Steve Rogers X Bucky - Tumblr Posts
A walking disasters

SUMMARY: Steve and Bucky talk about feelings and stuff while the Avengers have a water fight.
AUTHOR: Killer raccoon

"Won't your fella get jealous?" Bucky asked suddenly, whip sharp grin placed firmly on his face, looking so familiar Steve ached. It was scary how easy it was for Bucky to look like Bucky again, like the Winter Soldier, like the plane crash, like the 21st fucking century didn't happen. Steve should've liked it, he knew, but he didn't.
Steve rolled his eyes. "Tony gets jealous when strangers on the street propose. It doesn't bother him when I spar with Natasha or when I run with Sam. This, us, doesn't bother him at all."
"You've got a good thing going here don't you," Bucky huffed, eyes closed and head tipped back against the wall. Steve shifted grappling for any sort of comfortable position on the rock hard couch. Tony had warned him that all the furniture in this room was designed to make people look regal, not make them comfortable. It was the only room in the mansion left untouched from Tony's childhood.
"Yeah, I do" Steve looked at Bucky from where he was sitting side ways against the arm of the couch, "better with you here though."
"You know I'm never going to be just Bucky Barnes right?"
"I know you haven't been talking to your therapist."
"And who's bright fucking idea was that? A therapist? Really? You think after decades of being the most talented killer alive - and shut the fuck up Steve, I killed people, we both know I killed people - you really think I'd just be fucking dandy with spilling all my secrets to some idiot with a clipboard and orders to take me out when I get aggressive?"
"I know you won't ever just be Bucky again, I know you're Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier, but you're still my friend. You're still my fucking family," Steve burst out suddenly. "Please tell me you know that."
It was deathly quiet in the room before Bucky spoke again, out of the corner of his mouth, like he was too tired to talk properly, "Nathasa's stronger than people give her credit for. So's Tony."
"People give her a lot of credit. And you know she hates it when you call her that," Steve said mildly, not commenting on the remark.
Bucky grinned his shark smile again. "No, she doesn't. And don't think I didn't notice you ignoring what I said about him."
Steve sighed, felt the air come up from his diaphragm, filling his lungs and his mouth. "I'm just glad you stopped calling him Stark. Why?"
"Why what…"
"Bucky," Steve ground out.
"They make living with blood on your ledger look easy," Bucky breathed out suddenly. Steve paused, stomach in his throat when Bucky turned to him again, suddenly vicious. "You won't tell them this, ya hear? Last thing I need is more fucking pity."
"Of course I won't tell. I'm surprised you're even talking to me right now. But we both know they would be the last people to pity you. They know what you're going through."
"You're saying you don't?" A challenge.
"I've killed people-"
"You've killed Nazis," Bucky said with a bark of a laugh. "Nazis don't count as people." Steve could at least agree with that.
"You know, I miss being the stubborn one in this friendship."
"I'm not talking to them. It's a different situation entirely."
"I thought you said they knew what it felt.."
"Never like this. Never like me. Fucking Tony didn't even know what was happening with his company, how does that compare to this?" He turned to Steve, desperate, "I trained Natasha, trained her to be a murderer. What does that say about me?"
"It says something about the Winter Soldier. It says that you were brainwashed."
"I killed his parents, did he tell you that? Blew up their car, slit his mother’s throat while she was screaming. Stabbed his father for good measure. And if you tell me that's okay, if you make excuses for me, I'll fucking deck you."
"I don't need to tell you that it was wrong. You think I don't know you're thinking of running away again? The guilt eats away at you. The Winter Soldier didn't know what guilt was because he was fucking brainwashed. You were tortured Bucky."
"I killed so many innocent people."
"You killed people. Innocent people and we both know you can't make up for that. There isn't anything you could possibly do. That's not how it works." Steve was so tired of this, tired of how complicated this was, tired of morality and honor and redemption. "You do good and you wait until there's enough good to not make the bad crawl under your skin like palladium," Steve quoted. Tony was strangely poetic at the 3 in the morning, all ruffled hair and tight breaths. "I just want you to be happy. Don't we deserve that? After all the second chances we've been given, don't we at least deserve that?"
