Hermoine Granger - Tumblr Posts
Y’know what’s really odd is that when people talk about the problematic stuff in the Harry Potter books they don’t talk about the transphobia even tho that’s what JKR is second most known for
Rita Skeeter is repeatedly described with manish hands while performing a cartoonish impression of hyper femininity in which she has too much make up and over dresses in a very unfashionable way. Which are things that TERFS constantly obssess over with trans women
And then there’s that flashback scene where Voldemort applies for DADA job and Dumbledore refuses to call him by his preferred name as a power play and then proceeds to pull out every transphobe’s excuses. Like ‘I’m too old’ and ‘I’m afraid you’ll always be Tom to me’ and so on. The scene felt so much like a transphobe deadnaming someone and then pretending it somehow wasn’t bc of transphobia that I legitimately had to pause the audiobook bc it gave me so much dysphoria
Ginny, Hermoine and Harry are here for your entertainment!

Ginny: Oh no! You give me back my pants! NOW!

Ginny: Locomotor Wibbly!
Hermoine: @notdoingyourhomeworkweasley
Harry: @asktheslytherpuff
Ginny: @das-alien-vom-planeten-wooh

Ginny: Hermoine have you seen my leggins? (( @asktheslytherpuff @notdoingyourhomeworkweasley ))
Quidditch Brings People Together - Cedric Diggory
Cedric x Fem!Reader Potter
Warnings: none
Word count: 323
Summary: Cedric meeting you when they all meet up for the quidditch world cup. Falling for each other almost instantly.
Authors Note: Beginning of the 4th movie
Harry Potter Masterlist

“Who are we meeting up with?” Y/n asked as she swallowed the group of friends her and her brother kept.
“You’ll see.” Mr. Weasly tells the group with an excited smile.
“A friend.” Fred smiled, turning to look at the female Potter.
“A good friend.” George also smiled, turning around.
Not long after they all stopped walking, they met up with the mysterious ‘Friends’.
“Who's that?” Y/n questioned looking at the boy around their age.
“Cedric Diggory. He’s a year older than us I believe.” Hermoine told her squinting as she thought about it.
“He’s cute.” Y/n nudged her shoulder to shoulder and the two girls giggled.
Cedric goes to introduce himself once he noticed the movement and heard the laughter. Cedric headed straight for Y/n upon noticing her beauty and smile.
“Cedric Diggory.” Cedric holds his hand out, a friendly smile on his lips.
Hermione nudged Y/n subtly when she just stared surprised at Cedric.
“Y/n Potter.” Y/n smiled, shocking his hand.
“Nice to meet you Y/n Potter.”
“Likewise Cedric Diggory.” Y/n nodded looking up at him through her lashes.
“Are you excited?” Cedric asked wanting to keep talking to her, get to know her as they walked to catch up with the group. That’s when Y/n noticed Herminoe had left the two of them alone.
“Very, I’ve never been before. Have you?” Y/n questioned back as they walked side by side to the port key.
“Once. It’ll be fun.” He tells her excitedly.
“I’ll trust you on that.” Y/n looked up to him feeling even more excited from his comment.
As they got to the boot port key and layed down grabbing it somewhere, Cedric decided to ask inquiring about later at the quidditch game. “Mind if I sit next to you?”
“No problem.” Y/n answered quickly, liking the idea of spending even more time with the hufflepuff.
taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97
Harry potter writing prompt
Harry and draco being in a secret relationship and sneaking around hogwarts, no one knows their seeing each other, could be a oneshot. Draco doing his best to hide his relationship from his parents aswell.
Harry potter writing prompt
Something happens at the Dursley, maybe Harry just gets sick and tired of they're treatment, and Harry ends up calling CPS (Child Protective Services) and he ends up getting taken out of the Dursleys care, now the thing is no one in the wizarding world knows this no one knows that he's now living with a Foster parent (maybe the Foster parent is a squib or is a mother/father of a muggleborn (the muggleborn being an adult by now) same thing with his social worker) the social worker (and maybe the foster) need to speak to the school about harrys case so at the beginning of the new school year Harry gets sent to hogwarts with a letter for Dumbledore from his social worker, so at some point Harry goes to Dumbledore's office and maybe he interrupts a meeting with a couple of the professors and gives Dumbledore the letter (assuring him that both his Foster and social worker are squibs/mothers/fathers of muggleborns) and at some point the whole school finds out.

My 4 Wands :)
~Hermione Granger
~Harry Potter
~Professor Dumbledore
~Ron Weasley
& A 9 3/4 necklace
When I go to Orlando next year ..I’m planning to but Sirius Black , Snape & one more but I haven’t decided yet xD

Hello~ a new chapter is out and I hope that I get a bit of boost because I'll be writing a lot after this story hehehe.
Let's just say this is my trial story BUT it's well written so I hope yall enjoy it ^^
Boy with a Dragon Tattoo
Draco and Harry get drunk at a party. Banter and kissing ensues.
Read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35128768
The only thing Draco remembers about his first day of eight year is Harry Potter's tattoos. Perhaps it is frivolous of him. Perhaps he should remember gasping for air at the top of the front staircase or the tunnel vision he got when he tried to enter the main hall. But all he remembers is how blank his mind had gone when he saw Harry for the first time. He remembers the three seconds before he coached his face blank when he had stared openly drinking in the sight before him. He remembers the ache in his chest as he watched wizard tattoos flit across the bare arms of the man before him. He remembered being stunned at how much someone could change. And most of all he remembers the way his breath had caught in his throat during dinner when he looked across the eight year table and saw a small tattooed Norwegian Ridgeback sleeping curled behind Harry's left ear.
Now Draco watches Harry from across the crowded common room. He’s tipsy enough that he can’t coach his face blank and he knows he needs to distract himself before he gets caught. He contemplates grabbing another drink from the makeshift bar in the corner of the room but quickly forgets as he continues to watch Harry.
He is standing, slotted between Theo and Neville. All three are laughing so hard they can’t talk. Draco watches as he stumbles, his glass tipping in his hand and spilling Hermione's carefully crafted lime green cocktail onto the already sticky floor. He rights himself by swinging his arm up around Theo’s shoulder and leaning in. Draco’s stomach fills with a heavy ache.
“You know he wouldn’t mind if you joined them” Pansy’s shrill voice pierces his thoughts.
“Shhh” Draco whispers hurriedly before he can think better of it and, hmm it seems like he has had more than enough to drink after all.
“You know this is pathetic don’t you Draco?” Pansy demands in a staccato hush.
Draco hangs his head playing with a loose thread of his lounge chair to avoid eye contact. “I know Pansy, we’ve been through this before.” he sighs dejectedly trying to look anywhere other than Potter.
Draco doesn’t know how to explain that ever since he glimpsed Harry across the room covered in tattoos five months ago he can’t stop watching him. He can’t stop overthinking the way his ink would look up close dancing over his olive skin. He can’t stop thinking about Harry’s broad hands or how his shoulders have filled out since the end of the war. He can’t stop thinking about how he has no chance at all because Harry would squish him like a bug under his heavy black boots if he could.
“Draco?” Pansy questions again.
Shit, He’s staring again. Like he said, he can’t help it.
“I need some fresh air, I'm going outside” He snaps a little too loudly. Pansy startles just enough for him to feel bad. As he stomps away he thinks he’ll probably need to apologize to her later and that's the problem isn’t it. He’s always been a little too loud and little too much for the people he loves. Draco pushes the wooden doors back heavily and steps into the icy January air. The eight year dormitory is fairly nice. The large common room and the balconies almost make up for the fact that he has to see Potter daily. He’s surprised he’s made it this long without doing something totally daft. It feels like he can’t get away from him.
Glancing out across the snow covered hills Draco muses that this obsession is probably a coping mechanism. He wishes he could be as pure and fresh as the snow around him. He wishes he could sleep at night or get through a full potions class without choking on the air in his throat and going to the bathroom to breath deep hands shaking as he struggles to remain calm. Fuck that Draco thinks, he’s young and drunk and if he wants to only think of the velvet ink that ropes across Potter’s beautiful skin he will. He’s always been selfish.
He’s always been selfish and so when soft footprints pad behind him and he swings around to find Potter a little too close to his face he steps forward instead of back and fumbles inside of his cloak producing a joint. His slender fingers extend towards Potter as he offers it “Fancy a smoke Potter?”
Harry looks taken aback. His lips part with shock and Draco almost has time to take back his offer before Harry responds “Sure mate” and proceeds to sit down against the wall sprawling his legs out in front of him.
Draco can’t quite believe that Harry has referred to him as a mate. Sure, they’re on better terms this year than they've ever been. The Gryffindors had made it their duty to take Slytherins under their wing about a month into school once the bullying started to get out of hand. Draco had always seen this as a truce formed in pity. Nothing close to friendship.
“Um Malfoy” Harry says, low and tentative.
“What?” Draco hopes his face hasn't given away his thoughts.
“Are you gonna join me?”
“What and get my clothes all dirty?” he responds coldly and out of habit before noticing the way Harry’s face has gone pale and serious.
“Sorry” He rushes out. “Of course I’ll sit”
Because of course he’d do anything for this dark haired boy with the dragon tattoo. Draco thinks if he hadn’t been so blinded by the expectations of his father maybe he would have noticed sooner. Or maybe he wouldn’t be in this mess to start with.
He sits his back pressing against the frigid building and tucks his legs underneath him. Harry turns towards him and their faces are inches away as he places the already burning joint into Draco’s cold hands. Draco watches the way the warm orange light reflects in the green of his eyes for just a second too long before ripping himself away and taking a deep drag of the pungent smoke. As he breathes out he feels his body relax almost immediately.
“ I didn’t know you smoked,” Harry muses, slurring his words slightly as he scotches a little closer to Draco.
“You know,” He continues conversationally, staring out into the snow. “Pansy practically pushed me out the door after you just now”
Fuck Draco thinks.
“Oh it’s not bad, you know she just wants to look out for you” Harry states, his tone is almost too mild.
Shit Draco realizes he’d just said fuck out-loud.
“You’re right, yeah, she’s looking out for me” And trying to get me laid Draco almost continues before remembering that he wants to get laid by said boy next to him and said boy hates his guts and said boy does not need to know Draco even finds him attractive in the slightest. Draco briskly runs his fingers through his hair. Settling back against the wooden wall he takes several deep breaths of cold air in an attempt to sober himself.
