Site - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Love is in the air!

#SorryNotSorry for the cheesy blog title.

I am sorry for such a long time before updating. I already had the new design ready to go but something glitched with it. Either my coding skills have gone downhill or Tumlbr has got it out for me and won’t accept complex custom theme codes. Eh, I don’t know, but it’s frustrating not being able to use a custom design and then having to create a completely different one.

As you can already see, this design uses very similar coding as my previous design featuring Halsey. It’s pretty much the same base code with a few adjustments. I like this tabular design for its simplicity and functionality. It’s not fancy like the design I already had planned to use, but it still gets the job done. The next time I try to do a complex design, I guess I’ll have to pick it apart block by block to ensure Tumblr will accept it and not frustrate me with “I’m sorry. You can’t use this customized theme.” (That’s really a paraphrase, but you all understand what I mean.)

Because I couldn’t go with my original design, I decided to use this one featuring Rihanna. Considering that it’s February and it’s Black History Month, it’s fitting that I feature a person of color and roses. A bit clever, eh? I’ve also updated my affiliates list. Thanks for being so patient with me.

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4 years ago

At least, there’s a silver lining in all of this.

It seems COVID-19 has taken the entire world by storm in just a few months, but I refuse to let it control my life. Being at home and not really going out into the world is actually proving to be a good thing. I’ve more time to focus on personal goals, albeit it’s not by choice.

Last week was my Spring Break and I was able to spend three days at the beach before it was shut down and we (my gf and I) did practice social distancing. There were a few confirmed cases in the area and we weren’t going to take any chances.

On an unrelated not, enjoy this new theme to welcome in the new season. Spring is my favorite season of the year! It just sucks that it started off a little rocky. Anyway, this theme is quite different, I think, from what I usually put up. Tell me what you think. (Also, the buttons to the right are the navigation menu.)

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4 years ago

Life in this COVID-19 era...

is pretty interesting. I’m not going to lie.

I’m fortunate to still be employed and have a full-time job. I recently just accepted an opportunity and am employed as a lifeguard at a waterpark. (That’s all I’m disclosing, so become Sherlock Holmes and dig around for some clues if you want all the details.) It’s still unsettling the number of people who aren’t practicing social distancing or wearing face masks. I completely agree with health professionals who’ve already stated that we’re trying to “return to normal” way too fast. COVID-19 is still out there. It hasn’t gone anywhere. There already has been a second wave of cases soaring since we’ve begun to return to our lives before this global health pandemic.

I do my best to practice social distancing as much as possible while at work and I do have a mask that I wear when in close proximity to my coworkers (when I can). I even carry around personal hand sanitizers to keep myself protected.

People are so eager to jump back to normal life, so you bet that means that the weekends are the worst. It is heavily crowded, and no one seems to know what social distancing even means. We’ve marked spots in line that are six feet apart. We’ve grouped chairs and tables six feet apart. People just stand right behind each other while in line to go down a waterslide and they just move around the tables and chairs to their own preferred configuration. Ugh! 😑 It’s definitely a nightmare to deal with.

In other news, here’s a new layout. It’s dark...but still a summer theme. I hope you all like it. It’s been over two months since I’ve updated (or maybe just one?) I don’t really know. I’m losing track of the days and months.

Please be careful and safe out there, guys and girls. COVID-19 is still killing people and doctors are still racing the clock to find a cure for it. In the meantime, practice social distancing and wear a face mask! (It’s not that hard, seriously.)

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4 years ago

“I’m going away for a while, but’ll be back. Don’t try and follow me.” - Paramore

I’ve been quiet for over a month! Sorry! My offline life keeps me quite busy between a full-time job and teaching fitness classes every single day of the week. On top of that, the workplace drama with which I’ve to deal is quite arduous, so forgive me for not being too active here. (I’ve been quite active online on a different blogging site for business purposes.)

