Snaping Your Abuser Out Of Existance And Being Free Sounds Great - Tumblr Posts

3 months ago

one of the reasons i like felix is becuse i know he was abused and he knew his cousin was abused, they had no autonmy, they were pupets, they were dolls to thieir parents, expected to be like dolls forced to be puppetts.

its also heavily implied that he was physicaly abused, and that his mother was force to mary this afwul violent man for finacial/buisness/contionoing legacy purpose, which hits to close to home.

i already reallllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy loved his charecter before but in the episode where snaps evryone out of existance exept kids like him.

but it's the phrase he says

" we are not monster, they are"

that got me, becuse i used to think i was a monster and not my abusers,not the people who hurt me, not the people who watched and did nothing , ME, i was the monster.

ofc i stoped beliving that before episode aired but it just got me

and then he just snaps the abusers out of existenace, and he snaps evryone out of existance, he lets down he facde and grins as he watches humanity snap out of existance, as aroom full of people who

call themselfs kings and queens, who ruled forcruely for way to long , that a mob came with it brought a guilotine, he was the mob and he was the guilotine and he dances, he sings, he sings and evryone hears the song from a soul who had never had his voice, he sing a melody amoung the noise of the world and finally, after all this time all that reamins is .... quiet . all that reamins is him , his people, and his quiet.

snaping your abusers out of existance sounds like such a fantasy.

i love him so much, i would, inded to go mad. in his position

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