Snoging - Tumblr Posts
Boy with a Dragon Tattoo
Draco and Harry get drunk at a party. Banter and kissing ensues.
Read on ao3:
The only thing Draco remembers about his first day of eight year is Harry Potter's tattoos. Perhaps it is frivolous of him. Perhaps he should remember gasping for air at the top of the front staircase or the tunnel vision he got when he tried to enter the main hall. But all he remembers is how blank his mind had gone when he saw Harry for the first time. He remembers the three seconds before he coached his face blank when he had stared openly drinking in the sight before him. He remembers the ache in his chest as he watched wizard tattoos flit across the bare arms of the man before him. He remembered being stunned at how much someone could change. And most of all he remembers the way his breath had caught in his throat during dinner when he looked across the eight year table and saw a small tattooed Norwegian Ridgeback sleeping curled behind Harry's left ear.
Now Draco watches Harry from across the crowded common room. He’s tipsy enough that he can’t coach his face blank and he knows he needs to distract himself before he gets caught. He contemplates grabbing another drink from the makeshift bar in the corner of the room but quickly forgets as he continues to watch Harry.
He is standing, slotted between Theo and Neville. All three are laughing so hard they can’t talk. Draco watches as he stumbles, his glass tipping in his hand and spilling Hermione's carefully crafted lime green cocktail onto the already sticky floor. He rights himself by swinging his arm up around Theo’s shoulder and leaning in. Draco’s stomach fills with a heavy ache.
“You know he wouldn’t mind if you joined them” Pansy’s shrill voice pierces his thoughts.
“Shhh” Draco whispers hurriedly before he can think better of it and, hmm it seems like he has had more than enough to drink after all.
“You know this is pathetic don’t you Draco?” Pansy demands in a staccato hush.
Draco hangs his head playing with a loose thread of his lounge chair to avoid eye contact. “I know Pansy, we’ve been through this before.” he sighs dejectedly trying to look anywhere other than Potter.
Draco doesn’t know how to explain that ever since he glimpsed Harry across the room covered in tattoos five months ago he can’t stop watching him. He can’t stop overthinking the way his ink would look up close dancing over his olive skin. He can’t stop thinking about Harry’s broad hands or how his shoulders have filled out since the end of the war. He can’t stop thinking about how he has no chance at all because Harry would squish him like a bug under his heavy black boots if he could.
“Draco?” Pansy questions again.
Shit, He’s staring again. Like he said, he can’t help it.
“I need some fresh air, I'm going outside” He snaps a little too loudly. Pansy startles just enough for him to feel bad. As he stomps away he thinks he’ll probably need to apologize to her later and that's the problem isn’t it. He’s always been a little too loud and little too much for the people he loves. Draco pushes the wooden doors back heavily and steps into the icy January air. The eight year dormitory is fairly nice. The large common room and the balconies almost make up for the fact that he has to see Potter daily. He’s surprised he’s made it this long without doing something totally daft. It feels like he can’t get away from him.
Glancing out across the snow covered hills Draco muses that this obsession is probably a coping mechanism. He wishes he could be as pure and fresh as the snow around him. He wishes he could sleep at night or get through a full potions class without choking on the air in his throat and going to the bathroom to breath deep hands shaking as he struggles to remain calm. Fuck that Draco thinks, he’s young and drunk and if he wants to only think of the velvet ink that ropes across Potter’s beautiful skin he will. He’s always been selfish.
He’s always been selfish and so when soft footprints pad behind him and he swings around to find Potter a little too close to his face he steps forward instead of back and fumbles inside of his cloak producing a joint. His slender fingers extend towards Potter as he offers it “Fancy a smoke Potter?”
Harry looks taken aback. His lips part with shock and Draco almost has time to take back his offer before Harry responds “Sure mate” and proceeds to sit down against the wall sprawling his legs out in front of him.
Draco can’t quite believe that Harry has referred to him as a mate. Sure, they’re on better terms this year than they've ever been. The Gryffindors had made it their duty to take Slytherins under their wing about a month into school once the bullying started to get out of hand. Draco had always seen this as a truce formed in pity. Nothing close to friendship.
