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8 years ago

The chronicles of the winter || Part VIII

Part II  || Part III || Part IV || Part V || Part VI  || Part VII continuation of imagine

Summary:  Bucky and Steve are still at Hydra's base. Days are passing by and their situation isn't changing. But Bucky seems to not care about it. He cares about something else. Or rather SOMEONE...

Word Count: 4296

Warnings: Smut, Unprotected sex


From then on out Steve’s training really began. Each day he had lessons in German, Russian, tactics, as well as weaponry training and different forms of hand-to-hand. Steve’s least favorite lessons were the ones on the organization known as SHIELD, because apparently his friends were the founders, and he absolutely hated the idea of working to destroy something they’d built, even if it was for the sake of Bucky. Steve wasn’t sure, how much time had passed since they were kidnapped. Days were blending into each other. Everyday he was wiped again, they wanted to stay in control over him, but Rogers remembered. Everything from his previous life. Steve was given a list of SHIELD’s top agents, Hydra’s own little ‘Most Wanted’ list, and forced to memorize all of their strengths and weaknesses, and how best to take them down. The months passed slowly. Steve rarely saw Bucky, since most of the time they kept him in something called cryo, which was basically them just freezing him to keep him in stasis and make him live longer. However, whenever Bucky was off cryo, Steve tried to make him feel like as much of a person as possible, sitting with him while he ate and training with him. It made Steve very sad to do, since Bucky was unresponsive to everything he said unless he phrased it as an order, which Steve absolutely refused to do.

One day, five months after seeing Bucky for the first time since they had been kidnapped, Steve had just gotten back from a mission and was grabbing a bite to eat in the small kitchen off the gym. He preferred it because he could be alone with his thoughts, instead of in the large mess hall. Then Bucky entered. It wasn’t that unusual, Bucky usually got his meals from that kitchen, too, when he was awake. So Steve said hello to him like he always did, not expecting a reply. Bucky turned and stared directly at Steve after grabbing a sandwich. Steve stared back, surprised, Bucky’s gaze rarely narrowed in on Steve, even if he was looking at him he wasn’t focused on Steve. But in that moment… he was.“Buck?” Steve ventured cautiously, putting down his bowl of cereal and taking a few steps closer to his friend. “Do you…do you see me, Bucky?”“I know you” Bucky said absently, voice rough from disuse. The words were a statement, but the way his voice went up at the end made it seem like a question.“Yeah, Buck” Steve said, unable to keep the relief from his voice. He walked closer until he was right in front of Bucky, carefully placing a hand on his shoulder. Bucky’s eyes darted from that hand and back to Steve’s eyes. “Yeah, you know me. I’m your friend."Bucky was silent for a minute, the seconds ticking away in Steve’s head, and then he spoke again."Your mother… her name was Sarah?” Steve grinned and nodded eagerly. “And my sister…her name was Rebecca?” Once again Steve nodded. “Steve?"Steve didn’t wait any longer, he pulled Bucky into a hug at the vulnerable turn of his words, holding him tightly against his chest. "I’ve got you, Buck. I’m with you 'till the end of the line.”

After that, Bucky began remembering much more, becoming more and more like himself each day. There would be times when something triggered him and he would fall back into The Winter Soldier mode, practically erasing all of their progress. But he always came back to himself, sometimes after an hour, sometimes after a week, but he always came back. They did their best to keep it hidden from the Hydra agents, but anyone with eyes could see that most of the time Bucky was there, the lifeless stare he used to adjurn completely gone. Steve didn’t know why everyone was letting it go, even Black, while talking at Bucky like he always did, didn’t comment on the new Bucky.

Bucky was sleeping in his small room at the second floor of the Complex Zero. It was one of these moments when he could has his own makeshift of a freedom. Suddenly he heard a loud, annoying noise. An alarm. Bucky slowly opened his eyes, he sat at the edge of his bed and rubbed his eyes. His door has been opened by one of the soldiers. ‘Move your fucking ass, Winter, there’s a fire in the warehouse of ammunition" man has said, before he ran further to wake others up. Bucky quickly put on a grey tight shirt and black, military pants. On top he put his tactical bulletproof vest, just in case. He left the room and apace he ran to the point of an ingathering. Most of the guards, soldiers and technicians were there yet. In the crowd Bucky immediately noticed Steve. Brunette went to the Captain, but before he could say anything, a huge explosion has interrupted them. Few men just fell on the ground covered in a snow, they have been hit by shards of a broken windows. Bucky noticed few more familiar figures on the horizon. Aiden Black, his two loyal soldiers and a redhead woman. They were running into the direction of the square, where rest of the people were gathered. Almost as soon as the lightning had struck the little building, the world became illuminated. In the distance,  everyone could see a thick gray smoke billowing into the skies. The once pale blue sky was now shielded by a veil of darkness as the smoke swallows up the whole sky. Bucky blinked few times, before he spoke.“What has happened?” he gave Steve a brief glance.“I’m not sure, Buck. I’ve heard as guards were saying it has to be someone from us who set fire to here” Steve’s voice was trembling a bit, from emotions. Bucky knew it was a brilliant chance to escape. In all that turmoil they could easily sneak out of the Complex and tried their luck in nearest wood. At the second hand, they were in a place they didn’t know. They could get lost, they could fall at one of Hydra’s little branches…There was too many options. To many potential dangers. Without a good plan even he an Steve wouldn’t make it. A plume of fire exploded into the blackness, the flame rolling outwards like the smoke of a mushroom cloud. It was an inferno fuelled by the gallons of accelerant in the warehouse. The heat was oppressive even from two hundred yards away. The onlookers had been excited at first, snapping pictures to upload to friends and generally behaving like a crowd on bonfire night. But then a subtle shift in the wind direction brought noxious smoke and ash raining down into their hair and eyes. With hands and clothing clamped to their mouths they tried to hide somewhere, while the management called for a help of firefighters. Meantime, the newborn flames licked the oxygen with their wrath and fury. Refusing to be contained, they danced orange and yellow reaching hungrily for fuel. After few more moments the fire overtook the main building. Everyone witnessed the fire swallow the entire building. Toxic fumes shot up into the air every few seconds and the thick, poisonous smoke choked everyone nearby. Fortunately, no one got harmed in the fire. Whole headquarter’s building has been destroyed completely.That was the reason, because of which Black decided to move all people to the little city named Yuryung-Khaya.

Owing to the extreme northern location, Yuryung-Khaya had a cold and dry polar climate with severely cold winters and cool summers. The village was situated on the right bank of the Anabar River, shortly before it flows into the Laptev Sea. The village economy was based around agriculture, specifically reindeer herding, fishing and other farming. It was just a perfect place to ran organization like Hydra. Villagers weren’t interested in a newcomers, they all had their own stuff to deal with. It turned, that Hydra was preparing that localization since rather long time period. A three miles behind the village a huge military complex has been built. It even had its own airport. But it was only a cover, just in case if some of the villagers would be too curious. The real base was located a mile aside of the complex. From the outside the secret base appeared to be an abandoned storage barn. Rusty barrels of noxious chemicals were littered around the entrance, each labelled with a skull and crossbones. Tall weeds grew between the stones and the fence was almost falling over, hardly high security. Nobody cared about what was above ground. Underground it was a different story. There was a maze of titanium rooms, each either buzzing with computers or loaded with the latest in weaponry. Every inch was recorded by security cameras and the staff wore electronic chips under their skin. Guards came and went through the tunnel that lead into the back of a complex. There were several different room types. Bucky quickly had to deal with one of them, namely the interrogation room. As Steve, he was suspected to set a fire to the Complex Zero and he had to be interrogated. By Aiden Black himself..The room was small and square, with two plastic chairs, a table and an empty water dispenser. The window is cracked, allowing a faint but pleasant smell of moisture into the room. The window was located just beneath ceiling. The view was at the little meadow above the underground complex. The walls were cream and bare. The light outside was now fading, the watery sun shining a single, dust-laden bar of brightness into the room. Barnes pulled out one of the chairs and sat down, his body immediately uncomfortable, his tongue already asking for a drink of water. His throat was tight and sticky with kind of a fear.

The door opened and slammed shut, making the brunette jump a little with the only slack he had. “Good day, soldier. I am here to interrogate you. Do you understand?“ it was Aiden Black, dressed in a black tight suit with a grey shirt under his jacket. Bucky nodded slowly, he didn’t want to have troubles, so he was trying to be as polite as he only could. “Tell me, Barnes, who set the fire to Complex Zero?” the man said crankily seating himself into the chair opposite to Bucky. Barnes stayed silent. "TELL ME” Black repeated sternly. Bucky felt coldness envelope him, but no darkness came. Suddenly Black rose from his chair and leaned forward, he wrapped his large hands around the Bucky’s throat and squeezed. He easily raised brunette off the ground. Bucky kicked and squirmed, but it was no use. Just as his vision went blurry, two uniformed men came in, and Black dropped him to the ground. "I know you had something in common with that fucking situation” Black growled slowly, his glance still at Bucky. After a moment of silence he was lead out while Bucky sat, panting for breath.

Several days have passed.

The winter wind howled through the desolate marsh. The bleak grey cloud overhead reflected perfectly his grey mood inside. These short days, these long nights. The world seemed to lie barren and lifeless before him as if God himself had put it to sleep.

Bucky was spending his days mostly at trainings. If he had some free time, he was walking around the Complex, trying to find himself something productive to do.

At the dinner, when all people were gathered in a social canteen, Steve and Bucky were sitting at the single table, enjoying their meal.

All talks have faded in a second, when the redhead woman entered the canteen. She was an adult, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth. She had that movie star look, not overly tall and willowy, but more like an action star. Her muscle definition was perfect and she walked with the confidence of someone a decade older. She wasn’t just flawless in her bone structure, her skin was like silk over glass and she radiated an intelligent beauty. She was holding a cup of cappuccino in her hand and she brought a newspaper with her under her arm. She took a place at the table in the left corner of the room and she started to read as soon as she sat down.

Steve noticed that Bucky became soundless. “Buck.. is everything alright?” blonde asked carefully, not taking his eyes of his friend.

Bucky mumbled something, waving his hand. His eyes were still at the redhead. He couldn’t take his eyes of her. She was stunning and with every day he was finding himself more interested in that woman.

She was definitely his type of ideal woman. Strong, confident, but charming and delicate at the same moment.

Steve smiled sadly. “You know she’s by THEIR side” he reminded gently, putting his palm at Bucky’s shoulder. “Don’t waste your time, Buck. It’s not a woman for you”

Bucky has been dragged out of his thoughtfulness by Steve’s words. Brunette turned his head to Rogers and frowned a bit. “Stop it, Steve. Let me decide by my own, what’s good and what’s bad for me” Bucky’s face tensed as he sighed deeply, he ran his fingers through his thick hair. Steve shook his head slightly. “Easy, Bucky… I just meant you should think before you’ll engage yourself too much in that” Captain measured Bucky with his blue eyes. “I just wanted to give you my advice..” “But I wasn’t asking for it” Bucky snarled coldly and got up from the table, leaving his unfinished meal. “I wanna be alone” he added quietly.

Bucky went straight to the door to the canteen, but before he left, he stopped in a door frame. He felt a blustery glance on himself, so he turned his head to check, who was looking at him.

Bucky’s heart raced a bit when he realized, it was the redhead woman, who was observing him.

He spent rest of the evening at a workout. He worked out until his skin took on a glossy shine and the salty drops invaded his eyes. As he kept moving the sweat was a welcome addition, cooling and helping him to feel like he has been working hard enough.

That was when he heard the door has opened with a characteristic creak. Bucky lifted his head and looked back above his shoulder. He tried to keep his face straight, but it was hard.

Few steps from him a redhead woman was standing, crossing her arms at her chest.

“What the hell do you want?” He asked, trying to sound as cold as always. “I’m kinda busy.” Woman smirked a bit, standing still. “I have to drive to the city. Some kind of business. I need a help.” Bucky frowned in a confusion. “And how am I supposed to help ya?” man asked coldly, pulling up a barbells. Redhead rolled her eyes, still standing in a place. “I need a ride. I don’t have a driving licence” she explained openly, taking lock of her hair behind an ear. Bucky let out a wryly laugh before he spoke. “And what I’ll receive in a repayment?” brunette asked simply, not looking at the woman. She laughed harshly. “You’ll gain a few hours outside a base. It’s a aboveboard deal, isn’t it?” she said. “I can guarantee, that you won’t regret it.”

Bucky was thinking for a while, pretending he wasn’t interested at all. But deep inside his soul there was a war between different emotions. Call of a freedom was much stronger then he thought, though.

“Deal.” Bucky looked briefly at her. He put barbells down and stretched his back. Redhead woman gave him a little smile. “I’m glad we have an agreement.”

She was about leaving the room, but before she did, redhead turned to face brunette once again. “By the way, my name is Emily Vandom” her mouth corners raised a bit. “See you at 8pm at the main gate.”

She left him in a thoughtfulness, exhausted by a hard workout.

He came on tick.

She was waiting at him, sitting on a hood of a black old Mustang. As soon as Emily spotted Bucky, she jumped off the hood with ease. She was dressed in a tight short black dress and high heels.

She measured him with an interested glance. “Hi” she greeted Bucky, tilting her head. “Nice jacket.”

Bucky was dressed rather casually. It was something new, because he used to wear only military pants and oversized t-shirts. But now he had a black boots, tight dark jeans and grey tight shirt under black leather jacket.

Emily threw keys at him and he easily caught them. Woman turned around and got to the car, taking a passenger seat next to the driver.

When they were driving to the city, he couldn’t stop himself from asking. “Where exactly are ya going?” Bucky asked, he was focused on a gravely road. Emily, who was leaning her forearm against the window, mumbled. “It’s none of your business” she said simply, not even looking at him. Bucky was silent for a while. “Hey. I’m involved. I’m here, driving you, so I’m expecting at least a bit of sincerity” man growled with an annoyance. Emily sighed deeply. “If I will tell you, I’ll have to kill you” her voice was soft as always. Bucky rolled his eyes. They stayed silent till the end of the drive.

After some time, Emily came out of the little building. They were somewhere in a city, car has been parked at the little parking lot as brunette was waiting at her. Bucky was leaning his metal limb on a roof of the car, smoking a cigarette. He heard clicking of her Hugh heels and he turned to her. “Finally"he rolled his eyes.

They both got in the car. He put the key in the ignition and started it up. The loud rumble of the engine began to “PURRRRRRRR”.

He put the window down, turned the music up and they were off to begin their way back to the Complex.

"Wait..” Emily bit her lower lip. “Listen.. I don’t want to go back there. Not yet at least” she dared to gave him a look. Bucky lifted his brow a bit. “What do you mean?” Emily stretched her forearms. “There’s a little cosy pub nearby. C'mon. Let’s have few drinks. I need it. And I bet you do too.”

Bucky wasn’t thinking too long. He agreed on her proposition, only because he also didn’t want to go back to base. The night was still young.

They had a good time together. And Bucky had to admit, that this woman was spinning his head round and round. She even managed to pull him on a little dance floor, where they were swaying into rhythm of a music. Bucky caught himself at grabbing Emily’s hips a bit too roughly in that dance, but girl didn’t seem to mind it.

The drinks began flowing and  the sexual desire for one another became unbearable. They swiftly closed their bar tab and headed back to the black Mustang.

Once they were in the car, he grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her close. “Let’s go have some fun” he said in a low voice. Emily looked hardly into his blue eyes, she bit inside of her cheek, but she gave a nod. They peeled out of the parking lot and drove off into the night. They turned down an old dirt road. He put the stang in first gear and let off the gas.

She then leaned over, unhooked his belt and started to unbutton his pants. She unzipped his pants and pulled out Bucky’s hard dick. She wrapped her lips around the tip and began to suck on it. She slid her tongue down the side of his stiff shaft. All the way down to his balls. Up and down… Up and down his cock went down her throat. “Yes, babe that’s it” Bucky moaned loudly. She felt Bucky grabbed a handful of her hair and pull it tight. He pressed down on the back of her head, forcing his dick to slide closer to the back of Emily’s throat. She spit on his cock, making it so wet, then she opened her mouth wider and went back to work.

He yelled. “Yes, baby, yes, don’t stop! Don’t you dare to stop, little bitch!“ She felt his dick pulsating as she moved slowly up to the tip to take in his warm seamen "Oh, fuck!” he grunted and began to erupt his load into her mouth. She smiled as she swallowed his cum, slowly licking corners of her mouth. “You taste good..” she whispered, lifting herself up to kiss him passionately. He could still tasted himself on her rosy lips..

He opened the door and got out. He walked around to her side and opened the door. He got down on his knees, grabbing her legs and pulled them toward him. He pushed her back against the console. Bucky gripped her hips and pulled them closer. He slided up her tight dress and pulled down her lacy panties. Slowly he rubbed his hands up her thighs and forced her legs to open. “Now it’s your turn..” Bucky said as he began to bury his face into her yet wet pussy.

“Oh yes!” Emily moaned as he hit the right spot.   It felt so good to feel his tongue circling around on her clit. He was more than experienced. “Your pussy is so wet” he mumbled between licks. Emily felt how his strong hands were squeezing her breast tightly. She felt as he was sucking on her clit as he sticked two of his fingers into her pussy and thrusted them in and out. “Yes.. Yes.. Right there..” she begged, diving her long fingers into his brown hair. She grabbed the back of his head and forced him to go deeper. Emily’s legs began to shake as she feel her orgasm.

“I want you to cum in my mouth” he asked openly, licking still as viciously as at the beginning. Her whole body became numb as she went through her orgasm and released her hot wet cum all over his face.

Slowly he stopped moving his tongue and began to softly suck on her pussy. He gave her pussy one last kiss as he knew he has satisfied her.

Bucky stood up and took off his shirt and he pulled his cock out of his jeans. He pulled her out the car and ripped off her dress. “Mmm… you have a tattoo..” he moaned into her ear from behind.

Emily had a tattoo in a shape of a wolf between her blade-bones.

Emily felt her ass was pressed against the stang as she was forced against the front of the car. He turned her around and bended her naked body over the top of the hood. Bucky spreader her legs and slowly slided his penis into her tight wet pussy.

“Fuck!” Emily couldn’t help but yelled loudly as soon as he went into her deeper and deeper. His dick felt amazing inside her and she craved more.

“I love your tight pussy” he growled as he squeezed her ass and pounded into her deeper. “You’re fucking hot, slut” he moved his metal arm at her breasts, squeezing them harshly.

She felt his dick throbbing in her as he went faster and faster. She didn’t want him to stop…

He pulled her up and turned her around toward him. He put her on the hood of the car. As she laid down she felt him pulling her ass toward him. She wrapped her legs around him and quenched her thighs tightly.   He grabbed a hold of Emily’s hips and slided his cock back in. “Ahhhh!“ she heard him grunted as he got the whole thing in. Redhead felt like his balls were hitting her ass.

“Harder” she moaned aloud. She didn’t care there was cold outside. She only cared of being fucked harder. Emily felt her pussy was getting wetter and wetter as she was nearing her orgasm.

“I want you to cum all over my cock, slut” Bucky’s voice was nothing more than an order. "Yes, soldier” Emily closed her eyes, trying to hold a pleasure back. But she couldn’t hold it any longer.

“Fuck, I’m Cumming!” she cried heavily as she felt her warm cum was gushing onto him.

Bucky started pounding in her harder and deeper. Faster and faster “Babe, I’m gonna cum..” Bucky grabbed her hips  tightly, squeezing them hardly, especially with his metal hand. He rammed it deep in her for one last time before he cum.

Their seductive, erotic, lustful fantasies finally had been fulfilled.

Bucky leaned down and kissed her roughly, pulling her closer by her waist. “You’re so fucking hot, Emily..”

Woman blinked. He used her name.

She felt a blush appeared on her cheeks, so she gently pushed him back and jumped of the hood, grabbing her dress and putting it on as fast as she could.

Bucky also improved himself, he put on his shirt before he turned to face her. Zipping his jeans, he measured her body with lustful glance.

“Bucky..” She swallowed, standing with her back to him. “I.. we shouldn’t..” But she wasn’t able to end her sentence.

Barnes came to her, he took her into his arms and turned her to him, then he leaned down and kissed her beautiful lips. She melted in that kiss. She wanted it to last forever…

It was a new beginning. A new start. For both of them.


Author: Beast

Tags :
7 years ago
Imagine: Iron Man Kills Captain In Front Of Buckys Eyes.
Imagine: Iron Man Kills Captain In Front Of Buckys Eyes.
Imagine: Iron Man Kills Captain In Front Of Buckys Eyes.

Imagine: Iron Man kills Captain in front of Bucky’s eyes.

Bucky froze motionless. His heart stopped for a short moment. His blood turned into an ice.

Only thing he has heard was a familiar voice. But was he able to recognize it under all those emotions?

Tony Stark was standing on shaking legs, looking ahead. He watched as Steve slowly sank on his knees. “..I’m sorry..” Tony rasped. “I’m sorry, Steve, I didn’t know I fired the repulsers…” his voice was trembling as he spoke.

Steve let out a soft groan, indicating that he is still alive. Before Tony could apologize again, he has been pushed away from Steve with a strong force. His suit hit the wall behind him, and it took him a moment to adjust his coordination. When he looked up, Bucky was glaring at him.

“I’m so…” Tony tried to say, but his breath was knocked out by a strong punch, directed at his arc reactor. Bucky has been driven with an anger. He punched Tony with his cybernetic arm again, causing the suit to bend inwards. Bucky let out a growl, then he drove his hand into the arc reactor with more force. Bucky kept his metal hand digging into Tony’s arc reactor, crushing it. Tony tried to push Bucky away, but he failed.

“Bucky…” it was nothing more than a whisper.

Barnes, shaking all over his bpdy turned around and walked to Steve who’s laying on the ground. He knelt next to his friend, taking a hold of his hand. “Steve” he managed to say. Bucky’s gaze slowly slipped at Steve’s torso. There was a hole caused by a hit of an energy stream.

Bucky turned his face, automatically closing his eyes. He knew exactly how it meant to end..

“Bucky…” Steve whispered again, hia voice became yet weaker then it was a moment before.

A huge stain of dark blood slowly spilled around Captain.

Bucky felt a touch of cold hand at his unshaven cheek. He dared to look down, straight into his friend’s eyes. He saw how Steve was waning slowly.

“Till the end….” Steve was cutted off by a cough. “… of the line, pal..” Bucky whispered, nuzzling to Steve’s hand.

And then that last moment came. Steve’s eyes have widened for a second, he also tried to take a breath, but he only gasped for the air. He squeezed Bucky’s hand and after a second his eyes have slowly shut down.

Bucky was looking at Steve for short second and then he bursted with cry. Not hesitating about blood, he took Steve’s body in his arms. “NOOO!!!” he squalled loudly, letting warm tears flew down over his cheeks.

It took him few minutes to calm down a bit. He places Steve’s body back on the ground as gently as he could and he slowly got up. Bucky was covered in a blood and dirt, but he didn’t mind.

He turned himself to face Tony. “You killed him.” His voice was so cold.

Stark, who was still motionless, has swallowed before he spoke. “James…”

But Bucky looked into Tony’s eyes without a single shadow mercy. “Now there’s no one who would stop me” Bucky said. He seemed to be in a different place with his thoughts. Bucky slowly lifted his chin, his eyes met Tony’s eyes. As raged and unstable as he was at the moment, he managed to say one sentence. “Your time finally has come.”

Author: Beast

Gifs: X X

Tags :
7 years ago

The chronicles of the winter || Part IX

Part II  || Part III || Part IV || Part V || Part VI || Part VII || Parta VIII continuation of imagine

Summary: Steve’s mission went wrong… Very wrong.

Word Count: 2194

Warnings: Blood, injuries

Author: Beast


Since their common evening, Emily hasn’t spoken with Bucky at all.

He saw her few times. They passed each other like a ghosts at the corridors of the complex. Everytime when Bucky wanted to ask the woman, what exactly has changed between two of them that they couldn’t even talk for a while, Emily was simply passing him by, don’t even looking at him.

He easily could feel that everything has changed.

Deep inside he knew he shouldn’t have been doing that. He shouldn’t let her seduce him, it just couldn’t end well.

Bucky’s contact with Steve also has been restricted.

