Spencer Reid Edit - Tumblr Posts
State of Grace

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Prompt - ‘I never saw you coming and I'll never be the same.’
Notes - We're celebrating Red (Taylor's Version) here and I'll be doing imagines for each song on the album so if you have a request (any fandom I write for) send it in!
You never saw him coming. It was like one day the universe had decided it was going to stop screwing you over and finally give you something good. Everything about him was so amazingly unique, he was everything you’d wanted in a person, everything a person should be and somehow he had decided you were something special too.
That morning you made the short walk to the cafe you frequently went to before work, passing a blur of cars only slowing down as the traffic lights changed. The streets were busy despite the earliness, shades of red painted the sky in the morning hours and birds could barely be heard chirping over the noise of the cars.
Despite the music in your ears your thoughts were on the failure of last night's blind date. It was one of many, your friends determined that you needed a partner but after your last relationship, dating was honestly the last thing you wanted to do but you relented and went out with the guys they found. Your last boyfriend had been horrible. He was sweet in the beginning but as time went on… You’d tried to leave the relationship so many times but you just couldn’t. Eventually you had managed to leave, packing your bags and leaving for good.
And now you were stuck being set up because your friends thought a relationship would help, it had been long enough they had told you. Sure they were right, it had been a while since you left your ex but each date they set you up on was just…boring. None of the men were able to hold an intellectual conversation, all of them were just very plain. The last guy was a creep to say the least, something about him made you feel very uneasy. It wasn’t even anything in particular he said but just a feeling, the way he looked at you…it set all the internal warning alarms off.
Thankfully you were able to politely decline his advances for him to come to your house and get back home safely. You had told yourself that was the last date you were going on and that’s when he came into your life and you’d never be the same again.
“Excuse me,” A soft voice said, interrupting you from the page you were reading. Looking up you saw a man, his eyes were bright and kind and there was a gentle smile on his face. He looked down at you, fidgeting with the bag on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry to disturb you, I was just wondering if it would be ok if I sat here?” He asked, gesturing to the empty seat across from you.
You scanned the cafe quickly, taking note of how it had filled since you’d walked in before turning your attention back to the man in front of you. He was a handsome looking man, with sharp cheekbones and long hair that looked soft. He was wearing a suit and you guessed he was on his way to work and, like you, was early enough to enjoy a hot drink in the small cafe. He seemed kind, there was something about him that seemed trustworthy.
You smiled up at him and gestured towards the seat, “Of course.”
“Thank you so much.” He smiled, shrugging his bag off and sitting down opposite you.
You didn’t want to stare at him, you tried to turn your attention back to the book in your hands but it was near impossible. Biting your lip, you risked a glance up and saw he was looking out of the window at the different people passing, his drink warming his hands, before he turned in your direction. You were quick to look away but he continued to look at you, glancing down at the book you had been reading.
“Sherlock?” He asked, a grin spreading across his face.
“My friend suggested that I read it,” You smiled back.
“What do you think so far?” Somehow, just from looking at the man across from you, it didn’t surprise you that he was a reader, of course you wouldn’t know yet just how much he read but right now it just made sense.
“I’m actually really enjoying it. I was a little apprehensive considering it was written so long ago but it’s really good.” You watched as his face lit us as you spoke, eyes wide as he listened to yours words, nodding along with you.
“I think Doyle’s writing, despite being written in 1892, is very much still readable to this day. That’s one of the many great things about his writing…” And with that the man began to ramble on about how the writing style, the use of imagery and how well the plot develops.
You rested your chin on your fist, leaning forward in your seat as the man spoke. You couldn’t help but smile as his hands gestured widely in front of him, the passion he spoke with was beautiful to watch. The man before you was so unashamedly expressive in sharing his thoughts and opinions with you and you could do little more than listen, captivated by him, nodding along as you took in his words.
Your eyebrows knitted together as he cut himself off abruptly, his cheeks turning red as he looked down at his lap.
“I’m sorry, usually people stop me when I start rambling. I’ve already distracted you and here I am now not letting you read-“ He was saying but you cut him off.
“Hey, I was actually enjoying listening to you. Not many people are able to hold a conversation about classic literature, yet alone with the passion you have.” You told him, smiling softly as his cheeks flushed some more but the frown was gone and a smile made its way back onto his face. Good, you thought, he looks so much better when he’s smiling.
“Yeah,” He said with a bashful laugh, “I quite enjoy reading, though I rarely get a chance to talk about the things I’ve read.”
“Same here,” You told him, though you doubted you liked to read as much as him, the man seemed like the type to have full bookcases and then more books scattered throughout his house.
