Sora!master Of Masters - Tumblr Posts
So how did you react to seeing young Ven in the age of fairy tales? Also do you think his Chirithy recognized you at all when you were younger?

MoM!Sora is trying to maintain some emotional distance so he can do what needs to be done and is also having a headache of his own regarding timetravel tenses. Ventus’s memory is a complete wreck but Ienzo is working very hard to restore it.

MoM!Sora has no clue if Ventus’s Chirithy remembers him or not which is weird in hindsight because it should know him and should have said something...
Sora figured that he can’t be punished for going against orders if he goes before any orders are given, a combination of Teenage Rebellion and.. actually this is just teenage rebellion.. haha sorry Riku.

Since running off, Sora has been channeling his rage form constructively and giving his darkness a bit more leeway in his actions. He had waayyyy too much fun letting out all the misdirected aggression on some convenient targets. His time away has given him some perspective and let him get his head back on straight, One things for sure he’s not going to roll over if anyone insults him anymore.
Are you aware that your scheming is now in the level of your enemey,xehanort? That your old friends might be considering yoy the next problem? And what about your younger self? He's getting angrier and angrier. Feels like almost exactly what the orginization wanted you to do back then.
Are you aware that your scheming is now in the level of your enemy, Xehanort?

Yes, MoM!Sora is well aware that he’s become a manipulative old man but finds the comparison between himself and Xehanort to be insulting as Xehanort is an amateur routinely thwarted by children whereas MoM!Sora destroyed the original Realm of Light, currently possesses the X-Blade, and hasn't been stopped, hindered, or discovered even once in thousands of years because he’s just that competent. In thousands of years, the Gummiphone incident was literally the only mistake he ever made.
That your old friends might be considering you the next problem?

Before, MoM!Sora was hoping to work around his old friends and hopefully never have to face them across the battlefield or at all. After the Gummiphone Incident though MoM!Sora is utterly resigned to being forced to fight his once friends directly at some point and he still thinks it's going to suck. Sora and therefore MoM!Sora are both very genre savvy and never make the same mistake twice.
And what about your younger self?

MoM!Sora being a manipulative monster here, the reason Sora’s not more upset here is that Donald and Goofy saw the post and owing to second-hand trauma at the proof that Sora would literally die for them currently have him in a cuddle pile and aren’t letting him go anytime soon. The Restoration Committee would also like to contribute to the saving the worlds thing, considering it was Xehanort who caused Radiant Garden to fall to darkness in the first place, thank you very much.
He's getting angrier and angrier. Feels like almost exactly what the organization wanted you to do back then.
Naw, it's a righteous clean and totally justified anger but Sora has other friends who don't tease him so no falling to darkness, Sora did just face a very big revelation about what he could become so he’s undergoing a slow adjustment and thinking before he speaks leading him to become more introspective. A transition that took MoM!Sora years to reach may I add. Sora is finding healthy outlets for his rage and making new friends which is helping to get his head back on straight. Granted Sora may have been a bit looser on the World Order than Donald would normally tolerate but he does make sure they’re trustworthy first and it lets him actually build some proper lasting friendships without huge secrets getting in the way. It’s basically, Butterfly induced Character Development, The Guardians of Light will just have to adapt to this new Sora and learn to keep the casual mean teasing to a minimum, because he will call them out on that.

Something a little less serious. Sora and MoM!Sora both rate Donald Duck’s obsession for shiny treasure as a infectious disease. Poor Mickey, Islanders.
I only included this because it looks good enough to have been a world in Kingdom Hearts 3, I can’t include the characters because they were animated and the CGI ones in that game are complete and utter low poly trash.

MoM!Sora has just had a very good day so please forgive him for gleefully laughing in exaltation like a complete and utter maniac.
Sora has been introduced to the forbidden arts of making faces in text ‘Kawaii’ by Kairi, Riku is bracing himself for the fallout.
Goofy and Donald think the Map Sphere is awfully familiar for some reason but can’t quite place it.
Did you ever visit destiny islands again after you became master of masters?

Yep, MoM!Sora visited a lot though it wasn't known as Destiny Island at the time, Moana’s people discovered the Islands and they eventually became inhabited. Maui could tell MoM!Sora was a time traveler on sight and was smug for days about being asked for his and Moana’s autograph. I headcanon that the supply list was for a private leaving feast the next day, as for surviving on the open ocean I watched Waterworld religiously as a kid. So at some point, Riku was telling Mickey his life story in the Realm of Darkness, Mickey was quick to point out the seeming logic holes in the Raft plan which backfired when Riku proceeded to explain, in great detail, why it was actually a great plan to the point Mickey now has detailed theoretical knowledge of how to survive on a raft in the middle of the ocean.