Silence again. Steve stared out the window opposite him, Bucky's silhouette barely blocking the view. Everything here really was excessive, slightly more so than even by Tony's usual standards. He wondered idly how he could go about sketching the exact way the light snagged on the leaves of the topiaries in the garden outside.
"I'm not going back to that therapist." Steve waited him out, could taste the capitulation on his tongue. "But we could do this more often. Just. Talking."
"How many more times do you need me to say it?" Bucky grinned suddenly. "Age catching up to you, Rogers?"
"Screw off Bucky," Steve laughed, shoving him roughly. "I'm really, really happy that you want to talk to me," he couldn't resist adding.
Bucky made a face, "How does Tony stand all this earnestness?"
Steve smirked, "You really want to know?"
"Oh fuck no, never mind. Still can't believe how filthy you are now, Christ."
"The army does a number on scrawny virgins."
"It also does a number on beefed up super soldiers." Bucky shot him another look, that 'I know you' look that gave Steve dizzying hope.
Steve looked out the window again, at their teammates, their friends, running past, equipped to the teeth with various water shooting weapons. Bucky followed his line of sight and chuckled suddenly. "Tell me how I got roped into living with a bunch of 9 year olds."
"Hey! I'm at least 12," he said, moving to get up. "How bout we go and show them how it's really done?" he asked, smirking.
"As long as you and Tony keep your hands to yourself."
"No promises."
My little treasure || Part III

Teaser || Part I || Part II

It was only two days after whole Andrea’s accident. She stayed in S.H.I.E.L.D.
Andrea was looking at white wall still lying in her bed. Suddenly she heard a voice .
“Hey… How do you feel?” It was grant. He solely sat on Andrea’s bed when she sat up.
“Good… but I still feel bad… because of this what happened two days ago.” She said sadly.
Grant smiled softly and stroked her hair. “It’s okay, nothing too bad happened. Everything is fine now.”
Andrea sighed heavily and quickly broked down. She started cry. “No! It’s not! I’m a monster! Machine… next Hydra’s experiment!”
Grant looked at her. “Hey hey hey… Shhh…” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. “It’s okay now. Andrea… please calm down.” Grant said and pulled her onto his laps.
“But… l.. look… What I did… I hurt my dad… I wanted hurt you… Why… Why you tried to stop me… I could kill you..”
Grant stroked her cheek and sighed. “Because you are important to me. I wasn’t scared… I will always try to protect you… I could die for you.” He told her.
Andrea looked at him in shock. “G-Grant… what are you saying..”
“All I’m saying is…” He said slowly and kissed her. Andrea blinked but didn’t pull away, she kissed him back.
“I just love you.” He finished after braking the kiss “I will never let anything bad happen to you.” He said and Andrea only nodded. Grant laughed softly and kissed her again.
After few minutes they both jumped surprised when they heard angry voice. “Am I interrupting in something?!” It was Steve and this time he was really pissed.
Grant looked at Steve. Andrea also looked at him, he was really scared. “Dad…. I just… I mean we…” Grant looked at Andrea.
“I can see what you two are doing! I told you, she is Hydra’s experiment. She showed what she is capable to. She is a dangerous creature!” Steve growled in a low voice of his.
Grant let Andre sit on bed and he got up. “No! She is not! I love her! And I don’t care anymore what you think about her. Because I LOVE HER!”
“And you are my son, MY son! And as long as I’m alive you will do what I say.” Steve grabbed Grant’s arm and pulled him out of the room. “I don’t care what you think about her. She is walking monster!” Steve growled at Grant.
He suddenly saw Bucky. “And you! Keep this thing away from my son!” Steve yelled at Bucky and left hospital with Grant.
Bucky blinked confused and watched as blond man left the building. “Um… it’s nice… to see you two too..” He said slowly and went to Andrea’s room.
Girl was hiding under her blanket, Bucky looked at this really worried. He sat on bed and rubbed her back.
