Stop Blaming - Tumblr Posts
Our recommendation to all the angry people who follow the excitement culture every day and believe that everything is really shit.
Just change your mindset, there was no social media in the thirty year war(and it was really crap), so just stop watching anti-social media for a week and the local world around you will look a little better.
It's 2024 and yes there are a lot of problems in this world but if you're always fixated on the problem you can't see the solution.
Nor do they see the achievements that will ultimately benefit us all.
And here are a few more cat gifs to calm you down , smile.

Anyone who really wanted to see it could see it.
Everything that results from this in the present is the result of a process of omitting unutilised opportunities for the common future.
Mutual forgetting and mutual forgiveness can solve the problems of both.
Even if it sounds impossible, bring those who were and are responsible to justice and start again.
This without mutual recompense of suffering, no matter how great it was, will only create new hatred and incomprehension.
Jimmy Carter in 2007. This is the man who brokered the most important peace deal in Israel's history. Israel's existence as an apartheid state isn't new. It isn't some "Communists in College don't know history" talking point bullshit.
As Carter says, Americans don't know this because they don't want to know. We've been able to ignore and look past the Apartheid because it was just too easy for us not to look.
It has only grown worse in the past 17 years.

The excitement in the excitement culture is the basis of the wrong weighting of the wrong topics to distract from the important topics.
They are sucking the trust out of democracy, we need to focus on the right issues. By backing them up with arguments and measures.
Simply take the air out of the sails of the populist panic-mongers.
Where has the truthfulness gone with all the believers? Where is the humanity? Where is the humility? Where is the compassion? Where is the love for every creature? Where do all the injuries come from that turn into insults?
How could all the hatred, resentment and all the other non-Christian attributes have caused this?
If it happened, explain it to us.
The world, or rather the societies of this world, are undergoing a shift to the right.
Why? Somehow easy to understand without considering the consequences and these will follow in inevitable ways and effects. But back to the simple, yes this world and by that I mean the world of man and his perception is too complicated, too complex with all its dependencies. There are all the facts, the science and the effects that cry out for change.
However, this is the inertia of knowledge and the comfort of everyone, why change when things are somehow not really bad.
You can maintain your status, can't you?
And that's exactly what the right-wing parties understand and somehow say that everything should stay as it is. Or best to bring out the concepts of the good old days. With the manslaughter argument (which ultimately says nothing) everything wasn't bad.
Hate as an ideology
You really think that a strong hand can fix everything.
Because they just don't want to take responsibility for their lives. That means they would have to think and deal with all the real facts.
The consumer wants to consume and have a job so that he is well off. What do they care about others from whom they have been torn apart by all the propaganda.
All the others are to blame for the loss of prosperity, but not those who are at the top of the food chain in your country.
People who are so rich that you can't even imagine it. The rich and big companies will be fine with the right wing, they will come to terms with them as they have so often in history. Even benefit themselves.
The only problem is that when the spit is over and social development is in ruins, it really wasn't anyone again.

They will all have run away and confess, as so often in history: we didn't see this coming and if we had known, we would have decided differently.

Eat dust you hypocrites.
Have no backbone, take no responsibility and think you're just a nice fellow human being who only meant well.