The edgiest thing of all is kindness. Art and other nonsense, I also lurk elsewhere on AO3 as miss_grimm. this slowly seems to be becoming a Megaman ZX focused blog, whoops.
200 posts
So I Wanted To Give Some Mild Context To A Line In For The Glory, For The Fame, Since I Don't Think I
So I wanted to give some mild context to a line in For The Glory, For the Fame, since I don't think I explained it in-story too well:

Aile's actually met Aeolus before, due to the merger of the company he represents as a lawyer with the remains of Slither Inc.
Having said that, though:

Since the merger started, and ESPECIALLY after falling in with Albert/essentially disappearing off the face of the planet, Aeolus has been hunted down a fair bit by corporate saboteurs and assassins looking to halt the merger and take what's left of Slither Inc. for themselves. So he changed up his appearance a bit to try and throw them off - dyed his hair green (it was originally white due to his albinism) and grew it out, ditched the glasses and the fake lens that disguised the colour of his blinded eye. (A previous drawing of mine has him get the glasses back after the events of Advent :) )
This is also why in FTGFTF he's got Siarnaq as a partner; who better to stop assassinations than other assassins?
Had Aile - and even Vent - stopped to take a proper look at him and not been so frantic, they would've been pretty surprised and actually recognised him as "That Aeolus Siolen." However by the time he introduced himself he was already merged with Model H, and at that point all bets were off on whether or not the twins were going to throw hands.
Anyways just wanted to drop that but of lore in!
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More Posts from Unintentional-edgelord
I am unreasonably happy about this, I mean look at the album art! It mimics Vent's pose from the Megamerge scene!!
Plus the YouTube link for good measure:
Honestly I think it actually kicks the ass of the ZXA Tunes version and that's not something I say lightly!
Okay I don’t normally post about my professional life on here, but…
I teach an undergraduate level Biology lab and tomorrow we’re covering cell membranes using the red blood cell as a model. I’m HUGE on etymology and I wanted to break down the term “hemolysis” to make it easier to remember, since it literally means “blood breaking” (hemo- = blood, -lysis = breaking).
So, to help them out, I was trying to find a word with the prefix “hemo-” that they’d be more familiar with. And what I MEANT to put in my teaching notes was “hemoglobin,” because that’s something a lot of people are familiar with.
What I had ACTUALLY put down, I found when I returned to proofread, was “hemotype.” As in “hemotyping.” As in “hemospectrum.” As in Homestuck.
I probably could’ve gotten away with it (I’ve already referenced Twilight when we studied mitosis and they ate it up), but I still shudder a little thinking about it.

undertale evil au idk I JUST WANT TO SEE HOW THEY WOULD LOOK….

Thank you for choosing to travel with us today . . .
I'm going to be completely honest; I don't really go here. I haven't played Black & White or its sequel so I was ignorant of these two until Pokémon Legends Arceus came out and propelled them right to the forefront of my dash, and I ain't gonna lie, I fell a little in love with these two.
Now. I might not have played their games. But I do drive a train and I couldn't help myself. I started sketching Ingo and Emmet in situations I've seen or been in as warmups and it just. . .mutated into this mini comic, which I thought I might share. Maybe I'll pick up my old saves

wonder panorama