Solutions - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Kids Artwork Solutions

Kids Artwork Solutions

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1 year ago
Kids Artwork Solutions

Kids Artwork Solutions

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10 years ago

The problem of the uncomfortable!

The problem of the uncomfortable, is not the goal, it is the journey. Even in project management, there is a lot of energy put towards identifying risks and mitigating them. Another metaphor for this same journey is a Dungeons and Dragons quest.

The Man Kind Project looks at the uncomfortable through many processes, but one identified in the article is "Stretches". Stretches, or SMART Goals, are the steps in the project plan to walking the journey and achieve the goal.

Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Bound

While these steps, ask you to look at the best case scenario outcome, we often forget to examine the worst case scenario outcomes, that most project managers look at on a daily basis.

Dependencies Risks Issues Assumptions Unknowns

For many people, the only worst case scenario they consider is, "Being hit by a train!" They never consider that they might be hit by a body part of someone else's worst case scenario. Or even worse, someone's best case scenario being to push someone into their worst case scenario. (- Sorry, it's a little gruesome for role playing effect! -)

"No strategy survives contact with the enemy.", Helmuth von Moltke the Elder. It is only in recognizing patterns that we find the path of least resistance to the goal. Many Jujitsu students study how to navigate their partners counters to eventually submit them. Chess students also study chess patterns to build strategies.

Like Jujitsu students, members of the Man Kind Project, study processes that help men explore their worst case scenarios. Processes for looking at risks. Holding men accountable to agreements. Ways to cleanly express upset and wants, while acknowledging why those things are important. Seeing judgement and beliefs for what they are .. walls. Understanding that sometimes we have to give up something to get something. and more ...

A process I use and can share from Directed Dreaming, is this: What is the issue? What is causing the issue? What are solutions for this issue? How do I feel about this issue? What do I do when this issue comes up? Can I live with this issue? What am I getting now with things unchanged? What would I get if things changed? What would I have to give up if things changed? What do I want?

The Journey. Not the goal is where the uncomfortable lies. Crossing the mountain through mud and snow. Over treacherous bridges and glide lines. Climbing sheer faces with 1000 foot drops, or being chased by a bear. These are all possibilities on a journey through a mountain pass. Until you meet a troll under a bridge. Or come a cross a home that smells of candied cakes. Or maybe a something else from the Grimm Fairy Tales.

Face your fears and you will conquer the world.

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4 years ago

The Small Things

"Should I leave social media since all my friends are fighting all the time, when I post something?"

My suggestion .. Lead.

Since, Leadership is, "Guiding Intentions with Integrity", you need to show your friends how to have a civil discourse by attacking the issues, vs each other's character flaws.

To attack the issue, it is nessary to break the issue into it's smaller subcomponents. Into things that individuals can relate to. For example, when asked how to disucss ADHD to NeuroTypcials, I suggest that ADHDrs describe the individual symptoms of ADHD, that way NTs will have something they can relate to. IE .. walking into a room and forgetting why you were walking into it.

Through demonstrated leadership, help each friend find smaller common elements that they can relate to and discuss. Where they can describe how life is affecting them as an individual. Where they can describe how they personally resolved or overcame this issue.

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3 years ago

Leadership Guidance

It's interesting as I dig deeper into leadership through studying it, I stumble across something that expands a topic I thought was very limited. Initially, I thought guidance was simply answering questions and directing people towards a state goal, but it is so much more than that. So, here is a bit of what I've discovered.

My understanding of Guidance was expounded through Project Management and Management Review meetings. I had someone ask me, "I'm about to see my manager to do a performance review, what should I expect / talk about?"

I pondered this question, because a manager needs to provide guidance on how their report is performing, and how they can improve if needed, or how they can improve the project they are working on. It should be noted that if you live/work in a dual culture company where you have a manager who manages your work load and performance, while another manages the overall projects you work on, and yet another manager controls the overall product you are working on, this can be quite the frustrating position to be in. Who is your manager?

But, here is what each manager can provide you, and what you can help your manager understand you need ...

Guidance from Managers

Every manager can provide 4 things to you ...

An open forum to manage expectations

A review of the risks and solutions to problems you are facing in your work.

Access to a knowledge base either internal or external to help you answer questions about the work you're doing, the project you're working on, and the product that you are delivering.

And finally, support

When you look at these 4 components in the full definition of leadership .. Guiding Intent with Integrity .. you begin to see how these support the definition.

Having an open forum to manage expectation helps both you, the managers, and the team understand what you can do, when you can do it, and how you are going to do. When this is not conveyed, various parties within the group can become upset that expectations were not met, and may blame you for not being in integrity or having subversive intentions.

Having a forum to review the risks and solutions is also crucial to insuring that expectations are met. This helps the manager know what things are pinch points, will require more time, or could possibly halt a project .. thus delaying a deadline that could cost the company / customer a sale.

Knowledge is the bread and butter of any project. You are the SME for what ever you are working on. This is why you are there, and why you haven't been replaced with someone who can do the work better and faster using current techniques. Your managers trust your judgements on how best to navigate through the various risks and achieve the solution within a timely manner.

And, finally a manager provides support in the form of off loading work you don't have to do to other subordinates. If you are building a rocket that needs 20 engines, the manager could focus you on building the more involved complex parts, while subordinates build the mundane repeatable things .. like rocket engines. How many did you need 32? Or was it 28?

