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Words Unsaid 5, Scarabian parties are loud
Professor Ségdae Tonyx belongs to @dove-da-birb who has graciously allowed me to use them as an actually good teacher that cares about Inky,, justice for Inky, ramshackle is terrible
Hi hi hi everyone! Part 5 is here and for those who maybe need a little nudge, Inky is in fact, a little ✨tistic✨ and for this chapter I've been pulling from my personal experiences but I find it's a little hard to describe at times, I still tried my best for y'all tho!!
Tw: meltdown; trash talk
2.1+ k words
When the call came in through the more than slightly old wall mounted landline that the Ramshackle prefect and Grim were to pack their clothing as well as other essentials and report to the headmage's office immediately, Inky was left confused and Grim, well, he was worried that they were getting thrown out after all. "Because the prefect wasn't pulling their weight" he said, knowing that he caused more messes than she did. So they both sat in the office silently.
They had been soaked and shivered from the raging storm, which had rolled in from the sea around the island and due to its nature, as it was a magical storm, would not stop for a few days, maybe even the rest of the week, but that was unlikely according to the headmage. Also according to the headmage, they would be temporarily residing in Scarabia. Reason being that the Al Asim family had agreed to donate funds for the renovation of Ramshackle. Why they donated? The headmage would not say, but it was absolutely because of the absolute garbage living conditions of having to stay in a building that was falling apart around Inky and grim.
"Thanks to my endless generosity, and a hefty donation by the Al Asims, Ramshackle will be renovated! Professor Tonyxx will be overseeing the process as they insisted..!" Were his words. At this point this was dragging in entirely too long and the prefect was somewhat struggling with the feeling of the wet fabric against their skin. Inky had always hated the feeling. Sensory issues are what that feeling was referred to. Usually Inky would manage, sure, a little wet clothing was fine, but this time she was soaked and she hated it. It was getting more and more overwhelming when their thought process got interrupted with a knock from the door.
"Headmage, is the prefect in yet? Kalim sent me to pick them up" A familiar, albeit muffled voice sounded through the door. It was Jamil.
"Come in Viper, they're here..!" The headmage answered and the old mahogany door opened to reveal Jamil Viper, clad in his dorm uniform, hood pulled up, the one that made him look like a snake from the side, as Inky had remarked in a letter. Even if Jamil had no clue about that. She looked at him, all dry and still so pretty. He was recovering, well, to her, he should have already been fully recovered despite a slight pain still surprising Jamil every now and then.
Inky nodded up at Jamil in greeting, which he returned, puzzled on the inside on why she was still wet and hadn't been offered a towel at the very least. "Take her and Grim to Scarabia and ensure she feels welcome there viper..!" The headmage said, mumbling something about how he was generous enough to allow this.
Outside of the slightly dark office Jamil used his magic pen to summon a towel each for both grim and Inky, though while Grim had his towel flopped down onto him by magic, Jamil was nice enough to actually hand over the towel meant for the prefect. "Here, you're still soaking wet.. the headmage didn't offer you anything to dry off with I see..?" He said, to which the prefect shook her head. They weren't even speaking to him apparently. Not like Jamil would know but the prefect had simply gone nonverbal.. Grim however communicated just fine and thanked Jamil for both of them.
Generously enough Jamil carried the one slightly large bag the prefect did have while the prefect in question carried a smaller bag with Grim's essentials. Jamil noticeably slowed his pace when he realised the prefect was limping a bit, the fact that he still saw the bandage on their arm, he regretted hurting her. It would most definitely leave a scar, aside from that all the other more minor injuries did still worry him. Crowley was running this girl more ragged than Kalim ran him at times. Jamil felt guilty for what he did, adding to her woes instead of lightening the load like everyone else should have done ages ago. He felt sick to his stomach when he remembered he'd sent her to die out in the desert after she'd nearly drowned barely a few weeks before. And now they weren't even speaking to him.
At least they'd reached Scarabia in little time despite going slower than usual. Kalim was there to greet them both, waving at the prefect. He dragged them off to their new room, Jamil and Grim in tow, so that Inky could put her things away and shower so they could heat up their cold body. Kalim gave them the whole excited spiel of them making themselves at home with Grim and that there was a small party later that had been planned in advance. The prefect was welcome to join them, according to Kalim. While she showered and changed Jamil was busy in the kitchens preparing some finger foods for the party that would be in a few hours, two maybe.
If he was really honest he wasn't even actually thinking about the food, but Inky instead. Something was up. Something about her felt a bit more off. They were struggling to keep their eyes open earlier. And she hadn't said a word since.. well, since he had come to pick her up. Maybe even before, he didn't know. He wished he did. He wished he knew.
Apparently the prefect spent a long time in the extra bathroom, that was according to grim, who had joined Kalim in the lounge. Him and the housewarden were talking.
"Inky's overwhelmed today. She has been for a while.. don't tell her I told you this though, she'll get upset because she'll 'dampen the mood' or whatever.. can you give me more of that tuna?" The cat thing said, nodding along when Kalim handed the delicious canned food over.
"Thank you.. anyway. She likes Jamil a whole lot, read her.. well it's not a diary but whatever. Have him watch over her a bit tonight. There's gonna be a few really loud people here today from what you've said about this party." Grim finished as Kalim agreed to what grim was saying.
"Yeah.. I'll host less parties while she's here, this one's just been planned for a really long time, or I'd be calling it off at any moment" the white haired housewarden laughed to himself, if only to make the topic feel less heavy. "He'll be there to watch over her, no worries..!"