“Go away Grant… your dad hate me…” She whimpered.
Bucky smiled “I’m not sure if my name is Grant.”
Andrea sat up and looked at Bucky from under blanket, “DAD!” She whimpered happily and hugged to him tight.
“Calm down, or you will break more of my ribs.” He giggled and hugged her back tight, “I missed you, little one.”
“How do you feel… w-what I did to you..” Andrea asked and looked at him.
Bucky only smiled at her “For me more important is how you feel but… I only have few ribs broken. I don’t know how many… I didn’t listen. I was more worried about my daughter.”
Andrea sighed and looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I… I didn’t mean to dad… I don’t know… I was so angry, scared. This rage, it ripped me from the inside. I wasn’t controlling myself. I’m sorry.”
Bucky looked at her and put his hand on her cheek. “Sweetheart… please, shhh. It’s okay, I understand, I good know this feeling.” He told her.
Andrea nodded and hugged to him tight. Bucky spend few hours with her before he had to go back.
Martha knocked to Andreas door. “Knock knock. How’s my favorite patient?” She asked and slowly sat on Andrea's bed .“I hope you feel better, Andrea. Just I wanna you to know that Bucky will be able to take you home soon, I hope you are happy.” She smiled.
Girl only smiled sadly and nodded “Yes… I wanna go home, to dad.” She said quietly.
“Andrea… something’s wrong? I can see that you are quiet… and I’m sure that this time it’s not because the thing that happened two days ago.” Martha sighed and got up from bed. She walked to girl. “Come on tell me..”
Andrea looked at her. Andrea felt bad because of everything. Because of thing that happened, because of Bucky and Steve and because of Grant. She told everything to Martha.
Martha giggled. “Finally my son had shown some balls…” She muttered to herself and sighed. “You know what… I think you shouldn’t think about this. Everything will be fine. Things like this won’t happen again, Bucky is quickly returning to health and Steve… He is himself, but don’t worry. I won’t let him separate you with Grant. Now… It’s getting late, you should try to sleep a bit, okay?”
Andrea smiled and nodded, now she felt much better “Thank you..” She said.
Martha nodded. “No problem Kid… I will be back at morning to check upon you. Good night and see you tomorrow.”
Andrea spent few days in hospital, after this time Bucky took her back home.
Girl happily flopped on her own bed in her own home, Andrea sat slowly on bed and looked at Bucky. “Dad… I… can we talk about me? I mean… about what I am?” She looked at Bucky with her big puppy’s eyes.
Bucky smiled sadly and nodded, he sat next to her. “Just… remember, no matter what I always love you.” Andrea nodded “Sure… I love you too, dad.” Bucky smiled sadly. “So… it was fourteen years ago..” He began.
~~~~~~ fourteen years ago~~~~~~
“Everyone's down?” Steve sighed heavily picking up his shield from floor.
“Well, no one shoots to us anymore, so I think yes, Cap.” Bucky looked around and smiled at his friend.
Steve nodded and put shield on his back. “So… Agents will go there and we will go to main lab.” Steve ordered and few agents that were with them left them alone on the corridor “You okay, Buck?”
“I just…” He looked around again, Bucky felt really uncomfortable. “Just… bad memories.. but let’s go. We should check what those sick bustards were doing here.” Man muttered and started walking toward main lab.
Steve followed his friend.
Main lab was a huge room, filled with all kinds of weird things. Many books, boxes with documents. Photos of some creepy stuff.
Bucky looked at documents. “That makes sense…” Bucky muttered.
“What is it, Buck? What do you mean?” Steve asked.
“Look at those photos, Steve… they were experimenting on people, kids… even unborn one…” Bucky put few pages of documents on table.
Steve looked at them. “Yes… Look… This woman… She got missing few weeks ago.” He picked up documents and started looking trough them. “13 years old girl… pregnant woman… Man from store… Mother and her newborn son… Everyone that ever reported missing from city below. Just reading their treatment makes me sick…” Steve shook his head and shivered.