“Or she’s trying to get you laid” Harry speaks, green eyes focused on his wand as he twirls it between his fingers.
For a second Draco freezes convinced he’s accidentally spoken his thoughts aloud for a second time. As he struggles to think of an appropriate response the door beside him bangs open. Harry startles shifting even closer to Draco.
“How’s it going out here boys?” Pansy trills. Her dark curls are disheveled and behind her she's dragging Hermione by the cuff of her robes.
“We’ve brought refreshments!” She announces loudly smirking gesturing to the platter of lime green drinks that Hermione is levitating with her right hand.
“Um thanks?” Harry says quietly scratching the back of his neck with his hand.
“You know the polite thing to do would be to invite us to join you” Hermione huffs, Draco hears laughter in her tone.
Draco marvels at just how quickly Pansy has rubbed off on her. Just a few months ago Pansy and Hermione had been verbally sparring in the halls and now they were so close he occasionally felt possessive of Pansy. It was amazing how much a war could bend people, make them more flexible, more tired. Make them more likely to forgive each other.
“We’ll just have to invite ourselves ‘Mione, these one’s have the worst manners I’ve ever seen” Pansy announces, dropping down onto the floor beside Draco.
“Hey, I’ll have you know I always scored better than you in our etiquette classes” Draco shoots back. He’s not about to let Pansy get the upper hand on him even if he is tipsy and a little crossed.
“Draco, you have the most unreliable memory of any of us” Pansy retorts. “You had a meeting with Mcgonagall last week and you literally forgot to wear pants.”
“Pansy I was wearing robes, you make it sound like I showed up to her office naked!” Draco replies in annoyance refusing to acknowledge the way Potter's cheeks appear to be pinkening with a slight blush. What a loser embarrassed by a little bit of nudity.
“It doesn’t matter, it's still completely unprofessional” Pansy sniffs before she glances over at Granger and they both start giggling.
“You know what, I was distracted. I have many important things to keep track of and it's not my fault pants don’t sit high on that list.”
“Oh okay Draco, you keep telling yourself that” Pansy retorts.
“Whatever, I know you’re jealous of my time with Mcgonagall” Draco snips, putting his nose in the air and attempting his most cavalier look.
“Oh so jealous. I’m just craving court mandated monthly meetings.” Pansy laughs, glancing across to him.
Potter’s voice breaks through the flow of conversation “I didn’t know you had mandated meetings”
“Are you jealous too now Potter?” Draco questions, raising his eyebrow, “Seems like Mcgonagall has herself some rabid fans”
“I should think Potter can meet with Mcgonagall whenever he likes” Pansy pronounces.
“ Maybe so but I think the court mandated aspect might add some nice tension.You know I love some extra excitement” Harry winks across at Hermione.
“Oh yeah, you’ve made it clear you like a little power play” Hermione responds before falling back into her giggles
Draco finds himself momentarily stunned that Potter is so easy to joke with. And honestly a little curious about the power play Granger’s referred to. In his mind Harry’s either the Savior of the Wizarding World or a beautiful boy covered in tattoos. Even with their growing cordiality this year he hadn’t expected Potter to be fun and maybe interesting. Draco does his best to look uninterested, gazing out across the winter snow. He spaces out for a bit, only coming back to the conversation when he hears Harry’s voice drop to a more somber tone.
“I’ve been meaning to mention ‘Mione, I saw Ron leave the party earlier with Lavender. I don’t want to upset you but I thought you should know.”
Draco watches Hermione carefully across the circle. He has his own suspicions about the end of Granger's “Golden” relationship.
“Oh don’t worry about it Harry, I saw.” Hermione says looking completely unphazed. “It’s been a while and I want him to be happy.”
“Yes Harry don’t worry, Hermione’s gotten over Ron fairly quick.” Pansy pats Hermione’s hand.
When Draco fixes Pansy with his suspicious glare she grins back and winks at him. He’s always thought Pansy had no shame.
“Okay, if you say so.” Potter looks very confused.
Draco scoffs at his innocence.
“Well anyways, me and Pansy better be off. We have things to do” Hermione says breezily.
“Um alright” Potter looks shocked he hasn’t been invited off with them. Draco can’t believe he hasn’t caught on yet.
“Yes, so many deeply important activities to check off our list” Pansy rises off the ground shaking her robes out before offering Granger her arm and parading them back into the party. As the door slams shut she calls behind her “You to have fun out there boys!” then Draco and Harry are left in silence.
“Well that was a bit odd.” Harry’s voice breaks the quiet.
“Was it? I hadn’t noticed” Draco keeps his voice as bland as possible. He hadn’t really thought Potter was dumb before. What an interesting turn of events.
Potter seems momentarily lost in his thoughts but quickly breaks the silence “Well anyways look! They’ve left us drinks”
Of course they have, Draco thinks. Pansy always has a nefarious plan up her sleeve and Draco can see right through this one.
“Want one?”
Potter passes him a bright green cocktail complete with a colorful umbrella. “Hermione went all out of these”
“I didn’t know Hermione knew how to make cocktails” Draco muses as he sips his drink.
“She bartended at a Muggle bar for a while last year while they rebuilt Hogwarts” Harry tells him. “I think she needed a bit of a break from magic and you make good money mixing drinks”
Draco wonders how different Muggle bars are from wizarding bars. He doesn’t ask Harry. He does his best to keep his face from looking too inquisitive.
“I would watch out though she makes her drinks pretty strong.”
Draco glances down at his hands and is surprised to find his glass is almost empty. He drains it and then looks contemplatively at the others resting on the tray. Even with Potter's warning he's feeling quite reckless tonight. He grabs for another.
“I really would wait a second if I were you, Malfoy.” Potter cautions.
“Worried you can’t keep up with me Potter?” Draco taunts as he sips from his new beverage.
“Oh is that a challenge?” Potter sloppily grins at him and Draco feels a heat ignite deep in his core. In that moment it feels like he’ll do anything to keep Potter smiling.
“I would challenge you at any opportunity Potter” He smirks, raising his glass again. “Want to bet I can finish this faster than you?”
“I don’t know. Do I get a prize for winning?”
“I do think whoever wins would deserve a prize” Draco says frowning when his attempt at aristocratic tone is slightly ruined by the slur in his speech.
“Okay, I can work with that” Harry says softly and then he winks at him. Harry winks at him. For a second Draco’s heart freezes in his chest.
“Alright now, don’t get too excited.” He pushes back at Harry, trying to understand the motivation of his wink.
“Why wouldn’t I get excited, I’m about to claim the prize.” Harry’s grin widens and he pushes his dark curls back exposing his tanned forehead.
“You ready Draco?”
“Obviously” Draco drawls attempting to look distinguished as he pushes his own hair back and grabs his drink.
“On the count of three. One, two, three”
Harry tips his drink down his throat chugging as fast as he can. Draco watches the way the moonlight reflects on his face and looks on as his throat undulates, gulping down the bright green liquid. In fact for the first couple seconds Draco finds himself transfixed by the dark haired boy in front of him. He wants to step closer to brush Harry’s dark hair off his cheeks. As he hesitates to do so he suddenly remembers that he is supposed to also be chugging his drink. In fact, Harry is halfway through his now and is eyeing Draco with quite a confused look on his face. Draco hurriedly lifts his glass to his lips and starts to chug as well.
As the two boys drink, Draco's eyes lock with Harry. Growing up the competition between them had always been exhilarating. Draco realizes he’s missed it since the end of the war. Though he doesn’t quite remember wanting to grab Harry’s neck and pull him into a bruising kiss every time they competed as kids. He assumes this must be a new feeling and tucks it into the back of his head for further inspection at a later date. A later date where he doesn’t have Harry two feet away from him gasping for breath as he sets down an empty glass on the balcony floor.
“Aha! I won, I’m victorious!” Harry yells, flinging himself into Draco’s arms.
At first Draco doesn’t know what to do with the heavy weight in his arms. Harry smells like cedar and cinnamon, his body heat burns against Draco's chest. Draco freezes for a second before following his instinct and wrapping his arms around Harry. They hold each other for a second until Draco gently pushes them apart.
“So, what prize would you like your majesty?” He questions as he folds his body into an elaborate bow. He quickly realizes he’s misjudged how drunk he is as he loses his footing and stumbles knocking into Harry's side.
“I told you you should have slowed down on the drinks” Harry admonishes wrapping his right arm around Draco to steady him.
“Oh and miss out on the fun? I could never do that.” Draco retorts petulantly. He leans into Harry's side craving the heat of his body against his. He longs to tangle his finger through the dark locks that curl along Harry's cheek bones and his hands twitch at his sides before he restrains himself. He compromises by swinging his left arm around Harry's hips. Harry shifts against him and he wonders if he overstepped for a second before he realizes that Harry is shifting towards him till they’re facing while their arms still drape across each other like vines.
“So,” Draco isn’t sure if he’s imagining it but he’s pretty sure Potter's gaze just flicked across his lips. “Tell me about your ideal prize, Potter.” He watches Harry's eyes as they darken and then flick nervously to the floor.
Harry licks his lips and then pauses nervously “To be honest I would love to hear what you would have picked as your prize Draco I need a bit of inspiration”
“ Oh fuck off, are you saying now you wish I had won?” Draco says argumentatively and removes his arm from around Harry’s waist so that he can shove him back away from him towards the wall. As she shoves Harry he grabs around Draco’s shoulders to keep from being pushed back and they both slam tipsily into the wall. Draco feels his entire body press up against Potter pining into the wall. Draco's head is squished in the gap between Harry’s head and his shoulder and Draco only just holds himself back from licking down the naked expanse of skin where Harry’s neck meets his shirt. Draco pulls his head further back so that he can make eye contact with Harry.
“Come on Harry, tell me your prize.” he says huskily, refusing to break eye contact with the boy in front of him.
Harry’s eyes are dark and as he struggles to gather his thoughts he squirms against Draco only making the heat in his core more intense.
“Kiss me” Harry breathes as he looks directly into the silver eyes in front of him.
Draco must be really drunk because what?! Did the infamous Harry Potter just ask to kiss him?
“You want me to kiss you?” He questions Harry. Refusing to believe the words that just came out of his mouth.
“What are you scared?” Harry gently taunts reaching out and caressing Draco’s cheek. Draco clenches his jaw to hold back a whimper. He can't comprehend the feeling of Potter's beautiful hands against his skin. They are warm and rough and everything he’s ever imagined.