The man went to speak but was cut off by the ringing off his phone, he shot you an apologetic smile before fishing the phone out of his pocket.
“Hey,” He answered, the smile dropping from his face as the person on the phone spoke. His face grew serious as he nodded to whatever information he was being given, “I’ll be in soon, alright, bye.”
“Sorry about that.” He said, turning back to you.
“No problem, I should get to work too.” You smiled and began to pack your phone and book away. The man stood when you did and the two of you walked out of the cafe together, you smiling as he held the door open for you to step out first.
“Hey, um, I don’t,” the man began, clearing his throat and he shuffled on his feet, “I don’t normally do this, ever,” here he paused to let out an awkward, breathy laugh, “but would it maybe, and totally say no if I’m overstepping, but would it be ok if I gave you my number? I’m really curious to see what you’ll think about the book.”
You couldn’t help the soft smile that spread across your face. The man in front of you was charmingly awkward right now, making it obvious that his statement of not doing this much was true. Though you had said you were done with guys and dating, you wanted this one to give you his number and you wanted to speak to him again.
“I’d like that.” You told him honestly, laughing as he looked at you in slight shock for a second before nodding. You pulled your phone out and let him enter his phone number.
“It really was great meeting you…” He said before trailing off, looking at you curiously.
“Y/F/N, Y/F/N Y/L/N.” You told him, watching as he smiled before repeating it to himself.
“It was really great meeting you, Y/N. I’m Spencer Reid by the way.” He told you with a dimpled smile.
“It was great meeting you too.” You said, shocked by how much you meant it. The two of you stood outside of the cafe for a moment, just smiling at each other before you cleared your throat. “I should let you get to work.”
“Right, right, you too!” He said, still making no move to leave causing your smile to grow.
“I’ll call you.” You promise, watching as he nodded.
“I hope so.” He said softly before wishing you a good day and heading in the opposite direction to you.
You had never saw him coming and things would never be the same.
You called Spencer that evening, filling him in on the latest chapters you’d read, him happily listening with a grin on his face and adding his own thoughts and opinions throughout. You were surprised with how easy it was to talk to him, it felt like you had known him for your whole life, like meeting an old friend who you had fallen out of touch with before being thrown back into each other's life again.
The two of you spoke for at least two hours, both with wide smiles on your faces and butterflies in your stomach.
As the time began to dawn on the two of you, you both began to say your goodnight but before you could hand up the phone Spencer stopped you.
“Wait,” He said, louder than either you had been speaking, causing you to raise an eyebrow. “Would you like to go out for dinner?” The way he asked made it sound like he was shocking himself.
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. You had meant it this morning when you said you were done with dating, the men your friends had set you up with were either dreadfully dull, only there to get in your pants or creeps…or a mix of all three. But Spencer, there was something about Spencer that immediately put you at ease, his non threatening demeanour made you feel safe around him and, as shown through the two and a half hour phone call tonight, he was anything but boring. The way he spoke, even across the phone, was lively, it was endearing and you found yourself wanting to see him again.
“I’d love to.” You told him honestly.
“Oh,” he said, causing you to laugh, “that’s great, really great. Um, I’ll let you know when I’m back and we can figure something out if that’s ok with you?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” you said before pausing, titling your head in confusion, “Wait, where are you?”
“I’m in California. I work for the FBI’’s Behavioral Analysis Unit.” He told him, causing your eyebrow to furrow together before it clicked.
“You’re a profiler?” You asked.
“Is that ok?” He asked back, knowing that this could be the dealbreaker and he’d understand, he really would, this job was dangerous and he knew that would take a toll on any partners.
You thought it over for a moment, as dangerous as the job seemed, you wanted to get to know Spencer.
“Let me know when you’re back in town.” You said, causing him to smile widely to himself.
“I will,” he told you softly, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight Spencer.” You before hanging up the phone and throwing yourself back onto your bed with a grin.
Spencer had a smile on his face that he could wipe off if he tried and he held the phone tightly in his hands. He was sitting outside, the sun had just been setting when you had first called him. He was in his hotel room with Derek but upon hearing your voice he excused himself to go sit outside the hotel he was staying at, a jacket thrown over his shoulders to combat the slight chill of the autumn air.
He sat there for a few minutes before he made his way back to his room, fully prepared for the grin that Derek shot him as he walked in. Derek let Spencer go about his nightly routine and waited until the younger profiler had sat down on his own bed before speaking up.
“C’mon kid, talk to me.” He exclaimed, watching as Spencer rolled his eyes but a smile worked its way onto his face, “Who’s the girl?”
