Smut Min Yoongi - Tumblr Posts
The beauty in the secret, KNJ♡ (+18)

SUMMARY: Namjoon and Lessy are a cute little couple, but he's an idol and she's a writer, so they decide to keep the relationship as a secret. There's a lot of love, support and fun in their relationship 7u7
COUPLE: Namjoon and Alessandra (AKA Lessy).
WARNINGS: Tons of dirty talk, soft dom! Nam, daddy kink, rough sex, fingering, oral sex (f to m and m to f), someone's tied up, praise kink... and I think that's all hehe.
NOTE: This is my first EVER shot, so let me know if its cool haha. I wrote this while listening to Strange Love by HALSEY.
Hope you like it, prepare for this gorgeous Namjoon ❤
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They say he walks like a God, and I have to give them credit for that. Since the day I met him I have thought he really is some kind of centre, starting with the things he does, to what he says, how he looks and how he acts.
That night I was a complete mess, I was just starting to get people to recognize what I have written and I was about to puke because of the anxiety, I remember it like it had happened yesterday.
My manager, Charlie, told me about a super famous band being here and I was excited because they were performing. Everybody was so energic about the presentation and I was too thanks to my endless curiosity, and when they entered the room I knew why was everyone so excited about it, everyone was paying attention to every move the seven men made, they all looked so powerful, so unreachable, so ethereal and every soul in there was seeing blind because of them.
It was BTS, freaking BTS... Unbelievable. Now I for sure will puke at any moment.
Charlie managed to get me near them, even though I was so nervous about it, and our little fight ended right when one of the guys recognized me.
"Hey! You are the '12 planets' author, right?" I think he's Hoseok, I kinda blushed and nod with a shy smile, I have to get used to this kind of approaches, ans I gotta wash away all of my insecurities, the sooner the better.
"Hi! Yes, I am" my smile is kind and open, he imitates my gesture and the rest of men look over to catch who one of their members is greeting.
"I am in love with your book, is brilliant, I have read it like three times so far" his smile is wider and my blush is more agressive thanks to his kind words. He reaches out his hand and introduces himself "sorry, I forgot, I'm Jung Hoseok or J-Hope, how it suits you better"
I let out a little laugh while we shake hands, so I wasn't wrong about who he was "so nice to meet you, Hoseok, I'm Alessandra, please call me Lessy" he also lets out a little laugh. The rest of the men decide to come closer with curiosity, Hoseok turns around to properly introduce me to the band and all of them open up their eyes in acknowledgement, start by saying that Hobi doesn't shut up about the book and has made every single member read it, they say is amazing and I can't help but feel my cheeks so hot because of this shitty shyness within me.
We start a really cool conversation between the eight of us, the members are so cute, different and interesting. I already feel curious about writing characters based upon them, so particular.
When I was on my way to the stairs so I could get back my coat, my heel got stuck in the rug and I was about to fall but he acted quickly and held me. We looked into each other's eyes and his reminded me of a dragon's eyes so much that a shiver ran down my whole body. His smile was so pretty and genuine that made me melt, I started stuttering nervous and he helped me without hesitation, he always have shown himself as a VERY patient person and I have always been so thankful for that, 'cause I tend to be slow and kinda clumpsy.
That night we connected so well that we exchanged numbers and while the time passed we became closer, even though we lived half the world away from each other. That thought makes my heart warm every time it goes through my mind.
Now, he has me drooling over every little thing he is and I am glad I caught his attention that night, because that lead us to right now, with him staring at me intensely across the whole room. I don't know what exactly I am doing here, but I was invited to the elegant party, every corner I full of people, the important kind, and I'm just bearly a recognized writer whom has two stories published. One year has passed since we started a relationship and I couldn't be happier, in spite of the distance and all of the obligations surrounding us, we have made it so far and we both are so proud of this.
Is the first time we both are in the same room in three months, and I find myself a little too anxious about it. Maybe is the way his gaze is constantly on me, how his powerful stare makes me want to run to him and kiss him until I'm completely out of breath, how his presence makes me weak and melt at every little thing he does.
I'm hopelessly in love with him, and that is completely terrifying.
"Lessy! How are you, baby?" I turn to my right to see Seokjin and Yoongi approaching, the first with a wide smile and the second a little calmer. I hug them, I've missed them so much, "long time no see, little one, huh?" Yoongi says when I'm in front of both.
"Yeah! I've missed you so much! The videocalls haven't been enough" I say so cheerful and excited to have them here, "where are the others?" The question is full of curiosity.
"Jimin, Tae and Hobi are dancing and Jungkook is somewhere near here" says Seokjin before making a pause and put on a wicked smile "and Namjoon is talking, like the leader he is- God bless his heart-, with some shareholders or something, he's a busy man, haven't you two talked yet?" he waves his eyebrows and I let out a laugh.
"You're so stupid sometimes, oppa" I say just to annoy him, they don't like it when I call them that. Seokjin rolls his eyes and Yoongi laughs and reaches out to bump his fist and mine, " I haven't gotten the chance to get close to him, I will find a way soon".
"Don't call me that, you silly little girl, but what I recommend you is that you approach where he is, maybe you could succeed on getting him out of that he'll circle, you know?" The eldest says with a light smile on his lips and Yoongi nods agreeing with his hyung.
"You two have a lot of things to catch up on, would be wise if you get advantage of the time you spend in here" speaks Yoongi with his characteristic low voice tone. I nod, that's true, I need to be with my man, talk to him and just be near him.
"Yeah, well, wish me luck, babes..." I say before let them behind and starting to walk to the spot I saw him the last time.
I get distracted with looking around, because Namjoon isn't where I saw him... damn. I keep myself straight so I can see the room clearer, but I'm interrumped by a pair of hands on my waist, I let out a freaked out squeak and turn around to be greeted by Jimin's smile.
"You scared the hell out of me! You dork!" I scold him while he laughs and lets go of my waist.
"Hello to you too, Lessy" he says getting his composure back, at his right side are Tae and Hobi who also stopped laughing already and look at me with wide smiles. We talk in a light mood and they tell me that they will be on a break after tonight, the will be free for three days and I find that amazing, they totally deserve to take a break and take care of themselves.
"Have you seen Namjoon?" I ask and I get suggestive stares that make me let out a neevous laugh.
"Oh, so eager, sweetheart" Tae mocks me and I just growl and roll my eyes, but what is impossible for me to do is hold back the blush on my cheeks. The three of them laugh and repeat that we're so cute and shit like that.
"We saw him going to the dinning room, maybe he's still there" answers Hobi and I nod, looking for the door that leads to the dinning room, "well, you should go now, 'cause you really look desperate, darling" they really love to mock me and play with me, but is something that goes for all of us, the eight of us.
"Haha, so funny, well yeah, I gotta go, idiots, see you later" I say looking at them with a wicked smile.
I walk to the door and slide it, the room smells really good, I should eat some appetizers, that would be nice. I walk to the table and grab two, they are so delicious, I hum delighted with the taste of the food.
"Here you are!" Jungkook is on my left side, I turn and face him with a big smile "how are you, kitty?" He wraps me in a hug and I hug him back.
"Hi bun, you've been here all night?" He keeps the smile on his face and shrugs.
"Not really, I have been going from room to room, you know..." he has changed a lot physically, but none a bit on his essence and that's simply wonderful, he keeps being this kind and tender guy how eats and plays around a lot.
"That's great, so haven't gotten bored, that's a goal for you" I say playfully and before he responds, he's lightly pushed towards me, so I move backwards, bumping into someone. I instantly turn around to apologize "I'm so sorry, it was an accident..." and I am greeted by dragon eyes. DAMN.
"Sorry, hyung, I was pushed" Jungkook talks behind me, but everything has just slowed down, I can't get my stare out of Namjoon's.
"Don't worry, Jungkook-ie, I'm aware, don't worry" his voice is deep and it sounds WAY better in person than in a call, I hold back a shiver and start looking at him, eyes roaming around his face, his earrings, his neck, broad shoulders -broader than last time I saw him-, the black suit he's wearing... DAMN. It's hot in here. We don't say a thing while we get the details of each other's appearance.
"Oooooookay... see you later kitty, see you later hyung" Jungkook sounds so far, but I manage to nod towards him and wave him goodbye, Namjoon nods and gives him a beautiful smile before going back to me.
"Lessy, I'm so glad you're here, you look completely stunning, my love, are you having fun?" His voice still deep as the ocean but it has a hint of tension and nervousness in it.
"Yeah, everything's just cool, I bumped into all the guys before and we talked a little... I was looking for you, actually" I confess with flushed cheeks and his smile grows wider, giving him a satisfied look. Oh my God, he's so fucking gorgeous.
"That's nice, Lessy, I have been looking for you too" his smile becomes kinda dangerous and damn, it's early to get wet but I can't help it, he bends a little so his mouth is just aside my ear and whispers "I've missed you so fucking much, babygirl"
Aaaaaaaaaaaand, if I wasn't wet already, I am now, for sure. A shiver attacks me and I let out a tiny, tiny whimper that he OBVIOUSLY heard. He laughs a little before getting straight again and look at me with satisfaction and love.
"I mean... I-I have missed you a lot too, it has been a long time..." I stumble on my words, making him exhale a light laugh.
"Yeah, almost three months, love" his voice tone is careful and low, we need to keep the appearances in public, but we are just so eager to get upon each other that focusing on anything else seems almost impossible. I take a deep breath and oblige myself to get the composure back like a professional.
"It has felt like an eternity, but I'm happy to see you here" I give him a genuine smile, which is imitated by him. The tension, I COULD CUT THE FUCKING SEXUAL TENSION IN HERE. We don't start a hug, it could be dangerous considering our anxiousness.
"Yeah, you know, I only have to talk to a couple of men tonight and then I will be free for three days, are you staying here for a while? Because if you are, we could hang out..." sounds so friendly, so innocent, he is so good at being discreet that I almost believe we really are going to hang out with a friendly scenery.
"Yeah, actually I told Charlie that I wanted to stay here for a couple of days because I don't have meetings and events until next week, which is fabulous, I'll talk to her so she'll know we're staying for three more days" I flash an anxious smile and Namjoon looks pleased, more than pleased with the resolution.
"I'm looking forward to spend time with you, I have things I'm dying to show you, darling, you will stay in my apartment, right?" His voice is somehow deeper, he's turning on, and either I.
"If that's what you want..." I respond playfully.
"Of course I want that, I always want you with me, baby" smiles easily and looks behind me, changing his smile to his polite face, "I need to go, but I will let you know when we are going, yeah? I promise it won't be long".
I nod with a smile and wish him luck, he waves goodbye. I let out a heavy sigh and turn back to the appetizers' table. I should go back to the ball room, Charlie would be there. I walk with no rush at all and I see more people than before in there. I start looking for my manager, the change of plans will make her happy, because she and Seokjin have been fooling around each other for some time now, so staying here will allow her to spend quality time with her fling.
I find her exactly how I imagined: laughing her lungs out with Seokjin. They're both sitting on a table with the other guys, but they are in their own bubble while the others talk between them. They greet me when they see me approaching.
"Charlie, is it possible to change the tickets? We can spend the next three days here in the city, right?" I talk to her when I sit down near from where she is. Charlie blinks twice, processing the info I just gave her.
"Uh, I guess I could do something, why?" She looks at me very, very confused.
"Because we have a three-day break, sweetheart" Seokjin answers before me and I instantly nod, making him laugh "Namjoon wants to be at his apartment with Lessy, so that leaves us with a clear agenda to do whatever we want to do, honey" his words are confident and he is naturally shameless and cheeky, Charlie's cheeks are rosy while she understands the whole concept, I just keep smiling at my place.
