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A-Z Alphabet: Michael Myers

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Much like a tamed cougar, Michael isn’t quite domesticated. (Around others, he’s downright lethal.) With you, however, he shows a begrudging, unpracticed warmth.
After making love, he’ll silently rise and leave. The first time he did this, you’d been heartbroken. He’s…just going to leave? Just like that? No sooner than your heart began to ache did he return–still gloriously naked–with a washcloth. If you’re unable to walk afterward (which is absolutely possible), he’d be surprisingly understanding. Simply put, prepare to be carried.
And yes, being carried bridal-style by Michael Myers is as amazing as it sounds. Cuddle against him, listen to his relaxed breaths. While he’s an object of terror to most; for you, he’s simply warm, strong, and deliciously protective.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part and also their partner’s)
What are you most insecure about? Your arms, stomach? Thighs, skin? Whatever you dislike the most, he’ll cherish–seeing its symbolic meaning. For imagination’s sake, let’s use stretch marks. Whenever you’re sitting together, watching a movie on Netflix, he’ll absently trace the soft zig-zags with the pads of his fingers. Soon, you’d forget why you were insecure about them in the first place.
Your favorite part of his body is his face–specifically his eyes. Michael is a difficult man to read. It’s not you–he’s simply spent his formative years being analyzed by trained professionals. If he learned to fool them, he can fool anyone. (Most of the time, he’s doing it subconsciously.) That being said, you’re likely the only person in the world that can touch–let alone see–his face and survive.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically…I’m a disgusting person)
Inside you. Michael’s an animalistic man. He wants to know that you’ll be feeling his cum slipping out of you—a clear sign to the world that you’re his. You’re already claimed and mated; thoroughly fucked by your male. (Remember, Michael is one of the more possessive slashers.)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Praise. While he’ll deny it, Michael loves it when you praise him in bed. Knowing that he can make you come undone with his body is deeply satisfying for the man. If you’re shy, don’t worry. Being highly observant, he’ll take your moans as praise, as well.
Plus he loves watching you beg him to fuck you harder, knowing you’re at his mercy.
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Slashers’ Reaction to Being Interrupted During Sex
(Warning: NSFW)
‘Coitus interruptus’ in the literal sense…
Jason Voorhees
Cause of Interruptus: Trespassers.
The exact opposite of saved by the bell. Whoever dared to trespass on his land at such an inopportune time should expect a brutal death.
He’ll freeze, looking to the line of bells. “Nooooo,” you’d groan. “Jason, please, I beg of you. Just–ignore it!” Trying to pull his face back around for another kiss would prove ineffective. Just as he’s about to relent the bell would ring again. Dammit! Unfortunately, Jason has a strong sense of duty. He’d pull away, quickly tugging on a pair of pants before stomping into his boots. Just before he leaves, he’d snatch the blanket from the foot of the bed and tuck it around you. After assuring himself you’re comfortable, he’d give you a gentle kiss on the forehead. Stay there, love, he’ll be right back.
5-10 Minutes Later… Yeah, he wouldn’t play around. Those campers? Dead. And with that out of the way…
He’d leave a trail of clothing in his wake–ensuring he’s naked and ready to resume lovemaking upon his return. Going straight for your core, he’ll use his tongue to warm you back up. He won’t be satisfied until you’re on the edge, and frantically begging him to fuck you. (Note: Jason tends to be rougher after prolonged arousal…Tip or Warning, you decide)
Thomas Hewitt
Cause of Interruptus: “Thomas!”
He’ll groan–but not in the way you prefer. “Thomas? What’s wrong? Why’d you stop?” Hearing the others shouting for him, you’d give a heartbroken moan. “Nooo.” His head would fall to your shoulder in mutual frustration. They really couldn’t last five minutes without him, could they? Still, you are his top priority. After a moment, he’d resume his thrusts, digging in deeper. Maybe he can hurry you both along. His hand would immediately drop to your front, stimulating you.
He’d pin you with a sinful look, maintaining eye contact as he pounds into you. He wants to watch you come for him. You’d feel yourself winding tighter…tighter… God, how could his eyes make you want to come? They were your center, the only thing anchoring you.
“THOMAS! Get down here!” Sometimes, he’s able to send you over the edge, following quickly behind. Others…? With a purely masculine growl of annoyance, he’ll force himself away. “No, Thomas, come back!” He’ll pull on his pants, then whirl back around. Grasping your head, he’d give you a scorching kiss. This is not over. Needless to say, you’d be left with a dizzied look as he exits the room. *Plops back onto bed*
Five minutes later… You’d hear him stomping up the stairs. Upon seeing you curled under the massive quilt, he’d slowly start to unbutton his shirt. Thomas’ nothing if not an effective strip-tease. By the time he’s back in your arms, it’s like he never left.
Michael Myers
Cause of Interruptus: Intruders.
When Michael’s taking you fast and rough, you’re pretty much lost to the world. Meaning? He’s always the first to sense danger. Turning toward the noise, he’d slow his thrusts, distractedly grinding into you with a sinful curl of his hips. When you moan (which is inevitable), he’d shoot forward to cover your mouth. Shush! Honestly, (Y/N), there were people in the house!
This won’t stop your moan, however, as having all that finely-toned musculature against your very willing self is what dreams are made of–at least, yours are. He’d neither lift his hand nor end his thrusts. By the point of orgasm, you’d be deliriously groaning into his hand, writhing as much as possible in askance for more.
