Kurama X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

hey! i saw the headcanon of kny characters' reactions when you say they're handsome. can you also do it for the yu yu hakusho main quartet? Thanks

Yu Yu Hakusho ~Calling them 'handsome'~

Manga/anime: Yu Yu Hakusho

Warnings: nothing

(Y/N): your name

U. Yusuke

A small smile will grow on his face and a very light and adorable blush will spread across his cheeks

His self-esteem will grow significantly

He'll tease you a little at first ("Oh? I didn't get it right: did you say I'm handsome? Can you say that again?"), but then he'll return the compliment

"You are beautiful too, (Y/N)."

However, if you remind him later, he'll pretend nothing happened

K. Kazuma

He'll literally pass out: Kazuma.exe has stopped working; press a button to restart

After he recovers, he'll probably think about your words, and he'll faint again

After he recovers for real this time, he'll pick you up and spin you around

"My beautiful (Y/N)! I love you so much, we'll be together forever!"

For the next few days, your compliment will keep repeating in his head


He'll be surprised, and he'll probably blush a little; moreover, Youko will stir inside him Youko is very possessive and hearing you say that agitated him

Afterwards, he'll smile sweetly, and he'll create a rose and give it to you

"To thank you for your compliment, I give you this rose. It will wither when your beauty and my love for you fade."

After telling you this, he'll hug you gently and kiss you

Know that rose, since it's created with Kurama's powers, will never wither


He'll deny your compliment immediately

"I'm not handsome." "Instead you are, Hiei, you just don't notice it." "Shut up."

You won't notice, but he'll be really embarrassed: your compliment will make him feel warm, and he'll stare at you for a few minutes

After that, he'll leave, but, before disappearing from your sight, he'll turn slightly and look at you

"After all, you aren't that ugly either."

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1 year ago

hey so how do you think Hiei, Yusuke and Kurama would deal with a crush who thinks the boys are really funny. Like Hiei sarcastic comments has crush giggling in the back all the time. Kurama being a bit of a troll sometimes. Yusuke snark gets them easilyยฟ

Yu Yu Hakusho ~With a reader who thinks they're funny~

Manga/anime: Yu Yu Hakusho

Warnings: nothing

(Y/N): your name

U. Yusuke

The first few times you laughed at his jokes or sarcastic comments, even if they weren't funny, he was weirded out; then, he understood you just thought he was really funny, and he liked it when you laughed

In fact, currently he makes a lot of jokes to keep you entertained

When you laugh at his comments, he acts like Kazuma while he talks to Yukina: he blushes deeply, stutters slightly and starts acting a little stupid and strange

However, he tries not to let you know how much he likes your laugh but he doesn't succeed too much

Know he'll get offended if you don't laugh at his jokes


He knew he loved you when he first heard you laugh at one of his comments: he understood he wanted you to keep laughing forever

In fact, he turned the same color as his hair the first time he saw you like that

However, he never thought of himself as a funny person, so your laughter confused him at first too

Unlike Yusuke, he don't make more jokes or sarcastic comments, because he's afraid you might find him excessive

Now he blushes slightly and smiles softly when you laugh and when he sees you are amused by him


That woman is so strange...

He always thinks so when you laugh at his sarcastic comments

At first, he thought you were either crazy or you didn't understand his comments, but then he realized you just found him funny

Every time you laughed at his comments, he got a strange pleasant feeling, so he asked Kurama what this was

Currently he blushes a little every time you laugh because he remembers Kurama's response: "Hiei, you love (Y/N), and therefore you also like to see her having fun."

๐Ÿ’ฎ Rules ๐Ÿ’ฎ Masterlist ๐Ÿ’ฎ

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1 year ago

love your writing. youre awesome. you don't have to but if if you could could you make yuyu hakusho characters x reader who's into cute dresses, make up, skin and haircare routines, stuffed animals collections and girly things. would they be accepting of her, find her annoying, join her or what do you think? plz

Yu Yu Hakusho ~With a very feminine reader~

Manga/anime: Yu Yu Hakusho

Warnings: nothing

(Y/N): your name

Thank you very much for the compliment! I personally didn't know which characters you meant exactly, so I created the headcanon with the main 4 and Koenma. If you also want someone else, write to me privately and I'll include them.

