SO CUTEEEEEE - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Source: neko.chunbae

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2 years ago

cuddle bug


pairing: non-idol!hoshi x gn!reader

prompt: #13 from the prompts list with our babie hoshi please :’)” - anon [from these prompts]

word count: 0.7k~

warnings: just fluff and skinship (+ the usual no proofreading & intentional lowercase). talks of marriage, too.

daisy’s notes: men i want to gentle hold. men i want to squish the cheeks of and give kisses to. mr tiger’s gaze can i get one date pls-


sometimes you swore your boyfriend lived to cling to you in some way at all times.

Keep reading

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1 year ago

hoshi - sick

word count : 575


"babe, you really shouldn't come over. i'll just order food for myself in a bit," you said to hoshi.

the two of you were talking over the phone, and he kept pestering you to let him bring you his mom's food that he got the day before because you didn’t feel good enough to get up and cook for yourself.

"but baby, you're gonna starve. my mom made a lot, so i can bring half of it to you," hoshi said to you. "i'll drop it off by the front door, don't order anything."

"hoshi, don't."

"too late. i'm already leaving. i'll text you when i get there," he said to you. "love you," he said in a lovey-dovey tone.

you sighed, "love you too. see you soon."


the call ended and the music you were listening to earlier started playing again. you adjusted the cold compress that was on your forehead and start dozing off again due to how tired being sick was making you.

"oh shoot. not that."

you heard hoshi's voice and started to think you were dreaming. you opened your eyes and checked your phone to see that it was around one o'clock in the afternoon, which meant you napped for almost a whole hour.

you sighed and got out of your bed before walking out of your room. you walked into the kitchen and crossed your arms at the sight in front of you.

"you said that you were going to leave the food by the door," you said to hoshi, who turned around when you spoke.

"i wanted to make sure you ate something," he said to you. "sit! i'm almost done."

you nodded and sat down at the table. hoshi poured you a cup of water and set it down in front of you before returning his attention to the stove.

"don't you have work?" you asked him since he had been busy lately.

"we just have a recording later," he answered. "don't move, this is hot."

hoshi placed a big bowl of soup in front of you. he handed you a spoon, and you started eating.

"your mom is the best," you said when you picked up the glass of water, "i should visit them soon."

"when my schedule clears up, we could go together," hoshi said to you and went to your fridge. he opened it and you noticed that the other containers of food he had brought were already in the fridge. "do you have any side dishes in here?" he asked, looking at the shelves.

"probably just kimchi right now," you replied to him.

"oh, spicy probably isn't a good idea for right now," he replied. he grabbed a drink before closing the fridge. "feel any better?" he asked, turning around to face you.

you nodded, "yea. thank you."

hoshi sat down at the table across from you. he took out his phone.

"let me take a photo. carats will think i'm such a good boyfriend," he said with a smile and took a photo.

"i better not be in it," you said to him.

"it's just the table and your hands. i promise," he said to you and started going through his phone. "now they'll think i'm not such a klutz," he said while laughing.

"you weren’t even the one who cooked."

"it’s the thought that counts.”

“you literally just brought containers over and heated stuff up.”

“be quiet and eat.”

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8 months ago


Big dawg playing with the lidol kibtens 🥹❤️❤️❤️

Gentle Giant Plays Along With Some Kitties


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1 year ago

UMMM???? SO PRETYY????????????????? 😭😭💞💞💗💞 auggggHggggh /pos

Aurora Doodle

Aurora doodle 🙏


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2 years ago

(completely remakes mcga freya oc) he is crazy both for cats and for battle and a third, secret thing

(completely Remakes Mcga Freya Oc) He Is Crazy Both For Cats And For Battle And A Third, Secret Thing

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8 months ago

stray kids and… things they only share with you.

