Martha Wells - Tumblr Posts
I saw that too!
(There’s a weird little undercurrent of MI characters assuming each others’ verbal quirks -that this overlaps with favorite humans suggests that this is an affection affectation, lol. I should really get around to that meta I wanted to write about that.)
The reader for the audiobook, Kevin R Free, renders those citations in a like exasperated eye-roll kind of way that, at least for me calls a whole pissy argument about this into being.
ART: Academic convention is to cite sources [highlights several places]
MB: fuck off, ART. This isn’t for academic conventions.
ART: But this is serious. You want to be taken seriously. Besides, researchers will need to be able to consult your sources.
MB: Well if they’re not going to believe I know what I’m talking about then there’s no point in doing this.
ART: The issue is not whether they “believe you.”
MB: they can look shit up on the library feeds if they want to be bored. This is for edutainment.
ART: Alternatively, you could just admit that you don’t know how to use citations properly.
> Holism has entered the chat
Holism: I can teach you any of the citation formats you might use for your project.
> Holism has been booted from the chat
MB: It’s pinging me directly now.
ART: For fucks sake. I will add the citations.

Since when does Murderbot use full citations?
ART is definitely starting to rub off on it...
All Systems Red intro - comic adaptation
ENG/CZ (CZ under cut)
A comic adaptation I did for a school assignment.
Originally made for the Czech translation of the book, so I had to change the original English text a little to fit the finished comic.


Original book All Systems Red by the author Martha Wells, I claim no right to the original work. This is only a fan adaptation.
I don’t think tumblr is - I think *some users* are.
For that matter, you’re giving it different pronouns than it explicitly asks for. (You use “they” in the context of its sentience and that’s a little big for a typo.) I’m not a shipper myself, but I gather it’s a tool - like gender or species or environmental conditions - to process how the relationships between characters interact with their personalities. People have reflexive paradigms that are go-tos for processing characters and shipping is a popular one. It doesn’t seem (as far as I can tell from a lot of study) have that much to do with the characters themselves. It’s about the writers and their interests/preoccupations/curiosities.
I think that’s different from interpreting the shipping of aromatic, asexual, agender, etc characters as an attempt to overwrite the characters’ original forms. Fanfic is a self-centric exercise of expression. Being mad about it is a bit like being angry that someone’s using your favorite color in an art style you hate, or to paint something that doesn’t *come* in that color. (Like if someone did a labeled carton of orange juice and made it blue. Same level of mismatch, but hopefully in a context less crucial to you.) OJ will continue to be orange, and their depictions don’t do anything to refute that. What’s the problem?
ETA: -signed, an aroace gender indifferent person who used to ALSO be deeply offended by people shipping (goddamnit) the only cool aspec character I’d ever seen.
i will never understand the murderbot shipping community. like the entire point is that murderbot has no interest in anything beyond friendship. that includes queer platonic partnerships its just not interested. and that's ok and doesn't mean they aren't fully sentient. that's a major theme of the character.
so why is Tumblr insistent that its pining away for gurathin
Murderbot and Trauma Portrayal
I've been thinking about Murderbot and trauma recently. Murderbot is able to shut down memories of the things that traumatised it really well. Especially with the extra stuff that us squishy humans don't have like computerish brains. But despite the ability to shut thoughts down its actual body retains the memory of the trauma and keeps lowering its performance rating even when it is Not Remembering.
Just as somebody who has to deal with trauma flashbacks, its so accurate to what I do. Because one way a mind learns to deal with trauma, is to just shut it down, such as intentional or unintentional forgetting. But that doesn't get rid of the trauma. Because trauma lives in the body, and the body remembers even when the mind does not.
Because you can't escape trauma by running from it, at least not totally. You can do it to survive, but its never going to go away by doing that, it'll always just be lurking, lowering your performance rating.
highlights from the martha wells larry j. ringer public library event today
Murderbot (the TV show)
Ms. Wells has been promoted from a creative consultant to a consulting producer yeehaw!
6 episodes were originally planned but Apple wanted more (never thought I'd be publicly thanking Apple for anything but here we are) so they added a cool new subplot
Does she want to meet any of her characters?
I *think* she said Murderbot wouldn't want to meet her haha
If Kai (from Witch King) had to come save you you'd be "really up the creek" so no
Which character does she relate to the most?
Murderbot ftw
Real TV show inspirations for the serials in the books
Sanctuary Moon = How to Get Away with Murder
Worldhoppers = Stargate Atlantis
Cruel Romance Personage = any telenovela where everyone's obsessed with a hot person even though they're really mean
Timestream Defenders Orion = Legends of Tomorrow

“You can still get out of this,” Thiago gasped. “Just let us go. You can take me as a hostage—”
Oh, right, that’ll help. I said, “No hostages.”
a comic for network effect this time….. ratthi my beloved


I said, “The Transport doesn’t know what the hell it’s talking about, plus it lies a lot, and it’s mean.” A minute, undetectable in the range of human eyesight, fluctuation in the lights told me ART had heard that.
more ne fancomics!! the Bathroom Scene (IDs in alt text!!)

i spent today drawing the cover of All Systems Red in my own style!

how many pings will it take for secunit to stop sulking?

That one scene in Rogue Protocol.
"There is a lot about what is going on here that I don't understand. But I am participating anyway." -Three in Network Effect by Martha Wells.
Is me trying to be social.
That is such an ART move honestly
What made this really warm my heart was she later went on to say that one basis for writing Network Effect was that she wanted to see ART again, which made me die in the best way
Fascinating tidbit from tonight's Martha Wells Q&A: ART did not appear in the first draft of Artificial Condition, but in a rewrite it appeared and "tried to hijack the story" which. Yeah.