Soonyoung X Reader Fluff - Tumblr Posts

Comfort In You (1)
Pairing : Kwon Soonyoung x Reader
Genre : Fluff, Angst
Warnings : Jihoon is rude
Dates Like You (2)
When you fight with your best friend, it drains you emotionally and you fall asleep in your car only to wake up to your crush's face. Thankfully, he's good at comforting people.
You were kind of nervous when you enter Jihoon's studio after not meeting up with him for almost 3 weeks. Part of you wanted to blame him for not answering to any of your calls or messages. The other part knew that he was probably just busy, being a song producer.
Jihoon had been your friend for literally 10 years. When you met him he was just the cute, shy boy who had a big passion for music. That passion led to him being one of the best song producers in South Korea. And you were with him throughout all of it. It wasn't like him to ghost you all of a sudden.
You clench the plastic bag filled with Jihoon's favorite food as you walk to his room. You knock on the door and you hear some rustling noises from inside.
"Yeah, coming"
When Jihoon opens the door, you can barely recognize him. His eyes were covered with dark circles and his hair was a mess. He looked like he hadn't slept for days.
You expected him to at least smile at you but what you got instead was a hard glare.
"What are you doing here?" Jihoon asks, his voice cold.
"I brought you food. You weren't answering my calls or texts so I got worried," you say with a smile.
"Who asked you to bring me food? Do you think I'm a child? I can get myself food if I want"
You stare at him, trying to process what he just said. It was fine if he was busy but he didn't have to show his frustration towards you, right?
"Well, I just bought these. You can eat them later or something"
"Gods, why are you so annoying?"
Upon hearing this, your chest burns with anger. Why was he acting like you weren't suddenly friends anymore?
"Annoying? Me? I was worried about you, you bastard. How dare you call me annoying?"
Jihoon's eyes didn't even have a hint of regret or guilt.
"You're wasting my time"
Your eyes burn as tears threaten to fall. You wipe them away with your sweater.
"You," you point as finger at him ,"are not worthy of being my friend anymore"
"I'm glad. You were a pain in the back anyways"
Those words hurt like a slap across the face. How long was he thinking like that? Were all those moments you had fun just fake? Millions of questions swarm in your head.
"I was there for you when you were at your worst. Let's see who's going to collect shit up for you from now on," with that being said, you leave Jihoon's place.
When you get in your car, you cannot help yourself but cry. He was your friend of 10 years. How can he suddenly be so rude and break your heart? You didn't deserve it. You rest your head on the steering wheel and close your eyes.
As the night sky stays calm as always, you fall asleep, tears staining your cheeks.
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You wake up to the sound of someone knocking on your window. Your eyes flutter open and you immediately blink, trying to get used to the sudden brightness.
As you rub your eyes, you turn to look at your window only to find Soonyoung with a concerned look on his face.
Soonyoung was your and Jihoon's friend. You had a tiny crush on him but never told anyone. He was this cute, shy and hyper guy that never failed to make you laugh.
You open your car door and Soonyoung crouches down so that he was on eye level with you.
"Let me drive you home"
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The silence wasn't uncomfortable. That was for sure. You didn't say anything when he offered to drive you but moved to the passenger's seat which indicated that you agreed.
He didn't question you, asking what happened which reminded you once more why you really like him.
"Do you want to eat?" he asks and before you can say anything your stomach started to rumble. Great timing.
Soonyoung laughs, "I guess that's a yes". Your face flushes in embarrassment.
"What do you want to eat?"
You look at him, surprised. Usually the type of reaction you get from people(mainly Jihoon) when you say you wanted to eat Ramen for breakfast was a mortified look.
Soonyoung must have noticed your widened eyes because he immediately says, "I know what you're thinking. It's fine. You've had a hard day. You deserve to eat something you like"
You were already starting to feel a bit better. You smile, happy that Soonyoung was there for you when you needed someone. Still, Jihoon had been there for you all those years. Suddenly, removing him from your life seemed like something impossible.
You turn to look at Soonyoung and noticing his faint yet contagious smile something clicks in your mind.
With this boy in your life, anything was possible.
"So, do you know any good place to get Ramen?"
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"I'm glad you decided to do this for me today. Thank you so much," you pat your stomach which was full from all the Ramen you had eaten and some macarons you had gotten from a cafe nearby, "Do you want to come in?"
"It's okay. I have to go for dance practice right now anyways," Soonyoung says, rubbing the back of his neck, his cheeks dusted in pink, "I had a lot of fun even if my plan was only to make you feel better"
"In that case, I'd say it worked very well. I had fun too"
"Just so you know, Y/n, you don't deserve whatever that made you cry"
You look at him, silently deciding whether to tell him about your fight with Jihoon or not. You decided to go with the former.
"Jihoon fought with me. Called me annoying and a pain in the back. I'm not sure if we can ever go back to being friends anymore," you tell him. Soonyoung looked like he couldn't believe it.
"I don't know what's gotten into him but I am not talking to him until he apologizes to you," he huffs and you try to keep yourself from pinching his cheeks because he looked so adorable.
"It's okay, Soonyoung. You don't have to do that. I'm the one he doesn't want to talk to. I don't want your friendship to be ruined because of me"
Soonyoung gives another huff, "Leave him. He'll come back to you once he gets a brain surgery done. I mean ho-," you didn't know what had gotten you so bold but you had already pressed your lips against his to shut him up. Soonyoung gives a startled squeak just before you pull away.
