Squares - Tumblr Posts

Picture: Z505
Place: Los Angeles, California, USA
Date: March 2017
Screaming, crying, throwing up, snot pouring out, against the kitchen floor, what the fuck, this was supposed to be about ass jokes and squares

i made a comic in google slides for some ungodly reason
![Victor Vasarely [France] (1908-97) - Untitled, ND. Silkscreen Printed In Colors (69 X 69 Cm).](https://64.media.tumblr.com/77bd8525aa866ec33e7c37fde7a69b75/c19a1da94edd525c-b5/s500x750/549da6a7a9a176eb120fe831b7a73e06d9a24e70.jpg)
Victor Vasarely [France] (1908-97) - ‘Untitled’, ND. Silkscreen printed in colors (69 x 69 cm).

you are not immune to puyo puyo
Werid facts about math that I find interesting
If you put all squares in a sequence, you may notice each square can be created if you add up the odd numbers, form smallest to biggest, 1+3=4+5=9+7=16+9=25+11=36+13=49+15=64+17=81+19=100, so on and so forth, multiplying squares or cubes together will get you the square or cube of their multiple, squaring a cube will always give you the square of the cube and the cube of its square.
If you combine a number of objects into unique groups, you will always get the power of two of the number of objects you combined -1, so 2-1=1 for 1, 4-1=3 for 2, 8-1=7 for 3, 16-1=15 for 4, 32-1=31 for 5, 64-1=63 for 6, so on and so forth, but if you add of the previous ones you also get it, since 1 is the only odd power of two, if you add the non negative powers of 2, the result will always be odd, which means the total of all unique groups you can create will always be odd.
Fibonacci numbers, created by adding the 2 previous numbers together to create a new number will eventually converge on the golden ratio, if you divide consecutive numbers in the sequence together, the Fibonacci sequence is 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and well it basically continues non stop.

Fitness Motivation With Goodnessknows Snack Squares
Not tagged but I love @aciir and this moodboard aesthetic

Create your moodboard. Go to Pinterest and search:
Favorite color + aesthetic / Favorite color + outfit + aesthetic / Favorite color + shoes and choose one that goes with your style / Favorite color + an accesory you like / Type a word that identifies you + “quote” and choose one that goes with you / Favorite celebrity + favorite color (if you don’t find, search favorite cartoon) / Type your favorite hobby / Favorite color + aesthetic again Favorite color + favorite word + aesthetic
I got tagged by @sweetgcreature to do this 💕 to you this one was really fun. Also tbh I don’t really have one favorite color but currently I really long green hehe 🌿

I’m tagging @ohladymoon @useyourillusion @hannafuckingsucks @caviaaar-and-cigarettess @meetmebackstage @groupie-goddess @missrubylou @rogerseyeliner @cherry--coke @crimson-migraine @imcompletelylost