Their supervisors seemed to do everything to separate men from each other.

Bucky could also feel kind of a distance, which has built up between him and Steve.


Another week has passed and Bucky confirmed himself in a premonition that something was wrong.

While he was looking for Steve, he heard a conversation between two of the guards in canteen.

“… with her” one of them said simply, drinking coffee.

“I would give everything to be at his place at the moment” second man chuckled. “She’s pretty hot.” “Of course she’s” guard who was drinking the coffee stretched his back. “Rogers is a fucking lucky dude, isn’t he?”

“Don’t ya remember? He’s not Rogers anymore. They said he’s called Captain Hydra now” older guy shrugged.

Bucky frowned, listening to this little conversation. He realized that Steve has to be outside the complex. And… Was he with Emily? Have they had a mission? But Steve would tell him… Why he didn’t?

Bucky, however, felt a cold shrink in his heart.

EMILY. She also went away without farewell. Without single word. Why both of them were treating him like that?

He couldn’t find an answer.


One day, Bucky has been taken to the small room at one of the lowest levels of the complex.

There was three man awaiting at him. Two doctors and no one else but Aiden Black himself.

“Good morning, soldier” man in a suit smirked viciously.

Bucky didn’t say a word, he simply took a seat in front of the man.

“Why are you so silent, soldier?” Black pretended a concern.

“Where’s Steve?” Bucky simply asked.

Black raised his mouth corners in a haughty grin.

“He left. He has more important things to do instead sitting here with you” man said.

Bucky snapped his head to face Aiden Black again.

“Liar” Barnes gasped loudly. “Steve’s my friend. He wouldn’t…”

Black smirked again.

“Funny” Black mused with a sick smile, getting dangerously close to Bucky’s face, “wasn’t that exactly the same thing that you said the first time when Hydra found you?” he laughed harshly. “Face it, Barnes. Steve Rogers’ dead. Now he’s the Captain Hydra and he’s working for us and only for us” man in suit got up from his seat and walked slowly around the room. “Nothing can bring him back” Black finally stopped behind Bucky’s back and he put his large hands and Winter Soldier’s shoulders. Black also leaned down and whispered directly into Bucky’s ear. “And as I suppose he’s having a lot of fun with your Em.”

The last statement was like a sharp blade of a knife stabbed into Bucky’s chest.

Bucky responded with spitting in Black’s smirking face.

Of course, as always when he wasn’t behaving like they would wanted, he was greeted with violence, but that didn’t matter.

“Now, get some rest, soldier” Aiden growled slowly, wiping flecks of Bucky’ blood of off his hands. “We have work to do.”

When Black left the room, Bucky yelled aloud, hitting the table in front of him with his metal fist.


Evening had long since fallen, the chill of night picking at the edges of his meager jacket as he silently made his way through the quieting city. Captain Hydra was walking, passing closed shops and tracing streets he didn’t know.

He had a mission to do and he didn’t want to let his supervisors down. Steve had to kill a director of some organization named Robrax. It was kind of a pharmaceutical industry enterprise. Hydra was willing to do anything, just to overtake some researches results. Steve only knew they have wanted to make a new biological weapon.

He knew he should be careful, because, following the information he got, it seemed that other organization has wanted him for their own businesses.

Being in a deep thoughtfulness, he easily got at the terrain of the restricted area.

The building was oh so large. White walls and glazed doors were giving that real estate more dignity then he thought in a first moment. With a knife in his hand, he quietly slipped into a large building. He sneaked unheeded next to the guard’s place and he headed directly into the office number 10, located at the second floor.

Taking a staircase, he reached the floor and when he checked that no body’s there, he slowly stepped at the corridor. He went along it until he found a door with a gold numbers on them. Steve opened them and walked inside. Immediately he noticed the man he was looking for.

Dressed in a black suit, guy was sitting in the leather chair, making some notes. Fortunately for Steve, man was facing him with his back.

Captain Hydra walked over to his target and as quickly as he could, he put his palm at man’s mouth to cut over his throat in the next second. It didn’t take long for man to bleed out.

Steve, as soon as he made sure man’s dead, he left the room, putting his knife back into his pocket. He also easily managed to leave the building.

It was first time when he killed someone because of an order. Deep inside the last degraded ounce of his morality was trying to convince him that he was making a huge mistake. But he pushed those thoughts away.

He walked slowly along the street, heading to his apartment, which Hydra has rented for him. The barking of a dog jarred him from his thoughts, body suddenly tense and eyes, hard as steel and just as cold, scanning his surroundings for any threat as he stopped in his tracks. His knife was produced from his pocket, not as large but just as deadly in his capable hands. 

Another noise caught his attention. Footsteps, ten feet behind to the right. His mind was just methodical and calculating. Fingers tightened around the handle of the combat knife, although he showed no outward signs of realizing he was being approached; to any passersby it merely looked as if he was staring off into the jeweled skyline. The darkness would either be a great hindrance or a welcome advantage, but only time would tell..

Click. The sound of the safety switching off of a pistol was all the prompting Steve needed. Moving with a speed unexpected in his depleted state he spun around. A great blaze of light and concussive sound filled the street, the weapon discharging as Steve plunged his knife deep into the chest of his would-be assailant. In that quarter second of movement he had searched, located and struck, the metal blade deftly gliding between ribs and into a lung. The air filled with the sharp scent of copper and iron as blood poured from the wound.

Steve quickly realized it was one of the guards from Robrax.

The haphazard discharge of the weapon had blasted a round into the sidewalk, the sound of it no doubt alerting every person within a two block radius. I need to escape.

The man collapsing into a pool of his own blood, not dead but not quite alive.

If there was one there had to be more, he thought, and they had to be coming for him. He made it two steps before he heard the crack of a sniper rifle, echoing off some far-off building. The next few seconds blurred together, but he remembered being knocked off his feet, air forced from his lungs as he hit the brick wall of the building next to him, knife clamoring from his hand. Heat blossomed on his back, a burst of wet crimson that trickled down his spine as a bullet planted itself squarely into his right shoulder blade. The choking cry of surprise that escaped him startled him.

The pain hadn’t hit him yet, but his body felt like ice. His legs were sluggish underneath him as he struggled to his feet, bolting into an alleyway as he heard another bullet slam into the wall behind him. It’d been a low shot, as if for his leg. They want me alive. The thought filled him with a sick dread as he realized that they wanted to put him back on his leash, or worse, put him down so he couldn’t spill their secrets, although he had no secrets to tell. At least, not as he was now.

Shouts of men filled the street. “Down the alleyway!” and “He’s getting away!” among other things he couldn’t catch. The pain was starting to filter into his awareness, starting as an acidic heat that slowly built in on itself. His heart was pounding, lungs heaving, as he tried to lose the guard’s team in the maze of back alley streets. He needed to get to the apartment.

As he rounded a corner, two guardians spotted him, shouting loudly to others. A swear hissed under his breath, narrowly avoiding another bullet aimed for his legs. His reflexes were slowing, he could feel it, his strength draining from the wound the harder he pushed himself. A pistol was produced from his pocket, only two rounds fired with the same deadly precision he had used to change history numerous times. The first man dropped in a heap, not even getting the luxury to realize he had been hit. The other’s ribs popped wetly as the bullet tore open his side, letting out a ghastly cry as he tumbled to the ground and didn’t get back to his feet.

Without a moment’s hesitation the Steve was gone, vanishing into the darkness like the ghost he was before more of the guard’s team could arrive. Rain earlier in the day had slickened the streets, helping to hide his trail of blood as he snaked his way through the sleeping city. He had no idea how long he was running and barely had any recollection of where he was going, his body operating almost entirely on instinct by the time he reached that familiar building. His running had slowed to a staggering shamble, forcing his legs, which he lost feeling in about three minutes ago, to climb up the flight of stairs.

His breathing came with difficulty, his limbs heavy and blood like ice. The worn clothing he had been wearing was soaked through with his own blood, which still bubbled from the sniper’s bullet.

The door to the second floor apartment seemed like a nearly insurmountable obstacle. His glassed-over eyes darted from the knob to the floor, then to a small, out-of-place planter of tiny flowers. Barely a murmur of thought crossed his mind as he nudged it with his foot, exposing a key. He was too exhausted and in too much pain to question just why he believed there would have been a key there. The key was retrieved, clumsily inserted into the lock, and the door opened without protest; he could have kicked it open or picked the lock like last time, but he didn’t have the time or strength to attempt it.

With a soft clink of metal the key fell from his trembling fingers to the floor, shakily standing at the threshold taking great, heaving breaths. His vision was growing blurry and his hearing muffled, but after a moment of hesitation he stepped inside, pulling the door shut behind him, the click of the lock oddly comforting. Movement in front of him, down the narrow hall, and he knew he wasn’t alone. The pistol was still clutched in his left hand. He tried to take another step but his body had had enough; the pistol dropped to the floor, abandoned, as he tried to steady himself by pressing that palm to the wall.

Something was spoken to him but he didn’t catch it, gaze lifting to where he’d seen the movement earlier. Someone was standing a few yards away now. He didn’t need to hear to know who it was. Breath was inhaled sharply, words attempted but failed.

Emily Vandom. 

His whole body was shaking; it felt like the world was collapsing in on itself all around him. Underneath all the pain was a faint, lingering disappointment. Pain washed his thoughts away, a low whimper in his throat betraying the fact he was injured. He was going to go down, he felt it, and not a moment later did his right leg buckle, his whole body collapsing with it. He fell into something warm and yielding, not hard floor like he expected, but he had no time to ponder it as the darkness closed in on him.


Tags :
7 years ago

My little treasure || Part I

My Little Treasure || Part I






Bucky was washing plates after dinner when He heard doorbell. He wiped his hands and walked to door. In open door Bucky saw young boy. It was Grant.

He literally was a mini version of Steve.

He was Just a short blue eyed boy with short blond hair, He was really skinny, just like Steve before serum. He was holding his strap from bag tight in his hands Bucky liked this boy, He wasn’t so bad but He really wasn’t happy to see him. “Morning Mr. Barnes… Is Andrea home? I want her to go on a walk with me.” Grant asked softly, trying to look over Bucky’s shoulder, looking for Andrea

Bucky raised an eyebrow Now He really didn’t liked it. “Yeah… Sure… She is in her room… I will call her. Come in and wait in living room.” Boy nodded and slowly went to living room. Grant knew Bucky very well, He was his father’s best friend but Bucky still was scary. Big guy with metal arm. Bucky walked to stairs “Andrea! Someone’s here to met with you.” He yelled and returned to kitchen.

Andrea slowly walked downstairs and blinked looking at Grant  “Grant!” She yelled happily and ran to him quickly. Grant smiled and hugged her tight “Hey, I heard you are sick… what happen? Are you okay… I’m worried now.”

Andrea smiled “Don’t everything is fine… I mean… Nightmares… they are back…. And… I’m scared.” She said sadly and nuzzled to him.

Grant sighed and hugged her really tight and stroked her back “Everything will be fine… Maybe we should go on a walk? It will be good for you.” He said and looked at her.

Andrea nodded softly and looked at him “Daddy?! Can I go on a walk?

Bucky looked out from kitchen and nodded looking at Andrea “Sure sweetheart.” He said and looked at Grant frowning. Andrea walked to Bucky and kissed his cheek “Thanks dad.” She said and then grabbed Grant’s hand and pulled him behind herself.

In park, Andrea sat on grass and sighed softly looking at the sky “You know… sometime… I wish I could be normal…” She said quietly and looked at Grant. He sat next to her “Andrea… you are normal.” Andrea smile and looked at her metal hand “Look at it… metal hand, who normal have hand like this? I’m a freak… I feel like… the worst one..” Grant blinked “Hey… and how I should feel? Look at me.” He smiled at her “I’m Sickly, skinny, weak and My father is Captain America! The guy that is as big as your dad, I look like my dad on his old photos… For me you are just unique, you aren’t weird, scary or anything… just unique.” He said and took her metal hand in his.

Andrea smiled and hugged to him “Thank you.” “You are welcome, now let’s go home, it’s getting late.” Grant said and got up, Andrea followed him slowly. During their way home They me group of girls that were always bullying Andrea.

“Hey There weirdo! Oooh! Look girls! one freak found another one. Is he your boyfriend Freak?!” Leader of group asked looking at Grant. Andrea quickly hide her hand and looked down scared “I asked you something freak!” Girl yelled at Andrea “Hey! Leve her alone!” Grant growled.

Girl smiled “Oooohh… look He is a hero now. Come on girls, let’s show him how it ends when you protect a freak with metal hand.” Girl said and She and her friends attacked. Andrea tried help him but girls without problem pushed her away.

After few minutes girls laughed “Let’s go girls… they got their lesson. Better don’t try tell anyone.” Leader of group said to Andrea and they all left.

Andrea quickly ran to Grant  “Oh my god Grant…” She said quietly and took his face in her hands “Oh my god… you look terrible… let’s go… We will help you in home.” Andrea helped Grant got up and took him home.

Bucky looked at them “What the Fu…. Heck happened to him?” He asked when Andrea helped Grant sat on couch “Just… just help him dad… please…” Andrea said and quickly went to find first aid kit. She brought it to her father.

Bucky sighed and started take care of every scratch. Bucky sighed sadly, it was like past. Well, it wasn’t Steve… but Grant looked just like his father especially now. After few Bucky looked at Grant “Okay…. I did as much as I could.” Bucky got up from couch and walked to Andrea.

“Thank you, Mr Barnes… but you really didn’t had to.” Grant said and slowly got up.

Bucky smiled and ruffled Andrea’s hair “Let’s take your hero home, I’m sure his dad and mom are worried.”

Grant sighed sadly and nodded slowly “You are right Sir.”

Bucky took both kids to car and took them to Steve home.

It was small white house, Steve was sitting on porch, waiting at his son to return home because it was getting late.

Woman walked to him and rubbed his shoulder. It was his wife. Beautiful, blue eyed young woman with short blond hair “He is with Andrea… I’m sure Bucky will bring him home.” She said softly to Steve

“Martha… I don’t care. You good know what I think about her… Maybe Bucky isn’t Winter soldier anymore… but She can be. We don’t know what they…” Steve stopped talk when he heard Bucky’s car.

He quickly got up form chair and went to. He froze when he saw Grant “What the hell Barnes! What you little monster did to him?!” He yelled. Bucky frowned and looked at Steve, hiding Andrea behind himself.

“Dad… Don’t. She did nothing.” Grant said.

“I don’t care… I good know you gonna protect your ‘Friend’. Go home now, Martha… take care of him.” He growled and looked at his wife.

Grant quickly went to his mother “Mom… it’s not her fault… The girls… I was protecting her.” Grant said. Woman nodded “I’m sure you were… let’s go home…” She said and took boy inside.

“I hope you are proud of your girl Barnes.” Steve said frowning

“She did nothing…” Bucky muttered looking at Steve.

“Oh really… look at Grand… You saw what happened? Maybe she is lying to you and Grant protect… this… little child of Hydra.” Steve said pointing toward girl.

Bucky frowned and grabbed Steve’s hand “Don’t you dare…. Call her that.” Bucky growled.

“Or what…. She gonna hurt me with this little metal hand?” Then Steve could feel how cold metal hit him right into stomach. Steve fell onto his knees holding his stomach tight.

“Not her metal hand… but my, Rogers.” Bucky said “You think you are better? You changed a lot… and not in good meaning.” Man picked up girl and sighed “I know that She didn’t did anything bad… She is my girls.” Bucky smiled and looked at Steve over his shoulder “If for you she is still a child of Hydra… than I’m still The Winter Soldier for you. Till the end of the line…” Bucky laughed “I think our line ends here, pal.”

Bucky sat girl on her seat in car and then took driver seat and drove away.

Steve growled when he got up “Fucker…” He muttered and went back inside.

After few minutes Andrea looked at Bucky form the back seat

“Dad…” She asked quietly.

“Yes, sweetheart?” Bucky asked and looked at his daughter in the mirror.

“Who Am I…?” Andrea looked at him in the mirror.

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7 years ago

A walking disasters



SUMMARY: Steve and Bucky talk about feelings and stuff while the Avengers have a water fight.


AUTHOR: Killer raccoon


"Won't your fella get jealous?" Bucky asked suddenly, whip sharp grin placed firmly on his face, looking so familiar Steve ached. It was scary how easy it was for Bucky to look like Bucky again, like the Winter Soldier, like the plane crash, like the 21st fucking century didn't happen. Steve should've liked it, he knew, but he didn't.

Steve rolled his eyes. "Tony gets jealous when strangers on the street propose. It doesn't bother him when I spar with Natasha or when I run with Sam. This, us, doesn't bother him at all."

"You've got a good thing going here don't you," Bucky huffed, eyes closed and head tipped back against the wall. Steve shifted grappling for any sort of comfortable position on the rock hard couch. Tony had warned him that all the furniture in this room was designed to make people look regal, not make them comfortable. It was the only room in the mansion left untouched from Tony's childhood.

"Yeah, I do" Steve looked at Bucky from where he was sitting side ways against the arm of the couch, "better with you here though."

"You know I'm never going to be just Bucky Barnes right?"

"I know you haven't been talking to your therapist."

"And who's bright fucking idea was that? A therapist? Really? You think after decades of being the most talented killer alive - and shut the fuck up Steve, I killed people, we both know I killed people - you really think I'd just be fucking dandy with spilling all my secrets to some idiot with a clipboard and orders to take me out when I get aggressive?"

"I know you won't ever just be Bucky again, I know you're Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier, but you're still my friend. You're still my fucking family," Steve burst out suddenly. "Please tell me you know that."

It was deathly quiet in the room before Bucky spoke again, out of the corner of his mouth, like he was too tired to talk properly, "Nathasa's stronger than people give her credit for. So's Tony."

"People give her a lot of credit. And you know she hates it when you call her that," Steve said mildly, not commenting on the remark.

Bucky grinned his shark smile again. "No, she doesn't. And don't think I didn't notice you ignoring what I said about him."

Steve sighed, felt the air come up from his diaphragm, filling his lungs and his mouth. "I'm just glad you stopped calling him Stark. Why?"

"Why what…"

"Bucky," Steve ground out.

"They make living with blood on your ledger look easy," Bucky breathed out suddenly. Steve paused, stomach in his throat when Bucky turned to him again, suddenly vicious. "You won't tell them this, ya hear? Last thing I need is more fucking pity."

"Of course I won't tell. I'm surprised you're even talking to me right now. But we both know they would be the last people to pity you. They know what you're going through."

"You're saying you don't?" A challenge.

"I've killed people-"

"You've killed Nazis," Bucky said with a bark of a laugh. "Nazis don't count as people." Steve could at least agree with that.

"You know, I miss being the stubborn one in this friendship."

"I'm not talking to them. It's a different situation entirely."

"I thought you said they knew what it felt.."

"Never like this. Never like me. Fucking Tony didn't even know what was happening with his company, how does that compare to this?" He turned to Steve, desperate, "I trained Natasha, trained her to be a murderer. What does that say about me?"

"It says something about the Winter Soldier. It says that you were brainwashed."

"I killed his parents, did he tell you that? Blew up their car, slit his mother’s throat while she was screaming. Stabbed his father for good measure. And if you tell me that's okay, if you make excuses for me, I'll fucking deck you."

"I don't need to tell you that it was wrong. You think I don't know you're thinking of running away again? The guilt eats away at you. The Winter Soldier didn't know what guilt was because he was fucking brainwashed. You were tortured Bucky."

"I killed so many innocent people."

"You killed people. Innocent people and we both know you can't make up for that. There isn't anything you could possibly do. That's not how it works." Steve was so tired of this, tired of how complicated this was, tired of morality and honor and redemption. "You do good and you wait until there's enough good to not make the bad crawl under your skin like palladium," Steve quoted. Tony was strangely poetic at the 3 in the morning, all ruffled hair and tight breaths. "I just want you to be happy. Don't we deserve that? After all the second chances we've been given, don't we at least deserve that?"

Silence again. Steve stared out the window opposite him, Bucky's silhouette barely blocking the view. Everything here really was excessive, slightly more so than even by Tony's usual standards. He wondered idly how he could go about sketching the exact way the light snagged on the leaves of the topiaries in the garden outside.

"I'm not going back to that therapist." Steve waited him out, could taste the capitulation on his tongue. "But we could do this more often. Just. Talking."


"How many more times do you need me to say it?" Bucky grinned suddenly. "Age catching up to you, Rogers?"

"Screw off Bucky," Steve laughed, shoving him roughly. "I'm really, really happy that you want to talk to me," he couldn't resist adding.

Bucky made a face, "How does Tony stand all this earnestness?"

Steve smirked, "You really want to know?"

"Oh fuck no, never mind. Still can't believe how filthy you are now, Christ."

"The army does a number on scrawny virgins."

"It also does a number on beefed up super soldiers." Bucky shot him another look, that 'I know you' look that gave Steve dizzying hope.

Steve looked out the window again, at their teammates, their friends, running past, equipped to the teeth with various water shooting weapons. Bucky followed his line of sight and chuckled suddenly. "Tell me how I got roped into living with a bunch of 9 year olds."

"Hey! I'm at least 12," he said, moving to get up. "How bout we go and show them how it's really done?" he asked, smirking.

"As long as you and Tony keep your hands to yourself."

"No promises."

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7 years ago

My little treasure || Part II

My Little Treasure || Part II

Teaser || Part I 





‘’Andrea! Get into the car.” Bucky said looking at his daughter “Nooo I don’t want to go to S.H.I.E.L.D, daddy... please.” She whimpered looking at him with her big blue eyes. “Sweetheart... Stop, you know you need to. Please, get into the car. It will be only few hours.” Bucky told her and stroked her hair.

Andrea nodded slowly “Okay daddy.”

Bucky sighed heavily and got onto his seat  “It will be okay, you will see.” Andrea only nodded.

Bucky took Andrea inside S.H.I.E.L.D and straight into the lab.

Martha smiled at Bucky “Bucky! I’m so glad you came.”

“I had to. It’s Andrea’s day.” Bucky muttered and looked at girl “Go, sweetheart, I will go to talk with big Director of New S.H.I.E.L.D.” Bucky rolled his eyes.

Martha looked at him sadly “Bucky.. please... He didn’t meant to.” She said.

Bucky nodded. “Yes... Just like he didn’t mean anything fourteen years ago... Since he is director of new S.H.I.E.L.D he changed... maybe you don’t see this... but I do.” He sighed. “Okay... See you later. Take care of my girl.” Bucky smiled at Andrea and left lab.

Martha looked at Andrea, girl wasn’t in great mood. “Oh come on... I can’t start our stuff when you are so sad. Let’s find something to cheer you up.” woman said.

“I’m not five years old anymore... You’re not gonna give me a toy to make me feel better.” Andrea muttered.

Martha sighed. “Who said something about toys. Grant... can you come here?”

Andrea blinked and smiled “Grant!” She ran to him and hugged him tight. He smiled and hugged her back, nuzzling to her shoulder.

“How do shoulder?” She asked and looked at him worried.

Grant shrugged. “A bit sore... but... better now.” He said softly. Andrea laughed softly and ruffled his blond hair.

Martha smiled at them “Come on Andrea. We should start. Grant can hold your hand if you are scared.” She giggled.

“I wish I could... but... Dad asked me to go see him... I want go there as soon as possible... Because you know..” Grant said and looked at Andrea.

She nodded and smiled. “Go... I will try not to ran away.” Andrea giggled.

Grant smiled and nodded, than he left the lab.

“I will go to my office now, someone will take care of small research. I will take care of bigger one. As always.” Marth smiled and went to her office.

Andrea sat on one of the metal tables. She sighed and looked around, she was used to all those reserches, but she still hated it. She was visiting this place once per month. Since she could remember.

Suddenly she saw two women. One of them was new to her and other was just Martha’s assistant.

New woman walked to Andrea and smiled. “Hello there. I’m Alana and you need to be....” She said slowly and looked at paper that she had in hand. “Object… HCH-13. It’s nice to meet you.”

Andrea blinked and looked at woman. “I…. I’m sorry… I don’t understand… My… My name is Andrea… Andrea Barnes…” She said slowly.

“No… I see this in documents… You are object HCH-13” woman said again.

Suddenly Marta and her assistant walked to woman, but Andrea was quicker and grabbed documents from woman’s hand.