U. Yusuke

He thinks you're very adorable, but he'll never join you in hair and skin care

However, he really enjoys putting on your makeup, even if he often messes up your face

When you come back from the hairdresser with your hair cut or from the beautician with your nails done, he's always playing dumb that doesn't notice anything; however, after seeing you were offended, he compliments you ("I noticed it, (Y/N). You look great.")

Whenever he can, he buys you cute stuffed animals or accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets or rubber bands and hair clips

He also gives you nice clothes if he can buy them for you, and, if you wear them, he'll blush deeply and turn his head away so you can't see his huge blush

K. Kazuma

He's probably the person who accepts you the most

Are you wearing a nice outfit? "You're so cute, (Y/N)!" Have you groomed or cut your hair? "You look great, darling!" Did you wear makeup? "You're so gorgeous! You look great without makeup, but you're beautiful even like that!"

He goes to the game room a lot of times to win stuffed animals for you; when he wins nothing, he sulks all day ("Sorry, I won nothing..." "Kazuma, you don't have to give me a stuffed animal a day, don't worry!")

You two often do skin care together, but don't tell Yusuke this or he'll make fun of Kazuma for life

To give you gifts, he often asks Keiko for advice, as he considers his sister to be one of the least feminine women in existence (Shizuru always gets angry when he points this out to her)


He finds it very cute you always get dressed up, but he often tells you you're beautiful, even without accessories or luxurious clothes

He always, always notices when you do something different to your hair, nails or face ("Have you done anything to your hair/nails/face? You're very beautiful, (Y/N).")

Probably, you two do hair care together: you're the only person wh's allowed to care for his hair

When you wear cute clothes, he blushes slightly and looks at you affectionately and meanwhile Youko stirs inside him

He sometimes lets you find cute stuffed animals or accessories on your bed, and then he pretends he didn't put them there ("That? No, I didn't give it to you.")


He doesn't understand you: he can't understand why you care yourself so much, and he refuses to join you if you ask him this

Despite this, one day, after seeing his sister getting her hair done by Kazuma (Hiei wanted to kill him), he decided he would do the same to you: so, he combs your hair every morning

For a while, he never gave you accessories or stuffed animals, since he thought they were useless; however, everything changed when, one day, he gave you a hair clip he had found during a mission, and he saw your happiness born from that small gesture

"I found it lying around and I thought only a person like you could wear that horror."

This is what he says every time he gives you something to wear, but it's clear he does it because he loves seeing you smile and seeing you with what he steals buys


Like Kazuma, he also compliments you when you change your appearance, changing your hairstyle or wearing different and nice clothes every time

You two do skin treatment together: he always claims your hands have the power to make his skin soft ("Only (Y/N) can touch my face! Only she has magic hands!")

He gives you everything you want: have you seen a nice hairpin? You'll find it in your room. Have you expressed your desire for a dress? It'll be yours immediately

He forces his subordinates to have their hair or make-up done whenever you want poor Jorge

When he can (once a day), he gives you a stuffed animal

๐Ÿ’ฎ Rules ๐Ÿ’ฎ Masterlist ๐Ÿ’ฎ

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5 months ago

If it's not a problem and you are currently still accepting requests, I would like to ask for a sfw alphabet for Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, please?