Adding a bit of background worldbuilding here. Sora decided to get a tattoo after he returned to Destiny Island because he’d earned one and he’s been wanting one for ages, Kairi, unfortunately, is allergic to the ink and getting specially made ink would take more than a single day. Riku had also decided to get a tattoo but watched Sora go first and rapidly changed his mind.
Sora wanted one of the heartless he’s slain tattooed across his back and had a list of Heartless to chose from ready but was informed that getting one that big now meant it would need touching up later. Kairi jokingly suggested getting a shadow heartless like the adorable one Sora once turned into and Sora decided to get one on his ankle.
Somewhere in Sora’s Heart, Roxas decides there and then that when he gets his own body he’s getting a Nobody Dragoon tattooed across his back and chest. Xion also wants a tattoo but can't make up her mind. Lea freaks out when he finds this out. Ventus thinks Aqua and Terra would yell at him if he chose to get a tattoo and he’s right.
Donald knows better than to go trampling over other people’s cultural beliefs. After Riku pointed out it was cultural Donald didn't protest much though he rightfully protested getting such a large one at such a young age.
MoM!Sora’s Heartless, Nobody and Unversed body art would fill the enemy sections of Jiminy's journal’s, all of them. MoM!Sora also managed to copy how Maui animates his tattoos at some point which is a sight to see when he activates them all.

I headcanon that MoM!Sora wrote that book from the intro to Treasure Planet. Word of God: Treasure Planet will be included in The Master Reports AU at some point if only so I can depict the reactions to escaping a exploding world.

Donald and Sora both read the post and made plans to look for a certain map sphere. Plans meaning talking to Scrooge McDuck and Sora getting introduced to Della Duck.
Riku is not as unenthusiastic about the prospect of treasure hunting as he pretends to be, Its just Mickeys reading over his shoulder and Riku is supposed to be a master which means he has to act with a certain amount of maturity, even if he’s actually raring to go like a little kid.
If Sora and Riku even try to leave her behind again Kairi will beat them both black and blue.
MoM!Sora actually contributed to the treasure hoard treating it as a private storage area and because he directly teleport’s in, he doesn't know about the trap, MoM!Sora has no need or want for treasure having slain so many monsters over the eons that he COULD actually buy a nebula out of his own pocket if he so wanted.
What do your students know about your former life,if any?

Invi asked MoM!Sora this when he was a young child all the other kids gathered around out of curiosity for story time in the study, MoM!Sora was very, very vague but a lot of epic bedtime stories from that moment forth had very familiar fables with altered names. By the time the Foretellers and Luxu wanted to ask MoM!Sora about said stories that, coincidentally, were very similar to the tales in their books, he had already vanished.
Here Sora just carelessly dropped a massive bomb on Kingstagram, Riku has a moment when he realizes that it might probably be his fault that Sora’s parents might be dead, Sora didn't bring it up in the first place because he is still compartmentalizing his remaining untreated trauma to an unhealthy degree and only just gotten to unpacking this particular issue. Everyone is suitably horrified and on a distant world MoM!Sora reads this post, snaps in fingers in realization and swears violently at having forgotten his own missing parents and immediately makes plans for a detour to track them down. To be fair MoM!Sora had outgrown the need for a parental figure in his life centuries ago and he really had a lot going on the entire time to be thinking of people he’d written off as long dead.
If you could say one thing to your friends after all these years, what would it be?

