Hiei Yu Yu Hakusho - Tumblr Posts
yu yu hakusho main 4 ensemble team is so funny
yusuke is some loner "no good punk" who doesnt get along with anyone other than his one (1) singular best friend, he beats the shit out of kuwabara and accidentally starts a (one sided) rivalry where kuwabara tries to beat him, he almost dies for kurama after knowing him for like 10 minutes and then gets saved by kurama taking a hit for him and he has literally no reason to trust hiei but does anyway, everyone at his school is scared of him, he literally befriends half the people that he fights
kuwabara is a self proclaimed thug but is actually really soft and loves his friends, he'd do anything for the people he cares about, he's rivals with yusuke, he literally does not know hiei or kurama he found out his rival is some spirit detective guy and just started showing up too, he has no clue wtf hiei is but he knows he's annoying, he's literally down to die at any moment for his friends and random ass strangers
kurama is The Main Man at his high school, he has zero friends unless u count hiei, he only cares about his mom, he's smart and popular and quiet, he's a fox demon thief, he trauma dumps on yusuke after knowing him for like 10 minutes, is ready to die for his mom, is told that death isnt the way to go, immediately takes a hit for yusuke by his own kinda friend hiei, moves the fuck on immediately, hiei and him are besties again, random men have homoerotic beef with him but he literally only cares about his mom and his friends
hiei is a literal criminal, he does not like humans, he has attempted to murder yusuke but is still unwaveringly trusted by him and is probably half always there out of sheer confusion, he's ready to kill anyone, he'd kill anyone for his friends, he regularly gets teased for his height and long lost sister, no one takes his emo comments seriously, he was literally yeeted off a cliff when he was a newborn
on the outside its the top student of his school, a no good punk, a terrifying loner, and an actual criminal
Hiei Courting Headcannons