“Scared? Never.” Draco bites back, leveling his gaze with the boy before him and leaning in. Their lips meet warm and suck him in like he’s drowning in an oil spill. Everything is dark and smooth and Draco finds he is incapable of pulling away. He feels Potter lick up in between his lips and their tongues trace each other leaving him gasping. Draco presses closer to Harry pinning him harder against the wall as he winds his hair through Harry’s wild curls. He tugs slightly and startles when Harry responds moaning into his mouth.
“Oh you like that Potter?” Draco teases, pulling away slightly to look into Harry’s eyes. Harry’s eyes are dark with lust and turn the spark in Draco's chest into a wildfire. He wants to rip Harry's clothes off right then and there. He craves the taste of Harry's skin against his tongue.
“Yeah I do Draco, come back. Keep kissing me.” Harry demands petulantly before wrapping his hards into the collar of Draco’s shirt and pulling him back in. Their bodies collide, sliding against each other and building up heat. Draco pushes his hand under Harry’s jumper and laughs as Harry jumps slightly at the cold of his hands before pulling him closer again. Their breaths grow rough and ragged as their bodies drag against each other quicker.
Suddenly Harry pulls back. “As much as I love this I don’t want Pansy coming back to check on us and getting an eyeful” he rushes. “Come up to my room.”
“Sounds like a plan for Potter.” Draco casts a rueful gaze across to him as he buttons his shirt back together and pulls Harry's robe closed across his jumper.
“Hurry up though I can’t wait all day”
“You know you’re very impatient.” Harry teases before grabbing his hand and pulling him quickly through the door back into the common room. Luckily it’s late enough by now and most everyone has disappeared in twos or threes back to their rooms or on drunken adventures. The couple of people left in the common room pay them no mind and Harry grabs Draco's hand dragging him into a darkened hallway.
“It’s this way, second door to the left.” He whispers slowly for a second and Draco takes the opportunity to press up against him from the back, feeling the curve of Harry's body against his as he once again drags his hands up Harry's sides.
Harry fumbles with his keys distracted as Draco presses hot kisses up his neck, mouthing and sucking until Harry gives up on the keys altogether pushing his body back into Draco. Then Draco pauses, bringing his mouth up to Harry’s ear he whispers “Come on Potter, get it together, open your door.”
His prompt is all Harry needs, he pulls his body up off of Draco and pushes his keys into the door swiftly unlocking it and letting them in.
A soon as the door swings shut behind them Harry’s hands come up to unclasp Draco's robes and swiftly unbutton his shirt. Harry’s hands are hot against Draco's cold skin and he feels himself melting into Potter at the contact. Draco maneuvers them closer to the bed and Harry falls back on it before reaching up and pulling Draco down on top of him. Their bodies meet hot and tangled and Harry pulls Draco’s shirt off in one go.
“Shit wait, Draco can you close the blinds?” Harry pants, voice husky.
“Yeah, here.” Draco twists his body reaching for the blinds and he hears Harry gasp beneath him. He immediately forgets about the blinds turning back to Harry “What is it? Did I hurt you?”
“No” Harry rushes. “Just what’s on your back?”
“Oh this little old thing? You can see it if you want” He pulls himself off of Harry and turns around. Harry gasps again and Draco grins as the moonlight reflects off of his back and Harry watches an inky Norwegian Ridgeback unfurl its wings across the expanse of Draco’s pale shoulders. “You never told me we matched,” Harry says, his voice awestruck as he gently turns Draco’s body and pulls him back onto the bed.
“You never asked,” Draco whispers, his lips tracing Harry’s neck along a similar outline of a smaller dragon.
To the Harry Potter fic fandom; I need your help.
Does anyone remember the name of the fic where (I think) hermione draco pansy Ron Harry daphne Theo and whoever else sat drinking in the common room and went off in each room to perform specific fantasy’s…? I remember Ron and pansy being paired since it was meant to be who desired who. Please let me know!! Like the rooms were magical and it would conjure their desires. They would fight against it at first but then succumb the urge

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) dir. Alfonso Cuarón
am i the only one who thinks that ron weasley hit different in the order of the phoenix?

Harry Potter Memes this time!

Theodore Nott x reader
Catagory: Angst, fluff
Warnings: Mentions of wounds and blood. Booth of them are complete dumbasses. Reader is a tiny bit sensitive, but rightfully so.
Summary: Theodore is lonelier than ever, especially after receiving the dark mark. So he tries to find peace in new things. Like Choirs.
Words: 7.2 k
OBS! I gave reader a last name. Oak, but her first name is still your own but just so everyone knows
A/N: Uh, it's long. I don't know if I love it or hate it, but I'm also really tired so I don't have the energy to think. But also, what writers like what they write? So here you go.

(I'm not religious, but god seriously has his favorites)
His room couldn't contain the warmth that it used to hold during the summer. The fire from his fireplace couldn't keep up with the autumn's chill breezes and cold rains. The heat easily simmered out through the cracks of the old windows, leaving Theodore with stale fingers and cold toes.
On a normal day, he might've complained. When he was younger, he used to despise the cold, always missing the summer rays during the quiet winter. But now? He wasn't sure that he disliked it anymore. The chill air became the only thing that understood the echoing emptiness in his chest.
"I'm joining the Choir." He said absentmindedly. A quick decision he took during the dark hours layered itself with pity and sadness.
"That's rash. I thought you hated Choirs." Blaise mumbled from his seat on the carpeted floor.
Theodore shifted in his soft duvets." I don't hate them, I just don't understand the point of it."
Blaze's face scrunched in confusion and he looked away from his book to watch the other young man mindlessly play with the corners of his sheets." Then why are you joining one?"
Theodore only sighed. He didn't intend to answer Blaise. He wouldn't understand. Blaise had yet to receive the itching curse on his wrist and therefore hadn't been tied to bad things for the rest of his life. Or perhaps, Theodore had become selfish during the quiet days of his suffering.
"Well, I don't care if join or not, but maybe keep it quiet from Draco... and the others." Theodore hummed absentmindedly. If Malfoy would ever find out about Theodore joining something so 'muggly' as a choir, he would stuff Theo in a box and send him straight to the doorstep of Voldermort.
"I know."
Blaize looked at Theodore for any reaction but turned his attention to the book in his lap when Theo only continued to stare at the ceiling.
"Have you packed? We're leaving in two days." He easily rerouted the conversation.
The smell of food made Theodore sick to his stomach. Before he left, he hoped that his appetite would return when the warm food that the elves of Hogwarts made entered his nostrils, but his hopes were all in despair.
Classes had been going on for six days and focusing had already been proven to be a task.
Professor Flitwick stopped him in the corridor the earlier day to speak to him about the request for joining his 'Frog choir', as it was called. Professor Flitwick had thought that it was a mere prank. So Theodore stood in the corridor for 10 minutes explaining to the professor that he didn't pull a prank on him.
And now, he sat by the lunch table, idly waiting for the clock to tick to its designated hour. The choir lesson. He had been asked by Blaise at the beginning of the lunch if he were alright, and he had lied with a clump of nerves stuck in his throat.
He wished to believe his nerves only existed to tease him. But his nerves seemed to be right, for it seemed that wherever he went, eyes followed him. Whether it was Draco, who always appeared to be in the same room as Theodore. Or Professor Snape, that read over his shoulder whenever they had positions class.
Theodore shook his head, a small pain making its way into his head. He stood up, and curious glances was thrown his way.
"Why haven't you eaten? You always eat?" Lorenzo asked with his arms tied behind his head. Only for a second, Theodore stiffen.
"Must've eaten something bad yesterday." He barely mumbled before quietly gliding out of the grand Hall.
Her eyes shot up from her note page when the door slammed open. The murmur carried throughout the dark and dusty classroom came to halt, and (Name) eyed Theodore Nott suspiciously when he strode into the room. Professor Flitwick tapped his wand against the podium he stood by, effectively gaining everyone's attention again.
"Oh!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed when he saw the tall boy standing by the entrance. "I seem to have forgotten to inform you. This term, Mr. Nott here will join us."
She didn't feel good about a new person joining the choir. Especially not him. The boys from Slytherin had never been nice, and in her luck, she hadn't been the object of their harassment. Which is probably something that she should thank Harry Potter for. But didn't mean that she was entirely safe from their harassment.
If he decided she were to be his next target, it made sense. Not many people knew about her. The students didn't blink an eye when she walked by, and the teachers barely knew her name.
She never believed herself to be quiet or shy. But the lack of attention she received left her believing that she needed to be more interesting to speak to for them to enjoy her company. They thought she didn't want to go with them, so they excluded her from their plans.
It made her think, maybe being interesting didn't belong in her nature.
"Have you ever been in a choir before Mr. Nott?" The professor asked.
He timidly shook his head, and briefly wondered where his old, confident self went. "No Professor."
Professor Flitwick gave him a nod before taking a glance over his small class.
"Well then, grab your notes from the table, and then Miss Oak will help you."
Theodore looked around after this 'Miss Oak', and he believed the young lady looking at Professor Flitwick with eyes popping out of her skull would be the girl that the Professor inquired about.
The old paper felt scratchy in his hand when he grabbed the note-filled sheets, and his body heavily trudged to stand by Miss Oak. She didn't say anything, nor did she look at him when he placed himself beside her.
She tried to not pay attention to the boy on her side, but it became a problem since he radiated off his body heat by how close he stood. Perhaps, she should have offered him her help with the notes. But after a while, it seemed he figured it out and she relaxed at the thought of not needing to interact with him.
The lesson came to an end and she wasted no time packing her things so she could catch the Professor before he turned to the next class to teach.
The rest of the students filed out quickly, and to her luck, the professor didn't.
"Professor Flitwick?" She asked.
He turned around and smiled. "Yes dear, what can I help you with?" He answered, before once again turning back to collect the remaining papers.
"I was wondering if you maybe could have someone else help Mr. Nott with his notes." She stood tall and spoke calmly when the professor turned his full attention to the girl. But inside her, a turmoil of emotion rolled around, making her dizzy and anxious.
"Why is that?" She swallowed when his calculated gaze met hers and tried her best not to tear eye contact.
"Well, because I'm afraid that helping him might disturb the focus on my studies." A small humorous scoff sounded through the room, and Professor Flitwick continued to track down the classroom with (name) hot on his tail.
"I must say that I believe that you are wrong." He started, and (name)'s eyebrows scurried together." I think that you need to socialize yourself, to meet new people. Mr. Nott is a kind young man, who I think will get along great with you."
