Stevenel - Tumblr Posts
As the pretty blue gem got ready while in the dresser she heard a knock on the door "who is it?" "Its me Steven may I come in?" "Eek" she exclaimed , "y-you may come in". As the door slide open she peeked through and saw it was Steven but a different steven..... a pink steven "OH GOD YOU SCARED ME" the blue gem responded "sorry I scared you" the pink version of steven said calmly "I see your wearing the outfit the first time i saw you in" the blue gem was wearing something similar to pinks first pearl,pink pearl but it was blue. Kyanite (blue gem) had her hair down as well, "oh um I forgot how to do the bun thing ..... can you um... help me" she said shyly "dont you already know how,oooooorrr you just want me to do your hair" "maeby both , I dont know" she giggled "alright come here" the pink version of Steven said enjoyably. After that was done her hair was a dark blue but her hair was down and only w buns were there on each side "this is amazing" kyanite said excitedly, she rose up and twirled her way away from the pink steven, she giggled happily "you know" "hm?" I remember you would dance and sing, diamond me would always hear you sing and see you dance so happily. "I wonder do you still sing and dance?" The little blue gem looked at him and then to the floor "well... I still do but at different times, it's kinda complicated you see" the blue gem tried to think of a way to explain to her pink friend but couldn't know why... suddenly she got an idea
[Blue diamond au]
"You know .... when we first met I was always the crybaby amongst the other kyanite's. Of course you helped me and I was able to stop crying for well, over everything. But there was this one time when....."
"My diamond as you know your human self was the son of blue diamond, and I was again crying all by myself. Steven was to busy to realize what was happening, I knew steven would check up on me many of the gems would say the diamonds were powerful dictators with no heart but steven had one. And so I was crying..... in my chamber, (room) thinking of how steven would be mad at me and thinking how much I've wasted his time on teaching me not to cry for nothing and everything, I had to calm myself down first and think what would make me happy. That was the first thing steven taught me think of something happy, the only thing that made me happy was seeing my diamond happy, that is every gems wanting. To make there diamonds happy, but was that what I really want....... I kept on thinking what could make me happy....
[White diamond au]
Besides not making every word I say horrible and not making those tiny mistakes, I rose up and started dancing. I remember how fun I would dance, did you know I was a ballet dancer when I first popped out , cause when every kyanite has popped out they dont know what to do so the diamonds order older gems to tell us what are we supposed to do and oh- my bad hehe anyway. So I started dancing, dancing was something I loved so much It would make me happy.
[Yellow diamond au]
Heck I would always remember how the instructor's would always get me in trouble for "not having poised positions" HA it was funny, when I was down all I got do was sigh and be happy...... aaaaand that when steven came along and ruined it. I didn't mean it like that way of course no, but he kinda surprised me when he opened the door and said "your getting s lot better, nice to see you niang happy" and I just turned around and just made a really hey you interrupted me face but the quickly faded away when he tugged my hand and said "come on I have a lot of work to do ...... and I need you there" I honestly didn't know why he needed me , probably to make sure I dont get into trouble but who was I to know?
[Back to pink diamond au]
So yeah" the little blue gem looked at her pinked friend happily "can we try that" "what" "can we try dancing" the pink steven gem said while rising up "I-I mean we did try dancing when we first met" kyanite looked at pink Steven surprisingly remembering how he was able to clear the sorrow hse had that day. As she thought she noticed the uniformed she made for steven when he was only 15 years old "your wearing the uniform I gave you on your 15th birthday" "oh ya I figured since you made it I wanted you to notice and show how great you made it" kyanite grazed the pink diamond shape on the right front of the uniform chest, the pink gem noticed how down kyanite looked "d-do you very wonder why Steven took this off" "steven took it off once he got engaged to spinel, I assumed he took it off cause he thought spinel would thing me and him were a "thing" being how close we were but, I don't know?" Kyanite looked down realizing all those year of crushing on him were for nothing and falling in love with that human in the zoo made it even worse. Suddenly pink steven took kynaites hand and took her in a dancing position, one hand on her waist the other on her hand , kyanites hand was on his shoulder while the other on his hand resting "wanna dance" kyanites facel it up with sparks in her eyes "ya..... sure" and as they took that first step they began dancing and laughing enjoying the night (time on earth is night)

Little did they know that they were being recorded....... while the non pink steven , diamond Steven watching there every move.