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You will know when you’ve been loving the wrong person. Because the right one will love you right down to the depths of your bones and see your soul with ease.

Music by Coldplay.

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6 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements and Favorite Quotes of the Month


Hello All, I've finally have gotten some free time to delve into this segment entry my favorite of "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site. Where I highlight fresh new original channeled material for the very first time. In regards to what this 13-year online blog site does best which is angelic wisdom via clairvoyant automatic writing. Today's topics will be on Soul Growth, Soul Ally, and in general about the "Jewels of Truth" series of works. Sometimes I receive such an extra gem from my angels about the inherited due diligence of the legacy of our working relationship. Since the "Jewels of Truth" series numbers over 3,000 statements via longhand not counting my social media statements. With 3 volumes published to date and another 5 manuscripts piling up where each volume has 365 inclusive compassionate spiritual wisdom statements contained therein.

You may find some of the notions contained in here far-fetched and some downright ludicrous to accept. That's fine for me since this is par for the course. As long as this expands your spiritual horizons that with God all things are possible. That reality isn't as restrictive as we have surmised as humanity to date. Enjoy. Soul Growth: 2673) For all things past are new again since heretofore we bring anew the legacies of yore. Forgotten truths that speak volumes into the wellspring of the soul of each of us. No one will be amiss since all who are earnest to truly know will remember once again. To this, we exclaim jubilations that an accord has been struck through the remarkable Will of God. Not I state the layperson that I can not discover the truths of the ancients. That only the priestly class may know these esoteric mysteries. Such ignorant souls have undone their almighty providence without realizing that they have forsaken their inner spiritual growth. They have become disempowered and thusly have become nativist "Flat Souls". Never daring to peer beyond the horizon of the valley of blissful wonder just over yonder. Here spells the difference all can bask within to garner the wisdom of the blessed ancient ones. Be they remembered as the gods, angels, and so forth all will come to understand. That the beauty of the Soul of God we all share is infinitesimal in contrast to the Divine Laws set in motion. Through the layering of constant rebirths in the body and of the spirit generation after generation of the living and the dying. The eras string along that the learned by a strong faith shall always lead the ones to follow by all means possible. With utmost compassion without judgments, especially ones riddled with condemnation for the Will of God Forgives Absolutely when invoked by a sincere free will. These are the "Round Souls" of the ages which you call as the eternal divine ones. All must pass by the gates of comprehension in order to bless oneself with evolutions of wonder as the Majesty of God remembered. Amen.   ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Soul Ally: 2665) For all souls that harken from afar and close by. Since distance is an illusion upon the metaphysical realities. To this reason, there is no rhythm as to why divine being is so much a state of spiritual perpetual holy being. Heaven isn't a place as a country per say. It is a state of blessed being a disposition where the outlook is more powerful than actual sanctified holy ground like a place of worship. For this reason, the soul has many configurations of an enlightened union. In your popular culture, it is mostly known as soul mates and/or twin flame souls. Although a 3rd true form exists beyond this known as a "Soul Neighbor" or a "Soul Ally" for instance. For simplicity sake, we cite only the top three for general comprehension. As there are countless permutations of soulful union upon the endless heavens and reborn Creations of God himself. Modernity often has cited a twin flame as an extension of your identical self-akin to a twin reborn spirit upon the earth plane. Much as a soul mate is from within the native cluster of your personalized oversoul. Which the oversoul is the chief grandest version of all your total essence of Almighty God upon all totalities. Or in other words the Angelic witness beyond your infinite reincarnations as an uber version of your current spirit. Finally your Soul Ally or Soul Neighbor is a familiar soul entity from a nearby cluster much like a cousin in terms of family here on Earth. Soul Allies are from a neighbor by the maturity of the Spirit of God in terms of your soulful endless evolution. Not so much based upon a place like an ethereal neighborhood in paradise as a locality. That is the wrong conclusion to draw as all are united upon the spaceless heavens and the beauty of all meta soulful configurations of God. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Jewels of Truth: 2669) We adore all who honor us with their uplifting tenacity by choice. A choice to sanctify the Supreme Will of God Everlasting to all that welcome the sensibilities of the soul to the farthest reaches of the divine meta-body at large. Here we stand out front at the archways of a living grace to all who are welcomed to beckon that much closer with a heartfelt thanksgiving. We know many will question your motivations dear "Ivan the Atrayo". Not realizing who and what you are to us in spiritual unified essence to God through the heavens in each of us. Thus the essence of the "Jewels of Truth" series is to uplift, heal, and soothe this era of the world at large. Besides the progeny that is to come with an inclusive cherished wisdom born out of the unconditional love of God(dess) for all souls sincerely. Since the Holy Spirit of God craves for a resolution of intimacy with the Supreme Divinity of God as its own reborn heirs. All Angels of whichever holy caliber joins together and marshals their perfection to aid you in this sanctified miraculous endeavor. Your witness will eclipse your lifetime a hundredfold a score few relishes through God except for the prophets worldwide. Hermes Trismegistus is your closest ally for this prophet of no one religion professed the goodwill of the divine into the world. You shall be a linchpin connecting disparate tribes together through a no-nonsense benevolence that offends little to none. All the rest shall pass onwards outside your reach. For you shall only impact two-thirds of the faithful regardless of religion in the world. This is the beautiful word of God for all times. Amen.  ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. A sheltered life can be a daring life as well. For all serious daring starts from within. ---Eudora Welty. Our unity is like a gently flowing river which waters the earth with blessings. ---St. Mary Euphrasia. Correct with kindness and love but also with zeal and holy freedom. If you do not speak out, if you do not sound the alarm when it is needed, you will be justly convicted by your silence. ---St. Mary Euphrasia. When we trust our creativity we encounter a supreme kind of enjoyment. An amazement at the natural unfolding of life beyond our ordinary way of looking at things. ---Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. We live on the brink of disaster because we do not know how to let life alone. We do not respect the living and fruitful contradictions and paradoxes of which true life is full. ---Thomas Merton. The righteous walk in integrity happy are the children who follow them. ---Proverbs 20:7 But anyone united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. ---1 Corinthians 6:17 Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 23 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 13 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

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