I'm sure there's more to come as I continue to explore this topic. I look forward to sharing it with you as I discover it.

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1 year ago

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

—Albert Einstein

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4 years ago

“I then ask, ‘What would it be like if you could simply give us [white people] feedback, have us graciously receive it, reflect, and work to change the behavior?’ Recently a man of color sighed and said ‘It would be revolutionary.’”

-White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo

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6 months ago
Sleep Insights We Get Them By Tapping Into Our Subconscious Mind. While We Dream, Our Brain Processes

Sleep Insights 💡 We get them by tapping into our subconscious mind. While we dream, our brain processes information and makes new connections. By thinking about a problem before bed, our brain will come up with a solution while we sleep.

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10 years ago
An Orgasm A Day...

An Orgasm A Day...

Life should be filled with as much good feeling as possible and orgasms are one of the best means toward achieving that end.

Orgasms are fantastic in that they not only feel incredibly good but provide a very nice lingering effect that can set the tone for your entire day. With each orgasm you tend to want another and the more you orgasm the sexier you feel. You become more and more aware of your body, yourself, your id.

Have you ever noticed how nearly impossible it is to entertain unpleasant thoughts during and shortly after an orgasm? The afterglow is beneficial too. You’re high on a flood of oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin and dopamine and, as such, a wonderful sense of peace comes over you and can linger for quite some time allowing for more positive thinking. So, go ahead and orgasm as often as you like.

Have an orgasm first thing in the morning as you lay in bed waking up. It will put you in a good mood and start your day off right. Take a break while working and indulge. Work may seem a lot better when you return. And treat yourself to an orgasm just before you turn in. You’ll sleep better and probably have better dreams too. Remember, outside of simple exhaustion and perhaps a little tenderness, there is no limit to how many orgasms you can allow yourself. ~ Trabue Gentry

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9 months ago

Our recommendation to all the angry people who follow the excitement culture every day and believe that everything is really shit.

Just change your mindset, there was no social media in the thirty year war(and it was really crap), so just stop watching anti-social media for a week and the local world around you will look a little better.

It's 2024 and yes there are a lot of problems in this world but if you're always fixated on the problem you can't see the solution.

Nor do they see the achievements that will ultimately benefit us all.


And here are a few more cat gifs to calm you down , smile.

Our Recommendation To All The Angry People Who Follow The Excitement Culture Every Day And Believe That

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8 years ago
Best Marketing
Best Marketing
Best Marketing
Best Marketing
Best Marketing
Best Marketing
Best Marketing
Best Marketing
Best Marketing
Best Marketing

best marketing



would recommend

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5 years ago

You know

Sometimes when I see all of those sad, depressed and lonely people I really want to do one thing. Sit with them, give them cup of warm coffee or tea and just let them talk. Listen to every word, every bad memory, every painful thought, and then when they finish, just hug them with all the warm and love I have inside me. Because sometimes people don't need much. They just want to know, they are not alone and there is someone who will listen and don't judge. Who will give them hug and pat on the head. A bit of empathy and time, that's all they need.

If you need to talk, feel free to send me a message.

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2 years ago

if i was sisyphus id eat a bit of dirt off the slope every time on my way up until the slope is no longer steep enough for the boulder to roll down. it would be end of suffering in 47 days

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It’s solar and wind and tidal and geothermal and hydropower.

It’s plant-based diets and regenerative livestock farming and insect protein and lab-grown meat.

It’s electric cars and reliable public transit and decreasing how far and how often we travel.

It’s growing your own vegetables and community gardens and vertical farms and supporting local producers.

It’s rewilding the countryside and greening cities.

It’s getting people active and improving disabled access.

It’s making your own clothes and buying or swapping sustainable stuff with your neighbours.

It’s the right to repair and reducing consumption in the first place.

It’s greater land rights for the commons and indigenous peoples and creating protected areas.

It’s radical, drastic change and community consensus.

It’s labour rights and less work.

It’s science and arts.

It’s theoretical academic thought and concrete practical action.

It’s signing petitions and campaigning and protesting and civil disobedience.

It’s sailboats and zeppelins.

It’s the speculative and the possible.

It’s raising living standards and curbing consumerism.

It’s global and local.

It’s me and you.

Climate solutions look different for everyone, and we all have something to offer.

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8 years ago

Artist Problems

Having a ton of ideas for things you want to make but not being able to use any of them.


- You don’t have time to make them because of school, work, personal problems or other stuff.

- You forgot to write it down and now it’s lost in void of your thoughts (probably) forever.

- Either you have no motivation enough to make it. Or you realise it won’t ever come out the way you had in mind because your not at the skill level needed for the making that kind of piece.

- You have an artblock or procrastinate for any other possible reason whatsoever.

- You get demotivated because someone already made something similar looking and you’re under the assumption they’re way better anyway.

- People critisize your ideas to the point where you don’t even believe in them anymore.

- You get distracted by social media, tv, events or other stuff.

- Your ideas include way to much work to do all alone. But you don’t know not enough people who would possibly want to help you create even one idea without getting payed.

- Someone steals your ideas and keeps using them without permission.

- You started a project but the people who you worked with you on it throw you out of the group, mistreat you or leave the project themselves.

- You get sick, injured or don’t feel good for another reason. And are practicly unable to work.

- Your art teacher laughs at your ideas and way of making them.

- Your inspiration runs out and you get stuck.


Reblog if this is is relatable. And feel free to send me solutions to these problems if you have any.

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