Spencer debated it for a moment before sighing dramatically causing Derek’s grin to widen, if it were possible.
“Her name is Y/N, I met her this morning before we got called in and I’m taking her out when we get back.” He told Derek who let out a laugh of disbelief.
“Spencer Reid, my man!” He laughed, standing to clap a hand on Spencer’s shoulder.
Spencer couldn’t help but grin up at Derek. They both knew how something like this was not something Spencer did…ever but it felt right with you. He wanted to get to know you, even if it meant stepping outside of his comfort zone.
“She must be one hell of a girl.” Derek said, making his way to the bathroom with a grin firmly in place. He was happy for the kid, it was about time he got a break.
Spencer didn’t disagree with Derek’s statement as he settled into bed, already planning on what to do for your date.
“Wow,” Spencer said, feeling speechless, “you look stunning.” He said, finally causing you to blush widely.
“Thank you,” You smiled, looking him up and down, “You’re looking pretty stunning too.” You told him, watching as his own blush spread across his cheeks.
“Thank you,” He smiled shyly, looking down before looking at you, holding an arm out for you to take before leading you to the car and holding the door open for you. You smiled softly at him before climbing in, smoothing your dress out nervously as he made his way to the drivers side.
It wasn’t long before the two were seated, conversation flowing easily between the two of you.
“He gave your number to the press?” You asked through your laughter, Spencer sat opposite you laughing himself, dimples on full display.
“Yeah, gave them my name and everything and Morgan’s a, he's good with women so obviously my phone was ringing constantly.” He continued, watching as you smiled brightly as you laughed along.
“Did you at least get him back?” You giggled watching as Spencer smirked.
“I went to MIT and let’s just say never wage a prank war on an MIT graduate.” He laughed, causing you to groan.
“What did you do?”
As Spencer continued to tell you about his and Derek’s prank war you couldn’t help but laugh along. You couldn’t remember the last time you had this much fun, though you tried to pretend you were happy when you were with your ex you knew, if you were being honest with yourself, that you were lying. You wanted so badly to make it work that you managed to fool yourself for a long time, bending over backwards in order to please him and it still wasn’t enough. No amount of effort was enough.
But here, now, with Spencer…you felt so much better than you had in a long, long time. It was like a weight had been lifted off you, a weight you didn’t know you were still carrying. Sitting here with tears of laughter in your eyes rather than tears of anger, tears of sadness…it was a feeling you had long forgotten.
“I had a wonderful night, Y/N.'' Spencer smiled, once he had pulled back up to your house he was quick to open your car door, taking your hand delicately in his before leading you up to your door.
“Me too.” You told him sincerely. It had been so long since you’d felt this genuinely happy, you were shocked with how easy everything with Spencer was, he really did have a way of soothing your nerves, making you feel safe and calm around him, like you had known him your whole life.
You hoped that he was sincere when he said he’d had a good time because you wanted to see him again. God, did you want to see him again. Everything about him was so unique, he made it easy to be yourself, made you want to be yourself.
“Can I see you again?” He asked and you beamed up at him, the smile one that you couldn’t hide even if you tried. Spencer mirrored the expression, taking it as a good sign.
“Yeah,” you said with a giggle, Spencer's grin fading into a soft smile as he brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. “I’d really like that.”
He took a moment to just look at you, the soft light of the moon and the street lamps created an amber glow making you look beautiful.
Spencer leaned down, slowly to give you time to move, before he pressed his lips gently to your cheek, letting them linger for a moment before he pulled away.
“Goodnight Y/N.” He said softly, not wanting to break the atmosphere between you two.
“Goodnight Spencer.” You said, smiling softly and matching his tone, before turning to open your door and waving him goodbye.
You may not have saw Spencer coming into your life but you were so glad he had. As time went on and the two of you went on several more dates you could feel the armor, the walls you’d built up, beginning to fall with each conversation, each text through the day asking how you were, each night he walked you to your door, kissing you softly, each time he listened to you, each time he let you be yourself. It was so different to anything you had ever experienced before.
Right now you and Spencer were in his apartment, your head resting on his bare chest with his arm around your waist, fingers absentmindedly drawing patterns against your skin. The air was hot but a window had been opened, letting fresh cold air in.
Being with Spencer felt like the slate was clean, you never thought about your ex anymore, you didn’t feel the bone aching sadness you tried to deny, you just felt…happy. It was like being in a state of grace. Your heart was broken after the pain and suffering at the hands of your ex but being with Spencer, it was like your heart had healed itself, all the pieces slotting back together to create a mosaic heart.