When it was time and the party was in full swing it was a lot of things all at once, people chatting, music playing, lights that flashed and pulsed along the walls and decorations. The prefect Inky stood in the corner farthest away from the loud music in a t-shirt and sweatpants courtesy of Kalim, she'd refunded anything else as she wasn't really in the mood to wear something that could pay for her living expenses for months. Unfortunately some Pomefiore students had thought she'd be rather fun to mock because of this. They witnessed her orientation, they witnessed how the mirror had told her she was not wanted at this school. And they didn't like the way she looked that night, it was a party, not her living room, so why should she show up in sweatpants and a t-shirt? A cute little party dress was the right way to go, but she wouldn't fit into one. That's what they were whispering about at least. Not that it was true but at the moment Inky had little will to fight back.
Fact is she was really only barely keeping it together. The party was too loud for right now, she was exhausted and people were making fun of her. So as tears started forming in her eyes she sank to the floor, covering her ears as they started falling. Her body shook as she sat there crying at the back of the lounge as the Pomefiore students continued to mock her, but they were quickly silenced when Jamil approached them, and he glared at them.
"What joke must you be telling that it's got all of you laughing? Please, do tell me so I can tell the housewarden, I'm sure he'd love to hear it as well" He said, venom lacing his words, which seemed to send them spluttering for an excuse before dispersing. All of them avoided his gaze in fear of getting hypnotised. Good. He might've. But instead of focusing on that he went over to Inky, who had been trying her best to be quiet and to block out the song blasting through the speakers at the moment. He knelt down to her, tapping one of her knees gently. It got her attention, she flinched slightly in surprise in response before lifting her head quickly and looking at Jamil with wide, tear filled eyes. She looked so frightened, Jamil's heart sank. He hoped with every fiber of his being he wasn't the cause, but at least.. she looked at him, in his eyes. He nodded towards a door. That one led to a corridor, where the way to Kalim and his rooms were. It would be quiet there, his room was somewhat soundproof after all. He held out his hands and quickly, along with a sound that indicated she wanted out, Inky gripped them. Jamil recognised the simptoms, a meltdown. The way she was covering her ears before he intervened, she was pulling at her hair.
She wanted out. So he would take her out. She was breathing heavier than normal, heaving slightly even, as if a boa constrictor was wrapped around her neck. And if he could alleviate whatever else she felt, he would. It wasn't enough to make up for the scar that was forming on her arm.. but it was a start to him.
Luckily the walk wasn't long. And once there he guided her to sit on his bed, so that he could close the door fully and lock it too, they didn't need any disturbance right now. Who knows what that would do. So now he stood across from her, from Inky. She clutched her legs to her chest as she cried a little more, so Jamil gave her a glass of water. She didn't like the taste, he knew because she'd mentioned it over lunch, but it was all he had at the moment and he didn't want her to have a headache.
They sat in silence. They sat across from each other until she was done. She was looking at the bed Inky sat on most of that time while Jamil's eyes were on her and her only. Yes Jamil was worried for her since she wouldn't speak, couldn't speak, but he still found her pretty, even now when she looked so disheveled. How come he never noticed just how pretty he thought she was? But then she was done. And he placed the glass on his nightstand. What now? He didn't know what to do, but he should think of something, right? Why was it that now of all situations when he needed his brain to work as normal, it wouldn't? What was it that really made his mind blank so much?
Jamil was in his own head at the moment, maybe even a little too far for once, since he hadn't even noticed Inky uncurl herself slightly to come closer, closer and closer yet, only to somewhat throw herself at him to hug him. And she just cried. That's what brought Jamil back from his almost chronic habit of overthinking so that he could find a good solution. But now instead of thinking about what he could do to help her, he landed on his bed, Inky half way on top of him and laying there holding onto him for comfort as she let out an actual sob.. and a sniffle and another and another.
It took him a second but he realised all he had to do.. was hold her there for a bit until she didn't cry anymore, until she felt comforted enough. Not that Inky did move after she stopped crying. She was too tired and it was warm and comfortable where she was. So she fell asleep, right there, resting her head on Jamil's chest. And Jamil stayed there. The dark haired young man had no intention of waking her for once, because right now? He was crying himself. He didn't even notice. But he knew she didn't hate him now. That she trusted him enough to not attack her again. That she felt safe around him. And so for once, he too slept. Because he could, once at least, not bother with the party or the cleaning. This was more important. This felt better.
So I wanted to give some mild context to a line in For The Glory, For the Fame, since I don't think I explained it in-story too well:

Aile's actually met Aeolus before, due to the merger of the company he represents as a lawyer with the remains of Slither Inc.
Having said that, though:

Since the merger started, and ESPECIALLY after falling in with Albert/essentially disappearing off the face of the planet, Aeolus has been hunted down a fair bit by corporate saboteurs and assassins looking to halt the merger and take what's left of Slither Inc. for themselves. So he changed up his appearance a bit to try and throw them off - dyed his hair green (it was originally white due to his albinism) and grew it out, ditched the glasses and the fake lens that disguised the colour of his blinded eye. (A previous drawing of mine has him get the glasses back after the events of Advent :) )
This is also why in FTGFTF he's got Siarnaq as a partner; who better to stop assassinations than other assassins?
Had Aile - and even Vent - stopped to take a proper look at him and not been so frantic, they would've been pretty surprised and actually recognised him as "That Aeolus Siolen." However by the time he introduced himself he was already merged with Model H, and at that point all bets were off on whether or not the twins were going to throw hands.
Anyways just wanted to drop that but of lore in!