Yu Yu Hakusho ~SFW alphabet~

Manga/anime: Yu Yu Hakusho

Warnings: nothing

If It's Not A Problem And You Are Currently Still Accepting Requests, I Would Like To Ask For A Sfw Alphabet

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

He isn't a fan of showing his affection through gestures: he prefers to do it through his words. In fact, he's very good with words: he can cheer you up when you're sad, increase your self-esteem if it's in pieces, always make you feel loved... In addition, he loves leaving complimentary notes for you in your home.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

Probably, your friendship would have started through Yusuke, who had introduced you to him. As your best friend, he would be someone who always gives good advice: he's a great conversationalist and always able to give you advice from an unbiased perspective. Furthermore, if you're a very instinctive person, he would balance you with his calm personality.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

At the beginning of your relationship, he got tense and felt slightly uncomfortable cuddling with you; then, though, he got used to your affection quite quickly. In fact, usually he cuddles with you in your bed, just before you two fall asleep and on your sofa when it rains and if you've had a bad day. Fun fact: even if he doesn't show it, Youko loves to cuddle with you and, if you stroke his hair and fox ears, he'll melt in your arms.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

He definitely wants to settle down with you: since he realized he loved you, he decided he would spend his whole life with you, also because he likes the domesticity of being human. I think he's quite capable of taking care of the house and himself: he knows how to clean and cook basic dishes.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

If he had to break up with you, he would try to use his words to make his breakup speech sweeter, but that would make your separation very emotional and filled with tears, and he would hug you sweetly before leaving you. He would want you two to remain friends anyway, but he wouldn't be offended if you never wanted to see him again.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

In his past life as Youko, marriage was literally the last thing on his mind; nevertheless, as Shuichi, he wants more and more that taste of domesticity and humanity. In fact, he's someone who doesn't have short or casual relationships with anyone: if he's dating someone, he plans to settle down, get married and have a family with them.

G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

He's incredibly gentle both physically and emotionally, ald also both as Shuichi and as Youko! The first is truly kindness done to a person: if you need help, he's always there; if you're sad, he's already with open arms, ready to hug you; he always goes out of his way to make you happy and keep your smile... The second, instead, is kind in his own way: that can be seen particularly in his gestures, and especially in his touch, which always remains soft and sweet, even when he's angry.

H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)

As I wrote previously, he wasn't used to physical affection (and that includes hugs) at first, but then he quickly warmed up to you. However, despite that, he still gets embarrassed to hug you; if, instead, you're the first to initiate the hug, he'll return it without any problems. For that reason, his hugs are very rare unless you start them but, when they happen, the sensations you feel are warmth and protection thanks to his arms.

I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)

It happened after some time, but not too much. In reality, he hadn't planned to tell you he loved you: it happened after you had risked your life and he had saved you; he was so scared of losing you he let it slip out. I think he would have told you anyway during that period, though: for him, falling in love with you was inevitable, and telling you so eased his nerves and filled him with a sense of pride.

J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)

Depending on how good at observing you're, you may never even notice his jealousy: indeed, he gets jealous, but he's extremely subtle about it. For instance, if he notices someone is too close to you, he'll come closer to you and watch them until them get the hint and walk away. If he were Youko, though, I feel sorry for those who hit on you, because he would either tear them apart or scare them a lot.

K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)

He never kisses you in public. In private or with your most trusted friends, instead, he kisses you every now and then, but you're the one who initiates the kisses more often and his kisses are always chaste, light, sweet and soft. The places where he kisses you most are the forehead, the hand and, more rarely, the cheeks; I think the place he would prefer to be kissed would be the cheek, because other places would embarrass him.

L = Little ones (How are they around children?)

He's incredibly efficient about making sure children's needs are tended to and he does what is necessary to take care of them, and I think the quality he demonstrates most with them is the ability to understand their desires and needs, even if they're very young and therefore don't speak yet. But he isn't so good at entertaining kids.

M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)

He's a morning person, so he typically wakes up before you. After getting up, he gives you a sweet kiss on your forehead and goes first to get ready for the day and then to prepare breakfast for you; then, if he has to go on a mission, he'll leave you a note next to your breakfast letting you know he goes out and wishing you a good day, but, if he has no missions, he'll wake you up gently by bringing you breakfast in bed.

N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)

The nights you spend together happen quite often, so you've developed your own routine: after eating and washing the dishes together, you two go to get ready for bed, and then you sit on the sofa to watch a movie, read or chat; generally you fall asleep against him, and sometimes he takes you to bed and, after setting up in the living room, lies down next to you, other times he's so tired he falls asleep with you on the sofa.