How bold of you to assume he was only going to say one thing.
The following related excerpt is from the Master Reports Fic which I think I’ll just post bits and pieces that apply to Kingstagram posts.
“So he was recently in Daybreak Town Clocktower, we know that at least, where else could he go?” Asked Riku aloud as the group ascended the stairs of Yen Sid’s Tower. “The guy is thousands of years old he could be anywhere, he's probably on the other end of the galaxy sipping mojitos on a tropical island and laughing at us” Lea snarked as he opened the door to Yen Sid’s office. "Or I could be right where fate dictates I should be." The voice came suddenly out of nowhere, lounged carelessly on Yen Sid’s own seat idly flipping through an old book with his black booted feet propped nonchalantly on the desk. The Master of Masters familiar spiky brown hair peeking out of the hood, grinned shamelessly one eye closed over an empty socket the right eye blue slit and gazing over the group in amusement. Lea lunged forward before he could think keyblade drawn, yet the Master of Masters merely rolled his remain eye and sighed disappointedly “Haa, attacking me with the keyblade I forged? Sooo stupid.” “What!” Lea exclaimed as his keyblade dispelled mid-strike into sparkles then grunted as he was slammed backward into the wall with stunning force by an invisible wave. Powerful magic bore down on everyone in the room preventing any movement. “Now now” Sora- no- the Master of Masters, tutted with a sunny smile in a condescending tone momentarily taking his single eye off the page he was reading. "I'll get to you in a moment" he went back to reading one of Yen Sid’s books Riku noted, totally disregarding their presence as if they weren't a threat, how strong was this version of Sora? The Master of Masters sighed tiredly evidently having found what he was looking for. Nonchalantly taking his feet off the desk and placing the book open on the table before him, his single blue slit eye trailed over the group. "I'll admit, I hadn't intended for us to meet quite like this, but I suppose sentiment was stronger than destiny in this case." “Sora?” Riku breathed shock at seeing this older version of his friend in the flesh pinning him in place and at a complete loss as to what to say. Ventus on the other hand had plenty to say or rather shout “Why are you acting like this?!” For a moment the Master of Masters looked puzzled “Like what, Oh Wait! Are you talking about all those Kingstagram Entries I forgot to delete?” The Master of Masters coughed, embarrassed and scratched the back of his head in a familiar Sora-esque mannerism “Yeah.. my bad. I’ve been using it as a diary for the last few thousand years as you know by now. Forgetting to turn off its network capabilities is probably the first mistake I’ve made in hundreds of years, to be honest!” The older Sora’s laughter was almost the same his voice different, almost manic. Riku spoke up cautiously looking with his eyes and his heart for any trace of his friend “Do you hold a grudge against us or something? We didn't know we were hurting you Sora. And once we did we’ve been trying to fix things-” The Master of Masters waved Riku off with a gesture mid apology “I know, and it's nice and all but this really has nothing to do with that or you, In fact, if I hadn't messed up then we’d have never met and I could have spared you the heartache I know you’re feeling” The expression on the Master of Master's face was inscrutable his thoughts hidden in that instance. Mickey wasn't so sure though and in his heart doubted this version of Sora had let go of something so fundamental “Surely something remains in your heart!” The Master of Master's gaze rested on Mickey a reassuring smile out of place on this version of their friend inadvertently sending shivers down the spines of Guardians of Light. “Oh Mickey, I have nothing but respect for you, unfortunately those bound by fate must follow it regardless of personal feelings. So how is the other me? Actually happy? Less suicidal ideation disguised as self-sacrifice?” The Master of Masters nodded to himself “I can see it in your expressions, that's good I suppose his death is no longer necessary so we can skip that bit of teenage drama” The Master of Masters tilted his head childishly examining the group in front of him “well I can't say I don't like this change to the Guardian of Light roster!” The Master of Master's gaze trailed over the group.
“Kairi, The only Princess of Heart capable of wielding a keyblade.
Riku, Wielder of both Light and Darkness in equal measure.
Ventus formerly of Aced’s Ursa Union the least bloodthirsty one in fact, the one I hand-picked to help Ephemer lead the Dandelions exodus to escape the shattering of the Realm of Light and ensure the Keyblade wielders did not go extinct.
King Mickey Mouse, Wielder of the Kingdom Key D that I dropped in the Realm of Darkness during my escape from the shattering.
Aqua, left to languish in the Realm of Darkness for ten years, an amazing feat of survival.
The absent wielders, Roxas, the Nobody that developed his own heart out of sheer stubbornness.
Xion, a replica puppet that also developed her own heart by the strength of her own memories and the bonds she herself formed.
Lauriam the wielder who’s actions alerted me to the intruder in the Dandelions Sanctuary, slain by Maleficent as she inadvertently damaged the dataworld and forced them to evacuate before the worlds were safe to traverse.
Elrena, perished in the evacuation but possessing such a strong heart that she re-manifested in real world. My younger self who can connect with hearts on a level unheard of in recorded history.”
The Master of Masters paused his eye resting contemplatively on Lea “..and then there's you” a brief silence engulfed the room. “Honestly” The Master of Masters sighed “bequeathing, a last resort for when none are worthy of the actual honor.” “You take that back” Lea growled the other Guardians also raising their hackles at the Master of Masters insinuation. “Hmmm? No I don't think I will.” The Master of Masters spoke measuredly and shrugged “I designed every keyblade to exist, they were made to be very choosy when it comes to their wielders, not be passed down to the unworthy like trinkets on a whim.” the word trinkets spat like an expletive full of scorn enough to make the room flinch. “Where's Master Yen Sid?” asked Mickey warily keeping an eye on the intimidating Lost Master before them. The Master of Masters tilted his head as if confused “Hmm? Oh that old coot? He's around.” The Master gave a half-hearted gesture with an off-hand a grin slowly creeping along his face “I had a lot of fun stripping him of his mastery through” The Master of Masters grinned like a cat and Mickey yelped as his own hastily summoned Keyblade vanished against his will in a blaze of light. The Master of Masters tutted once again waggling a finger. “Come on now, You seriously didn't think The Master of Master title was an empty one did you? Right now? None of you are a match for me as you are, you can't even stand without shaking!” The shaking, a sign of the group trying to escape their confinement and failing miserably. “What do you want?” shouted Riku irritated beyond belief despite himself, the Master of Masters smiled oddly for a second then gave a barking laugh taking them all aback wiping an imaginary tear from his eye “I’ll admit I honestly forgot you had such an angry base expression. Well, what I want? I want a lot of things, some transitory and some more permanent. All things I can get without your input, permission or interference. I mean I could put you down for the duration, but, where would be the fun in that?” The group flinched as the Master of Masters sunny tone and how at odds it was with the very real dark threat in his gaze. “So anyway...” The Master of Masters snapped his fingers once causing everyone in the room to stagger still paralyzed under his magical might as a strange sensation tingled throughout their bodies. “I'll settle for delaying you a little bit” “What did you do to us?!” grunted Ven peculiar weakness running through his limbs. “Hmm, oh nothing that hasn't been done before to one of your numbers, you’re going to have to earn those Keyblade’s this time just like he did, just like I did. I'll even throw in a power boost if you do it the right way. Won't that surprise the Norts?” The Master of Masters laughed at their furious gazes. “Are you on his side?” Asked Kairi warily. The Master of Masters snorted “Xehanort? Not in this life or any other and don't worry he won't come after you for a long while yet, which should give you plenty of time to get stronger.” The Master of Masters perked up abruptly, whiplashing between moods fast enough to give the group a headache “Soooo.. anyway if you want to retrieve those keyblades of yours then you should probably find those replacement Darknesses Xehanort was harping on and on and on about.” “Why are you helping us!” demanded Aqua “I doubt it's from the goodness of your heart.” The Master of Masters chuckled “Nope, You’d be right there but you see, cornered rats can cause a lot of damage and Xehanort? He’s just lost how many of his Darknesses now?” That made the group pause as the Master of Masters continued to point out something they hadn't considered yet “He'll be anxious to replace them and Xehanort never functioned well when it comes to improvisation. He might inadvertently cause a lot of damage to the worlds and I do kinda need them more or less intact” The Master of Masters shrugged considering and amending his statement ominously “Well, the people at least.” The Master of Masters got up from Yen Sid’s seat and stretched walking past the paralyzed group before pausing snapping the air as though in realization "By the way that book on the desk? Your gonna want to read it before Yen Sid gets back, just saying." With that parting bit of advice, the Master of Masters darted leisurely out the door. It was five minutes before the lingering power of the Master of Masters dissipated enough for anyone to move, signaling his exit from the world. Silence reigned in the tower for a long time after that.
This little bit of MoM!Sora insanity came to me in the middle of the night in a dream, I think I got MoM!Sora’s character about right and I now think the best strategy for writing this lovable lunatic is to throw a dart at a D&D alignment chart and write him like that for that chapter. ... Is it working? I think its working. Also sorry about any bad spelling or grammar.
Anyway, everyone else not present at The Mysterious Tower panicked at the new Kingstagram post but couldn't do anything as MoM!Sora posted it after this confrontation.
This Post is also in part a answer to another post that asked for a star wars style confrontation, Unfortunately that post went missing due to Tumblr UI being the burning glitch of a trashfire baby we all know and loathe. So, Sorry whoever asked that.
What is the strangest world you have been to?

