Story Snippet - Tumblr Posts

In other news. Layla is very gey~
Filv found himself one random postnoon, whilst observing the roaming fields and watching the distant sheep, contemplating a serious theological question. The question was this; am I a crafter, or a carver? Verba thinking argued that every person was, for the most part, one of the two. Yet Filv was a shepherd, and shepherds don't exactly craft or carve anything, they largely just tend.
Lost inspiration for story, thought I'd share part of it, no edits
It began as the king had died.
Mours Delicar Ka Vick was found within his chambers, the sickness which had ravaged the man's health for week and bleached his skin a pale white---fragile and prone to bruising---had at last taken his life. At last he would be at peace. No more long nights of wailing for the castle physician to splinter his breaking bones. No more tortuous hours of coughing fits which crippled Delicar upon the floor in a puddle of his own blood. No more vivid visions of unseeable realities which haunted the walls: looming shadow figures as tall as giants, dark knights adorned in the living heads of their victims, and little devils after his toes. It's said the man was so disturbing at his time of death, having been self-locked in his own chambers for days and slowly turning into a bulbous blob of white and red, that the morning gent which found him had horrid images scared into his mind.
It was definitely to be a closed casket at the funeral, I would make sure of it
Alrighty, one down, three to go, not sure if I'll be able to do this one very well but we'll see
My words are: familiar, equal, pierce, door
Actually might not be too hard to get a few of those
From one of my attempts at writing The Box:
The box was inside, I could feel it. Somehow we were linked like twisted soul mates. Even now when awake I feel as though, were it possible, I could dissect and lobotomize my brain in pursuit of its engram. Would there be a little box inside the gooey mess of my unviewed memories turned tangible constructs? Just as there is a box in here, somewhere within the espance of the dream world.
When at last my nonphysical body made its way up the porch, once again barely avoiding the pointed up nail, I believe I grasped the handle as if to turn the DOOR inward, only to instantly find myself inside. Or was I never outside at all? In this vacuous housing of white the world I had remembered but now could find little truth in began to fade. I had felt, and still feel for some reason, as though I had always just been standing here. Frozen in place, starting at the snaking purple before me, which branched in this modern architecture like a great beast, the hydra's many heads. All memory of before seemed questionable, and it was unbacked by visible observation as out the DOORs peephole I found only the grand final escape of harsh yellow sky.
I did not have long. Did I? Perhaps I had an eternity in there. The alchemisticly project experience of eternity subjecting me to wander the labyrinth of white and purple until even a body unconstrained by mortal tiredness began to feel exhausted by the constant marching towards. Towards what? Towards the box I suppose.
Closest I could find for "pierce" was "cut", used one of my attempts at writing Downfall:
Just as he tried to warn Cullen they hit it, their ship lurching up with a great cracking noise like snapped bone. The wood creaked and bawled in unison with the wind, hollering with pain. As it split down the middle Sam And Cullen scrambled for anything they could use as a raft, abandoning ship was the only option.
For hours they drifted, shivering as their clothing was soaked and cold.
"Cullen," Sam said at last, hesitantly breaking the silence, "are you okay?"
Cullen was in no way okay, beyond what already afflicted himself and Sam, maintaining the ship had left him bruised, CUT, and in all sorts of pain. But he wasn't going to talk about it.
"Doesn't matter, you doing alright?"
Really couldn't find a usage of "equal", and the times I found "same" used didn't really fit either. but I forgot I wrote this ages ago and I found it funny so I went with an attempt at The Assassin of Norm:
“Run of the mill!” He questioned angrily for what must have been the fifth time now. “I am the great crimson plague of Ducere! How could you tell that man that, Theo?”
“Well to be fair,” I replied exasperated as I’m pretty sure I’ve already explained this part. “I didn't know at the time that you were some ‘great crimson plague of Ducere’, now did I?”
“Well you should have tried to stand up for me? What of my honor?”
“Your honor? What honor?” Elif jumped in for the first time in this exhausting conversation, up till now, they had only ever nodded along to the points we had made looking very confused. Us all being in here together, despite it not being long, sometimes I forget that Elif is only fourteen.
“My honor-” Sir Aaron said now as exasperated as me, turning to explain this as though everyone should understand it. “-in being the greatest arsonist in the last fifty years, plaguing south Ducere while at the SAME time on the hunt for myself.”