O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)

His openness depends on which part of him you met: if you met him as Kurama, you'll probably know about his past soon enough but, if you met him as Shuiichi, he knows sooner or later his past will come out, but he isn't entirely sure on how explain it, so he'll wait to tell you it until you discover it naturally.

P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)

He never, never gets angry with you. Even if he got annoyed with you, he would never go so far as to yell at you or hurt you due to anger, but he would still try to talk to you; in the most extreme case, he would move away from you so as not to turn annoyance into anger. He may only get angry with someone if they insult or hurt you, his family or friends.

Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)

All. He remembers everything, he never forgets even a single detail about you. However, despite being a great observer, able to grasp many details about you, he prefers hearing you talk about yourself, since he's loves hearing your voice.

R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)

His favorite moment of your relationship is your first kiss: it was New Year's Eve, and you two were on your house's balcony watching the beautiful fireworks; you were cold and he offered to give his jacket to you, but you refused, since otherwise he would be the one who was cold, so you hugged him and he covered both of you with it, and during the last fireworks he gently cupped your cheek and kissed you.

S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)

He isn't particularly protective, as he knows he's feared by other youkai enough to make sure you aren't attacked. However, he's still partly an animal, therefore, if he senses there's danger, he'll hover over you protectively. The best way to protect him is to remind him to take care of himself and he's human, and human bodies will give out a lot sooner than youkai ones.

T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

It depends: as Shuichi, he doesn't put much effort into them, but only because he loves simple things, so for example his typical dates are at your home reading a book or watching a movie together, or his gifts appear simple, but they've a great meaning; as Youko, he's a real exhibitionist, who has to show all the youkai that you're his partner.

U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)

He tends to overwork himself: sometimes, it even gets to the point where you've to force him onto bedrest for the sake of his health! That's a hard habit to break, but he's trying very hard for you to overcome it, because he knows it worries you a lot.

V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)

He doesn't worry too much about his appearance, except for his hair: he takes great care of it, especially because he makes some of his plants' seeds grow there, so he has to create the conditions to preserve them all the time.

W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)

He would feel very lonely without you: by now he has gotten used to your presence, so he would feel strange not to sleep with you, eat with you, talk to you... Indeed, if he has to move away from you, he wants to call or video call you to see or hear you. However, every now and then he needs to take time to be alone and reflect.

X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)

He has a ton of brief relationship experience from his time as Youko, but one thing is a little relationship with a youkai, another is a long relationship with you, the human with whom he wants to spend his whole life. His old partners are never mentioned by him, and for him they aren't important at all, as they're part of his criminal past.

Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)

He doesn't like people who are fake, evil or who treat others badly, so he wouldn't want a partner like that. He also wouldn't like a too clingy fiancรฉ, especially if it was at a time when he would like to be alone to think or reflect.

Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)

He's a super light sleeper, mostly out of instinct, since for a long time he slept out in the open in Makai (Demon World), so the lightest shift in movement can wake him up. Since he's been dating you, while still a light sleeper, he's trying to get used to your movement patterns during the night.

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And i am doing requests so pls pls pls send me some cus im in the mood to write baes ๐Ÿ˜‹

Am currently taking requests for mainly mha/bnha because i am stuck in an obsession with it atm

I will write for aizawa (i mainly like to write platonic fluff with like a sad student reader or something though) but ill write smut too (just not with a student ๐Ÿ’€

I will also write for shinso, denki, katsuki, izuku, todoroki and iida

I also prefer angst with a happy ending, i wont do x dead reader because i just dont have the heart ๐Ÿ˜ง

But plsplspls gimme some random requests to do and ill have fun with them <3

I can also write for yu yu hakusho and bleach! Dont hold out on requests please, i want to be absolutely flooded with them! ๐Ÿ˜

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๐‘๐ž๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ˆ๐ง๐›๐จ๐ฑ '๐“๐š๐›๐ฅ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐‚๐จ๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฌ'

Hey guys!