She started read it. “Object HCH-13,  Found in one of Hydra’s base.  Humanoid object, looking like three years old child with metal hand (Probably Hydra’s experiment) Orders: capture, shut down in New S.H.I.E.L.D facility. Make research every month, staring at day of arrival of object into facility. Object may be highly dangerous. Signed… Director… Steve Rogers…” Than paper was ripped out of her hand by Martha.

“WHAT IS IT?!” Andrea yelled. “What this suppose to mean?!”

“Nothing you should be interested in, young lady… I told you to tell every new member about HCH-13 case…” Martha snapped at her assistant.

When Marta’s wasn’t looking, Andrea quickly ran out of lab, heading upstairs to Steve’s office.

“Steve, I told you I won’t give her away. She is with me since we found her.”  Bucky muttered.

“Buck, we talked about this… Okay maybe it wasn’t her yesterday but I still don’t trust her in 100%. We can’t be sure. She will be adult soon, maybe something will activate in her, she may be dangerous.” Steve said frowning. “I’m not a monster, I know. She is still a kid but I’m worried about safety. That’s all.” Blond man explained shortly.

“Steve… I understand… But she was too small then and look… nothing happened, whole fourteen years. Nothing, she was just a girl with metal hand.” Bucky shrugged.

Steve sighed heavily and Bucky shook his head annoyed.

Grant was waiting outside Steve’s office. He was surprised when he saw Andrea. “Andrea… What are you doing here?”

“I need to talk with your and my dad…” She growled, walking inside. Grant followed her.

Steve looked at Grant and Andrea “Sorry… Did I say that any of you can come in?”

“I don’t care what you said! Because every word from you is a lie!” Andrea said angrily.

Bucky looked at Steve and then back at  Andrea. “Sweetheart… What are you talking about?”

“About documents… about fact that someone like ‘Andrea Barnes’ doesn’t exist! I’m not Bucky’s daughter.” She said frowning.

Steve smiled “Andrea… Don’t be silly, you exist.  If you wouldn’t I wouldn’t talk with you now.”

“You aren’t talking with Andrea… You are talking with Object HCH-13.” She growled.

Bucky and Steve were silent. Grant looked at her “Andrea… What are you talking about…?”

“Truth… There is no Andrea… I’m an object… Object that ‘May be dangerous’.” She said and swallowed heavily. “Orders: capture, shut down in New S.H.I.E.L.D facility… Your own words Steve… What are you gonna tell me now?” She asked.

Steve looked at Andrea, than at his son. “That’s all true. Those were my orders… Without him.” He pointed at Bucky. “And only because he is my friend you are still alive. You are nothing more but next Hydra experiment. I should’ve killed you when I had a chance to…”

“Steve! Stop it! Don’t you even dare to say this!” Bucky yelled at Steve and looked at terrified girl. “Andrea… Sweetheart…” He said walking to her slowly “Listen to me… I know it’s hard, but… look everything is fine… you have good life, you have father, you have great friend.” Bucky looked at seriously confused Grant.

“Did you know..?” Andrea asked looking at him.

“Yes… I knew about everything, I found you… I took you home.” Bucky said nodding.

“And you were telling me that I’m your DAUGHTER! YOU WERE TELLING ME THAT I’M UNIQUE, YOU LIED TO ME. YOU WERE LYING FOR SO LONG!” Andrea’s screams were full of pain and anger.

Bucky gently touched her cheek and sighed. “Sweetheart… please… You are my daughter, not matter what you are unique.” He said.

“Don’t… Touch me ever again..” She growled and using her metal hand she punched Bucky right in chest, sending him on a floor.

Before all happened Bucky could see anger…. Or more like pure rage in her eyes. Rage that he good knew from the time when he still was fresh after “Healing from being the Winter Soldier”. Bucky tried quickly get up from floor but her hit was too strong.

“Now you..” She growled looking at Steve. Andrea started quickly walk toward him, but then she felt like someone grabbed her. It was Grant.

“Andrea.. don’t.. it’s not their fault… this all happened.” He said holding her arm.

Andrea growled and tried punch him but he caught her hand, it was hard but he did this. “Andrea… please… look… look what you are trying to do.” He said looking at her.

Andrea was breathing heavily watching him, she calmed down a bit.

Then whole rage and anger faded, it all changed into tears. She looked around and started cry “I… I…. I didn’t mean to, I… I don’t know what… Why I did this.” Andrea   broke down and slowly sat on floor. Grant joined her on floor and hugged her tight. “Shh… it’s okay now… calm down.”

Bucky looked at them and sighed heavily when  he sat on floor holding side of his chest. Steve looked frowning at doors when Martha and her assistant ran inside. Martha even didn’t asked what had happed, she good knew what happened.

Marta sent her assistant to Bucky and she walked to Andrea and Grant . She looked at them sadly. “Don’t worry Grant, I will take care of her.” She said quietly looking at girl. Andrea was hugging Grant really tight. Like he was her last hope.

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7 years ago




SUMMARY: A look at that night of Tony and Pepper's first kiss - how did Tony & Pepper handle those events between kissing and being in a relationship?

WARNINGS: none, excepting a lot of fluff ☺

AUTHOR: Killer raccoon


Tony had gotten to her just in time. She could have died-but now she was freaking out and quitting and babbling and he was so confused, panicking that she was quitting and he was still going to lose her even though he just saved her life.

Tony was losing his mind over this woman.

He was in love with Pepper and he couldn't even touch her. He couldn't even beg her to stay, to be his. Ever since he got back from Afghanistan, ever since that dance, that night on the roof- he was desperate for her affection, for any sense of intimacy with her. He was different, despite a few major lapses of judgment in the face of his own mortality, he was a different man now. This was love- if she knew that, if she believed him and trusted him, would that change anything for her?

He was going out of his mind in her presence, and messing things up with her worse than usual, way beyond just his usual annoying antics he seemed to genuinely be pissing her off. But she was quitting, and he was losing her anyway. And she was babbling, and it was just so damn adorable he couldn't take it anymore. It was almost instinct, he grabbed her and kissed her mid-sentence.

For a moment it was a relief, but the panic quickly returned. Was she going to slap him? Was she going to be insulted, even after all they had been through, would she call him unprofessional? Instead she encouraged him to kiss her again and assured him it wasn't weird. And it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. But they were interrupted.

The ride back to stark mansion was a little awkward. He felt like a damn teenager on his first date, he wanted to hold her hand. He wanted to make out in the back seat. He felt so unsure of himself, but he settled for sitting beside her and resting his head on her shoulder with his hand on her knee.

When they got back to the house Tony began rambling, "I know we just kissed on the roof, it was amazing by the way. And I know that we're not, um, dating? …Yet! Which by the way, is what I want to happen, if there was any question on that. Look, we can talk about this more in the morning. But what I am really asking is, will you stay? The night? With me? Not like in a sexy way, I know you're not ready for that. Are you? You aren't. Just, stay with me tonight and we can talk in the morning and deal with the fallout from Vanko and everything, together, from here. Would you please just not leave?"

Tony was getting worked up and Pepper had to admit that she found it adorable, so she let him go on until there was nothing left to say, his question hanging in the air. The silence made him uneasy, so he added, "Pepper, I'm not trying to seduce you. Not technically anyway. I'm trying to make you fall in love with me."

Pepper was surprised by his direct admission, but she couldn't help but roll her eyes. "I'm already in love with you, Tony…Despite my better judgment. I will stay here, but NO sex and we have to talk about a few things in the morning okay? Those are the rules."

He was practically like a puppy; he picked her up, ran upstairs and dropped her on his bed before she could change her mind. And before he could remember how hurt and exhausted he was.

"I'll go get you a t-shirt to sleep in."

Pepper crawled into bed next to him after a little freshening up in the bathroom. Tony was so tired he was on the verge of passing out waiting for her, but he wanted to be awake for that moment when she came back. He wasn't going to miss that. By tomorrow he could mess everything up again, what if this was his only chance.

She was the cutest thing he had ever seen, even if he was looking through drooping eyelids that he could barely hold open. She was dressed in his t-shirt, no makeup, her hair lose. He hoped she would always dress that way for bed, it was even more appealing than lingerie, and he hoped he got a lot more chances to see it.

Once Pepper was settled beside him and the lights were off, Tony mustered up the strength to stay awake for just one question.


"Yes, Tony?"

"Can I maybe give you a goodnight kiss?"

There was a slight pause.

"Okay Tony" she finally responded.

He rolled over, hovering just above her taking in her presence. It was like nothing he'd ever experienced, she held all the cards, and he was so vulnerable. He was the one worried she wouldn't be there when he woke up.

He tenderly brushed the hair off her neck and cupped the back of her head. He licked his lips and slowly placed a soft kiss on her lips, sucking on her bottom lip gently before he pulled away.

"Goodnight Pepper" he said a little breathlessly as he pulled away to lie back down on his side of the bed.

When he lay back down he noticed her body had followed his, pressing up against his side. He felt her hand travel up his chest until she reached his chin and angled his face to look back at her.

"What are you doing?" he asked her, a little confused yet smug.

"You gave me a good night kiss….now I'm giving you one."

She smiled as she pressed her lips, her body against his. Tony had been a gentleman but she wanted a little more. She deepened the kiss and felt him suppress a slight moan as they breathed each other in, their lips clashing a little desperately. All too soon, she pulled back, her lips moist with the taste of him. If she didn't stop now she didn't know if she could, and they were both exhausted and needed to talk.

"Goodnight Tony" she whispered.

"Goodnight Pepper" came his soft reply.

She snuggled up behind him and placed a soft kiss on his shoulder blade before she wrapped her arm over his side, he took her hand and held it to his chest before he completely passed out, as though they had done that a thousand times before.

They needed to talk, but really, by the time they both closed their eyes and nodded off - they were already in a relationship.

Tags :
7 years ago

My little treasure || Part III

My Little Treasure || Part III

Teaser || Part I || Part II





It was only two days after whole Andrea’s accident. She stayed in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Andrea was looking at white wall still lying in her bed. Suddenly she heard a voice .

“Hey… How do you feel?” It was grant. He solely sat on Andrea’s bed when she sat up.

“Good… but I still feel bad… because of this what happened two days ago.” She said sadly.

Grant smiled softly and stroked her hair. “It’s okay, nothing too bad happened. Everything is fine now.”

Andrea sighed heavily and quickly broked down. She started cry. “No! It’s not! I’m a monster! Machine… next Hydra’s experiment!”

Grant looked at her. “Hey hey hey… Shhh…” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug. “It’s okay now. Andrea… please calm down.” Grant said and pulled her onto his laps.

“But… l.. look… What I did… I hurt my dad… I wanted hurt you… Why… Why you tried to stop me… I could kill you..”

Grant stroked her cheek and sighed. “Because you are important to me. I wasn’t scared… I will always try to protect you… I could die for you.” He told her.

Andrea looked at him in shock. “G-Grant… what are you saying..”

“All I’m saying is…” He said slowly and kissed her. Andrea blinked but didn’t pull away, she kissed him back.

“I just love you.” He finished after braking the kiss “I will never let anything bad happen to you.” He said and Andrea only nodded. Grant laughed softly and kissed her again.

After few minutes they both jumped surprised when they heard angry voice. “Am I interrupting in something?!” It was Steve and this time he was really pissed.

Grant looked at Steve. Andrea also looked at him, he was really scared. “Dad…. I  just… I mean we…” Grant looked at Andrea.

“I can see what you two are doing! I told you, she is Hydra’s experiment. She showed what she is capable to. She is a dangerous creature!” Steve growled in a low voice of his.

Grant let Andre sit on bed and he got up. “No! She is not! I love her! And I don’t care anymore what you think about her. Because I LOVE HER!”

“And you are my son, MY son! And as long as I’m alive you will do what I say.” Steve grabbed Grant’s arm and pulled him out of the room. “I don’t care what you think about her. She is walking monster!” Steve growled at Grant.

He suddenly saw Bucky. “And you! Keep this thing away from my son!” Steve yelled at Bucky and left hospital with Grant.

Bucky blinked confused and watched as blond man left the building. “Um… it’s nice… to see you two too..” He said slowly and went to Andrea’s room.

Girl was hiding under her blanket, Bucky looked at this really worried. He sat on bed and rubbed her back.

“Go away Grant… your dad hate me…” She whimpered.

Bucky smiled “I’m not sure if my name is Grant.”

Andrea sat up and looked at Bucky from under blanket, “DAD!” She whimpered happily and hugged to him tight.

“Calm down, or you will break more of my ribs.” He giggled and hugged her back tight, “I missed you, little one.”

“How do you feel… w-what I did to you..” Andrea asked and looked at him.

Bucky only smiled at her “For me more important is how you feel but… I only have few ribs broken. I don’t know how many… I didn’t listen. I was more worried about my daughter.”

Andrea sighed and looked at him with tears in her eyes. “I… I didn’t mean to dad… I don’t know… I was so angry, scared. This rage, it ripped me from the inside. I wasn’t controlling myself. I’m sorry.”

Bucky looked at her and put his hand on her cheek. “Sweetheart… please, shhh. It’s okay, I understand, I good know this feeling.” He told her.

Andrea nodded and hugged to him tight. Bucky spend few hours with her before he had to go back.

Martha knocked to Andreas door. “Knock knock. How’s my favorite patient?” She asked and slowly sat on Andrea's bed .“I hope you feel better, Andrea. Just I wanna you to know that Bucky will be able to take you home soon, I hope you are happy.” She smiled.

Girl only smiled sadly and nodded “Yes… I wanna go home, to dad.” She said quietly.

“Andrea… something’s wrong? I can see that you are quiet… and I’m sure that this time it’s not because the thing that happened two days ago.” Martha sighed and got up from bed. She walked to girl. “Come on tell me..”

Andrea looked at her. Andrea felt bad because of everything. Because of thing that happened, because of Bucky and Steve and because of Grant. She told everything to Martha.

Martha giggled. “Finally my son had shown some balls…” She muttered to herself and sighed. “You know what… I think you shouldn’t think about this. Everything will be fine. Things like this won’t happen again, Bucky is quickly returning to health and Steve… He is himself, but don’t worry. I won’t let him separate you with Grant. Now… It’s getting late, you should try to sleep a bit, okay?”

Andrea smiled and nodded, now she felt much better “Thank you..” She said.

Martha nodded. “No problem Kid… I will be back at morning to check upon you. Good night and see you tomorrow.”  

Andrea spent few days in hospital, after this time Bucky took her back home.

Girl happily flopped on her own bed in her own home, Andrea sat slowly on bed and looked at Bucky. “Dad… I… can we talk about me? I mean… about what I am?” She looked at Bucky with her big puppy’s eyes.