"Oh... I get it... right... y-yeah, I'll change the tickets tomorrow morning..." Charlie talks and I start feeling how my body trembles with anticipation, this is gonna be just great.
"Thank you so much, I will leave with him, okay?" I ask her and she nods speechless.
"Damn, Lessy, you have become more shameless, what happened with the shy little girl how was so freaking secretive?" A simple smile is in her face while she looks at me.
"I guess she met someone who taught her to be free and more honest with herself..." I confess, forgetting for a moment the people who surround us, the next thing I'm aware of are the endless jokes that this bunch of apes say out loud about me being cheesy and sweet and other things, but I couldn't care less. I join them in a playful tone and we continue to pass an amazing time.
Yoongi and I are defending the importance of the cruelest villains in stories, while the others argue that they are gonna die either way so they aren't that important. I am truly offended, they are apes. I am gonna talk back to something Tae said but a pair of hands resting on my shoulders scare me.
"Jesus" I say breathless turning to see Namjoon's smile. The butterflies start flying in my belly and I smile back like a fool.
"Well hyungs, guys, I'm done for tonight, I hope you have a great break, see you in the studio in four days, if you need anything you can call me... only if it's really important, if it isn't please call Yoongi hyung, yeah?" Namjoon nearly begs and the guys laugh at it while nod. We both say our goodbyes and go out of the room. "Listen, we're gonna get out for the kitchen door, is more private and we'll be like shadows, Tony will take us to my apartment and then he will be back here for the rest".
"Let's go, then" his smile is bright and Namjoon starts guiding me. We get out with no major problems and in the most discreet way. We climb into the SUV greeting Tony and in no more than twenty minutes we are in the parking lot of the apartment's building.
We get on the lift going to the penthouse, these eager thoughts run wilder, my fingers tickle with need of touching him. I fidget on my place, but Namjoon's embrace grows tighter not letting me get away from him. I chuckle a little and breathe deeply. The lift finally stops and the doors open, we only walk a few meters and enter the apartment.
Once we are completely alone I sigh with relief, he turns my body to face me and not wasting time he starts kissing me, we both moan desperately. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to kiss you... since you arrived you stole mi breath, you look so fucking gorgeous in lilac, I couldn't stop looking at you, I couldn't stop thinking about the ways this dress would be taken off, how I was gonna make you whine and scream my name..."
I let out a soft moan and he chuckles.
"I know you fucking love when I talk dirty, right babygirl? You fucking love when I play with you, when I reward you and when I punish you, don't you, my love?" I nod and he grabs my hips hard getting me closer to his body "how about you show daddy how good his babygirl can be? Huh? Yeah, baby? You're gonna show daddy?" Namjoon kisses my neck nonstop and I can feel the weakness of my knees while I moan shortly and lowly.
"Yes daddy, I am so good, I've missed you so, so bad, I want to be good to you..." he lifts me up and takes us to his room, leans my back against the wall and runs his right hand through my neck pressing against it and obtaining another soft moan from me, I love rough sex.
"Oh my god, baby. You are so gorgeous, I can't believe you're truly here" he kisses my lips once again, everything is full of passion and desperation, we are so horny and happy right now, we are a complete mess. He takes off my dress, leaving me in my lacy baby blue underwear, his eyes are darker and more dangerous. Also takes off my high heels, kissing my ankles soflty before standing up. Namjoon takes off his shoes, socks, glasses, his dress pants and jacket. Rolls up his sleeves while staring at me. Grabs me by my waist and I jump so he can lift me again and take me to the bed. "Nam-" I try to start talking but I am silenced by his lips, his kisses and touches take me to another galaxy. I feel him moving over me, his lips go down between my breasts, he looks at me, his gaze is wild and drives me fucking crazy.
He strokes my skin, going through every single curve with adoration on his face, slowly takes off my bra and caresses my nipples and pinches them, making me arch my back against his touch. His tongue is on my left nipple and his hand is on my right one, we are moaning because of the satisfaction, but his moans are muffled. Namjoon leaves breasts so wet and shiny, I whimper and he smiles tracing his large fingers through my belly and arriving to my panties.
He arches an eyebrow waiting for my consent, I instantly nod but nothing happens "Come on, baby, I know you are very vocal in these games, you can do it better than that" he teases and I only answer a soft "yes, yes, I want you to do everything to me, please, Joon".
His smile returns to his face and descends to be near my pubic bone, I'm able to feel his breath over it and I am drowning into desperation, he knows how to push my buttons. Maintaining his stare on me, he takes off the panties the tracing accompanied with soft kisses all over my legs. Once the last piece that covered my body is out of the equation, he comes near between my thighs, spreads mouth-opened kisses on the insides of my thighs and I can't seem to stop whining his name over and over again.
Finally, after too much teasing and after realizing that I am about to lose my fucking mind, he touches my core so gently but I am so aware of every little touch that the stroking has me so wet and he notices it, "wow, you are so fucking wet, my love, all the waiting had made you got so wet that you are nearly soaking, and I haven't even started with you" oh, he sounds like he's bad news, I love that.
Namjoon enters his middle finger in me with such torturing slow moves that I'm about to scream at him, "Oh, baby, you're so fucking tight, it's been a very long time, I need to prep you thoroughly", I whimper "Please, Nam-, please baby, I want more, I need more..."
"Hm... so greedy, love, I fucking love when you are so desperate to cum, don't worry sweetheart, I'll make you cum so much and so many times that everyone in the building will learn my fucking name by the end of the night" and his finger moves faster and I let out a sigh of satisfaction, he cautiously enters a second one, earning a loud moan "That's it, babygirl, enjoy yourself, does it feel good? Is it what you were looking for?"
I nod and I feel how a third finger enters, "Huh, Joon, your fingers feel so good, you're so good with your fingers, I have missed them a lot..."
"Don't you have enough with yours, love?" He won't stop teasing me, it's his favorite part, I moan again and shake my head, holding back a very loud moan when I feel him start scissoring his fingers.
"No, baby, mine aren't enough, they are too little, I can't cum with my fingers by myself..." I confess and Namjoon fingers me even faster, a light scream of pleasure leaves my throat. His left hand reaches out to end up at my throat and he squeezes it a little, earning more moaning, I feel my eyes starting to fill with tears, "Nam, daddy, I am gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, I swear, it's too much, you're too much, it feels so good, darling, please let me cum"
"Hmmm... yes baby, beg for me to let you cum, beg, babygirl, beg for daddy" his voice is raspy and even deeper, I moan highly and I start begging, I'm so turned on, I'm so out of my mind, the only thing I'm thinking about is cumming, no matter what, "please, I really need to cum, please, can I cum? Let me cum, daddy, I am a good girl, please... please..." he goes faster, fingering me senseless, I can even hear how wet I am, "yes, baby, cum, cum all over me, all over the bed", after that words he puts the hand that was on my throat on my tummy, adding pressure and after a few moments, I start squirting all over him, I can't hold back, I complain and whine because of the overstimulation. Namjoon slurps and keeps eating me out, cleaning me out. My breathing is so unsteady that I can't even say a simple sentence. Then, the only sounds in the room are our heavy breathing and the soaking wet sounds of Namjoon's fingers when he takes them out of me, I sigh but I feel something is missing, I need his cock. He comes up to meet my eyes and strokes my hair lovingly.
"Are you alright, my love?" He waits patiently for my answer, I nod and close my eyes for a moment while I get to stable my breathing, "tell me when you're ready to continue, okay? There's no rush, we have all the time in the world" his infinite kindness and concern have me weak.
Only few moments later I get back to the game, staring at him with hunger, "I love you so much, thank you for this..." he hushes me with a soft kiss and pull me closer to his body, after we finished the kiss I talk with soft voice, "I really want to make you feel good, daddy, can I make you feel good?"
"Fuck yes, darling, do whatever you want to me, I'm completely yours, babygirl" we both smile and I get to straddle him, but he gently stops me, "Wait, my love, I need to keep you as open as possible for me, I have a new toy, do you want to know what is it?" The pure lust on his eyes blinds me, all I can do is nod and he stretches towards his nightstand, opens the top drawer and gets a plug, fairly big and kinda thick, going thinner by the bottom and ending with a diamond-like decoration. I shiver and nod, he chuckles and helps me to lie back in the bed, "okay, my love, I'm gonna enter our cute friend here, yeah?", he starts rubbing the tip of the toy through my folds, clit and my entrance, "yes, yes, please..."
Slowly he drives the toy inside my cunt, "look at this, your cunt is unbelievably gorgeous, you take the toy so fucking well, you're doing so good, darling, let's go deeper, shall we?" I gasp and nod, feeling how the toys fills me up, is kinda cold, but feels so good, "yes, deeper, Joon...", he does it until the last part gets stuck and the only part visible is the diamond-like decoration. I moan and Namjoon giggles, "so perfect, little one, so fucking perfect for me"
He lifts me up carefully so I am straddling him once again. I whimper, "I feel so full, Joon...", he strokes my hair and my cheeks with tenderness, "Take deep breaths, honey, I know you feel full baby, but you have to be prepared, you know I'm bigger than our friendly toy here. Are you ready to make me feel good? Do you still want to make me feel good?" He asks seriously while keeps caressing my body softly, "yeah, yes, I wanna do it, I wanna make you scream my name" I say breathlessly and he laughs nodding.
I move slowly, removing his tie, unbuttoning his shirt, taking it off, I start spreading kisses all over his face, neck, ears, I leave little bites too, making him groan and moan when I bite his neck particularly hard. I lick his throat and go down to his chest, flickering my tongue against his nipples and giving them little bites too, he gasps and grabs me by my hair to hold on, "Lessy, baby, hmmm... you're so good to me..."
I smile and keep licking and kissing down his abdomen, I hear his breathing going faster while I get to the hem of his boxers, I stop my moves to admire him as a whole, his flushed cheeks, his chest going up and down, his buldge on his black boxers, his dark dragon eyes so attentive to my every move, "take them off, sweetheart, make me feel so good, show me how good you can be"
I obey him and leave him completely naked, he's so fucking hard and so big, he's bigger than I remembered, damn, "get on your knees, babygirl, on the floor" he talks again and I can't help but shiver, I do as I'm told, keep my eyes on his while he smiled down at me, "come closer, do you like what you see? Huh, babygirl?" I nod and whine because the pressure inside me is harder in this position, "Lick it, darling, come on..."
And with that I start playing with his cock, "hmm... I really love your cock, Joanie, it's so fucking gorgeous, so perfect and so big, it makes my cunt sore and I love it" I talk and let out some moans, Namjoon moans too, gripping my hair once again. I put his dick inside my mouth and start moving my tongue and my head up and down his length, he lets out a high pitched moan that make me feel proud, with my left hand I stroke the part of his length I can't reach with my mouth and with my left hand I massage his balls softly, he gasps for air and growls, "it feels so fucking good, I love your mouth, baby, you're so good at this" he whimpers while I start taking him deeper in my throat, making me gag lightly, "Damn, little one, you will choke on my dick, do you like that?" He's out of breath, I look straight into his eyes and nod. His grip on my hair gets tighter and I close my eyes for what's coming up next, "would you let me fuck that sweet little mouth of yours, little darling?"