This is just a short post of the next ten or so fics requests from my inbox that are being released in the oncoming few days.

When these have all been released, I will release another post like this detailing the next ten fics after that, since each post has a ten picture limit.

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I hope you're looking forward to my posts as much as I'm looking forward to writing them!

On average, I should be posting at least one of these per day, however there may be exceptions to this, where I might be too busy or tired.

These will be posted alongside my kinktober fics. All fics (including kinktober) will be updated to their respective anime masterlists :)

Have a great day y'all <3

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hi! I read your hiei fic the other day it was really good ^_^!

Could I req a fem!former delinquent!sweetheart!reader with Kurama and Hiei (together is preferred but seperate is fine) thank youu!

also to go in detail - yusuke and kuwabara knew her and feared her (without knowing that she was a girl and actually pretty caring unless you wronged her) then yusuke wanted to fight her and they met up. eventually became a part of team urameshi!

thank you again!

.. reimi

Aw thank you! I'm always glad to see some yyh lovers on here <3

Also since this was like the 80s-90s, I think the 'never hit a woman' thing was even more relevant to them lol

If y'all want part two lemme know! <3

๐Œ๐š๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฅ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ <3

Check out my kinktober!

๐Š๐ฎ๐ซ๐š๐ฆ๐š ๐ฑ ๐…๐ž๐ฆ!๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ ๐ฑ ๐‡๐ข๐ž๐ข - ๐…๐จ๐ซ๐ฆ๐ž๐ซ ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐ง๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ง๐ญ

Hi! I Read Your Hiei Fic The Other Day It Was Really Good ^_^!


Can a girl not just be minding her business on the rooftop on her own, without being bothered? This had become your safe space, somewhere you could just forget about these losers that were just looking for a fight.

"Hey! Yuuri!"

That's not your name anymore, but okay.

"'s not my name, asshole."

Somehow people had never connected the dots that you weren't a man. It's a fucking mystery where that little gold nugget of gossip even came from. It's not like you were uniquely masculine looking, you were just very androgynous, and it's not your fault that men's clothes are smarter, more comfortable and made to last longer. Fuck women's clothes, seriously.

You have long hair, but you suppose that people just think you're a cute femboy, like that Shuichi kid from the next school over.

Thus, you had been dubbed "Yuuri", since the general public apparently couldn't be bothered to remember your real name.

Finally, long legs hidden by baggy men's suit pants in a deep black stretch out, knees cracking when you stand. Yusuke doesn't even flinch. Boy, what a trooper.

One would have to be living under a rock, under the ocean, and under another rock to not know who this infamous troublemaker is. This day was bound to come, this guy's probably been in bare-knuckle fist fights with grizzly bears, at this point.

Oh boy, you never know how they'll take the news you're about to break.

"You know, I'm not Yuuri anymore, right?"...

"Meet me in the parking lot in ten!"

"I have class in five minutes"

Your words are lost on him, and you sigh, knowing you're about to stand the poor guy up on what's probably his first date. Poor thing. There's no way in hell you're gonna meet that asshole. He just can't take a hint for the life of him. Just how long has Keiko had that crush on him for?

"Listen, I'm not "meeting up" with you. I'm not in the business of hurting people anymore-"

Let me have my character development arc, asshole.

Nothing more can be said as you walk straight past the little delinquent. Though, he does bristle in offence at your casual dismissal. Maybe you should've rejected him slowly... 'it's not you, it's me...'

Yeah, right.


The two of you do end up meeting anyway, curse you and your curiosity, and you now stand in front of Yusuke with the most unimpressed, 'look, you've got the wrong idea' expression.

Meanwhile, Yusuke is looking aweful proud of himself, and it seems he rolled up with the whole pussy patrol. Of course Shuichi is here, whom you know about because of various contacts that keep tabs on suspicious people for you. And oh, boy, is this redhead suspicious after he caught every single contact of yours with ease, and even more so now that he's groupied with Yusuke, of all people.

