Someone Write Me A Proper One Shot Of This - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Before the month ends, here is our latest work! Presenting our favorite ferry girl



Behind the scene:

Botan is always the one most excited when one of her friends stars at the cover of the renowned publication, but when turn came up she actually find it awkward and she froze up in front of the camera. She was trying really hard but the staff noticed her having a hard time, so they let her take a break while they take the photo of Kuwabara and Hiei instead.

The girls comforted her and told her she was really pretty, and they know she can do it. Botan thanked them but deep inside their words actually had the opposite effect and somehow made her feel even more pressured.

She was really nervous when the guys finished their turn and she had to return to the stage. As she approach the guys who were on their way down Kuwabara pat her on the shoulder and told her if someone like the shrimp can do it then she definitely can. Hiei on the other hand retaliated with 'If you are worried of looking ugly, I can assure you the oaf already got that completely covered. So get your head out of the gutter so we can get this cursed photoshoot over woman.'

Kuwabara got offended as usual and told Hiei that is not the way to comfort a woman. Seeing the familiar sight of her friends bickering with each other, some of the tension she was feeling dissipated and a soft smile grazed her lips. Hiei's brand of comforting might not be the conventional one, but at that time it was exactly what she needed. Unknown to her the photographer is capturing every moment.

Later that day as the staff is selecting the final photo they will use for the cover, a red haired man sneaks his way into the photographer and chief editor's office. He places a box of cheese cake beside the computer monitor. He had to take a half day at work today just to line up for 3 hours to acquire the confection.

"Kurama in case you haven't realized it yet you won't be able to bribe your way out of this magazine business."

"Good evening to you too, Elia. And here I am going through so much trouble just to get Hiei to participate. Guess not all hard work gets rewarded."

Looking at the screen he saw the picture of Botan softly smiling while looking at Kuwabara and Hiei. It was a picture taken without his friends noticing. He takes a seat next to Elia.

"Your friends are all very interesting people." Elia leans her head to his shoulder the exhaustion from today's photoshoot finally catching up on her.

"So I really can't get exempted? I can-"


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