“Um Malfoy” Harry says, low and tentative.
“What?” Draco hopes his face hasn't given away his thoughts.
“Are you gonna join me?”
“What and get my clothes all dirty?” he responds coldly and out of habit before noticing the way Harry’s face has gone pale and serious.
“Sorry” He rushes out. “Of course I’ll sit”
Because of course he’d do anything for this dark haired boy with the dragon tattoo. Draco thinks if he hadn’t been so blinded by the expectations of his father maybe he would have noticed sooner. Or maybe he wouldn’t be in this mess to start with.
He sits his back pressing against the frigid building and tucks his legs underneath him. Harry turns towards him and their faces are inches away as he places the already burning joint into Draco’s cold hands. Draco watches the way the warm orange light reflects in the green of his eyes for just a second too long before ripping himself away and taking a deep drag of the pungent smoke. As he breathes out he feels his body relax almost immediately.
“ I didn’t know you smoked,” Harry muses, slurring his words slightly as he scotches a little closer to Draco.
“You know,” He continues conversationally, staring out into the snow. “Pansy practically pushed me out the door after you just now”
Fuck Draco thinks.
“Oh it’s not bad, you know she just wants to look out for you” Harry states, his tone is almost too mild.
Shit Draco realizes he’d just said fuck out-loud.
“You’re right, yeah, she’s looking out for me” And trying to get me laid Draco almost continues before remembering that he wants to get laid by said boy next to him and said boy hates his guts and said boy does not need to know Draco even finds him attractive in the slightest. Draco briskly runs his fingers through his hair. Settling back against the wooden wall he takes several deep breaths of cold air in an attempt to sober himself.
“Or she’s trying to get you laid” Harry speaks, green eyes focused on his wand as he twirls it between his fingers.
For a second Draco freezes convinced he’s accidentally spoken his thoughts aloud for a second time. As he struggles to think of an appropriate response the door beside him bangs open. Harry startles shifting even closer to Draco.
“How’s it going out here boys?” Pansy trills. Her dark curls are disheveled and behind her she's dragging Hermione by the cuff of her robes.
“We’ve brought refreshments!” She announces loudly smirking gesturing to the platter of lime green drinks that Hermione is levitating with her right hand.
“Um thanks?” Harry says quietly scratching the back of his neck with his hand.
“You know the polite thing to do would be to invite us to join you” Hermione huffs, Draco hears laughter in her tone.
Draco marvels at just how quickly Pansy has rubbed off on her. Just a few months ago Pansy and Hermione had been verbally sparring in the halls and now they were so close he occasionally felt possessive of Pansy. It was amazing how much a war could bend people, make them more flexible, more tired. Make them more likely to forgive each other.
“We’ll just have to invite ourselves ‘Mione, these one’s have the worst manners I’ve ever seen” Pansy announces, dropping down onto the floor beside Draco.
“Hey, I’ll have you know I always scored better than you in our etiquette classes” Draco shoots back. He’s not about to let Pansy get the upper hand on him even if he is tipsy and a little crossed.
“Draco, you have the most unreliable memory of any of us” Pansy retorts. “You had a meeting with Mcgonagall last week and you literally forgot to wear pants.”
“Pansy I was wearing robes, you make it sound like I showed up to her office naked!” Draco replies in annoyance refusing to acknowledge the way Potter's cheeks appear to be pinkening with a slight blush. What a loser embarrassed by a little bit of nudity.
“It doesn’t matter, it's still completely unprofessional” Pansy sniffs before she glances over at Granger and they both start giggling.
“You know what, I was distracted. I have many important things to keep track of and it's not my fault pants don’t sit high on that list.”
“Oh okay Draco, you keep telling yourself that” Pansy retorts.
“Whatever, I know you’re jealous of my time with Mcgonagall” Draco snips, putting his nose in the air and attempting his most cavalier look.