Kuwabara obviously wouldn't have missed this for the world, but the fourth guy is simply a mystery to you. Mystery short stack wears only black, like you even despite the school dress code, and as soon as you tilt your head in curiosity at him he immediately looks away. Wierd.

The matter at hand is that Yusuke Urameshi wants to fight you, yet you're not willing to go back to starting shit for no reason. It was just too much hassle, and the second your friends and family got dragged into it was when you called it quits.

"Look, whatever dick measuring contest you think this is, I'm not into it, man."

"Yeah, whatever, man! Come on over here and get your ass-kickin', that smug face a' yours says 'kick me' all over it!"

"You know I'm a woman, right?"

The shocked silence that follows is comical, really.

Yusuke and Kazuma had known of you for a while now, and heard of your feats through others that they had left as pulp on the ground, and were genuinely curious about you. Of course, they never knew the were picking a fight with a woman. As much as they like to promote equality, part of them still cringe at the thought of going against the one rule in the book. Never hit a woman.

Everywhere you look, eyes are wide like dinner plates. Everyone seems genuinely caught off guard, even Hiei and Kurama weren't expecting this. They had just come to see Yusuke get his ass handed to him.

"Why is this such a shock to you people?! Do I really look like a man to you?! Am I ugly?!"

"No- no! You- uh- well..."

Kuwabara steps in to save him, and fails miserably.

"We just thought you were one of those really pretty boys- l-like Kur- I mean- Shuichi..."

This is starting to fuck with you now. At the sight of what Yusuke now knows to be an upset woman in front of him, he cringes. Kuwabara's going on about how rude he is for making a girl cry, even though you're not crying, and like he didn't assume you were a man as well, but he's just background noise.

Somewhere in his head he connects the dots, thinking of every woman he knows and how unexpectedly violent they get when they're angry.

"Actually, that makes sense, you know."


After this turn of events you had actually forgiven this particular group, and the memory of when they all thought you were a man is now a long running joke between the four of you.

At some point, you'd pointed out to 'Useless Urameshi', as you had dubbed him, that he should talk to Keiko because she likes him, and it was getting a little painful to watch them dance around eachother like idiots.

You had grown especially close with Hiei and Kurama after being sucked into one of their demon-hunting escapades, and although the short tempered fire demon had been especially cold at first, it was nothing you hadn't dealt with before. He was just having trouble opening up to you. Kurama warned that it might take a while to get through to him.

Nonetheless, you had patience, or at least more than you did before you had stopped being a delinquent.

In reality, the group thought you were an absolute sweetheart, and even a bit of a doormat at times, but the second you lost your patience it took a while for them to convince you not to commit murder in the first degree. Even Hiei was genuinely surprised at how unnecessarily angry you could get for just an otherwise ordinary human girl, even despite your slight spiritual awareness.

Despite your temper, the group adored you, and you adored them. Kurama often joked that you were his favourite human because of the behemoth strength behind "such pretty eyes". Butterflies invaded your stomach when he said that and they never left.

The two demons especially took a liking to you, since you treated them so well, and it was obvious to everyone except you, that they were competing for you, ironically. It's like Yusuke and Keiko all over again. He's still haunted by the name you gave him. 'Useless Urameshi- What an ass.' he would think.

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3 years ago

Kurama ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ


Kurama in ponytail (because we didn't see it much) + new outfit (sponsored by my oc who got irritated with all the bright yellow and cherry pink he's been wearing).

Hi it's me Orion. For some reason I ended up rewatching yyh series while stuck at home.

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3 years ago

Before the month ends, here is our latest work! Presenting our favorite ferry girl



Behind the scene:

Botan is always the one most excited when one of her friends stars at the cover of the renowned publication, but when turn came up she actually find it awkward and she froze up in front of the camera. She was trying really hard but the staff noticed her having a hard time, so they let her take a break while they take the photo of Kuwabara and Hiei instead.

The girls comforted her and told her she was really pretty, and they know she can do it. Botan thanked them but deep inside their words actually had the opposite effect and somehow made her feel even more pressured.