In honor of the Live Action series (Even though I don't Have High Hopes For It)
Now, we all know Hiei is a very stubborn demon. Especially when it comes to his feelings. When he realized he liked you and didn't just tolerate your presence, he fought hard to deny it.
So what if he spent most of his time with you? Who cares that the first place he goes to after coming back from the demon world is your house? It didn't matter that his eyes seemed to soften whenever you were around.
No not one bit.
But the second Kurama threatened to court you himself, well Hiei couldn't just sit down and let that happen. Didn't that fox understand he shouldn't touch what wasn't his.
1. Showing off to see if you're interested
Hiei may be a demon, but he has some semblance of manners. His pride wouldn't allow him to claim you until you accepted his advances. Any creature who dared force themselves onto another was the lowest of the lowest.
So, his first step is showing off during fights.
Letting the enemy bloody him up more to show that injury didn't affect him.
Using more spirit energy than was needed to end another demon with just one blow
Stopping you from fighting because he'll "take care of it. You humans are too fragile."
He'll also use his Jagan more frequently.
You lost something?
Well look no further, he can track it down precisely and easily.
Praise him even once or say in passing he's really strong, and he'll take that as you being interested.
Even if you're just trying to be nice.
2. Wearing Richer Colors
I firmly believe Hiei courts more like a crow than the usual beast. He's sleek like one anyways.
Now if you didn't know, most birds attract mates with their bright feathers.
In Hiei's case, he'll start to wear dark, yet rich colors to get your attention.
Strength is one thing. Any low-class demon can demonstrate strength and be happy about it.
What Hiei is looking for is to see if you're attracted to him. If you find him visually appealing.
Though he's not a vain creature, he still yearns for the confirmation that him and him alone captivates you.
He'll start with darker blues. Maybe change up his cloak a little.
And when that doesn't work, he moves onto purples. Getting teased by Kurama for 'changing up his style.' But he stays determined.
Eventually moving onto a burgundy. And the way you were immediately drawn to him then made it worth it.
Relishing in your compliments on how 'the color really suits him' and 'it matches his eyes perfectly.'
Letting you grab at the fabric and inspect it until he asks why you like it so much.
"Well I always thought your eyes were pretty. It's nice to see something that reminds me of them."
He's a prideful smug bastard after that. Not even comments from Yusuke can tick him off that day.
3. Bringing You Shiny Objects
Once again, he courts like a crow.
Now that you've shown interest in him, it's time to properly start showing his affections.
Hiei isn't one for flirting or compliments. He's more prone to showing rather than telling. And in this case the way to do that is to bring you little trinkets that catch his eye.
Usually, it'll be small gems he stumbles across in demon world.
Rubies, diamonds, and emeralds. All things he knows where to find thanks to his prior occupation as a thief.
He's not trying to buy your affection. He knows you're not that vain judging by the pushback you always give when he presents you with a jewel.
No, rather he's trying to show that he can provide for you. That you'd never have to worry about scrounging around to survive as long as he was with you.
A protector and a provider.
He also notices how you treasure the less valuable items with as much fondness and care as the others.
He had asked you why you slept with a chunk of pyrite on your bedside one time. And your response let him know he wouldn't give up on pursuing you anytime soon.
"Because it was one of the first things you gave me. Don't you remember? You said something along the lines of fool's gold for a fool's heart. I think it's sweet you even got me something at all."
You didn't care about what he brought you. All that mattered was that it came from him.
If that didn't mean you accepted his advances, then he didn't know what would.
4. Scenting
Ah, yes. Back to the classics
Once you've accepted the gifts he's continuously given you, Hiei takes it as you liking him back.
He's aware human and demon courting processes are very different from one another.
But he's exactly not human, is he?
When it comes to demons, once you've accepted their advances, your mates.
In a sense, it's like dating. Only except a dissatisfied partner will kill the other in most cases.
With this in mind, Hiei happily accepts the fact you're his and immediately moves onto the final stage of courting.
Scenting you so that other demons know to back off.
Think of it as your last out if you realize what's happening and actually don't have feelings for him.
The scenting process will start with Hiei showing up to your place of residence and staying with you.
Not yet following you around, but making sure to spend time in each room.
If he has to leave somewhere, he'll leave either an article of clothing or his sword.
It confuses you at first and you think maybe he just trusts you.
But you start to think otherwise when he starts getting touchy.
Laying in your lap and ordering you to stay still, only to find out he's fallen asleep on you.
Or letting his face rest against the crook of your neck. Which you didn't mind all that much.
It was quite funny to see someone as tough as Hiei become completely docile around you.
You weren't too worried until he followed you out when you went to buy groceries.
"You don't like being around people. Don't you wanna stay home until I get back?" You asked him.
"I've already shown you that you're a very fragile creature compared to me. It's best I accompany you so you don't hurt yourself."
Usually you would have argued back, but it was clear something was off with him.
These past few months had been strange with him either trying to get your attention or trying to stay directly next to you.
You wouldn't figure out what it was until your other three friends showed up.
Kuwabara wanting to have a movie night and you offering your home to do it.
When the three of them arrived, you noticed Kurama and Yusuke hesitate by the entrance.
"Something wrong?" You questioned.
" I can't put my finger on it, but something's telling me I shouldn't go in." Yusuke responded.
Unawares it was Hiei's scent warding him off.
But Kurama knew. He'd known since you opened the door.
It seems Hiei had staked his claim on you.
Yet judging by your calm demeanor, you didn't know that yet.
"Have you noticed Hiei acting strange lately?" Kurama asked.
"Yes! I thought I was the only one. He's been really clingy. I mean at first it was odd he kept bringing me stuff like gems, but then he started following me around like a house cat. It's endearing, but honestly what's going on with him?" You ranted. Prompting a laugh from the redhead.
"I see. Good luck on your new relationship."
Before you could question him about what he meant, a gentle grip around your waist stopped you.
"What're you doing inviting these fools to our home. You know how long it took me to get rid of their scent the first time? It's like you want me to start the whole courting process all over again."
You couldn't say you minded now that you knew what was actually going on.
The RowdyRuff Boyz?!