“Oh so jealous. I’m just craving court mandated monthly meetings.” Pansy laughs, glancing across to him.
Potter’s voice breaks through the flow of conversation “I didn’t know you had mandated meetings”
“Are you jealous too now Potter?” Draco questions, raising his eyebrow, “Seems like Mcgonagall has herself some rabid fans”
“I should think Potter can meet with Mcgonagall whenever he likes” Pansy pronounces.
“ Maybe so but I think the court mandated aspect might add some nice tension.You know I love some extra excitement” Harry winks across at Hermione.
“Oh yeah, you’ve made it clear you like a little power play” Hermione responds before falling back into her giggles
Draco finds himself momentarily stunned that Potter is so easy to joke with. And honestly a little curious about the power play Granger’s referred to. In his mind Harry’s either the Savior of the Wizarding World or a beautiful boy covered in tattoos. Even with their growing cordiality this year he hadn’t expected Potter to be fun and maybe interesting. Draco does his best to look uninterested, gazing out across the winter snow. He spaces out for a bit, only coming back to the conversation when he hears Harry’s voice drop to a more somber tone.
“I’ve been meaning to mention ‘Mione, I saw Ron leave the party earlier with Lavender. I don’t want to upset you but I thought you should know.”
Draco watches Hermione carefully across the circle. He has his own suspicions about the end of Granger's “Golden” relationship.
“Oh don’t worry about it Harry, I saw.” Hermione says looking completely unphazed. “It’s been a while and I want him to be happy.”
“Yes Harry don’t worry, Hermione’s gotten over Ron fairly quick.” Pansy pats Hermione’s hand.
When Draco fixes Pansy with his suspicious glare she grins back and winks at him. He’s always thought Pansy had no shame.
“Okay, if you say so.” Potter looks very confused.
Draco scoffs at his innocence.
“Well anyways, me and Pansy better be off. We have things to do” Hermione says breezily.
“Um alright” Potter looks shocked he hasn’t been invited off with them. Draco can’t believe he hasn’t caught on yet.
“Yes, so many deeply important activities to check off our list” Pansy rises off the ground shaking her robes out before offering Granger her arm and parading them back into the party. As the door slams shut she calls behind her “You to have fun out there boys!” then Draco and Harry are left in silence.
“Well that was a bit odd.” Harry’s voice breaks the quiet.
“Was it? I hadn’t noticed” Draco keeps his voice as bland as possible. He hadn’t really thought Potter was dumb before. What an interesting turn of events.
Potter seems momentarily lost in his thoughts but quickly breaks the silence “Well anyways look! They’ve left us drinks”
Of course they have, Draco thinks. Pansy always has a nefarious plan up her sleeve and Draco can see right through this one.
“Want one?”
Potter passes him a bright green cocktail complete with a colorful umbrella. “Hermione went all out of these”
“I didn’t know Hermione knew how to make cocktails” Draco muses as he sips his drink.
“She bartended at a Muggle bar for a while last year while they rebuilt Hogwarts” Harry tells him. “I think she needed a bit of a break from magic and you make good money mixing drinks”
Draco wonders how different Muggle bars are from wizarding bars. He doesn’t ask Harry. He does his best to keep his face from looking too inquisitive.
“I would watch out though she makes her drinks pretty strong.”
Draco glances down at his hands and is surprised to find his glass is almost empty. He drains it and then looks contemplatively at the others resting on the tray. Even with Potter's warning he's feeling quite reckless tonight. He grabs for another.
“I really would wait a second if I were you, Malfoy.” Potter cautions.
“Worried you can’t keep up with me Potter?” Draco taunts as he sips from his new beverage.
“Oh is that a challenge?” Potter sloppily grins at him and Draco feels a heat ignite deep in his core. In that moment it feels like he’ll do anything to keep Potter smiling.
“I would challenge you at any opportunity Potter” He smirks, raising his glass again. “Want to bet I can finish this faster than you?”
“I don’t know. Do I get a prize for winning?”