A sigh of descent escaped her, and she trudged out of the classroom in defeat, beginning the lonely track toward her next class. Which unfortunately for her would be divination.
Theodore is an utterly and completely helpless man. He'd met the girl once, one smell, one touch, and he dared never stop thinking about her. The realization had almost knocked him off his chair, for wherever he went, his brain lost control over his eyes and they began to wander, searching after the girl.
For the next Choir class, he made sure to be late again, only so that he could guarantee a second of attention from her. Flitwick had come to warn him about bad habits, but why care? Theodore didn't know. For her eyes flickered to his, and only for a second, the mark on his arm didn't burn his skin.
He slowly walked towards his self-chosen place by her side and didn't let his eyes leave her once. She radiated with caution and apprehension, but Theodore didn't incline to stop staring. At least not until she showed signs of being even mildly uncomfortable.
Her eyes scanned the notes of the Christmas Carol more than she could count as an attempt to not give in to his staring. Because even though she felt tempted to stare at his angel-like face, a fear still presented itself in the back of her mind.
She winced as the floorboards creaked at her nervous shuffle, and once again, felt herself becoming the attention of Theodore's eyes. He opened his mouth, and she made herself ready for anything that could leave his mouth.
"Oh, buggers. I seemed to have forgotten my papers." (Name) watched carefully when the professor rummages through his bag, hoping that his papers are there so he doesn't leave the classroom, risking that someone with dark hair and brown eyes will start a conversation with her.
But to her downfall, Professor Flitwick quickly announced that he would be back soon, and no one had the time to blink before he walked away.
She swallowed the anxious lump in her throat and took a breath through her nose.
"Nervous?" He asked, fully aware that she had been shuffling around and taking unnecessarily deep breaths ever since he situated himself on her side.
"No." She answered, too fast for her liking, before quickly focusing on her paper again.
Theodore wanted to sigh in disappointment when she wasn't up for a conversation, and at the same time felt a stream of pettiness run through his fingertips.
He clenched his pale fist in frustration and looked away. A gust of air passed his lips in a desperate attempt to not let his hopes sink. To be so obsessed with a person in such a so short time felt strange. So strange he started to suspect that a love potion had been involved. But the way she shut herself away from him, he supposed that it would be strange for her to pour a love potion into his drink.
Professor Flitwick's footsteps were loud before he came in sight, and Theodore cursed his chance when it faded into nothing.
But on the other hand, it could turn out to be for the best. He knew that the capability of making a fool out of himself lingered.
Professor seemed to have noticed the shift of emotions on Theodore's face.
"Are you alright, Mr. Nott, you seem to be a bit pale over there?" He wanted to laugh at the coincidence.
"I'm alright, Professor." He answered politely, gently clearing his throat as he tried to brush off the awkwardness of the professor's notice.
But oh to be held, he took notice of a small, inconvenient, soft laugh. His head snapped towards her when he heard who it came from, and she quickly covered it up with a cough and a small apology.
He scoffed quietly, and she pursed her lips as he looked away.
"Everyone ready?" Professor Flitwick asked, and a chorus of positive answers echoed in the hall. And with four flicks of his wand, the choir let their voices out. At first, Theodore believed that no one in this room had sung in a choir. The different voices jumbled together, but it seemed that after just a countable second, the different voices blended into an angel melody.
He could hear her voice perfectly, and he never wanted to have no one else singing in his ear, quite literally. And he let himself bask in the warmth of her tone until a crack reaches the surface. He cringe at the miss of a note in (Name)'s voice, and she did the same.
Theodore struggled to cover up the small chuckles that escaped his mouth, and he blushed in shame to be laughing at her. She didn't seem to mind or hear him. Her face bore a confused scowl, making a wrinkle appear between her eyebrows. Suddenly he felt himself wanting to reach out, to smooth the area out with his thumb. But it would've been ridiculous if he did, possibly ruining all his chances with her in the world.
The harmonious tune took an end, and a murmur broke out, asking each other for the right notes and laughing at each other's wrongs. Theodore listened in curiosity as she hummed the same part over and over again, still getting the same note wrong even though she tries.
"It's an f-sharp, not f." He instructed, and she paused. Patiently waiting for her answer, Theodore hummed the tune for her, showing the correct way. Before the tune ended, he looked towards her to make sure that she was listening, and met her eyes. Theodore felt his heart drum against his sensitive ribs when she watched him with idle eyes.
When it once again took to an end, Theodore masked his madness with raised eyebrows and a look in his eyes, that asked her if she understood.
The eye contact broke as she looked away.
"I knew that, I'd just forgotten." She explained, and the left corner of his mouth rose.
"Sure you did." Sarcasm dripped from his voice, and he feared he'd taken it too far, for he didn't know her limits, how much she would be able to take nor how sensitive she might be.
But his fear easily melted away when he saw the slightest twitch of her lips.
For the first time in a long time, she left the classroom with a content look on her face. The conversation that appeared, is something that she had missed happening. Like an old conversation with the rain.
And she almost wished that her next Choir lesson would be today so that she had someone to talk to again. But it was albeit a bit intimidating. She is afraid that if she spoke too much, or shares too many feelings, he would get bored of talking with her. And she wouldn't have a potential friend anymore.
She sighed at her overcalculating thoughts and decided that she would keep basking in his attention as long as it would last.
Until her Transfiguration class with professor McGonagall the next day. Usually, she was fully aware of where everyone was so she could sit alone and not risk getting a desk friend. As said, except for today. Maybe it was to blame on the bad night's sleep, but she hadn't given a second thought about where she sat down.
And once again, Theodore stormed into the class, ten minutes late. He didn't apologize for being late, instead, he took the closest empty seat he could find and sat down.
(Name) could feel the looks from the rest of the Slytherins when Theodore sat beside her and she straightened her spine and directed her eyes forwards again, not wanting to pay attention to them.
"Fashionably late, as usual, Mr. Nott?" McGonagall questioned, amusement in her tone, but stone-set face.
"Sorry, Professor." He mumbled, and McGonagall nodded, intending to start the lesson again.
Theodore could feel the burning gazes of his friends as he opened up his book. At first, he didn't intend to give the bloodsuckers their craved attention, because he knew what it would an about, and he was also well aware of who he was sitting next to.
But he could hear Blaise whispering his name, and he still didn't want to seem rude, so he turned in his chair, and was met by the eyes of his Slytherin classmates. Draco raised an eyebrow at him, before nodding his head towards (Name).
Theodore knew exactly what he enclined and shrugged. His friends didn't need to know everything, and he didn't need to be around them every minute of the day.
A warm feeling, but strange occupied her chest when Theodore turned back, a half smile on his pink lips and relaxed eyes looking upon her.
And she wanted to beat the butterflies in her stomach with a stick.
During the lesson, there were not many words exchanged between them, and at first, it was a maladroit pressure on (Name)s chest to say something or to make him, anything of the sort. But she realized quite soon that she didn't need to speak, for it was both comforting and nice to have him sitting beside her, carefree of what was around him as he wrote on his parchments.
She hoped and prayed to merlin that it would stay like this and that it wasn't just a fortunate stroke of serendipity.
Something changed with him. She could both see and feel it, and never had she doubted her senses when she felt as if something was wrong.
In their choir lesson, he acted differently against his usual sarcastic but nice persona, which would help her if she was wrong, or speak to her about professor Flitwick's ridiculous beard.
But today he acted strange, only chuckling at her when she did wrong, and when helping her, he sounded up stuck.
He was almost being competitive.
And it was onerous, and burdensome to have such an enthralling person seeing you as a competition. Especially when she was aware that he was more sharp-minded, wittier, and more ambitious than she could ever wish to be.
So therefore she tried to ignore it, playing it off as if had a bed day instead so that she could protect her feelings.
But it only continued and got worse too.
She was slouching in a chair, wand in hand as she tried the same spell over and over again, but the pair of dice weren't even close to becoming chocolate pralines with passion fruit filling. Theodore had gotten it multiple times and embarrassment was beginning to crawl over her cheeks in the form of warmth.
She flicks her wand once more, and when she finally thinks that she has succeeded, she is disappointed to only see a small patch of melted chocolate. A deflected sigh left her lips, and her body slouched even more in her seat.
A chuckle rang out from the side of her, and she bit the inside of her cheek in anticipation of what he was going to say.
"It's going well I see." He remarked, and (Name) felt her ears getting hot from his sudden attention.
"No, obviously not." She mumbled.
"What am I doing wrong?" The question wasn't directed to anyone in particular, but Theodore answered it anyway.
"That, you have to figure out yourself Oak." He scoffed, moving out of his wooden seat and gently picking the pralines up to place them in his palm.
"Because, unlike others, I do have pralines instead of..." he looked quizzically, but in amusement at the chocolate mush on her table. "... that."
(Name)'s face scrunched as she listened to his almost berating words that were thrown, and was about to say something but he had already started walking up to McGonagall with his paper and sweets. She took a long, calculating glance at them, and then nodded, permitting him to leave the classroom.
And he did just so, collecting his books and taking a last glance at the frustrated witch before making his way.
It left (Name) in hassle. The way that Theodore's behavior changed so quickly, and so out of context. But perhaps she's the one to blame. The hope in her heart maybe made her think that he was the nicest out of them all, that he wanted to be her friend. Perhaps -one day- to be even more. She realized that it is her younger self talking through, the child that didn't wish for anything but true love.
She decided that it was a naive thought, and hastily closed her book before walking away from the class.
The next time it happened, it was during choir. (Name) did try her best to stay civil and rational, but how could she do that when Theodore was somehow effectively getting on her last nerves? And she was usually a calm, down-to-earth person.
"What do you mean I'm doing it wrong, I sing it exactly like everyone else." She argued exasperated as she glared at monstrous holes in the side of Theodore's head. She found it strange that he could get on her nerves so easily, even if his presence were able to make her knees weak.
"You're not singing it like like everyone else, sweety." The nickname threw her off immediately, and she felt ashamed as she spluttered out excuses and arguments against it, trying to act as repulsive as possible.
"Mr. Nott and Ms. Oak, interested in sharing your conversation with the class." Professor Flitwick interrupted, and both Theodore and (Name) realized that the room was almost completely quiet, and cringed in embarrassment.
"Sorry, Professor. But I just have a question." Theodore started, holding one of his fingers in the air as he threw a side glance towards the girl on his side, who was watching him with a curiously raised eyebrow.