Bucky smiled sadly and nodded, he sat next to her. “Just… remember, no matter what I always love you.” Andrea nodded “Sure… I love you too, dad.” Bucky smiled sadly. “So… it was fourteen years ago..” He began.

 ~~~~~~ fourteen years ago~~~~~~

 “Everyone's down?” Steve sighed heavily picking up his shield from floor.

“Well, no one shoots to us anymore, so I think yes, Cap.” Bucky looked around and smiled at his friend.

Steve nodded and put shield on his back. “So… Agents will go there and we will go to main lab.”  Steve ordered and few agents that were with them left them alone on the corridor “You okay, Buck?”

“I just…” He looked around again, Bucky felt really uncomfortable. “Just… bad memories.. but let’s go. We should check what those sick bustards were doing here.” Man muttered and started walking toward main lab.

Steve followed his friend.

Main lab was a huge room, filled with all kinds of weird things. Many books, boxes with documents. Photos of some creepy stuff.

Bucky looked at documents. “That makes sense…” Bucky muttered.

“What is it, Buck? What do you mean?” Steve asked.

“Look at those photos, Steve… they were experimenting on people, kids… even unborn one…” Bucky put few pages of documents on table.

Steve looked at them. “Yes… Look… This woman… She got missing few weeks ago.” He picked up documents and started looking trough them. “13 years old girl… pregnant woman… Man from store… Mother and her newborn son… Everyone that ever reported missing from city below.  Just reading their treatment makes me sick…” Steve shook his head and shivered.

“I never really met with such a cruelty from Hydra… I mean I knew they can be cruel…” Bucky muttered, walking around in room, checking under tables and other place where they could find something.

“I think it’s more like new… branch of Hydra. All those adults that think they can make Hydra great again… Like we can see they left really quickly… or those few that we met were last one in here. I have no idea.” Steve shrugged “I will have to move all those stuff to S.H.I.E.L.D, and I will have to send letters to families… You know… When we were at war. I thought it is hard, but it's harder than I ever thought.” Steve said and looked at Bucky.

But Bucky wasn’t really listening to his friend, he found small room. It had working light and it was warm. There was small bed inside, some toys, small clothes were laying on floor and on a small chair. “What the hell…” Bucky muttered and walked inside. “Bucky…” Steve blinked and followed his friend slowly.

Bucky looked around, room was really small, but only now Bucky could see pink walls covered in childish drawing, whole place looked better than whole place. Bucky also saw table with long  tablecloth. He could hear some quiet sounds from there. He slowly walked to table, man got onto his knees and slowly moved tablecloth up.

There was sitting a small girl. With short dark brown hair, she had big green eyes, small pink lips and she was really skinny. Girl looked at Bucky scared and moved herself away from man.

“Hey hey… shhh… look, I’m not one of those man. They were coming to you? They were bad? You are scared of  those man?” Bucky asked quietly.

Girl whimpered and nodded three times.

Bucky smiled at her. “Hey, we are here to help you, little one. We will take you home, to your mommy and daddy. Come on now… look I have this special hand… It will protect you.” He said and pulled out his metal arm toward girl.

She looked at him but after a minute she moved closer to him.

“That’s it. You are a good and smart girl.” Bucky said softly and wrapped arm around girl. Bucky hugged girl and got up from floor. “You are safe now, no one gonna hurt you.”

Steve looked at him. “What the hell are you doing with this child?!” Steve frowned.

“Calm down Steve… She is just a child, she’s not gonna hurt us.” Bucky smiled.

“Look at her! We know nothing about her. She is Hydra’s experiment. We don’t know what sit in her.” He growled and took his shield in his hand “We can’t let her live.”

Bucky frowned. “Are you kidding me? She is just a child.” Bucky said hugging again scared girl to him. “I don’t let you kill her, she is so small.”

“She is Hydra experiment. You think why they keep her alive?” Steve said.

“Then why you never killed me, Steve? I was an experiment too. Good man changed into killing machine by HYDRA.” Bucky said and looked at girl. “Let me take care of her… I promise… I will do everything.”

Steve frowned. “Fine…” He put shield on his back. “But if anything ever happen because of this thing… it will be only your responsibility.”

Bucky nodded and looked at girl. “You see… I told you.” He smiled when girl looked at him and smiled back. Her smile was still caused by her fear but Bucky could feel that she was really happy because she was safe now.

Whole paper work in S.H.I.E.L.D took a lot of time. Bucky saw girl's documents but he didn’t like what Steve wrote there. He agreed at those words only because Steve promised she won’t ever see those documents.

Girl was sitting at big metal table in lab. Bucky stayed close, while Martha was examining her.

“She looks healthy, I mean. She isn’t sick… but there is one thing.. that made me worry.” She said and looked at Bucky.

“What is it?” He blinked, he started feel something weird inside. Since they found her, he got really attached to her. It was weird but nice feeling for him. It was something new, something that made him feel warm inside. He wanted this girl to be safe whole time. Was it because they shared similar life. Hydra's experiment, good person destroyed by sick people, loners found by good person. He had no idea… but he really liked this feeling.

“I mad X-rey. She has a metal hand…” Martha said.

Bucky looked at her and at girl. “Um… Sorry Martha.. but I don’t see it.” He said really confused.

“I also thought it but look..” She walked to girl. “Will you let me show Uncle Bucky the magic trick with your skin?” Martha asked, looking at girl.

Girl smiled at woman and at Bucky, she nodded and giggled quietly.

Bucky felt even more warm inside when he heard this quiet sound, he felt… good, he felt happy.

Martha nodded and slowly pulled off skin from girl’s hand “It’s some kind of… bionic skin, I think I will send it to Stark. He will know what to do with it.”

Bucky looked at hand “They… hide it… but why?” He walked to girl and took her small had into his hands.

Martha shrugged. “Maybe she had to be some secret weapon. We will never find out I think. But as far as I see she is fine. We didn’t find anything bad in her. She is just too skinny, but it will quickly go back to normal. You talked with Steve?”

Bucky nodded and sat on table, girl climbed on his laps by herself and put her hand on his arms. Then smiled at him. Bucky smiled softly “Yes I talked with him,  I want adopt her. Take her with me to home.” He said.

Martha blinked. “Are you sure? I mean we don’t know if she is 100% okay.”

Bucky nodded. “I was in similar situation too… Steve helped me. It’s time for me to help someone, we both are from Hydra's hands… Who else will be able to help her better than me.”

Martha smiled softly. “If you say so Bucky.” She nodded. “She is three years old but she doesn’t have a name.” She said and looked at Bucky.

“I thought about one… Andrea, I like this name. I think it will be perfect for her.” Man said and girl smiled at him.

Martha smiled. “Okay, fine. Better go home now. She needs rest, food, water and love.”

First few months with Andrea were hard. It took Bucky long time to figure out what girl like to eat and what she doesn’t like. What she likes to wear and what not.

Bucky was giving Andrea almost whole his time. When she was asleep he was preparing room for her. She was getting sick many times what meant that Bucky spent many nights with girl in his bed, making sure she is okay. It was hard, Bucky was making so many stuff at once that he slept when he could, while waiting at microwave to stop, when Andrea was with Martha at her research, during girl’s nap time.

But it all was worth it. After few months Andrea started talk, she started eat properly, she started smile more often, many night were peaceful for Bucky and for Andrea. Bucky lived moments that he thought will never come to him. Visits at playground, trips to cinema to see new move for children, walks to zoo. Bucky couldn’t be more happy than He was with his adopted daughter.

He was often leaving Andrea with Steve’s son and their babysitter. Steve wasn’t really happy because of this fact, but Martha was really good in calming down her stubborn husband.

When Andrea met Grant she was even more happy. Bucky had to learn her good manners, how to act around other people and explain girl that she isn’t weird but special.

Andrea looked at him. “Dad… m… maybe you aren’t my real dad, but I never knew my real parents… I love you… and… thank you for everything. All those sleepless night that you spend with me, all this time that you gave me trough my whole life.”

Bucky smiled and hugged her. “It was all worth it… Because now I have wonderful young lady… and she is my lovely daughter.”

“Dad… Can you do something for me?”

“What is it, sweetheart?” Bucky sighed softly.

“Can… can you do something so Grant will come here. Steve really made sure he won’t visit me… and… I miss him.” She said sadly.

Bucky smiled and ruffled her hair. “I will try my best. Now try to relax you are finally home.

Next Andrea got up really late. When she walked to kitchen she saw Bucky, Martha and Grant.

Grant saw her and quickly walked to her. “I missed you!” He said and hugged her really tight.

Andrea giggled and nuzzled to him. “I missed you too… soo much!” She whimpered happily. Grant smiled and kissed her, after a long kiss he looked at her. “I missed you harder…” He muttered happily.

Andrea giggled happily and suddenly realized that Martha and Bucky were watching them whole time. Grant saw how her face became red and looked at Bucky and his mother.

Martha was watching them, smiling gently. Bucky was looking at them with big smiled on his face. “I am puking rainbows!” He yelled and laughed “So cute. Go upstairs… She missed you. Just you two have to be quiet there.”

“Daad!!” Andrea whimpered and her face became even more red. Bucky only giggled and shook his head. “Go go, I will talk with Martha and think what to do with our cap.”

Andrea nodded and took Grant up stairs.

Martha smirked. “They look cute together… I don’t understand why Steve hate her so much.”

Bucky nodded “I don’t understand since We found her…” He said softly.

Tags :
7 years ago

The chronicles of the winter || Part XII - The End

Part II  || Part III || Part IV || Part V || Part VI || Part VII|| Parta VIII || Part IX || Part X || Part XI  continuation of imagine

Word Count: 13559

Warnings: none 

Author: Beast

Habit and impulse were so easy to fall back on, thinking being a costly and dangerous liability. The Asset had learned that early on, it having been forced into his program, carved into his skin among the patchwork of scars so it became a part of him. This time, however, this time it was different. This time when he woke up on that familiar cold table, seeing white-coated techs hovering over him and his wounds like vultures, he didn't feel the programming trying to lull him into docility. Oh no, this time a latent instinct, old and raw and powerful, bubbled through the cracks in HYDRA's conditioning and screamed in his subconscious, spurring him to act.




A snarl worthy of a predator tore its way out of his throat as he shoved the nearest tech away, the force of it throwing him clear into the opposite wall. The rest of them scattered like insects, shouting in varied languages as he pulled himself into a sitting position, glaring at them from behind the mess of his hair. A half-dozen IVs were laced into his veins, a likely but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to keep him asleep. The stiffness along his shoulder told him they had likely closed the sniper's wound, and he quickly realized his dislocated joint had been pushed back into place and immobilized with thick medical tape. They'd replaced his blood-soaked shirt with a dark grey one, and as if to mock him, it bore the SHIELD logo embossed in shiny blue thread over his heart.

"где." The soldier demanded, forcing himself to his feet, the drip-lines tugged free of his arms. The HYDRA agents and techs skittered in panic, yowling like panicked animals in a hunter's trap. When he didn't get a response did he bark the word out again, this time in English. "Where." If he wasn't told, he wouldn't hesitate to tear the place to shreds to find out. Before any of the cowardly technicians could answer, however, several HYDRA agents in full combat gear poured into the room, armed to the teeth.

One moved too close, holding a syringe, and the assassin lunged without hesitation. His metal arm felt sluggish and heavy, having been in the middle of being repaired when he woke, but that didn't hinder his deadliness any as he swung with all the force he could muster at the man's jaw. A grim sort of smirk appeared on his features, feeling bone crack and give under his fist, the soldier dropping into a crumpled heap at his feet. He crushed the dropped syringe under his boot, the sound of the glass shattering morbidly satisfying.

Something was shouted in a language he couldn't catch, but he didn't give the soldiers the luxury of time to coordinate themselves. A scalpel, lifted from the near table that held the medical supplies, in his capable hands slit the throat of one of the agents before he even realized what had happened, the bleeding man roughly kicked away into another soldier. Another's throat was caught in his metal fingers when he went to prod him with a stunstick, the vertebra crunching loudly with a single squeeze. The body was casually tossed aside, a mere afterthought. Chaos erupted, which was exactly what the Asset had wanted, as he was able to easily dispatch agent after agent, until in the confusion he was able to slip out into the hall. He slammed the door shut behind him, bending the metal frame enough that the soldiers inside weren't getting out anytime soon.

Alarms began to blare, and he knew he didn't have much time. He needed to find where they were keeping Steve, needed to find out if he was alive, needed to get him out. The layout of the building was familiar, and he soon found himself tracing mental maps that he couldn't consciously remember. Identical doors in identical halls, yet somehow he knew the way, ending up in a neglected corner of whatever backwater HYDRA base this was. Detention level. He knew these rooms all too well. Broken memories of conditioning, of training and discipline flashed through his mind. It was enough to sour his stomach.

Only one of the rooms had light filtering through the dingy door window, and he just knew that had to be where they were keeping Steve. The door was thick steel, reinforced and heavy and bolted with more locks than he cared to count. It could have been made of vibranium and it wouldn't have been enough to keep him out. The Asset tore through the locks he could, picking the others he couldn't, using every skill in his considerable arsenal but his patience only lasted so long. Normally he could wait for days, one of a sniper's greatest attributes, but this was Steve and he needed inside now.

The sound of metal rending and groaning filled the level, the soldier slamming his metallic fist into the door over and over, bending and deforming the surface bit by bit. The servos and artificial tendons in his arm screamed in protest but he scarcely cared, eventually making a dent deep enough he could get his fingers inside the stop. He braced himself and pulled with all his weight, the fatigued and aged metal shredding in his hand. That just fed his ambition, and soon enough he was tearing through the door with both hands, unfeeling to the shards that sliced through his flesh and bone hand, and to the hot slickness of blood as it poured from his palm.

Desperation was beginning to claw at his mind. He knew agents would find out where he was soon enough, and he couldn't let them take him away. Not before he knew if Steve was still alive. Standing back, the assassin kicked the door with every ounce of strength he had. The metal gave way with a great resounding shudder, the hinges failing and door swinging open violently. He was inside before the door even had the chance to hit the wall when it swung wide.

Relief isn't anywhere near strong enough a word to convey the emotion the soldier felt when he saw Steve, battered and broken and still as he was, breathing and alive. At his side in an instant, the assassin assessed the Captain's condition and wounds within moments. The man was unconscious, the worst of his wounds hidden under layers and layers of pink-tinged gauze. Smaller injuries had been ignored, his skin was pallor and in some distant part of his mind the soldier recognized this. Recognized a tiny kid with a rattling cough and pale skin who always scared him half to death with the fact that he might not make it through winter.

Medical supplies still covered the table to the side of the cot he was placed on, and without a second thought or any concern for being captured, the former Soviet started to pick through the contents. He wrapped a quick bandage around the cuts to his hand to stem the bleeding, not wanting to risk getting it on Steve when who knew what had been pumped into his system. Clean gauze was soaked in disinfectant, the excess wrung out before it was pressed to a shallow cut that burned an angry red across the Captain's cheek. The serum had already begun healing his body, the wound already mostly closed, but for some reason he found himself fussing over it regardless.

The soldier hadn't patched anyone up save himself for decades. He remembered, very dimly, bandaging someone with crimson hair that glowed like a dying fire, but the memory was so hazy and distorted that it might as well have been a dream. He was used to sewing himself up, to prying bullets out of his body and mending jagged pieces of flesh back together. As a result, delicateness was not something he was intimately familiar with, yet it seemed his body remembered better than his brain, as he cleaned the man's wounds with an unfamiliar tender gentleness.

A crackle of memory fizzled in his mind, of him sitting in a muddy, snow-filled trench, tearing a scarf free of his neck and brandishing it as if to threaten some other person. He dimly recalled blood, from a wound of some kind to the arm of someone dressed in blue, and angrily muttering something about not signing up to be a mother as he wrapped his scarf around the limb. He remembered laughter from people he didn't know, or couldn't remember, and being called a jerk. The memory faded as quickly as it appeared, and within a second of its passing it was all but forgotten in favor of focusing on the task at hand.

"Well, seems like the dosage of sedative we gave you was a bit off." A calm voice suddenly broke the silence, the assassin's muscles seizing up in remembered fear as familiarity crashed over him like a wave. He didn't move for a long moment, bloody fingers hovering over another cut to the Avenger's chin, as if his stillness could be taken as a sign of submission.

There was an amused hum from behind him, one that faded into a dark, twisted sort of laugh. "At attention, воин." The order was issued sternly, and the soldier found himself turning around to face the man, posture stiff with unease and the beginnings of fear. The man, he knew him, the name Aiden provided by the bits of memory that survived each successive wipe. A crooked grin spread across the General's face and it caused the Asset's stomach to churn.

"They warned me that you were far more… damaged than we would have liked." Black spoke with all the casualness as if they were merely speaking about the weather, "It would have been easier just to put you down, but since we have Captain America in addition to our Winter Soldier…" he trailed off, malevolent smile spreading further across his face as he approached with a proud air to his movements. Once he was close enough, the suited man regarded him with all the affection one might have for a fine weapon, eyes appraising but cold and calculating, seeking only value.

"Why, I think what's left of SHIELD would do just about anything to get their hands on him, and you as well. Oh, the secrets they think you have… they'd do anything to wring them out of you, воин, but I'm never going to let that happen, don't you worry." The acidic sweetness to his voice made the soldier's blood run as cold as the river that haunted his nightmares. It was a tone all too familiar, yet for what felt like lifetimes that tone had been the closest semblance to kindness he'd ever experienced, and he'd latched onto it desperately. Now it made him sick.

Aiden brushed past him, leaning over the cot to look at the Captain's wounds. One of his hands reached out, and the soldier let out a growl that faded into a whine at the glare he received. The man's hand remained raised with a hint of threatening intent, and the assassin felt his muscles tense in the expectation of a blow. His programming might have degraded greatly due to being so long out of cryostasis, but enough of the framework was intact for him to not attack the man or outwardly resist his commands. He could only watch as he withdrew his hand, walking back towards the shattered door, his back to him.

"I see you have some… attachment to the Captain." The General's tone held the slightest hint of bitterness, something he knew was very dangerous, "That will not be tolerated. However…" his voice went quiet, that knowing smirk once again firmly planted on his features as he spun on his heel to face the soldier, "If you cooperate and let us fix all that damage Captain Rogers and his SHIELD allies have done to your mind, we might let him live. If you don't have any more of those outbursts, we might even let you see him." It was a ruse, he knew it for sure, but he had no choice but to nod in silent agreement. Arguing would signal that HYDRA's control had faltered dangerously, and he couldn't risk Steve's safety. For the first time in his memory, he found himself putting the well-being of another before his own.

"Good, good. In that case I expect you to return to medical immediately and let the doctors finish up their work. We need you in working order as soon as possible. I expect an update on your condition in three hours." With that, Aiden Black left the room. The soldier's hearing could pick up on the sound of footsteps running down the hall to retrieve him, likely signaled by the General, and he only had a few seconds. He couldn't run, couldn't try to fight or escape, as that would get Steve killed and he couldn't bring himself to even consider that possibility.

He'd have to play this game, even fall back under HYDRA's command if it meant keeping the other man alive. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make. The soldiers crowded the room a half-second later, surrounding him and shepherding him out and away from the room, away from Steve. One of them fit the muzzle-mask over his face, and with its acquainted confines the soldier felt a foreign sense of revulsion budding in his chest. The familiarity of it all, and the horror that he found himself so easily slipping back into the mannerisms and routine, made the new fear that he might lose what little fragments of himself he'd managed to gain back seem very, very real.





The soft, rhythmic pattern of water drops pulled Steve out of the fog of unconsciousness, cutting through the static that seemed to fill his mind. He didn't feel any pain, not yet, but he felt heavy and weak and so very tired. Stagnant, stale air coated his throat, thick with a sharp, sanitized scent that settled on his tongue with a faintly bitter, familiar taste. The air itself felt dense, as if he was breathing through cotton shoved down his throat; if he hadn't known better, he would have thought he was having an asthma attack. There was a rattling, ghastly wheeze every handful of seconds in addition to the dripping that had woken him, and it took a long, sobering moment before he realized that he was hearing his own breathing.



His torso felt constricted, tight and immobile under what felt like a cocoon of gauze and medical tape. As uncomfortable as it was it assured him that his wounds had been tended to, but by whom the Captain had no idea. An experimental twitch of his fingers assured him that he wasn't paralyzed and could move, however difficult it may have been. Everything felt fuzzy, it was the only way to describe it, unable to feel or hear anything clearly. Everything was blurred into a mess of muffled noises and sweeping sensations, nothing distinct.


A slight shift of his head told him just how stiff and sore his neck was. How long was I out? The thought struck him suddenly, followed immediately by the cold electricity of fear. Where am I? His eyes were forced open, but shut immediately due to the blinding light of the room. Steve groaned and squeezed his eyes shut tighter, tilting his head trying to block out every bit of that painful brightness. The movement made him aware that his head was propped up slightly, a pillow tucked behind it. It reminded him of when he'd have respiratory infections in winter and Bucky would give him all the pillows to keep his head and shoulders lifted so he could breathe easier—

Bucky. Emily.

The panic that gripped him was all-consuming, shredding through the muddled fog in his mind like iron claws. "B-Buck… Em..." the words barely left his throat, voice hoarse and rasping and lungs suddenly alight with crackling fire at the effort. The words brought the taste of copper to his lips, blood he was sure, but he scarcely cared. "B… Bucky! Emily!" His eyes shot open again, ignoring the pain of the light and he looked frantically for any sign of the soldier. Everything came crashing back in a tangle of bloody memories—the fight, the sniper, Bucky collapsing in front of him, felled by the commander—and in horror he realized they had been captured. His own pain was ignored as he tried to push himself up, the room spinning as he did so, his own weakness now undeniably apparent.

A strong, cold hand gripped his shoulder, pushing him back down onto the cot before he could even think of trying to search. Moments later a figure moved into his vision, leaning over him with a face obscured by a curtain of dark, unruly hair. He heard a hushed word of Russian, tone soft, reassuring in its sound although he didn't understand it. The Captain's vision was too blurry to see many details, but then again, he didn't need any details to recognize him.

A dozen words tried to spill out of him at once—you're alright, you're here, I was so scared for you, Buck, where's Em — but nothing left him save a wheezy exhale as he smiled in relief. He wanted to stand, to make sure Bucky was alright, to tend to any wounds he had, but he was all too aware that he couldn't do a damned thing in this state. Bucky was here and in the end that was the most important thing. Everything else could be confronted and dealt with later.

Without another thought Steve had raised his left arm, hesitantly brushing a few stray strands of hair out of the way before cupping his cheek. He wanted to make sure he was really there, that this wasn't some horrible HYDRA trick, that it wasn't the blood loss and whatever medicines he was full of making him see things. Bucky's skin was cold, rough against his fingers, but very much alive and very much real. He didn't even try to stop his smile from spreading a bit when he saw how the soldier leaned into the touch a bit instead of shying away or swatting at his hand.

"… about time you woke up." Bucky's voice was quiet and scratchy, just the barest hint of a Brooklyn accent shining through as he moved away, turning to look at what Steve guessed was the door. He let his hand fall back to his side, cringing a bit when he felt a tug at the crook of his arm. IV line; must have been what the dripping was. He tried to ask how long he'd been out but only managed to cough, tacky blood rattling in his aching lungs. The soldier glanced down to him at the sound, but quickly went back to his vigil.

"Three days" of course he'd have been able to know what he was trying to say, they'd been able to finish each other sentences in the past, "you were hurt bad, Steve, real bad. Still hurt bad, but I won't let them touch you." His voice trailed off, words carrying an edge as sharp as any blade, but also the barest hint of sadness. It was the most Bucky had spoken to him since he found him sleeping seemingly lifetimes ago, and in some distant part of the Captain his soul practically sung. He sounded more like Bucky, more like the cocky jerk he'd grown up with in Brooklyn than he ever had since he'd become the Winter Soldier. A second later just what he had said sunk in, and his optimism wavered.

"… w-who?" the Avenger just barely croaked it out, a sense of dread sitting heavy in his heart. He knew who had captured them, knew where they were, but maybe he could deny it all away. After all, Bucky was here with him, right? They would have separated them for sure...

"HYDRA." The name was spat out, deadly venom saturating his voice. Steve's blood ran cold in his veins, the room falling silent with only the constant drip drip of the isotonic IV bag keeping time between them with its ceaseless rhythm. That little bit of hope that he had been clinging to wavered, knowing just how bad a situation they were in, but it didn't go out. Emily and Sam were still out there, and he knew they wouldn't give up on him. They'd find them, somehow; Emily was clever and resourceful, she'd pick up the trail and find them, and Sam was loyal and wouldn't stop until he was found.

His lungs hurt too much to try and continue the conversation, and as his eyes adjusted he tried to make sense of his surroundings. The measly cot he was lying on was pushed against a stone wall that just seemed to exude a wet chill, meaning they were likely somewhere underground. Light buzzed blearily from a thin fluorescent fixture in the ceiling, a pitchy and irritating hum occasionally creeping over the drip drop of the IV. The walls were dingy and ill-kempt, but a glance to the door surprised him. Door was a loose term as it looked like it had been holding back a tiger, shattered glass and broken old steel littering the floor, but the door itself was made of new shiny metal. Judging from the debris, the damaged door he was currently looking at was a replacement and the first one made up the scraps on the floor. It took a few seconds before Steve realized it wasn't from Bucky attempting to break out, but from him breaking in.

That realization made his chest tighten, breath hitching slightly as he tried to breathe around the lump that built in his throat. His last hazy moments of consciousness in that alleyway, of Bucky crouched in front of him teary-eyed with gentling hands pressed to his wounds, he'd thought he had dreamed them. Thought that in his pained delirium he'd imagined hearing the soldier's meek voice saying "I'm not leaving you behind". Thought that maybe he'd mistaken seeing Bucky breaking through for those precious few minutes, and it looks like he just might have. He'd clearly torn his way out of wherever HYDRA had tried to lock him up, but instead of making an escape, he found him and broke in and stayed right by his side.