“I do think whoever wins would deserve a prize” Draco says frowning when his attempt at aristocratic tone is slightly ruined by the slur in his speech.
“Okay, I can work with that” Harry says softly and then he winks at him. Harry winks at him. For a second Draco’s heart freezes in his chest.
“Alright now, don’t get too excited.” He pushes back at Harry, trying to understand the motivation of his wink.
“Why wouldn’t I get excited, I’m about to claim the prize.” Harry’s grin widens and he pushes his dark curls back exposing his tanned forehead.
“You ready Draco?”
“Obviously” Draco drawls attempting to look distinguished as he pushes his own hair back and grabs his drink.
“On the count of three. One, two, three”
Harry tips his drink down his throat chugging as fast as he can. Draco watches the way the moonlight reflects on his face and looks on as his throat undulates, gulping down the bright green liquid. In fact for the first couple seconds Draco finds himself transfixed by the dark haired boy in front of him. He wants to step closer to brush Harry’s dark hair off his cheeks. As he hesitates to do so he suddenly remembers that he is supposed to also be chugging his drink. In fact, Harry is halfway through his now and is eyeing Draco with quite a confused look on his face. Draco hurriedly lifts his glass to his lips and starts to chug as well.
As the two boys drink, Draco's eyes lock with Harry. Growing up the competition between them had always been exhilarating. Draco realizes he’s missed it since the end of the war. Though he doesn’t quite remember wanting to grab Harry’s neck and pull him into a bruising kiss every time they competed as kids. He assumes this must be a new feeling and tucks it into the back of his head for further inspection at a later date. A later date where he doesn’t have Harry two feet away from him gasping for breath as he sets down an empty glass on the balcony floor.
“Aha! I won, I’m victorious!” Harry yells, flinging himself into Draco’s arms.
At first Draco doesn’t know what to do with the heavy weight in his arms. Harry smells like cedar and cinnamon, his body heat burns against Draco's chest. Draco freezes for a second before following his instinct and wrapping his arms around Harry. They hold each other for a second until Draco gently pushes them apart.
“So, what prize would you like your majesty?” He questions as he folds his body into an elaborate bow. He quickly realizes he’s misjudged how drunk he is as he loses his footing and stumbles knocking into Harry's side.
“I told you you should have slowed down on the drinks” Harry admonishes wrapping his right arm around Draco to steady him.
“Oh and miss out on the fun? I could never do that.” Draco retorts petulantly. He leans into Harry's side craving the heat of his body against his. He longs to tangle his finger through the dark locks that curl along Harry's cheek bones and his hands twitch at his sides before he restrains himself. He compromises by swinging his left arm around Harry's hips. Harry shifts against him and he wonders if he overstepped for a second before he realizes that Harry is shifting towards him till they’re facing while their arms still drape across each other like vines.
“So,” Draco isn’t sure if he’s imagining it but he’s pretty sure Potter's gaze just flicked across his lips. “Tell me about your ideal prize, Potter.” He watches Harry's eyes as they darken and then flick nervously to the floor.
Harry licks his lips and then pauses nervously “To be honest I would love to hear what you would have picked as your prize Draco I need a bit of inspiration”
“ Oh fuck off, are you saying now you wish I had won?” Draco says argumentatively and removes his arm from around Harry’s waist so that he can shove him back away from him towards the wall. As she shoves Harry he grabs around Draco’s shoulders to keep from being pushed back and they both slam tipsily into the wall. Draco feels his entire body press up against Potter pining into the wall. Draco's head is squished in the gap between Harry’s head and his shoulder and Draco only just holds himself back from licking down the naked expanse of skin where Harry’s neck meets his shirt. Draco pulls his head further back so that he can make eye contact with Harry.
“Come on Harry, tell me your prize.” he says huskily, refusing to break eye contact with the boy in front of him.
Harry’s eyes are dark and as he struggles to gather his thoughts he squirms against Draco only making the heat in his core more intense.
“Kiss me” Harry breathes as he looks directly into the silver eyes in front of him.
Draco must be really drunk because what?! Did the infamous Harry Potter just ask to kiss him?