"But could you just tell me how this part goes one more time?" He asked, with patronize dripping from his voice like sweet, sticky honey.
The sour face that Flitwick carried quickly morphed into a lighter one.
"Why of course." His older voice rang out the words perfectly, and (Name) shrank into herself as the realization hit her that she did indeed sing wrong. Shame crept up on her from behind, and it was humbling when it came to her that Theodore, who had only been participating for two weeks, already seemed to be more intelligent and cunning than her.
"I won." (Name) didn't look at him, didn't say anything back as a strange, unknown emotion buried itself in her mind. She couldn't decide if it was jealousy, or if she was being hurt by his actions. It didn't make sense for her as to why he would need to be so right, and to mortify her like that, just to illustrate a point. Or maybe she was just being sensitive.
But right now, she didn't believe that he ever wanted to be her friend. That this was just an act to maybe relieve himself of stress, to have someone that he could compete against, knowing that he would win. It could also have something to do with power, that he felt out of control and needed something that he could manipulate. It would make sense, she supposed. (But did it though. Why would he pick her of all people to mess with? She hadn't done anything to him.)
As every single afternoon after choir, she trudged towards her house, lining up for the common rooms, more specifically, the comfort and consoling of her bed.
When she entered, it was pleasing to find that it was only one person present in the dormitory, and she hopefully could rest peacefully during the entire evening and night, and for once wake up with a good night's sleep and possibly a better mood.
Though she would be missing dinner, sacrifices were made and if it would guarantee sleep, she felt confident in taking that risk.
And with the last thought that maybe, she would just have to ignore Theodore if he continued with his confusing advances. Even if it meant that he wouldn't become her friend. And she fell asleep. A deep, undisturbed, peaceful sleep.
The next morning, she felt as fresh as the morning dew on her favorite flower. Nothing could ruin her mood was the famous words, but she truly felt it today. The day began with Magic of the Dark Arts, which she sure wasn't the brightest when it came to that class. But after that, she would practice quidditch, and then she would be able to find a dark corner in the library and bury her nose in a book, possibly one about the magical creatures of the north. It sounded interesting enough. (And who would she be to say no to new information and facts?)
As usual, dark arts sucked all the energy out of her eyes and brain but were lucky enough when the energy returned after the intense quidditch practice. The shower she took softened her stiff and sore limbs, and the grime and dirt watched down the drain slowly as she massaged her body with her flower-scented soap bar. It was almost a luxurious feeling.
Her robes had also been washed, which ended up with her smelling like a spring field and newly washed linen. It was something that oddly enough boosted her confidence.
The corridors were fairly empty as she began her quite a long walk towards the library. It was nice, the only thing echoing in the corridors bring the whining wind that carried new crystalizing snowflakes to the ground.
She turned corner after corner, walking by the great hall and resuming towards the moving stairs. But as she turned a corner, she stopped. Not voluntarily, but her body seemed to have control over her mind.
Lit by the flames of the corridor, was Theodore, sitting on the dusty stone floor and leaning against the wall with one of his legs stretched out before him, and the other bent towards his stomach. He didn't see her, for his head rested against the knee of his bent leg, and one of his arms clutched the side of his stomach. Almost as if he felt pain. She stood awkwardly and silently, waiting for him to notice her.
It went against what she promised yesterday night, that she wouldn't interact with, nor acknowledge his actuality. But her promises seemed to become empty every time they circled the Brunett.
So she gently cleared her throat and that seemed to do it for Theodore's head snapped towards her, his face showing that he became startled. But that wasn't the only thing that his face showed.
(Name)'s brows gently furrowed as she scanned his face. His left eye was bruised, along with his sharp cheekbone, and blood continued to drip from his nose, messily running down his lips and over his jaw.
"My my, what do we have here?" The surprised face that he carried slowly turned into a teasing smirk, but she found it easy to look past his confidence to know that it was all a mask, a trick to not let her see him in a state of weakness.
"By Merlin's beard, who did this to you?" she knelt by him to get a closer look at his face.
Theodore hoped that it didn't show, but his face had begun to heat up as her big, concerned eyes stretched over his face.
His heart beat faster, and his own brown eyes got stuck on her face, more exactly on her lips. He didn't want to stare, he didn't want to make it obvious but he had no power over his brain at all.
"Malfoy and Crabe. Maybe Goyle too. Don't remember." He said, shaking his head as he smiled with tired eyes. It was a wonder that he was still sitting up, especially after the hard kick that Crabe had delivered to his stomach.
"Why would they beat you? I thought you were friends?" She questioned, staring intently at a particular wound by his eye that looked like it surely needed medical attention sooner or later.
"I wouldn't say friends, merely acquaintances." He chuckled lightly before he shifted and turned serious." And they were saying impolite things, about someone-someone that I-" He stopped himself and pursed his lips." someone that I guess I care for." He forced that part out as if he had trouble saying it out loud. It probably contributed to the vulnerability, and it had probably torn on his ego to get beaten.
And that's why (Name) didn't ask any more questions. She wasn't usually someone to care about someone's ego, but she didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
She pursed her lips and stretched her legs which created an obnoxious sound in her knees before she stretched her hand towards him.
"What?" He asked skeptically.
"If you want, I can help with your wounds and the swelling." Theodore still looked doubtful, so she sighed and lightly rolled her eyes at his mistrust. "Don't worry, my mother used to work as a doctor back in a muggle hospital and has taught me much, so you can trust me."
Theodore seemed to relax at that and slowly grabbed her hand with a steady grip. It was an odd feeling, to have his hand in hers. It felt different than she thought it would. Instead of the cold, rough skin that she expected, it became a surprise when a warm hand with soft skin latched onto hers instead.
With a strong arm, she pulled Theodore up to his feet and she could hear a small groan leave him as he used his power and might to get up.
His face twisted in pain for a second and (Name) stretched her arm forwards when he almost fell against the wall again. Bit Theodore seemed to collect his strength with a big breath before standing straight, wincing slightly as his probably bruised ribcage stretched.
He must've felt her nervous gaze because he looked down at her with a reassuring face and said "I'm alright."
They began to track down the corridors.
They choose to walk to Theodore's room instead of (Name)'s, since he had a single room all by himself, and also because the girls wouldn't be too fond of finding Theodore in the girl's dormitory. They slowly descended the marble stairs that led to the dungeons, both of them walking much slower than before because of the pain in Theodore's stomach.
"Are you sure that we shouldn't go to madame Pomfrey instead?" (Name) asked for the third time as she heard the heavy breathing that came from Theodore, but he once again shook his head in denial.
"I'm fine, promise." He tried to persuade her, but she didn't feel fooled.
"No, I don't believe that you're fine." She argued and stopped in the middle of the stairs in protest of his hardheadedness. And when he noticed that she wasn't by his side, he stopped too and leaned against the wooden stair railing
"Please." His face showed only pleading, and the foreign display of emotion made her desire to fall to her knees for him right then and there, to take him in her arms and baby him for the rest of his life. It scared her to know that the smallest display of weakness that Theodore showed could manipulate her into doing anything. But it would be inevitable to avoid him because of such a -what she thought was- unimportant cause.
"Alright, but at least let me help you walk." She requested almost timidly, afraid that he would protest. But to her delight he nodded, so she walked to him and took his arm over her shoulder before circling her own around his slim waist, and then with all her power, she took a part of his weight onto her shoulders before they began to move, slowly limping to the edge of the old stairs before they walked down the dark dungeon to the entrance of the Slytherin house.
When they stopped in front of the dark wooden door, (Name) turned to look at Theodore for him to understand that she couldn't say the password since she didn't know it.
His cheeks pinked as he realized and he cleared his throat. "Pureblood." She would be flattered by the fact that he dared to say it loud in front of her, apparently trusting her with the password, if it weren't for the fact that her face scrunched in dislike at the password. She didn't say anything about it.
Theodore seemed to gather strength and nearly pulled her with him as he tried to cross the common room as fast as he could, like his injuries suddenly didn't hurt anymore.
(Name) wanted to stop and gape at the Slytherin common room. The first thing that stood out was the large windows on the opposite side, which allowed a view into the depths of the dark lake that you couldn't get anywhere else. There were also small desks placed against the walls and two round tables on the stone floor. And in the middle two black leathered couches took place in front of a hefty fireplace in the wall. By the thought of walls, (Name) turned her eyes up, and there she saw the stone decorations that had been carved into fetching eye-catching glamors.
Theodore pulled harsher at her arm when she slowed down, and she grumbled as he stressed her towards a high-roof corridor, that had another big window by the end that was framed by long green curtains. She believed it to be strange since the corridor wasn't parted into girls or boys as it was in hers. And there were also arguably more than two doors on the walls.
She counted every door they walked past, and ended up with the number 16 when they stopped between the last pair of doors. The door they were facing had two familiar letters engraved on them. T.N, and had been filled in with silver which she believed fitted him well.
Her free hand grabbed the handle and twisted, opening the door into his dark room. Then she stumbled inside. Her body had become tired from carrying Theodore the length of the stairs and corridors, so she walked towards his made bed and gently sat him down before closing the door. And then rolled her shoulders to leverage the pain.
She tried to look around for some kind of lighter or anything that she could use to gain sight. But it turned out to not be needed when all the candles lit up by the flick of Theodore's hand. And also a small fireplace in the corner that cast a warm hue over the room.
"Medical kit is in the top drawer." Theodore's voice was pained, and it made her hurry to the place he pointed so she could get working on his wounds. It was scary to have him sitting there in pain, labored breathing and his expression tight as he attempted not to show his discomfort. A particularly loud groan made her turn around from the desk where the medical things lay.
Theodore was now leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and teeth clenched. And she wondered how he persuaded her into keeping him away from Madame Pomfrey. She also regretted offering her help to heal him in the first place, since the injuries now seemed to be beyond her expertise. His face showed nothing but discomfort and (Name) started to feel nervous. Her medical skills were good but by how Theodore looked at the moment, she seriously started to doubt her skills.
But she didn't say anything and took a cotton pad soaked in anti-bacterial and plasters to cover the wounds with.
When she stood by the edge of the bed she concluded that she would not be able to reach him when he leaned back as he did, and gently poked at his arm to gain his attention." I can't reach you, you need to sit up."
He hummed lowly, (Name) almost missing the sound before he slowly dragged himself to the edge of the bed, his legs dangling off the side.
