Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Download: Leland Ana Connie Julie Sonny

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9 months ago

so interesting how everyone can only focus on hands in relation to johnny when he already has the foundations of a more interesting dynamic with bubba

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9 months ago

Freaks who ship Johnny and Hands, or ANY of the FAMILY MEMBERS in TCM are not welcome on my blog, ever. I do not CARE how many other wrong things they do, that does NOT mean they're into incest, if you truly believe they are, you need help. I don't care if they're "not blood related" or "oh but he's a distant cousin!!!" It's still weird as fuck, and honestly disgusting.

"Fiction doesn't affect reality" yk what? You're right, in the case of people with a fully functional brain. Proshippers tend to blur the line though, and let fiction affect reality.

Proshippers dni, others feel free to add on <3

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9 months ago
zombiehearts2007 - Zombiehearts

happy pride month i love being bisexual and defining myself as bisexual and i really like how bisexual sounds and the bisexual flag is very pretty

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8 months ago

I’m feeling a bit better and managed to get some progress done.

Im Feeling A Bit Better And Managed To Get Some Progress Done.

Not nearly finished yet but I’m getting there.

Also what do you think Julie is saying?

I was drawing Connie/Julie but my stomach hurts so much so it’s postponed till later.

I take my tablets late one morning and now I feel like someone stab me in the stomach

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8 months ago

Anyone else think they should make a dating simulator except for tcm kinda like hooked on you from dead by daylight be honest how many of you would play that I know i would🌻🌼🌻THEY COULD DO IT FOR BOTH FAMILY AND VICTIMS

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8 months ago

Some screenshots

Some Screenshots
Some Screenshots
Some Screenshots
Some Screenshots
Some Screenshots
Some Screenshots
Some Screenshots
Some Screenshots
Some Screenshots

I’m aware Leland looks like ugly as hell, I suck at making guy sims

I’m gonna open the sims for the first time in months just so i can make Sonny and Leland date

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7 months ago

Omg I love it so much!!!! I took like 45 screenshots!! Love it!!!

Trying out museum mode!!!

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7 months ago

Do you think Bubba’s pet chicken has a name? Personally I think Bubba, being, well, himself, would probably name her something completely nonsensical, but that’s just me

Tbh I think Bubba would name them something ✨extravagant✨ like Wilma Eggington or Shelly Von Yolk if they were feeling a bit silly

Do You Think Bubbas Pet Chicken Has A Name? Personally I Think Bubba, Being, Well, Himself, Would Probably


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7 months ago

This is on our separate oc but I noticed similarities I think I did after reading about yours (can't think of her name sorry)

My OC also has a family like Drebas(?) but she lost her father a long time ago. Her mother was obsessed with her beauty to the point of actually harming her for not being feminine enough.

Idk I notice that

It’s alright, my OC is named Darla Sawyer, and I think that it’s perfectly fine that you got inspired by my own oc’s backstory (that’s never happened before so that’s honestly pretty cool) but I’ll just explain more about her backstory just so you know there’s nothing to fret over!

TCM OC backstory: Darla Sawyer (with a bit of Jimmy Sawyer)

Her parents always wanted a first born son, but instead Darla was the first with her brother following second

Her parents constantly made her feel that she wasn’t “pretty” or “feminine” enough since she had tons of freckles all over her skin, was a bit heavier than most girls, and was more adventurous than a girl was “supposed to be”

They always told her brother that he could take after her since she was basically a boy herself which only made her feel she had to hide more of herself in order to ever be accepted by them. However they would never accept her no matter how hard she tried whether it be putting on makeup, trying to lose weight, or being more of a homebody like how most girls at the time were taught to be

When she was fourteen she would meet her future husband: Jimmy Sawyer and he was the first and only person in her life to think that she was truly beautiful and was always excited to be around her since he genuinely took enjoyment in being by her side

As a result of this whenever she was with him she was allowed to truly be herself around him without being judged, however friends of her parents would see her and him acting like “hooligans” and go straight to her parents which they would respond by physically hurting her and telling her that she was embarrassing them by hanging out with this boy but she secretly defied them and continued seeing Jimmy

However the turning point came when she was 18 years old and found out that she was pregnant with Drayton to which her parents immediately disowned her, kicking her out of the house, and only allowing her to take the few possessions she owned

She would run to a now 19 year old Jimmy, crying and telling him what happened all while begging him not to leave her. He would respond by asking her to marry him and telling her that he always knew he wanted to spend his life with her and would gladly take care of her and the baby

Grandma Sawyer would give Darla her old wedding dress and gifted her a pearl necklace and bracelets as a “welcome to the family gift” and Grandpa Sawyer would walk her down the aisle since her own parents refused to acknowledge her or their future grandchild

Fast forward more than 20 years later and Darla has the twins and Bubba after trying for so long to have more children (Drayton is 25 when the twins are born and 27 when Bubba is born)

When the boys are all grown up they quit the slaughterhouse in support after their grandfather quitting and Jimmy decides to travel to find work to which Darla decided to join him seeing as how her boys were all grown now and that he was always their when she needed him and now it was her turn to be there for him

However not long into their trip they would both become the victims of a serial killer and their bodies would never be found (this explains why their bodies aren’t in the attic with grandma sawyer)

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6 months ago

Idk my brain said give Drala a daughter that looks kinda like her. It was supposed to look at Drala but it ended up not. So ummm here Dolly

Idk My Brain Said Give Drala A Daughter That Looks Kinda Like Her. It Was Supposed To Look At Drala But
Idk My Brain Said Give Drala A Daughter That Looks Kinda Like Her. It Was Supposed To Look At Drala But

She looks great that’s so nice of you to design her and it was really fun to draw her as well!😊😊😊

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