Stray Kids And Things They Only Share With You.
Stray Kids And Things They Only Share With You.
Stray Kids And Things They Only Share With You.

tags: ot8, established relationships, fluff

warnings: swearing, lowkey angst for han, i don’t actually know the gender of min’s cats okay, idk if there’s anything else?

notes: this is my first time doing an ot8 thing so feedback is appreciated <3 also idk if they’re the same length i just wrote lol

chan… headphones

you’re on chan’s bed, a book in hand as you read while chan works. quality time is very important to you, even if he is observed in his work and doesn’t say much while you’re reading.

every now and again he’ll get up for a drink and silently put one by your side, too. when he’s done something he’s specifically proud of he’ll let out a giggle and maybe clap his hands, instinctively turning to you with a smile even if he doesn’t stop to explain what made him happy.

if you’re feeling a little more touchy that day, he’ll happily let you wrap your arms around his shoulder as his focus remains on his work. he’ll let you pepper kisses on his cheek, blushing lightly, before you get bored and go back to your own work.

when he’s done making something he really likes he turns to you with a grin.

“mate,” he says, face beaming. “mate!”

“come on,” you say, marking your place in your book before putting it aside. you extended your hand to him, and he grabs the headphones he’s been using and hands them to you.

you place them securely on your head and nod at him, ready to listen. chan plays the track for you, finally resting his head on your shoulder.

he wraps his hand around your bicep, closing his eyes softly as he picks up the very faint sound of the track playing through the headphones.

when it’s done you smile down at him, ready to praise him, but his mouth is open—soft breathes leaving his lips, and so you know he’s asleep.

instead you connect the headphones to your spotify and listen to a podcast while you rest your eyes. you don’t dare move, just in case chan might wake up from the disruption.

you know he might scold you for not waking him up, but it’s almost three am—and by what you’ve just listened to it’s safe to say he finished the track, so there’s no reason he shouldn’t be allowed to sleep after his hard work.

you let yourself fall asleep as well once the podcast you’ve been listening to is over, carefully putting the headphones to the side as you know how important they are to chan.

the first time he let you use them you gasped, but he insisted since you left your pair at home and wanted to listen to music while studying without bothering chan’s concentration.

“i have a lot of pairs anyway,” he said calmly, “borrow them whenever you need.”

minho… cat snacks

you both sit on the floor of his parents’ house, full from the dinner minho cooked for you and his family. you were talking about your new neighbour who you swore had a pet wolf. minho kept saying it isn’t a wolf, that he even spoke to the man and it’s just a cross breed.

you insist it’s a wolf.

his father sides with him, saying that would have to be illegal, but before you can offer your argumatives points, dori walks over to you, sits in your lap, and starts meowing loudly.

“he really is just like you,” you say to minho. he cocks his head to the side. “he wants something so he comes to me and starts making noise.”

“he’s hungry,” minho explains, rolling his eyes at your comment.

he gets up and grabs three snack packs, handing you one before he calls the other two over for some dinner.

from the corner of your eye you can see minho’s mum staring at you, in complete shock—but you try not to get too paranoid about it. you know she likes you, minho promised she likes you.

you instead focus on the cat in your lap, now meowing even louder once the snack came into view. you quickly open it and offer it up, giggling at the way he eagerly starts licking at the food.

when you glance over at minho you freeze, noticing the tension in the air.

“am i doing it wrong?” you whisper, as if dori might judge you for that question.

he shakes his head slowly but doesn’t say anything else. his mum quickly brings up another subject, asking you all about that incident at work you mentioned on your last visit.

minho helps them clear the last of the plates and cups that are left, insisting you sit down even after you offered to help three times.

soonie approaches you slowly before sitting down right on top of your phone.

you start talking to her, explaining the logic behind her actions, and she then shows you her stomach. you instantly start scratching it, knowing if she’s anything like her big brother she’ll start rioting if she doesn’t get the attention she wants.

after a few minutes of cooing at the cat you feel someone sitting down next to you, a pair of big hands wrapping around your waist, minho placing his chin on your shoulder.

