care home, along with the old bastard!”

“A wouldn’t call em traps, ain’t catchin’ shit.” (Laughs)

“A don’t think I’ll ever forgive you for what you did..”

Bubba seen

“Quit with yer noises, already had to learn hands’!”

“A just know yer dyin’ to get yer grubby fingers on my face..Am I right?”

“Stop wavin’ ya shit ‘round like a lunatic…Is nobody in this house normal?”

Maria seen

“Maria I’m so fuckin’ sorry, I didn’t mean far this.”

“Maria! It’s so good to see ya face..are ya hurt?..”

“Don’t worry ‘bout me…I’ll be outta ‘ere real soon..”

“Mar! What are you doin’ ‘ere? You need to leave, I’ll help..”

“Yer injured…I’m so sorry.”

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2 years ago
More Bookswap! This Time With High School Story And It Lives In The Woods

More Bookswap! This time with High School Story and It Lives in the Woods

I’m proud of this one!!! I tried to make it so that everyone had a collectible from ILITW! Had to hide this under a spoiler warning because of that!

So what do you think?!

I hope you like it!

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11 months ago

Rebloging because this was the most fun to work on!!!

More Bookswap! This Time With High School Story And It Lives In The Woods

More Bookswap! This time with High School Story and It Lives in the Woods

I’m proud of this one!!! I tried to make it so that everyone had a collectible from ILITW! Had to hide this under a spoiler warning because of that!

So what do you think?!

I hope you like it!

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5 months ago

Have you seen my girlfriend? Tcm animation

ft: Sissy Sawyer, Johnny Sawyer Nancy Sawyer

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5 months ago

Nasty dog - TCM animation

Feat. Maria and danny!!

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5 months ago

Danny gaines x Maria flores fanart

Danny Gaines X Maria Flores Fanart
Danny Gaines X Maria Flores Fanart
Danny Gaines X Maria Flores Fanart

They’re my favourite straight people <33

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7 months ago

࿔‧ ֶָ֢˚˖𐦍˖˚ֶָ֢ ‧࿔

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11 months ago

Dawg we seriously need more victim and killer lore IM LOSING MY MIND I NEED TO FEED MY HYPER FIXATION so from now on if I think of random hcs of anyone from TCM I will be posting them here🤗 also random question but how do you guys think the mill is related to the family you guys think grandpa just found that place abandoned and said "oh nice" also what are yalls thoughts on Maria most likely being added to the game personally I think it makes absolutely no sense dont get me wrong I would love for Maria to be reunited with her family and friends it just bugs me that we have gotten a thousand things implying and straight up saying she is DEAD, GONE, DECEASED so why switch it and say she apparently survived EVERYTHING

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9 months ago

Tcm post for my pookies who comment and like my stupid post(I see the comments and love them I just cant respond for technical reasons)

How we feeling about maria officially being in the game? I personally love and hate it I'm happy she can have a chance of seeing her sister and friends again but at the same time ain't that bitch supposed to be dead(I dont mean bitch in a mean way that's just how I speak) ain't she supposed to be uhhh DECEASED also I need to know if anyone else understands this but why she gotta bring johnny into some shit in her voice lines please leave him out of this maria but I want yalls feedback if you guys love her being in the game? If you guys aren't a fan of it ALL OPINIONS ARE WELCOME HERE

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9 months ago

So I cant respond in comments so hopefully this reaches you but yes maria is in the game now I love and hate it and hands is the new family member that came with maria I'm pretty sure Like it said he is an uncle of who I'm not quite sure yet but he can barge victims like Leland but if he misses he gets stunned I'm pretty sure he can pull the valve and fuse out of there place when triggered he can also trap gates and the fuse box with an electric trap and maria can whisper to granpa since apparently granpa likes maria she can sweet talk him and reveal the family's location if they move just like victim's I dont know hands or Maria's stats since I don't have either one of them but yeah not too big of changes just new characters let me know what do you think of them?


So basically, I need some answers because I have not played the game in months and there’s a few things I’m wondering about I saw a picture of Maria and is she in the game now and like how is she in the game like is she dead and you can stumble upon her map or is she alive because I’m super confused because I’ve had people saying she’s alive or dead and I haven’t played since Virginia came out which I know was old but I haven’t had the time. ALSO WHO TF IS HANDS?! @skyzzzzzzzzzzz




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7 months ago

TCM HOT TAKE maria should've stayed dead I know it sucks to hear but ain't nobody talking about how maria supposedly survived a chainsaw to the head and body and dont get me wrong I love maria I'm happy she got to see her loved ones before she dies but I mean come on SHE WAS CHAINSAWED BY BUBBA HOW IS SHE ALIVEEEE I guess it dont matter too much though since canonically ALL of the victims are one survived.

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5 months ago

I have another tcm question should I buy maria? I know her ability isn't the best but I fuck with Maria even though I do think she sadly should've stayed dead since it contradicts the lore I do still love maria as a character besides SHES SO FUCKING PRETTYYYY

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5 months ago

Random tcm question why do people ship maria and johnny I'm actually asking cause I dont see many things that imply that johnny even liked maria we know he stalked her in Petals and then she died to bubba (also Idc that she is a playable victim I mean I care and I'm saving up money to get her but in her lore even if she is the final girl she is still dead all the victims are because sally is the first victim to ever actually escape the sawyers so idc what people say maria is dead and so are all the victims in game) but why do some of the fandom think johnny liked Maria cause I've never seen anything besides one voice line from Nancy that implies johnny liked her oh and the one voice line of Johnny's that says he was fond of her but personally I think that was him just being a manipulative little shit and trying to piss off the victims but even then he does imply that she is dead when he says "family first ya know"

In my personal opinion johnny doesn't care about maria if anything he kept her alive to torture her and I mean it even says in her lore that she was kept alive by grandpa not johnny (now I get it if it's a headcanon some of the fandom likes but I've seen post that make it seem like its lore accurate and I genuinely just dont understand p.s sadly I can't respond in comments or in messages for technical reasons but I do still see comments and messages)

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5 months ago


hey guys i hate maria x johnny ❤️ if u ship that ur really weird hope this helps

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