She didn't hesitate then and positioned herself between his legs before slowly cleaning both around in the open cuts on his temple and lip that she discovered after wiping away the blood that dripped from his nose.
The position they were in made (Name) almost dizzy with nerves, and she longed to get closer. But it was only longing and she didn't dare to do anything about it and therefore stayed at an arm's length. The new feelings made her weak. Made her feel vulnerable, and that too was scary. Extremely scary.
He suddenly hissed as she slipped with her hands. It didn't take a second before an unusual amount of guilt in her chest.
"I'm sorry, I lost focus."
He nodded. A way of showing that it is okay. But his jaw still clenched when she proceeded with the plasters.
"I need to look at your stomach too." There was quiet as she stood in front of him, waiting for him to raise his shirt. But he didn't seem to be compliant. "I only need to check for anything broken."
He seemed to let down his guard when she added the reason, and her body warmed in shame when she understood that Theodore thought she wanted to see his bare skin.
Also because Theodore had started to lift his shirt, revealing his bare skin to her. She felt almost flattered that he trusted her enough to undress like this. But she knew he didn't have much of a choice.
"Lay down please." He once again did as she said, and slowly leaned into his bed, stretching his upper body when his back hit the mattress. It was quiet in the room, the only thing that you could hear being Theodore's uneven breathing and (Name)'s airy gasp when her eyes landed on his bruised ribs.
"By Merlin, what did they do to you?" she asked him while she took a closer look. The left side of his ribcage had been beaten to the point where the bruises turned yellow and green instead of blue and purple.
"What? What is it?" he moved his hand toward the bruises, trying to feel after the thing that had gotten her stunned but she quickly grabbed his wrist so that he wouldn't cause himself any unnecessary pain. Especially not when she had already made him feel enough pain for the rest of her life.
She swallowed and rested Theodore's hand by his side. He stared at her tensely as she brought her hand up, letting it float over his ribcage. This time, his entire body unknowingly tensed as he waited for the pain that would come when she laid her hand on him. But she never did. Instead, she closed her eyes.
Warmth flowed in waves from the palm of her hand and Theodore's body began to slowly un-tense.
Theodore would trust her with his own worthless life if it came to it, and it wasn't why he felt so on edge. To have her fingers, her flesh so close to his own given his heart something to work for and his brain something to think of. And if he weren't in such agony, he would've begged her to touch him. To lay her warm palm upon his beaten skin, to kiss it, to caress it.
His pathetic thoughts were happily interrupted as the pads of her finger accidentally made contact with his sternum, and a delighted shiver crawled its way over his body.
"Sorry." She apologized, thinking that she had caused him pain.
"It didn't hurt." She looked at him with an unbelieving frown, a frown that made his tongue twist when he tried to stutter an answer.
"Or it does hurt, but your touch... doesn't hurt." She barely heard the last part. Barely, but she still did. Her body heat skyrocketed, and she bit the inside of her cheek to hide her flustered expression, and also to stop the dancing butterflies that made their way up her throat.
He didn't know what came over him at that moment, but a sudden urge to tell her everything limped its way into his mind. It was a long time since he felt this vulnerable and was okay with it. An old memory of him as a child in his mother's arms flashed before his eyes, but he quickly locked it away once more.
But he bit his tongue.
He was sure that she thought he looked pathetic. Here he lay, half-naked, beaten bloodied with tears in his eyes and a frown on his face. He didn't know if he enjoyed the thought or not, because while he enjoyed being vulnerable for you, he still didn't want you to think he was weak because of the touch of the woman he had been obsessing over.
"You must care for this person, hm?" She awkwardly laughed as she smoothly changed the subject. She didn't want to know who he fought for, nor why he did it. But it started getting harder and harder for her to keep to the promise she made herself. To keep him at a distance. Both physically and emotionally.
Theodore didn't have time to answer, both because he was overthrown by the complete change of conversation, but also because she spoke again before he even opened his mouth.
"Who is it anyway. I honestly didn't know you could care about someone that much." She joked harmlessly, but the comment made his mouth feel like paper.
She stopped her magic, fingers retracting into her palm and her head snapped up to meet his eyes, to see if he lied. But she saw only honesty. No side smirk, no crinkle by his eyes, no pursing lips as a way to hide a mischievous smile.
His eyes were peering at her through his lashes, innocent, brown eyes.
"What- What do you mean?"She carefully asked, knowing exactly what he meant. But she needed confirmation.
"It was you who they spoke ill about." He murmured, staring into the abyss of her eyes. Her body burned like it was on fire because of the nerves that he created within her. And she wanted to look away so that she could catch her breath but she deemed it impossible.
A glaze was cast over his eyes, a glaze containing something akin to admiration.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" The question slipped before she could think about stopping it.
Once more, he didn't say anything. But she could feel how he moved. His arm slowly encircled her and the other hand, he raised to her cheek. His fingers danced along her cheekbone, spreading a fire on her skin that she didn't know to be possible until now.
But the moment changed, as did the energy in the room as he carefully leaned closer with big, hopeful eyes. She stood frozen, one part not believing what was about to happen and the other knowing that if she valued herself, she would have to remove herself right now.
Before he took the next step, she pulled her face away.
Deep in her gut, there was a sour scorching feeling that began to spread like poisoning, killing all happiness that was present before and taking the form of angry tears in her eyes. It was unfair, how he could treat her however he liked, be as awful as he wished. And still have her here, sitting in his sheets and bandaging him with gentle hands.
It was unfair.
"You are so contradicting Theodore." Tears were stuck in her voice and she quickly raised from the bed. She didn't want him to see that she was hurting.
"What?" There was a pang in her heart. He sounded small, like a wounded animal.
"You are mean Theodore." She started, turning around to look at him." At first, you treated me like an equal, like a friend. Until you didn't."
He couldn't meet her eyes anymore, regret eating its way from his heart to his skin. She sniffled and cleared her throat when it became harder to keep her tears at bay.
"I thought that I'd done something to make you hate me, and I was sure you did. But then you kept insisting to sit by me, or to be around me and I couldn't understand." Her voice became small, and her tears became uncontrollable. The embarrassment of sobbing in front of him made her stomach churn, and all she wanted was to shrink into herself. She wanted him to laugh at her, to mock her so that she could get over it and move on.
But that wasn't what Theodore wanted at all. He made her feel hated by him when all he wanted was to be loved by her. And he now felt adamant to change that.
However, it's hard when he slowly crumbles as her tears continue to fall.
"I'm sorry."
And he needs to go to her. So he raises himself off the soft bed and limps toward her. But before he gets too close she turns her back on him, hiding from his fierce gaze. He sighed, saddened by her shyness, the one that had worked hard to get through, only to mess it up either way.
She wrapped her arms around herself and bowed her head to the floor when her sobbing turned into hulking and gasps for air. That was when she felt something different. Theodore had enclosed his hands on her upper arms from behind, giving them gentle caresses with his thumbs. And once more, the caresses spread the wildfire. Her body warmed and her breathing calmed as if the comfort worked.
She didn't know why she doubted that his comfort would work in the first place. Maybe because she wanted to think that he wasn't anything special to her. That love didn't do any difference when it came to a person. But he was, and it did.
Suddenly, before she could blink he turned her around and gently tugged her into his bare chest, enclosing his arms around her in an embrace. The hug didn't last long, but it didn't have to because it brought comfort either way. When he pulled away his hands immediately reached for her cheeks.
When his hands cup both sides of her face, she flinches back. But she doesn't get anywhere for his grip is unmoving. His thumb suddenly touched the space between her eyebrows and began slowly stroking the space, evening out the frown on her face.
She swallows hard. "It was never my intention to make you feel this way." He sighed. A deep heartfelt sigh." I just wanted your attention. And your laughs and your love. But my so thought to be efficacious methods didn't seem to be as efficacious as I believed them to be."
A humorous chuckle rumbles through his chest when a tiny, watery smile tugs at the corner of her lips. And then (Name) feels the aftermath of her sobbing catching up to her body, and a headache grows in her skull. And that's why she lets her forehead rest on the space in between his collarbones.
"Can you ever forgive me?" He asks while letting his fingers push her back from her tear-stained face. She makes a sound in the back of her throat.
"How can I not."
Her voice still had a watery touch to it but sounded more optimistic than she had the entire day. And Theodore tightened his arms around her. But the action sent a jolt of pain through his stomach, and therefore staggered into as he tried to lean some of his body weight on her. But since she wasn't ready, she stumbled against the wall.
"Sorry." He mumbled and pulled away from the embrace.
She chuckled while looking towards the floor, before slowly dragging her eyes up to his face. And then, out of pure instinct, she kissed his cheek and his entire body flared up. "You don't have to apologize."
She hoped he realized the double meaning behind her words. And that she truly did forgive him. Perhaps it would be a stupid decision she would come to regret. But it would be a future problem.
A gentle smile licked her features when he once again cupped her cheeks in his warm palms, and she was on top of the world when he slowly leaned closer.
But he moved so slow, and (Name) wanted to feel him and therefore rose to her toes to gently connect the kiss. It was only a peck, and also short-lived. But it was also her first kiss which meant that it still felt like a thousand suns burned in her chest.
But Theodore seemed to think differently, and with a breath, connected their lips into another sweet, blissful kiss. Although this one not only was deeper but also felt like it was. Her heart beat inside her ribs, more alive than ever when Theodore continued to angle her to meet his lips as he wished. As of the moment, he was pushing her into the wall with his chest, trying to feel as much of her as possible. But since he pressed into her, she had to angle her head up so that he would reach her lips.
Her lungs were burning, and her head spun and she had no choice but to pull away. When she did, Theodore quickly tried to connect their lips again, but she didn't let him. It wasn't that she didn't want to kiss him because she did. But she also wanted to look at him. To see his brown eyes, his pink kissed lips, and rosy cheeks.
"You look pretty." She whispered, and lightly kissed his nose. It was out of her character, but it felt right to do so. Especially when she saw the surprised face that he wore.
And at that moment, Theodore felt at peace. There was no itching on his arm, no pain and she was officially his known addiction. He would never let her go now.
I'm so lonely. Anyhow, hope you enjoyed, and that it wasn't to long;)
Quick question, do you prefer 1:st 2:nd or 3:rd pov?
Theodore Nott x reader
Catagory: Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Handjob, dom!reader, they're in looove
Summary: Theodore and her venture down a path they'd never stepped upon. Because of Theodore's insatiable desire and her new night dress.