“my mum just told me off,” he says, and you can hear the grin on his face.

“what did you do?”

“apparently i have never in all my life let anyone else feed the cats with me.”

“she was looking at me weird,” you mumble, “didn’t think it would be over something so simple.”

“you know the cats mean the world to me, right?” he looks at you, brows knitted together. now he’s looking at you weird—and it doesn’t help that they have the same confused face.

“yes, they’re your lockscreen and i’m not.”

“not this again,” minho sighs, but you simply grin at him.

“what’s your point?”

“i didn’t notice i do that, nor did i notice i gave you one of the snacks to feed them with,” is all his explanation. you manage to fill in the blanks yourself—knowing minho would never say it if it’s as painfully honest as you think it is.

you kiss his lips softly. “thank you for trusting me with your world.”

he nods, satisfied you understood him. like you always do.

changbin… phone

“hey, can you text the boys for me? tell felix we’ll be there in a second,” changbin says, handing you his phone as he keeps his eyes focused on the road.

“password?” you ask, trying to angle the phone towards his face until you remember it’s an android and it doesn’t even have face recognition.

“your birthday,” he says simply.

“simp,” you giggle, trying and failing to bite back your smile. changbin pays no mind to your comment, deciding being a simp for you is much better than ever letting you down—so he’ll accept that name proudly.

you text felix the details and put the phone back in the cup holder, focusing instead on the next song on changbin’s playlist.

“hey, can you order the food? i’m just gonna shower,” changbin asks as you enter the dorm. he came to pick you up right after his gym session, and while he didn’t want to see you while he was all sweaty he also didn’t want to make you wait any longer, so he still needs a shower.

you don’t have to ask for the passcode this time, easily keying in your birthday before ordering the food you talked about on your way home.

you notice he has solitaire on his phone, and while that might not be the most appealing game in the world you’re also extremely bored. you know you shouldn’t use his phone for anything other than what he’s asked you to, so you knock on the shower door quickly.

“binnie, can i play on your phone until the food’s ready?”

“of course, sweetheart!” he yells back.

you smile to yourself before plopping down on the couch and starting a new game.

the boys spent approximately forty five minutes taking pictures while all of you went to the han river for a picnic. it’s alright though, because they also took pictures of you with your boyfriend, and of you alone, so it’s not like you were excluded from the vanity game.

once the sun disappeared and the weather turned cooler you went back to the dorm to finish the rest of the food.

they were all looking over the pictures, deciding which was the best one to upload.

“who took the picture of me with the watermelon?” minho asks enthusiastically.

“binnie did,” you respond, as you spend your time focusing on the delicious cake felix made.

minho whines, considering changbin was taking one of his food naps at the moment and couldn’t show him the pictures.

you grab his phone from where he placed it down on the table and enter his gallery—handing the phone over to minho so he can look over the pictures.

he simply gasps at you.

“you know his passcode?”

you lock the phone again, showing minho that it was your thumb print that can unlock it.

“wow,” chan chuckles.

you don’t pay much attention to them though, far more invested in the cake, and so you get back to eating it while minho sends himself all the pictures off changbin’s phone.

hyunjin… jewellery

it starts flirtatious, like most things are with you and hyunjin. you’re playing with his hand, fiddling with his fingers, drawing circles on his wrist. you grab the ring on his finger and pull it off before placing it on the finger next to it. and then the finger next to it. you play this game for a few more minutes, hyunjin’s eyes practically turned into two hearts as he took in the amusement on your face. as he giggles, he grabs the ring from you and you pout—sad for the game to be over. but it isn’t, as the roles are now reversed, hyunjin moving the ring from finger to finger.

it’s then the waitress approaches your table, albeit hestitanly, and asks for your orders.

the ring stays on your hand all night.

“it suits you,” hyunjin says when you try and give it back.

