Such Great Art! - Tumblr Posts

I met @electriicfleur not too long after I joined the fandom, and she has been one of the sweetest and most encouraging people, and I’m glad that I can call her a friend.
This is Nora Adler from her fic Cruel World, because I love both Fleur and Nora sm <3
BALD MOTH MAN. I don’t understand how a friend of mine even simps for you like but I just wanted to say. b a l d m o t h m a n.
Ohoho, misguided, dear, poor darling~
Perhaps you'd like to touch~♥
Here, a pic straight out of a shower for You and your simpy friend, who is more than welcome to come to adore me here~

“You would stand underwater, all the way at the bottom, and sing. And we would be above the surface trying to guess the song.”


based on my good fine pal @embertjx(on isntagram) ‘s awesome incredible imagination