"Y-you… stayed with m-me…" Steve's voice was hardly above a raspy whisper, vision distorting as tears welled up. He wasn't sure if it was the pain or medicine or just a moment of vulnerability that brought them out, but he didn't make any attempts to hide them. Bucky protected me. He'd fought to keep HYDRA away from him instead of saving himself. Even if Buck didn't remember much of his past he had still fought to keep him safe like all those years ago. The Avenger breathed heavily, choking on his own words as he tried to say too many things at once. He knew this man wasn't the Bucky he knew so well from his past, but he was bits and pieces of him and he wasn't going to stop helping him even if the suave jerk he had spent his life with never really came back.

"Quit that" Bucky's voice was gruff, but the fingers that hesitantly ruffled his hair a moment later were gentle and familiar. "You're gonna tear that lung again if you keep talking. Get some more sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." It wasn't a command from the Winter Soldier, it was spoken too softly for that, instead it sounded more like back in their apartment in the old days, when Bucky would try to wrangle him to bed when he was sick and not cooperating. He couldn't count how many times Buck had just picked up all coughing hundred and ten pounds of him and put him to bed under every moth-eaten blanket they owned, no matter how much Steve protested. He never admitted it to him, but after his mom had died, Bucky's sometimes over-protective mollycoddling had meant the world to him. “Buck... Where's Emily?” suddenly Steve blinked, narrowing his eyebrows. “Where's she?”

Winter Soldier let out a quiet sigh, turning his eyesight away.

“Buck...” Steve felt like his heart stopped within second. “I have to know.” “She's probably dead” Bucky shrughed slightly, without a shadow of emotions on his face. “I haven't heard from her since many days.”

Bucky continued to run his fingers through Steve's hair, something he'd done countless times when the artist had been sick and confined to Buck's bed. The radiator in Steve's old room had always had piss-poor timing when it came to breaking, so whenever he had shown the slightest sign of illness Buck had surrendered his much-warmer room and they both slept curled up on that ratty old bed to try and keep warm. He wasn't sure if Bucky remembered any of that or if he was just acting on instinct or something else, but just like it had back then in their apartment, it put the Captain to sleep in only a few minutes.

With him lulled back into sleep so quickly, he hadn't had the time to notice that Bucky was dressed back into his combat gear, or see the troubled, guilty expression that he wore. Bucky hadn't wanted him to see either.


The passing of days no longer registered, the only timestamps he recalled being changes in the Captain's condition. Some days he was awake when he was bidden time to spend in the cell, most times he was unconscious or in a restorative sleep as the serum tried to patch his body back together. The tainted, imperfect serum that flowed in his own veins was doing much the same, skin and bones mending beneath his clothing. It burned with a throbbing sort of heat and sometimes hours passed as he passively observed the healing, watching his own flesh knitting back together until only scars remained.

His body was healthier, the Asset noticed dimly, his new handlers eager to get him back to working conditions as soon as possible. The constant IV drips, the strange injections, the foodstuffs he was prodded to eat, they'd all filled him out so he didn't look quite so emaciated. He halfheartedly guessed that the serum had busied itself rebuilding his muscles with the amble nutrients he was getting as much as it was healing his wounds.

With his shoulder healing up, the white-coated techs had taken to repairing the extensive damage to his prosthetic. It now moved fluidly, easily, the burn that gnashed its teeth into his artificial nerves now abated and calmed. The plates had been smoothed and repaired, the blood and grime cleaned away, although the red star he had tried to scratch off with his own fingernails and anything within reach those first few weeks remained marred and damaged. The techs didn't try to reapply it; now that he was no longer tied to the Red Room and the Soviets, they had no need to flaunt their emblem.

He knew it was only a matter of time before they'd try to deploy him, to test his programing, but he knew it was mostly due to their eagerness to try and patch the damage that had been caused by the exposing of SHIELD as HYDRA. Pierce was dead, but the saying still held true; cut off one head, two more will take its place. Aiden Black was not the new leader, but he had fallen in as his new handler, and that bit of his programming was still sound enough to prevent him from refusing orders from the man.

Today, however, he'd been granted time with the Captain after preforming well in training. He knew that Black wanted to wipe him, to rebuild the programming and perhaps even try the same with the healing Captain, but he knew that the man couldn't. This facility lacked the proper equipment to carry out that procedure safely, or to rewrite and build the programming back into his mind. It was likely why they were even letting him see the other man. It was a way to keep him under control, giving him time with him like a dog being trained and rewarded with scraps. He ought to have been offended but honestly he didn't care; any time with Steve was worth whatever hell they put him through.

His earlier thoughts were all pushed aside as soon as he entered the room they were keeping Steve in. The soldiers always left them alone, Black convinced in his control over the Asset, and he preferred it this way. He knew he was always under surveillance, but the illusion of peace he had with the Captain was enough. Despite his few hours of reprieve here he never allowed his guard to lower, never spoke out of turn or gave any indication that the programming had slipped. He couldn't allow that knowledge to fall into Black's hands. He could find some way to wipe him clean and order him to kill the man he'd fought so hard to defend. The thought alone made his breathing falter.

"… Bucky?" blinking, his focus was pulled back to the present, to the Captain laid out on the cot. The Asset straightened himself, shoved down all his disjointed thoughts, padded over to the bedside to look down at him. He might have the perfected serum but he had been wounded horrifically; he was still all but bedridden with the injuries he'd sustained. He was half convinced the only reason he survived at all was because the Captain was just too damn stubborn to die. Dim memories of back alley fights, bright blond hair matted with blood and halfhearted smiles mired by bruising and dirt flitted across his mind for a brief moment.

The Asset didn't reply with words, merely humming in response as he sat down in the empty chair next to the cot. Some distant part of him was glad to see that Steve was awake and aware, as the last few visits he'd been groggy and barely able to speak, mumbling in a drug and pain-induced haze about things the Soldier didn't remember. It was stressful, but he would rather spend his time here, questioned over things he didn't understand or know, than be primed and molded to fall back into HYDRA's command.

"… you're in gear." Steve's voice was quiet, but he could still hear the apprehension and resignation in his tone. It bothered the Asset greatly. Black had hinted at possibly sending him out on some sort of simple assignment so he'd dressed himself in his heavy Kevlar vest and armor, hiding his healing wounds and returning build. The less Steve knew about how long he'd been trapped here the better. The last thing he needed was him hatching some idiotic scheme to escape that would get him killed.

"… d'you get your orders?" the words came out of his mouth slurred and soft, his mind obviously still a bit hazed from whatever drugs they had to have pumped him full of to keep him manageable. It set the Soldier's teeth on edge, the thought of them doing something like that to Steve, but he couldn't protest or else run the risk of being separated fully. The statement did, however, fire some distant, disjointed memory. He could almost smell the musty air of some damp alleyway, blood in the mouth of his friend as he spoke and looked at him in a strange mix of admiration and sadness. It made his heart ache in a way he wasn't familiar with, even without any further context to bolster it.

"… yeah, Steve." His voice was still rough with disuse, awkward and stiff and lacking in the emotion Steve held when he talked. The last time he'd been here the other man had panicked, remembering their capture, tried to fight his way free of the web of IV line that held him. At least this way, with him lost in his own sleepy awareness, he was easy to convince all was well although every lie he told tasted bitter on his tongue.

"Be careful, Buck." Steve mumbled a bit when the Asset stood and began to pick at his wound wrappings, drawing his eyes from his work to meet his. They were hazy from pain and sleep, greyed and sick looking in a way that made the Soldier's stomach knot up. He swallowed thickly and focused on checking all of Steve's wounds, not trusting any of the HYDRA medics or their work. Most of his wounds had closed, the deepest pink with new-grown scar tissue and the lesser wounds already silvered and faded into his skin.

"I will." The response was automatic, not looking away from his task now. He was replacing the packing in Steve's side, where the sniper round had ripped his chest cavity open. Even the serum was having trouble with the wound, and if it hadn't been for that (and his damn fool stubbornness) he surely would have bled out right there in the street.

Steve made a noise halfway between a whimper and groan when he started to pull the bloodied, coagulated mess of packing out of the wound, obviously feeling it even through the fog of painkillers. He squirmed enough to make his task difficult, but at the same time it lifted his spirits somewhat. His strength was coming back, slowly, but it was a good sign. His body was starting to heal enough for his system to begin filtering the medicines in his body more efficiently; a hazy memory bubbled up of Steve complaining about Morita's morphine shot not taking the edge off a bullet wound he'd gotten in the calf. This had to be a good sign. It just had to be.

The wound still looked horrific, and he knew he couldn't chance an escape with Steve in this state. The ragged tear was having trouble healing over due to just how much tissue loss and damage he'd sustained, despite the serum flowing in his veins. Even with Steve still moving around he was able to place more sterile packing into the wound and wrap it tight with gauze and medical tape, after treating it with a potent antibacterial wash that he made sure to carry on his person at all times. That hadn't been fun. Steve had gasped hoarsely and it'd hurt him to hear, but it needed to be done. He still didn't trust these HYDRA doctors to treat the wounds correctly, even though he had little formal medical training himself. It didn't matter in his mind; his body and muscle memory knew Steve and how to treat him better than anyone else and like hell he was going to just sit passively by and let someone who didn't know the first thing about Steve Rogers try to patch his wounds.

With his work finished and Black no doubt waiting on him, the Soldier knew he had to cut his visit short. The man had mentioned something about a cleanup mission, to take care of some SHIELD holdouts that had grouped up near where he and Steve had been picked up. It would be a quick and clean mission. They'd likely pair him with the surviving members of the Strike unit to keep him under observation, but he could easily use their fear of him to make them keep their distance. He had a feeling these 'SHIELD holdouts' might be whoever Steve had alerted the night they were captured. If that was the case this mission was going to go very poorly.

"I'm leaving, don't get into any trouble while I'm gone." The Soldier mumbled a bit, not wanting to leave but knowing he couldn't stay. He gently smoothed down Steve's unruly hair with his right hand, always the right, something he felt like he'd done countless times a hundred lifetimes ago. When he was around the other man it felt like he went on autopilot, doing things he had no clear conscious memory of ever knowing how to do, yet with the ease and familiarity as if he'd been doing them all his life. He knew how to calm him down, how he liked his pillows just so, how he had an awful habit of kicking the blankets off in his sleep, things he had no business knowing yet he did.

"No promises, Buck." Steve breathed out heavily, eyes already half-lidded with drowsy exhaustion but with a crooked grin on his face. The Soldier felt a near overwhelming urge to roll his eyes and swat his shoulder but he held back, knowing he was still badly wounded and not wanting any sign of playfulness to be seen by the cameras. He merely brushed a few dirty blond strands of hair out of Steve's face instead, hiding the action by pretending to hold his palm there to check his temperature. It was a poor ruse, with his fingers lingering a moment too long, body too loose with the feeling of safety, but he didn't think it would be caught.

This mission had him nervous. It sat low in his stomach like a weight of molten lead, burning and heavy and disorienting. It felt familiar in some distant way; he remembered feeling it before, while sitting in the snow at the edge of some high cliff, the snow kept off him with a shield held above his head by the man he was leaning heavily against for warmth. The memory was pushed down as he closed the door behind him, lock clicking softly at his back before he allowed himself to be pushed by the decayed programming to report to the command center. The sooner he completed his assignment the sooner he could return to Steve's side, and that was the only thought that kept his body in motion.


"Have you heard anything back from Jarvis, Stark? We've got to narrow down our search parameters."

The past few weeks had been complete and utter hell. Without SHIELD, running a rescue mission for one Steven Grant Rogers and one possibly-hostile Winter Soldier had been, to put it mildly, completely fucking exhausting. But, this was hardly enough to make Emily Vandom crack. She'd done more with less resources and less time, and this time she had friends to help her. She poured herself another mug of coffee, glancing over to Stark tapping away at one of his fancy tablets and to Wilson and his makeshift workstation on the floor with his wingpack.

After last time when they got separated, Emily didn't know what to do and how to help Bucky and Steve, so she did the last thing that remained – she had to contact with Sam Wilson, who was (as she knew) a closest friend of Steve.

Sam, although she had known him not too long, had slotted himself into the ragtag group as easily as clockwork, as if he'd been crafted to be a part of their unit. For the first week he'd housed both herself and Barton, who'd come as soon as Emily had filled him in on the situation. It was reassuring having her partner in crime back at her side. Stark, for all his crassness and bluster, had dropped everything when she informed him of Steve's capture. As difficult as he was to work with some days, he really could be an invaluable ally as long as he kept himself occupied.

"Jarvis is going as fast as he can but there's a lot of data to go through," Tony's voice was heavy with lost sleep, as if the dark patches under his eyes and the hot coffee mug held tight in his hand weren't enough of a giveaway, "HYDRA's hiding themselves pretty well, or what's left of it anyway. They're probably disguising their shipments and covering their tracks more than usual. I doubt they'd take them out of the city yet, it'd draw too much attention, but, it is HYDRA so who knows."

Tony must have repeated that a hundred times in a hundred different ways, and she knew that the tension was getting to them all, but it didn't make her any less anxious. They'd moved into Steve's apartment and the empty next door apartment after contacting Sharon, who provided her keys to the locks which had yet to be changed. She was doing what she could to aid in the search, but with her new job in the FBI and Emily still in hot political water, she didn't want to add any fuel to that fire with her presence. If word got lose in the government that Captain America had been captured while housing the Winter Soldier, well, the repercussions were something none of them wanted to deal with.

"I'm going up to check the perimeter with Clint. Let me know if you find anything, and while Jarvis works maybe you could give Sam a hand." Sitting idle and waiting just wasn't in her nature. Sam was working on his damaged wingpack, which Tony had started to repair but had to drop to prep Jarvis for the scan of the city's information apparatus. They'd need Sam's help once the AI located whatever HYDRA hellhole Steve and the Winter Soldier had been taken to. Even though Steve seemed to trust him, there was still a wary part of her that couldn't dismiss the possibility that maybe the Winter Soldier had lead Steve into a trap, that he'd been a Trojan horse or some form of bait to lure him into HYDRA's clutches. It was a grim and farfetched possibility, but one that was all too real.

The cool air outside once she reached the roof was a welcome source of sobriety, washing away her muddled thoughts and letting her release her own tensions with a soft exhale. The last week had damn near run her ragged. To have something like this happen so soon after the fall of SHIELD, before she'd had a chance to really recover, was just not something she had ever expected to happen. She'd thought she would have had a bit more time before she'd have to pay her debt back to Steve for saving her life.

"Lower levels secure, how're things up here?" she sat down heavily near the archer, just in case he had his hearing aids turned down. He was perched on the corner of the building, goggled eyes on the building entrance and the surrounding streets. His bow was held in loose fingers, eyes never stopping their scan of the streets when he replied.

"Well, there's been an awful lot of owls around but no, haven't seen any HYDRA agents or anything unusual." Clint replied, voice a bit hoarse from not having spoken in several hours. Emily roughly shoved her half-empty coffee mug into his side, nudging him until he sighed loudly and took it with his free hand.

"You've been on watch for hours, take a few minutes." She knew he was as tense and eager to find the Captain, but with nothing to do but stand watch it had to be bothering him a good deal. "Stark has Jarvis checking shipping records and anything else we can think of to try and narrow down a few spots. We don't think they're out of the city. Sam's getting his wings ready and if we have some locales by the end of the night we can move out as early as the morning."

"Good." Clint mumbled through a mouthful of coffee, having nearly chugged the whole cup while Emily had been talking. "I've got Soviet cooties now but thanks for the coffee, 'Tasha." With an exasperated sigh Emily punched his side, which made him jump and the coffee mug to slip out of his hand and down to the street below with a muffled shattering of ceramic. "Aw, mug no."

Emily laughed, a true laugh, the kind that ended with her snorting into her sleeve. Maybe it was the tension of the night but it felt good to just laugh, and she heard Clint huff out a laugh as well. The last few days have weighed on her so much that it was nice to let off a little of the steam. She turned to make a witty comment but Clint frantically signed "quiet" at her, eyes locked down where the mug had fallen. She was up and looking over the ledge of the building in an instant, keeping low so she wouldn't be seen.

She heard him notch an arrow and draw, his breathing evening out the way it did when he aimed. She spotted in the street below within a few seconds; a shadow out of place, a brief flash of reflected light off of metal. Emily didn't hesitate to stop the archer, hand over his as he prepared to let the arrow fly, hissing out a breath between her teeth as she struggled to choose what to do. Downing him was likely the wisest option, but, if he was here, there was a chance Steve was too.

"Don't," she knew that Clint wouldn't, but speaking her thoughts couldn't hurt any, "This isn't right. If he was going to try and pick us off he would have while we were distracted. Something's going on." Clint kept his bow at half-pull, and she didn't blame him; she was cautious and untrusting herself, but as she watched the Winter Soldier looked right at them yet didn't duck behind cover. He just looked right at them.

"He could have agents all around the building we can't just sit here," he whispered harshly, pulling the bow to full-draw when the Soldier advanced until he was standing just a couple yards from the building. He was masked but lacked the goggles, dressed full in HYDRA gear with a rifle slung at his back, but hands empty.

"This isn't right, Clint." As if on cue, the Winter Soldier raised his hands, empty palms towards them. A show of submission. Emily bit her lip, not knowing what was going on in the man's head but knowing that this wasn't one of HYDRA's normal tactics. Either this was the man that had grown up with Steve or a twisted HYDRA trap, or something in-between. "… I'm going down there. Cover me."

"Emily you can't be..." she didn't give him the chance to try and talk her out of it, jumping onto the fire escape two floors down. It rattled so loud in the otherwise silent alleyway that she was sure HYDRA agents would be all over her, but seconds ticked by and there wasn't any movement, not even from the assassin in the street below. She was far from unarmed, with a pistol in her pockets, but she would never underestimate the Winter Soldier.

Being on the ground, mere feet away from the man that had shot her just a few months ago, is… tense, to say the least. Her shoulder aches. He looks different now in a way she can't really place; he's thinner than he was in her memories, eyes dark with lost sleep and weary in a way she never thought was possible from so menacing a man. He looked ragged and downtrodden and every bit as awful as Steve had described. Beneath the layers of caution and defensiveness, she admitted she felt a twinge of, pity was too strong a word but something like it, for her former mentor.

"What do you want, James." The words came out more bitter than she had intended, but then again maybe it was better to put up that façade. The man standing before her wasn't the same anymore, but hell, she changed also...

"Vitani." His voice was muffled under the muzzle-mask but that didn't diminish their effect. Vitani. Emily hadn't heard her old nickname in what felt like lifetimes. It told her that he remembered at least fragments of their past, much like her. "… I need your help." That definitely wasn't what she expected to hear him say next.

"My help?" Emily repeated the statement softly, "… Steve. How can I help?" she watched his eyes light up the dimmest bit. James slowly lowered his right hand, pulling something small and flat from his pocket. An arrow cut the tense air between them, embedding itself into the pavement a few inches from the man's foot; a clear, grim warning not to test his luck. It gave the Soldier pause before he completed his action, a small, scuffed moleskin sketchbook clutched in his hand.

"They have him." James's voice was rough and so tired, the book gently placed in her hands with his fingers lingering on her own for the briefest moment, "They think I'm on their leash still, Emily. Steve is hurt, I can't get him out on my own." His tone was almost pleading and it painfully twisted something up inside of her, "They sent me here to kill you all with the Strike team, you're not safe here any longer." Even without it being said, she knew that he had killed his own team to prevent them from hurting them.

"Where did they take him? Where are you based?" she got no clear answer, the Soldier merely tilting his head towards the thin sketchpad in her hands. When she opened the cover she realized there was a roughly drawn map, made of taken streets and turns that he must have taken to reach the building. It could lead them right to them.

"Emily, listen to me" his voice was suddenly soft, shot through with remorse, "they're trying to get me under control again. If they manage to, I need you to put me down. Steve won't be able to, and you're the only person I can trust to do it right. They might not even need to do it, I might try and hurt him if I'm not in my right mind. Please, I need you to promise." Without even seeing his reaction she knew her façade fell for the briefest of moments, blindsided by the request. She'd expected him to be hostile, to be defiant at the least, but not this.

She couldn't form the words but nodded, setting her jaw and straightening her back. The look of relief that filled his eyes was almost as heartbreaking as the whole damn situation. He started to turn but she stopped him, slipping a small object into his palm, curling his calloused fingers around it with her own hands. It was her necklace she used to wear everyday, in a shape of swan with outstretched wings. Seconds ticked by before he broke eye contact with her, looking down to his hand that she still held and then to the arrow by his boot.

"… thank you, моя любовь." She almost missed it, that softly mumbled bit of Russian that solidified in her mind that this was really James talking, and not the Winter Soldier.  She never thought she would ever hear that from him again. Emily gave his hand a gentle squeeze before she backed away, the Soldier doing the same, storing the thin metal object she had given him into one of his pockets.

"Be careful, James." Emily spoke softly, "… дорогой.." She watched him stiffen at the word, scanning her eyes for a long moment before he turned his head, breath exhaled loudly through the mask. She allowed her gaze to return to the roof, where Clint was still perched watchfully, another arrow at the ready. When she turned back to the Winter Soldier he was gone, just like the ghost he was. Her grip on the sketchbook tightened as resolve settled in. As it stood, HYDRA was holding two men from her, and they would soon come to regret that action.


His mind had always been too loud. Too loud, too busy, too full of things he had no context for. He could see them in bright flashes of vivid experience; the smell of a Brooklyn alley after a midnight rain, the feel of a stray cat's fur under his palm as it arched into his touch, the sound of a train's wheels far too close, he could remember small bits in crisp clarity but the whole picture was broken. He held the shattered pieces of a great mosaic with no blueprint, no frame of reference; the grand work it once was lost, leaving him with only a hundred million broken fragments and no way to tell how they fit together.

At least, it had been that way for the decades under HYDRA's command. He'd been out of cryo so long, his mind let go to mend without the wipes and supplied with small threads to stitch the patchwork of memories together, that now he was slowly piecing that mosaic of his former life back together. His memories were less flashes of disjointed fragments and now short contingencies; instead of just an isolated sound of pencils scratching at paper he now had a tentative picture of a skinny boy hunched dutifully over a thin sketchpad as he drew, or how a Russian lullaby now reminded him of a dozen young faces in a dim military compound.

With the tentative return of his memories came the emotions attached to them. He remembered the fluttery lightness in his stomach when he laughed loud and long around a campfire with Steve and soldiers just on this edge of familiarity, or how the fear had felt like tendrils of ice snaking up his spine when he heard a door slam shut over the rattling of train wheels. He remembered what fondness felt like, how it had bloomed with a fragile warmth behind his ribs for the first time in decades when he heard the first few unsure English words leave Emily's mouth, how she'd smiled like the sun after she held her first conversation in it with him. He remembered how it felt to have the emotions, but what he lacked entirely was how it felt to receive them, to give them freely and openly.

The strings that HYDRA had cut and mangled were slowly reconnecting, threading through the holes in the decaying programming and forming stronger bonds with each day. He hid it, he hid it deep and he hid it well. If Black knew he would be isolated, probably even forcibly wiped with what little equipment the base had even if it had a high chance of killing him. He knew how Black operated, his worth was only measured by his effectiveness in the field, and he knew as soon as that was permanently diminished he was obsolete. Just another loose end to be cleaned up, a broken machine to be discarded, a toothless wolf to be tied down and shot.

A week had passed since his meeting with Emily, since he'd given her every bit of information he could to help them find Steve. He could feel the programming responding to his HYDRA handlers, feel himself falling easier and easier into old ways and habits, found it harder to recall the broken shards of his memories. It scared him, it honestly scared him. What if tomorrow he woke up and all of the progress he had made was undone? What if tomorrow he looked at Steve and didn't see him, and saw only a target or mission or body to be disposed of? If he lost Steve, if he lost him and Emily, then he knew there'd be no saving him from HYDRA; they were the only ones who stood even the slightest chance of picking up his shattered pieces. This act of putting faith and trust in others was so foreign to him it was almost terrifying but he knew he couldn't do this on his own.

The soft sound of exhaled breath brought him back to reality, eyes cutting down to where Steve was resting his head on his thigh. The wound to his right side had healed enough for him to move around somewhat, although his definition of moving was rather singular. Steve had rolled onto his left side, using the Soldier's lap as a pillow, the thin white blanket he was wrapped in streaked with rust red from the most recent change of bandages. The Asset had deemed him well enough to chance providing him with a shirt, bright SHIELD logo across the chest of it, the sight of which made him feel sick. Steve was curled up somewhat, back mostly to the Asset, trying to shrink into himself but twisting himself up in the blanket and his own limbs in the process. Wide open to attack. The thought stung in his mind, eyes narrowing a fraction behind the thick protective goggles, and was dispelled quickly. Steve Rogers was not a target, threat or mark to him, but his programming deemed otherwise.