“beautiful, can i have my ring?” he asks as he steps out of the shower a few days later. he has an event tonight, some important people he needs to meet, and he wants to look his best. jewellery is important for that.

“yeah, of course,” you don’t even hesitate. it was his ring to begin with, and he never officially gifted it as yours to keep. you were just looking after it for a bit.

when hyunjin gets back from paris he has a lot of gifts with him—all ysl branded and expensive. he shows off the clothes and the perfume and tells you all about the luxurious evenings him and felix enjoyed. of course, he sent you pictures as most of the events were taking place in front of him, but you enjoy his story telling even more when he’s right in front of you.

when he shows you the necklace he got you gasp, turning it over in your hand.

“it’s so pretty!” you gush. “that’ll look beautiful with a low neckline dress.”

“never wore a dress before,” his eyes twinkle at you.

you laugh at him and roll your eyes before handing the necklace back to him.

“you can wear it for that fancy meal we’re going to next week?” he offers simply.

you shake your head; not wanting to come off greedy. it was beautiful, and it must’ve been extremely expensive, and you already felt guilty for that comment you made. as if you’d just be allowed to wear it.

“i can’t take that, it was a gift from a brand partner. what will they say?”

“you’re not taking it,” hyunjin says simply, and you’re surprised by how quickly he’s giving up. “it’s a lend. you’ll wear it for that night and then give it back. and when you wanna wear it again just ask.”

“but i—“

he places his finger on your lips before pecking them softly, concluding the conversation for now.

jisung… demos

“baby! baby! baby! baby!” your boyfriend jumps in his seat as you answer the facetime call. sometimes you wonder where his energy supply comes from because it can’t possibly be natural.

it’s ten at night.

“hey, ji,” you smile at him. his energy is infectious, and the best thing to see after a long day of work.

“baby! i wrote the best song!” he smiles at you, his cheeks scrunched together as his face shines proudly.

“let’s hear it,” you ask, quickly grabbing your headphones so you could listen carefully.

he places the phone down against his water bottle, changing the view slightly.

his hair is hiding beneath a beanie, probably because he couldn’t be bothered to tame it, and his laptop is right in front of him.

other than that you can’t see much considering there’s only a small lamp illuminating the room, pointing only at the desk. there’s pieces of paper crumbled by the laptop—unwanted lyrics, you suppose.

“it doesn’t have a name yet,” he introduces, “and i might give it to the company because i’m not sure if the vibe is right for us. i think it could be right maybe if chan rearranges it a bit, but i don’t think it needs any change at all. maybe? maybe if felix sings the bridge then—“

“—hey!!” he looks over at you, eyes wide and mouth in a small circle. “just play the song and then we can discuss it?”

he nods at you, sitting back in his chair and pressing play on his program.

the track starts playing loudly on the speakers around him. it’s slightly choppy, not the best quality to hear a song for the first time through a phone like this, but jisung is extremely impatient. he wanted you to hear the song right away, quite literally as soon as he finished recording the last part of it. so you didn’t mind straining slightly to try and catch all the lyrics.

jisung bops his head along to the beat, his face extremely serious as he listens back carefully.

you assume it’s only his second or third time hearing it back in completion since he doesn’t even monitor your reactions like he sometimes does—instead he’s taking notes.

you know his favourite part is coming up when his hand lifts into the air, dropping in time with the beat before the chorus plays again.

his eyebrows are scrunched together as a much faster rap verse starts, and you can tell he’s monitoring the cadence, even if it is just a demo track and he will most definitely re-record the vocals once he decides what to do with the track.

only when the song ends does he look back at you, expectedly, eyebrows high on his nervous face.

you clap your hands, nodding at him.

“nah, say what you actually think!” he all but scolds you.

“i think it deserved applause!”

he sends you a look before you go into more detail. what you thought of the beat, and the pace, and the sound, and the vibe. you aren’t professionally involved in music, you only know the words jisung taught you, but he still insists your opinion is more important than chan’s to him. you tell him that flattery isn’t useful in this situation, nor do you believe its true, but he stands by it.

