128 posts
Love Is In The Air!
Love is in the air!
#SorryNotSorry for the cheesy blog title.
I am sorry for such a long time before updating. I already had the new design ready to go but something glitched with it. Either my coding skills have gone downhill or Tumlbr has got it out for me and won’t accept complex custom theme codes. Eh, I don’t know, but it’s frustrating not being able to use a custom design and then having to create a completely different one.
As you can already see, this design uses very similar coding as my previous design featuring Halsey. It’s pretty much the same base code with a few adjustments. I like this tabular design for its simplicity and functionality. It’s not fancy like the design I already had planned to use, but it still gets the job done. The next time I try to do a complex design, I guess I’ll have to pick it apart block by block to ensure Tumblr will accept it and not frustrate me with “I’m sorry. You can’t use this customized theme.” (That’s really a paraphrase, but you all understand what I mean.)
Because I couldn’t go with my original design, I decided to use this one featuring Rihanna. Considering that it’s February and it’s Black History Month, it’s fitting that I feature a person of color and roses. A bit clever, eh? I’ve also updated my affiliates list. Thanks for being so patient with me.
More Posts from Numbersofthesky
1. I know this new layout is not reminiscent of summer. Sorry! I just didn’t get any inspiration to do a summer design, so here’s a pastel one.
2. I’m not really a fan of Doctor Who. I barely made it through one episode. I’m not saying that I dislike the series. I just haven’t really watched it, yet I decided to use the Tardis from Doctor Who as my next design. Go figure.
3. I’m running out of things to write about on this blog. I usually write about my life or this site, but I’m getting quite bored of that routine. Any suggestions on future blog topics? If not, cool beans.
A good heart, is the sun and the moon; or, rather, the sun, and not the moon; for it shines bright and never changes, but keeps his course truly.
William Shakespeare, Henry V
Yo! I’m still here.
Long time no post, eh?!
Forgive me! Life has been busy. I can’t even give all the details about what happened during the summer ‘cause there’s just way too much to mention in a blog post. (And this is a blog post, right? It’s definitely not a short story, hahaha.)
Hope you all like this new design. Thanks to Kevin, Amanda, and Kayla for the resources.
I will bring back the graphic challenges soon. I just have to do some things behind the scenes first.
Some Issues
Somehow, I can’t use any custom Tumblr themes on this blog anymore, so I’m stuck with using a regular Tumblr theme for the blog but a custom theme for the pages.
I don’t really know how to fix this issue and I’ve got to do some research to figure out how to fix the issue. Until then, enjoy this interesting Tumblr theme.
Affiliates, please don’t delete me. You’re still listed on here.
I promise you that I’m not dead!
Haha, did that get your attention?! Good!
I’ve been really busy with work and things in my personal life, so forgive me if I’m not online too much. Everything is good in life and I’m just doing what I do best.
Just stopping by to say, Hey! There’s a new look for NotS. Check it out! Alright, I said it. I’m out. Au revoir.