“And you’re proud of this?” She asked.
“Yesss! Theo, next time you get the chance, be sure to defend me next time. Okay?”
“Yeah sure, next time they ask I’ll tell them all about how daring and dangerous you are. And then they can come and arrest you for rebelling against the emperor. Happy?” I snapped more than annoyed.
“Rebelling against the emperor? But I’m not rebelling against the emperor, I'm just an arsonist. You’re the one who is rebelling against the emperor.”
Once again can't find the exact word, just gonna use "friendly" and AoN to get this one over with so I can finish the rest:
Inside, Jorgans Golden Elixir had quite a simple and quaint interior, it reminded me of home with its simple rickety doors and limited lighting. The entire Tavern was bathed in a cool dim light, and was almost devoid of life with only a couple scraggly teens pretending to be adults and a big brute in the corner.
Not giving any of them a second though I walked up to a short fat guy with an oblong face who manned the bar.
“Good Dey,” I called out to him cheerfully. Putting on my best business-like yet FRIENDLY smile “Might I trouble you for a drink? I’m so terribly parched after my journey.”
The man, a bit put off by my peculiar approach, gathered himself before getting straight to my request. “That’ll be no trouble sir, can fetch you a bottle of brandy or ale, or would you like to try our famous Golden Elixir? Finest wine in all Ducere, south to north.” The man had said this last part with much pride in his voice and eyes.
“Those are all tempting offers but I’m afraid I’m here on business so it will be only water for today.
Okay, if you get tagged the words you're looking for are: death, fist, bird, time
Okay if you can't find them, this is actually really hard imo
@dyrewrites @shepardsherd @emberlyric @backtoshittyfirstdrafts
Find the word
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck for the tag!
My words: loyal, haste, frost, glory
Your words: familiar, equal, pierce, door
Tagging with 0 pressure: @aziz-reads @andyswritings @cowboybrunch @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @eccaiia @jezifster @mk-writes-stuff @reininginthefirewriting @badluck990 @addicted2coke-theothercoke @i-can-even-burn-salad @sleepywriter00 @finxi-writes @finickyfelix @albatris or anyone else who wants to hop on!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @fairy-tales-of-yesterday y'all want to do this? Go ahead
Keep reading for:
Noelle's research part two (part one was here)
Jack, Jill, and Beau climb a beanstalk
TWO SOTL passages???? Anyways Jack is having a good time
Shapeshifting chitchat
(Dis)loyal - from The Secret Portal Part Two (article Noelle reads)
When I first joined the Aequales, I fully believed in the ideals that were preached. Now, I am unsure of what to do. It is true, the Aequales wants to bring peace to our world. The Aequales wants Inutilia to have the same rights as other Alii. As a fader, I still believe that Inutilia should not be treated the way they have in the past. I believe that Raissa Kamanzi’s methods are flawed. But Atsila McLain is not who we’ve been looking for. I had nothing but respect for the woman when I first joined. But as the years have gone on, I have found her to be insufferable. She’s demanding, harsh, zealoted, and disloyal to those around her. She doesn’t even seem to care much for her family, only obsessed with the end goals in mind. The ends do not always justify the means, and I am starting to believe she is no better than Raissa Kamanzi. It seems that even though Atsila does not appear to be lying about the rights of Inutilia, it is awfully convenient that her best friend is Inutil. Due to her being in high political standing in her neighborhood, having a high socioeconomic status, her connections to both the Sector 8 and 9 governments, and umbrakinesis, it is no wonder she is able to persuade the masses to her side. The Aequales does have many Inutilia members, some of them ex-Refuga, but there are a disproportionate amount of powered individuals, many of them using the Aequales’ guise of morality as an excuse to be bigoted to Aequalis Inutilia. Does Atsila kick out these bigots for not holding her ideals? No. She uses the advantage. She uses their pull to gain more and more followers. More and more people away from Raissa Kamanzi. I admit, it’s a brilliant strategy. But I cannot stand for a person who turns a blind eye to the very thing she’s supposedly fighting against just because the ends will justify the means.