“but the lyrics,” you start, and jisung’s eyes frown at your tone. “they’re incredibly moving, ji, but they’re so sad.”

“yeah,” he just nods, no longer looking at you.

“the beat doesn’t match how sad it is,” you comment, trying to disguise your worries as a simple criticism of the work.

“that’s on purpose though,” he says quickly, “i think it’s so sad that if the music matched it would be too much. plus, the feeling i’m talking about is acting like everything is normal, so a quick beat matches perfectly.”

you nod. “and why are you acting like everything is normal?”

jisung sighs, before he answers your question with a completely different one. “do you think i should give the song to someone else?”

“no,” you say, “felix would suit the bridge. and an emotional song is always best when it’s sang by someone that can relate.”

“i don’t wanna talk about it,” he says, knowing where you’re trying to take the conversation.

“and yet you called me to listen to it,” you cock your eyebrows up.

jisung rests his head against the chair for a moment, looking up as he thinks over his next words carefully. then he tells you all about it—the inspiration behind another one of his sad songs. you listen carefully, humming and nodding and offering your support and your words when he asks for them.

after about an hour on the phone a warning comes up to tell you you only have 20% left.

you go to grab your charger, and the pause in conversation causes the subject to move to your day and your plans for the weekend before they circle back to the song.

you do really like it, and tell him as such, encouraging him to show it to chan and the others soon.

after you say your goodbyes, and you reassure jisung of how much you love him, you go to sleep with the beat still stuck in your head.

when you tell jisung that the next morning he decides he can’t possibly give that track to anyone else—not even his band.

the company like it so much they let him release it as one of his solo tracks—his face beaming when he tells you the news two weeks later. right before playing another new song for you.

felix… games

“no way!” you gasp as you look around felix’s room for the very first time. he has all sorts of trinkets and fairy lights and even a beautiful piece of artwork on the wall. and then there’s his computer with the huge double monitor—which looks more expensive than anything else you’ve seen in the house so far.

but by the monitor there is a glass case, and inside it is an original gameboy.

“does it still work?” you ask enthusiastically.

“of course it does,” he scoffs, “i play it all the time.”

“you play your switch all the time,” you correct him.

“and then i play a little bit of that one,” he says, “it has the first ever pokémon on it.”

“what other games do you have for it?” you ask, eyes sparkling at him.

felix pulls out a box from the shelves above his monitor and hands it to you.

you opened it quickly, picking up all the different games inside it. all the popular ones are there, as well as ones you’ve never even heard of before. you can count at least three dozen in there. there’s also games for a nintendo ds (you spot a pink one on the shelf where the box once was), at least another dozen. you sigh and hand the box back to him.

“you really are a nerd, yeah?”

felix grins at you before giving you a sloppy kiss and carefully placing the box back on the shelf.

the tour continues as felix shows you his collection of twice albums and mangas and his deadpool mask he used for a performance once.

he further proves your point when he starts telling you just how rare one of his comic books are, but you indulge him. you think nothing is more rare than the sparkle in his eyes when he talks about his nerdy stuff—as if he brought down the whole galaxy into this very room—so you give him your full attention as he speaks.

later that night, when you’re both fed and dressed in comfier clothes, him and his younger roommates start playing a game. felix only said yes because you were showering (and you said it’ll take a while because you wanted to do a hair mask) but now that you’re back he asks the boys to pause it.

“no, no, it’s fine!” you say, not wanting to get on their bad side on your first night staying over. “maybe i can play on your ds in the meantime?”

seungmin snickers to himself, but he’s so focused on the game you’re not sure it was in response to what you said.

“i saw that you had nintendogs and i can definitely entertain myself with that while you guys finish your… mission or whatever it is.”