You knew you were in love with him, it would be impossible not to be. Spencer Reid was everything good in this world, even though his experiences were enough to turn anybody down a dark path, he stayed good, he stayed honest, he stayed a genuinely decent person.
Here and now, listening to Spencer as he read to you, voice low, the sound of his heartbeat in your ear…you knew love could be a ruthless game, you’d been hurt before but if you played it good and right you knew this relationship could be the best thing in your life. So far everything was going great and you didn’t intend for that to change.
It was like fate had brought the two of you together, both of you had gone through so much, you with a borderline abusive relationship and Spencer with all the horrors and torments he had gone through on the job, all that and fate decided to give you a break and bring you into each other's lives.
Your relationship with Spencer was like the golden age; it was great, it was happy and it gave you both a sense of peace. Being with each other, it was easy, sure there were arguments and there were struggles but it was a worthwhile fight to end up with each other.
Spencer looked down at you, eyes closed and lashes resting upon your cheeks. You looked beautiful despite your messy hair and flushed cheeks that remained from your earlier activities in the bed. He had known how he felt about you for a long time now but he kept putting off saying it aloud, he wanted it to be perfect. He wanted everything to be a certain way when he finally said those words. It was only after a conversation with Rossi that he realised it would never be perfect, it just had to feel right to him.
And here in this bed, you tucked against his side, this was right. This was what he wanted for the rest of his life. He wanted you. And wasn’t that an overwhelming thought at first, wasn’t that a thought that drove him into Rossi’s office to begin with, utterly panicked because he had never felt like this before. But wasn’t it an amazing thought, wasn’t this what most people spent their lives only thinking about and here he was, somehow lucky enough to find you, somehow lucky enough that you wanted him too. Wasn’t it a breathtaking thought?
Spencer had paused abruptly, causing you to look up at him. He was already looking at you, his eyes soft and a smile playing at his lips. You raised your eyebrow up at him in curiosity.
“What are you thinking about, Spence?” You asked quietly, reluctant to break the peacefulness that had settled between the two of you.
Spencer remained silent for a minute, pondering whether or not he should tell you. You watched as he raised his hand, running his knuckles along your cheek softly before turning his hand so his palm could cup your cheek, his thumb running along your cheekbone.
“I love you.” He said softly, watching as your eyes widened before a smile took over your face. He could feel your entire face shift under his hand, could feel your cheeks heat at the words.
You leaned up, softly letting your lips connect with his. Spencer didn’t hesitate in kissing you back, his other hand coming up to cup your other cheek whilst your arm lay across his waist. The kiss was slow, soft lips moving against each other, the two of you completely relaxed in each other's hold.
Though the kiss was soft and slow the two of you pulled away breathless.
“I love you too.” You confessed before attaching your lips to his again, trying to convey just how much you meant those words.
Again the two of you pulled away, breathless. Spencer pulled you against him, letting his lips rest against the top of your head before he turned and let his cheek rest there instead.
“I still don’t know how I got this lucky.” Spencer told you quietly, causing you to tighten your hold on him.
“I’m the lucky one,” you chuckled, “The day I met you I had sworn off dating, I never saw you coming and I’ll never be the same again because of you.”
Spencer pulled back, looking down at you with bright, shining eyes.
“God, I love you.” He murmured before pressing his lips to yours, the complete opposite to how he had before. This kiss was like the best kind of fireworks going off all at once, it made you hot and you kissed back with as much passion as he was given.
Thankfully both of you had the day off and spent that time showing each other just how much you loved the other.
You’d never intended to fall into a relationship again, you had thought you weren’t ready, thought you were too damaged but Spencer Reid had come along exactly when you needed him and showed you how wrong you were.
Spencer Reid Taglist - @asherhunterx, @ilovespencerreidmarryme, @canadailluminate, @nomajdetective, @reidsbookclub, @filmsbyblair, @ready-4-spencie, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @j-cat, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @onlyssca, @memories-from-a-nerd, @chickensrule, @classyunknownlover, @fanf1ctionwrit1n, @frickin-bats, @grccnaway, @averyhotchner
current sexuality: spencer reid’s hands

mutual tags @reidsmilf @reidslibrarybook @reidsacademia @girlspencer @spookydrreid @writer-in-theory @lunarplutos @matthew-gray-gubler-lover @meganskane @lil-stark @buckleyhans @ssavanessa22

spencer reid in purple!
tags @lcvingprentjss @safespacespence @writingquillsandpainpills @boldlyvoid @reidslibrarybook @reidsbookclub @reidsacademia @meganskane @reidsmilf @delicatespencer @calm-andits-doctor @drspencerreidd
is somebody gonna match my freak?!? (spending hours watching spencer reid post prison edits)