I let go if his cock so I can answer properly, "yes, fuck my mouth, daddy", he growls again, "open up your mouth, then, my love", and after that he thrusts his cock in my mouth so fucking deep that I gag, "yo can do it, you're a good girl, right, babe? Be a good girl for me", he picks up his pace, the sounds we are making have me soaking wet, I'm drooling while he continues thrusting in my mouth, "You're so dirty, who would dare to think that a serious writer would be this filthy, be this slutty with her lover... hmmm... you're so warm..." he whines, I shift in my place and with the movement I feel the toy deeper, I moan and that action takes Namjoom to the edge, "baby, I'm gonna cum, please, Lessy, stop, I wanna fill up your cunt, please... Lessy, Lessy! Stop!" I dare to disobey him, and I go faster and harder, but Namjoon pulls me out of his cock by my hair, we groan at the same time, "so fucking naughty, so fucking disobedient..."
He puts me on my feet easily, stretches to grab his tie, "on your hands and knees on the bed, now", his harsh voice makes me whine, but I nod and obey him, I feel him on my right side, "hmmm... you know what? I changed my mind, stretch your arms to the heardboard, so your ass is up. He ties up my wrists with his tie and I'm so eager that I can't stop rocking my hips to get I little pleasure from this, but this doesn't last long, 'cause I feel my butt stinging thanks to a hard spank, "uhm, you are so delicious, this fucking toy looks so good on you", Namjoon plays with my ass, knead the flesh to move the toy inside, making me moan and plead for him to fuck me, "you want something, honey?"
"Uhuh... please, baby... make me feel good, please" I struggle to make my voice as clear as possible, Namjoon chuckles and starts caressing my shoulders, back and butt, going down to my thighs, "should I give it to you? After you disobeyed me? Hm?", another spank and I squeal, "I will obey you, I promise, please fuck me, Joonie, I really need your cock, pretty please..." I hear his laugh and his hands are kneading once again my butt, he also plays with the toy, thrusting it in and out my pussy, "please..." my voice is muffled by the pillows but he hears it perfectly.
"Alright, I'll fuck you so hard because I really need you now, but before we start, remember your safe word, babygirl?" His voice is softer and deeper this time, I nod and answer immediately, "winter, winter, baby...", I sound so desperate that it could be embarrassing, but I'm with Namjoon, so is a really safe zone, "perfect, little one, simply perfect..." he starts removing the toy from inside me and I whimper, I can't seem to stay still and quiet, but a third spank catches my attention, "stop moving love", I obey him instantly and he pushes apart my legs, so I'm opened wide for him while he takes out the whole toy, "oh my god, baby, you always manage to keep so wet, I never really need lub, you're always so wet for me, do I make you wet, baby?"
"Always, you always make me wet, just with you speaking is enough..." I say between whines and he chuckles, "I know, my love, that's why I talk too much when I'm with you"
Slowly, so, so slowly, Namjoon starts pushing his big dick inside me, "stay still pretty baby, stay still just for me", I gasp for air, this feels so fucking good, he feels so fucking big, "hm... it's been so fucking long, Joon, you feel so good"
"You too, baby, you're so fucking tight, you clench around my cock like you were made just for me, so fucking nice and tight" his restrained voice got me losing my mind, I moan loudly and then he bottom out, "That's it, little darling, I'm completely inside you, how does that feel, huh?"
"So fucking good, feels so warm and heavy, you are so deep, baby, I feel you so deep" I try to move but he grips my hips harshly, "wait a bit more, love, get used to the feeling, I don't wanna hurt you, just adjust to my size, darling, breathe deep, feel me everywhere", and oh God, he's so good to me, "yeah, you're everywhere and I'm ready, I swear I'm ready, baby, please... fuck me Nam..."
"Okay, baby, everything for you, my dearest love" and he starts moving, slowly at the beginning, and then he starts taking his pace, so rhythmic, so good, "Ah, hmm... Joon, Joon it feels so great, hmm..."
He goes faster and I'm drooling, it's a lot of pleasure, I let out some cries and begs, making him go even faster, "That's right, baby, be loud for me, you're so good", he puts a pillow underneath my abdomen and makes me lie on my belly and that's when he really starts fucking me like a fucking God, "OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SO DEEP, NAMJOON, IT'S A LOT, BABY, IT'S TOO MUCH, I-I... HUMMM..."
One of his hands goes straight to my clit and starts rubbing it so fast, I'm struggling with being so fucking tied up, I wanna grab him by the hair, I wanna me closer to him, "Huh, for fuck's sake! Namjoon, untie me, please, please", I beg him but he only chuckles and then moans thanks to a clench of my cunt, "cum like this, sweetheart, you look so fucking good tied up, helplessly at my will, oh God, you are unbelievably tight, babe, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum, cum with me..."
He goes faster, harder and deeper, I feel like I could die of pleasure, it is too much, I let out a scream when I finally cum for the second time tonight, Namjoon moans behind me, he kisses my shoulders while he keeps thrusting in me, his moans are so beautiful and so near my ear. His the perfect man. Oh God.
Namjoon finally cums inside me, making me feel so full, so stuffed, so alive. He lingers behind me and stretches to untie my wrists, I'm whining and breathing heavily, he's doing the same thing. Still inside me, Namjoon takes me with him to our sides, so he can rest properly without squish me.
We are in complete silence, but we're having the time of our lives, he's caressing my tummy so softly while our legs are intertwined. After what it seems like hours have passed he slowly pulls out of me and gets up from the bed just to get towels to clean ourselves up, he helps me out and when we're done, he convinces me to get up, slowly I obey and together take off the sheets. He gives me a hoodie of his and my panties, and he wears another hoodie and his boxers, it's a cold night. He makes the bed with fresh sheets and then he pulls me close to lie on the bed, 8n the middle of the darkness. I look into his eyes, they are so shiny, so honest. I lean to him and kiss him slowly and deep, he grabs my waist but that's all, we're both very tired.
"You know what? I may have discovered something... but I don't wanna scare you because you mean a lot to me..." I break the silence with my tipically shy voice, he strokes my face and caresses my lips.
"You don't have to worry about it, I'm far too in love with you to even try to run away from you", his voice reflects so much honesty, I feel my heart going warmer, he's just the one for me, he's my ideal type, he's all I ever wanted and even more. I stroke his arm and hand, sighing before I decide to speak.
"Well... I've started to think that I really love you, and I think you could probably be the love of my life, we've been through a lot of shit, awkward questions and situations, but we still here, and our eyes keep shining the same as always... so, I think you are THE ONE, you know?" I confess, suddenly I'm aware that I'm shaking, close my eyes and wait for some answer.
"Baby I couldn't be happier with this, I feel the exact same thing, you are amazing, you are like a fucking dream come true, and yes, you are totally THE ONE for me. I've been thinking about you being the love of my life since the last time we saw each other, we have come so far, and yes, we're almost bulletproof" we chuckle at the stupid joke and we kiss one more time.
"I feel so loved when I'm with you, I love you, babe" I talk again, but I'm falling asleep and it's harder to keep my eyes opened.
"Love you too, love you so much, my little one, sweet dreams" he holds me tighter and sighs happily. The last image I get before falling asleep is his blissful smile.
Orange and Yellow tones // SOPE +18
[Part 2 from 《Tension》 Series]

SUMMARY: Lily is a curious, sneaky girl, so she borrows 《Tension》 from her friends to surprise her boyfriends.
PAIRING: Yoongi, Hoseok and Lily.
WARNINGS: Foreplay, sir and master kink, dirty talk, pet calling, slight power play, sex toys, breast play, praising, oral sex (Female and Male receiving), unprotected vaginal and anal sex (please be responsible), manhandling, overstimulation, big dicks, MxM, MxF, MxMxF, double penetration, creampie, plugs, vibrators, quarantine sex, polyamory. Everyone is in love here.
Song: Addiction by Doja Cat.
Hope you enjoy it
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"Did Seokjin obtain a good evening last week?" Lily is curious by nature, and that's something Yoongi and Hoseok love about her.
"Well, apparently he won't stop talking about how fucking magical this ‘Tension’ game is..." Hoseok replies with a weird smile, while he approaches Lily and hugs her from behind to leave a lot of kisses all over her cheeks.
"At this point, I get migraine just to talk to him, I swear he always forces this stupid game into any conversation" groans Yoongi from where he's seated on the floor, staying focused on repairing one of the chairs from the table the three of them eat at.
"Give him some time, it has only been a week, and we've been with the pandemic and everything, so it's something cool that happened with Sarah and him, something new" Lily speaks with patience and Yoongi doesn't hide the smile that invades his face while he keeps working.
"Also, you have only talked to him twice throughout the week, so don't be that dramatic about the whole situation, love" reasons Hobi, and the eldest looked up just to roll his eyes directly at him.
"Still, two times, he didn't hold back, he was willing to tell me the details! Fucking Seokjin..." he says in a low voice like he's talking to himself, but it only makes his partners start laughing.
"So Sarah wasn't there..." Lily's voice is soft and Yoongi just nods, agreeing with her. They go quiet for a few seconds, while Yoongi stands and gives Hobi and Lily a tender kiss.
"But, what was the question for, love?" Standing up, the eldest has to lower his gaze to see Lily's eyes and catches her blushing a bit due to his question.
"Hmm... It was because I was thinking that so far I haven't had the chance to talk to either of them because of this hell thesis... but I'm very curious about what happened... also, I think I would feel like an intruder if I ask like, you know, intimate questions... you know?"
She was being serious and a bit nervous to let out her thoughts, but Hoseok didn't like to get serious.
"Well... one thing positive about you is that your 'extreme curiosity' can be apologized with your cuteness and this innocent air that surrounds you" answers Hoseok with a big smile, making Lily complain and Yoongi laughs out loud.
"Not so helpful, Hobi" says Yoongi and now it's Hoseok's turn to giggle.
"Yeah, I know, I just like to bother her..."
"No shit! Really? I couldn't tell!" Lily raises her voice, making Yoongi burst into laughter. His favorite thing about this relationship is that most of the time he feels very comfortable and he loves the sense of humor of his partners.
"Yeah! 100% real, I swear" he continues with a dumb smile on his face, making the youngest narrow her eyes and open her mouth, willing to take this further, but Yoongi is faster.
"Well, fuck it. The chair is ready, so I'm gonna go watch a movie because is Saturday and we can't go out thanks to this pandemic" Yoongi's voice is like a spell for both Hoseok and Lily because they only want to be near him all the time. Being the three of them together for the longest time possible, they are delighted with that. They are healing and discovering new things together, so they love each other so much.
The three of them have turbulent past stories, and finding each other was like a blessing due to all the patience and support they encountered in strangers, who became friends, who became lovers. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Lily now feel complete, and they genuinely love the feeling.
"What are we watching, darling?" Lily is the first to ask while she gets comfortable on the right side of Yoongi's chest. The left side is Hobi's spot, and he will probably fall asleep in no time because of the sound of Yoongi's heartbeat that calms Hoseok down.
"I don't know... maybe something scary..."
"Hm... no, something else you have in mind?" softly speaks Hobi and after the question, he spreads cute little and quick kisses on the eldest neck.
“Maybe some fantasy movie?” Yoongi’s voice is lower and deeper thanks to the attention received from Hobi’s lips on his skin. Lily’s attention is drawn to the sudden change in his lover’s voice, so she lifts her gaze and meets Hobi’s playful eyes that speak clearly to her. He doesn’t want to watch a stupid movie, he wants to have fun and who is Lily to deny that idea? So she moves closer to the right side of Yoongi’s neck and starts licking and kissing tenderly, slowly, lovingly… making the eldest go crazy about it. Yoon starts to breathe heavily, and Hobi and Lily couldn’t be more excited about that.
“What if… we have some fun?” Lily’s voice floods the guys’ ears like a blessing, so they draw their attention to the youngest. “Just wait here, I’ll be back in a minute, promise”.
Lily stands up and goes directly to the room the three use as some sort of storage. She remembers clearly where she put it, so she goes straight to the specific spot, but she doesn’t have luck. “Shit, this has to be here… I put it here” She starts recalling these past days, detail by detail.
