Line Art - Tumblr Posts

30 day Burrito Challenge week 1
Day 1 : Dragon Charmer
Day 2 : Spell Caster
Day 3 : Skeletal Wanderer
Day 4 : Lucky Cat Boy. ( Φ ω Φ )
Day 5 : Elemental Xian(smog)
Day 6 : Forest Folk:a angry Minotaur boy
Day 7 : Jorogumo
wanna see me daily update? go check my IG account!!

30 day Burrito Challenge week 3
Day 15 : Captured (by so boring bandage yokai.
Day 16 : Preta
Day 17 : Voodoo hero
Day 18 : Modern Anubis
Day 19 : Trenchcoat Ninja(< °Д°)つ==卍
Day 20 : Sword 2X size of character
Day 21 : Sin(Pride/superbia), Enjoy your dirt, you scrap metal.>_>
wanna see me daily update? go check my IG account!!

I try to make them looks like a team. Does anyone has a good team name? °ω°
(from 30dayBurritoChallenge day17~20 )

i don’t know what i am drawing. ┏( .-. ┏ ) ┓

l love lots of mythology creatures, and mermaid is one of my favorites.
‹‹\(´ω` )/››‹‹\( ´)/››‹‹\( ´ω`)/››

more practice coming up ;’3

i want to buy some clothes by internet and find this kind tank top. i guess when u wear it, u supposed to let ur nipple breath and say hello to the world. XD

Get out of my way
inking practice ;’3

i am so happy about the legalization of same-gender marriage and also proud of being a Taiwanese. so i made this to celebrate. ;'3

Genji in the Wind by luffie
They should make this into a skin, then a toy, would totally buy it.

doodle thing I did that im gonna called finish. I love linework man
Looking at this has made me realize how much I really need to work on my line art.
I'm too tired for this so here's a thing

-like florists so I made him a florist, because I can-
(like a career I've decided that's what he does)
(I swear it was 4:30 when I started now it's 5:02???? I can't have been working that long. I refuse to believe it)

all my lovely tats :) more to come in the summer for sure