Words: 3,7k
AN: I have nothing to say. Enjoy.

She could feel his eyes on her, even if he tried to hide them by reading the book resting between his fingers. She didn't know why he was so inclined to always have his eyes on her. Especially when she was only brushing her teeth, lather covering her lips and running down her chin. She didn't look attractive at all.
But what she didn't realize was that the silky, skintight nightgown she wore gave Theodore the perfect view of the behind of her thighs. And the fabric ended right below her behind, teasing Theodore's poor old heart to death.
It was the first she had ever worn something so revealing, especially in front of him. Usually, she buried herself in her brother's old clothes and rags, finding them to be the most comfortable clothing.
And not that she didn't look dashing in those, but this was new territory for Theodore, and he wasn't taking it very well.
His heart was increasingly picking up speed and the apples of his cheeks were burning with either shame or lust, which one he didn't know. He was lucky that the duvet was covering the lower part of his body, otherwise, his desire would be much harder to hide than it already was.
(Name) threw a last, suspicious glance in Theodore's way, noticing his clenched jaw, before leaning over the tap and spitting the remains of the toothpaste out before washing it off her lips. Then she sauntered out of the bathroom, closing the door and absentmindedly rubbing her eye out of exhaustion.
Theodore's eyes were glued to her face as she floated around the room, blowing out the warm candles that were scattered on her many shelves and drawers, slowly inciting the room into a solace of darkness. The only thing helping her see being the last candle on the nightstand, which she waited to blow out.
Instead, she lifted her side of the duvet and crawled under, glowing at the warmth it provided. As an extra procedure turned over to Theodore and efficiently latched onto his bare side, her arm hugging around his torso and her head being buried in between his neck and shoulder.
It wasn't often that they got a chance to be with each other during the night times because of Hogwarts rules and the partition between the boys, girls, and different houses. This is why these moments are always highly appreciated, no matter where, how, or when.
Her nose, lips, and forehead rest comfortably on his pulse point, ears perking at every beat of his heart and bathing in the comfort of being so close to him. She doesn't think about how fast it is beating, or how Theodore's breathing is slightly uneven. Before, when she lay down, she didn't notice how he directed her legs when she wrapped herself around him so that she wouldn't accidentally grace his, at the moment, very sensitive area.
"Are you done reading soon?" She asked, his skin muffling her words and the air tickling his neck. And he raised his arm which he formerly circled her and stroked her hair back, his eyes stuck on the pages. "Only two pages left. Then I'm all yours."
A girlish smile lit up her face and she buried herself even deeper into his neck, not letting Theodore see how easily he made her insides melt and her face heat.
And as promised, after reading the last two pages of the chapter, he closed the book and put it on the floor. And (Name) took the honor of leaving his side and blowing out the last candles, this time letting the room be cast in a shadow.
Theodore eyes were glued on the back of her body as she leaned forwards, and painfully remembered the hard piece of trouble that throbbed between his legs. Before, when she was pushed up against him and his eyes actually could focus on the words in his book, he had forgotten how turned on he was. But it seemed everything she did right now made his pent-up mind turn to the less innocent part of his brain.
(Name) stopped all her movements when a large palm placed itself between her shoulder blades and gently pressed. Not to push her, but to feel her skin, how her muscles moved beneath his hand. The hand travels from its place in the middle of her back, up to her neck. Her arms gained goosebumps when Theodore cupped her neck between his fingers and thumb, fingertips almost reaching to her throat.
A sigh of delight is all she can muster when he rubs circles into her neck, carefully turning her head towards him. His black pupils had taken over his iris, only leaving a rim of his brown-stained, lust-blown eyes. Those eyes were something unfamiliar, something (Name) had never seen before. Not even in their most passionate moments, which to his dismay had only been the hidden snogging in the corner of the school library where she could guarantee that none of her siblings were watching.
The hand behind her neck traveled to her shoulder, and she swallowed when he gently pushed her down into the pillows. And she held her breath and watched with bug eyes as he crawled on top of her, positioning himself between her legs, and laying his arms on either side of her face to keep his body from crushing her.
And he stared at her, intense eyes locking with hers as if they were trying to tell her something, to imply something. And she didn't understand, but the tension in the air made her crazy and she longed to snap it like a twig between her fingers.
She let her hand travel from her side, up to the back of his delicate neck. She mimicked the hold he had on her before, and gently pushed him closer so that she could claim his lips with her own
Warmth and relief spread like wildfire in her stomach when Theodore returned her kiss with more eagerness and power than she had ever seen him do before. A sigh of delight escaped her nose, and she basked in the love Theodore provided for her every day, every minute to every second.
Her arms encircled his neck, and she slowly pulled him closer, letting him rest all his weight on her body. He moaned airily into her mouth, and (Name) saw it as an opportunity to let her tongue invade his mouth. She could feel how he melted against her body as she took control, forcing the kiss to become deeper, more sensual as she massaged his tongue with hers.
Theodore didn't know what to do with himself, for he had never experienced someone taking such control over him. Both body and mind were completely devoted to her and he had no longer any wish to think for himself, only to let her lead him through.
Slowly but surely, she slowed the kiss down, and Theodore found himself frowning when she disconnected their lips entirely. Spit collected on her bottom lip and without breaking their intimate eye contact, he leaned down and sucked the liquid off her lip. A sweet, closed-mouth moan echoed in her throat and Theodore felt how his hardness throbbed in his boxers.
"If you only could understand how absurdly amazing you make me feel." He mumbled with lidded eyes.
Her chest was heaving against his bare one, and she looked at him as if he was the reason for all the good in the world and all the good in her life. His skin erupted in flames and he, once again, leaned down although this time connecting his lips with the column of her throat.
A hand buried itself in her locks and she had no choice but to close her eyes as his lips traveled along her neck, at first only planting innocent pecks, letting his rosy lips leave invisible prints on her skin. Before he found the point right under her jaw and sucked.
"Oh, Theo." She simpered as he sucked, licked, and kissed the space, abusing it as a way of showing his love.
Her words made his hand tighten in her hair, and whilst she loved the attention she was receiving, she wanted to have more control. Theodore needed to be the princess for once. The one who would just stand there and accept the kisses and love. So she slowly enclosed her legs around his hips, squeezing him with her thighs as her hand traveled to his hair.
"You're always so good to me, taking care of me. And I love you so, so much." He sighed shakily into her neck, both because of the praise and also because of his crotch that was now pressed up against hers, and he needed almost all of his control to not grind into her and provide to his inextinguishable thirst for her.
"You own me, you own my body and you're the only thing on my mind." Theodore sucked harder on her neck, teeth grazing the blue area.
"And I own you, Theodore." And it was his downfall. He couldn't help himself but let his hips grind into hers and he grunted at the immense pleasure that spread along his stomach. And after that, he couldn't stop. Like he had been cursed, he continued to push himself against her, a secret fantasy of being inside of her, feeling her walls around his cock pushing him to continue.
"Please." He begged." Please let me make love to you." She almost choked on her tongue at his confession, and that accompanied by the pressure of Theodore's hips grinding into her made her mind foggy.
"I would to have you." A breath got caught in her throat as pressure once more ripped through her body. "But I don't want our first to be in the same house as my parents." The movement of his body came to a slow halt, trying to control himself and respect her wishes. A few playfully pecs were placed on her collarbones and a giggle escaped her lips at the tickling of his lips.
He pulled away from her body and met her eyes, intense gaze making her confidence waver and her body heat soar. Just for a moment, she contemplated to let him have her right in her childhood bed. To let him have his way with her. But with the ounce of self-control left in her body, she stayed in her decision with the knowledge it could bring more problems than pleasure. For him, her, and the rest of the family.
A hard kiss on her lips broke her out of the daze, and Theodore gently rolled off her body, settling at her side with him facing her.
"You sure it's alright?" She asked lightly, fingers tracing the shape of his nose. Her eyes did discreetly look down his body lightly gesturing to his crotch. With fingers under her chin, he lifted her face to his again, this time placing a lighter pec on her forehead.
"I'm sure, I'm here with you that's all I need. Nothing more."
"Are sure? Otherwise, you can-"
"I'm sure, never been more sure." With a gentle smile on her lips, she nodded, eyes fluttering shut when Theodore continued with her previous movements, fingers tracing her nose. "Go to sleep."
But she couldn't sleep. It was impossible. Butterflies were racing against her inner organs, in her belly and other places she had never felt the tickling feeling in. Her entire body was buzzing. Just the thought of her making the boy next to her so troubled, in a good way, was thrilling. Because he's Theodore, the attractive, brilliant, and kind Slytherin who everyone wanted to be or to be with. And he chooses her.
The boy next to her shuffled in the bed, body turning so his back faced her. She played as still as possible so he wouldn't notice her being awake, or to wake him for that matter.
But just when she was sure he was sound asleep, he sat up in the bed, throwing his legs over the edge and her heart beat in worry when his head hung lowly into his hands. She was about to lay a comforting hand on his back but he stood up before she had the time.
"Theo?" She asked and he turned around, startled by her voice. "You okay?"
A smile lit his face and he kneeled before her, kissing her lips quickly. "Just going to the bathroom." Even though her room was dark, the moonlight revealed an unmistakable redness on the apples of his cheeks and she looked down to see his problem still present, and once again her body erupted in a buzz.
Before he could walk away, she grabbed his hand, stopping him. He looked at her with a question in his eyes, and she looked away in shyness.
"I can- I can help you if you want?" Her big eyes raked over his face, waiting for an answer while his face displayed a handful of different emotions.
"You don't have to, I don't want to force you." She flushed at his gentleness, but couldn't dismiss the new, lustful edge in his voice.
"I want to help you. Alright? I want you." When he didn't say anything, she tugged his hand towards her, enough so one of his knees met the mattress.
"Do you want me too?" Her voice took a change and her eyes searched in his. As an answer, Theodore grabbed her throat and pulled her into a searing kiss, tongue licking over her lips when he pulled away.
"I want you to, need you, truly." And he was about to go into a second kiss, but she stopped him with a finger to his lips.
"Good. But on one condition." He listened idly, lips kissing on the pad of her finger. "You have to be quiet, at all cost. You can't make a sound, if you do I'll have to stop."
She gently positioned him on his back, brain going ten miles on hour at the newfound confidence, at the newfound domination. He nodded slowly and his eyes were hooded with the lust of anticipation.