The truth is that earlier she was acting up all innocent and ignorant about her friends’ situation because she wanted to surprise her boys. So what happened was that throughout the week she encountered Sarah at the lift when Lily was going to get the mail and get some fresh air due to the constant stress that comes with the thesis, so they started talking, and bam! Lily went to Jin and Sarah’s apartment, they explained everything to her and they lent the board game to the younger one, assuring her that the three of them would have a lot of fun. Obviously, she didn’t tell a single word about her little rendevouz to her partners, and Jin and Sarah promised they wouldn’t tell anything to anyone, so Lily trusted them.
Now, the problem is that she can’t find the damn board game. She starts looking for it all over the fucking room, but she is unable to find a single hint or clue that leads her to the game. Quickly, she goes to the shared bedroom to try some luck but fails terribly. She will have to buy another one and apologize to her friends for being such a mess.
“Baby, you look distressed, what’s happening?” asks Yoongi when he sees her returning to the living room. She gazes at her partners and her mouth goes dry thanks to the magnificent sight before her where they are both completely naked and Hobi is now cockwarming Yoongi, they are breathing heavily and Hobi whines because Yoongi’s hands are steady on his hips keeping him where he can feel the eldest’s cock deep inside him.
“D-did you miss s-something, honey?” Hobi asks trying to get his voice clear, but it sounds hazy and drunk in pleasure, which makes something twitch in Lily.
“Am… I-I really… hm…” she doesn’t want to tell them, it was supposed to be a surprise for both of them, but she can’t seem to find the game, and she doesn’t really want to have an anxiety attack, so she tries with breathing deeply, ignoring what’s happening around her.
A pretty little moan coming from Hobi wakes her up and makes her wet.
“Maybe you are looking for a certain board game…?” Hoseok’s mischievous voice gets Lily to shiver and whimper, confessing her actions with just that. “Oh my god, my love, come here, you silly little doll…” he tries to speak correctly but Yoongi’s dick feels so fucking big inside him that it seems like an impossible thing to do.
“What happened? What did you do?” intervenes Yoongi, giving a hard thrust into Hoseok, obtaining beautiful sounds of moans, whimpers, and complaints from his favorite boy.
“It’s just, do you remember Seokjin’s board game?” talking seems impossibly complicated, and moans once again with another thrust from his boyfriend.
“Yeah, of course, what about it?” with his answer he strokes Hobi’s abs and hips, and after his words, he softly bites the younger’s ear, making him shiver before speaking.
“Well, our beloved little vixen borrowed it so we could play together, but she hid it in the storage room…” Hobi says while his stare is firmly on Lily’s, appreciating how turned on yet mortified she is right now, standing there in front of them, in the middle of the living room with her big eyes opened wide and her cheeks all blushed. He’s enjoying the view. Yoongi too, he’s really turned on, and not pushing Hobi on the couch to pound inside him and make Lily watch while she touches herself or gives Hobi a blowjob is harder by now.
“But…” her voice is hardly a whisper, which dies before the words coming from Hoseok.
“You thought I didn’t find out, baby girl? You can hide things from every single person in this world but me, my love” that statement makes Lily shiver from head to toe. Both men notice this and groan excitedly.
“So you’ve been a bad girl, hiding things from us, and also losing them… damn, darling, maybe that will get you in trouble…” Yoongi’s voice is doing unholy things inside Lily, and the only action that can help right now is to squeeze her thighs shut to release some pressure before answering.
“It wasn’t my intention to lose it, I just wanted to play with you… I promise I will get it back…” she whines, and both men smile widely as if Lily was their prey. Yoongi’s cock twitches inside Hoseok, making the latter moan in pleasure and the eldest laughs wickedly.
“That won’t be necessary, my love, because I have it, so don’t worry…” confesses the one who’s been fucked with a dangerous smirk.
“Then, we should play. I will leave you like this: hot and bothered, so we can make things more interesting, yeah baby?” Yoongi whispers to Hoseok’s ear, getting a whimper in answer.
“But Lily isn’t in the mood yet” Hoseok complains as Yoongi pulls out of him. Both groan and moan. Hobi is left panting and Yoongi has that smirk that his lovers know can be dangerous.
“We can fix that, shall we?” his deep voice keeps his partners shivering due to the expectation, and that makes Yoongi feel powerful. He stands from his spot on the couch, leaving Hobi to sit down and pay attention to his precious girl. “Come here, pretty little girl, let’s warm you up”
Lily is right in front of Yoongi, and that closeness makes her feel like she’s gonna burst at any moment. He strokes her hair with adoration, and slowly he moves his hands to her shoulders and right to the hem of the shirt to swiftly take it off. “You are such a treasure, sweetheart. So beautiful, so genuine… so addictive…” The minutes go by as he strips her down, never leaving her gaze, and once Lily is completely naked, he stands up and admires the gorgeous muse who’s right there.
“Go sit down with Hobi, baby” Yoongi orders and she doesn’t say a word, not even dare to make a sound. Her plan is to sit next to Hobi, but he takes her by the waist and sits her on his lap, both of them sigh in relief because of the comforting feeling of the warm skin against each other. “Look at that, my loves look so good together... Hobi, start playing with Lily, tender” the last word comes out in a warning tone, and Hoseok just agrees with Yoongi to start caressing the skin of her thighs.
“Open your wonderful legs, pretty girl” Hobi whispers and she obeys immediately, getting breathy and satisfying laughs from her boyfriends. Sometimes having such dominant men as boyfriends could be tiring for Lily, mostly because she likes to switch, but every single time they fuck she feels in heaven and the three of them also have a lot of fun together.
Hobi starts rubbing his expert fingers on her thighs, climbing to her mound and giving little soft pats, making Lily whimper and wriggle at his touch. Then slowly he starts to descend, finding the clit and giving it little feathery strokes, obtaining whines of pleasure.
“Don’t move, little vixen, take what he gives you” commands Yoongi from the smallest sofa and she moans but tries to keep her hips still. “Love, let’s make her scream, does it sound good?” and with that, Hobi increases the pace of his ministrations, winning cries from the girl both men are in love with, both truly enjoying the moment.
“Excellent, love” answers Yoongi and then talks directly to Lily, though Yoongi can still hear every single word “I’m gonna take you to the edge, my love, but you won’t come” Hoseok’s words make echo in Lily, provoking a high scream to abandon her throat with no filter at all.
“No, please, make me cum…”
“I can’t do that, sweet girl, you know it, you’ve been a little too curious, so you’re gonna get what you deserve, little one” Hobi inserts one finger into Lily, making her cry because of the surprise of the actions, but she’s so wet that the squelching is audible in the whole room. In consequence, both men get harder, if it’s possible.
But that’s enough from Hobi because he stops all of the sudden and commands Lily to stand up. Yoongi catches her when her legs tremble and Hoseok goes to the shared bedroom.
“Let’s wait for Hobi, yeah?” Yoongi proposes and the only thing Lily can do is nod. He laughs lowly. “Sit on the couch, spread your legs”
She does as she’s told and Yoongi kneels before her to start licking her labia and clit without any warning.
“Hm… Yoongi… please… oh my god-Yoongi! Hmmm….” he has a gift with his tongue, because it’s amazing the way he uses it “I’m gonna cum, please, please, love…” Lily keeps complaining and trying to get away from him, but he won’t accept it.
“Don’t. Move. Don’t. Cum.”
She moans loudly, resting her head on a cushion, trying her best to not cum. That only will piss them off.
“Here it is, sweethearts” Hobi enters the living room with a bright smile, holding in his right hand the game’s box, and in his left hand three robes “Come on, let Lily alone, let’s play, love”.
Hobi helps his partners with putting on the robes and then the three of them sit on the floor, settling the box on the living room’s coffee table.
“Well, there are red cards with questions and black cards with challenges, we have to move across the board, and depending on the color of the space we’re gonna take a card. Let’s choose a shoe” says Hobi with interest. Yoongi nods and quickly chooses the sandal, Lily chooses the slipper and Hoseok chooses a dress shoe.
“Yoongi, you start, you are the eldest” Lily’s voice is innocent, but her eyes are sparkling with something else close to challenging, and this only gives Yoongi the necessity to spank her for being a little brat. Hobi giggles in his place, but he doesn’t intervene. Yoongi sighs and throws the dice, his sandal lands on a black space. He stretches and takes one black card and reads it out loud.
“Kiss the lips of the person on your right” he lifts his eyes and gets near Hoseok, giving him a deep kiss. “Your turn”.
Hoseok’s dress shoe lands on a red space, and he reads the question out loud “Would you rather, blindfolds or gags being used on you?” He arches his eyebrows and hums while he’s thinking meanwhile Yoongi and Lily giggle because Hoseok doesn’t enjoy that much letting go of control. “Hmm… I mean, both are terrible, but I would rather be gagged than blindfolded…” with his answer, his partners hum agreeing with his decision.
Lily’s slipper lands on a red space, so she reads the card she took “Have you ever masturbated in a room with more than three people?” she’s flustered because automatically she remembered her graduation night, where the ballroom was full of friends, professors, and family…
“Did you remember that night, right?” Yoongi interrupts her thoughts with a laugh and the blush grows redder, making both men laugh out loud.
“That was an incredible night…”
“You two were ruthless, I can’t believe you did that in front of my professors and my friends’ families…”
“But that was fantastic, I mean, the adrenaline of the high probabilities to be caught in the middle of the fingering was amazing” Hoseok has that evil smirk while he remembers how soaked she was that night and how hard was Yoongi just by touching her pretty pussy.
“Oh my god, the panic…”
“You came while we were talking with your best friend’s grandma, remember that? We had to say that…” Yoongi wants to keep going, but the memory just makes Lily wet, to be completely honest, so she interrupts him.
“Yeah, yeah, well the answer is yes, your turn old man” Lily grins looking at Yoongi, he huffs and passes his tongue across his lips.
“Careful, baby” with nothing more to say, the dice lead him to land on a red space, and wastes no time picking up a card “How was the best sex of your life so far?” the three of them sigh once he finished reading. “Well, it was unbelievable and I guess it was when we experimented with the roles and the power play. When we got to get called by Sir and Master, and Lily chose to be sub and got called vixen or pet or little whore for the first time… we had so much fun that day… shit, I’m getting harder” he hisses.
“Me too” speaks Hobi and looks at the youngest “I bet you’re soaking wet, little vixen…”
“Wanna make sure?”
“Enough, we’re playing, come on”
“Yeah, sorry…” Hobi answers and throws the dice, landing on a black space “Play with your favorite feature on the person at your right side for thirty seconds” his voice is deep and raspy, and he stares directly into Lily’s eyes so she gulps with expectation and arousal.
Hoseok gets closer and Yoongi says he’s gonna count to three to start, so Hoseok slips the robe from Lily’s shoulders to reveal her breasts, his eyes glow with desire, and Lily can’t stop herself from being a little tease and shake her titties in front of him. Yoongi starts counting and Hobi starts too, sucking Lily’s left boob and pinching her right nipple between his fingers, earning moans and whines from her. When the eldest arrives to 15 seconds, Hoseok switches boobs, repeating the pattern until time’s up.
“You little tease, have the most delicious tits I’ve ever seen, so gorgeous and soft…” whispers and she moans one last time before start trying to steady her breathing. She fixes her robe while she’s still blushing and feels the arousal between her legs, getting sticky.