Life is still going well overall. I’m not letting the workplace drama get to met too much. I try to leave all that negativity at work with all my negative co-workers. I just need to make it through the summer, and then I’ll be able to bid farewell to the annoying kids at my job. (Sorry not sorry but I’m speaking straight facts about my co-workers, and I can write an entire series on the drama that they constantly keep alive.)

If anyone has noticed, I changed the design of my blog weeks ago. I don’t even remember the exact date, since I’ve just been busy here, busy there, and busy everywhere. I’m also submitting so many job applications on Indeed, and setting up interviews, and going through trainings of all kinds. Ugh! It’s a long process, and I don’t even have the time to divulge all the details to you. Just know that I’m busy in my personal life!

I don’t know when I’ll be back to update this site again, so just peruse what’s already here or take a detour to my deviantART gallery to see outlets of my creativity. Stay safe and well! Practice social distancing! Wear a mask! I’ll see you later, blogiverse.

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4 years ago update!

October is almost over and I’m finally getting around to updating this site. I hope you all like this new design. Kudos to Kaitlyn for her helpful tutorial & to Raven for the template.

I also have a new link exchange, Carla, who runs a decent icon archive!

Other unrelated news is that Life is still treating me well and keeping me busy as usual. The weather is changing and getting more chilly out there, so please keep taking care of yourself! The entire world is still in the midst of a health pandemic and we’re starting to enter the “flu season.” Stay healthy. Stay safe.

Thanks to all of you who keep visiting and staying in touch with me on here. Until the next time, see you!

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4 years ago

Just in time for Christmas?

Wow, it’s been almost 2 months since my last update and I’m sorry, y’all! Real life has kept me very busy, and I didn’t want to update this site. Last time I did an update was near Halloween and then I vanished. Thanksgiving came and left and Christmas is right around the corner, so enjoy this festive new design. Big thanks to Ana for the template! The icons and color scheme are original! Thank goodness I already had some holiday themed icons in my database. Thanks for the comments and visits although I disappeared for almost two months. If I’m not back before Christmas or the new year, then Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you inhabitants of the blogiverse! See you next time!

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4 years ago

A lame design! Eh, maybe?

I’m really late at updating this blog here, so don’t hold that against me. I’ve already admitted that. Honestly, I had a creative block and I tried to produce a great design anyway. I tried to make it feminine and about love since it’s February and Valentine’s Day occurs this month. Maybe I should’ve gone with a design celebrating Black History instead?! That might yield a better result. Anyway, I hope you like this new design that features Adele. This is also my first attempt at a blend of Adele.

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3 years ago

How’s this for a comeback?!

After almost two months, I’m back with an update! Shoutout to Meaghan, Kevin, and Meg for the resources I used in the header & to Claressa for the template. This has to be one of my favorite digital artwork pieces that I’ve made so far in all my years of graphic design. I’m quite proud of the outcome of this particular project. This was originally conceived as a cover photo for my Facebook profile, and I decided to use it here as well. Hope you like this design featuring Kehlani as much as I do - and it’s just in time for the Spring season that’s quickly approaching!

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3 years ago

Where has all the time gone?!

My last update was in March and then I disappeared. Well, I’ve been super busy with my new full-time job! That’s right. I started a full-time job in the first week of May and it’s almost mid-June. Life has been great! I’m actually enjoying this job very much and it’s something I’m really good at doing. (I’ve been doing it for 5 years already at an entry-level position.) I’m still ecstatic to have a managerial role and run an entire department on my own. The customers can definitely be a handful, but they’re not too uncontrollable. 🤪

Switching to the site updates, I’ve gone with a very simple table design. I don’t really have the time to do some very intricate and fancy theme with lines upon lines of code; furthermore, I’ve not had any “artistic breakthroughs” in some time, so I haven’t created any new headers or blends lately. Big shoutout to Rach who gifted me the current header for this layout. It’ll suffice ‘til my next update or artistic breakthrough. To my online friends: Thanks for continuing to visit this site even though I disappeared for 3 months. My offline life has been hectic in a good way, but I found this small portion of time just to write this blog post. Now, excuse me while I go back into an online hibernation. 🤣

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3 years ago

It’s been a long 3 months!