Is Hiei Utonium or Mojo Jojo?!
👨🏻🔬 vs 🐒
The RowdyRuff Boyz?!

Is Hiei Utonium or Mojo Jojo?!
👨🏻🔬 vs 🐒
Bringing you demon world monthly second issue Kuwabara and Hiei!

"The gladiolus flower typically symbolizes honor and remembrance, but it has many other meanings too such as:
Strength of character
Faithfulness, sincerity, and integrity
Never giving up
Glads are also commonly referred to as sword flowers or sword lilies due to the sword-like shape of both the foliage and the spikes of the flowers themselves. Legend has it, the spikiness of the flower was meant to pierce the heart of its recipient with love.
Hmm… a little romantic, a little violent, we love it."
Before the month ends, here is our latest work! Presenting our favorite ferry girl

Behind the scene:
Botan is always the one most excited when one of her friends stars at the cover of the renowned publication, but when turn came up she actually find it awkward and she froze up in front of the camera. She was trying really hard but the staff noticed her having a hard time, so they let her take a break while they take the photo of Kuwabara and Hiei instead.
The girls comforted her and told her she was really pretty, and they know she can do it. Botan thanked them but deep inside their words actually had the opposite effect and somehow made her feel even more pressured.
She was really nervous when the guys finished their turn and she had to return to the stage. As she approach the guys who were on their way down Kuwabara pat her on the shoulder and told her if someone like the shrimp can do it then she definitely can. Hiei on the other hand retaliated with 'If you are worried of looking ugly, I can assure you the oaf already got that completely covered. So get your head out of the gutter so we can get this cursed photoshoot over woman.'
Kuwabara got offended as usual and told Hiei that is not the way to comfort a woman. Seeing the familiar sight of her friends bickering with each other, some of the tension she was feeling dissipated and a soft smile grazed her lips. Hiei's brand of comforting might not be the conventional one, but at that time it was exactly what she needed. Unknown to her the photographer is capturing every moment.
Later that day as the staff is selecting the final photo they will use for the cover, a red haired man sneaks his way into the photographer and chief editor's office. He places a box of cheese cake beside the computer monitor. He had to take a half day at work today just to line up for 3 hours to acquire the confection.
"Kurama in case you haven't realized it yet you won't be able to bribe your way out of this magazine business."
"Good evening to you too, Elia. And here I am going through so much trouble just to get Hiei to participate. Guess not all hard work gets rewarded."
Looking at the screen he saw the picture of Botan softly smiling while looking at Kuwabara and Hiei. It was a picture taken without his friends noticing. He takes a seat next to Elia.
"Your friends are all very interesting people." Elia leans her head to his shoulder the exhaustion from today's photoshoot finally catching up on her.
"So I really can't get exempted? I can-"
Sharing a gif version of my latest artwork! I lost some of the photos' quality but I guess that's just how it is. Anyway, enjoy your holidays~~

Did you guys miss our monthly publication?
Well greeting you this first month of the year is none other than our badass Queen

KuraHi Exchange Event

A piece for the exchange event we have in @yyh-revival server! For @rereya
Side by side

My Commission Info
Yu yu hakusho live action
No sabía que se podían publicar vídeos por aquí, hice este con mis shipps favoritos 💕, hay algún limite de tiempo o Copyright que debería saber?
Toguro es muy grande, me da pena, Hiei trataba de ayudar a Kurama.
(poor Hiei, he was trying to help Kurama)
Happy 30th Anniversary Yu Yu Hakusho!!!! 👉✨
I’m a little late, but I wanted to try my best to make something I was happy with.
Thank you Yoshihiro Togashi for making such an amazing manga, that became an anime, that changed my life.
Thank you for waking me up.

Doodled an angry little demon for fun. I love drawing Hiei 🤩