“Your turn, darling” the deep voice coming from Yoongi makes her react and throws the dice. She has to answer a question again “Would you rather have shower sex or pool sex?” Hobi and Yoongi stare at each other, trying to predict which is she gonna choose. “We have had both… I’m not such a big fan of either of these, but… I think I’m gonna go for pool sex because tripping seems mortifying to me”
“More than drowning…” intervenes Hobi with a shameless grin. Lily softly punches his left arm, gaining a dark stare from his boyfriend “I dare you to do that again, baby girl”
“We’ll get to that soon, let’s continue” speaks Yoongi already throwing the dice, he has to complete the challenge “Put on your favorite plug” Hobi is giggling while Lily is trying her best to not laugh. “Ugh, fuck it, I’m gonna go put it on…”
“No, my love, put it on in here, we have to watch so we can make sure you’re not lying” the devilish glimpse in Hoseok’s eyes makes Yoongi sigh and nod. Two minutes later, he’s preparing himself with lube, rubbing his hole, and giving a tremendous show to his partners, who can’t seem to stop staring. He looks incredible with the robe opened, his eyes darkened and his lips and cheeks pink.
“Do you want me to help you put it in?” Lily’s voice interrupts and Yoongi gazes at her.
“Ask properly and maybe I can consider it” conditions the eldest, looking and the girl licking her lips and getting on her knees while Hoseok makes himself comfortable to watch the show.
“Master, can I please help you put on your plug? I will be gentle and I will satisfy your needs” the girl’s voice is sweeter than usual, and the way she talks has both men growling, desiring to do such dirty things to this devil disguised as an angel.
“Oh my god, the way you talk… you’re such a good little girl, such a sweet and well-mannered baby, aren’t you, darling?” responds Yoongi panting and groaning.
“Yes, Master, anything for you…”
“Okay, help me out” immediately, Lily gets near Yoongi and he hands her the silvery plug, all shiny due to the lube. He accommodates himself on the couch and poses his hands on the armrest, bringing his face to the soft fabric, and breathes deeply. Lily circles his rim with the pointy end of the plug, and then little by little she starts trying luck entering the plug slowly, listening to the praises Yoongi is giving her.
“Come on baby, he won’t break by now, try to be a little rougher” Hoseok speaks and Yoongi tries to complain but Hobi doesn’t let him “Obey, he will be okay”
“Yes, Sir” Lily responds and pushes a little further, gaining a whine from Yoongi and catching the twitching on his big cock. She wants to lick it, to suck it so bad… to choke on it so bad that she pushes the plug further this time, hearing a loud and deep moan.
“You like it, love?” Hoseok asks with a wicked smirk on his face and Yoongi nods answering with a muffled yes. “Okay, pretty slut, start thrusting slowly… yeah, just like that, listen to his moans, pay attention to his body… just like that, in and out… twist it a little, yeah, right there… now slowly guide him to the last part, yeah, you both are doing it great, breathe deep, it’s okay…” his voice is charming and relaxing but also enticing and so sexy. Yoongi moans when he feels the whole plug inside him, he feels full and loves it. He’s still panting, but Hoseok’s voice won’t stop commanding “Now, baby girl, go take your seat, and you, my love, slowly stand up and go back to your seat” he still has the devil’s grin on his face while he watches how flustered Yoongi is, and how he tries not to moan when he sits down and fixes his robe.
“It’s my turn” and a second later he throws the dice, having to answer a question, “Degradation or praise?” he smiles widely and looks to his partners, who seem interested, he laughs a little before answering “Good question… I think I prefer that you praise me”
“Of course, you do” Lily states, and Yoongi giggles softly while Hoseok looks at the girl with threatening eyes.
“Your turn, Miss smart mouth” Hobi talks in his deep dominant voice, but Lily seems unaffected.
Now, she has to do a challenge “Give a player the remote control of the vibrator you have on you” she now knows she’s fucked up “I-I don’t have a vibrator on, so technically we are even because it doesn’t say that I have to put on one…”
“Nuh-uh little doll, you have to put on a vibrator…” Yoongi starts talking, but a feral Hoseok intervenes.
“Listen to me, I’m gonna put on you the best vibrator you have, and I don’t want to listen to your complaints” after that he stands up and disappears into the bedroom, just to come back with a big smile on his face and a very notorious boner that melts Yoongi’s and Lily’s mouths “I like this game, is so funny, I’m having lots of fun, my loves, let’s buy one of our own…”
“Are you gonna put it in or not?” Lily talks in a bratty way, making Hoseok smirk delighted.
“Come here, you filthy girl” he commands you to lay on the floor and spread your legs for him “Let’s do it nice and sexy” he rubs lube all over the big vibrator, chuckling due to the wide-eyed expression his girl has on her face, and then he lowers the toy so he can start playing with Lily’s folds while he turns it on with the remote control “You like that, right little vixen? You crave this kind of attention all the time… maybe we have spoiled you… but we can´t help it because look at this pussy, it’s impossible to deny something like this… I’m gonna put it in, don’t stop breathing pretty baby” his voice is gentle but has an erotic undertone while he’s pushing the toy inside Lily. Yoongi moves closer so he can admire what’s happening and moans with the display on the floor at the same time that Lily does the same thing.
“Sir… S-sir it feels so good… Hm…” she whimpers and squirms when she feels the toy deeper in her, causing Hobi’s face change into satisfaction.
“Of course it does…” those words unleash something feral in Lily that makes her moan loudly at the same time Hoseok sets the vibrator at a higher speed.
“Oh shit, I’m gonna cum…”
“So fast? Baby, I can’t believe it” Yoongi speaks amused and drunk in arousal.
“Don’t you dare love. You won’t cum until we say so” Hoseok speaks and pushes the vibrator all the way inside her girlfriend, making her whine, complain, and move her hips, looking for more stimulation, but Yoongi approaches her and helps his boyfriend by holding the girl’s legs so she will stop moving.
“Wanna keep playing, little curious doll?” Yoongi asks her and she shakes her head.
“Please j-just make me cum…” she moans and Hobi speeds up the vibrator, trusting that Yoongi will keep her in place and he does it.
“No, we’re gonna keep playing” Hoseok’s statement makes both his partners gasp and he laughs out loud “I just love to see you fucked out… Come on, let’s continue”
“Please, Sir, please fuck me… oh my god, the toy is so high and so deep inside me… fuck…” Lily cries while Yoongi descends to kiss her breasts and caresses her skin with his big hands.
“Yes, baby, let’s change things up” responds Yoongi before biting down on Lily’s left nipple, listening to her cries. And then he moves up to kiss Hobi’s lips, making muffled sounds and exchanging saliva messily “Come on, love, have mercy on us… let’s have a great time… look how hard I am, and how soaked she is…” Yoongi puts his right hand around Hobi’s neck, stroking his skin and getting pretty moans from him.
Hoseok growls and starts rubbing Yoongi’s cock, which is red, big, and warm; he desires it.
“Fine, let’s take it to the bedroom…” decides Hoseok, and Lily moans when she feels the vibrator set up impossibly high and she’s lifted by him carefully to take her to the bed. Yoongi follows them slowly, because, with every step he takes, he feels the damn plug inside him, resting against his soft walls. “What are we going to do with you, pretty little thing?”
She lays on the bed, panting and with her face completely blushed due to the pleasure and the pressure of having to hold back an orgasm.
“Let me cum, Sir. P-please, l-let me cum…” shivers run down her whole body not mising a single second Hobi’s face “S-shit… it’s too m-much…” she gasps and then she feels the vibrator going low and then lower. Lily sighs in relief, but she still feels the need to cum “Thank you Sir, please make me cum, please…”
“You want it that bad, darling?” asks the one who’s struggling with the plug inside him.
“Yes, Master, please make me cum…”
“Okay then, just because my dick is throbbing, and I bet Yoongi is worse, and because you are soaking, we’re going to fuck you…” Hoseok states, and Lily starts thanking both men, but Hobi continues “and you’re going to take every load we give you in every way we want to, and you’re not going to waste a single drop, understand?”
“Yes! Yes! I understood, clearly Sir, Master, I’ll be your good vixen” with Lily’s words, Hoseok manhandles her so she’s in all fours, but he pushes her so her head is against the soft bedsheets.
“Don’t move, baby. I’m going to make you feel so, so good” his voice is amazingly hot, and Lily whimpers when she feels Hobi’s hand stroking her ass and opening her legs wide so he can be fully between them. He turns off the vibrator and pulls it out of her. She’s already a moaning mess, so he gives her three quick spanks, looking straight into Yoongi’s eyes, who’s already playing with his big cock while he’s sitting at the chair in front of the bed “oh, shit, look at that… you’re so filthy baby, your juices are dripping to your thighs…” and he moans admiring the precious mess of girlfriend he has.
Hobi starts rubbing his long cock on her folds, adding pressure to her clit and hearing how she squeals at the touch “Let’s breathe together, ready, my love?” he asks and she nods while Hobi puts his hands on her hips and inhales along with her. Slowly he pushes the tip in her hole “Exhale, love… slowly, calmly… feel every single detail of this fucking cock that you love so much… feel how good your walls adjust to the size… you’re taking me so, so well… oh, my baby is so tight… tell Master how does Sir feels inside you, gorgeous”
“M-master… S-sir f-feels so good-d… s-so big…” she says looking at Yoongi’s eyes. He lick his lips with desire and strokes the entirety of his cock.
“Yeah, love? You love when Sir is inside you? You love feeling so full?” his eyes sparkle with arousal and he observes how his words affect his partners, because Hobi moans loudly thanks to Lily’s tightness and finally he thrust until he bottoms out “You look so fucking beautiful like this, little vixen, I can’t wait to see you cum all over Sir and be a really nice girl”
“Yes… oh, yes, please… so full” she complains and Hobi stay still but gives her a few more spanks, obtaining loud moans from his girl.
“Shit, you’re getting tighter love… fuck, you feel so good…” moans Hobi rolling his eyes “You’re so worked up, baby… you’re dripping… holy shit…”
“Yes Sir, please…”
“Hold tight, baby, I want you to keep all my load inside you, will you do that? You’re my good little girl, right?” he thrusts faster and deeper, making a panting and whining mess of her, but still she asnwers.
“Yes, yes, I’ll keep it inside… Sir, Sir…” feeling the thrust getting harder and even faster.
Yoongi stands up and gets a huge plug, so they can make sure that Lily doesn’t waste any drop of cum after Hobi and him fill her up. It’s only matter of a few minutes to having Hobi and Lily complaining about how great it feels to cum.
“I’m going out, sweetheart…” carefully pulls out and takes the plug from Yoongi’s hand, giving him a little kiss on his lips. He stares at Lily’s pussy and without losing a second, he pushes the plug inside her, making her twist and turn due to how sensitive she feels after coming undone “Oh, my gorgeous, gorgeous girl… you did so good my love, so, so good…” Hobi hugs her and caresses her hair.
“You’re not tired, right, baby girl?” Yoongi’s voice echoes in the room, sending shivers to the girl laying on the bed, looking so spent. She sits up and looks directly to the eldest.
“Not when it comes to you, Master…” her voice is full of temptation and the guys moan almost quietly.
“Good, because I need you to prepare your other hole while Sir gives head” Hobi and Lily moan thanks to the expectation, but neither of them refuse. The eldest hands her the lube and a dildo so she can start playing wiht her ass “Now, precious boy, put your mouth on a good use for me” he grins as Hoseok kneels and gets close to Yoongi’s dick.
“Fuck, you’re so big, Yoongi… so thick… I fucking love your cock… look how pretty it is… how magnificent it looks…” he gives kitten licks between phrases, testing Yoongi’s patience. The eldest takes Hoseok’s hair and pulls him so the younger is enveloping his lips around Yoongi’s fat cock.