Without getting into too much detail, here’s what happened:

My girlfriend and I broke up amicably.

My full-time job has become even more busy.

I got involved in bodybuilding, my newest hobby.

The last time I updated this site was in June, September is almost over, and October is quickly approaching. I hope you enjoy this fall layout. Honestly, I don't know when I’ll update this again. Real life has kept me incredibly busy, so don’t expect any more updates soon.

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3 years ago

‘Tis the season! Right?

Good evening, everyone! I’m finally updating this blog with a new layout. I know it’s simple and plain and I’m okay with that. I’ve been AFK so long that I didn’t really create a new “wintery” theme, so I decided to just reuse a minimalistic theme from years ago. I decided to go with blue to represent winter and I hope you all like this design. Relatively soo, I should be able to take a break and actually update this blog more. The first thing on my to-do list when I’ve got more time is to revamp my affiliates and link exchanges. I also really want to create more deviations to upload to deviantART, so, hopefully, I’ll update that gallery as well. Until then, take care, blogiverse!

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2 years ago

Finally, I’ve updated this site.

Hello, blogiverse!

I had no idea that I would disappear for 6 months. So much has happened in real life, but, overall, everything is fine. I’ve been working - and working out - a lot and that has practically been my life. Recently, I’ve been trying to find more balance, so I’ve switched up my daily routine a few times.

Moving on to this site, I finally had a streak of “creative genius” if that’s what you want to call it. I saw some images of Halsey and decided to make another blend of her, and I must say this is way better than the first blend I made, which you can view on my deviantART. I hope to continue this streak of creative genius and produce more digital artwork ‘cause it’s been way too long. I’m thinking my next project will be a new Facebook cover, although I’m quite content with the last one I made featuring Kehlani.

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2 years ago

Finally, another update!

Hi, y’all.

Wow, Life has kept me so busy, but all is well.

I FINALLY found some time to update this site after four months of inactivity. I need to get back to graphic design, so I can keep pushing out great designs, but I just don’t feel that motivated anymore. I’m usually physically and mentally drained at the end of my day and I just want to sleep. 🤣

Anyway, enjoy this dark theme featuring Miley Cyrus that I made just in time for this Halloween season (though I’ve NEVER celebrated it). I don’t know when I’ll update again, but thanks for visiting and leaving me comments. 😘

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2 years ago

Some life updates

Hi, everyone! I know it’s been such a LONG time since I last updated. Real life is no joke.

Here are some highlights:

I moved into my own place (Jan. 2-3, 2023).

I joined 2 dance crews (back in Nov. 2022).

I’m still involved in bodybuilding.

I’m still studying to become a certified personal trainer.

I moved up into management at my job (back in Aug. 2022).

I’m also teaching fitness classes at this job.

As you can see, I’m juggling so many things right now, so I’ve not had much time for “creative” projects; thus, this new layout is really simple and nothing fancy. I think an update was majorly overdue as I still had a design that I put up near Halloween of last year. I hope you all enjoy this new design, ‘cause it’s staying for some months. I really hope to get back to creative projects, but I don’t know what the future holds; therefore, pop on over to my deviantART profile to see what creative projects I’ve already made.

I hope you’re all well!

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1 year ago

Life has been a whirlwind!

From a series of unfortunate events to mental and emotional rollercoasters, from my full-time employment becoming significantly more challenging to sleep deprivation, from increased stress to lackluster workouts...Life has been a whirlwind!

No worries, though! Overall, all is well. I’m learning to take more and better care of myself. I’m learning to rest! Once I’ve done the best work I can do in the time I have allotted to do said work, what else is there to do?! I’ve been constantly on the grind so much that I’ve neglected myself and doing what I love.