She was really nervous when the guys finished their turn and she had to return to the stage. As she approach the guys who were on their way down Kuwabara pat her on the shoulder and told her if someone like the shrimp can do it then she definitely can. Hiei on the other hand retaliated with 'If you are worried of looking ugly, I can assure you the oaf already got that completely covered. So get your head out of the gutter so we can get this cursed photoshoot over woman.'

Kuwabara got offended as usual and told Hiei that is not the way to comfort a woman. Seeing the familiar sight of her friends bickering with each other, some of the tension she was feeling dissipated and a soft smile grazed her lips. Hiei's brand of comforting might not be the conventional one, but at that time it was exactly what she needed. Unknown to her the photographer is capturing every moment.

Later that day as the staff is selecting the final photo they will use for the cover, a red haired man sneaks his way into the photographer and chief editor's office. He places a box of cheese cake beside the computer monitor. He had to take a half day at work today just to line up for 3 hours to acquire the confection.

"Kurama in case you haven't realized it yet you won't be able to bribe your way out of this magazine business."

"Good evening to you too, Elia. And here I am going through so much trouble just to get Hiei to participate. Guess not all hard work gets rewarded."

Looking at the screen he saw the picture of Botan softly smiling while looking at Kuwabara and Hiei. It was a picture taken without his friends noticing. He takes a seat next to Elia.

"Your friends are all very interesting people." Elia leans her head to his shoulder the exhaustion from today's photoshoot finally catching up on her.

"So I really can't get exempted? I can-"


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3 years ago

Harvest ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

For fall event prompt 2 Harvest.


The little kid said he'd guard the fruits but...well, guess he's just taking his payment in advance ๐Ÿ˜‚. Kurama jr in a fox onesie is too cute for this world.


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3 years ago

Prompt 28 Cuddling

Prompt 28 Cuddling

He just got home from work and was changing his clothes but the little one demanded cuddles. ๐Ÿคญ


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3 years ago

The next demon world tournament is fast approaching and the gang is back on training, but Kurama seems to have a special little guest who wants to join him!


It's been a while since my last post, have been busy on real life with holiday approaching and many other stuff! But guess who's busy too? Kurama and Jr. are back!

More sexy content under the cut!

The Next Demon World Tournament Is Fast Approaching And The Gang Is Back On Training, But Kurama Seems

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3 years ago

Sharing a gif version of my latest artwork! I lost some of the photos' quality but I guess that's just how it is. Anyway, enjoy your holidays~~

Sharing A Gif Version Of My Latest Artwork! I Lost Some Of The Photos' Quality But I Guess That's Just
Sharing A Gif Version Of My Latest Artwork! I Lost Some Of The Photos' Quality But I Guess That's Just
Sharing A Gif Version Of My Latest Artwork! I Lost Some Of The Photos' Quality But I Guess That's Just
Sharing A Gif Version Of My Latest Artwork! I Lost Some Of The Photos' Quality But I Guess That's Just

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3 years ago



Yes, this guy is a main character he's not the villain but then again......well we're all glad he's on the good guy's side.

Commissions are now open dm if interested!!

Commission Info

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3 years ago

Uh oh! Some birthday troubles occured and foxes are angry!

Belated Happy(unofficial) Birthday, foxboy! ๐ŸฆŠ

Uh Oh! Some Birthday Troubles Occured And Foxes Are Angry!
Uh Oh! Some Birthday Troubles Occured And Foxes Are Angry!

Kurama is having his birthday party with his beloved demon friends! Their children are present too so they could all get acquainted but it seems some adults got into trouble!

Kurama's scolding is one thing but Kurama Jr.'s chastising is a different sting! Well no one is harmed so everything was resolved peacefully and Yusuke and Chu were stuck on kitchen duty!

Commission is still open commission info.

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2 years ago

Commission piece for @starsxwonder

Commission Piece For @starsxwonder
Commission Piece For @starsxwonder

Her fanfic All it cost her has been completed and Gravity now has 120 chapters available on ao3!

My commission is still open!

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