To answer this ask, the answer is the world of Cars and Planes, a world I’m going to tentatively label Auto-Mobile.
I mean just think a minute, its a world exclusively populated by sapient vehicles therefore let me ask you this: What are the seats for? Your feet (wheels) are removable? Your parts are replaceable yet society allows your vital body parts to become obsolete and chose not to produce them on the basis of them being outdated? That is monstrous and brings up so many ethical issues I can’t even look at the films without frantic hand waving.(Also i found the movies very cringe personally)
MoM!Sora hates this world for the implications so much that he went to drown his trauma in The Snuggly Duckling pub (Starting or participating in at least three song and dance numbers) that he actually forgot ever going to Auto-Mobile and only has this baffling post taken in the the Kingdom of Corona (that he doesn't remember actually posting) to go off of.
Riku’s Halloween Town World Glamor, in keeping with the Internets habit of rabid fanservice in the Kingdom Hearts fandom is a fluffy silver werewolf, basically just pick any NSFW BishonenWerewolf!Riku on tumblr.
I’m going with the theory that Donald knows just how silly some World Glamors can get and purposely banned the really silly ones because of pride, World Order be damned. Mickey follows the rules though just to explain why Riku was seemingly wandering the worlds alone in Kingdom Hearts II.
How is it to be the reason for the Keyblade graveyard to exist?

Master Reports Extract
The Master of Masters pulled his cloak closer with a shiver, the sound of the fighting had faded as the war slowly but surely came to an end, trails of Lux and hearts ascended to the shining heart-shaped moon in the sky. The X-Blade shivered in his grip but did not desert him having chosen its master long ago, on the other side of the graveyard too far away to see his old master, Luxu stood passively watching as his sibling tore each other and their unions to pieces. Making sure he was out of sight of his own gazing eye the Master of Masters forced himself to watch the carnage from beginning to end as to do anything else would be a disservice to them. Regardless, the Master of Masters trembled in place as the many union members (children) fell in a battle for something they did not understand. The Master of Masters staggered in place as he felt the first of his hearts connections with his students (Invi) abruptly snap, he remained rooted in place silent tears falling in grief as Aced followed then Ira then Gula and at last Ava. The Master of Masters sank to the ground wrapping his arms around his legs, fingernails drawing blood from his too-tight grip as he leaned against a boulder silently gasping and shaking as sadness and grief sank into his bones, blankly the Master of Masters stared up at the sky as Kingdom Hearts formed for the first time in the heavens above.
He.. really hated that moon.
MoM!Sora feels quite terrible about the whole thing. Sora also reacted badly to the revelation on Kingstagram, he went right past panic and straight into shock.
Odd question, I know, but would you like a sandwich?

