Mcga - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

I'd give at least as much for the full movie series of Riordan, from the start (I think that goes without saying)

I would sell approximately 4/3 of my soul for a Sea of Monsters musical where Percy sings a refrain of “Strong” to Tyson.

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2 years ago

I'm team "Magnus is the #1 blitzstone shipper and knew that they were in love with each other but was oblivious to the fact that they had been dating or married for 2years till he found out"

are you team "magnus is blitzstone shipper #1 and he knew they had a crush on each other since before they started dating"

or team "magnus is oblivious to blitz and hearth dating and he thought they were just really good friends until he found out like 2 years after they were married"

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5 months ago
Alex Fierro Inspired Boots. Alex>>>>>>>

Alex Fierro inspired boots. Alex>>>>>>>

i will complete inktober, despite the crappy prompts!

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1 year ago

stop making alex's only personality trait violence. read the books loser. she isn't the one who punched a wall her first day in valhalla you just like taking a general character archetype and applying it everywhere

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1 year ago

my favorite ship is Beatrice.

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1 year ago

Alternative AU, My AU Nordic

Hello good morning, I'm Seven and English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if I have grammatical errors, just like my first blog, I'll make a list of changes in my AU called "Alternative AU "but with the Nordic ones, now I explain that the gods change places with the Einherjar for example in the original Magnus is the son of Frey and is an Einherjar and Frey is a good god in my AU Frey is the son of Magnus and is an Einherjar and Magnus is the god and so with everything


Halfborn father of all: in this AU Halfborn takes the role of Odin, being the king of Asgard

Mallory: She assumes the role of Frigg being the Queen of Asgard and the wife of Halfborn.

TJ god of justice: he takes the role of Tyr, the difference is that he keeps both hands xd

Magnus: He takes the role of Frey, being a vanir god.

Alex: no, he doesn't take the role of loki, loki is still the same but the difference is that Alex is his brother/sister, Alex is good and he is Magnus's wife/husband.

Now we go with what the Einherjar will be, these will have the surnames of the original Einherjar


Odin gunderson: Takes the role of Halfborn, and before becoming an Einherjar he was a Norwegian mortal, he died in the Viking invasion of East Anglia, England and has been in the Hotel Valhalla for 1200 years, he is Frigg's boyfriend and often argues . a lot with Frey are friends and enemies

Frigg Keen: She takes the role of Mallory and dies the same way she did when she tried to defuse a bomb, she resents Mallory and is Odin's girlfriend.

Tyr Jefferson: Takes the role of TJ and the story of him but he doesn't hate himself with Odin and he's not addicted to videogames like TJ, yes he knows about videogames and likes it a little but not too much

Frey Chase: Take the role of Magnus and all his history, he will be the one who lives for a while on the streets accompanied by Blitzen and Heartstone, breaks into Randolph's house, gets the sword and then dies, Frey has a Greek friend and a friend Egyptian, also has a Greek cousin

Freyja Chase: Takes the role of Alex but not quite, she arrives late or rather books late just like Alex and dies like that but nothing more

Samirah al-Abbas: she remains the same does not change, I just added her to say that she is Alex's niece and Frey's valkyrie

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6 months ago

Is it bold to say EPIC!Apollo is what I imagined Alex Fierro to sound like

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7 months ago

I just want to say that although it’s literally impossible (probably) for Bianca to come back, I think it would be awesome if she did— all the lore she would have, what happened, more onto her backstory, all that. I think it would be awesome, and it might disregard the “she had to die to make Nico good/excel” because like what if she had her own thing— if she helped other demigods that weren’t Greek or Roman, what if she somehow helped with the Norse while all these wars were happening and she helped with the underworld stuff in the Norse side— I just think it would be so cool. And I know there’s not much of a chance of any return, but it would be cool if there was. I know Annabeth has a Norse connection, but what if Bianca helped some of the souls adjust or helped with Greek intel or something. I wish there were more to her, if we knew her powers and how powerful she was, if we knew if she knew what happened before the lotus because it seemed she knew more than Nico. It would be cool to see.

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1 year ago
His Bestest Buds In The Nine Worlds!!!

His bestest buds in the nine worlds!!!

Might possibly render this in the future if I find some time! They are so dear to me 🥹

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1 year ago
I Was Possessed By The 3am Demon To Draw Mango Cheese

I was possessed by the 3am demon to draw mango cheese

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1 year ago
"woah There, Cowboy"

"woah there, cowboy"

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1 year ago
Hair :)

hair :)

[ID: Seven digital headshot sketches of Magnus Chase with different hairstyles. In the first five, he has medium-length locs dyed honey blond at the ends. In order from left to right, top to bottom, he has: traditional locs in a half-up ponytail, wavy locs that fall into his eyes, classic traditional locs, curly locs, and wick locs. In the last two headshots, he has his canonical straight blond hair. In the first, his hair is loose, and in the second, it is in a half-up ponytail.]

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1 year ago
Sketches & Stuff
Sketches & Stuff
Sketches & Stuff
Sketches & Stuff
Sketches & Stuff
Sketches & Stuff

sketches & stuff

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1 year ago
a digital coloured painting of magnus chase holding jack the sword. in front of them are the silhouettes of two enemies who appear to be coming towards them, one holding a sword. jack says, “no time like the present!” magnus looks very uncomfortable and says, “come on, man! let’s practice later, on mannequins or something!” the painting is largely teal and green, except for jack, who is gold and illuminates the space around him brightly orange.
Born To Support Forced To Dps

born to support forced to dps

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