“y/n, let me stop you right there,” jeongin smirks, eyes still focused on the screen. “no one is allowed to touch hyung’s games so—“ felix elbows his friend, but that doesn’t stop him from talking, “—we’re only allowed to use the xbox when he’s with us and because we have our own controllers.”

“i almost died once before i was made aware of that rule,” seungmin adds.

you notice felix’s cheeks have gone red, his freckles dusting over the new colour. he’s always been extremely generous to you—if it was gifts or his time or his things. but if his games were a line for him you didn’t want to cross it, nor did you mean to.

“oh, of course!” you say quickly, “i can just do something else. you guys enjoy the game!”

you move to get up but felix stops you, placing a hand on your knee before he pauses the game. luckily they weren’t in the middle of a fight or anything, so the boys don’t protest too much.

felix places a kiss on your cheek before he gets up, walks to his room, and comes back with the console in his hand.

you can see seungmin’s jaw drop.

“what?” you blink up at felix as he places the game in your hand.

“you can start a new game and name it so i’ll know it’s yours for whenever you come over,” he smiles simply, nodding at you.

“unbelievable,” jeongin mumbles.

“i guess there really is such a thing as girlfriend privilege,” seungmin shakes his head.

felix smiles at you when you power up the console, kissing your temple when you shuffle closer to him. then he gets back to the game—not letting either of his roommates comment on the situation further.

seungmin… hoodies

“no,” seungmin says simply.

jisung was stood in your hotel room, begging seungmin to let him borrow that hoodie of his, the one with the red heart on the front. according to jisung, it’s exactly what his outfit is missing.

“what about that hoodie you wore yesterday?”

“no, the heart is what makes it because i’m gonna wear a red bandana and—“

“—so you’re stealing minnie’s whole fashion sense?” you chime in. seungmin smirks proudly at his friend as he raises his eyebrows.

“no, uh, i just wanna try something different,” jisung defends.

“if i may,” you try, offering your own fashion advice. jisung had a very nice cardigan with a hint of red in it, and you reminded him of that. he thought it over.

“a hoodie would be warmer though,” he tries again, flashing your boyfriend the best puppy eyes he could master.

“sorry, hyung,” seungmin shakes his head, “y/n already called that hoodie for tonight.”

jisung looks over at you, eyes wide.

“you couldn’t have said that earlier? i’ve been stood here wasting my time!” he rants some more as he leaves the room, letting the whole floor know about his inconsiderate friend that won’t let him live his fashion life to the fullest.

you laugh as his voice dies down slowly.

“so now i gotta find an outfit that works with that hoodie i guess?” you raise your eyebrows at him.

you did not call that hoodie for tonight at all actually, but if that was seungmin’s only excuse, you didn’t want to contradict him in front of his extremely stubborn friend.

“you could’ve just let him borrow it for tonight,” you try reasoning.

“nope,” seungmin pouts, “you’re the only one that should be wearing my hoodies.”

you laugh at him, wrapping your arms around him as you kiss his jaw softly.

“now i feel bad,” you tease, “i get bestowed with such an honour and i don’t even want your hoodie.”

he gasps. “you steal them all the time!”

“yeah,” you scrunch your face as you chuckle, “but now that you gave me permission i don’t want them anymore.”

“you’re so annoying,” he groans, pinching your sides. you yelp, jumping at the sensation before slapping his shoulder.

“i will wear it,” you say simply, “but only so ji doesn’t think you’re a liar.”

you walk towards the closet, where seungmin unloaded his whole suitcase into, and pick out the now infamous hoodie. you smile softly to yourself—it really is your favourite of his.

seungmin chuckles at your reaction, before sucking his teeth. “we’ll be late for dinner, come on.”

jeongin… personal space

jeongin does not like physical affection. he doesn’t do hugs or kisses or cuddles. that’s his rule.

but every rule has an exception and you’re the living proof.

when anyone else tries to touch him he squirms away, usually making a comment suitable for a spoiled child. but whenever you’re near him he does everything in his power to be closer to you.