Even with the serum Steve's wounds were taking too long to heal for the Asset to be comfortable. The horrific gunshot to his side had only just closed up, a stark red swath of raw muscle stretched taunt over mending bones. The wound to his collarbone had healed much quicker, now a silvery patch of scarred skin that was fading with every passing day. His breathing had evened out to a wheezy constant, no longer sputtering and fluid-filled. It was a small comfort to the Asset.

The HYDRA doctors kept him sedated heavily most days now, preventing him from attempting to fight back or flee. The Asset knew the drugs well enough, as they had been used on him in the past when he woke up from cryo. It had kept him docile and pliant and it made him sick to see Steve reduced to the same state. He was burning through the dosage much quicker than he ever had, sometimes snapping to awareness with a feral sort of desperation to escape. Black made an awful point to make him be the one to administer the syrette, make him stand and watch as Steve collapsed and wheezed and tried to fight the drug, always to fail. Black couldn't wipe him, but he was trying his damnedest to break him through other means.

He'd been given less and less time with the Captain, forced into training exercise after training exercise, with little rest in between. The goggles hid how cloudy from exhaustion his eyes had gotten, how dark the patches under them had become, rendering him less and less able to fight back against orders. He wanted to gnash his teeth and lash out at every turn but he didn't have near the strength to keep doing so. He was so tired. He was never going to stop fighting but the programming was much stronger in his depleted state, the feeling of it guiding his movements almost second nature after decades under its control.

Stress sat heavy on the Soldier's shoulders, weighing him down and filling him with dread. His right hand was gently carding through Steve's hair, curling through golden strands that had grown during their captivity. He had orders from Black himself, an ultimate test for his programming, and he could feel it straining in his mind, the cogs and gears of HYDRA's control creaking and screeching in protest against his unwillingness to comply. He'd known this order was coming since his capture, known since they let Steve recover, known since they let him visit him as a reward.

The possibility of it had eaten at his mind since his first agreement to comply with Black's wishes, but now that the command had been given the reality of it all had crashed down on him. It was punishment, he knew it, punishment for not killing Emily and the small group she had gathered, for killing his own team to protect them. Black wanted him to know that he wasn't to make decisions and couldn't think for himself, and Black's sick sense of humor had been summed up in his simple order. He wanted balance; since he couldn't kill Emily and her group, he had to take another's life.

He held a knife in his metal hand.

"Kill the Captain, Soldier."

Even hours later the words still rang in his ears, a roar that threatened to drown out his own thoughts. He couldn't reject a direct command from a handler such as Black, yet he'd managed to hold out this long, kept his blade from marring the unblemished skin of the blond's neck. He could feel the press of it bearing down on his mind, burning behind his temples and tugging at his limbs, but he fought it. He gritted his teeth under the muzzle-mask and hissed out his breath, trying to will himself to throw the knife away from them but his arm wouldn't respond. He couldn't disarm himself but he found he could keep himself from moving to attack; he was at a grim stalemate with the programming.

"Slit his throat, Soldier. I want you to watch him die."

A strangled sort of noise choked in the Asset's throat, swallowed down thickly as he struggled to keep from showing his distress outwardly. He didn't even realize his hands were shaking until Steve made a confused sound, tilting his head to look up at him with one medicine-fogged eye in silent question. It just made the Soldier's hands tremble more. He'd done everything he could to try and protect the few people he knew with certainty and it was being warped into Steve's own death; everything he'd done was going to kill the man he'd tried so hard to protect.

"… Bucky?"

The Asset's whole body shuddered at the other's voice, shaking so much he could hardly sit. He pulled his hand away and watched the other's face, thankful for the first time in decades for the mask that covered his expression. Steve couldn't see the pained look on his face, see how panicked and wild his eyes were through the goggles. Black's agents had locked him in here and he could see the shadows of them through the small square window on the door; he knew that they would keep him in here until he completed his mission. He'd lasted this long, he just had to keep telling himself he just had to hang on a little longer.

He had to look away. He couldn't look at Steve without the programming screaming to lunge, to hold him down and slash the blade across his open throat. The inner mechanisms of his metal arm whirled and purred, plates calibrating and lying flat and repeating, unfeeling fingers tight around the handle of the knife that he could hear cracks forming on the resin grip. He felt like some sort of predator, a monster; Steve had done nothing but try to protect and aid him and when he needed him to return the favor here he was, holding the knife that would kill him.

Muffled voices from the HYDRA agents outside, combined with their restlessly shifting shadows through the window, set off alarms in the Asset's mind. Something was going on. It was likely Black coming to inspect his progress and the thought of it was enough to worsen his shaking. He was being pulled in a dozen different directions; Black's words tugged at him to attack, his own mind screamed at him to get Steve out of this hellhole and protect him, while the programming whispered encouragements to complete his mission and be rewarded with the quiet sleep of cryo.

The weight in his lap vanished and he didn't dare look to see; he could hear Steve straining to sit up, breath wheezing out of his still-healing lungs from the effort. The programming lurched at the opportunity like a starving animal presented with a meal, teeth bared and desperate for blood. It'd be so easy to just turn and plunge the knife into his back; the blade was long enough to reach his heart through his ribs if he aimed right, he'd bleed out if it didn't outright kill him..


His grip on the knife tightened, servos in his arm whirring into readiness. If he completed his mission Black would put him in cryo, would stop all the noise of the broken memories in his head and let him rest; he was so tired, he'd run and fought for so long that even the horrors of his captivity seemed like a sweet relief from the pain of remembering. The fragments of his memories had always just been background noise before, but now with time and healing they were loud, intrusive, overwhelming and smothering. He couldn't handle it on his own.

"Buck, something's going on, we need to get out of here..."

He was so far lost in his own mind, moving without knowing, drowning inside his own thoughts and broken memories. There was only so long one could fight before it all collapsed, until one gives in under the pressure. With his memories a jumbled heap, struggling to stitch together, the pain of it all was overpowering. He felt trapped inside a cage like a wild animal, desperate to get out and escape from all the noise.

The soft touch of warm fingers on his right arm triggered an immediate response, twisting and clamping his hand onto a still-healing shoulder, knife edge pressed to soft skin. He was instantly still, muscles wound tight like a spring, blade biting into his throat just enough to draw a single trickle of blood. Steve, this is Steve, stop. He was horrified, wanting nothing more than to bolt out the door before he could do something to hurt him more, but he couldn't move. He could only watch as Steve swallowed, eyes staring into his featureless goggles, confused and frightened but, God, still so bright.

"Bucky, put it down… please…"

A sound that could have been a whimper escaped him, stomach turning in disgusted horror at himself. Yet he still couldn't move the weapon away. He couldn't just ignore his mission but he could try and fight it, try to delay it, give Steve enough time to try and get away but unless he got a new command he had to complete it. It was the worst part of the programming.

"You don't have to listen to them anymore, Bucky.."

Steve sounded more lucid than he had in weeks, even with his eyes still fogged from medication and pain. He knew Steve, he'd made the connection between him and the boy with the sparrow-thin bones and bloodied knuckles from his memories, but seventy years of forced obedience and programming and control were impossible to just shrug off. Steve must have sensed it, but then again even the broken fragments of his memories told him that he had always been able to read him like a book.

He didn't show an ounce of fear as he slowly raised his hand, hovering it over his metal wrist, never breaking eye contact. He reasoned he wanted him to make sure he saw what he was doing. He remained tense and stiff, ready to slash the blade the inch it'd take to kill the man, but he waited. Steve seemed to take it as permission, lightly laying his hand over his own metal one, trying to gently push it away from his throat. He resisted at first, artificial muscles clicking and flexing before he slowly relaxed, letting his arm be guided away and down.

"You're okay, Bucky," he started, keeping his voice low and even, not even blinking at the impossibly loud sound of the knife clattering to the floor as it slipped from the Asset's grip, "you're my friend, you don't have to make it on your own."

Thank you Buck, but I can make it on my own.

The thing is, you don't have to.

Something about those string of words sparked something, a bright image flashing in his mind. He remembered Steve, so much smaller with red-ringed eyes. He remembered his hand gripping his shoulder tightly; he realized dimly that he was doing much the same now, a twisted sort of parody of a gesture that no doubt had once been based in comfort. Steve lifted his free hand, the other still cradling the metal wrist that a moment ago had been poised to slit his throat, reaching slowly towards his face. The memory was so vivid he didn't even react until he felt his goggles being gently tugged away, dropping discarded into his lap.

The Asset tried to suck in a breath through the muzzle mask but his lungs hitched as his whole body began to shake, arms dropping into his lap, limp. He had no idea what was happening. The programming had faltered, leaving him unable to complete the mission; the conflict between his programming and the memories was just too much. Panic filled every bit of him, heart hammering against his ribs and stomach threatening to retch. He'd never felt like this in any of the memories he had and it terrified him. He couldn't get enough air and he felt entirely out of control of his own body, his breathing loud and ragged and desperate under the mask.

He felt Steve's hand on his left shoulder, thumb just barely tracing the ragged seam where metal met flesh, his eyes focused on his own as he spoke although he didn't hear a word he said. Normally he flinched or reacted violently to contact but he didn't this time, merely shrinking into himself in an attempt to hide from the storm that was his mind. It was oddly assuring, the feeling of his firm grip on his shoulder, although it didn't immediately register that he was touching his left arm. He couldn't touch him with his left arm, he couldn't, he couldn't. He was dimly aware of a loud noise outside the room, an electric sort of noise that sent the panic coiling in his belly shooting straight up his spine. He needed to get away. Electricity meant pain, meant the wipe that would steal Emily and Steve and his fragile memories away again.

His legs felt boneless when he tried to jump up but he didn't make it any farther than that, Steve's grip on his shoulder turning strong as steel, pulling him back down. The Asset dimly heard him yelling at him; he heard Bucky and he heard its okay but everything in between was lost in the blur that was the panic swirling in his mind. The electric noise was right outside, it was too close. Too close.

"S-Steve, I..."

The door was blown off its hinges with a bolt of blue, slamming into the wall, and all thoughts screeched to a halt and screamed attack.


Steve flinched violently when the door exploded to his right, shards of hot metal bouncing off his side. The air was full of the acrid stench of charred metal and sharp electricity, a scent he knew like the back of his hand. Stark. Thank God, Emily had gotten help and somehow found them. They just might get out of this mess after all. He had his visor flipped open and grinned when he saw him, motioning to the two of them broadly. He didn't have enough time to warn him about Bucky, to warn him about the sound the repulsors made, to warn him about anything.

"Tony, turn off your Repulsors!" he shouted but by the time the words left his lips Bucky had already sprung, producing a knife from somewhere on his person and lunging at Tony like a bird of prey, blade like a talon aiming straight for the suit's Arc Reactor. Tony didn't even have enough time to flip down his visor before Bucky barreled into him, sending them both to the floor. Steve tried to jump up to pry Bucky off but the drugs were still in his system, making his limbs feel a hundred pounds heavier and the room spin with any sudden movement. It felt like when his blood sugar used to dip before the serum.

The screech of metal against metal was nearly ear-splitting, the knife glancing off an armored gauntlet when Tony threw his arms up to deflect the strike. Bucky jammed the blade into one of the seams, Tony actually letting out a yelp before he jerked his arm back, the knife catching and snapping from the torque. The useless hilt was discarded, fingers curling into a fist and slamming into the Arc Reactor, cracking the protective covering. Steve's heart skipped and he screamed at Bucky to stop but he watched as he raised his fist again, aiming to break the Reactor which would trap Tony in the powerless suit.

A brilliant flash of blue filled the room and Bucky was thrown off, the sleeve of his uniform disintegrating and exposing the metal underneath. The Repulsor blast had been drastically dialed back, only enough power behind it to knock him away, but it still nearly blew him into the far wall. He landed on his feet like some sort of cat and skidded back, tattered sleeve smoking and the plating of his arm mired with superficial electricity burns. His breathing was far too fast and he was still shaking, hardly able to stand on his own two feet.

"Bucky, calm down!" Steve pulled himself free of the IV drips, using the wall to steady himself as he moved closer to Tony; he was hedging his bets on the fact that Bucky hopefully wouldn't attack with him so close to his target. "Tony is a friend, he's not going to hurt you!" he could only watch helplessly as Bucky tensed himself up again, coiling in on himself like a snake about to strike. "Bucky, don't! I promise he's not going to hurt you!" he placed himself between the two, holding his hands up submissively. Tony quickly did the same, powering down his Repulsors completely.

Bucky remained crouched and ready to lunge, another much larger blade in his right hand. His eyes darted between Steve and behind him to Tony as if he was trying to judge his distance; it made Steve's stomach drop. He edged forward slowly, closing the distance hesitantly even though he heard Tony's concerned hiss of Steve be careful behind him.

"Buck, its okay, I promise. Its fine, Tony's not going to hurt you or me." he assured, reaching out and slowly taking hold of his hand with the knife. Bucky didn't let go, keeping his eyes locked on Tony over Steve's shoulder as if daring him to try and take another step closer even though he was now shaking so badly he could barely keep his stance. His eyes were still unfocused and wild, nothing like they were the last few times he'd visited him in his cell.

"Cap, I think he's having a panic attack" Tony said suddenly, visor flipping up, "try and get him calmed down so we can get you both out of here. Emily is coming down the hallway, I'm going to make sure our path out is clear but we need to leave before more HYDRA agents show up." Steve nodded back at him before turning his attention back to Bucky, hand still on the hilt of the knife to try and keep him from lunging around him at Tony.

"Buck, Bucky, I need you to look at me" Steve spoke sternly, Bucky's gaze snapping back to him in an instant, "please try and calm down. You're breathing too hard, just, try and focus on slowing it down." He'd talked Tony through his panic attacks in the last few months when something triggered them but Tony had never had a penchant to try and kill him during them.

The knife came loose from his grip a moment later, Steve quickly tossing it out of reach onto the abandoned cot. Bucky was shuddering so much he looked like he was about to shake apart, breath heaving in and out. He wanted to get the mask off of him but he didn't think it was a good idea with him still so flighty. He could easily end up hurting him or himself.

"James, теперь ты в безопасности."

He felt Bucky jolt to look over at the remains of the door where Emily was now standing silently, the shield strapped to one arm. Steve would have spun around himself but he didn't dare make any sudden moves with Bucky in his state, knowing he was teetering on the edge of attacking him or attacking anyone who so much as came within three feet of him with a weapon.

"E-Emily." Bucky's voice was painfully weak, hardly audible over his breathing. Steve heard her walk over, she deliberately making enough noise so not to startle him, reaching out to lay her hand on his arm gently. It seemed to ease his shaking a bit, having two grounding points, but they didn't have the time to get him completely calmed down. They still had to get out of this nightmarish place and get to safety.

"You're going to be fine." She reassured him soothingly, her voice softer than he'd ever heard it before, "we're going to take you and Steve somewhere safe." Bucky seemed to calm a bit at her words, tentatively nodding in agreement as his tremors subsided. He still looked pale and nervous but he didn't seem to be on the verge of passing out anymore. "Steve, Stark has the hallway clear but we need to go now. More agents are inbound and we don't have the head of the base pinned down. Do you think he's good for extraction?" Steve turned to look at the Soldier at her words, and he mirrored the action.

"Do you think you can make it out of the building, Buck? We need to go." Steve asked and was relieved when he saw the slight nod he got in response.

"Good. Clint and Bruce are outside in a Quinjet. Let's get you both home." Emily whispered with a little smile in the corner of her lips.



 “Mommy!? Mommy, mommy, mommy!!!” a squeaky voice has spreaded its echo around a cottage.

Little girl ran through upper floor, heading towards stairs leading at the ground floor. She ran into the living room, looking around, but there was no one, so she ran further. Girl spotted the black chow-chow, who was laying at the dog bedding near the main door.

“Hey! Xena! Have you seen Ma?” girl, laughing loudly, went to the dog and pet dog's head playfully. The animal only barked lazly, so girl shook her head and decided to ran to the garden.

But at the door a pair of strong hands had caught her and she had been picked up. She was laughing and squeaking. “Uncle! Put me down, put me down!!!” she giggled, looking up into pair of familiar, huge blue eyes. Steve smirked and made an offended face. “Nah, I don't think so, I like to have you close, besides, now I hope I'll have better deal with your mother if it comes to a dessert!” Captain tickled little belly of the girl, causing a bunch of giggles and squeaks. “Uncle! Unfair!” little girl nuzzled to his neck. “Well, I'll help ya with a dessert if you'll help me to look for my Ma! I can't find her.” Steve laughed briefly and gave a slight nod, then stepped outside t the garden, holding girl in his arms.

Emily was sitting at the wide swing with Bucky, they were catching sunrays of the late summer, cuddling and talking. When little girl noticed her parents, she squeaked once again, tugging Steve's sleve. “Mommy! Daddy!” she yelled loudly and as soon as her little feet touched the ground, she ran towards them, jumping at Bucky's lap. “Mommy! I was looking for you everywhere!!! I draw something for you!!” little girl held a dawing in her hand and she passed it over to Emily. Redhead woman took a piece of the paper in her hand and whistled shortly. “James, look, I bet our girl's gonna be an artist in the future!” she giggled. Bucky took the drawing in his metal palm and took a look on that, letting Steve to watch it also. “I bet she'll” Bucky took girl into his arms and hugged her tight, smiling proudly. “My beautiful Marika.” “I'm sorry to interrupt, but what's with that dessert you had promissed me?” Steve poked Emily's shoulder and woman rolled her eyes. “Captain is hungry as always. I told James before, they should've been calling you Captain Hunger instead of America” Emily summed up, smiling sweetly.

All four talked for a while, then headed back to the house. They were living in peace, filling their lives with love and hope. Hope for better world.

Whatever they had missed, they possessed together the precious, the incommunicable past.


                                                      The End

Tags :
7 years ago

A Birtday Party With Tony Stark

A Birtday Party With Tony Stark

Words: 804

Warnings: none at all ☺

SUMMARY: Tony is asked to make an appearance as Iron Man for Steve’s son’s b-day party. He shows up and surprises everyone.

Author: Killer raccoon

A Birtday Party With Tony Stark

Steve asked Tony to make an appearance as Iron Man at his son’s birthday party, he planned it perfectly so that he knew Pepper would be around when he asked. He’d noticed that Tony had a more difficult time turning down personal requests when Pepper was around. First- because Tony always wanted to impress her. And second- because if Tony did decline, Steve knew that Pepper had grown very good at the art of persuasion and would find a way to convince him. Tony would sometimes decline attending things he didn’t even mind doing, just to see if he could barter with Pepper for some kind of extra reward or incentive. But Pepper was on to his tricks by now. So of course even though Tony was reluctant, making a string of his usual excuses, Pepper was able to get Tony to give in.

Tony arrived at the birthday party, on time, escorted by Pepper.

The house was decked out with every possible Iron Man decoration under the sun. Steve just rolled his eyes, like Tony needed any sort of ego boost, now his face was plastered everywhere with kids practically worshipping at his feet. But much to both Pepper and Steve’s surprise, Tony had altered his suit for the occasion to perform functions and tricks that were safe for kids, and that entertained them for almost two hours. It made Pepper smile to know that Tony had put in the extra effort for these kids, even without her pressuring him to do so. It was his own choice.

After two hours of entertainment, Tony was pretty exhausted. Entertaining kids really took it out of him, plus he still wasn’t sleeping completely. Pepper finally stepped in to relieve Iron Man of his performing duties and Tony graciously accepted her help calming down the kids who couldn’t get enough of him.

When the crowd of kids dispersed for Iron Man red velvet cake, Tony took off his suit and took a seat at a nearby table. Pepper volunteered to retrieve a piece of cake for him while he waited. It was then that Tony spotted a distressed little boy crying in the back of the yard. He looked around for some kind of adult or parent to tend to him but no one seemed to see him from where he sat in the yard. A little time passed and Tony was starting to get anxious that the boy was still unattended to. So he got up and went over to the crying child, trying to comfort him while being completely uncomfortable himself. Through choked back sobs the boy confessed that he had arrived late to the party and missed out on seeing iron man, not recognizing Tony without the suit. Tony was relieved, now this was something he could actually help the small child with.

He went and got the suit and gave the boy a private show, demonstrating the water guns he’d installed in place of the repulsor beams just for the occasion, among other silly alterations he had made. The boy began to laugh and squeal with delight. Pepper watched Tony from across the yard in awe.

The little boy beamed up at Tony and thanked him, saying he was the luckiest boy in the world because he got to hang out with Iron Man. Tony took his helmet and handed it to him, telling the boy he could keep it if he didn’t tell any of the other kids. The boy threw his arms around Tony from his sitting position and pulled Tony down into a hug, thanking him profusely and calling him his best friend. Tony tousled his hair in return and said “you bet!” then encouraged the boy to join the rest of the kids.

Pepper watched as Tony sat in the grass, starting at where the boy had sat, with a stupid grin on his face. She walked over and brought him is cake and leaned down to kiss him on the cheek.

“I’m proud of sou, mrs Iron Man” she said.

They rode home in silence, Pepper gripping Tony’s hand tightly between them.

They got ready for bed separately and climbed in together. There was this pang in Pepper’s heart, playing out the whole scene she had witnessed in her head, over and over again. Tony looked so happy with that little boy. He had made that boy so happy.

They lay there in the semi-dark silence, until “I think we should have a baby!” they both blurted out at the same time.

Both of their faces lit up at the other’s confession, there was sincerity and hope in their eyes. They had a lot to talk about but they wasted no time sharing a sweet kiss, stripping each other, and practicing their baby-making skills that same night.

Tags :
7 years ago
Imagine: Daredevil Joins Avengers.
Imagine: Daredevil Joins Avengers.
Imagine: Daredevil Joins Avengers.

Imagine: Daredevil joins Avengers.

Request by: @deliciousbouquet90


„Soo… He is like..” Tony looked at Steve over papers that he held in hand, frowning softy.

“Blinde… Yea I know that… but he is good, it took me a while to make sure about this but he is good, really good.” Steve said. “Like really really good. You should see his skills, the things that he can do. He fights like normal person, even better. He fights like a real hero.”

Tony rolled his eyes. “Come on, Steve! This guy’s blinde, blinde like a mole. I don’t believe you, how someone like he can even call himself a hero?”

“Have you read newspapers? He is all over them… maybe we should at last try… give him a chance. Pleaseee Tony.” Steve sighed sadly making kind of a puppy eyes.

“Okaaaay! Fine!” Tony muttered. “If something will happen, it will be your responsibility, Cap.” Man said.

“It always is my responsibility..” Steve said quietly to himself.

“What?” Tony frowned.

“No! Nothing! Thanks, Tony.” Steve said and left.

Matt felt a bit uncomfortable, he didn’t really know this new place very well. He also wasn’t really sure about him joining Avengers, it was so out of place. Well yes, he was a hero but he wasn’t like any member of Avengers. However he came anyway.

Cap and Bucky walked into room, Steve looked at Matt and then at Bucky. Bucky only shrugged and sat on a couch.

Steve smiled at Matt and offered him hand. “Mathew Murdock, am I right?”

“Yes, Captain, but Matt is enough.”

Tony walked into the room and looked at Cap. “Steve…. He is blinde. He for sure won’t see your hand.” He laughed.

Steve smiled awkwardly and immediately his face became red. Bucky rolled his eyes and took Tony’s empty cup from a coffee table. “Hey! Devil! Catch this!” He yelled and threw cap into Matt’s direction. Man caught it without problem. “I knew that second guy was there.” Matt said happily.

Tony blinked and frowned softly. “Whatever! And YOU! Never threw my stuff” He growled and left. Bucky only laughed. “I love to piss him off.”

“Um… Thanks Bucky. So… Matt? Welcome to Avengers?” Bucky only facepalmed when Steve again offered his hand to Matt, this guy was just too nice.

Matt smiled and nodded. “Thank you Captain Rogers.” Matt said and took Steve’s hand. “I hope that cooperation will be successful.”


Author: Cass Gif: X X 

Tags :
7 years ago

Smartphone || drabble

Smartphone || Drabble

Words: 1059

Warnings: none at all

SUMMARY:  Bucky and Steve and their first time with smartphone

Request by: Anonymous

Author: Cass and Beast.

Smartphone || Drabble

It was a day like many else before. Bucky, sitting on the couch at the Avengers' Tower, was playing with a little object in his hands.

Steve walked to him and looked at lil object. "Is it Stark's phone, Bucky? I think he told you to not touch his stuff." Steve muttered and sat next to his friend.

"Yeaaah, I've heard all this before, pal" Bucky shrugged slightly, moving one of his metal fingers over the screen. "I like to make him mad. Besides. It's only a piece of metal and glass."

"A piece of metal and glass that is really important for him, just like for everyone in these days." Steve only shrugged. "I have no idea what interesting is in those smartphone or whatever... In our times we didn't have stuff like this." He muttered.

"Heh" Bucky rolled his eyes. "That dude can't spend even 5 minutes without this device. I'm curious what he would do if I would hide it somewhere..." Bucky giggled under his breath. "Our century was much different, Steve. Maybe harder, but better."

"One day he will kick you out of here. You are cruel for him. Father's day and Stark gets a cup from you.. With words "I love my dad" and you HAD to add "Sorry Tony" using permanent marker." Steve rolled his eyes and looked at his friend. "What are you doing there?" He said and slowly looked at phone.

"Oh, c'mon Stevie!" Bucky poked Steve's leg. "I just wanna see his reaction" brunette got up and looked around. "Maybe here..." he approached the bookshelf and when he tried to put phone behind books, he accidentally unlocked the screen. "Fuck!"

"Hey, hey!" with flash hand he carefully moved his finger along the screen. "The fuck is that, Steve? I've never seen something like that before.."

"It's just a phone Bucky. I saw how Tony uses it, he just moves his fingers and touches it and the phone do whatever he wants."

"Lemma try this" Bucky, without a blink, started to click each of the icons on the screen. "Oh.. How many numbers... Mom.. Mostly to women. Precious informations" Bucky chuckled darkly.