“I never really met with such a cruelty from Hydra… I mean I knew they can be cruel…” Bucky muttered, walking around in room, checking under tables and other place where they could find something.
“I think it’s more like new… branch of Hydra. All those adults that think they can make Hydra great again… Like we can see they left really quickly… or those few that we met were last one in here. I have no idea.” Steve shrugged “I will have to move all those stuff to S.H.I.E.L.D, and I will have to send letters to families… You know… When we were at war. I thought it is hard, but it's harder than I ever thought.” Steve said and looked at Bucky.
But Bucky wasn’t really listening to his friend, he found small room. It had working light and it was warm. There was small bed inside, some toys, small clothes were laying on floor and on a small chair. “What the hell…” Bucky muttered and walked inside. “Bucky…” Steve blinked and followed his friend slowly.
Bucky looked around, room was really small, but only now Bucky could see pink walls covered in childish drawing, whole place looked better than whole place. Bucky also saw table with long tablecloth. He could hear some quiet sounds from there. He slowly walked to table, man got onto his knees and slowly moved tablecloth up.
There was sitting a small girl. With short dark brown hair, she had big green eyes, small pink lips and she was really skinny. Girl looked at Bucky scared and moved herself away from man.
“Hey hey… shhh… look, I’m not one of those man. They were coming to you? They were bad? You are scared of those man?” Bucky asked quietly.
Girl whimpered and nodded three times.
Bucky smiled at her. “Hey, we are here to help you, little one. We will take you home, to your mommy and daddy. Come on now… look I have this special hand… It will protect you.” He said and pulled out his metal arm toward girl.
She looked at him but after a minute she moved closer to him.
“That’s it. You are a good and smart girl.” Bucky said softly and wrapped arm around girl. Bucky hugged girl and got up from floor. “You are safe now, no one gonna hurt you.”
Steve looked at him. “What the hell are you doing with this child?!” Steve frowned.
“Calm down Steve… She is just a child, she’s not gonna hurt us.” Bucky smiled.
“Look at her! We know nothing about her. She is Hydra’s experiment. We don’t know what sit in her.” He growled and took his shield in his hand “We can’t let her live.”
Bucky frowned. “Are you kidding me? She is just a child.” Bucky said hugging again scared girl to him. “I don’t let you kill her, she is so small.”
“She is Hydra experiment. You think why they keep her alive?” Steve said.
“Then why you never killed me, Steve? I was an experiment too. Good man changed into killing machine by HYDRA.” Bucky said and looked at girl. “Let me take care of her… I promise… I will do everything.”
Steve frowned. “Fine…” He put shield on his back. “But if anything ever happen because of this thing… it will be only your responsibility.”
Bucky nodded and looked at girl. “You see… I told you.” He smiled when girl looked at him and smiled back. Her smile was still caused by her fear but Bucky could feel that she was really happy because she was safe now.
Whole paper work in S.H.I.E.L.D took a lot of time. Bucky saw girl's documents but he didn’t like what Steve wrote there. He agreed at those words only because Steve promised she won’t ever see those documents.
Girl was sitting at big metal table in lab. Bucky stayed close, while Martha was examining her.
“She looks healthy, I mean. She isn’t sick… but there is one thing.. that made me worry.” She said and looked at Bucky.
“What is it?” He blinked, he started feel something weird inside. Since they found her, he got really attached to her. It was weird but nice feeling for him. It was something new, something that made him feel warm inside. He wanted this girl to be safe whole time. Was it because they shared similar life. Hydra's experiment, good person destroyed by sick people, loners found by good person. He had no idea… but he really liked this feeling.
“I mad X-rey. She has a metal hand…” Martha said.
Bucky looked at her and at girl. “Um… Sorry Martha.. but I don’t see it.” He said really confused.
“I also thought it but look..” She walked to girl. “Will you let me show Uncle Bucky the magic trick with your skin?” Martha asked, looking at girl.
Girl smiled at woman and at Bucky, she nodded and giggled quietly.
Bucky felt even more warm inside when he heard this quiet sound, he felt… good, he felt happy.
