Slice Of Something - Tumblr Posts
A little something I'm working on latley...
...."Oh please, don't tell me you don't have a nickname you only call me by when I'm out of earshot", Baizhu remarked teasingly. You answered, mocking his teasing tone of voice"Yes, I do. But as you mentioned, you won't get to hear it." Venomous Boss Bitch Gui slapped a hand over his mouth to keep from groaning in horror. You had just talked back to his master without even batting an eye. He didn't even want to imagine what kind of punishment Baizhu would impose. The doctor, however, even smiled in amusement. You leaned on the counter opposite him and flirtatiously stuck your butt out in the direction of the entrance: "I also know that you only call me 'lotus' because blue lotus is a strong aphrodisiac and my butt brings you the customers where your silver tongue and pretty looks aren't enough. Because let's face it, what you have in brains, you just lack in other areas." You nodded your chin in the direction of his rather flat buttocks. Changsheng's mouth was now open in shock as well, and she looked alternately at Baizhu and then at you. The doctor folded his fan with a quick movement and placed it under your chin tilting it up. "You're absolutely right. Your ass is far more profitable than your loose tongue. Who knows maybe I'll ask at the Pearl Galley if they have any use for you." That was the moment Gui silently took off to...well, clear the field before something blew up. When the all-around eloquent and patient apothecary became blunt, it was best to avoid the situation before getting dragged in. "I doubt that's part of our contract. Actually I think that might be illegal."...