“You talk too much, love…” he talks and gasps when he feels the younger’s tongue circling his dickhead “Let’s go deeper, I know you can take me whole” and Yoongi pushes Hobi’s head further into his shaft. Lily moans and Yoongi looks at her, just to smile pleased to see the girl entering two of her fingers into her ass “Our girl is enjoying this… she looks amazing playing with her ass right now…” Hobi lets out a muffled moan but he forces himself to deep throat Yoongi. At first he gags around the shaft, but then a few minutes later he’s taking it whole and swallowing around him “Holy fuck, you really love swallowing cock, don’t you? You love gagging around my fat cock… would you be able to cum if I choke you with my dick?” his voice is wicked, and only gets Hobi to moan and squirm under Yoongi. “Look at Lily”
Hobi pulls off Yoongi and watches how Lily is shoving the whole dildo inside her ass “Shit… baby, are you enjoying this? Stuffing your asshole while your pussy is all plugged and full of my cum?” Hoseok’s silver tongue is restless. Lily whines a yes and Yoongi pulls Hoseok’s hair so he can take his whole cock again, obtaining gagging sounds and muffled moans from his boyfriend “So great, your mouth is always amazing, my love…”
After some minutes, Hoseok stand up and kisses Yoongi deeply, playing with his tongue in a sexy manner, making Lily complain about being left out, but both men chuckle and approach her, sharing a three-way hot kiss.
“I haven’t fucked you, darling… is your little hole ready?” Yoongi speaks between kisses.
“Yes, Master, all ready”
“Good, stand up and go to the bed” Yoongi commands and then he stare at Hoseok “Let’s go have fun, love” and both make their way to the bed. Yoongi moves Lily so she’s laying on her right side, he’s behind her and Hoseok is right in front of her, wiggling his large cock and giving little smacks on Lily’s cheeks, getting moans from her.
“Filthy vixen” Hoseok whispers and Lily nods proudly just to take Hoseok’s tip in her mouth.
“I’m going in, darling” Yoongi warns and he gets a sweet muffled moan as answer from her while he enters just the tip of his thick cock. “Breathe deep, love… inhale…” he pushes a little further, hearing how she screeches, moving away from Hoseok’s dick. “Exhale, darling… come on… don’t forget to breathe”
“M-master… so big… so thick…” she whimpers, trying her best to not focus on the awkward first sensation and paying attention to Hobi’s dick, strokingit up and down.
When Yoonig finally gets to bottom out Lily’s ass, he stays completely still, watching how she sucks Hobi and how he pulls her hair into a makeshift ponytail. Hoseok’s moans are so sexy that Yoongi can’t help but to twitch while he eye-fucks his partners, get a moan from Lily.
“You can move, Master” those words are the only thing Yoongi needs to start thrusting, starting off being gentle and slow, but then he starts to move harder and faster.
“Hobi, lay on the bed, please, take her with you, so she can still deep throat you” he struggles to speak loud enough to be heard and with a nod, Hoseok moves swiftly. Yoongi takes Lily’s legs and puts them together, getting more moans and whines thank to the big plug and his cock inside her. “You can feel me deeper this way, don’t you?” his whisper is dark and Lily answers nodding profusely and with little affirmations and squeals.
“M-master… holy shit… you’re so fucking deep… you’re gonna break me…”
“Remember our safeword?” Yoongi stops moving to ask and she nods again.
“River” she struggles to respond. She’s so fucking sensitive right now, that she can feel how her legs are starting to tremble.
“Good girl…” both men talk at the same time, making their girl let out moans and whines.
“Let’s continue then” adorning his words with a hard thrust, provoking the girl to fall to Hoseok’s pelvis.
“Little girl, I want to watch you swallow my dick, be a good girl and put it all in your mouth, baby” while he pulls her hair and helps to grab his cock, moaning when finally he feels again the warmth of Lily’s mouth “yes, all in, little doll…”
“Darling I’m gonna fuck my whole load in this pretty ass, would you like that? Yeah baby? Our cute little girl all full of our cum. You will look so gorgeous with your belly bulged thanks to our big loads of cum…” due to Yoongi’s dirty words, she gags around Hobi’s cock, but he wraps a hand around her neck, slightly choking her for a few seconds.
“She loves it, she has a dirty look. Such a pretty little slut, so obsessed with cum and cocks…” groans Hoseok, wrapping his hands on her hair to force her further on his cock. “I’m gonna cum again inside your little pussy, honey”
Yoongi cums at the same time Hobi finishes talking, exploding in her ass, shameless filling his little baby. Hoseok pulls out Lily and stands from the bed.
“We’re not done with you, pretty vixen” states the eldest and rolls with her, so she’s resting her back on Yoongi’s chest “Do you want to have our cocks at the same time?”
“Yes, please, fill me more, let me feel you again” Lily’s voice is soft, she sounds and looks tired, but she’s still up for one more round.
“I fucking love how dirty you are, little girl” Hoseok says as he approaches them, stroking his red and erect dick. He grabs Lily’s legs and puts them on his shoulders, he pinches her clit and laughs out loud when she screams, so he starts moving the goddamn plug and slowly he removes it, filling her pussy with his cock.
“SHIT” she screams and pants when she feels the warmth inside her “You feel amazing… oh, so hot… so warm… I feel so full” she cries and her boyfriends start moving, listening to the squelching sounds coming from her fucked holes. They fuck her so fucking good, they play with the pace, exchanging who’s thrusting faster and who’s doing it slower. Feels so overwhelming that she thinks she’s gonna pass out, but then, after god knows how much time, they change positions.
“So you can lay and rest a little, baby” Hobi speaks to her and she only nods, he pulls out of her, puts on the plug once again and then Yoongi lays her on the bed, still inside her ass.
Hoseok moves quickly, grabs a condom, dries his cock a little and puts it on, so he can be behind Yoongi with a wide smile. It’s a rare situation when Yoongi gets fucked, so Hoseok is excited for this. He slowly removes the fucking plug Yoongi has been wearing and with gentle movements he starts pushing his hard cock into his ass.
“Oh, love, you feel big…” Yoongi moans and the other two react to that, Lily squirms feeling the delicious weight of her lovers, and Hoseok moans thanks to this fucking unbelievable situation.
“Yeah, so big that it feels trapped inside your little pink hole” Hoseok hisses and the three of them curse and moan. Both men pick up their paces and they thrust harder and better, they move their hips in circles and then push hard. It’s simply hipnotizing.
“I’M GONNA CUM, OH MY GOD, THIS FEELS SO GOOD, I FEEL LIKE I’M ABOUT TO EXPLODE… PLEASE…” wails Lily when it just feels too much, the sensations are like a turmoil for her right now. She feels so dizzy and sated, she feels like a fucking feather, it’s fantastic, but she feels too much of it.
“Wait, gorgeous, we’ll fix it” Yoongi pants on her ear and then she feels the movement, now the three of them are on their left side “Leg up, darling” commands Yoongi with breathy voice, she obeys and his boyfriends moan loudly, the curses being shouted without filter, getting higher than the fucking sun thanks to their sudden orgasm due to the movements.
“FUCK YOONGI!” Hoseok moans when he finally cums inside his boyfriend, and only seconds later, Yoongi is moaning desperately on Lily’s ear.
“Yeah, that feels amazing, Lily keeps squeezing my fucking cock…”
“Let go, my love” Hoseok says while slowly he pulls out of him to take off the condom full of warm cum. Yoongi’s thrusts are sloppy, he pants and rubs Lily’s clit, making her moan loud, both are on the very edge. Hobi watches how tired both of them are, so he helps them out by licking, biting and pinching Lily’s clit, getting overstimulated screams from her.
“TOO FUCKING MUCH… I-I’M G-GONNA C-CUM…” she gasps and then she feels Yoongi’s load flooding her ass, he stops thrusting hard and has these little convulsions. Meanwhile, Hobi won’t stop playing with Lily’s cunt.
“Cum, my love, you can cum, gorgeous” and he removes the plug on her pussy once she starts pushing it out.
“Shit, shit, shit… Hobi… I love you so much… Yoongi… I love you so much” she whimpers, feeling what’s coming “I-I… fuck… so much…”
“Yes, pretty baby, squirt all over us, squirt” he assures and she closes her eyes, being unable to bare everything she’s feeling.
Lily cums so much, she squirts so much that she convulses, shivers, trembles and even tears up a little. She sees everything white, see doesn’t hear a thing for a moment. She feels like she’s flying, it’s just an incredible feeling.
“You did so well, so beautiful, so full of us” her boyfriend’s voice sounds far, but little by little she starts coming to her senses.
“We’re here, darling, we’re here” now is Yoongi’s voice, bringing a warm and comforting feeling.
Lily opens her eyes, being greeted by the pair eyes she loves the most. She smiles sweetly and sleepily, she feels oh, so tired that she feels she won’t be able to move at all.
“I love you so, so much…” her voice is rough and raspy, and she reaches her arms out to touch her lovers cheeks, they lean onto the touch and close their eyes with a soft smile on their faces.
“I know, we know…” says Yoongi, getting close to her.
“We love you too, so, so much, pretty baby” Hobi leans closer and the three share a sweet, tender kiss.
“Let’s clean everything up” the eldest states and the other two nod agreeing with him. Lily tries to move, but her limbs hurt and she still feels numb. Hobi notices this.
“Shit, you can’t move? Oh, my little girl, let me help you, my love, let put some clothes on you, sweet thing” so he handles the situation while Yoongi gets dressed and goes to the kitchen to grab a glass of water fo him and his partners.
The three of them spend the rest of the day taking care of each other and talking about how big are their feelings.
Love me, Hate me - Min Yoongi (M)

— pairing | Min Yoongi/Reader
— word c | 4,027
— genre | Fuckboy au!, College au! angst , Smut.
— summary | You hated him, hated how handsome he was, hated how all the girls wanted him, you hated hating him, but you couldn’t contain yourself. At least not anymore. You’ll find out in the worst way, or the best, that Min Yoongi is an addictive drug. ].
— warnings/tags | Adult content, explicit sex, low slang words.

You still lived with your parents, you were still their little girl. After your sister ran away from high school to live with the hippies when you were 10, the rules in your house got pretty tight. You could only go out accompanied by the friends that your parents knew, had to be home before midnight, and couldn’t date before finishing college. You always obeyed your parents, even if you thought that was not necessary, even if you were 23 years old, even if you were an adult, you had never disobeyed an order from them, until a week ago.
You hadn’t planned it, you had no idea how it had happened. In a minute you were drinking with your friends in one pub, and in another you were waking up in a bedroom next to the most coveted Fuckboy at the university. Min Yoongi was the person who most irritated you, no one could irritate you at the level that he could. Looking at him across the hall made your blood boil. In your three years of college, you hated him and despised him every day of your life.
But for some reason, after the night you spent together, something in you has changed, and you were annoyed at the new feeling you were feeling, you were no longer angry at Min Yoongi, you were angry at yourself for having feelings for someone who certainly didn’t feel the same. Your parents were traveling that weekend so they didn’t suspect anything, but what was really difficult was avoiding Yoongi. You studied in the same building, so you always had to leave earlier in the day to avoid bumping into him, or you had to come up with some question to ask the teacher until Yoongi had leave.
Your friends had already told you that he had asked about you, and even if you wanted to talk to him again, to kiss him again, you knew you couldn’t, because of your parents, and for you, you didn’t want to get hurt and you knew he would break your heart, because that's what bad boys do, and Yoongi was the meanest of them.
It was Saturday night, you had decided you wouldn’t leave the house. Your parents had a business dinner to go and they would soon leave, you'd be alone for the rest of the night just watching Netflix and eating junk food.
