Stp The Tower - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Tried Something A Little Bit Different From My Usual Lineart And Colouring Style. And I Had To Take A

Tried something a little bit different from my usual lineart and colouring style. And I had to take a photo of myself because I couldn't find the reference pose I wanted, lmao.

I wanted to draw some Tower x Voice of the Broken art because I thought the ship is kinda cute. Yes, I know Tower is probably OOC here, but I thought it would be funny if she was hostile towards everyone else but only somewhat nice towards Broken.

Also, Broken is wearing monk robes here. I imagine every voice's design to be based on a medieval role/job. Like Hero being a knight, Contarian being a Jester, Smitten being a bard, etc. Broken is a monk.

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11 months ago
theferralchild - Ferral

I absolutely LOVE Slay the Princess! It’s genuinely a game that I think is going to become a cult classic in the coming years. Definitely in my personal top 10 games of all time!

I absolutely adore how your choices actually matter in the game (unlike some games *cough* Tell Tales Walking Dead *cough*). I was also surprised about the outcomes of some of my choices (such as finding the Stranger first and getting an… interesting ending). 

I’m so excited for the Pristine Cut of this game! I genuinely cannot wait to see what changes: 

(And I think I read somewhere that the Den- which is my favorite route- may get more content :D)

I remember seeing this game when ManlyBadassHero played the demo, and it hooked me. So imagine my surprise when suddenly on my YouTube feed I see a video that says “Slay the Princess Full Game”. I avoided so many spoilers and saved until I could get the game and it was so worth it! Best $18 I’ve ever spent!

So as tribute to this game, here is a piece of fan art (and my first art post to Tumblr too)!

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9 months ago

Hello everybody back on Slay the Princess (very excited for the announcement tomorrow btw and I have some new PICTURES.

Spoilers for The Tower below

Hello Everybody Back On Slay The Princess (very Excited For The Announcement Tomorrow Btw And I Have


Hello Everybody Back On Slay The Princess (very Excited For The Announcement Tomorrow Btw And I Have
Hello Everybody Back On Slay The Princess (very Excited For The Announcement Tomorrow Btw And I Have
Hello Everybody Back On Slay The Princess (very Excited For The Announcement Tomorrow Btw And I Have


Hello Everybody Back On Slay The Princess (very Excited For The Announcement Tomorrow Btw And I Have
Hello Everybody Back On Slay The Princess (very Excited For The Announcement Tomorrow Btw And I Have
Hello Everybody Back On Slay The Princess (very Excited For The Announcement Tomorrow Btw And I Have

And once you bring her to The Shifting Mound it's straight up CRAZY

Hello Everybody Back On Slay The Princess (very Excited For The Announcement Tomorrow Btw And I Have

Those hands are not small. They are the same size as the standard princess' hands. SHE IS SOOOOOO BIG. SHE IS SO SO BIG. I JUST. AUUUUGUHHHGH HGHH.

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8 months ago
My Slay The Princess Stuff Is Still Haunting My Notes So Have This AU Where You Actually Become The Priest
My Slay The Princess Stuff Is Still Haunting My Notes So Have This AU Where You Actually Become The Priest
My Slay The Princess Stuff Is Still Haunting My Notes So Have This AU Where You Actually Become The Priest

My Slay the Princess stuff is still haunting my notes so have this AU where you actually become the priest of The Tower and are on a mission to convince other people of her being their goddess (..... If there are other people)

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7 months ago
Perhaps Its Since Im Not Super Deep Into The Fandom, But Im Somewhat Surprised I Havent Seen Much Of

Perhaps it’s since I’m not super deep into the fandom, but I’m somewhat surprised I haven’t seen much of this meme with The Tower before

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