"I'm sorry. I think you have to get to practice. See you some time later. Bye," you say and before the poor boy could say anything you had already closed your door.
You lean your back against the door, trying to calm your racing heart. Did you just ruin everything?
On the opposite side, Soonyoung had a hand covering his flushed face and a small smile appeared on his face.
"I do have to go to practice now but I'm taking you out tomorrow. Get ready," he shouts before walking away, his lips still lingering from the kiss you had given.
Inside, you were grinning like a baboon. You thought about how bad everything had started but now the fight with Jihoon was fading from your mind.
Something about Soonyoung was just so comforting that it made you forget everything else.
Maybe, that's why you liked him so much.
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Dates Like You (2)
Pairing : Soonyoung x Reader
Genre : Fluff
Warnings : None
Comfort In You (1)
Soonyoung's first date with you doesn't go as he expected. But at least it was fun.
Soonyoung's ideal first date was a pottery studio. His grin was bright as usual as he stands proudly in front of the only studio he could find in that area.
"So, pottery?" you giggle at the adorable idea he had came up with.
"Yes. I was thinking of something unique," he says, "You don't like it?"
You shake your head aggressively, partly wondering where he had gotten that idea from, "Of course, I love it. I've always been an arts person and yet I've never tried pottery before"
"Good thing I brought you here, then"
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"Look here, kids, you both seem like trouble. I have some foreign tourists who want to learn pottery as well. Please don't make any mess," Mrs. Yoon, the owner of the studio says, but the grin you and Soonyoung share doesn't seem convincing to her.
"Of course, Mrs. Yoon. We're angels"
"I hope that's true," she sighs and walks off to the tourists who had been waiting for the past 10 minutes.
"Do you know how to do it?" you ask Soonyoung once you were not able to see the lady anymore.
"Of course," he replies confidentially.
"Then, you'll have to teach me"
Soonyoung walks over to one of the pottery wheels where Mrs. Yoon had already set up all the equipments including a decent amount of clay. You follow him and sit by the wheel, and Soonyoung plops himself next to you.
"I seriously have no idea what to do," you admit, your ears turning red.
"You have to place the clay on the wheel first. Then, while the wheel spins you can shape the clay into literally anything," Soonyoung explains and you look at him blankly, still not feeling confident.
He sees your expression and laughs, "Let me help you," he moves behind you.
You flush at the sudden closure between the both of you.
"So," he whispers in your ear, placing his hand on yours, his legs trapping your own, leaving no gap between you, "We have to put the clay on the wheel head, first," he grabs some clay from the side and places it on the wheel and turns it on.
"Now, we have to shape it," he guides your hands, fingers sliding into yours as he shapes the clay. You watch in amusement as the clay takes form, wondering if your hands were the one doing it.
You didn't say anything, being too focused on your beating heart and through your back you could hear Soonyoung's too. Your face was set in a dark shade of scarlet.
"I know it isn't easy but it's fun," Soonyoung whispers in your ear and you nod, as no words came from your throat.
A while later, you were done with your pottery and Soonyoung frees his tangled limbs from yours, making you sigh in relief because finally your heart can calm down.
Soonyoung's eyes were on the mug he made. It had some minor flaws but you thought that it still looked cute.
"I'm not an expert as you can see from the final product," Soonyoung looks sheepish, his cheeks dusted in red.
"It looks adorable. I'm keeping it forever. I mean, if you let me"
"Of course," he pulls you closer by your hand. He cups your cheek, despite his hands being a mess from all the clay, "Can I kiss you?"
Man, you would have died then and there. The look in his eyes was enough to make you breathless. It wasn't the most romantic place, with all the clay and dust, but for you it was enough. You nod, flustered and Soonyoung grins before pressing his lips against yours.
You could feel his smile as he kisses you slowly but before you could kiss back, you hear Mrs. Yoon's shriek.
"You kids, my studio is not the place for you to be making out. Get lost before I kick you out. And take that thing with you," you pull away from Soonyoung, all flustered from the second kiss you shared with him.
"We're sorry, Mrs. Yoon," you apologize and pack up your things including the mug, while Soonyoung stood by with a giddy smile.
"Bye, Mrs. Yoon," you say, grabbing Soonyoung by the arm and leave the studio.
"You shouldn't have done that"
"I asked your permission though!"
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"Soonyoung, are you done?" you ask trying to peep through your fingers. Soonyoung had brought you to his house, wanting to show you something and had you close your eyes. You were sitting beside him at his dining table.
"Almost. Don't look," he says, "And done. You can look now"
You remove your hands from your face. Soonyoung smiles and hands you the now-painted mug. His smile widens seeing upon your reaction.
"Oh my god. It looks so adorable," you say cupping the mug in your hands with a grin, "Thank you"
"No problem. I just thought it looked too plain. Also," he pointed at the bottom, "I wrote our initials".
You turn the mug over and sure it was there. K.S.Y + Y/N written in bold letters with a small heart below it. 'First Gift on the First Date' was written in even smaller letters and it puts a smile on your face.
"You're my girlfriend, now, Y/n. This gift proves it"
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