After they left, you went into the kitchen and opened the pantry, looking for the popcorn, and a few seconds after you closed the pantry, the doorbell rang. You frowned, looking at the clock on the counter. You weren’t expecting anyone and surely no one would show up there that time on a Saturday night. You dropped the packet of popcorn on the counter and walked into the living room, opening the door and widening your eyes at the same moment.
Min Yoongi was standing in front of you.
He was all in black, with his black hair falling over his face. His hands were in the front pockets of his pants and he looked at you with a smug look and a provocative smile on his lips. You almost choked to see him there, you didn’t even know he knew where you lived. And you didn’t know how to feel about his presence there.
Looking at him, flashes of your night with him came in your head, memories that were tormenting you all week. Those black hairs that you pulled, those eyes that looked at you with desire and lust, those lips that kissed your neck and made you crazy when he eat you out, the same mouth that kissed your whole body, whispered dirty things in your ears, things that made you lose control, letting him bosses you. His neck that you left hickeys. The chest you leaned on as you ride him. The arms that hugged you as he was thrusting inside you hard, the hands that gripped your waist, pulled you hair as he hit you from behind, the same hands he used to hold your throat and dig deep inside you.
All that, that body, Min Yoongi, he was your perdition.
And all through the week, when those memories came to your head, you need to masturbate, relieve yourself, but nothing seemed to satisfy your desire. Your dildo's, your fingers, or porn movies, none of this was enough. Your body wanted Min Yoongi.
You stood for long seconds staring at each other until he let out the air and took a step forward, making you step out of the trance and take a step back, moving away from the door as he came in and closed the door behind him.
“We need to talk.” He said in a hoarse voice, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to bristle. You swallowed and took a deep breath, thinking what to say.
"About what? I don’t think we need to talk about anything." You said, trying to sound as confident as possible, but by the way the corner of his mouth moved, you knew you were not convincing enough.
"Where's your room?" He asked. Shit.
“My parents will be here soon and ...”
"I saw them leaving, (Y/N)." He said interrupting you, walking slowly toward you, not taking his eyes from you, making you hold your breath. When his hand touched your waist and pulled you against him, you yelped in surprise and slammed into his chest. Yoongi took a few steps, pushing you back, pressing you against the wall. You tried to look away from him, knowing that if you looked at his eyes for a long time, you would be hypnotized and loose control, but he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
Yoongi watched you for a few seconds, his eyes sliding from yours to your lips several times before he placed a peck on it, making the fire inside you spread all over your body. Your cheeks reddened, and you gasped. Yoongi smiled pretentiously.
"Be a good girl and show me your room, huh?" He said and so distanced himself, making your whole body miss his touch. "I promise you that you will be well rewarded, doll."
With no thought or denial, you turned to the ladder and started to climb it. Yoongi was literally the first man you would take into your home and bedroom, you would be so fucked up if your parents came in and found out. But you knew that if Yoongi took the first step, you wouldn’t stop him. You couldn’t because you wanted it too. As you entered your room, you closed the door behind you and watched Yoongi walking toward your bed. Even his walk was perfect, he was literally a magnet for unsuspecting girls, but how did you fall in love with him? The most annoying and crazy guy in college?
You shook your head and pushed your thoughts away, watching him jump on your bed, lying down comfortably, crossing his hands beneath his head and looking at you. He arched one eyebrow, seeing you still standing by the door.
"Feel free, after all, this is your room." He joked. You might even have laughed or smiled, but you were too tense, so you just stood still. He laughed cheekily. “Your choice.”
“What are you doing here?” You asked, too curious to wait for his willingness to say what he wanted to talk to you about.
“I thought you were longing for my company.” He said with a mischievous smile on his lips. “The girls who sleep with me tend to be obsessed with me and miss me a lot.”
You rolled your eyes. Of course he would say that.
"Thank you so much for reminding me that I'm just another girl on your list and sleeping with you was the biggest mistake of my life, ‘sir. my dick is the biggest on campus."
“I don’t think my dick is the biggest on campus, but I know how to use mine very well, and you know it too.” The pretentious smile returned to his lips and in that moment you remembered how much you hated him. He was an asshole.
“How many of your friends have you told about us, Yoongi?”
“I'm not the idiots with whom you usually relate to, (Y/N). I don’t need to go out there telling anyone about my personal life to feel the badass, and you wanna please sit your butt next to me?” He said sitting on the bed and tapping his hand next to him. You rolled your eyes one more time, too tired to argue, disappointed with yourself for having even thought for a minute that with you would be different.
"Yoongi ..." You sighed, folding your arms. "You have to leave before anyone finds out you're here. If my parents find out …"
"C’mon. How old are you, 15?" He frowned. "You're not a teenager, your parents can’t tell you what to do anymore."
“As long as I live under their roof and as long as they pay for my college, yes, they can tell me what to do.” You answered harshly. "And look, honestly, I don’t even know why you came here. It's pretty clear that I'm avoiding you all week and you know it, so why the hell did you show up here at this time with your nose up and your air of superiority? Isn’t there any girl you need to fuck or some party to go to?”
“I was at a party.” He confessed. "But I can’t stop thinking about you." He said getting up and walking to you, but this time without that badboy pose and without the smug smile. Your heart almost jumped out of your chest, because of his words and the innocence you were seeing in his face, something you had never seen before. But you couldn’t get carried away, you knew his fame, knew he was just saying that to get laid with you.
“You couldn’t fuck anyone there, that’s why you came here?” You asked moving away from him, stopping by the bed, as he took a deep breath, turning to you, staring at you as you began to tap your foot restlessly on the floor. “Did you think that telling me sweet words that are obviously lies and looking at me with innocence in the eyes would make me open my legs for you? What happened at Hoseok’s house was a mistake, Yoongi. I’m not like that …”
“And you think I don’t know that?” He asked, his face darkened, with that same look he had minutes before you were naked in one of your best friend's house rooms, walking toward you again. “Why do you think I’m so interested in you? You reject me for years, you detest me, you despise me, and one day you just kiss me, you fuck me and then you reject me again. You used me, and guess what? I liked it. And I want more.” And so he stopped in front of you. His hands gripped your face and you were unable to fight the urge you had to give yourself to him. The touch of his fingers reminded you of how good the feel of his skin against yours is. “And I know you want more too.” He whispered, caressing your lips with his thumb. That was true. You wanted more, you needed more. But you didn’t want to get hurt. You knew this would be just another fuck, you knew nothing would ever change between you.
“I don’t want to get hurt.” You whispered, closing your eyes, squeezing your eyelids, afraid to open them, look into his eyes and get lost in the sea of lust that were those dark eyes. That was when you felt his breath against your face You opened your eyes, seeing him inches from your face, almost making your noses touch. He stared into your eyes, an intense look that made your entire body tremble.
“I would never hurt you."
And so he kissed you. All of your defenses that you had set against him, fell and you drifted by the feel of his mouth against yours. You uncrossed your arms, and wrapped them around Yoongi's neck as he pulled you against him, one hand at the nape of your neck, the other at your waist.
"Please, let me fuck you, I've been thinking about it all week." He whispered between the kiss, lowering his lips to your neck, and biting lightly, making you feel shivers all over your body. Yoongi lowered his hands to your hips, and gave you an impulse, making you entwine your legs around his waist. Your cleavage getting to the height of his face, and he drew his lips from your neck, kissing and biting the valley of your breasts. You grabbed his hair and closed your eyes tightly, resting your chin on the top of his head, letting out weak moans as he dug into your blouse, his lips searching for your nipples. "Thank goodness you're without a bra." He murmured before he began to suck on one of your nipples, making you moan louder.
He walked toward the bed, his face still between your breasts, he tapped the shins on the edge of the bed and fell on top of you. You both laughed as the bed creaked as if you had just broken something. But soon the smiles disappeared and soon you were kissing again.
“God I missed your skin so much” He whispered between your lips, caressing your thighs, gently trailing his fingers close to your crotch, making you fumble for more physical contact. When his fingers touched you over your clothes, you let out a moan and a sigh, which made Yoongi smile. "I think you missed me too." He lowered his kisses down your neck and you took your hands to his hair until his face was between your legs, kissing you over your shorts.
“Please...” You whispered. The boy raised his eyes and so he took his hands to the top of your shorts, pulling it down, throwing it anywhere. He stroked you over your panties before kneeling on the floor and pulling your hips to the edge of the bed, where he placed your legs over his shoulders, pulled your panties aside and began to slowly lick your clit. You moaned with the contact and arched your back, closing your eyes enjoying the wonderful feeling it was to feel Yoongi's tongue caressing the entire length of your pussy.
“You know what excites me the most?” He asked, whispering and stroking it with his thumb. You denied. “Hear your groans. Those soft moans that show you're struggling to hold an orgasm. Those moans you give when I do this.” He said sucking your clit, which made you moan and grab the sheets.
"Yoongi ..." His name slipped between your lips, making the whole body of the boy shiver.
“Oh, my God, (Y/N). How can you be so hot? How can you make me want to fuck you at any time of the day?” He whispered as he gave you kisses and more kisses in your intimacy. You moved in your mouth. You were so excited. He lifted his head and began to stimulate you with his hand. He lay down beside you without stopping the movements with his hand. You looked at his pants and saw his erection. You stroked it over his pants, watching him close his eyes and squeeze his lips. His fingers pressed against you. You then thrust your hand into his underwear and held his cock tight. A few minutes later, you helped him take off his pants and climbed into his lap. He gripped your waist. You helped him fit into your entrance and went down, feeling him fill you up. You moaned as you moved slowly in your lap.
He sighed heavily and his chest trembled as if he was holding himself back to not thrust hard inside your pussy. He then moved his hips toward yours, giving you a strong, deep thrust, making you support both hands on his chest, absorbing the almost orgasm you had. You both took a deep breath. His hands went to your breasts and squeezed them over the bra.
“It's all right?” He whispered and you nodded.
“Yes. Just nearly came with this thrust!” You whispered, laughing. He smiled. He moved with his hips and sank deep into you again making you bite your lips hard to hold a scream.
"God, you are so tight!" He groaned as he gripped your waist and rolled onto the bed, getting over you. He worked his hips in with speed. One of his hands held your thigh that was wrapped around his waist, the other tightening around your breast. You pulled the back of his neck and kissed him deeply to contain moans from both sides. You then heard the doorbell ring and parted the kiss, startled, but Yoongi released your breast and thigh, and caught your chin making you look at him.
"It's okay." He whispered, slowing his movements, but increasing his strength. You nodded and closed your eyes, delighting in the feeling of having him fill you inside, but once again the bell rang and you opened your eyes one more time.
"What if someone has listened to us?" You asked frowning, worried. Yoongi kissed your forehead and stared into your eyes, rolling his hips, hitting your right spots.
"Fuck them, baby. It's just you and me now." He whispered and kissed you again, making you completely forget about anything. “I want you to cum with me, okay baby?” He said slyly, increasing his speed and beginning to take deep thrusts.
"Okay, shit. You know how to make me cum." You laughed. "My God!" You moaned, putting your face on the boy's neck, nibbling it. And again the bell rang, and your name was called, but you were busy taking the pleasure to care.
"Come on, (Y/N)." He whispered in a pleasurable groan. He was getting there, you felt it. You clenched your cunt around his cock, making him squeeze his hand on your thigh. You moved toward him, synchronized with his movements. “Fuck!” He moaned. You bit your lips, unable to hold the loud moan that was coming out of your throat. Yoongi then gave a strong thrust and sank into you, making you cling to him hard and biting his shoulder trying to control the feeling, but it was too strong, your body began to tremble. You tossed your head back and grabbed the sheet, pulling hard. "Do you like this, baby?" He asked hoarsely, rotating his hips.
