Stardusts Reblogs - Tumblr Posts
I love the tree roots this is a fantastic image (biased review)

Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip!
I love this flygon so much!
First peice I did for the TCG Illustration contest 2024 (that didn’t make the top 300…)

real and fake

[ID: A two-panel "pills that make you green" comic, showing two crudely drawn stick figures, one plain black, the other green.
Panel 1 shows the plain figure has their hands in the air, saying, "I mean, of course I support real green people, but-" and is interrupted by the green figure, who says, "Bullshit." The plain figure says, "what". Green continues, "Bull. Shit. I don't believe you. You don't support any green people.".
Panel 2 zooms in on the green figure's face as they say, "Every time you creeps start trying to decide who's a 'real' and 'fake' green person, it eventually boils down to the ones you like being 'real', but always at risk of being downgraded to 'fake' if they get sick of your shit".
End ID.]
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My favorite video I’ve ever taken.
A wonderful fops!!! 11/10 would give sweet berries.
(Don't feed wild animals irl) - Luna

Fox doodle
A lovely and adorable Ampharos conga line - Io (spelled like the moon)

Official artwork made for Pokémon Center Tokyo Bay's reopening
This is an ADORABLE MUDKIP and I will protect it with my LIFE - Quasar

0258 Mudkip // ミズゴロウ 🖍️
Absolutely fantastic. I adore this. - Flake

🏳️🌈 It is that time of the year again... HELLO PRIDE MONTH~! 🏳️🌈
Thank you, they are perfect. Now make them explode into rainbows
wanted to do something new with my epic oc 3D Nyan Cat so i grabbed their model and made them into a png

feathers r cool n' based, and so is Neptune. - Phin
"Pluto isn't a planet" Fine.
"Dinosaurs had feathers" Fine!
"Neptune isn't a beautiful oceanic blue, it's actually the same washed-out disappointing color as Uranus" I will kill you with my bare hands

Look how they massacred my boy
This is an amazing trend people please keep drawing sutekh like this

I'm never gonna look at the tardis in older episodes the same way again
Y'KNOW WHAT, TRUE. I cannot blame the dot for killing a ton of rich white racist elitists. If I gained sentience and that's what I was faced with I would find that the logical conclusion too... wait a second.
love that they inverted the trope of 'ai gains sentience and immediately starts killing the humans' by going what if the humans just had rancid vibes. did you ever think about that
"average fronting time is 3 weeks" factoid actually just statistical error. average fronting time is 72 hours. Frontstuck Georg, who lives in cave and fronts for 210240 hours straight, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
This is MUCH funnier as a system - Flake
"Hey what are your pronouns?"
*Wheel of Fortune set erupts around you but the wheel is covered in pronouns, you don't recognize the other contestants, I start announcing your puzzle in a sparkly suit*

Mudkip 1x1 Tiny Painting
Hopefully Hunter can get it next cycle. - Flake