I long to kill the writers block fairy
512 posts
Addicted2coke-theothercoke - Addicted2Coke-theOTHERCoke - Tumblr Blog
So me and my dad have decided that the events of the Hobbit is like 14 Scottish coal minors, and a weird old guy who brought the fireworks when you were a kid, showing up at the Earl of Grantham's house and wisking him off on a nutso adventure involving trolls and goblins and a dragon
This is because Bilbo doesn't actually do anything at The Shire, he's just a local comparatively wealthy dude

Nah it's fine
I should like, wash my door though, or repaint it
Never occurred to me that's a thing people do but I guess they must

I got my old Xbox 360 working again to play Dark Souls cause they only had the remastered version on steam
It sounds like it wants to die, I should look into that
Named my character Wargrave, but I think chose the wrong class, he's so slow I keep getting hit
Doesn't help the controllers keep giving up on me

I dunno, looks fine to me

I got my old Xbox 360 working again to play Dark Souls cause they only had the remastered version on steam
It sounds like it wants to die, I should look into that
Named my character Wargrave, but I think chose the wrong class, he's so slow I keep getting hit
Doesn't help the controllers keep giving up on me
Worst part about seeing a big crazy spider and smacking it away is then your mind starts going:
Caleb, there's a spider on your
Do you feel it
It's a spider
There's a spider on your leg
Caleb it's on your neck now
Caleb you sleep out here, they go in your mouth, spider Georg
I don't actually have any songs stuck in my head, but the first song that came to mind when I saw this was:
The U & I in Suicide by That Handsome Devil
So I'll go with that
Y'all are the only tags I can remember but you don't actually have to do this, not obligated
@illarian-rambling @the-golden-comet
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)

Okay, last post before I try to sleep
Let's be real, those kids from Stranger Things should have been bullied way harder
It's the 80s, try to act like it at least a little bit maybe?
80s sucked for a reason
Why are bath tubs so fucking small
I am the size of a grown man, and I am too sick to stand for long periods of time
This is bullshit
My Muse:

Petition for "May the Muse be with you" to be a greeting to artists and writers to wish them luck

Edit: I accidentally put Hawkeye twice, my bad
So I'm sure this matters a whole lot less then Sailor Moon to most of you, but does anyone remember Willow?
Great movie, underrated, not actually what I'm here to talk about, that's just the introduction question
The follow up question is does anyone remember the Disney Plus Willow TV show? Or the trailers at least?
The show did so miserable bad it was pulled off only a few months or so later, and it hasn't been put on anything else. It's gone. Forever. It was too expensive too keep on, and too expensive to keep paying the actors
Now it had some truly baffling bad moments. And was not a good Willow show, though I think if it wasn't connected to the Willow brand it would have made a fun crappy fantasy show
I just think it's insane to completely eradicate a series
If my dad hadn't found a guy who pirated it I never would have seen it because they had already removed it by then

Y'all ever half way through a post and think, "damn, I'm bored," and delete it?

I got my old Xbox 360 working again to play Dark Souls cause they only had the remastered version on steam
It sounds like it wants to die, I should look into that
Named my character Wargrave, but I think chose the wrong class, he's so slow I keep getting hit
Doesn't help the controllers keep giving up on me
Sad news: My local Game On went out of business
Good news: The people who replaced them will still sell Warhammer stuff, soon

It's not exactly fan art when it's your own story, but I'm counting it cause I dunno what to call it
Literally was saying the other day they should just adapt Minecraft The Island. It would be so much better
5 ways to do a Minecraft Movie that doesn’t suck:
1. Do an adaptation of Max Brooks: The Island. This is already a fascinating retelling of what waking up in Minecraft would be like and it was written by the guy who wrote World War Z! I genuinely don’t know why they didn’t do this in the first place because Jack Black is the guy who read the audiobook! It’s so obvious it’s painful!
2. If you must have “real people in Minecraft” then have them wake up there without knowing how they got there. Steve tells them if they defeat the Ender Dragon the portal that opens after will take them home. Boom. Now your entire plot is your characters working towards defeating the dragon and going home. You still get the nether and piglins. You still get creepers and villages and maybe even raids. You get the whole gauntlet of what Minecraft offers.
3. Do it Wall-E and Cast Away style. Guy wakes up in Minecraft, does not know how or why he’s there. Most of the action is conveyed entirely through pantomime, with one guy. He’s alone in Minecraft and he needs to survive. The film is him struggling as he comes to grips with the weird mechanics of the world such as floating trees and creepers.
4. Do it as a semi-horror movie. Have the majority of the day segments be about a guy trying to prepare, have the nights be horror filled encounters where each day there’s a new terror he’s not familiar with. Culminate with him slowly getting worse and worse off until he finds a village. Have him get taken in and brought back to health. He decides to defend the village, and the final battle is him putting his survival skills and knowledge to the test against a very aggressive raid.
5. Literally just animate Minecraft Story Mode. Keep it animated all the way through. It’s just Story Mode but with better graphics and more concise editing. Oh wait! That’s already being done now! It’s called “Block by Block: The Amulet” and it’s going to be premiering on YouTube in 2025 and it’s being made by fans of the game!
And those are just the first 5 I literally thought up while in my car waiting to pick up food. This is not a hard concept. Like Minecraft offers up SO MANY potential ideas for stories. Why did they pick the worst way to do this?

