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1 year ago

school dump

ok so I made like 12 posts about how shit is going by crazy there but actually… I need to rant :)

(it’s a high school, I’m 18 tho)

it’s a really good school. Like absolutely amazing academics and shit. The only problem is it’s lack of caring

like there’s literally no POC, any nurodivegence is seen as dumb or you’re a “sped kid”. There are a TON of queer and nurodivergent individuals, but the school refuses to recognize them beyond mental health awareness month (in which they put up signs saying ‘be happy’)

moreover, because the academics are so competitive, many people are often forced into classes they mentally, physically, and emotionally cannot handle. The school tries to get ever kid to take at LEAST 1 ap class per year, staring from freshman year. It’s insane. Every person I know who has been forced to take the ‘accelerated track’ is miserable and has been /is suicidal. The ones who aren’t are just as sad because many of them feel they are worthless because the ‘smart kids’ get all the praise.

this is why there was a stabbing. This is why someone intentionally pulled the fire alarm to get out of class. This is why my friends are never happy. This is why I use fallout as an escape, because survival in the wasteland is easier than school. I can’t wait to get out of here

tldr; school sucks because of the people who run it, and because of the things that happen as a result of the administration’s mistakes and i use fallout as an escape, because survival in the wasteland is easier than school.

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In Camusian philosophy, there are three ways of coping with the Absurd:

Commit suicide

Commit to the bit (bad)

Commit to the bit (good)

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RIP Francis Abernathy you would've loved saying "I'm going to kms"

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This is basically how episode 3 from season 2 went-

This Is Basically How Episode 3 From Season 2 Went-
This Is Basically How Episode 3 From Season 2 Went-
This Is Basically How Episode 3 From Season 2 Went-
This Is Basically How Episode 3 From Season 2 Went-

anyways, this is why skeet is my favourite hollow character :3

Also you all HAVE to watch The Hollow it's great!

This Is Basically How Episode 3 From Season 2 Went-

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7 months ago
Perhaps Its Since Im Not Super Deep Into The Fandom, But Im Somewhat Surprised I Havent Seen Much Of

Perhaps it’s since I’m not super deep into the fandom, but I’m somewhat surprised I haven’t seen much of this meme with The Tower before

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1 year ago

The actual happiness I felt when Blake implied to Sunshine that he was going to off himself just cured my depression.

And then some bitch sovereign pulled him out of the river and now I'm back to hating my life again.

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1 year ago


Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. As I am writing this, many beings are thinking about ending their journey, for one reason or the other. Suic*** has been normalized when happening in certain contexts and forgotten about in many others. The truth is that, for a horrible amount of individuals, the reason was society. It is important to understand that we are all here in the same way, but we are not as strong to take it all in and move on. That's why we need to be respectful and caring towards others. One day it could be you, and it may be for a different reason, but you'd want someone to show you their heart.

You are needed. You are wanted. You are loved. If you are looking for a sign, this is it. You are important and I appreciate your existence. Earth wouldn't be the same without you. Please keep going. You can do it. You are awesome. Show your light. Stay.

The Indicators Project seeks to provide validation to those that have been through the situations and conditions described, as well as to bring awareness to many different issues and ways of being that are usually undervisibilized, misunderstood or unspoken due to still being some sort of taboo.

Indicators should never be used as a tool for self-diagnosis nor against yourself or others in any way, shape or form. Having one single indicator does not mean you will experience the situation described, specially if you never have before. Do not take this as a life sentence but rather as an explanation of the possibility of experiencing something. Use it the events in your journey through a wider perspective.

The ultimate purpose of Indicators is to be eventually used as a tool for prevention and self-awareness by all beings. Indicators signal the likelihood for situations, events, conditions and decisions. There are more indicators that need to be found, so researchs remain open forever. If you would like to participate in this or any other research as a volunteer, write an e-mail with the Subject 'Research Volunteer' to I'm currently researching many different things so don't be afraid to reach out and introduce yourself. Feel free to tell me your story and as much (or little) details as you wish. Thank you for being you.


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1 year ago

Super fair way of doing the name picking I think what you went with worked out great ^^

The one that really gets to me that I was thinking about when I sent that was how she speaks to Maria in the Designer chapter like what she voices is just wanting to get her to comply and give back the puzzle piece but it comes across as so scathing and personal at the same time even with her barely looking at Maria to say it, evil version of what I had her tell Aoi in my own fic when they're talking about the safe ending while preparing their game like the completely different framing of the same sort of disdain at the mere concept I love you and I'm half-dead and miserable and if only you get the chance to I want you to live I'll be the most unhappy if you follow/ your brother is going to hate you if you decide following him is worth taking an innocent bystander down with you are you really that desperate. like. also her telling Sigma he should have killed himself like giiirl I. the sudden Mirakane in that chapter overshadowed it so much for me in the end but I was speechless for a good while when that happened I think I even was like okay I'll take a break and then I came back to a whole different thing happening lol she leaves the room so proud of herself for "winning the argument" with that one too I think friend said something that stuck with me also while she was mentally giving Diana shit for having anxiety and trauma and he was like girl like your brother??? who also has those things??? in a different way of course but like still???? like yeah exactly she's just like so bad about it with the way she thinks about people struggling in this way specifically and it just makes me wanna poke it and keep writing essays about it it's so interesting to me I like it there's layers upon layers to this character flaw

I don't think I ever sent you an ask about it or maybe I did but like there was a day I decided to google the name meanings for the first names you picked for the Kurashiki's parents in zwg and I was emotional about Ayaka's meaning having to do both with flowers and colors when that's a theme in Aoi and Akane's as well I was thinking how like you write their reactions to her death into their characters so well Akane's especially since that's what we got to see most of so far she clearly doesn't blame her mom but since she had Aoi to fall back on and also never did a therapy about it every other time the topic of suicide comes up it's clear that she processed it as a form of abandonment and is pretty callous about the subject I think about the Kurashiki's mother way too much my friend just played up to the coffin ending in 999 all day and I just got back home an hour ago and am woozy but need to talk about her with spoilers enabled to someone so I remembered this hi ily 🫶

hi ily2

i’m gonna be real honest i don’t remember looking very hard for their mother’s name (comparative to their father’s name, “hardworking” i think, and then. uh. another name) so it’s entirely possible that i just saw a relevant looking A name and said “yeah that one”

but yeah, akane definitely has some Issues with suicide that definitely link back to her mother. i’m sure these issues would never be exacerbated in a timeline with a rationality virus or in any other timelines haha.

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10 months ago

i want to unapologize to you and you speficially for not defending me against the awful people in your comments. or like. idk. apologize to you but not apologize to them. they suck youre fine but they suck

:33 < uhhhh sorry ?? <:o[ idont exactly know what idid.... the people in my comments simply told me to block you because you told me to like.... kill myself n stuff.... im glad im fine but idont really know what they did.... but yea if youre in my comments please dont go harassing this person

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5 months ago

my box is always there and always open.

Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save
Share. Please. In Honor Or This Nameless Hero Whom Because Of This Letter He Or She Sent Me, Could Save

Share. Please. In honor or this nameless hero whom because of this letter he or she sent me, could save a life tonight. 

again, my box is always open.

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