Thedore was a naturally dominant person per se. In their relationship, in his life, and in his friend group. With a hand on her back, he guided her the way he wanted, and with the preeminence in his voice, she found it hard to deny him. But now, with his panting chest and pleading puppy dog eyes, she wondered where Theodore went, without complaining of course.
With shaky hands and Theodore's eyes intently on her, she reached for the edge of his underwear, fingers picking at his waistband. Her knees clenched together when Thedore put both his arms behind his head, face shining with confidence. And in the most loving way possible, a small part of her wanted to break it down.
Slowly, she pulled the underwear down, with the help of Theodore raising his hips. When she laid eyes on his crotch, she swallowed and looked at Theodore, who had his lip in his teeth.
As if he could see her hesitation, he gave her a nod. "It's okay, Lovie, you can touch me."
And in pure curiousness, she let the tips of her fingers run up his length, feeling the warmth emitting from his body. A gasp made way from his mouth and he threw his head into the pillow. In fear of believing she hurt him, she pulled back, hand landing on his thigh.
"Theo? Sorry did I hurt you? I didn't mean to." She stressed, massaging his thigh in comfort. But he only shook his head, trying to slow his increased breath.
"No, no don't stop." His voice cracked pitifully as he pleaded, but she wasn't convinced.
"Theo Im not su-"
"Please for the love of Merlin, touch me. I swear I'm going to explode." The doubt was replaced with fire in her entire body. And she did the same movement again, running her fingers up his length.
Once again, a gasp escaped his lips, and a rare, blissful expression covered his face. His eyebrows scrunched upwards and a small smile on his open mouth.
And she wanted more of this reaction, craved it even. So she continued to run her fingertips up and down, biting her lip to hide her smile at his panting and puffing.
"Come on, love, I know you can do more than that." He didn't. But she could do more. She met his eyes, who were intently, expectantly staring into her. Like he was daring her. Holding his eye, she took a loose grip on his cock, doing an experimental stroke.
His eyes snapped to where his body met her hands, and a small, low moan forced itself from his lips. So low she almost missed it, but she's glad she didn't. She forced her thighs together, rocking back and forth as she began to twist her wrist to give Theo relief along with herself.
He only continues to stare at her moving hand, his stomach and thighs flexing with pleasure. And she notices, of course, she does, and lets her free land on the place connecting his pelvis and thigh, slowly massaging it to get him relaxed. It does quite the opposite.
He throws his head back, straight into the pillow. "Fuck." He whispers as one of his hands clenches around the sheet.
Without even meaning to, she speeds up her hand movements, her body reacting automatically to his pleasure. And he bucks into her hand at the new feeling, a groan, louder than before resonated pleasantly in her ear.
"Merlin, shit what the fuck are you doing to me." He moaned desperately, taking satisfaction in her warm palm, in the intense feeling in his pelvis and length. In his entire body. It was like he was high.
She giggled lightly, bashfully continuing her stroking without a notion of how the sound affected him.
An idea formed in her head, a memory of a knowledge Theo himself revealed not long ago at all. She took her other hand, which was stroking his thigh, and gripped it above the hand on his lenght, and let her thumb run over his tip, using a little pressure
And Theodore let out a moan, a borderline whine. And it didn't stop.
She continued the abuse on his tip, along with rapid strokes of his length, and different types of whines, groans and moans left him, one after one. And they were loud, too loud.
"Shhh, Theo you need to quiet down." Deep down she knew he wouldn't, especially with her continued stimulation of his cock.
"Can't- Fuck. I can't, I can't." He cried head tilted down to take a peek at her hands. Bad Idea as his length throbbed in her hands, sending him into a new fit of moans.
So she stopped. Only as an attempt to quiet him.
But it left him unsatisfied and searching for stimulation, violently continuing to buck his hips for any kind of friction, sounds of complaint echoing in the room.
"Theo you said you could be quiet, so be quiet!" She whisper-yelled desperately, pushing his hips to still with one of her hands. But he just couldn't be quiet.
Now, he was instead whining over the lack of stimulation, thrashing his head from side to side at the lost feeling.
"Theo for the love of good shut up." At the sudden stern tone, he shut his mouth and turned to her, big puppy dog eyes staring at her with admiration.
They sat quietly as she listened after a single sound. But luckily, there was none. And she could let her shoulders relax.
"Good job Theo." She smiled, and pecked his lips, him chasing after her when she sat straight again.
The pace of her hands picked up again, and Theodore tried his utmost to keep his sounds down. But it was so difficult.
And he thought he would be able to hold himself quiet until her hands sped up greatly.
She watched with awe in her eyes as his eyes rolled back into his head, his hips vigorously meeting her wrist as he fucked her hand, moans of her name and whined curses fleeing his pink lips.
"Fuck. I th-think." His head arched into the mattress, interrupting his sentence with a moan. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna-im-" She panicked as his voice took a turn for the loudest, and without thinking she slapped her hand over his mouth, although with a force that pushed his head further into the pillow.
His entire body twitched violently at the harsh gesture, and his eyelashes fluttered when white-hot pleasure overtook his entire life.
Without meaning to, he threw his hand over the one covering his mouth, gripping it tight as the other squeezed her thigh in a bruising grip. And he came with a long, guttural moan, straight into her hand as she continued to stroke him through his high. And she didn't stop, not until his body had stopped convulsing completely.
When he was done, his chest was heaving as he chipped for air, and she placed a concerned and clean hand on his chest, rubbing it slowly.
"You need to slow your breathing, don't need you to faint on me after that." He nodded lightly, head too heavy for anything else. He took her hand and bullied his breathing to a normal pace, even if it burned his lungs.
He forced his eyelids open, and her body, once again, flushed at the half-lidded look he gave her. As if she hung the moon and stars for him.
But, what he didn't know was she had a last trick up her sleeve. She raised her dirty hand to his lips and slowly and carefully licked every bit of him left on her hand.
Theodore let out a small gasp, and his handanded on her thigh massaging it to the erotic picture, fighting another hard-on with his life.
She leaned down and was about to connect her tongue to his lower abdomen, ready to lick the cum of his godly body. But she only had time to graze him before he took her cheeks in his hands, squeezing them while lifting her head in distress
"No no no!" He stressed, and she started at him with, big, questioning eyes." Fuck. I love you, but you're gonna get yourself another piece of trouble if I let you continue." A laugh of surprise jumped in her chest, looking down at her lap, her body warm and humble.
"Youre seriously amazing, you know that right." He breathed out, a smile in his voice. And a chuckle bumbled in her throat, head hazy with bliss.
She kissed his palm. "And I love you, lovie."
So... That happened
I’d want this rule first started in Ootp. I want Harry and Ron to be 100000% confident they will end up in Gryffindor again. Then I want Hermoine Granger to choose Ravenclaw this time around and send the golden trio into chaos.
Then I want it to be Harry’s turn. Everyone would be so nervous and curious. (Angelina, Fred, and George would be giving him warning stares). Harry would obviously be shouting in his head at the sorting hat wondering what it said to convince Hermoine to go to Ravenclaw. Harry would be sitting on that chair for 37 minutes. Then the sorting hat would put him in Slytherin.
Ron would be so confused. He’d feel so blind sided. I don’t think Ron would go to Hufflepuff. But I do think he’d consider going to Slytherin for Harry’s sake. But the sorting hat would refuse immediately because it wants the three of them separated. I think Ron would go back to Gryffindor but it will not be a happy sorting. He’d be miserable there for a little while.
And Hermoine would do this because she believes now more than ever that Hogwarts needs to be united, and feels they already have Gryffindor’s support and can reach Ravenclaw better if she’s there personally. And to the sorting hat’s song about House unity just confirmed everything.
I think Ron will defend Harry to Seamus and the rest of the Gryffindors when they question his story. But I think he’ll be angry at both Hermione and Harry. I think when Gryffindor has classes with Ravenclaw and Slytherin, he’d avoid them for a while. On the other hand, I think Harry and Hermione would choose to sit together at every chance. I also think the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables in the Great Hall are next to one another and they will sit back to back so they can turn and talk to each other.
I think hogwarts sorting should happen twice in a witch or wizard’s life. Once in first year. And once in fifth year.
Masterlist ;)
*= smut
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Wasting All These Tears On You
Peeta Mellark
They Don't Know About Us
Katniss Everdeen
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Cato Hadley
Marvel Sanford
Clove Kent
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
none yet :(
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Jealousy, Jealousy
Peter Hale
Chris Argent
Lydia Martin
Issac Lahey
Allison Argent
Malia Hale/Tate
Liam Dunbar
Kira Yukimara
Lupus Nox- S1 Cast, Prologue, S1 E1, S1 E2, S1 E3, S1 E4, S1 E5, S1 E6, S1 E7,
The Maze Runner
none yet :(
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Logan Howlett
Peter Quill
Gamora Ben Titan
Peter Parker
Peter Parker (TASM)
Thor Odinson
Michelle Jones-Watson
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
none yet :(
Once Upon A Time
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Killian Jones
David Nolan/Prince Charming
Peter Pan
Neal Cassidy/Baelfire
none yet :(
Anthony Bridgerton
How To Be A Heartbreaker
Colin Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
King George
Simon Bassett
Eloise Bridgerton
none yet :(
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermoine Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Draco Malfoy
Lucius Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Luna Lovegood
Bellatrix Lestrange
none yet :(
Finn Hudson
Sam Evans
Jesse St. James
Quinn Fabray
Santana Lopez
Brittany S. Pierce
Rachel Berry
Mercedes Jones
Mike Chang
Noah Puckerman
none yet :(
Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner
Undercover Heat
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
No Place Like Home
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Matthew Simmons
Luke Alves
Kate Callahan
none yet :(
Evan 'Buck" Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Howard 'Chimney' Han
Maddie Buckley
none yet :(
Gossip Girl
Chuck Bass
Nate Archibald
Dan Humphrey
Serena Van Der Woodsen
Blair Waldorf
Carter Baizen
none yet :(
Pitch Perfect
Jesse Swanson
The Flirting Game
Beca Mitchell
Chloe Beale
Bumper Allen
Cynthia Rose
Benji Applebaum
Donald Walsh
Fat Amy/Patricia Hobart
none yet :(
Chandler Bing
New Years Eve
*Sirius sprawled on the floor crying hysterically*
James: What happened?
Remus: He reached out for an Oreo *tries not to smirk* ...and found it empty.
Sirius: What's wrong with u? You always throw the wrapper after the last one unless u are a psychopath or the next dark lord.We are officially over.