It started out as a 2001 drawing, kind of went beyond that, still kind of similar though
I saw the Minecraft trailer recently
No need to share all my thoughts, but considering I've seen some other people talk about it, I figured I'd offer my biggest complain with the trailer and what I'd like a Minecraft movie to be like
Problem: They made everything about Minecraft a joke, including the player avatar. You, yourself, are the joke in this god awful movie, that scoffs on the entire idea of the game. This is the game that gives us the line "And the universe said I love you", and the movie gives us screaming pink sheep
Want: I dunno who else read this as a kid, but a while back I read this book called Minecraft The Island. And, while I understand it would be a lot harder to get the rights for it, it contains everything I'd look for in a Minecraft movie, and has a plot so we don't have to make up some nonsense about piglins. It deals with the single player experience, and cold nights alone in holes, and the panic of almost dying in hardcore, and everything. Hell it was based of a the authors experience with Minecraft. So, that's what I'd like
Also, side note, not that I ever expected it, but the child in my heart still wants a Gameknight999 adaptation lol
Things have calmed down a little bit, so I'm gonna try and still post now and then 1. - I write a lot of science fiction, its easier for me
2. - I don't think about stories in terms of tropes, so not really
3. - Not really, again. The worst trope in the right story is a good trope
4. - I have an idea about my autism experience, its about a robot and a girl in love, and its called The Warmth of Cold Steel. Basically, it doesn't matter how much the robot loves the girl, she don't feel that he means any of it
5. - Supposedly my vocabulary
6. - My self confidence is a big one, that's for sure
7. - This from near the end of a short story I'm working on to try and submit: "And so those two personalities will last forever in conflict, till around the early twenty-ninth century when the last of the power banks run out. Primal desire and intellectual thought will bicker back and forth just as the id and superego of mankind fought and waged conflict. Maybe they too will expand. Maybe they too will destroy themselves in glorious nuclear fire."
8. - I don't remember when I last did dialogue, sorry
9. - Any of them, because I finish nothing
10. - None of them, but the sci-fi ones are still easier
11. - I think its passion, I feel horrible when I can't write. So I feel horrible often
12. - Episode? I don't follow?
13. - I dunno about best overall, but I've found some Sanderson lectures very helpful
14. - Can't say for certain, but mean advice doesn't help anyone
15. - My recent short story is the closest to being finished, so I think its my only choice
16. - Pairing? I don't understand again
17. - Start to finish, anything else just doesn't work for me sadly
18. - I've tried tools, I'm really bad at them
19. - I can get inspiration from a number of things, but no I wouldn't really say I have a muse
20. - On my chromebook, on the computer doesn't go as well, and on my phone has bad formatting
21. - Depends, but probably not enough times
22. - My writing style hasn't changed that much, except for really old stories I don't feel like digging up
23. - Any of them. I always keep returning to Downfall, so I likely will again, but that one just never works
24. - Never really published
25. - Dunno what to look for
26. - I dunno, I just read it and tell them what I think
27. - I tried doing one once with a friend, but we never really made it past conception
28. - I don't quite understand what this wants me to do, so I'll just share three writing blogs I like: @illarian-rambling @the-golden-comet @kaylinalexanderbooks
29. - I dunno really(I'm assuming when this has been saying fic the whole time it doesn't just mean any fiction story, but something not traditionally published, right? Wrong?)
30. - Yeah, and I use them sometimes, but I still have all the same problems I normally have
31. - Okay I was write, we mean fan fiction. I don't write fan fiction, is this not something I should be replying to? Sorry
32. - In most stories I'm not the biggest fan, but if I go into it expecting smut I don't mind
33. - About what?
34. - I don't have any thoughts I don't write fan fiction, sorry
35. - Yeah same answer
36. - Uh huh
37. - I like the way this current one is going
38. - Jo always likes my stories, they cheer me up when I worry I'm doing bad
39. - I do, I stopped sharing unfinished stories
40. - Mhmm
40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Share one of your strengths.
Share one of your weaknesses.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
Describe your perfect writing conditions.
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. (Person sending the ask is free to make suggestions).
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Have you ever deleted one of your published fics?
What do you look for in a beta?
Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
How do you feel about collaborations?
Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Do you accept prompts?
Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
How do you feel about smut?
How do you feel about crack?
What are your thoughts on non-con and dub-con?
Would you ever kill off a canon character?
Which is your favorite site to post fic?
Talk about your current wips.
Talk about a review that made your day.
Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
Write an alternative ending to [insert fic title] (or just the summary of one).
Guys some shits happened today and I don't know when I'll be back on
Or I'll turn to Tumblr in an attempt to distract myself in an instant
Sorry for that too

Y'all my presents for riddles on them
Last year my Grandpa Dale sent me Birthday by The Beatles, today I got Happy Birthday by Weird Al
Gotta same I'm loving this tradition:)
As he a kid he'd send us CDs of weird or goofy songs, or later on send them to our mom so she could put them on TV, so it's really fun to get them directly
Life goals: weird music grandpa(yeah okay, there's weirder things then Beatles and Weird Al, but you didn't listen to those CDs I'm talking about. Or you did, idk)