“You want me to kiss you?” He questions Harry. Refusing to believe the words that just came out of his mouth.
“What are you scared?” Harry gently taunts reaching out and caressing Draco’s cheek. Draco clenches his jaw to hold back a whimper. He can't comprehend the feeling of Potter's beautiful hands against his skin. They are warm and rough and everything he’s ever imagined.
“Scared? Never.” Draco bites back, leveling his gaze with the boy before him and leaning in. Their lips meet warm and suck him in like he’s drowning in an oil spill. Everything is dark and smooth and Draco finds he is incapable of pulling away. He feels Potter lick up in between his lips and their tongues trace each other leaving him gasping. Draco presses closer to Harry pinning him harder against the wall as he winds his hair through Harry’s wild curls. He tugs slightly and startles when Harry responds moaning into his mouth.
“Oh you like that Potter?” Draco teases, pulling away slightly to look into Harry’s eyes. Harry’s eyes are dark with lust and turn the spark in Draco's chest into a wildfire. He wants to rip Harry's clothes off right then and there. He craves the taste of Harry's skin against his tongue.
“Yeah I do Draco, come back. Keep kissing me.” Harry demands petulantly before wrapping his hards into the collar of Draco’s shirt and pulling him back in. Their bodies collide, sliding against each other and building up heat. Draco pushes his hand under Harry’s jumper and laughs as Harry jumps slightly at the cold of his hands before pulling him closer again. Their breaths grow rough and ragged as their bodies drag against each other quicker.
Suddenly Harry pulls back. “As much as I love this I don’t want Pansy coming back to check on us and getting an eyeful” he rushes. “Come up to my room.”
“Sounds like a plan for Potter.” Draco casts a rueful gaze across to him as he buttons his shirt back together and pulls Harry's robe closed across his jumper.
“Hurry up though I can’t wait all day”
“You know you’re very impatient.” Harry teases before grabbing his hand and pulling him quickly through the door back into the common room. Luckily it’s late enough by now and most everyone has disappeared in twos or threes back to their rooms or on drunken adventures. The couple of people left in the common room pay them no mind and Harry grabs Draco's hand dragging him into a darkened hallway.
“It’s this way, second door to the left.” He whispers slowly for a second and Draco takes the opportunity to press up against him from the back, feeling the curve of Harry's body against his as he once again drags his hands up Harry's sides.
Harry fumbles with his keys distracted as Draco presses hot kisses up his neck, mouthing and sucking until Harry gives up on the keys altogether pushing his body back into Draco. Then Draco pauses, bringing his mouth up to Harry’s ear he whispers “Come on Potter, get it together, open your door.”
His prompt is all Harry needs, he pulls his body up off of Draco and pushes his keys into the door swiftly unlocking it and letting them in.
A soon as the door swings shut behind them Harry’s hands come up to unclasp Draco's robes and swiftly unbutton his shirt. Harry’s hands are hot against Draco's cold skin and he feels himself melting into Potter at the contact. Draco maneuvers them closer to the bed and Harry falls back on it before reaching up and pulling Draco down on top of him. Their bodies meet hot and tangled and Harry pulls Draco’s shirt off in one go.
“Shit wait, Draco can you close the blinds?” Harry pants, voice husky.
“Yeah, here.” Draco twists his body reaching for the blinds and he hears Harry gasp beneath him. He immediately forgets about the blinds turning back to Harry “What is it? Did I hurt you?”
“No” Harry rushes. “Just what’s on your back?”
“Oh this little old thing? You can see it if you want” He pulls himself off of Harry and turns around. Harry gasps again and Draco grins as the moonlight reflects off of his back and Harry watches an inky Norwegian Ridgeback unfurl its wings across the expanse of Draco’s pale shoulders. “You never told me we matched,” Harry says, his voice awestruck as he gently turns Draco’s body and pulls him back onto the bed.
“You never asked,” Draco whispers, his lips tracing Harry’s neck along a similar outline of a smaller dragon.