Steve gently smacked Bucky in the back of his head. "Remember that those numbers can be also important for him." He said. "Maybe try to touch the other... lil picture on this phone." Steve said, he couldn't help said he became a bit curious.

Bucky looked at his pal. "Really, man?" he rolled his eyes annoyed. But he followed Steve's advice and he touched another icon. "Shit, man, I've just started recording... Wait!" Bucky raised his hand with the phone in it. "Hi, Tony! Don't worry, your phone is a good hands!" Bucky waved to the camera.

"Just don't kick him out Tony, please. Turn it off back. Now" Steve muttered. "Gimme that." Steve took the phone and returned to the couch. "What else can be here..?" Man said and looked at his friend.

Bucky eagerly followed his friend and jumped on the couch. "Hey, I wanna see too!"

"Stark is gonna kill us pal." Steve smiled softly and opened phone's gallery. "Oh... look at that, photos... and there is our video... shell we look at all photos?"

"Are ya kidding me, Steve?!" Bucky blinked. "Sure! We have to!" Bucky wrapped his metal arm around Steve's shoulders to see phone better.

Steve laughed shortly. "Sooo..." He started look trough photos. "So... there is Pepper... Rhodey in hospital... This new kid, Parker, and of course... photos with many different women... Now you Buck." Steve said and gave phone back to his friend.

"Pepper would be soooo mad" Bucky pretended to be sad. "Well.. Wait.. I recognize that funny thing looking like a bird." Bucky clicked the icon and entered Stark's twitter.

"You aren't good in pretending." Steve shook his head and moved closer to Bucky. "What is it, pal?"

"Once I saw how Stark was.. How he said.. Was updating his status on.. Twitter thing... Or something like that.."

Steve only shook his head. "I think I'm too old for this, Buck."

"Me too... But.." Bucky managed to use the keyboard.


After writing he presses on the "post it" button. "Done."

Steve laughed. "Soo! What now? Maybe he has some music here? I'm wonder what is he listening to."

Bucky tried to click another icon, but somehow he clasped the device in his metal hand and he crushed it. "Fuck me."

Steve blinked. "Yea! I told you." He frowned. "What now?"

"PAAAARKEEEEERRR!" Bucky yelled loudly.

"Really, Buck. What he's gonna do? He is just a kid." Steve muttered looking at his friend.

"PARKER, move your lazy ass here!!!" Bucky yelled again.

"What WHAT! What?! Aliens? Thanos? or something else what is very evil?!" Peter jumped into room really surprised and confused.

"Catch it, kid!!" Bucky threw crushed phone at Parker's direction.

“Woohoo! Wait! This is Mr. Stark's phone… What have you done?" He asked. Steve shrugged. "His fault." He pointed at Bucky.

"Traitor" Bucky poked Steve's shoulder. "I accidentally broked this. But.. Now you are holding this.. So.. None of my fault" he giggled.

"Um..." Peter looked at Bucky even more confused.

Steve sighed deeply. "Bucky, he is just a kid. You can't treat him like this." Man slowly got up and walked to Peter, he took the phone from him. "Go to your room. I will take care of this.”

Peter slowly nodded and quickly left the room.

~Few hours later~

"My phone... Where did I left it?” Tony muttered to himself, looking into every place where he could possibly left his phone. Kitchen -no. Bathroom - no. living room - no. Bedroom - no. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, do you know where my phone is?! If not, can you locate it for me?" He muttered deeply annoyed. "I can't do that Mr. Stark, but I want to inform you that Steve Rogers left something in your office.” Tony rolled his eyes and quickly went to his office. He saw something on his desk, he also saw small note. Tony walked closer and saw that this 'something’ was his phone. Crushed. He looked at the note. "Hey, Tony... Your phone had small accident... Bucky is sorry. - Steve" Tony could felt how anger was growing inside him.


Tags :
7 years ago

Don't get caught || Bucky Barnes drabble.

Don't Get Caught || Bucky Barnesdrabble.

Words: 1680

Warnings: Slight smut

SUMMARY: A nice training with Bucky

Author: Cass and Beast.

Don't Get Caught || Bucky Barnesdrabble.

It was one of these days, when Bucky was full of rage. He recently has came back from very tough mission in Eastern Europe. He has been sent to Nizhny Novgorod and he had to invigilate the training of young Shield's recruits.

Now, brunette was at the gym, where he was doing his cardio training, trying to get rid of bad emotions.

You went at the gym out of pure boredom, your day was really boring, so you decided to go there and do something.

Shirt and shorts were all that you were wearing at the moment, you felt comfortable in that outfit.

You entered the gym and looked around, then you looked at Bucky and smiled at him. "Hey there, Barnes!"

Bucky's eyes wandered slowly over you. "Hi" he only mumbled under his breath.

He didn't pay too much attention to your presence in the room, he just kept going with his exercises

You frowned softly and walked to him. "Hey, why are you so angry today, huh?" your eyes wandered slowly from top of his head to his toes. You licked your lips a bit and smiled at him.

Bucky was lifting weights, putting his whole attention to the exercise. He was slowly tautening his muscles to slacken them after few moments. "Why so curious, Y/N?"

"I'm always worried about my friends and my team mates." You looked at him worried.

Bucky chuckled darkly. "And tell me, Y/N, since when me and you are friends?" he gave you a look, the specific one, which was reserved only for special occasions, when Bucky was really not in a mood to conversations.

You rolled your eyes theatrically and you sighed heavily, you always were trying to be nice to this guy. “Hmmm. Let me think.. Maybe since Cap forced Tony to take you to the team and since Cap even brought you here? Maybe since that day.” You muttered annoyed.

Bucky stopped for a while, putting barbells onto its place. "Heh, yeah." he looked at you briefly, then he grabbed his towel and went at the other side of the gym. "Did anyone tell you, that you're annoying, Y/N? Can't you see I am trying to do my daily workout? And can't you see I need to stay focused?" man sighed deeply. "What's your business?"

"Nope! Cap says I'm sweet and Stark likes fact that I care." You said, watching him from behind. "Everyone likes me... well, maybe 99% of the team." You shrugged.

"So I am that 1 missing percent" Bucky chucked. "Well.. Yea. Listen to the man, who has been stucked in the ice for last 70 years and the man, who only knows, how to love himself and how to be a narcissus" Bucky looked at you above his metal arm.

"Heh, still better than listen to the man that spent like... last 70 years as a psycho killer controled by Hydra." You smiled at him. "Why you are so behind everyone, Bucky... it's so sad..." you said quietly with sadness.

Man shrugged slightly. "I used to be alone. And I still appreciate it. As you could saw for last months, I am definitely not a social type of person. I like to be on my own, without bunch of 'fake' friends around" his blue eyes, after little travel along your figure, have stopped on your eyes. "Now. Let me finish my training."

You walked closer to him. "Come on Bucky, how do you know, that they are 'fake', if you even didn't give them a chance." You stood next to him. "Look, when Cap brought me here from S.H.I.E.L.D., I was scared of everyone. Everyone looked so serious and scary, but I gave them a chance and look, I don't have any fake friends. There are people, that really wanna be friends with you."

Bucky rolled his eyes. "I think I've made myself clear enough. I don't need others." Man continued his training.

You grabbed Bucky's metal hand tight. "No, it's not 'clear enough' for me. I can see you aren't like this, Bucky. I know you are different... Just tell me what's wrong. Because I'm worried, and I am not the only person who's worried about you." You said, frowning.

"Nothing. I had a tough mission. And I want to relax a bit. And it's my way to do so, Y/N" he snapped angrily. "Listen, doll, it's a gym. Can you take your sweet little butt and take a step or two away from me, huh? Maybe train a bit too, it's gonna help you to think clearly."

"So come on, let's train. Come at me, bro!" You said. smiling at him. "Come on, show me, how much of relax do you need, unless you are scared of me." Your smile changed from nice one into shabby within second.

One of Bucky's brews slowly rose, when a grimace crawled onto his rough lips. "Are ya kidding me, doll? You don't have any chances."

Bucky wiped his hands into towel, then he tossed it on the bench and slowly went into your direction.

You got ready on him, you were scared because this guy was three times bigger than you. 'I hope he will be gently,' you thought to yourself and bite inside of your cheek, looking at him.

Bucky was looking straight into your eyes, without any signes of hesitation.

With one huge step he approached you and grabbed you by your left forearm, at the same time undercutting your legs. Both of you lost the balance immediately and you both fell onto the ground.

"Oh, shit!!" You growled and let out a loud whimper, when you hit the floor with your back.

You tried your best to free yourself from his grasp, but there was no chances for it, Bucky was just too strong for you. "Damn you, Barnes." You growled deeply, wiggling like a crazy.

Laying on top of you, Bucky was smiling proudly as he was looking down on your face. "Doll, I've been telling ya, that you ain't gonna beat me." His bangs, wet from sweat, fell on his eyes.

You turned your head to him. "Maybe..." you quickly grabbed his hair and pulled his face closer to yours, than you kissed his lips hardly. A mean smile appeared on your face. "But I can do different stuff.." you whispered with a quiet purr.

Bucky at first was trying to pull away from you, but within a second he got all comfy and gave a kiss back. It was a messy kiss, full of rush and insecurity.

"You kissed me back.." you said quietly and moved your hand through his hair. "But... Why so shy, Bucky?"

Bucky swallowed hardly, licking his lips. "It's a bit inappropriate.." brunette mumbled quietly against your soft lips, brushing them with his rough one. His metal hand has been placed on your hip. "I think I will rethink our relationship, Y/N."

Quiet giggle left your lips, then you slowly turned around in his arms. Your lips started slowly kiss his neck. "Oh really... So... I'm not annoying anymore?"

Bucky didn't respond, kissing your clavicle and slipping his impatient hands under your shirt.

"Come here." You whispered and pulled him into deep kiss, while you started to rub yourself against his crotch.

Bucky let out a moan, pushing his tongue into your mouth and humming deeply. His cold metal fingers were running along the curve of your waist.

You whimpered loudly into the kiss and clenched your arms tighter around his neck.

Bucky placed himself completely between your legs, slowly pulling your shirt up to reveal your breasts.

But suddenly..

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OVER HERE!?" a loud yell could be heard next to the door.

You blinked and looked up, your vision was upside down, but you could see Tony, who was angry as hell and Steve, whose face was covered in a blush.

"Bucky..... Y/N... What you two are doing here..." Steve asked, obviously shocked by an unexpected view.

"Exactly! What the fuck!" Tony crossed his arms over his chest, cocking his brow. "We left you for 5 minutes, and you just fooling around with Mr Barnes?! Y/N, I don't recognize you!"

You could feel, how your face is getting hotter. "I... I... I just...." You bite your lips and hugged to Bucky tightly, hiding your face into his chest.

"Tony, calm down." Steve said softy. Than he looked at Bucky. "You.... get off of her and help her get up." Steve muttered.

Bucky, with a huge blush on his cheeks followed Steve's order without complaining. He offered you his metal hand and helped you to get up.

"C'mon guys, it's just a wrestling" Bucky used the only explanation, which came to his mind.

Tony laughed shortly, shaking his head in disbelief. "Jesus, give me some patience, please" Stark put his hands up in a gesture of helplessness.

You quickly got up and pulled your shirt down, looking at man with a stupid smile on you lips. "I don't think this explanation will work."

"Of course it won't." Blond man growled softly. "You should be happy, that they haven't done anything else." Steve looked at Tony.

Stark shrugged, turning around. "I see you in my office, Barnes. 5 minutes!" he ordered harshly before he left the gym.

Bucky improved his sweatpants and went to Steve. "Sorry, pal."

"Just go there before he will kick you out of the tower." Steve sighed heavily, patting his friend's shoulder.

You improved your shorts a bit and went to Steve. "Cap, I'm so sorry... So so so so sorry." You whimpered. "But I couldn't stop myself from... him." You sighed sadly and looked down.

Steve smiled at you when Bucky was gone. "Good work, Y/N. Don't let him be alone." he whispered.

Don't Get Caught || Bucky Barnesdrabble.

A/N: Hello guys, Beast's here. I just wanna say I found it super interesting and developing to write stories for you in cooperation with my beloved girlfriend. And, besides, I wanna share with you little information (yeah, I can't stop myself from boasting), so... We got engaged  Now I have an honor to call Cass my fiancée. Hope you all are gonna have great weekend, pals! Song from Beast: ♥

Pandies 🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley  @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife  @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within  @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69

Tags :
7 years ago

Stutter || Loki x Steve Rogers one shot


Words: 740

Warnings: none

SUMMARY: Loki sits in a glass cell. Steve Rogers tries to understand Loki’s motivations, but the God of Mischief has other plans towards Captain.

Authors: Rouge and Cass


Steve looked around as he entered the rather big room with a cage made of glass on the middle. At first he shot his blue eyes closed because of a bright light filling the room.

 Loki smiled awfully. “Captain Rogers. Welcome into my little glass prison. What have I done to deserve such a GREAT honor?” black haired man said looking at Steve with soft frown.

Steve swallowed hardly, but he did his best to remain calm. "I came to ask who exactly do you think you are? Who gave you a right to just come here and start a fight? What do you want?"

“Me? I’m Loki, the God of Mischief, and you? Who exactly do you think you are to fight against God? Just a man dressed in a flag. Funny” Loki muttered.

 Steve blinked and he rushed his steps in the direction of the glass.

“Listen to me now, Loki. I don't know you, but I know you're trying to make a mess here, and forgive me, but it's not gonna happen. At least not when I'm here. I'm responsible for those people” Steve clenched his teeth and leant his forearm against the cold surface.

 Loki only laughed and walked closer to the glass. “Too bad that one of you already is under my control. Watch out, Captain, or you will start to stutter because of your huge anger.”  

 Steve automatically frowned, observing every single move of the black haired man. "Are you threatening me?" blonde man asked strongly.

Loki shrugged with small, mischievous smile on his lips. “No.. No, no, of course no… How could I try to threaten such a…. Great and brave man like you.” Man said and snapped his fingers. “I’m only… warning you Captain.”

 Steve hit the glass with fist.

“Tell me, what the hell you want!”

“I wanna rule this world! You, humans, are so pathetic… so fragile, so naive. You were made to be ruled, to be slaves!” Loki growled softly, smile has never left his lips. Steve wanted to raise his voice, but suddenly he started to choke. After few moments he managed to calm his breath down. But when he was about to say a thing, he found another obstacle.

“I…. I… I wi.. wi.. will never le… le.. let you t… t.. to do thi.. i.. this!”

Loki laughed softly.

“You see? I told you, Captain, be careful with your voice and anger.” Man walked to glass even closer and looked at Steve carefully, raising his eyebrow.

“Protector of Midgard have problems with his speech? Or maybe it’s something from your previous life, huh, Mr Captain?”


Steve grunted few times.

“I.. I… W.. w… w… what have y… y… you done to.. to me?!” Captain took a step back, looking around in a panic, he didn't know what was happening.

 Loki turned around and simply walked away from glass. God slowly sat on a ground and watched panicked man, he had to admit this was so much fun to him. “Me? How could I do anything? I’m closed in this glass cage, which were built for your green monster-friend. I did nothing.”

 Steve choked even more.

“Loki! S…. S.. Stop it n.. Now!” Steve growled.

 Suddenly, another person came into the room. It was no one else but Thor.

 “Loki. Stop it now” he raised his voice, looking straight at his brother.

Loki blinked.

“Oh! And here he is, my dear brother.”

Man got up and looked at his ‘older brother. “Hello brother. I haven't seen you in a while.” Black haired man only smiled and looked at Steve. “Oh brother,I didn't do anything bad” He shrugged.

 Thor smirked wryly.

“Loki. I won't repeat twice.”

Tall man was crumpling Mjolnir in his hands. “Give him his voice back. Now” Thor pointed at Steve.

 Loki frowned softly and snapped his fingers again. He rolled his eyes. "You know how to spoil my fun time, brother.”

 When within few seconds Steve was able to talk normally again, he shook Thor’s hand.

“Thanks” Captain coughed a bit. “I was afraid I won't be able to talk without stutter ever again” man laughed nervously.

Then he looked at Loki.

“And you…” he snapped. “We will see if you're gonna be so brave if nothing will be separating us from each other.”

  "I will be brave when you will start to s... s... s-stutter again, Mr Captain" Loki smiled at Steve meanly.



PANDIES 🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley  @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle  @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete​  @super-psycho-love69​ @tanglesss​ @peter-sommer​ @baysidewest​ @vegemania​ @philip-stan​ @chodiusmmm​ @subwaystunnel​

Tags :
7 years ago

Winter lightning || Part I

Winter Lightning || Part I

Words: 2525

Warnings: none

SUMMARY: Bucky returns to normal life after being a part of Avengers team. One day, on the street of New York, he meets a young woman. He doesn't know yet, that this meeting is gonna change everything he used to know.

Authors: Beast & Cass 

Winter Lightning || Part I

The city was a vast, intricate, labyrinth of noisy, streets and alleys. He could hear the incessant honking of the vehicles even before the sun rose. Impatient businessmen who had to get to the office, mothers who had to leave their children at their schools, facing the puzzling challenge of navigating through the crowd of parents and children; even some of the teachers who had stopped at the local bakery to get a bagel or two before their morning classes. After every person had reached their respective destination, the traffic congestions cleared significantly as if humungous snakes had eaten their fills and were retracting back into their dark and eerie caves.

Walking down the street, Bucky could smell the fresh batch of sweet and spicy rolls being baked for the lunch hour rush. To him, it was a clear sign of the city slowly waking up. He anticipated to see what the new day would bring for him. Maybe a new reason to run again. Maybe an accidental meeting with someone he used to know before. Or maybe even hope...

She was runing as fast as she only could. “Sorry!” That was all she could say, pushing people out of her way, no metter who it was. She was only focused at running away from cold claws of danger.

This young woman has been betrayed by her own family, her life full of happiness and prosperity has changed into an elopement.

Whole city was waking up, when she was still running, all people and smells that were catching her attention before. were now meaningless. All she craved was safty… A place that will be safe enough to lost S.H.I.E.L.D's agents that had order to find and capture her because of what she was.

She could feel her heart pounding inside her chest, every breath, and every step was her little prayer.

Suddenly she bumped at well-build man, and trying not to fall onto ground, young woman instinctively caught both of his arms. One of them felt normal, like a flesh, but the other was cold and firm. She quickly looked around and then her glance stopped at the man. “I’m so sorry, sir.” Woman said trying to catch her breath. She moved away from man and continued to run.

Bucky has been taken out of reverie by surprise.

Trying to secure the woman from falling down, he caught her elbows and hold her firmly in the place.

"Not a prob..." he even didn't end his sentence, because girl has rushed to escape.

Bucky shook his head in disbelief, murmuring something in Russian under his breath. He continued his walk down the street, but it wasn't long before he has been stopped again.

The familiar uniform has showed up on the horizon and within few seconds a tall man stopped next to Bucky.

"Excuse me, have you seen a young woman? She had grey hoodie and black pants on?" man asked, looking around.

Bucky hesitated for a moment.                 First of all, he was afraid of being exposed. Secondly, he had seen a dread in the eyes of young woman from few minutes before.

He shook his head slightly. "No. I haven't. Sorry." He was glad. He had sounded as firm as it was necessary.

Other man thanked shortly and ran further, leaving Bucky in the middle of sidewalk.

Street was a terrible place, everyone could see her. For sure this weird guy told Agents, that he has seen her… And for sure he had shown them direction.

Woman quickly jumped into alley to hide from the crowd of main street. Maybe now she will lose them..

Girl pulled hood onto her head and started walk slowly, looking around. Everything was so… New for her. This was first time in her entire life, when she had to run for her life, she couldn’t believe, that her own family wanted to get rid of her.

Her family was too high settled, their fame and good reputation was more important than love to their daughter.

Young woman looked around and took a deep breath, she had no idea what to do now. This whole place was filthy. She flinched, when she stepped into mud. “God… How could I end up like this.” She whimpered and continued her walk. She saw stuff, that were really far away from her standards. She used to spend her time in beautiful places, where everything was gorgeous and expensive, but right now she was surrounded by mud, homeless people, rats and stray animals. From woman in dress she changed into a woman wearing the hood and trying to escape from death.

In the same time, Bucky has made quick shopping and headed back to his flat.

He was renting a little apartment on Brooklyn. It had one larger room, little kitchen and the bathroom. Nothing else, but it was enough for him to survive.

Bucky entered his hideout and first steps he headed to the kitchen, where he placed shopping bags on the table's counter. Then he walked back to the front door and man made sure he had locked them.

Bucky flopped onto the old couch, not even taking off his leather jacket. He pulled a box of cigarettes out of his pocket and he lit one, inhaling deeply with a smoke. He couldn't stop thinking about that young woman. Somehow she caught his thoughts.

Cold wind made her shiver, she also wasn’t used to such situations.

She took a deep breath and tried to think. What to do now? Where to hide? Is this the end?

Bucky ended his cigarette and he laid down on his couch. Looking up at the ceiling, he was thinking of his previous life, when he used to be part of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now, nothing was the same anymore. Because of his arguments with Tony Stark, he has ended being the enemy number one to everyone. Even to Steve...

Bucky didn't realize, when he fell asleep.

She was tired, trying not to sleep was too hard. Her eyelids were really heavy, but before she even could close her eyes, she saw familiar uniforms somewhere in the crowd. “No..” She whimpered scared and got up only to quickly run away.

Young woman ran into skyscraper, she tried to knock to many doors, but most of flats were empty at this time or people were simply ignoring her.

She tried on every floor, everytime it was the same: people's ignorance or emptiness.

Finally, she got onto 13th floor. She started banging into door from local F9, which were close to the lift. “Please! Help me! I need help! I beg you! Show some mercy!” Her voice was nothing more than mix of fear and sob. “Please… I beg you..” Woman whimpered.

Bucky growled deeply as he has been woken up from his dream.

Cursing under his breath, he walked to the door and opened them wide.

"What the fuck you..." he had been snapping for a second, but became silent shortly after. "What the hell.. I remember you.."

She blinked, looking at man, he was like three times bigger than her.

“I… I remember you too..” Woman said and wanted to run away but she heard group of people, knocking and checking doors on lower floor.

She shivered, terrified, and looked back at man. “Please… hide me… I beg you, don’t let them get me.” Woman whimpered, grabbing his arms in act of desperation. Her sight was full of fear and sadness.

When the footsteps get louder, she simply ran into man's flat, not paying attention to him.

Bucky blinked in a disbelief. "Wait... What..." but before he has ended his sentence, the woman just entered his flat without asking about his permission.

"Who do you think you are? I don't need any extra trouble" he hissed, closing the door.

“Please… Please, sir… Please… hide me, protect me. I’m begging you.” She whispered full of pure fear and panic, woman even fell onto her knees.

Her breath stopped, when she heard knocking to the door. “Oh… God… No…” She said quietly and quickly hide in man’s bedroom, not even saying a word.

Bucky looked at her with a cold gaze, then he improved his jacket and went to open the door.

"How can I help you?" he said firmly as he opened the door.

Tall man, dressed in a S.H.I.E.L.D uniform, gave him a little nod. "I'm sorry. We are looking for a young fugitive. Have you seen a not too tall woman with long dark hair, dressed in a hoodie?" man asked simply, looking directly at Bucky.

Barnes made a grimace, like he would be thinking deeply. "No. I was only in the shop today. I haven't seen anyone. No one as you've described" he said calmy, but in his firm tone.

Other guy nodded slightly and thanked him, he simply walked away, knocking to another door.

Woman stood close to bedroom’s door, listening to every word. She had hope that this man won’t tell them she is in his flat, he didn’t want to have problems.

She felt guilty for putting him into such a situation, they were complete strangers to each other and she made him deal with S.H.I.E.L.D agents, even when she shouldn’t, but her fear and panic were too huge to think rationally.

When man closed main door, she slowly left his room. “Um… Sir, I want to apologize for this. I shouldn’t do this… But my fear of those people is too deep to behave rationally. I really should look at your safety.” She explained slowly, taking off her hood.

Young woman looked slowly around. “You have… nice flat… here.” She said, flinching.

Bucky was measuring her with cold glance, his hands on his hips. "Sorry? Is that all you want to say?" he hissed loudly, taking two huge steps towards woman. He stopped in front of her, his face a few inches from her. "Who? Are? You?" he syllabized every word, looking straight into her eyes.

She blinked and whimpered, shielding herself with her arms, when angry man got closer to her. "I... I am Elizabeth... Elizabeth Bonnet... I am an art student.." Woman whispered, even more scared. Right now she was more afraid of him then of agents. He was visibly enraged and he had her at reach of his fingertips.

"I didn't ask about your name" he simply pushed her aside with his shoulder, passing her by and flopping on couch. "I've asked WHO are you. If S.H.I.E.L.D is after you, then it means you’re not only an art student" he pulled out pack of cigarettes and lit one. Bucky put one leg on the other, leaning his back comfortaby on the couch. He inhaled with choking smoke, then he exhaled it, using nose. "Don't stay like that, Miss Bonnet. You can take a sit. Don't worry. I am not gonna hurt ya."

She let out unhappy sound, when he pushed her aside. She turned around, rubbing her shoulder. "I do not know, what I can tell you. They said that.... I'm a mutant.. but.. I did nothing against them." Elizabeth coughed softly and waved her hand trying to blow away smoke, then she looked at the couch. "Um... thank you, sir." She nodded and politely sat on the edge of the couch.

"Now I'm gonna tell you, what will happen next."

Bucky was focusing on the ceiling. He didn't even look at the woman sitting next to him.

"You can stay here. However don't think I'm doing this, because you took me with your begs" he chuckled darkly, puffing his cigarette. "I'm doing this, because I have my own old things to S.H.I.E.L.D. and because I know, how huge assholes they can be."

He sounded a bit too antipathetical then he had wanted.

"I have only one condition. Or maybe two. First, you can use any thing you will find here as your own. I don't have problems with sharing my hideout with you, but you won't be stepping into my way if not necessary. And second, I need to know everything about you and you special abilities."

Bucky rose from the couch and took his jacket off. The metal, bionic arm has gleamed into the sunrays falling into thw room through huge window.

"As you can see, I am not an ordinary person too."

She listened to him, nodding her head at his every word. “O… Okay, sir and I understand, sir.”

Elizabeth bit her lips. “I… I don’t know what to tell you… Stuff just start to float around me… and I have no control over me.l sometimes.” She said and shrugged.

 Young woman jumped a bit scared, when he got up from couch and took off his jacket, she looked at him with her eyes opened wide. “That’s why your other arm felt different, when I caught it this morning.”

He rolled his eyes, ending his cigarette. "Yea. Probably that's the reason."

He went to the kitchen and came back holding two oranges. Bucky handled one to the woman.

"I don't want any objects to fly around my place, okay?" he gave her a serious look. "Otherwise you'll be kicked out."

He took a careful look at her. She was so young. And she looked like a real dame.

"Hope those conditions aren't too low for you, Madame." Barnes switched to his ironic voice. "And now. I gotta go for a bit" brunette sighed lazily and went to the hanger, taking his jacket off. "I'm gonna lock the door. Don't let anyone in. And rest. I bet you're tired." After those words, Bucky just left.

She slowly took the orange he has offered her. “Thank you, sir… I can try to not make them fly… but I told you already, I can’t control it.” Woman looked at him a bit scared.

