Spooky Month Skidad - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

My Spooky Month predictions*

Episode 6-Candy Dealer: There's too many little things (even jokes from animators after Tender Treats came out) that imply he's the next villain. Bonus points if he's Robert's dad. I'm saving my personal theory on the actual events of the episode for a future post.

(Edit) The aforementioned post is now live.

These next 3 are less certain but still fairly likely

Episode 7-Hatzgang: Roy's been getting more and more development with every episode and I think episode 7 would be the most likely to round out his arc. PLEASE NOTE I don't think Roy will be the villain, just a focus character, there's a good chance we haven't met this episode's baddie yet. (High probability of emotional damage)

Episode 8-Giant Spider: Not much to go off of other than the spider being teased as a monster for the board game and spiders having eight legs, maybe there's a twist like the spiders' babies being the real threat.

Episode 9-Frank: Like with Roy, Frank probably won't be the real villain, probably either a new villain or Mr. Clown (that slimy toad is def coming back). We'll likely learn why Frank became a kidnapper and why his eyes are the way they are. This is placed as episode 9 because, unlike Roy, Frank hasn't had much development thus far.

Episode 10-Cult and Skidad: My personal theory is there being a grand showdown with Skid, his dad and the cult on one side and Pump and Eyes on the other. I feel Pelo (being the glorious bastard he is) would throw in the extra stake of the boys friendship being tested.

*This is all assuming none of the below teased episodes were among the two to get scrapped.

My Spooky Month Predictions*

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1 year ago

Literally all of this is at least possibly canon and I love it.

Thank you for feeding my brain worms. :)

The Parents HEHE
The Parents HEHE
The Parents HEHE

the parents HEHE

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1 year ago

I have mini-theory to add here. In the first episode we see "Itsy" looming over Skidad's bones. I think it saw him transfer his soul into the mannequin, saw his original body go limp and thought "Well, not like he needs that anymore" and ate it. I thing the wrapped up body-looking thing is Moloch's original body and the same thing happened to it when he possessed Dexter.

Putting this one in a separate post bc I want to (warning for mildly realistic but still cartoony spiders)

Anyways! @prof-ramses posited a v interesting theory that the giant spider isn't going to be an antagonist per-say, but rather its babies

And that got me thinking, and realizing, that there are a lot of spiders in Lila's house, from the very beginning

There are two little ones in the first ep, one in the stairwell and one in the mousehole next to the stairs, in addition to the large one we've grown accustomed to

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)
Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

(^ brightened for visibility)

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

Pelo even points out the stairwell spider in his (free to view) Patreon posts on the first episode, while simultaneously completely ignoring the giant spider

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

And then in Unwanted Guest there's a surprisingly large spider skittering between the floorboards in the pan up to the attic

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

Along with a smaller but still decently big spider chilling in the attic itself

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

And a tiny spider got itself stuck on Dexter's mouse trap

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

Also semi-related there's this big thing wrapped up in one of the webs. I have no idea what it is

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

Moloch says he was forced to eat rats and spiders while trapped in the attic -- interestingly, we haven't seen any rats in Lila's house, at least as far as I'm aware. Maybe the spiders take care of them as well?

There aren't any new spiders in Deadly Smiles to my knowledge, just a new shot of the big one

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

There are no spiders at all in The Stars or Tender Treats, presumably because of the short attic time in both (the giant spider was drawn in the TT attic scene, but the camera doesn't pan far enough to show it)

Spiders even briefly appear in the Tender Treats ARG! There are three decently-sized ones next to the family photo

Putting This One In A Separate Post Bc I Want To (warning For Mildly Realistic But Still Cartoony Spiders)

I had to circle them because they're REALLY well hidden, even after brightening the image

Yeah, there are... a LOT more spiders crawling around this house than I was aware of, likely even more since Moloch is no longer there to do pest control

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1 year ago

I've had three dreams about Spooky Month 10 and in every dream skidad was voiced by someone else.

In the first it was Pelo himself.

In the second it was Markiplier.

And in the third it was James A. Janisse.

If any of those end up being correct I will formally start doing fortune telling as a side hustle.

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1 year ago

For the ask game, 5 with Skid's dad

I know a lot of people feel this theory is kind of gross, but I can't in good faith say he isn't over a 100 years old, probably one of the town's founders. Also the wooden figure we seem him carving in that one photo is going to be relevant.

Also, I knew you'd send the first ask, bestie :D

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1 year ago

Exactly, him being in the back of the photo just makes any fanart of him and Lila borderline unviewable for me, like, this guy's gonna be a centuries old horror and people are just drawing him as a sweater wearing dork in high school left and right.

For the ask game, 5 with Skid's dad

I know a lot of people feel this theory is kind of gross, but I can't in good faith say he isn't over a 100 years old, probably one of the town's founders. Also the wooden figure we seem him carving in that one photo is going to be relevant.

Also, I knew you'd send the first ask, bestie :D

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1 year ago

The "Remember, Lila" box and it's implications.

The "Remember, Lila" Box And It's Implications.

So. let's look this thing over, shall we?

The top shelf doesn't really tell us much new, we have a photo with Skidad's face torn off and one where his face is scribbled out, though their may be a deeper meaning to the full family photo being the one labeled "You Are Everything"

The second and fourth shelf are just boxes and what appear to be 2 photos turned away from the camera. There may be something to that, but probably not.

The middle shelf has the most obviously cult-adjacent contents. A cult robe, or at least the mask/hood, a necklace which is curiously missing it's gem and what appears to be one of the banners hung up in the mansion with a strange gold line going down it.

And finally, the box labeled "Remember, Lila" at the very bottom. This to me strongly suggest that Lila and/or her husband were aware Lila might, likely due to something supernatural, lose her memory of something(s) important.

This is where my personal theory comes in: Lila was knowingly and actively involved in the cult before doing something, intentionally or not, that blocked her memories of the cult, it's members (hence her shock at seeing Bob in the photo), it's methods and goals. The box and it's contents acting as a provision in case Lila would ever want to remember.

Perhaps the inability to repress the memories pertaining to her husband's involvement lead to her removing his face from all the photos.

I look forward to at least a third of this being proven wrong in December. :)

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