Once finished, he’d need a moment to catch his breath. (This is your chance to smother him in kisses, stroke his hair, etc.) After he finally stops shaking, Michael would stand and silently leave the room. As screams fill the air, you’d remain in place, wearing a goofy well-pleasured smile. (Oh, and be able to feel his cum oozing out of you…Cause you know such a sight always makes him want another round.)
Brahms Heelshire
Cause of Interruptus: Don’t know don’t care.
No, no, no, no, no! You’re not stopping–he won’t allow it. The moment you still, he’d simply grip your ass, moving you along his length as he thrusts into you from below. “Brahms!” you’d say, nearly falling against his chest, “I-I have to pay for the groceries!” See this is why he’d wanted to just leave a check out.
Still, the thought of being caught? Let them find you, he doesn’t care. The feel of you wrapped around his cock is too good. He can’t pull away now! At least this way, that damned grocery boy would finally get the message and stop his infuriating attempts to flirt. Actually…the more he thinks about it, the better his idea sounds.
Tensing with determination, he’d flip you over. “Brahms? What–!” Cue the harsh sound of skin slapping skin. It’ll echo through the mansion–as will your involuntary moans. Say his name, (Y/N), his! Tell that boy who you belong to. Brahms is very skilled with his voice. He’ll use it to growl the dirtiest filth in your ear, telling you exactly how it feels inside your tight heat.
Their sex face…
Jason Voorhees: Heavy-lidded eyes train on your every movement. Oh god…what are you doing to him? He’ll try to be a good boy, he really will–letting you take what you need–but sometimes he can’t help but thrust against you.
Thomas Hewitt: Those eyes. He doesn’t need to speak; you know exactly what he’s feeling. When he starts getting closer, his brows will furrow into a pained expression. God, it feels too good.
Michael Myers: Jaw clenched because he’s trying to stay silent. He tends to hold his breath during sex, resulting in sexy growls and huffs. Pretty sweaty, but it just makes his muscles gleam in the moonlight.
Brahms Heelshire: Eyes rolled back in his head, he gives zero f*cks about his expression. You just feel so good. Can he stay inside you forever? He doesn’t mind carrying you around!
So a while ago you made headcanons about kitty-slasher (which were super adorable) and recently I was thinking... what would Yautja (is that spelled right?) be like as cats? I imagine they would be the like my cousin's cat; always getting into fights outside the house but extremely cuddly and loveable inside the house. What do you think?
I agree. Yautja already share many behavioral traits with felines. After all, they love to hunt and purr; their society is also centered around strength and survival.
Yautja as a Cat…
● Hierarchy of strength. The alpha gets the best spots–that’s just how it goes. Of course, there are always your other cats trying to test the boundaries. Simply put, your lil’ mate is probably kicking butt on a daily basis. Did another cat lay in their spot? *Sniff sniff, opens jaw* Uh-oh, someone’s getting paw-slapped.
Note: Being a master tactician, they won’t attack right away. Instead, they’ll lull your other cat into a false sense of security before exacting justice.
● Really weird gifts. A dead bird? But of course! Your cat is a master of the hunt–unparalleled in their cunning and stealth. Chest lifted in pride, you’ll get to see some extra smug strutting. I see you’ve found my gift, (Y/N). Indeed, you’re in the presence of the ultimate bringer of death.
● Super Tough but Secretly Snuggly. Oh, you know your lil’ mate would purr just for you. Fresh from a fight (which you may or may not have broken up), they’ll prance on inside, hopping onto your lap for snuggles.
● Protective. Are you carrying them upstairs? If anyone–human or cat–threatens you, prepare for low growls. Translation: Don’t even think about messing with us!
● Lots of scars. Anyone who looks at your cat is immediately intimidated. Lumber across the room like a miniature puma, their energy screams ‘badass’.
How they act on catnip…
Run away! Eyes as round as saucers, your yautja will attack anything that moves. *Looks at inanimate object* IT MOVED!!! *Launches self at the soon-to-be-destroyed item*
Cloaking practice. “Yautja, I can see you!” No, yautja is hidden–invisible to ooman detection. Yautja is master of hiding. Poke their exposed lower half and enjoy the chaotic death rolls.
Their favorite toy…
Ping pong balls. After all, your little destroyer needs a challenge–something that won’t just submit to death. *Bats ball with paw* Where are you going? You cannot escape your doom!
Their favorite place to sleep…
On your bed. After the introduction of a heated blanket, it’d be their spot. Habitually kneading their claws into the soft fabric, it would quickly become a mess of random tufts.
In trees. Your fluffy tyrant is a skilled climber. “You want outside?” Once you open the door, they’ll make a bee-line for their tree. (Note: They have a specific branch. If any feline uses it, your cat will chase them off.)
Sleep sensitivity…
It depends on the location. In your room with the door closed? They’ll be dead to the world. In a tree? Sleep-balancing. Honestly, they’re a little ninja.
What bothers them…
PDA. Are you outside? No, get away from me! Don’t let the other cats see us together! What if they lost respect for your cat? What if they stopped fearing the claws? The harder you try, the faster your cat will be to dart away. Turn to them? *Leaves* “I was looking for the other cat!”
Level of Clinginess…
Words aren’t needed. You have a silent understanding. While your cat isn’t lap-cat friendly, they’re loyal to you and you alone. Whenever you’re in private, that’s when the snuggling occurs. They also only listen to you. Simply put, your cat is a wild animal that cannot be tamed–unless they hear your voice. Puuuuuuurrrrr.
How they beg for food…
There will be no begging. Your yautja is a master of survival. Food? You mean their prey? Of course, they’d be more than willing to accept treats. But begging? No. They’re just too mighty for that.