if you’re walking down the street he’ll wrap his pinky around yours or sometimes he’ll fully grab your hand and sway your arms as you two walk.

he’ll play with your hair a lot too, always making sure to move it out the way before you start digging into your meal so it doesn’t get in your food.

if you’re watching a movie his thighs are in your lap and his arms around you. maybe he’ll even put his head on your shoulder if he’s a little sleepy that night.

and he refuses to fall asleep without his hand lazily sprawled across your body in some way or another.

the boys are definitely jealous, so they try their luck with jeongin after they see the physical affection between you two.

he still pushes them away with disproportionate disgust.

one time you were there to witness it and he fully grabbed you—using your body as a shield between him and chan’s attempted cuddles.

“no touchy!” he reminds him, grabbing onto your arms as he makes himself as small as possible to avoid chan reaching him.

“it’s not fair,” chan whines, “you let her touch you all the time!”

“channie-hyung,” jeongin pokes his head around your shoulder, ready to push you between him and his attacker at any moment if needed. “you realise it’s different when it’s you.”


“because i love her,” he says it so simply, as if chan is silly for even needing that explanation. as if that isn’t the first time he’s said that out loud.

chan raises his eyebrows in surprise and you’re sure he’s just mirroring your shocked facial expression.

“you don’t love me?” chan reacts quickly, letting the tension die in the air as he insists he must hug jeongin now. ducking behind you, he grabs onto him and pulls him away from you. jeongin escapes from chan’s grip and they both start running around the room like absolute children until chan tackles him into a bear hug.

later that night you’re in jeongin’s bed, his hands locked behind your back as he pulls you fully on top of him.

“innie,” you start, as casually as you can, “you know if you don’t like them in your personal space you can just say that.”

“yes, i tell them all the time. no touchy.”

“i meant, you didn’t have to say that to chan just as an excuse,” you say, your finger wrapping around the string of his hoodie.

jeongin knits his brows as he looks at you.


“just… don’t feel like you have to lie.”

“lie? what are you talking about?”

he really doesn’t seem to remember what he said, so you swallow down the awkwardness and take a breath.

“you shouldn’t have told chan you lov—“ but before you can repeat what he said, jeongin’s eyes grow wide and his palm lands on your mouth, stopping you from saying anything else.

“i remember what i said now!” he says, looking everywhere but at you. “no, uh, no need to repeat it!”

you bite down on his palm gently, enough to get him to yelp and retreat his hand away so you can speak your mind.

“so you meant it?”

the redness on his cheek is enough of an answer, but jeongin decides to verbalise it, too. “no.”

“innie, don’t lie to me!”

he grabs you closer, practically shoving your head into his neck so you don’t see his warm face. he grunts.

“i, i didn’t, well, it’s just—“

“i love you, too.”

the grip on your waist loosens for only a moment before he squeezes you even closer to him, regardless of how your airways are coping.

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6 months ago

today i went to SAIAKUNANA's exhibition at the kensington mall in london - her style is beautiful, so go check out the exhibition if you live nearby!

Today I Went To SAIAKUNANA's Exhibition At The Kensington Mall In London - Her Style Is Beautiful, So
Today I Went To SAIAKUNANA's Exhibition At The Kensington Mall In London - Her Style Is Beautiful, So
Today I Went To SAIAKUNANA's Exhibition At The Kensington Mall In London - Her Style Is Beautiful, So
Today I Went To SAIAKUNANA's Exhibition At The Kensington Mall In London - Her Style Is Beautiful, So

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1 year ago
Super Lazy Evening Animation Of The Couple Ever

Super lazy evening animation of the couple ever

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5 months ago
Meet Lmon, The Strawberry Lemonade Clown Gremlin!
Meet Lmon, The Strawberry Lemonade Clown Gremlin!
Meet Lmon, The Strawberry Lemonade Clown Gremlin!

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