Loyalty is a strong theme in TSP why do I never use it lol
Haste - from School of the Legends Year One
Outside, Jack, Jill, and Beau stood around the giant beanstalk, all armed with helmets, rope, and sickels around their waists, just in case one of them fell and had to dig into the side of the stalk in a haste. They tied the rope around each of their waists--Beau leading the way and Jack taking up the rear. “Alright,” said Beau, digging his foot into the side of the beanstalk and grabbing onto loose tendrils sticking out of it. “Let’s do this.” He began to climb up the side of the beanstalk. After he was high enough, Jill followed him. Jack looked up the beanstalk again. He couldn’t see the top, and today it was very cloudy--it may have been above the clouds. That wasn't a good sign. There was no way they’d reach the top, but surely Jill and Beau knew that. They were just having a bit of fun. And Jack was going to have fun, too. Once it was his turn, he followed his sister up the side of the giant beanstalk. The beanstalk was a lot easier to climb than Jack initially thought. It was about as thick as a tree trunk and had many layers of intertwined, well, stalks. Jack did slip a few times, but so did Beau and Jill. Maybe they were all average climbers. After what seemed like hours, Jack was beginning to get tired. How much longer until they were at the top? Jack strengthened his grip before he dared to tilt his head up. When he saw it was still forever, he felt weakened. Maybe if I looked down I could see how far we’ve come. Nope. That was a rubbish idea. “Beau!” Jack called upward. “Yes?” Beau yelled back. “Is there any way we could possibly speed this up?” “Yeah!” said Jill. “It’s starting to get a little less fun than expected.” “Okay,” said Beau. “Just give me a second.” Jack tilted his head back to look at Beau, who appeared to be concentrating. A tickling sensation on his chest caused Jack to jump. Parts of the beanstalk were wrapping around his torso, tight enough to be firm, and yet loose enough to allow him to breathe. “Hold on!” Beau said. Jack looked back up just in time to see his cousin thrust his hand groundward, and the three of them were shot toward the sky. A scream seemed to escape Jack’s lips, but he didn’t hear any sound. He struggled to keep his eyes open against the speed. He couldn’t find any way to speak, so silently willed Beau to stop, or at least slowdown. After a moment or so, it appeared to have worked. Well, it didn’t--Beau just stopped.
Not the most exciting passage imo but it was my only use of the word
Frost - from School of the Legends Year One
Jack stood with his feet just over shoulder-width apart, his left foot slightly behind his right. He focused his eyes on the wheelbarrow a few yards ahead. He pulled his left arm back and shot it forward. A stream of ice leapt out of his palm, striking the tire of the wheelbarrow. Jack laughed, spinning around. “Didja see that?!” “Sure did,” Jill said, grinning broadly. “You’re getting better at that.” Jack was sure his face was gonna split--that’s how hard he was smiling. He bounced on the balls of his feet to look back at the frozen wheel. Sure, he was aiming for the bed of the wheelbarrow, but honestly, who cared? Certainly not Jack. It had been a few weeks since their adventure up the beanstalk, and ever since the surprise letter, Jack had been trying out these ice powers he’d apparently possessed his whole life--that was something Jack still thought came out of the blue, although in the time that had past, it was starting to become more natural. His aim, still, was not terrible, not great, just average--so Jack was still Jack. “Thanks,” Jack said, responding to his sister. “Aw, this is wicked, ain’t it?” “You bet it is!” Jill said, crossing over to kneel beside the wheelbarrow. “You shot this out of your hand! I couldn’t even do that if I tried!” “Have you tried?” Jill pursed her lips. She stood again and backed up until she was next to Jack. She mimicked his earlier thrust of the palm. “Yeah, I tried.” “It’s still a little weird that I can do it,” Jack admitted. “Why? Because it’s above-average?” “Well, yeah, actually.” “Come on, Jack!” Jill said. “Stop being such a puss and enjoy this!” “Oh, I’m enjoying this alright,” Jack said, smiling again at the wheel. “It just feels… weird? Off-book? Out-of-character?” “Hey, if you want to feel more like your ‘old self,’ that appears to be an average amount of frost on that wheel.” Jack tilted his head slightly. “Yeah, you’re bang on with that.” Jill laughed, giving him a playful push on the shoulder.