Master Reports Extract
“Will you and your son be having the deluxe menu?” The youthful-looking Master of Masters laughed himself hoarse as Luxu gave a heartfelt whine. “Other way around miss” The waitress blushed as the laughing Master of Masters gently corrected her wiping away tears of mirth “Would you be interested in dating my son by any chance? He's a bit high strung but I hear women love the scars-” “Be quiet!” Luxu hissed slapping a hand over the Master of Masters mouth only to pull back disgustedly as he was licked. The waitress giggled at the father-son byplay “Anyway we’ll take the deluxe menu-” the Master of Masters sighed disapprovingly at Luxu who squirmed in his seat “-it’s about time my son actually ate something healthy, something else other than sandwiches ALL THE TIME, yes, I saw that!” Leave it to the Master of Masters to make Luxu feel like he was a child again by criticizing his bad eating habits. Still, Luxu was a grown man so he straightened up and pretended he wasn't bothered, The Master of Masters just thought little Luxu trying to adult was adorable “Don't you have any shame?” Luxu grumbled disgustedly wiping his hand with a convenient napkin. The Master of Masters assumed a thinking pose "Shame - a product of psychological pressure imposed on the individual by the collective expectations of society" The Master of Masters shrugged “Nahhh, I actually feel better when I don't conform to silly primitive social nonsense conceived by societies for the wealthy elite to make themselves feel important and or relevant and used to assume some illusionary power over those too stupid to know better." The Master of Masters paused and perked up beaming at Luxu who recoiled slightly in alarm "Aaand did I detect a hint of minty freshness earlier?" Luxu steamed in embarrassment as another group at a nearby table shot them looks and the waitress trembled in place with amusement “I moisturize, you old fossil! Just because you're pretty much forever young doesn't mean the rest of us can’t dream!” The Master of Masters pointedly ignored Luxu and turned to the still waiting waitress “-and as demonstrated unlike the vast majority of men my son is well trained in the art of hygiene and once you get past his gruff exterior there is a sensitive man-” Luxu shoved the nearest napkin in The Master of Masters face with a subtle magnet spell to stick it there over his one functioning eye leaving the grown man to flail like a cat with cheese on its face and turned to the now red-faced with suppressed laughter waitress. “We'll also take three of the most expensive champagne bottles you have in stock, two for us and one for your trouble, on my old man here” The Master of Masters squawked in dismay, blinded as he was, by a napkin.
No, MoM!Sora would not like a sandwich, he is, in fact, sick to death of sandwiches after watching Luxu eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner through his Gazing Eye for decades and knowing he taught Luxu better than that. Luxu never grew out of the ‘eat like a bachelor’ phase, MoM!Sora disapproves and teasingly points this out by playing the unwanted wingman for Luxu to get his point across. Luxu however has learned to speak ‘MoM!Sora-ish’ and can give just as good as he gets, unlike his younger years when conversations with MoM!Sora usually left him completely bewildered. And yes as soon as MoM!Sora unblinded himself he turned into his merman form and smacked Luxu across the face with his tail then went into a sulk.
In other news, Xigbar’s identity as Luxu has been rumbled the same way MoM!Sora’s was uncovered.
Do you regret setting Xehanort on his path at all?

MoM!Sora reasons that he didn't really have a choice, so at this point in time he didn't regret anything. After the gummiphone showed him that fate and destiny are more malleable though? He’s a lot less sure of himself now. Poor Sora is doing a lot of self-reflection lately. Note the 75 years ago bit in the tags because clearly, Ienzo hasn't which throws his ‘100 years since MoM!Sora posted anything’ estimate a bit off...
Also who likes this (probably not canon but plausible if you squint) headcanon of mine to explain the loyalty and unquestionable obedience towards the Master of Masters?
Where can we find the Master Reports fic?

The Master of Masters blinked at the clear desk then went to find Chirithy. The Master of Master poked his head around the door spotting the Dream Eater in question “Uh? Chirithy? Where did the papers on my desk go?” Chirithy didn't turn as it continued energetically dusting the bookshelves and spoke in a non-committal tone “You said to take all the loose papers out to the trash” The Master of Masters felt a chill of alarm shoot up his spine from his toes and took a calming breath speaking as calmly as possible “Chirithy, I was rebinding my journal, it was not trash, I can say with great certainty that it was the very opposite of trash” Chirithy paused and looked up from its dusting to his master who wore a remarkably fixed expression on his face “...Oh...” “Where did you put it?” asked the Master of Masters calmly. The Chirithy squirmed in place and didn't answer as the Master of Masters expression became more and more wooden “You've been cutting corners again haven't you?” “M-maybe” the Chirithy coughed unconvincingly frantically wondering what the weather was like on the other end of the universe at this time of year. The Master of Masters took a deep steadying breath and asked again. “Chirithy, what did you do to my master report?” It was peaceful and quiet outside the Daybreak Town Clocktower beneath the calm waves of Scala ad Caelum, right up until it wasn't. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DUMPED IT ALL IN THE LANES BETWEEN?!”
Well Done Chirithy for initiating a tedious fetch quest and inadvertently proving Sora wrong by mistakenly scattering The Master Reports to the farther corners of the universe.
So I was originally going to post the master reports all in one place on or archiveofourown but realized that I'm really bad at writing long fanfictions and it wouldn't really be practical seeing as every Ask here actually contributes to the story and Melody of Memory has yet to be released which might (probably) disprove a lot of the stuff here. My original plan was to create Ansem Report style observations written by the Master of Masters, a Kingstagram entry and a small blurb of plot per chapter but instead, I've decided to keep it all in one place, right here. I might reblog some old posts with new stories and Master Reports attached.
I’m going to say that most of the non-conflicting Square Enix and Disney media exist in this Kingdom Hearts universe right here and now, so if someone asks about a character from any of those franchise’s they’ll probably appear at some point if I get a good enough screenshot or pose-able models and can think of a good enough excuse to include them. (Spoiler: I have plans for Final Fantasy X and Atlantis the Lost Empire in the works)
Don't be afraid to ask anything (Seriously anything, did you see the sandwich ask? It’s awesome) about other characters, MoM!Sora may be the star of this show but everyone else has plenty to say.

