Smiling Critters My Oc - Tumblr Posts

My oc in Smiling Critters

My Wolfy Translator Style in Gacha life 2 ^^

Wolfy Translator <3
@anyone who wants

I will make big changes to this character. First change: His name is Goofy Wolfy now, not Wolfy Translator
Attention loud sound!
⬇Character Picture⬇

Three of my new characters for Smiling critters ^^
I want to add one or two more, but so far I only have a design for one TvT
Templet by @localgremlinenthusiest

Name: GoofyWolfy
Aliases: Goofy, Goof, Wolfy, Wolfie, Smiley, Clumsy Wolf, Smile Wolf
Gender: Male
Personality: Funny, clumsy, playful, joking, shy
Voice ⤵
[warning loud sound!]
Relationship chart
Templet from @valentinbelleyh505

♥️-Bobby and Goofy are friends, but the reason Goofy treats Bobby neutrally is because Bobby can give too much affection, which Goofy doesn't really like

☀️-DogDay and Goofy are best friends. They both love fun and laughter. Ready to help each other and cheer each other up. Even despite Goofy's clumsiness and DogDay's hyperactivity, this does not prevent them from being friends

⭐-Kickin and Goofy are best friends. They both like to joke with each other and prank each other. Sometimes Goofy is afraid to do some extreme things with Kickin, because he is afraid of embarrassing himself in front of him, but Kickin always accepts him for who he is, and this does not prevent him from being friends with Goofy

⚡-Hoppy and Goofy are friends, but Goofy sometimes treats her neutrally only because of Hoppy's energy and speed. Sometimes Goofy just can't keep up with her and sometimes gets tired of her fast pace, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable or awkward next to her

🌈-CraftyCorn and Goofy are friends, but sometimes they treat each other neutrally and cautiously, since they are both shy personalities and both are afraid to do something wrong to each other

💡-Bubba and Goofy treat each other neutrally, as they communicate very little with each other. Goofy is also a little uncomfortable around him, as he is the brain of the gang, while Bubba is sometimes annoyed by Goofy's stupidity, but does not show it. They are not enemies, but they are not friends either, but sometimes they can help each other when they need it

🌙-CatNap and Goofy are friends, but CatNap treats Goofy neutrally, as he does not often communicate with him because of his quiet nature. But Goofy doesn't mind CatNap's taciturnity and is willing to be quiet so as not to disturb him

🍎-Picky and Goofy treat each other neutrally, as both very rarely talk to each other. Both are also worried about each other's condition, since Picky eats a lot, and Goofy eats very little and Picky says that he should eat more, while Goofy does not like when someone worries so much about it, but also does not like someone promises, so he says that he's not hungry, although sometimes he can lie

That's all for now TvT
(I'm sorry if there haven't been any posts for so long, it's just that I've been working on this for a very long time T-T)

I've almost finished the funkids smiling critters sheet, I have a few more left. So I'm going to finish painting "^^

I don't have much more left... I wonder who will be chosen this time "TvT