Sporks - Tumblr Posts
So i went down a rabbit hole
Yep, and now im dragging all my followers down with me(which isn't alot but fuck you)
SPORKS, yes sporks were my rabbit hole journey, so me and the unknown friend were chatting and idk why i decided to look up sporks, andd then the rabbit hole started

This is a normal spork, we know this

This is a weird spork, with no handle, but still TECHNAILY a spork

This is not a fucking spork, this is a splayd(yes thats a real thing) cues its a sporf(again another real word) with a knife, so there for it is a splayd

NOW WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?, this is not a spork, i dont know what its called but this is not a fucking spork, cues sporks are ment to be tiny, and have SMALL TINES, NOT BIG ONES

Calming down from that rant, again this is a splayd, just replace sporf with spork and boom, its a splayd, anyways for now that concludes "zen now knows to much about sporks"

The two frozen yogurts.
why Billy WHY?