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9 months ago

He always praises Misha for this scene and will bring it up any time he can it’s so sweet

#1 Misha Fan
#1 Misha Fan

#1 Misha fan

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9 months ago

cockles panel bingo card. jackles horse laugh. jackles talking about misha's performance in 15x18. misha talked about them posing shirtless for a poster together for his personal use. misha gummy smile. intense eye contact. BIG GUY.

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9 months ago

Girl wake up new handshake meme (spn edition) dropped

Girl Wake Up New Handshake Meme (spn Edition) Dropped

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9 months ago

Jensen about the confession:

And I know it was something that he was struggling with. I know it was not an easy scene to A) perform but also digest personally cause it was his goodbye. And it was difficult for me opposite him, watching him give such a great performance, to continue to stay in the character as Dean. Because Jensen was watching this great performance from this friend, and also a character that he is, you know, is so fond of. And I was very much taken out of the scene. For me. Luckily it was on his coverage so he didn't see the Dean washing away and Jensen going just going like [admiration face]. But, you know, I had to remember: I need to give him- I need to stay in it for him. And he was so distractingly good in that moment that it made my job very difficult because all I wanted to do is sit there and watch him perform. Because he was doing such a bang-up job of- of-. And in my mind, I was sitting there thinking that... you know, it was like this flashback- you know they say that when you're about to die your life flashes before you. In my mind, I was flashing back to Lazarus Rising and seeing him walk through the barn with the sparks flying and all of the sudden all of these clips in my mind of Castiel and walking into the lake, and all of these things that are ingrained in my memory and seeing this now character have to say goodbye, but also knowing that my friend was in there having to struggle with this as well and I just thought he did such an artful job and such an incredibly nuanced performance in that moment that I was really proud of. [x]

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9 months ago

This panel was so cute

Cockles Panel is up 😍

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9 months ago
Jensen Talking About Filming The Confession Scene Columbus Convention || June 9th 2024
Jensen Talking About Filming The Confession Scene Columbus Convention || June 9th 2024
Jensen Talking About Filming The Confession Scene Columbus Convention || June 9th 2024
Jensen Talking About Filming The Confession Scene Columbus Convention || June 9th 2024

jensen talking about filming the confession scene columbus convention || june 9th 2024

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9 months ago

I love that the question was like "what was an acting moment you were proud of yourself for" and Misha being allergic to being proud of himself chose to make fun of himself instead and Jensen was like "Nope, that's not happening, not on my watch. I'm gonna tell everyone how distractingly good you were and how I had something like a spiritual experience while watching you and how I just wanted to stare at you and how immensely proud of you I was" 💙💚

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9 months ago
[Image ID: The Destiel Confession Meme Edited So That Dean Answers 'I, Jensen Ackles, Am Desperately

[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'I, Jensen Ackles, am desperately trying to hold back my look of admiration, not a homophobic slur. I am having flashbacks to all of Cas' scenes.' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]

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9 months ago

Having watched the spnoh panels, there are two things that visibly for reals seemed to bother Jensen (no, Misha’s jokes aren’t one of them, that was all light-hearted ribbing, all around). One is the “dance monkey dance” effect. Jensen used that on his panel with Jeff and with Misha, and the demands of some of the audience to perform a certain way, combined with what are objectively some not that relevant questions that a few times, seemed to leave the actors baffled how to respond, and Jensen, rightly I think, was feeling worn down by it. Misha seemed very same page with Jensen.

Actors are human beings. Not toys.

The other thing was Misha’s self-effacing tendencies. After Misha answered the question about a scene they were particularly proud of filming with a retread of a funny old story about his inability to throw a punch in S9, Jensen took off his hat, rubbed his hand over his face, laughed in an exasperated way, and then took charge and launched a soliloquy praising Misha for Cas’s 15.18 speech and exposing his heart about his Cas feelings, Misha feelings, Cas and Misha feelings, and openly admiring Misha’s acting abilities. Misha sat stone still during this. He was trapped. He had to sit there and listen. And then seemed genuinely overwhelmed and touched and instead of making another snarky joke he thanked Jensen very sincerely. Pray4Jensen. Misha, pls have mercy on your friend, who thinks you’re great and thinks you deserve better than what you think you deserve for yourself.

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