Martha nodded and slowly pulled off skin from girl’s hand “It’s some kind of… bionic skin, I think I will send it to Stark. He will know what to do with it.”
Bucky looked at hand “They… hide it… but why?” He walked to girl and took her small had into his hands.
Martha shrugged. “Maybe she had to be some secret weapon. We will never find out I think. But as far as I see she is fine. We didn’t find anything bad in her. She is just too skinny, but it will quickly go back to normal. You talked with Steve?”
Bucky nodded and sat on table, girl climbed on his laps by herself and put her hand on his arms. Then smiled at him. Bucky smiled softly “Yes I talked with him, I want adopt her. Take her with me to home.” He said.
Martha blinked. “Are you sure? I mean we don’t know if she is 100% okay.”
Bucky nodded. “I was in similar situation too… Steve helped me. It’s time for me to help someone, we both are from Hydra's hands… Who else will be able to help her better than me.”
Martha smiled softly. “If you say so Bucky.” She nodded. “She is three years old but she doesn’t have a name.” She said and looked at Bucky.
“I thought about one… Andrea, I like this name. I think it will be perfect for her.” Man said and girl smiled at him.
Martha smiled. “Okay, fine. Better go home now. She needs rest, food, water and love.”
First few months with Andrea were hard. It took Bucky long time to figure out what girl like to eat and what she doesn’t like. What she likes to wear and what not.
Bucky was giving Andrea almost whole his time. When she was asleep he was preparing room for her. She was getting sick many times what meant that Bucky spent many nights with girl in his bed, making sure she is okay. It was hard, Bucky was making so many stuff at once that he slept when he could, while waiting at microwave to stop, when Andrea was with Martha at her research, during girl’s nap time.
But it all was worth it. After few months Andrea started talk, she started eat properly, she started smile more often, many night were peaceful for Bucky and for Andrea. Bucky lived moments that he thought will never come to him. Visits at playground, trips to cinema to see new move for children, walks to zoo. Bucky couldn’t be more happy than He was with his adopted daughter.
He was often leaving Andrea with Steve’s son and their babysitter. Steve wasn’t really happy because of this fact, but Martha was really good in calming down her stubborn husband.
When Andrea met Grant she was even more happy. Bucky had to learn her good manners, how to act around other people and explain girl that she isn’t weird but special.
Andrea looked at him. “Dad… m… maybe you aren’t my real dad, but I never knew my real parents… I love you… and… thank you for everything. All those sleepless night that you spend with me, all this time that you gave me trough my whole life.”
Bucky smiled and hugged her. “It was all worth it… Because now I have wonderful young lady… and she is my lovely daughter.”
“Dad… Can you do something for me?”
“What is it, sweetheart?” Bucky sighed softly.
“Can… can you do something so Grant will come here. Steve really made sure he won’t visit me… and… I miss him.” She said sadly.
Bucky smiled and ruffled her hair. “I will try my best. Now try to relax you are finally home.
Next Andrea got up really late. When she walked to kitchen she saw Bucky, Martha and Grant.
Grant saw her and quickly walked to her. “I missed you!” He said and hugged her really tight.
Andrea giggled and nuzzled to him. “I missed you too… soo much!” She whimpered happily. Grant smiled and kissed her, after a long kiss he looked at her. “I missed you harder…” He muttered happily.
Andrea giggled happily and suddenly realized that Martha and Bucky were watching them whole time. Grant saw how her face became red and looked at Bucky and his mother.
Martha was watching them, smiling gently. Bucky was looking at them with big smiled on his face. “I am puking rainbows!” He yelled and laughed “So cute. Go upstairs… She missed you. Just you two have to be quiet there.”
“Daad!!” Andrea whimpered and her face became even more red. Bucky only giggled and shook his head. “Go go, I will talk with Martha and think what to do with our cap.”
Andrea nodded and took Grant up stairs.
Martha smirked. “They look cute together… I don’t understand why Steve hate her so much.”
Bucky nodded “I don’t understand since We found her…” He said softly.