You stared at him, your eyes burning. His lips parted, his eyebrows drooping, his brow furrowed. The muscles in his arms were rigid, making the veins in his arms rise and stand out. He was a god to you. Like you was to him.
“Fuck me harder, Yoongi.” You said it loudly, making him smile and push harder, making you scream, roll your eyes and throw your head back, screaming with the force of orgasm. Yoongi lay on top of you, thrusting his face into your neck as he fucked you, cumming seconds later. His lips glued to yours and he pulled the blanket over you to stifle the strong, utterly exhausting moans that insisted on leaving your throats.
A few minutes after his breathing normalized, Yoongi asked if he could take a shower with you and you accepted. You thought that during the bath he would want to fuck again, but he was totally a knight, he was affectionate. He helped you clean yourself, he was careful and you liked that part of him. When you returned to the bedroom, you put on your pajamas while he wore his clothes. He was silent, quiet, and that was not typical of him, usually he would have annoying things to talk about and make you angry. But now he looked sad, maybe.
“Are you okay?” You asked and he looked at you. Yoongi blinked a few times, he opened his mouth to speak, but before answering, the doorbell of your house rang again and you rolled your eyes, irritated. You stepped past him and down the stairs to the door. When you opened it, you came face to face with your next-door neighbor. She was the most gossipy woman you'd ever met. “Can I help you with something?”
"Are you okay? I heard a few screams coming from her house and I was worried.” She said moving her head, looking into your house, as if searching for something. You sighed angrily. You were tired of everyone taking care of your life.
“I'm totally fine. The screams you heard were mine while I was being fucked by a guy who's still up there while I'm here listening to you intrude into my life. So why don’t you do me a fucking favor and get out of my fucking property and go mind your own business?” You asked in an angry voice and then slammed the door shut, leaving the woman in shock at the door of your house. You felt relieved. Maybe Yoongi was a good influence for you after all. You turned to go up the stairs and back to your room, but stopped moving when you saw Yoongi coming down the stairs. He wasn’t happy.
"So ... I'm going."
“Why?” You asked, unable to hide the disappointment in your voice.
"Your parents, they cannot know I was here, or they'll fight with you." You lowered your head, that was true. Yoongi, seeing that you wouldn’t say anything, sighed and walked towards the door, past you, ready to leave. It was when you realized that yes, your parents would fight with you, but you didn’t care. You wanted to stay with him some more.
"Please stay." You asked raising your head and looking at Yoongi who was already holding the door handle. Yoongi turned his face at once, wide-eyed, not expecting you to say that. He studied your face for a few seconds, searching for some trace of hesitation, but found none.
“What about your parents?”
"Fuck them, baby. It's just you and me now." You repeated his words and he laughed.
He then approached you and pulled you by the waist, giving you a calm kiss.
"Looks like I have a rebellious princess right here… What am I going to do with you?"
"I can think of one or two things." You said giving him a peck. Yoongi smiled and kissed you again. It would be a long night.

“(Y/N), wake up… Oh my god!” You and Yoongi were awakened by your mother's screams. You two jumped on the bed. It was morning, you and he were wrapped in a sheet, both naked, exhausted for having sex until 4 in the morning. Looking at the door, your mother was in shock, no color on her face, static. You had forgotten to lock the bedroom door. Two seconds later your father was standing behind her and asking why she had screamed. When he saw you and Yoongi in bed, he turned red and stormed into the bedroom.
"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my daughter's bed? With her and naked?” Your father asked in a menacing voice. You and Yoongi looked at each other. The panic was stamped on your face. Yoongi on the other hand was very calm. He smiled at you, and looked back at your parents.
"Hi, I'm Min Yoongi, your daughter's boyfriend."

all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.
Ddaeng - Min Yoongi (M) Part 1

— pairing | Min Yoongi /Reader — word c | 1,709 — genre | Idol! Yoongi. Smut. — summary | Yoongi just performed and goes straight to the dressing room to meet you and continue the show, but a more private one. — warnings/tags | Bad words. Explicit sex. This cover was made by @gotyouintrouble and I really loved it. This fic was inspired by my diva, @minstrivia, thank you very much for the inspiration. It was supposed to be just one chapter, but I ended up getting excited and this story will have two parts.

Part 1 |

You couldn’t be more prouder of your boyfriend and his friends as you were at that moment. You were with Yoongi for almost 5 years and knew how the BTS journey had been until they became famous all over the world, you knew how they'd struggled for it, and knew how important that was to them.
At that moment, the three rappers of the group were on stage, performing the song that for you was now one of your favorites. Ddaeng. You loved how Yoongi's voice fit the letter perfectly, how he sounded extremely sexy with that melody. His movements with his arms, his body moving, his facial expressions, whatever he was doing, made you crazy. God, you loved that man. There wasn’t a day in your life that you didn’t thank the universe for putting you and him on the same path, there wasn’t a day you didn’t thank all the gods for having made that guy with porcelain skin pouring iced coffee on your clothes 5 years ago.
On the stage, Yoongi felt all that adrenaline and as always, he did his best to impress everyone who was there, but mainly to impress his girl who was in the backstage watching him. During the performance, he made a point of looking directly at the camera, knowing that you were there on the other side, freaking out with his show. He loved Army, and he knew that all his fans loved him too, but he also knew that you were his number one fan.
Ah! How he loved you. He loved you for everything, for having been his safe haven for so many years, for not giving up on him when he had identity crises and when he said that he would never be no one in life, he loved you for always having him motivated, even in the worst moments of his life and of course, for having the best sex he had ever tasted in his life. Yoongi loved how you fucked. He loved when your body moved over his, loved how you moaned his name and loved when you held his body, wanting more and more. He wanted to be with you forever.
After the song ended, the three of them left the stage, both sweaty and panting and were welcomed by the other members who were about to enter the stage to perform 'The Truth Untold' and 'Dimple'. And as RM and Jhope went to their respective rooms to change and rest for a few minutes before returning to the stage with full force, Suga walked quickly to his room where he would change and as soon as he came in and his eyes hit you, sitting watching the television, watching the Vocal line now invading the stage, the spark that was burning inside his chest, turned into a great fire and he walked over to you, pulling off his sweater and tossing it to the floor, holding your wrist and pulling you toward the small bathroom that was there.
As he closed the door behind him kicking it, he grabbed your waist and sat you on top of the sink. He pressed his lips to yours, thrusting his hands through your hair, pulling it hard, and biting your lips with desire while you were already with your hands on the zipper of his pants, opening it and pushing down, revealing his hard and pulsing cock.
"Fuck, I've been waiting for this since I got on that damn stage." He whispered between your lips before pulling your hair, making you tilt your head back, giving him room to bite and suck your neck.
"Let me suck you." You moaned, but he grunted in denial, holding his chin and making you look directly into his dark, lush eyes. His sweaty forehead and his heavy, peppermint-like breath were driving you crazy.
"You have no idea how much I want your delicious little mouth on my dick right now, but we have no time. I need to fuck you and cum inside you before I go back to the stage or everyone will notice my hard dick inside my pants and that's not good at all. So be a good girl, let me cum in your pussy and later when we get to the hotel, I promise to make you cum for the rest of the night. Deal?"
He kissed you once more before pulling you a little farther, making your butt stand on the edge of the sink. He knelt in front of you, placed his hands on your knees and spread your legs, starting to kiss the inside of your thighs, leaving you desperate for him to kiss another place. Thank God you were wearing dress. Yoongi stroked you over your panties before pulling it to the side and touching your clit with his tongue, making you grab his hair and lean your head in the mirror behind you, biting your lip to keep from moaning. He didn’t take long, just enough to make you even wetter, because he didn’t want to hurt you. When he stood again, he ran his hands under your thighs and held them firmly.
"Push your panties aside, baby." And so you did, pulled your panties aside, giving him room to push his hard, big cock into you, slowly, making him lean his forehead against yours, groaning as he felt you stretching around him. And when he was totally in, Yoongi began to move his hips quickly, not having the time and patience to fuck you with love at that moment, he just wanted to see you come around him, moaning his name like you always did. You grabbed his shoulders and pressed your lips trying to the utmost not to scream with the force he was beating inside you.
"Oh my god ... Yoongi" You groaned huskily, and he shook your lips with his, in a desperate way to keep you silent, before anyone would hear you both. He was too jealous to let that happen. "Fuck!" You exclaimed when he hit hard on a spot inside you, and even though that grunt made his cock harden even more, he bit his lip, annoyed that you were making noise.
"Be quiet, or someone will hear us," he whispered and you opened your eyes to the look at him with a defiant look.
"And? Don’t you want your friends to hear how your bitch moans? " You asked and Yoongi thrusted hard in the same moment he held your mouth knowing that you would scream and with the other hand he drew the back of your head as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"Yeah, I don’t want them to listen to my moaning bitch," he said slowly, his eyes blazing as he thrust slowly and hard into your pussy, making you drop a muffled scream with every thrust. “You are fucking mine, and i am the only one allowed to listen these hot moans. Get it, baby?”
“Yes, Yoongi oh shit.”
Soon Yoongi pulled you out of the sink and turned your back on him, making you bend over the sink to raise your hip and start pounding into you from behind, holding your waist and trying to keep you as close as possible.
"Damn Yoongi, go slow or I will not get ... fuck." You screamed when he thrusted at once, making you see stars. He then held your neck, choking you, pulling you back, causing you to bend back and lean your head against his shoulder, as he banging hard from behind, staring straight into your eyes, watching you frown more and more as he added strength and speed of the thrusts.
"Your. Pussy. Fucking. Good. Fuck! "He moaned, seeing your eyes that poured desire, making your body shiver and making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. "You're so tight, baby. Even though I fuck you hard every night, even if my dick stretch you up, you're still so tight for me, shit, I wanna fuck you forever."
"Hyung, are you here?" Suddenly you heard Namjoon's voice coming from outside the bathroom and you tensed, but Yoongi just covered your mouth and kept going.
"Yes," he said hoarsely, taking his free hand to your clit massaging it, making your whole body shiver again and your legs start to shake when you felt like you was about to cum.
"We came back to the stage in four minutes. Are you ready? "Namjoon's voice was closer to the bathroom door and you widened your eyes, which made Yoongi laugh.
"Almost. I'll meet you in a few minutes. "He said and smiled when he saw you frowning and closing your eyes tightly, feeling your cunt squeeze around his cock when you started to cum and had to squeeze his arm to not scream. He smirked.
"Alright, we'll be waiting." And so he heard the door of the room being closed, giving him the freedom to fuck you again with all the strength he had.
"You dirty girl. You liked listening to my leader's voice while you were being fucked, didn’t you? you liked the feeling of almost being caught sliding on my dick, you little bitch? Hm?” He asked in a hoarse voice, not taking his hand off your clit, making you roll your eyes, feeling that it was too much. “Fuck baby. I’m gonna cum.” He groaned and a few seconds later, you felt his cock throbbing inside you. Yoongi stopped moving and hugged your trembling body, kissing your shoulders as you breathed deeply trying to regain your breath. “I love you, you know that, right?”
You smiled and nodded.
“I love you too." You said turning your face a little and kissing his lips. "Now go, you have to run back to the stage, or they'll wonder why you're gone."
"You made a mess on my dick, baby." He said as he began to put on his clothes. You laughed and put your hand on his chest, innocently.
"You want me to get down on my knees and clean it for, Daddy?"
He narrowed his eyes and cupped your chin, giving you a wet kiss, that lit your fire again.. You wanted more.
"Later, baby."

all rights reserved © katebacks | 2019 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.