This is a perfect segue to this site. After more than 2 months of inactivity, I’ve finally updated. Yes, it’s another simple design! Yes, I’m completely fine with that. I’ve coded some complex designs in the past, so now I’m going with simple and minimalistic designs that don’t require hundreds of lines of codes. If you’re experienced with front-end web development, then you understand what I mean. If not, then consider yourself lucky! 🤪 Front-end web development can be quite complicated.

Anyway, I chose to use this design of The Weeknd because of its dark nature and it perfectly describes how dark Life has been lately; furthermore, I just like dark themes. I’ve chose light and colorful themes before but I prefer the dark ones when I’m looking for a new blog design. Weird, huh? The coding itself is a style I haven’t used since my early Piczo days. (Those of you who have been around for a long time know all about Piczo and Freewebs and how they were the “” way back in the day.) Sometimes, it’s good to return to something so basic and simple; thus, why not bring in those days of nostalgia when I first dabbled in web development and graphic design? Thank God that I’m way better at it now than when I started, but all I had was MS Paint as my design program, so what did you expect? 🤣 I graduated from that to PS CS2, to PSP9, and eventually to GIMP. You can see part of my “evolution” in graphic design by browsing through my deviantART profile. I hope to upload more soon. I just have to find the inspiration for a new project.

That’s all I got for now, so see ya!

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1 year ago

Voila! I’m back!

After 3 months (and a day), I’ve updated again!

For those people wondering, all is well. Life has kept me really busy, but I have found moments here and there to HAVE FUN and live life, to be fully present in the moment, to relax and chill, to spend time with my family and friends, to spend time alone and enjoy my solitude...and it’s been very rewarding and cathartic.

At the current moment, I’ve to work remotely due to an unfortunate circumstance (per doctor’s orders), but I’ve made lemonade out of lemons and have actually been very productive today. I’ve gotten a lot of admin work done at home and I’ve also gotten much needed housework done. The day isn’t even over yet! I’m so proud of myself and I shall continue this productive streak tomorrow as well. It’s been a great mental and emotional break from work, though. Ngl about that! 🤣

Big shout out to Pim for inspiring this new design. She made some incredible headers and I just had to use one of them. What you see now is actually my second choice as the first header I wanted to use just didn’t work too well with the template; however, I enjoy this version better! If you’re looking to update and need a new header, go check out Pim’s designs.

Lastly, I’m looking for some new affiliates as I’m now down to two from the six I’ve had for a while. If you’d like to be added, just let me know. I’m not too selective about who I choose, but I will check out your site before I add you. If you decide you only want to exchange links, I’m happy to add you there instead.

Until next time, blogiverse!

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8 months ago

(Almost) 3 months later

...and another update occurs, haha.

Well, here are some updates that have occurred in that timeframe (in no particular order):

Started a new job in Retail Management

Started online dating

Switched up my workout routine

Planned multiple summer adventures

As always, Life has been a crazy and adventurous rollercoaster ride, but I've been enjoying - or learning to enjoy - it for the most part. I've learned so much along the way and grown in the process.

This is partly why I "abandoned" this little online space for almost 3 months, but I had just a little free time to come back and update the appearance, with Lucien's help.

Sorry, y'all, I don't have some really long update. Just know that I'm doing well in my offline life and I'm still being creative here and there. 😉

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One Of The Lovely Side Streets In Manarola, Liguria, Italy

One of the lovely side streets in Manarola, Liguria, Italy

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1 year ago

Sri Harmandir Sahib Clock Tower in Amritsar, India

Sri Harmandir Sahib Clock Tower In Amritsar, India

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1 year ago
German-Style Mushroom SauceThis German-style Sauce, Which Combines Mushrooms, Onions, Bacon, And Sour

German-Style Mushroom Sauce This German-style sauce, which combines mushrooms, onions, bacon, and sour cream, adds much-needed zing to any dish with fried pork.

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