The Master of Masters looked around the room and slumped, Chirithy looked on in eager anticipation and was shot a filthy look from his master. “Must you watch this?” The Master of Masters whined. “Yes” the Chirithy chirped innocently earning itself a flat stare after a moment of silence and a brief staring contest The Master of Masters gave a tired sigh that was more of a whine and materialized his faithful keyblade Kingdom Key “Well, my ego’s going to be through the bedrock for the next week but whatever” The Master of Masters straightened up cleared his throat, gathered magic in his keyblade and neatly tapped the desk three times as the spell demanded, then came the incantation…
“Higitus figitus zumbakazing. Hockety pockety wockety wack Abra cabra dabra nack Higitus figitus migitus mum Prestidigitonium” What sort of spell had to be cast in verse? Chirithy chuckled to itself already knowing the answer as a bookshelf emptied itself of books neatly into backpack. “Alakafez, balakazez Malakamez meripides Hockety pockety wockety wack”
Undoubtedly a spell that enabled the unorganized to avoid organizing their possessions and ruthlessly cheat at packing Chirithy answered himself as a shimmer over a open flame signified the status spell taking effect preventing the fire from spreading and allowing it to be packed away still lit as if it was a ordinary object.
“Dum goo-dily doo-dily doo-dily dum Higitus figitus migitus mum Prestidigitonium Higitus figitus migitus mum Prestidigitonium”
Completing the spell and watching the last of the Laboratory equipment shrink itself into the backpack the Master of Masters sighed rubbing his throat tiredly and placed the backpack in his inventory. Chirithy’s stare, reserved for when the master did something silly, even by his standards, was as always, very judging.
“It’s silly and it sounds unbelievably stupid but it quite possibly the best possible packing spell that ever existed” The Master of Masters justified himself to the Dream Eater gesturing at the empty room. Chirithy stared at its master with a beady eye “You’re just too lazy to bother disassemble your glass laboratory properly” An awkward silence ensued as man-child and long-suffering Dream Eater stared at each other, broken by the the Master of Masters who stalked off grumbling about cheeky Dream Eaters and Wizards with no sense.
Master Report – Discovery So it seems that the location of Daybreak Town has finally been discovered. Luckily however I had the foresight to create several back up abodes, still it chafes to lose this place given the effort I put into keeping it intact not to mention the fond memories I have of the place, I had best hurry though, this place has been discovered and I doubt my many defenses around the tower will hold to the concentrated assault of the Guardians of Light. Even should the Guardians of Light fail to gain entry the next attempt by Xehanort will assuredly not as he himself has some small control over this world. It’s best that this hideaway fall to the Guardians of Light as I doubt they at least would mindlessly destroy it out of spite.
Meant to post this one ages ago... anyway look for the #MasterReport tag to find posts with the master reports in them. I’m going to start replying to asks out of order because some are easier to answer than others and I have content written for some of them already.
What did you do to Yen Sid?
“Hello Yen Sid” The Sorcerer tensed at the voice of his uninvited guest who had silently appeared behind him and threw himself out of his chair spinning around with a Meteor spell readied. The cloaked intruder rushed inside his guard, Yen Sid’s readied spell dissolved into embers as the intruder brutally knocked the air out of his lungs with a single powerful punch. Yen Sid folded over himself quietly with a stuttering gasp. “Yeah... we’re not doing this.” Spoke the intruder supporting the downed Sorcerer upright and binding his arms behind his back with a spell. “So you have come, Sora” The intruder snorted letting his hood fall down, revealing familiar brown though much longer hair and a single blue slit eye “As if you didn't see this coming” drawled the Master of Masters pulling the captive Sorcerer over to the chest on the other side of the room and activating the hidden way to the old well beneath the tower. “Anyway, you and I are going to have a long-overdue chat” Holding his captive so he wouldn't trip down the stairs The Master of Masters and his captive descended arriving at the bottom of the tower swiftly. “You gave yourself away letting me read that book you know, most of it was completely useless and misleading to boot... but the interlude? Whoa!” The Master of Masters exclaimed with an exaggerated barking laugh prodding the bound Sorceror forward “How did it go again?” The Master of Masters rubbed his chin thoughtfully clearing his throat and reciting something from memory.
“A long dream. A sad farewell, hanging in the air in that ‘world between’. What is reality? What is illusion? The path chosen by the young boy leads to his memories. When caught in the stream of the days and nights going past, gaze anew at your steps… for there all confusion will end.”
The Master of Masters tone shifted from monotone recitation to serious “You were testing me and I think you found what you were looking for” Yen Sid looked away disturbed by the intensity of Sora, The Master of Masters gaze. “You knew who I was going to become from the very beginning and you did nothing to stop it.” There was a strained silence filled only with the sound of nearby rippling water. “Are you going to kill me?” asked Yen Sid unruffled and so clearly unrepentant. It made the Master of Masters want to deck the old sorcerer again, but with an iron will of restraint born of being the most manipulative living being currently in existence the Master of Masters settled for rolling his eye “Oh I'm tempted, really tempted, probably wouldn't even leave a stain on my light either, unfortunately, if you're dead you can't be called out. So you’re just going to suffer instead” At a finger snap light swirled into being behind Yen Sid who breathed a startled exclamation as he realized exactly what the Master of Masters had wrought, The Master of Masters grinned “I’m not the only one you have wronged, so I’m going to leave you with a simple truth it seems you've forgotten” The Master of Masters pulled Yen Sid closely so he could hear what he was going to say. “Heap your scorn upon an innocent child, tell yourself that it means nothing, but beware, eventually that scorn comes due forcing even the righteous of causes to lose meaning.” The Master of Masters abruptly undid the binding spell without warning and pushed Yen Sid backwards into the swirling portal, The Master of Masters grinned ominously a single eye sparkling in delight as the sorcerer vanished into the light. “Say hello to Oswald for me“