She frowned softly. “This comment was redundant, sir. I am not gonna answer at such an unnecessary question.” Elizabeth muttered, feeling offended.

Woman watched him and nodded slowly. She sighed heavily, when he closed the door. She wasn’t used to such places. This man tried to be ironic, but he was right, this place was way low beyond her standards, but she couldn’t say no or run away. She had to accept those conditions and try to fit in and live with this man in peace.

She was thinking about this for some time before she slowly fell asleep.

Bucky stood watching the line where heaven touched earth. His wide eyes witnessed the resounding glowing collision. Sparks lit the sky and blood poured, as the glory of paradise descended further behind the seam of the world. Barnes sighed deeply, wrapping leather jacket more around his shoulders. He had spent whole day by walking around the town, thinking. Mostly about the new situation he had been pulled into. He wasn't sure, what to do and what to think. Bucky felt small as he glanced over his shoulder and saw his shadow slowly shrinking towards his feet. He looked back to the line, only a few bright streaks remained to signal heaven’s passing. The sun had set.

Winter Lightning || Part I

PANDIES 🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9  @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89

Tags :
7 years ago

Don’t Let Go || Part I


Words: 1118

Warnings: none

SUMMARY: You're being saved from death by Captain America himself. Is this a beginning of a serious relationship?

Author: Ailo


Cold. Everything is cold, and glow in a weird light.

You feel hands on your back, warmth seeping out from them and right into your shirt. “Hang on.” You can’t make out the last words, everything is a blur and your head, your head hurts like that one morning after you drank yourself under the table. Your whole body is shaken by shivers, you can’t seem to be able to stop shivering, even when you try to take deep breaths to settle your shoulders.

So cold… You're being lifted up. You know because your vision suddenly swarms, and you feel nauseous. “Stop that…” you say weekly to the one responsible for your sudden unwelcome state. You’re resting against something hard, bulky, warm, that beats in rhythm… You realize you’re being carried bride-style, the person’s arms you were in on your back and under your knees. You snuggle into the warmth, burrowing your face and the cold tip of your nose in the person’s neck. The one carrying you takes a sudden breath, heart-beat accelerating slightly against your side for a moment before returning back to its normal, steady beating. You don’t speak. Neither does the other, who just walks. Walks where exactly ? You can’t recall a destination being set, just being picked up and carried away.. and not in Disney princess style, as you can’t seem to be able to muster enough strength to open your tired eyes. Somewhere along the way, the other’s body heat having warmed you up during the walk, you fall asleep, gripping the person’s shirt tightly into your hands, like a man at sea would a life line. And you fall, fall slowly into slumber, the steady beating of the heart acting like a lullaby, the steady and regular pace of the other rocking you to sleep. And then everything turns to hell. You’re being put down to rest against a tree, the sound of gunshots ringing in your head. “Don’t worry” says a voice. You open your eyes, trying to get a glance of the person who you know has been taking care of you. “Everything is going to be all right… I’ll come find you after I get them off of our backs…” You can’t even nod, can’t even voice your acknowledgment to the person. You try harder to get your sight to focus and put a face on the voice. A man. That you can make out of the blur. The voice is that of a man. Yellow… a blond, then. His hair are disheveled… And then, out of nowhere, two blue orbs pop out. A blond with blue eyes then. A pretty shade of blue, at that, the color not cold but warm and making you want to trust those eyes… A smile, trying to hide the worry and the marks of fatigue on the man’s face. “I promise I’ll be back soon.” And then, nothing. He disappears from your vision. You can see the grey sky, heavy clouds announcing rain… It’s pretty, standing against the luscious green of the trees around you… Gunshots again. Yells. The sound of hand to hand combat. Bullets resonating against something metallic… You hope your blue eyed savior is alright. The gunshots stop. You start counting… 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi… You lose count after 13, when the first drops of rain fall down onto your face. Suddenly he is here again. Takes you back into his arms. “Miss me ?” he asks jokingly. “We’ll be safe soon.” You don’t care. Now you know you’ll be alright. You close your eyes, let out a content sigh and bury your nose in the man’s neck once more, drifting back to sleep, only this time completely letting go…

You hear a door opening and closing seconds later. You feel good… you’re on something soft… a mattress… You’re warm again, your head doesn’t hurt as much as before… There is a weight on your right hand. You open your eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the sunlight peaking through the curtains… You are faced by a wall. A white one.

A hospital then.

You turn your gaze to the right. The blond man is here, hands over your smaller one, head resting upon his arms. Has he been here since you were brought in?


He looks cute, with his hair still a mess. You move your left hand you put it in his hair. He wakes up, startled by the contact. Now that you can see his face, all disoriented from waking up, you decide he is even cuter. No… handsome is more the appropriate word. He his handsome. “Hi.”

“Hello.” You smile. He takes both your hands in his larger ones, gripping them tightly. “How are you?” he asks, looking you straight into the eyes. “Better than before. Thank you for saving me..” God, how cheesy you must sound.

Even to you it sounds like a line from the romantic comedies you used to watch with your friends in high-school. You’re cut in your train of thought, when you notice him blushing. “What about you? How are you?” “Fine.” he says, shrugging. “Did you eat?” “Yes, I had the nurse bring me a tray earlier…” “Why didn’t you leave?” you frown a bit. “Sorry?” he looks taken-aback. “Why are you still here?” you ask again. You mentally hit yourself for your choice of words as soon as you see his expression change, he now looks lost, like a puppy who had just been kicked by its owner. “I can leave if…” he tries to rise from his seat, hesitating. “I didn’t mean it like that, I just… I don’t understand why you’d choose to stay here while we don’t know each other.”

Fuck, you cursed in your thoughts. You are kinda pitiless to him now. And that man has saved your life.. He stiffens. “I… I don’t know… you just… I wanted to make sure…” “It’s alright.” You say softly, getting one your hands out from his grasp. You slowly put it on his cheek. “Thank you.” It’s his turn to smile now. And that smile is the cutest thing you've ever seen.

From the moment, I first saw you, knew my heart could not be free, man’s heart skips a beat, when those thoughts forms deep in his mind as he observes you carefully with his blue eyes. I couldn't left you there to die.

He remains silent however for a second.

“I've never asked you for your name..” blonde man esquires.

“Y/N” you say simply. “And does my savior has a name though?” you ask quietly, breaking the silence.

“Of course” he scoffs, blue eyes lighting up his face. “Steve. Steve Rogers.”



Pandies🐼:  @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan@choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9  @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila

Tags :
7 years ago

When student outdid the master || Doctor Strange x Reader


Writing Challenge

Hello! This is my story written for Bianca’s Autumn Writing Challenge (created by @fanlove-fandomlife)

I tried my best and I hope you all will like the story. Enjoy! 🎃 🦇


Words: 1758

Warnings: none

SUMMARY: Pumpkin carving with Dr Strange

Author: Cass


"Well. I'm a doctor and I shouldn't laugh, but... Really? Pumpkins? I thought you have something different for me" Strange shook his head in disbelief, his brow was raised as man was looking at you.

You frowned softly, looking at your mentor and rolled your eyes annoyed. “Yes, pumpkins. Come on. It’s October… Almost end of the month to be honest! Halloween!” You jumped happily. “We have to get ready for it!”

"Y/N.." man sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. "You always have been so stubborn. As you can see I'm kinda busy" Stephen pointed at his desk, full of books and papers. "But I suppose I can have a little break."

You whimpered happily and hugged him tight. „You can read and write later. Beside, we both know about your bad habit of spending whole nights on working.” You took his hand and pulled him to a kitchen.

You put one big pumpkin on a counter, humming happily. “Look! This one is just perfect! We can carve this one… And later we can do smaller one… I got only three, but they'll look amazing in front of the Sanctum."

Stephen took a seat on the one of high chairs. A cunning smile has crawled onto his lips. "I see you're prepared. But still scatty!" Strange let out a pearly laugh. "Do you have a pumpkin carving tools?"

„Hey! I’m not scatty and yes. I do have tools.” You giggled. “And! I have a keyhole Saw but… you need to open it… because I don’t have enough strength.” You offered him saw. “Mentor? Shall you?” You asked with soft smile.

Strange took a saw in his hands, but as soon as he did, he put it down onto counter. "It's.. How to say it? Oh! Too mainstream for me" he grinned at you and snapped his fingers. The saw slowly floated up and became dependent several centimeters above the counter.

You sat on high chair and giggled. "Ohh yeees... for sure it is, Doctor." You said and clapped your hands, watching him. "I can't wait!"

"What pattern you would like to have on the biggest pumpkin, Y/N?" Strange gave you a glance, smiling gently.

You hummed, thinking. "A CAT! Like a big, angry cat, with its fur standing up!" You explained. "I think it will be great, you know... Big, scary kitty cat." You meowed and laughed shortly after.

Strange snapped his fingers once again and the saw started its work. Within several seconds the patter was ready. "Is this what you have wanted?" Stephen stretched his fingers delicately.

You blinked and looked at him in disbelieve. "Stephen...." You got up from your seat and took his hands in yours. "This is not about magic, Mentor." You explained and let his palms free.

You picked up the small pumpkin and handled it to him. "Use your hands. It will be more fun."

Stephen was hesitating for a moment. "You good know that my hands aren't as efficient as they used to be" his voice was nothing more but a whisper.

"I know, but you still can give it a try... take your time, do it slowly... Step by step." You said softly. "I know, that I'm just a student here and you are a mentor... but trust me on this one." You smiled and sat back on your previous seat, taking other pumpkin into your hands, than you started to prepare it for carving.

Man rubbed his beard and nodded slightly. "As they say, if you won't try, you'll never know" he had been smirking at you before he started his precise work.

You nodded, smiling widely. "Exactly that, Mentor."

It took you a while to get fully into your task, you were watching Strange from time to time, but you never stopped your work. "How it's going?" You asked, looking at him.

"Like you see" Strange didn't look at you, he was focused on his work. Using a scraper, brunette was removing pulp from his pumpkin.

"I told you that using hands will be better." You giggled and returned to working on your pumpkin.

After an hour you were done with your little masterpiece. It was a simple design: big eyes and wide open mouth with sharp teeth. "It looks like you, especially when you are angry at me..." You picked it up and presented the pumpkin to Stephen. "Y/N! Get back to study!" You growled deeply, trying to imitate your mentor's voice.

Strange couldn't stop himself from laughing. "Haha! Y/N! Am I that gloomy, huh?!" man poked your shoulder, shaking his head.

He got up only to lean his upper body part on the counter. "Don't look at me like that, Y/N. I'm trying to do something more advanced" his eyes were glowing mysteriously in the light of a lamp hanging above your heads.

You laughed louder and nodded. "Not always, Mentor. Mostly you look quite good!"

You blinked, watching him, than you cleared your throat. "Umm... I will.. I will take cloak and I will go buy some good candles, because we need to put them inside."

"Don't worry. I'm an old-fashioned man" his voice was a mix of joy and proud. "Please, check the second cupboard counting from the window."

"Oh... Okay, okay." You nodded slowly and walked to the cupboard, you took a look into it.

You were looking for a while, but finally you found the candles. "Got 'em!" You yelled proudly with happiness

"C'mon. Let's lit them" Strange waited until you set candles into the pumpkins, then he snapped his fingers and in the same second all candles have lit up.

You gasped gaily. "WOW!!! I love that!" You jumped with excitement and hugged to Stephen tightly.

Man wrapped his arm around you, he was holding his head up. "I gotta say, I'm proud of myself."

Stephen's pumpkin had huge, rounded eyes and square mouth with sharp, long teeth. But his pumpkin had also a floral ornaments all around its oval.

You looked at his work. "WOW! You see?! I told you it will be worth a try, and your hands weren't a problem." You uttered with a voice full of pride. "We should take them outside and arrange them in some nice way next to the main gate." You looked at him with smile.

"That's the idea!" Stephen took the smaller pumpkin into his hands. The bigger one simply floated up in the air and started to levitate behind man, following each of his steps.

You blinked and watched your mentor, it was a nice feeling to see him that happy. You grabbed your pumpkin and followed Stephen outside.

You both walked outside through the main door. Stephen took a look around, searching for a place to set pumpkins. "Maybe there?" he pointed at the huge stone laying next to the alley. "I think it'll look right. What do you think, Y/N?"

You giggled and nodded your head. "I think it will be great. Put the big one first, and then we're gonna put smaller next to it." You said pointing at the place, that you thought will be good.

Strange used his power to set the biggest pumpkin onto the stone. He made few movements with his hands, causing the fallen leaves have surrounded the certain point. "Done."

You clapped your hands eagerly as you finished setting your pumpkin near the huge one. "Hooray! So... Mentor, I don't want to keep you away from your work anymore. You can go and do what you were doing before." You smiled at him.

"Oh! Thank you, ma'am, that in your magnanimity you've let me go back to my work!" Strange placed hands on his hips, making ironic grimace. Then, man bowed down. "Once again, thank you, ma'am!"

You laughed out loudly. "Thank you, Mentor! For making my day." You bowed down. "Thank you for help, for fun and for wonderful time." You said with great joy in your voice, being as ironic as you only could

Sometimes it was like that. Stephen Strange seemed to be very serious guy, standing hard on the ground. But the truth was, that deep beneath the mask he was wearing almost for the whole time, Stephen was a nice man, ready to play fool and prank people around him.

Strange whistled loudly. Within few moments, his cloak has flew to him.

"Okay. Let's see. You. Yes! You!" man looked at his cloak. Material shivered softly, when its owner was speaking. "Show me. Which pumpkin is prettier? Huh? Mine? Or maybe the one that belongs to Y/N?" Stephen chuckled darkly, being so sure of himself.

You shook your head in disbelieve. "Come on, cloak. Show us who is better in carving pumpkins." You said and shrugged.

Stephen crossed his arms on his chest. "C'mon. We don't have whole day!" he raised his voice a bit.

Cloak trembled. The crimson material flew to the place, where the pumpkins were set. After moment of hesitation, cloak pointed at your pumpkin.

You laughed loudly and hugged cloak, showing your tongue to Stephen. "I knew it! I'm better!"

Strange paled, clenching his teeth. "Oh!!! What's that!? Even you're against me?! I wasn't expecting that! Bad cloak!"

"No, no. You are a good cloak. Come on, let's go inside. It's cold out here." You sighed and shivered softly.

Stephen laughed loudly. "Don't worry, pal. I was joking." Man approached you and gave you a warm hug. "This time the student outdid the master" brunette clapped his hands. "And now. Maybe a hot chocolate?" man offered you his arm.

You sighed deeply and nuzzled to him. "Sounds like a great idea, Mentor. Let's go inside." You nodded your head and took his arm.

But when you were heading to the Sanctum, the cloak decided to take revenge for previous treatment. Material disappeared somewhere.

You could see with the corner of your eye, how cloak disappears in nearby bushes. You blinked a bit surprised.

"What's going on, Y/N?" Strange stopped in a step, glaring at you. "Wait. Have you seen.." When man turned around to look for his cloak, the material was floating few centimeters in front of him with its collar tightly wrapped around smaller pumpkin. "For Dormammu's sake!!" Stephen yelled, automatically taking step backward.

You only laughed and shook your head. "You asked for this, Mentor. Let's go inside... all three of us." You muttered, looking at cloak and its owner.

"Sure. It was a really nice experience for me" Strange giggled a bit. "We definitely have to repeat this next year."

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7 years ago

Be my autumnal muse  ||  Steve Rogers x Reader one shot

Be My Autumnal Muse || Steve Rogers X Reader One Shot

Words: 1388

Warnings: none at all, just pure fluff :)

SUMMARY: Reader and Steve Rogers are on a walk, observing the color palette of nature. At the end, Steve confesses, that he’s into Reader and asks her to be his muse.

Author: Rouge

A/N: This story has been written for the writing challenge created by @fanlove-fandomlife

Be My Autumnal Muse || Steve Rogers X Reader One Shot
Be My Autumnal Muse || Steve Rogers X Reader One Shot

You stared at the leaves falling from the trees. It was quite breathtaking, at the most. Utterly beautiful. First a green leaf, then shortly afterwards a yellow leaf stained with bits of orange and green. They hit the ground lightly, making no sound effects. You could stay there all day, observing the utmost gorgeous pattern of the leaves dying off of the trees.

"Steve!" you turned around. Steve was sitting on the bench under huge, old willow, he was drawing in his sketchbook. "Yes, Y/N? What's up?" he asked lazily, not taking his eyes from the sketch he was making. You rolled your eyes and walked to him slowly, still looking around with admiration. "Instead of drawing, you should take a look around, dear!" you giggled happily, taking a seat next to him and putting your head onto his shoulder. "Just look! Down they come like multicoloured rain. Golds, reds and browns. They are a myriad of shapes and sizes, these leaves that clothed the trees. Now they are discarded like last seasons fashions and left to become part of the soil. But before that happens they make the most splendid mosaic that is unique in all the world. And yet we're here to witness it in this moment, it's so precious!" you were talking about leaves and colors like it would be the last thing you'll ever see. Steve had made some more lines, before he closed his sketchbook. He gave you a look and ruffled your bangs. "Y/N, you're too exaggerated sometimes." You frowned softly, pulling away from him. "Why are you saying so?" Blonde man pecked your lips. "You put too much attention in such a fleeting stuff. You should focus on more important things, Y/N." You rolled your eyes theatrically. "Says the man, who could spend whole day by drawing" you cocked your brew. "Steve, please. Stop being so stubborn and serious! Just live with a moment!" you quickly got up from the bench and you grabbed him by his sleeve. "C'mon! Let's take a walk! You were drawing for last half an hour! " Reluctantly, Steve followed you, getting up and closing his sketchbook. Man slipped it under his arm. You grabbed his hand and pulled him down the alley. Holding his palm, you were walking slowly by his side, looking around and breathing with fresh, chill air. "I've read the poems from before the war. They tell of trees changing color, pumpkins and thanksgiving. It must have been nice back then. It sounds like a cosy life" you broke the silence between you two. Steve's face changed within second. He became so pensive, kind of a little smirk appeared in the corner of his full lips. "Yes. It was a cosy life.." he mumbled, but his voice was nothing more then a whisper. You gave his hand a firm squeeze. "So now you should understand, what I find so interesting in observing the nature. It's so relaxing to me, letting all bad emotions disappear" you explained shortly. Steve only nodded, still overwhelmed by his memories. You both continued your walk through the park. Red, orange and yellow, in various different shades. All of them floating gracefully on the soft breeze. It was as if a friendly hand was gently lowering them to the ground. Whispers between these leaves filled the air, whispers and mutters. The air was cool and crisp, like a refreshing drink of cool water after hours in a desert. The breeze fluttered around, gently caressing everything it touched with fingers that had been a comfort to so many over their long, lonely years. You were absorbing everything. The nature was simply breathtaking in her color palette. With a corner of your eye you've noticed, that Steve also was delighted by variegation of the world. Finally, you and Steve reached a small lake and it was where the alley has ended. A deep sense of serenity overcame both of you as you stared in rapture at the expanse of blue that lay before you. Rays of lights danced delicately across the water, birthed from the afternoon sun that both limited your sight and made the view all the more beautiful. Steve smiled gently, looking at you. "Would you mind me, if I would ask you for something now?" he inquired. You eyed him carefully, not being sure, what has he wanted from you. "Yes, I suppose..." you answered. "Can I ask you to pose for me, Y/N?" the smile was still on his lips and his cheeks blushed a bit. You felt a heat on your cheeks within a second, so you turned your head to watch the lake. "I wouldn't mind..." you whispered softly, trying to calm yourself down.

You were sitting at the large rock on the shore of the lake patiently, waiting for Steve to end his masterpiece. 

"Can you turn your head a bit? Oh yes. Just like that." Steve was sitting on the ground, leaning his back against a tree trunk. He was putting all the effort into his drawing. "Have I ever told you, how much I adore your facial features, Y/N?" Steve's voice was soft like never before. "Hihi, no, you haven't" you giggled happily, covering your mouth with a palm. "Hey! Don't move, Y/N! The lightning!" Steve chuckled tenderly, then once again he focused on the draw. "Yes, yes, sorry, my bad" you sent him a warm smile. You were observing with a smile, how few little leaves fell down onto Steve's head. You couldn't help and let out a short laughter. "You look like a prince in the crown." Steve raised his chin a bit and narrowed his brows, then he reached to his hair and his face has brighten up. "Haha, very funny, Y/N!"

After some time, Steve rose from the ground and flicked his jeans from sand.

"Done. Wanna see?" he reached his sketchbook towards you. Gladly, you got up from your place and approached blonde man. You took the sketchbook into your hands and looked at the drawing he recently has made. "Oh Gosh.." you mumbled. "It's.. It's beautiful, Steve! But..." You took a careful look at the drawing again and your heart stopped for a second. You were on the foreground, the lake was a background. He has drew you so smoothly, emphasizing every attribute of your beauty. In the left lower corner of the page you found a little dedication, which took your breath away. For my beloved Y/N. You've always been in my mind. With love, Steven You've swallowed slowly, before you look into his eyes. "Why you didn't tell me earlier?" you asked quietly. But Steve only took his sketchbook from your hands amd closed it, then he leant down to you and he placed a lovingly kiss to your soft lips. You were too shocked to protest and the truth was you either didn't want to protest... You gave the kiss back, automatically pulling closer to his chest. "How long?" "Since the day I've met you, Y/N" Steve said sincerely, looking you straight in the eyes. "As you can see, it took me so long to find a courage." You nuzzled to his chest, feeling incredibly safe there. "The most important, that you've finally found it so you could be honest with me" you reached his jawline and stroked over his cheek. "So.. In the light of new circumstances.. Would you go with me for a date?" his cheeks were blushing hardly. You nodded slightly. "With a pleasure." You saw a little sparks of happiness into his beautiful blue eyes. Your hand found his palm and you tangled your fingers with his. "Let's go back home, Mr Rogers the Artist" you chuckled. He smirked on you, nodding, then Steve raised his chin to look at the autumnal sunset, which was building on the horizon. Man squeezed your palm tightly, and after that he let your hand free to wrap both his strong arms around you. You hugged to him as closely as you could. You felt, how he has rested his chin on the top of your head. He took a deep breath. "I want this moment to last forever." You moved closer so that he felt your presence, yet stayed quiet, allowing him to stay lost in the moment a while longer.

Be My Autumnal Muse || Steve Rogers X Reader One Shot

Gif: X

Tags :
7 years ago

You are amazing, Your story is awesome! The story is short, well written and full of emotions. Keep writing and don’t let your skill disappear ♥ 

Thank you for participating! ~Panda Squad 🐼❤️


HIS GRIEF || Tony Stark x Reader drabble

Summary: the action happens after events from CA:CW. Tony is full of grief and anger after he had found out who killed his parents. Reader is trying to calm him down.

Words: 675

A/N: Hiya! This is my very first attempt in writing so please, be gentle with me. Also, this drabble is dedicated to my favorite blog, namely @thepaperpanda and their first writing challenge ❤

The lingering light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night. The once salmon and purple sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the town. A canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst the ocean of blackness. Some were dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then, but there was an adequate amount of shimmering stars to illuminate the dark, moonless night. The lake glistened, mirroring the dazzling assemblage of glittering stars and the luminescence from the restaurants and designer boutiques that lined the marina. The faint wind brushed against the water’s surface, the ripples ruffled the stillness of the surface, and shattered the reflection of the harbour.

Tony Stark was sitting at a cold jetty thinking of last events that became his share recently. He sighed deeply slipping hands in his hair.

His heart was heavy. He felt he could barely breath and was struggling for each blissful inhalation of cold marine air.

You found him like that and your heart almost ripped apart.

You’ve been looking for him for few hours. You didn’t feel weariness, your whole body was filled with adrenaline.

When you answered a call from Natasha that Tony has left in a rush shortly after their return to the Avengers Tower, you knew something was not okay at all. You didn’t pay attention to fact it was the middle of the night and you had to get up early. The only thing you did care about was to find him and make sure he was safe and sound.

You approached him slowly from behind and you crouched next to him. You placed your hand carefully on his shoulder.


He didn’t push you away but brunette also didn’t respond. He was sitting still.

“Tony.. What happened? Tell me. I’m by your side.”

He protractedly let out a sigh.

“I can’t stand this shit any longer, Y/N,” his voice has broken down before he ended his sentence. “And that fight today.. I am exhausted. And Rogers.. He knew. He knew from the very beginning..” he mumbled quietly ruffling his own bangs.

“Knew about what, Tony?” you asked stroking his shoulder.

“Who killed my parents,” he said simply like it was nothing.

You blinked.

“Who did this?”

Tony sighed again.

“Barnes. James Barnes. His beloved Winter Soldier, Y/N,” Tony crossed arms over his chest. “He knew.. And still was protecting that murderer! Can you believe it, Y/N?!”

You stayed silent giving Tony a room for reflexion.

“You good know they are friends. And I think that James didn’t do this because he has wanted it to happen. Wasn’t him under Hydra’s control back then?” you questioned.

He didn’t say a word.

“You know how huge was their influence over Barnes,” you added. “Even if it was him who…. Did this awful thing… He wasn’t himself.”

“You’re protecting this bastard!” Tony rose from his place flicking his jeans from dirt. “Y/N, you should be by MY SIDE, and all you do is defending HIM!”

Tony pushed you aside, he was so cold towards you. He simply passed you and went back to his Lamborghini.

“Tony! Wait!” you ran after him.

“Y/N, I have nothing more to say!” he didn’t let you grab his hand and in a rush he took a driver seat on his car.

“Where are you going, Tony?” you asked almost with tears in your eyes.

“None of your business,” he replied slightly.

“Just, please Tony, calm down, take a shower, maybe talk to someone in the Tower….”

He snapped cutting your sentence in a half.

“There are no Avengers anymore, Y/N. At least they are not united anymore.”

Tony pushed you away and pressed the button so door from his side has closed.

He drove away fastly leaving you alone at the parking lot next to the harbour.

“Dear God…” you felt a single tear running down your cheek. “Send us a sign.. I hope they will reunite again….”

You didn’t know then that evil forces was on their way to destroy everything you used to know…

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7 years ago
Hello! Thank You So Much For Your Participation. Your Story Was Truly Amazing And Sensual.

Hello! Thank you so much for your participation. Your story was truly amazing and sensual. 

~Greetings from Panda Squad. 🐼❤️

Hello! Thank You So Much For Your Participation. Your Story Was Truly Amazing And Sensual.



Words: 904

Summary: reader & Steve & a little romantic smut

A/N: @thepaperpanda this one has been written for your writing challenge. A reminder - I had lavender color 😊

Keep reading

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