Glory Importance (literally the closest synonym and it was only said once) - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
“So, what does Liam have planned for you today?” she asked. “I dunno,” I said, shrugging. “We basically go over what each animal can do, and the importance of each one in a given situation. I assume more of that?” “Is that all y’all do?” I shrugged. “Pretty much. I mean, we focus on some combat.” “What does Liam turn into?” “I dunno, wood, diamonds, bricks. Water, sometimes.” “Which one of you is more powerful?” “I think technically he is,” I said. The doors slid open to an empty dining hall and we stepped in. I went to the replicator, ordered a granola bar, and then turned back into the elevator. “What Level are y’all again?” Kelsey asked as we stepped in. “Training room.” “I’m a Level-2, he’s Level-3,” I said. “So he is?” “I mean, shapeshifting is weird. The Levels aren’t related to each other.” “What are they?” “Uh, people, animals, textures,” I said. “One Level does all living things, and the highest Level can shift into anything. They’re called omnimorphs.” Kelsey let out a whistle. “Imagine being an omnimorph.” She cocked her head. “Could an omnimorph replicate the internal structure of an Alii?” I thought about it for a second. “Like, replicate their powers?” I shrugged. “Maybe. Do you think Hye-Jin is some level of omnimorph?” “I dunno,” Kelsey said as the doors slid open. “She could. It may not even be related.” “Either way,” I said as the two of us stepped into the training room, “omnimorphs are pretty rare. There hasn’t been a recorded one in a century.”
Levels are up to chance I'm figuring it out. Think Maddie is more powerful but unsure.
Suits and Shades// Chap. 17
A snippet of the next unreleased chapter of my GTA fanfiction. Hardened Los Santos Detective Andre Jackson tries to apologize to Amanda De Santa for lying. Things get heated rather quickly... ;)
Pairing: Amanda De Santa x oc
Warnings: Fluff, explicit

Read on ao3
“Amanda!” I came up from behind and veered in front of her. “Listen, I know you’re upset, but you can’t go running off by yourself. It’s too dangerous.”
“You’re a liar!” She pushed me—well, tried to—it felt more like a heavy-handed tap. Cute. I didn’t budge. “I thought you were different, ‘the nice guy’, but you and Michael, you’re both the fucking same…”
Her voice faded to the back of my mind as I watched her lips move, the tip of her tongue swayed with every word. Her perfect, red rouged mouth was remarkably alluring. I haven’t felt her lips against mine in days and I was starving for the taste.
The blood in my veins went hot and molten, threatening my control. Amanda wasn’t mine to have. If only she wasn’t so damn sexy…I knew where this was heading—straight down a road of getting fucked over.
I wasn’t interested in a short-term affair. I wanted more. I needed more. I deserved more.
How could I compare to a dude like Michael? Her first love? I wasn’t rich. I didn’t have millions to throw around, a mansion in Rockford Hills with a private pool, luxury cars or yachts, but maybe…maybe I could make her want me.
The chances of being with her were slim. Real slim. Against my better judgement, I took the chance anyway.
Passion overriding caution, I gripped a fistful of her silky hair and pulled her to me, my mouth slanted over hers. She let out a feeble sound of protest and went completely still, her resistance beginning to dissolve. Her heart raced, nipples hardening into tight points against my chest. Gradually, she softened in surrender, melting into the kiss, clinging to my shoulders as if her knees were going to give out.
"Andre..." she moaned against my lips. I shivered.
All the fight left her. She kissed me back, her tongue thrust aggressively into my mouth, demanding and greedy. It was always a fight for dominance between us, and that fight always ended in her favor. She was a strong woman who had to be in control. I admired that.
But she wasn’t gonna win today.
With a growl, I dragged my lips away. My mouth opened on her neck, devouring the softness. I cupped her hip, and her shapely, flexible leg rose in response, curling around my waist. Her long-limbed figure molded to mine perfectly. Through her sheer, skin-tight leggings, I could feel her heat, her core trembling against my throbbing shaft. Wait—was Amanda wearing panties?
I slid my hand into her pants, and fondled the soft, exposed curves of her ass. Hot damn, she really was going commando.
I think I’m in love.
We were stranded in the middle of nowhere, in the dusty, poverty-stricken, piece of shit town known as Sandy Shores. Tracey was missing, I had a bullet wound in my chest, thugs were probably lurking in the shadows watching us make out…
Now really wasn’t the time for this.
“Your husband and I ain’t the same,” I nipped lightly at her earlobe, making her shudder. “You know me, baby. I’m nothing like him.”