Steve Harrington Isn't Dumb - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Plan of Attack

Steve isn't stupid, but he thinks it's funny that the kids think he is. One day, when the moment is just right, he will pounce on them with his amazing knowledge, and it will be so funny. It was El, of all people, who caught onto him. He's not surprised. The kids kind of treat her with kid gloves after everything she's been through, and sometimes they treat her like she's a child. While it's difficult for her to talk, it's not because she's stupid. She's smart in so many ways, so when she finds out what Steve is doing, she jumps on board. It was Hopper who figured it out next.

"Why are you guys doing this?" He asked Steve and El.

"Because those kids need to be knocked down a peg or two. They need to know that it's not okay to assume that just because I'm a jock it must mean I'm dumb. They definitely need to stop treating El like she's stupid because she's pretty fucking smart," Steve said.

"We are waiting for the right time to -- what did you say? Oh, yeah. We are waiting to go for the jugular," El said with a grin.

"Mike is the worst of them all when it comes to El," Steve said. "He's the one who we need to take down the hardest."

"I have never been prouder to call you my son," Hop said.

"Uh, you've never called me your son," Steve said, blinking his eyes rapidly.

"That's about to change," Hop said gruffly.

"Uh. . .okay," Steve said, tears pooling in his eyes.

"Come on, Steve, let's go to my room, and we'll work on our plan," El told him, grabbing his hand and dragging him to her room.

Will, who had overheard the whole thing, popped his head in a moment later. He was the only other one of them who had never treated Steve unkindly for being dumb. No surprise there though, Will was an angel.

"Can I help?" He asked, Steve and El grinned at him.

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