Master Report – Strange Artefacts Recently I made a strange purchase, a most peculiar mirror full of strange magical energy. I was most shocked to discover the mirror played host to a portal leading straight into the basement of Yen Sid’s tower. It was there I encountered something that I am unafraid to admit left me shaken and at the same time enraged with the old sorcerer. An artificial world full of former Nobodies, His notes claimed it a sanctuary for the forgotten but the land within is a wasteland. A wasteland he himself has been content to leave forgotten. An unforgivable act when you realize that the people trapped within have long regained their hearts but are left trapped here in a broken world, any attempt I make to fix the place is undone by the world itself in moments. I don’t know how to fix this but there is someone I do know who might be able to, the same person who created this prison, Yen Sid. To say the residents eagerly want to have a few harsh words with their self-appointed warden is a vast understatement.
So the events and general plot and lore of Epic Mickey are a lot different here, The divergent point? Mickey was so spooked he sold the Mirror after the first time he went through it, The events of Epic Mickey are happening now decades later than they should have. Yen Sid honestly forgot about the wasteland and now they hold him prisoner with Mickey, Riku, Kairi, Sora and Axel on a rescue mission. No one knows Mickey was the one who ruined the world by accident in the first place. Also, toon lifespans are weird but let's just ignore that for now.
The last post is completely blurry?
I think that might be a problem on your end it looks fine on my end. It happens.

did you ever find out about what happened at castle oblivion?
This needed a bit of context so the second Kingstagram post answers the question.

Scrooge McDuck, in cooperation with the Moogles and Disney Castle R&D is manufacturing Gummiphones for the discerning (i.e. rich) world travelers. The Guardians of Light and allies get them free or massively discounted.
MoM!Sora saw these in the Moggles shop and bought six for his kids, mailing one to Luxu with his number in it, he intends to distribute these when the others show up. MoM!Sora’s response in this post reeks of irony, sheer mental exhaustion, exasperation and tears, He does not relish explaining the convoluted mess that is his mere existence to anyone.
This Gummiphone model in the above post was created by the talented Tifa C. Moles on sketchfab and suggested by a friend, It is used here with permission from the artist, so go give the artist a look.

Just going to say beforehand that these posts are private between Luxu and the Master of Masters so no one else can see them unless they add more people to their group. Luxu goes by Xigbar here because he doesn't want to fall out of the habit of answering to the name Xigbar which could get him killed considering what company Xigbar keeps.
Luxu got this picture by bugging the rooms in Castle Oblivion as spying is his job according to both Xehanort and MoM!Sora, so he’s got a lot of strange photos from improbable locations and a lot to vent about and he isn’t going to be polite about it either.
MoM!Sora has had hundreds of years to get his head on straight and dig up those buried memories himself, Luxu’s documentary movie that he showed him later was actually a relief as it confirmed to MoM!Sora that he got all his memories back.
The Master of Masters took it upon himself to have the gummiphones jail-broken before he handed them out so they can’t be tracked by anyone, don't have those Classic Kingdom Games/bloatware that were forced on his gummiphone and most importantly (in Luxu’s opinion) these modified versions have no profanity filter.
Have any of the Foretellers or Luxu ever called MoM 'dad' or anything close to it? You've referred to them as your kids in the past, so is their relationship with him a father-children one (adopted/father figure/etc) or a mentor one that sometimes blurs into being a parent figure?
Master Report – Adopting Ava It seems my mother was right in her sentiment of my ability to take in strays or rather my inability to not take in strays. Since arriving in this world, I have spent the time researching for a way to return to my own timeline, reading multiple libraries worth of content as well as anything the Moggles can be convinced to lend me. Indeed I’ve formed quite a fine working relationship with the Moggles though that may be my decision to share advanced potion recipes from the future. Anyway back to my ability to take in strays which only Riku with his infinite patience and cold hard logic could ever dissuade, It was not a particularly conscious decision on my part, I had just celebrated another birthday by using the kitchen of the local bakery to make a rather nice cake. I headed to the bridge overlooking the river to eat it in peace. I did not react as fast as I could have to what happened next mainly because I had never been a victim of such an audacious daylight robbery before. I gave chase and soon cornered the ambitious thief only to be surprised by the culprit, Clad in scruffy clothes and more than a little undernourished, the thief in question was a small child. She was a tiny little thing and I could tell not proud of her theft despite the fact that she had clearly not been eating right and consistently in a long time, she clearly begrudged the act though not the necessity. Coaxing her out to the nearest park bench we began to talk. The child, emboldened by the cake or more likely the sugar in it told me about her life. Of her life as an orphan and the near squalid conditions of Daybreak Towns orphanage and the uncaring matron to her eventually wandering on the streets. Now had Riku been here he would have likely tried to stop me from my next course of action, had Kairi been here she.. would likely be cheering me on the entire time. Nevertheless, I maintain walking up to that orphanages doors and walking out with the adoption papers for my little Ava was the most righteous act I have performed in my entire life. I expected the actual process to be much harder but I am known in this town as a respected figure in good standing with the Moggles Guild and a skilled warrior both so that very likely sped up the process.
Master Report – Adopting Ira, Gula and Invi In my own time, they talk about The Age of Fairytales like the entire era was a utopian ideal, it was not, I cannot stress that fact enough. Thankfully neither Ira, Gula or Invi remember their families and perhaps that is for the best, at most they know that their traveling convoy was ambushed by monsters on the roads between settlements, not an uncommon tale, unfortunately. That is enough, I see no need to put them through more senseless trauma in explaining the whys and hows. For the first time in a while, I used my Keyblade to travel between the settlements looking for any living relations who could take them in, I was unsuccessful. I already knew the deplorable state of Daybreak Town’s orphanage, my daughter Ava still wakes with nightmares, and knew they would not get the care and support they desperately needed there, at least this way I don't have to bother with the paperwork though and Ava will be pleased to have some playmates.
Master Report – Adopting Aced and Luxu I get the feeling that at this point even Kairi would be agreeing with Riku on the issue of picking up strays. Two boys both recent arrivals in Daybreak Town, were left behind when one of the trading caravans left without them, thinking it an accident I used the Keyblade to catch up with the group and left them more than a little infuriated by what I found. The boys had been left behind intentionally, Luxu’s parents who had been members of the caravan had perished recently leaving him as an extra mouth to feed with no one who cared for him. They called him an extra expense, I call them scum. Now, while leaving Luxu behind in an established settlement safe from monsters is preferable to abandoning him in the wilderness their next action with Aced was reprehensible. Aced was left behind because he was loud. He is a six-year-old child. Rambunctious and happy as can be child and they left him behind because they wanted to save money on monster repellent. ‘They’ being his father, grandparents and older sisters. I don't even have the words for how furious I was then I heard that. I told them to leave Daybreak Town and never return, else I would deal with them. As far as Aced and Luxu know the entire caravan left them behind by mistake and was set upon by monsters leaving no survivors. They are mine now.
The Master of Masters sighed exaggeratedly placing his hands on his hips “I seem to have lost something” He announced loudly, quiet giggling alerted him to the location of one hider. “Oh Ava, Invi, Ira, Aced, Gula, Luxu” The Master of Masters called “Where have you all gone?” More giggling “Sshh, quiet Gula! Papa’s gonna find us!” The Master of Masters grinned and dramatically swooned in place with faux woe “Its so sad, without my children I fear allll those warm chocolate cookies I baked might just go to waste” The Master of Masters paused for dramatic effect “I suppose I’ll just eat them all myself then” Aced barrelled into his legs from behind with a warcry of protest to the dismay of the other hiders, The Master of Master reached around as he stumbled and fell and grabbed the squealing child mercilessly tickling him into gales of laughter. “Oh Lookie Lookie I found a ticklish little bear cub, Looks like I’m not going to be eating the cookies alone after all” The Master of Masters stood up putting the pouting Aced under one arm like a bag and noogieing him gently “Let us go cub, for chocolate awaits!” The Master of Masters paused and looked closely at the couch cushions reaching a hand in to pull out “Ohhh look cub, a snake hatchling, how adorable!” The Masters cooed Invi blushed as she was also picked up. The Master of Masters yelped as Gula sprinted out of cover from under a table and leapt onto his back scaling his way up until he sat on the Master of Masters shoulders gripping his hair like reigns to keep his balance “I gotcha papa!” Gula announced triumphantly “Yes, you did little my little sky leopard” Gula pouted The Master of Master paused then had a idea “I'm so very short, can you see any unicorns or foxes running about from up there, Little Sky leopard?” Indignant cries of “Papa!” and “That's Cheating!” rang around the room and two missiles collided with both his legs Ava staring up from his left with a pout and Ira looking up reproachfully from the right the Master of Masters laughed “Oh dear, I must have forgotten the rules, there's only one thing for it” The children looked confused before their expressions brightened to glee as the Master of Masters announced seriously “Cookies and milk for all and a bedtime story!” the children cheered loudly “Wait? Where's Luxu” asked Ava confused The Master of Master paused thoughtfully then gasped as though stunned “It seems Luxu won at hide and seek that means he gets to choose the bedtime story this time” The five children groaned as the Master of Masters chuckled and lowered the children carefully to the ground “Now if I go get the cookies and milk ready will you find Luxu and tell him to pick a story?” Five sets of eyes shone happily “Yes Papa!” Chorused the group before they scattered around the room looking for Luxu, The Master of Masters chuckled warmly and went to the kitchen wondering what story Luxu would pick this time.
This was way before MoM!Sora started to get visions of the future, at this point in time the Foretellers and Luxu are teeny tiny tots and toddlers (I am leaving the ages ambiguous) This is my headcanon territory in this AU and Nomura can rip it from my cold dead fingers. As far as MoM!Sora is concerned they're his babies and he’ll happily murder anyone who suggests otherwise which make what's about to happen in the future all the more heartbreaking.
Suffice to say I was in a big mood when I wrote this.